
Every day design fans submit incredible industry stories to our sister-site, Webdesigner News. Our colleagues sift through it, selecting the very best stories from the design, UX, tech, and development worlds and posting them live on the site.

The best way to keep up with the most important stories for web professionals is to subscribe to Webdesigner News or check out the site regularly. However, in case you missed a day this week, here’s a handy compilation of the top curated stories from the last seven days. Enjoy!

Supercharge Your Node.js With Rust

Icon Trends in 2021

Material Design 3

5 Pillars of Effective Landing Page Design

Can Include (a Certain HTML Element Within Another Certain HTML Element)

Is Photoshop & Illustrator in the Web the Most Exciting Reveal of Adobe MAX?

Box Shadow Generator – Generate Multilayer CSS3 Box Shadows

Olio – Illustration Constructor with 130+ Characters and Objects

The Button Cheat Sheet

Marvel Character or Font?


The post Popular Design News of the Week: October 25, 2021 – October 31, 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

La définition la plus simple de l’analytique augmentée ? C’est une analytique qui est « améliorée » par des technologies d’intelligence artificielle (IA), notamment par le machine learning et le traitement du langage naturel (NLP).

Le machine learning automatise les processus analytiques complexes, comme la préparation des données et la génération d’informations. Le traitement par le langage naturel permet à tout utilisateur, même non formé, de poser des questions sur ses données et d’obtenir des réponses de manière simple sous forme de phrases.

Le terme « Augmented Analytics » a été inventé par Gartner en 2017 et est désormais largement considéré comme l’avenir de la business intelligence (BI) et de l’analyse de données – y compris l’analyse prédictive.

Pourquoi l’analytique augmentée est-elle importante ?

Exploiter les possibilités offertes par le Big Data

Les données représentent la plus grande opportunité de l’économie moderne. Grâce à elles, les entreprises peuvent savoir quoi produire et quand, à qui s’adresser, comment évoluer, et bien plus encore. Mais le volume de données est aujourd’hui trop important pour que les collaborateurs puissent les interpréter seuls – ou sans parti pris – et l’exigence de réponses immédiates est tout simplement impossible à satisfaire. Des technologies comme l’IA et l’apprentissage automatique sont nécessaires pour découvrir des informations significatives dans un océan de Big Data. C’est l’une des raisons pour lesquelles les analyses augmentées sont si importantes : elles combinent la datascience et l’intelligence artificielle pour aider les entreprises à analyser des ensembles de données massifs en temps réel.

Réduire la dépendance à l’égard des data scientists

Le processus d’analyse est une série d’étapes manuelles et chronophages, si compliquées qu’en général seuls les data scientists peuvent les réaliser. Ces analystes professionnels doivent :

  1. Collecter des données à partir de sources multiples
  2. Les préparer pour l’analyse
  3. Effectuer l’analyse
  4. Trouver des insights utiles
  5. Visualiser les résultats
  6. Partager les résultats d’une manière convaincante
  7. Créer un plan d’action

Le problème, c’est qu’il y a une grande pénurie de data scientists dans le monde – et les embaucher coûte cher. Si l’analytique augmentée ne remplace pas ces professionnels, elle peut réduire votre dépendance à leur égard en automatisant des processus tels que la collecte, la préparation, le nettoyage et l’analyse des données.

En plus de libérer le temps des data scientists pour des tâches plus importantes, comme l’interprétation des résultats, l’analytique augmentée peut améliorer la valeur que ces analystes apportent à votre organisation. Les analyses optimisées par l’IA et l’apprentissage automatique les aident à établir des liens qu’ils auraient autrement manqués – et à trouver des informations pertinentes en moins de temps. Ces technologies peuvent également aider des collaborateurs qui occupent d’autres fonctions analytiques – des analystes commerciaux aux analystes métier – en améliorant leurs connaissances et en les aidant à faire le travail qui était auparavant réservé aux data scientists experts.

D’ici 2025, la rareté des data scientists ne sera plus un frein à l’adoption de la science des données et du machine learning dans les organisations.

Gartner, 2018

Démocratiser l’analytique pour les utilisateurs non formés

Une autre raison pour laquelle l’analytique augmentée est si importante est qu’elle permet aux « explorateurs de données » non formés d’entrer en jeu. En automatisant les processus analytiques complexes et en permettant aux utilisateurs d’interroger les données simplement en posant des questions, les collaborateurs qui n’ont pas de compétences en datascience peuvent quand même tirer parti des analyses avancées. L’apprentissage automatique peut guider ces explorateurs de données en leur proposant des questions/réponses pré remplies – et en leur suggérant où creuser davantage.

Avec l’analytique augmentée, les réponses aux requêtes se présentent sous la forme de visuels prêts à l’emploi, comme des diagrammes, des graphiques et des cartes, de sorte que les utilisateurs n’ont pas à les créer eux-mêmes. Ces visualisations peuvent être analysées à l’aide de commandes simples, rassemblées dans des récits de données et facilement partagées avec d’autres équipes et la direction.

L’évolution de l’analytique

L’Analytique et la Business Intelligence ont beaucoup évolué ces dernières années, passant d’outils sophistiqués destinés aux professionnels des données et de l’analyse à des outils optimisés par le machine learning que tout le monde peut utiliser.

1. Analytique traditionnelle

  • Impulsée par l’IT
  • Autonomie de l’utilisateur limitée
  • Des outils sophistiqués pour les professionnels des données et de l’analyse
  • Se focalise sur le reporting à grande échelle

2. Analytique en libre-service

  • Impulsée par les métiers
  • Plus d’autonomie pour les utilisateurs
  • Interface conviviale
  • Se focalise sur la découverte par les utilisateurs

3. Analytique augmentée

  • Impulsée par l’IA et le machine learning
  • Une véritable autonomie des utilisateurs
  • Outils d’IA et processus guidés
  • Se focalise sur des informations rapides, profondes et précédemment cachées.

Avantages de l’analytique augmentée

L’analytique augmentée offre de nombreux avantages similaires à ceux de la business intelligence, comme l’amélioration du reporting et de la prise de décision, mais elle offre également un niveau de rapidité et de précision impossible à atteindre sans intelligence artificielle et apprentissage automatique. Voici quelques avantages spécifiques à l’analytique augmentée :

  • Préparation plus rapide des données : Les analystes passent environ 80 % de leur temps à préparer les données pour l’analyse. Ils exportent de grands ensembles de données et les combinent, les nettoient et les structurent avant que l’analyse ne puisse commencer. L’apprentissage automatique de l’analytique augmentée automatise ce processus, libérant les analystes pour des activités plus utiles et réduisant les erreurs par la même occasion.
  • Analyse automatisée : Les modèles d’apprentissage automatique peuvent automatiser des analyses complexes qui, autrement, prendraient des semaines aux data scientists. Les réponses et les visualisations de données sont immédiatement générées et disponibles pour les utilisateurs, qui peuvent ainsi passer moins de temps à creuser dans les données et plus de temps à interpréter les informations, à raconter des histoires de données aux dirigeants et à provoquer le changement.
Libérer la valeur des données : l'analytique augmentée fait le travail pour vous

Découvrez comment l’analytique augmentée fournit automatiquement des réponses aux requêtes, afin que les utilisateurs passent moins de temps à explorer les données et plus de temps à agir.

  • Des insights profonds : Les machines peuvent examiner les données d’une manière qui serait impossible pour les humains. Elles peuvent examiner des ensembles de données beaucoup plus vastes sous plus d’angles et trouver des corrélations, des relations -via des modèles statistiques- invisibles à l’œil humain. Les machines peuvent comprendre les données rapidement et à grande échelle, renforcer l’intelligence humaine par des informations impartiales et indiquer aux utilisateurs où porter leur attention.
  • L’analyse conversationnelle : Le traitement du langage naturel – la même technologie d’IA conversationnelle qui équipe des assistants numériques comme Siri et Alexa – permet aux utilisateurs professionnels n’ayant aucune connaissance des langages de requête ou du code de poser des questions de manière conversationnelle. Et la génération de langage naturel (NLG) leur donne des réponses sous forme de phrases complètes, écrites ou orales, qui résument ou expliquent les résultats.
  • Contexte instantané : Les informations sans contexte n’ont aucun sens. En tenant compte de l’intention et des comportements des utilisateurs, les algorithmes d’apprentissage automatique peuvent fournir des informations contextuelles prêtes à être utilisées. En outre, en démocratisant l’analytique, les cadres et les employés expérimentés peuvent enrichir les informations grâce à leurs connaissances et à leur compréhension approfondie des business models et des opérations.
Libérer la valeur des données et de l'analytique : la valeur ajoutée de l'analytique augmentée

Hyoun Park, PDG et analyste principal chez Amalgam Insights, explique comment l’analytique augmentée fournit un contexte, afin que vous sachiez réellement ce que vos données contiennent.

Cas d’utilisation de l’analytique augmentée

L’analytique augmentée a le pouvoir de révolutionner les processus d’entreprise, mais à quoi cela ressemble-t-il dans le monde réel ? Voici quelques exemples de cas d’utilisation de l’analytique augmentée dans les domaines de la finance, des ventes et du marketing, de la production, des ressources humaines et du recouvrement.

L’analytique augmentée pour la finance
Un Analyste peut utiliser l’analytique augmentée pour prévoir et contrôler facilement les frais de voyage et de représentation (T&E) dans différents départements.

L’analytique augmentée pour le recouvrement
Les responsables du recouvrement peuvent utiliser l’apprentissage automatique dans l’analytique augmentée pour anticiper les retards de paiement, déterminer la bonne stratégie de recouvrement et maîtriser les flux de trésorerie.

L’analytique augmentée pour les ventes et le marketing
Les équipes de vente et de marketing disposent d’une meilleure connaissance des clients – et d’une identification rapide des opportunités de ventes croisées et incitatives – grâce à l’analytique augmentée.

L’analytique augmentée pour l’industrie manufacturière
Un analyste d’un fabricant d’acier peut utiliser l’analytique augmentée pour prévoir, surveiller et contrôler les dépenses dans différentes usines.

L’analytique augmentée pour les RH
Les responsables RH peuvent prédire le turn-over des collaborateurs, en comprendre les raisons et prendre des mesures correctives pour conserver les meilleurs éléments – tout cela grâce à l’analyse de l’IA.


Pictogramme d'un graphique pour représenter l'analytique augmentée

Découvrez SAP Analytics Cloud

Exploitez la Business Intelligence, l’analytique augmentée et la planification pilotées par l’IA dans une solution unique et facile à utiliser.

En savoir plus


The post Qu’est-ce que l’analytique augmentée ? appeared first on SAP France News.

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1, 2, 3 – That’s exactly how long it takes you to start losing visitors if you have a slow-loading website.

Hold on! Surely, the only thing that matters to users is that your website works flawlessly and looks great… right? Wrong!

The fact of the matter is that we’ve all become accustomed to instant access to information and content. The average internet user today places a lot of value on speed, and the bar is continually being raised.

If you are like most people, you probably feel an immediate sense of dread at the thought of optimizing your website. Where do you start? How can you make the most impactful improvements? What makes your website slow in the first place?

Have no fear, as we’ll be answering all of your questions below as well as putting you on your way to a website that loads with blazing speed.

Why Should You Be Worried About A Slow-Loading Website?

Good question!

As many as 53% of visitors abandon a site that takes more than 3 seconds to load. Even worse, 1 in 3 shoppers will leave a website if it takes longer than 5 seconds to load.

So, performance plays a huge role in the user experience of your website and whether your visitors will stay on your website or be converted into customers.

For some time, Google has been keenly aware of this fact. As a search engine, Google knows that it’s counterproductive to recommend content to users if they won’t stick around to consume it.

That’s why they’ve continually been increasing the role performance plays when ranking websites for their SERPs (search engine results pages).

In recent years, Google has introduced core web vitals. These are metrics they hope will help quantify how performance affects the user experience. In general, they measure how fast, stable, and interactive a page is while loading. This will be more important than ever after Google announced its Page Experience update, which started its global rollout in June 2021.

As you may know, ranking highly for Google is vital for your website’s visibility. For one, 68% of online experiences begin with a search engine, of which Google has a 92.7% market share. Even if you manage to land on the coveted first page of Google, the first five results get over 70% of all clicks (28% to the first result alone).

So, to recap why a fast loading website is so desirable:

  • It directly affects your ability to keep, satisfy, and even convert visitors to your website.
  • It impacts your search engine rankings which impacts your “findability” and organic traffic.

8 Reasons Your Site Is Slow + How to Fix Them

O.K., so now that we’re all on the same page regarding the importance of your website performance, let’s look at common issues slowing down your website + how to fix them.

1. You’re Using A Sub-Par Hosting Service

As the party responsible for making your website available to the outside world, your hosting service can be a make-or-break factor. Not only should you pick a host that has a good track record when it comes to uptime a performance, but also one that’s suitable according to your needs.

Even if you take all the steps below to optimize your website’s performance, it may still load slowly if traffic to your website is overwhelming your available bandwidth or your host’s server capacity. If that happens, some users may experience extremely slow loading times, broken features, or even complete unavailability.

For most personal, blog, or local/small business sites, a respectable hosting provider like Bluehost or GoDaddy should be good enough. However, if you plan on running any type of large-scale, high-traffic webstore, business portal, or other type of website, you’ll want premium hosting, such as WPEngine (for WordPress), VPS hosting, or even a dedicated server.

2. You’re Not Optimizing Your Media Assets

As you probably know, media like images and videos take up significantly more space than most other types of content, such as text, code, stylesheets, or other static files. Even a single image has the potential of consisting of more data than dozens of website pages containing nothing but the underlying HTML and text.

In a Speed Essentials presentation, the Google team identified images as the largest contributor to page weight. In fact, they have the potential to consume a website’s entire performance budget if left unoptimized. Images can also directly impact all three of Google’s core web vitals – key metrics Google uses to measure the performance of a website.

However, the use of images and video is likely to continue growing, heightening the importance of finding a sustainable solution. According to HTTPArchive, images have increased by 19.3% on desktop and 42.7% on mobile.

For now and the foreseeable future, optimizing your images carries the greatest potential for improving performance.

The problem is that optimizing image assets requires multiple steps. Most importantly:

  • Using the appropriate next-gen formats which can differ depending on the user’s device, OS, or browser.
  • Appropriately compressing the size and quality of images to reduce payload without affecting visual quality too badly.
  • Using the optimal display size and density based on the accessing device to reduce payloads further.
  • Using lazy loading to only load images as needed.

As you can see, manually going through these steps for every single image on your website can be extremely labor-intensive. This is especially true if you consider that you somehow need to create the optimal variants for different users based on what device, OS, or browser they are using.

In-code strategies, like a JS plugin, responsive images, or CSS media queries tend to bloat your code and lead to other performance issues we’ll discuss below.

Luckily, there are plenty of CDN services available designed specifically for providing some degree of automated image optimization. These platforms analyze the context (i.e., a specific mobile device model, OS version, and browser version) of the user trying to load one of your images and try to serve them a version of the image that’s ideally optimized for them.

However, any media optimization platforms still require installing a small JavaScript plugin to dramatically improve the image and video optimization capabilities. 

The one exception here is ImageEngine. ImageEngine uses WURFL device-detection to pick up every possible detail of the user’s device. The logic is built into their device-aware edge servers and doesn’t rely on you adding any additional code or markup to your website pages.

So, not only does it reduce your image payloads by up to 80% and serve them via a global CDN, but it doesn’t leave a footprint in your website’s code. As a bonus, it also happens to support the widest range of image/video formats, including animated GIFs, as well as client hints and save-data mode.

3. Render-Blocking JavaScript And CSS Is Delaying Page Loads

JavaScript is the de facto programming language for adding interactivity and advanced features to websites today. Likewise, CSS is the standard for adding styling. Both are critical components for almost any modern website.

However, nothing good comes free, and both may impact the performance of your website, particularly when used carelessly. 

The following are some steps you can take to minimize the impact of these assets on your website performance:

  • Minify your JavaScript and CSS files.
  • Combine a large number of JS/CSS files into fewer files.
  • Replace some of your external JS and CSS files with inline JS/CSS. (Don’t overdo this! Inline JS and CSS is only suitable for small code snippets).
  • Defer loading JavaScript until after all your content is loaded and use media queries for CSS files.

Because media can have a more significant impact on your page weight, this leads some to believe that adding more JavaScript is the lesser of two evils. 

However, depending on whether you already have render-blocking JS, Google might flag this as a completely new issue. Regardless, it will negatively impact your performance score in tools like PageSpeed Insights:

You can avoid it altogether by using an optimization engine like ImageEngine that doesn’t require any JavaScript.

4. You’re Not Using A Content Delivery Network (CDN)

A CDN is a network of servers spread across various regions all over the globe. What it basically does is store a copy of your website on each of these servers. When an internet user visits your site, the CDN automatically serves your website from the nearest server to that user.

What this does is allow your website to load faster, no matter where in the world people are visiting it from. If your website was only hosted on a single server, say somewhere in the U.S., then it could take much longer to load for a visitor located in Asia than one in the U.S.

While they all basically do the same thing, different CDNs are better at handling different types of content. Cloudflare, Fastly, and Akamai are just some of the most popular general-purpose CDNs around. Image CDNs like ImageEngine are purpose-built to not only serve image and video assets but to also optimize them using compression, formatting, etc.

So, the two main factors to consider are the type of content you want to deliver via the CDN and its global coverage. However, it’s usually possible to use multiple CDNs in tandem to cover different types of content and reach a wider area.

5. There’s Excessive Overhead In Your Database

If you have a website with any type of complexity, you probably have a corresponding database. In fact, all WordPress websites require a database to function.

Over the years, a lot of information moves in and out of the database. Sometimes, the data can get lost along the way or become obsolete. If you don’t regularly spring-clean your database, then this can really start to add up. Not only will it bloat the storage size of your database, but it will start to impact the speed of database queries and requests.

CMS users are especially prone to racking up these kinds of artifacts from plugins and themes that have been installed and removed over the years.

Unfortunately, there aren’t many easy fixes for this issue available. With most hosting providers, you’ll probably need to use phpMyAdmin to manually check and scrub your data. If you have a managed hosting solution, the host’s support team might be able to help you out. In the event that you have a locally installed database, there are some tools you can use, although they’re not 100% effective.

The best way to avoid any issues is to make database maintenance part of your routine and to learn the basics of how databases work.

6. You Have Too Many Plugins Or Themes Installed

For CMS users, plugins or themes offer near-limitless potential to spruce up the design and functionality of their website. However, each plugin or theme comes with additional code and content that add to the overall complexity and size of your website.

If you have a hand-coded website, the same goes for any additional applets or libraries you want to add to your site. 

The best way to combat this is to be conscientious when adding any extras to your website. Only install what you really need or want, and make sure to uninstall and properly remove them if you don’t need them anymore.

As mentioned, they might leave various transients or artifacts behind, so you should keep an eye out for them throughout your website files (not just the database) whenever you do some spring cleaning.

7. You Aren’t Utilizing Caching

Caching is often one of the most effective yet ignored techniques for improving website performance. Caching stores your website content in fast-access memory in the user’s browser, allowing it to be loaded near-instantaneously by users. This can include everything from text to stylesheets to images to JavaScript files.

Without caching, a user will need to redownload everything when they navigate to or reload a page — whether or not anything has changed.

However, not properly configuring caching on your website can lead to issues, such as users only loading out-of-date content. Most high-quality caching tools have built-in features that automatically clear the cache when you make changes to a specific website page or content. So, users will only reload content once it has been modified.

Some hosts offer out-of-the-box caching tools with their hosting service. CMS can also usually find plugins for this, such as WPRocket for WordPress.

8. Ads Are Dragging You Down

In the end, ads are just another form of media that increases the overall weight of your website pages. While they are typically small and lightweight, multiple ad placements can really start to add up.

What aggravates the issue is that ads are loaded from external sources. This means they’ll take longer to render, generate more requests, and may mess with how stable your pages load — affecting your core web vitals.

Depending on how important ads are to your revenue stream, you’ll want to carefully consider how many ads you use on your site, where to position them, and when they load. If possible, avoid loading ads at the same time as the rest of your page, especially interstitials.


As you can see, website performance is a multi-faceted subject. Although some may be worse than others, you can’t just address one area and expect your website to suddenly be performant.

However, some general principles apply:

  • Keep HTTP requests low by limiting the number of files required for each of your website pages.
  • Maintain proper code hygiene and spring clean transients and leftover artifacts.
  • Invest in proper hosting infrastructure as well as a CDN for your website.
  • Optimize your media assets to significantly bring down payloads without sacrificing engagement.

The final point deserves another shoutout. As we’ve pointed out, finding an optimization solution for your media, particularly images, is probably the best thing you can do to improve your website performance. From purely a performance perspective, there is no service quite as effective as ImageEngine. It’s also the one that requires the least amount of technical expertise and ongoing maintenance.

Regardless, you’ll want to run some tests using tools like PageSpeed Insights so you can gather data on what issues your website is facing. From there, you can prioritize fixes to make your website more competitive.


[– This is a sponsored post on behalf of ImageEngine –]


The post 8 Reasons Your Site Is Slow + How To Fix Them first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

We’re well on our way to Hallowe’en already, and it’s time for another collection of websites that have caught our eye.

It’s a mixed bag of candy this month, but nothing that should make you scream with fright. Enjoy!


This single-page site for forthcoming cycle safety system Tether uses a balanced combination of hero video and illustration to explain its features.


Wayfinder is a game about our connection to nature that uses generative code, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data mining to create a new experience each time it is played.


Beechhouse has a clean, airy feel, with subtle scrolling animation. For a tattoo studio, the overall feel is refreshingly light, without a rose-filled skull to be seen.


This is how you do a portfolio site with absolute confidence.

Forward Festival 

Forward Festival is a series of creative conferences run by Forward Creatives design agency. This is an excellent example of a classic magazine site with enough individuality to pull the user in and keep them engaged.

Danmarks Motionsuge 

Denmark’s Exercise Week focuses on a national campaign (in Denmark) to get Danish people to be more active. A fresh color scheme, offset grid, and strong photography all create a dynamic feel. And it is somehow reassuring to the rest of us that even the second happiest population in the world needs to exercise more.

Franco Maria Ricci 

Because we have come to expect load times to be almost nothing, loading screens are not something too many sites bother with. However, this site for publisher Franco Maria Ricci is a pleasing exception.

Pierre Yovanovitch 

Stylishly curated portfolio and catalog site for interior and furniture designer Pierre Yovanovitch.


Silicone spatulas are probably not the first subject most of us fantasize about designing a site for, but that’s what makes this site for Gir extra good. The ‘add to cart’ footer widget on individual product pages is done well, making sure a buy button is always present but without being over pushy.


Bright, bold, and in your face, this site for Gastronomical pancake and waffle mix is about as far from Betty Crocker as it could get, bringing ‘cool’ to home baking.


Marking 15 years of Dutch fashion brand Fabienne Chapot, this microsite makes a feature of the illustration style used by the brand for its prints.

Websmith Studio

This is a good, simple portfolio site with good use of color to highlight, and the background noise effect adds subtle interest. Good name too.

Van Gogh Museum

This is definitely one of the better museum websites around. The use of color creates warmth without detracting from the sense of space. The ability to search the collection visually is a welcome feature.

Chérie Healey 

Life coach Chérie Healey’s site manages to stay on the right side of positive and uplifting without tipping over into hippy meme territory.


To mark the launch of the new Earth Shoes website, this microsite traces the history of the original Kalso Earth shoes, starting with their inventor Anne Kalsø herself.

The Order of the Good Death 

The Order of the Good Death is aimed at changing attitudes around a subject that most of us find extremely difficult, in a way that is informative and at the same time appealing. The tone of the content is as essential here as the visual style.

Air Company 

The use of split-screen works well here for Air Company, to show now and future, along with some great photography and video.

Wild Fi 

Wild Fi design agency’s site manages to be colorful but clean at the same time. Bold type and a balance between black on white and white on black make an impact.


This site for Firefly digital design agency has some great little details, notably a glow around the cursor.


Dark neutral colors provide a calm, muted background for video and photography of work in StudioBand’s portfolio site redesign.


The post 20 Best New Sites, October 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

Every day design fans submit incredible industry stories to our sister-site, Webdesigner News. Our colleagues sift through it, selecting the very best stories from the design, UX, tech, and development worlds and posting them live on the site.

The best way to keep up with the most important stories for web professionals is to subscribe to Webdesigner News or check out the site regularly. However, in case you missed a day this week, here’s a handy compilation of the top curated stories from the last seven days. Enjoy!

CSS Squid Game

Alter 3D Illustrations – Hundreds of 3D Illustrations for your Designs

25 Quirky & Highly Creative Free Fonts for Designers

HTML with Superpowers

Smart CSS Solutions for Common UI Challenges

Expandable Sections Within a CSS Grid

Bright Color Palette: How and When to Use One

Everything Apple Announced at its 2021 MacBook Pro Event

UX Design has a Dirty Secret

Building a Multi-select Component


The post Popular Design News of the Week: October 18, 2021 – October 24, 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

Customer reviews are incredibly valuable to your company. Around 95% of customers say they read reviews before they make a purchase. Another 72% say that they won’t even consider buying your items until they’ve read the reviews associated with your business or product. 

No matter how good your marketing and promotion strategies might be, your audience will always turn to other customers for a credible insight into what buying from your brand is really like. That’s why it’s so important to leverage as much social proof as you can.

Unfortunately, gathering reviews and displaying them correctly on your website can be challenging.

In this article, we’re going to look at what you can do to make your reviews stand out when you’re ready to display them online. 

The Different Kinds of Review

Before we get into looking at all the different ways you can effectively display your reviews on your website, let’s get the basics out of the way. 

There’s more than one type of review. Some are simply comments left on the bottom of your product pages by customers that were impressed by whatever you sold. Other reviews are available in the form of videos or badges. When you want your website to look as credible as possible, the best thing you can do is decide which types of reviews will have the most impact. 

Ideally, you’ll want a combination of different review types to add depth to your site. Putting various kinds of reviews on your website increases your credibility while also boosting your SEO

Here are your main options:

The Testimonial

Testimonials are one of the most common types of review. Essentially, these are the messages shared by your customers that highlight the things they liked and didn’t like about your product. Testimonials often include a picture of the person leaving the message, and their name, to give them a greater sense of authenticity. You might also include a link to a website or case study with a testimonial to give it more depth. 

Most testimonials go at the bottom of pages. You can showcase these reviews on your home page to start generating credibility as soon as someone interacts with your brand. Alternatively, you could allow users to place their reviews on product pages. Here’s an example of what a testimonial might look like from

Review Badges and Widgets

If your customers tend to leave reviews about your company on other sites, like Angie’s List or Yelp, then you can add a widget or badge to your website that makes it easier for other customers to find them. Sometimes, you’ll just include a small button on the bottom of a website pay that says, “find us on Yelp.” Other times, you can add your star rating too.

Some review sites will also give you the option to showcase the actual reviews in a widget that frequently updates with new messages. 

If you’re only showing reviews from one third-party site on your website, it’s best to focus on Google reviews, as it’s one of the most recognizable options. 

Provided that you’re using them correctly, badges and review widgets shouldn’t slow your website down too much, and many can be customized to suit the style of your site too. However, it’s essential to ensure that you don’t add too many widgets to your site if you want to avoid performance issues. 

Case Studies

Case studies go beyond the basics of the standard review and provide potential leads with a tremendous amount of information about how you’ve previously interacted with other companies. With a case study, you’ll often create a structured document that demonstrates a customer’s problem and your strategies to overcome those issues. 

Case studies often exist on their own pages, so you can go in-depth with sharing valuable information. For example, you’ll include an overview that introduces the customer you worked with and details on the outcomes you achieved together. 

Although it’s much harder to interview customers for complete case studies and get all the statistics and numbers that make these reviews appealing, it’s often worth the effort. Particularly if you’re running a B2B company, case studies demonstrate the effort you go through to support your customers. They also act as proof of your success and set valuable expectations for customers. Here’s an example of a case study page by

The Rating

If you’re just posting basic five-star ratings on your website or asking your customers to give you a number between one and ten for how positively they’d rate your service, then you can use a few handy automation tools to create one of these visuals. 

All you need to do is add a little basic CSS to your website or use a star rating widget that automatically calculates your average score based on all of the reviews that you collect from customers. 

Just make sure that your star ratings are positive not just on your website but on other review sites too. For instance, if you give yourself five stars by adjusting the CSS and then get three stars from Yell, customers will begin questioning your authenticity. 

Notably, while star ratings grab customer attention, they are a little basic if you’re trying to convert people and convince them to buy an expensive product. Most customers will often need more information than a basic star rating can provide. 

How to Display Reviews on Your Website

Now that you know what kind of reviews customers can leave about your product or brand, you can start exploring ways to display them on your website. 

You could decide to let your reviews show up on other third-party sites and leave it at that. For instance, if you’re a hotel manager, you may know that your customers are already leaving reviews on and TripAdvisor. However, leaving your audience to seek your reviews out for themselves means that they spend less time where you want them – on your website. 

There’s also a risk that failing to add reviews to your site will make you look less credible. If you don’t own your rating or score, customers might wonder what you have to hide. 

Fortunately, we’ve got some great options to help you get started.

1. Create a Testimonials Page

The first and perhaps most accessible option for showcasing your reviews and testimonials is to design a page where your customers can easily find all the information they need about your brand. Having a dedicated testimonials page can be a great way to demonstrate transparency as a brand and show your customers that you’re not hiding anything. 

You could even add a form at the bottom of your testimonials page that allows other customers to leave their reviews and information. Just make sure that you have a CAPTCHA or another security measure in place to prevent people from spamming your site. 

It makes sense to showcase some of your most positive reviews at the top of your page, so your customers see those first. However, it could also be a good idea to showcase some negative reviews alongside them. That’s because customers generally expect to see at least some negativity associated with your brand. If all your reviews are positive, they might assume that you’re hiding something.

When displaying your negative reviews, make sure you also show that you’ve responded to them and are working hard to address any issues. You can even publish the “thank you” you get from an unhappy customer after rectifying the problem. 

2. Show Reviews in Your Website Header

The great thing about using reviews and testimonials on your website is that if you have a little coding knowledge and the correct information, you can display them wherever you choose. Most companies leave the reviews at the bottom of the website, but this could mean you’re missing out on an excellent opportunity to connect with your audience as soon as they visit you. 

Having a positive review highlighted at the top of your page could immediately boost your credibility and give your audience a reason to keep reading. Remember that a picture of the person sharing the review and their name can make them look a lot more credible when you’re trying to build trust. 

3. Add Some Reviews to Your About Us Page

It’s best not to hide your reviews somewhere your customers will have to search for them, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t scatter a few testimonials around other pages. A great way to give more credibility to your brand and your website is to create a sidebar on your “About Us” page or just showcase a handful of reviews underneath the description of your business. 

Suppose you don’t want to show customer testimonials on your About Us page. In that case, you could always show different kinds of reviews, like badges that show your certification with certain industry bodies or awards and recognition you’ve received.

Showing that you’re connected with major industry groups and that you’ve been recognized in your sector is a kind of review in itself. It indicates that other people have already assessed your business and see you in a positive light. 

Every review doesn’t necessarily have to come from your customers. Any business or person who can give more credibility to your business deserves some representation too!

4. Embed a Carousel on Your Site

As your business begins to grow, the number of regular reviews and testimonials you get from happy customers should start to skyrocket too. You might even get to a point where you’re not sure how to fit all the reviews you want to showcase onto the same page of your website. If you already have a dedicated “reviews” page where people can go to get more insights into your growing collection of social proof, try a carousel. 

Carousels are a great and dynamic way to showcase customer reviews while getting your audience more involved with your website. Give them a button they can click so that they can browse through a broader range of reviews after they’ve seen the ones that show up straight away on your carousel. It’s also worth including a link nearby the carousel widget that the user can click to visit your review page or your company’s page on a dedicated review website. 

If you want to go beyond putting carousels on your home page, remember that you can add them to your product pages and menus too. Online reviews impact around 67.7% of purchasing decisions, so it makes sense to put them somewhere your customers will see them when they’re figuring out whether or not they should hit the buy button. 

5. Add Reviews to Your Social Media Ads

Reviews can be an excellent way to add an extra spark to your advertisements elsewhere in the digital landscape. Telling your audience on Facebook that you have the best steaks in the country is great – but it’s not going to make a significant impact on most of them. That’s because every business claims to be the best. Most of your clients expect you to speak well of yourself. 

However, if you can combine an attractive image on social media with a quoted review from one of your happy customers, your ads will make more of an impact. You can include the quote from your customer in the text above your Facebook ad or create an image to display it instead.

Remember to add any hashtags and extra information that might make your ad more appealing and share it as often as you can with the right audience. Targeting your audience carefully towards people who are in the “consideration” stage of the buyer journey may help you to get more conversions. 

While customers usually scroll past dozens of social media ads every day, a genuine statement from a real person still shakes up the status quo and grabs attention. Include a button below the ad so your customer can learn more about the product the customer is talking about. 

6. Link to Reviews in Email Signatures

Finally, social media ads aren’t the only way to bring attention to your reviews outside of your website. If you want to get more external customers to go and check out your products or rediscover what your business is all about, you can add review links to your email signature too. These links can go directly to the case study or review pages on your website, reminding customers what it is that makes your service or product special. Alternatively, you can get dedicated signatures for your email that link to specific review sites too. 

Showing your clients how many ratings you have on Yelp or how many stars your products have earned with Google Reviews gives every message you send a lot more credibility. Most email marketing software solutions make it relatively easy to add information like this to the footer of your email.

Remember, your signature shouldn’t take up too much space in your email, so don’t add any specific reviews from customers. A star rating and a link back to a page where consumers can get more information will spruce up your content without weighing down your emails. 

Show Off Your Social Proof

Successfully collecting positive reviews that show your prospects how much customers love your company can be challenging enough. However, that’s just the first piece of the puzzle. Once you’ve got all those great reviews, you also need to show them off in the most effective way. From dedicated pages on your website to scrolling carousels and Facebook ads, there are a million ways to prove your credibility to your customers with testimonials.


Featured image via Pexels.


The post How To Leverage Social Proof Successfully first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Tilda website builder combines everything we liked so much about constructors when we were kids – you can experiment, test out and build myriads of new creative ideas out of ready-to-use blocks. Tilda is that type of constructor that allows you to own your creative process and create pretty much any website: landing page, business website, online store, online course with members area, blog, portfolio, or event promo page.

Founded seven years ago, Tilda is a website builder that completely revamped the way we create websites. Tilda has been the first website builder to introduce block mechanics that allows users to create websites out of pre-designed pieces. This breakthrough technology allowed all users – not only designers – to create professional-looking websites. Just like in kid constructors, you can drag-and-drop and mix-and-match blocks on Tilda to let your creativity flow and build a dazzling website, at extraordinary speed. 

When you ask designers why they love Tilda, they usually say it’s because the platform provides the ultimate balance between choosing from templates and being able to fully customize and create from scratch to bring any creative idea to life. Here’s what else they say:

Tilda has been a game-changer for us. It allows our team to quickly spin up new web pages, make edits, and ship new programs. We left WordPress for Tilda and after being with Tilda for 2 years, I don’t ever want to go back.

~ Andy Page, Executive Director, Forge.

I built my first website in 2001. Since then I’ve used countless platforms and website builders for customer websites and my own business. Tilda is the perfect combination of ease of use with powerful features at an unbeatable value.

~ Robby Fowler, Branding and Marketing Strategist, & The Brand ED Podcast.

Let’s dive deeper into core functionalities you can leverage on Tilda. 

#1 Cut Corners With 550+ Pre-Designed Blocks And 210+ Ready-Made Templates

The beauty of Tilda is that it provides 550+ blocks in the ever-growing Block Library designed by professional designers. Thus, you can quickly build a website out of pre-designed blocks that encompass virtually all elements you might need for your website: menu, about us page, features, contact, pricing, etc. 

Customizing each block is a breeze with Tilda: You can drag-and-drop images, edit text right in the layout, alter block height, background color, padding, select the style of buttons, use custom fonts, and assign ready-made animation effects to specific parts of it. Also, Tilda provides a built-in free image library with 600K+ images, so you can find images that are just right for you without leaving Tilda, add them to your website with just one click, and use them for free.

Finally, all blocks fit together so well that it’s almost impossible to create a bad design on Tilda – even if you are a stranger to website building.

For a quick take-off, you can use 210+ ready-made templates for different kinds of websites and projects: online stores, landing pages, webinar promo pages, multimedia articles, blogs, and more. Each template is a sample of modern web design and consists of blocks. It means that templates don’t limit your creativity: you can modify them to your liking by playing with settings, adding extra or removing existing blocks, and embedding images and text. 

Each of the templates and blocks covers over 90% of use cases you’ll ever require and is mobile-ready, meaning that your website will look great on desktop computers, tablets, and smartphones by default.

#2 Jazz Up Your Site With Zero Block: Professional Editor For Web Designers 

To better meet the demands of a creative brief and unleash your creativity, you can use Tilda’s secret weapon called Zero Block. It is a tool for creating uniquely designed blocks on Tilda.

You can control each element of the block, including text, image, button, or background, and decide on their position, size, and screen resolution on which they’ll appear. For example, you can work with layers to create depth with overlay and opacity techniques or set a transparency level on any element and shadow effects below them. Additionally, you can also insert HTML code to add more complex elements, such as calendars, paywall, comments, social media posts, and so much more.  

Finally, Zero Block allows you to fool around with basic and more advanced step-by-step animation for a more individual look. Here’re some animation examples that you can make on Tilda:

Animation on scroll (position of elements is changing on scroll).

Trigger animation (animation is triggered when pointing at or clicking on an object).

Infinite scrolling text.

#3 Import Designs From Figma To Tilda In Minutes

Creators love using Figma for prototyping, but when you have to transfer every element and rebuild your website design from scratch – that’s what’s killing the party. With Tilda, you can easily turn your static designs into an interactive website in no time. 

All it takes is to prepare your Figma design for import with a few easy steps, paste the Figma API token and your layout URL to Tilda, click import and let the magic happen. Once your design is imported, you can bring your project online just by clicking publish.

#4. Make Search Engines Love Your Website With Built-In SEO Optimization

Thanks to the consecutive positioning of blocks on the page, websites designed on Tilda are automatically indexed well by search engines. There is also a set of SEO parameters you can fine-tune right inside the platform to ensure that your web pages rank high even if you don’t have an SEO specialist in-house. These parameters include the title tag, description and keywords meta tags, reader-friendly URLs, H1, H2, and H3 header tags, alt text for images, and easily customizable social media snippets. 

As an additional value, Tilda provides an SEO Assistant that will show you what errors are affecting the indexing of your website and will help test the website for compliance with the search engines’ main recommendations.

#5. Turn Visitors Into Clients

Tilda gives you the power to set up data capture forms and integrate them with 20+ data capture services, such as Google Sheets, Trello, Notion, Salesforce,, etc., to ensure seamless lead generation.

For more fun, Tilda developed its CRM to manage your leads better and keep your business organized right inside of a website builder. This is a very easy-to-use tool that automatically adds leads from forms and allows you to manually add leads you captured outside of the website. There is a kanban board that gives you an overall view of how leads are moving through your sales funnel and allows you to move leads between stages easily.

#6. Build A Powerful Online Store In One Day

Tilda provides a set of convenient features to create a remarkable online shopping experience. The platform gives you the power to sell online using ready-made templates or build an online store completely from scratch, add a shopping cart and connect a payment system of choice — Stripe, PayPal, 2Checkout, etc. — to accept online payments in any currency.

If you are looking to run a large ecommerce business, you should also consider Tilda. Thanks to the built-in Product Catalog, you can add up to 5000 items, import and export products in CSV files, easily manage stock, orders, and keep track of store stats.

And thanks to adaptive design, your store will look good across all devices, including tablets and smartphones. 

#7. Bring Your Project Online For Free

Tilda offers three subscription plans: Free, Personal ($10/month with annual subscription), and Business ($20/month with annual subscription). When you sign up for Tilda, you get a lifetime free account. It allows you to publish a website with a free subdomain and gives you access to a selection of blocks and a limited number of features that offer enough to create an impressive website. 

Personal and Business tariffs allow more advanced options, such as connecting custom domains, adding HTML code, receiving payments, and embedding data collection forms. The business plan also allows users to export their website and create five websites (while personal and free plans allow one website per account). 

To discover all features and templates on Tilda, activate a two-week free trial – no credit card required.


The post Tilda – The Website Builder That Disrupted The Way We Create Websites first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

Today, in this article we will discuss basic concepts of Azure Function. An Azure Function is a perfect example of Serverless architecture or computes service. Using Azure Function, we can run the event-based code without managing any infrastructure. Since the Azure function is a trigger-based service, so it always executes a script of a block of code in response to a variety of events. 

An Azure Function can also be used to achieve the decoupling, high throughput or response, reusability of code, etc. So, we will discuss the Azure Functions in all aspects in four parts. Today, in the first part of this article series, we will discuss the below topics:

Source de l’article sur DZONE