
Notre mission chez SAP, c’est d’aider le monde à mieux fonctionner et d’améliorer la vie des gens.

Nous concevons des solutions qui stimulent l’innovation, favorisent l’égalité et multiplient les opportunités au-delà des frontières et des cultures. C’est ce que nous nous efforçons de faire également avec le programme People To Work : former des personnes sans emploi sur les solutions de gestion SAP et leur redonner de l’espoir.

De nombreuses études ont démontré que la transition numérique allait entrainer dans les cinq à dix ans à venir un déficit de compétences numériques important en Europe et qu’il est urgent de commencer à former massivement les européens au monde digital. Les clients SAP ont un fort besoin de compétences sur nos solutions, tant pour la gestion des processus métier au quotidien que pour l’implémentation des projets et la maintenance des applications. Pour répondre à ce besoin de nos clients et partenaires, et favoriser le retour à l’emploi de personnes éloignées du monde du travail, SAP a mis au point le programme People To Work avec un très grand succès en Allemagne : depuis 20 ans, ce sont 400 000 demandeurs d‘emploi qui ont été formés et 80% d’entre eux ont retrouvé un emploi à l’issue de la formation.

Il y a des millions d’utilisateurs SAP dans le monde et la France est un pays qui compte une base installée des logiciels SAP très importante. De nombreuses offres d’emploi demandent des compétences SAP et cela va en s’accélérant : avoir été formé et disposer d’une certification SAP est un réel atout sur le CV d’un candidat. Nous nous sommes donc dits que nous pouvions contribuer à faire sortir du chômage des centaines, voire des milliers de demandeurs d’emploi en France avec ce programme qui peut aussi accueillir des personnes en situation de handicap.

Plus concrètement, les formations s’adressent à deux principaux types de profils :

  • Les utilisateurs finaux des solutions SAP, c’est à dire les assistants comptables, les personnels des services achats ou de l’administration des ventes par exemple,
  • Les consultants, recrutés en général par les ESN (Entreprises du Secteur Numérique) qui mettent en place les systèmes d’information des entreprises et soutiennent la transformation numérique.

Dans le cadre du programme People To Work, SAP met à disposition son matériel de formation officiel : les manuels de cours, les systèmes pour pratiquer les exercices et la plateforme numérique d’auto-formation SAP Learning HUB.

Le déploiement du programme People To Work en France a commencé début 2020 et nous sommes fiers d’avoir déjà formé 800 personnes avec un taux de retour à l’emploi de 100% pour ceux ayant suivi un cursus consultant et de 80% pour un cursus utilisateur SAP.

Les formations sont dispensées par nos partenaires officiels M2I Formation et Fitec, acteurs de la formation établis depuis longtemps sur le marché français et qui ont une bonne proximité avec Pôle Emploi, ce qui facilite le recrutement des candidats dans le programme. Ces partenaires sont présents en région parisienne ainsi qu’en province, avec une très bonne couverture nationale permettant de s’adresser au plus grand nombre. Les formations sont financées à l’aide de fonds gouvernementaux alloués par Pole Emploi, la région ou les OPCOs, de nombreux dispositifs sont disponibles.

Les métiers du numérique gagnent à être connus et le marché du travail demeure très actif dans ce secteur, et ce depuis de nombreuses années. Ils peuvent être porteurs d’avenir pour des jeunes qui ont du mal à s’insérer dans la vie active, mais aussi pour des personnes sur des métiers en décroissance et qui souhaitent se reconvertir. Les formations du programme People To Work ne nécessitent pas de compétences en informatique ou en programmation.Les profils recherchés peuvent être des jeunes diplômés en gestion ou autre domaine, mais aussi des comptables ou des assistants dans le domaine des achats ou des ventes en entreprise. Le niveau BAC peut suffire pour les formations des cursus utilisateurs finaux.

Fort de cette belle expérience, nous avons souhaité donner un élan supplémentaire au programme People To Work en France en participant aux Trophées Défis RSE, créés il y a 10 ans par le Magazine News RSE. Ces trophées ont pour but de mettre à l’honneur divers acteurs soucieux de leur impact et désireux d’affirmer leurs engagements et responsabilités pour leurs salariés, pour leur écosystème, pour l’environnement et donc pour la planète et les générations futures. Nous avons eu la joie de remporter le trophée dans la catégorie « Inclusion sociétale ». Notre initiative et ses résultats prometteurs ont en effet convaincu le jury du bien-fondé de celle-ci : redonner un emploi à des personnes éloignées du monde du travail ou dans des secteurs en décroissance, en leur donnant de nouvelles opportunités dans le monde numérique en pleine expansion.

Claire Couturier, responsable programme People To Work en France et Marie-Line Ségla, Directrice formation

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Every day design fans submit incredible industry stories to our sister-site, Webdesigner News. Our colleagues sift through it, selecting the very best stories from the design, UX, tech, and development worlds and posting them live on the site.

The best way to keep up with the most important stories for web professionals is to subscribe to Webdesigner News or check out the site regularly. However, in case you missed a day this week, here’s a handy compilation of the top curated stories from the last seven days. Enjoy!

Svija – A Website Builder Based on Adobe Illustrator

13 Graphic Design Trends for 2022: Retro Uprise & Bold Ideas

Designers’ Pick: Best Google Fonts for 2022

7 Apps We Couldn’t Live Without in 2021

Mistakes I Made While Learning Web Development as a Beginner

Interactive Vim Exercises

34 HTML Tabs Examples for Web Development

How to Reset a Single Git File and Why

Google Fonts Knowledge

Dark UI Design: Principles and Best Practices


The post Popular Design News of the Week: December 6, 2021 – December 12, 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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At this time every year, Pantone announces its choice for Color of the Year for the coming 12 months. The last year has been uncertain, to say the least, and although a tentative optimism seems to be piercing the general gloom, it’s difficult to see how that can be expressed in color.

On this occasion, for the first time, Pantone has elected to create a brand new color for its Color of the Year. Normally colors are chosen from Pantone’s extensive swatch books, so this new shade either reflects new beginnings or Pantone’s design team has been underemployed in the last year.

In either case, the shade created for 2022 is Very Peri. It’s a lilac — a bit more blue than violet, but still on the warm end of the spectrum.

The color feels a little retro — like the color of one of Jerry’s shirts in Seinfeld — and also spring-like — fields of bluebells leap to mind.

Pantone describes the color as having a “courageous presence,” but for that, I tend to think of neons; something with a little more saturation.

In fact, looking back over the past few years of Pantone colors, a soft purple (or adjoining shades) has traditionally been a safe choice for Pantone. 2014 was Radiant Orchid (lilac), 2016 was Rose Quartz and Serenity (pastel pink and blue respectively), 2018 was Ultra Violet (purple).

If Pantone was looking for a genuinely “courageous” choice, it should perhaps have reissued 2020’s Classic Blue, and called a do-over on the last couple of years.

Occasionally the Pantone Color of the Year has hinted at something more than a single shade. 2019’s Living Coral felt like attention was being drawn to the horrifying state of our ocean. Designers didn’t adopt the shade en masse, but environmentally conscious design has certainly become more prominent.

As we complain about homogenous design, is it right to even nominate a single color of the year? If what we’re lacking in the design industry is diversity, shouldn’t we ignore a color trend? (The irony of that question is not lost on me.)

In that spirit, rather than dishing out another bland lilac for 2022, Pantone should have presented us with Pure White #FFFFFF. A blank page to do with what we will. That would have been courageous.


The post Pantone Color of the Year 2022 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Websites as we know them are going to change very soon. The days of text, images, and basic interactions in a 2D browser window have served us well, but virtual, augmented, and mixed reality experiences are getting better all the time. Developers and designers need to think beyond the browser window and prepare for an immersive future.

Many have been very skeptical about VR and AR in the past because despite grand promises about what they would achieve, they’ve mostly failed to deliver on the scale that the industry hoped for.

But it’s different this time: industry leaders like Meta, Apple, and Microsoft are pursuing a range of different mixed reality projects; they see the opportunity and are dropping hints about what’s next.

In a survey from Perkins Coie LLP and the XR Association, nearly 9 in 10 respondents said that by the year 2025, immersive technologies—including augmented reality, virtual reality, and mixed reality — will be as ubiquitous as mobile devices.

That’s a bold prediction, but it could be our new reality.

Use Cases

VR and AR aren’t a logical fit for every website, and that’s fine. There’s no need to force an immersive experience on something better suited to a standard viewing experience.

But when they’re done right, 3D experiences can add a lot to your website. Check out the demo experience from Mozilla, the 3D tours from Matterport, and the immersive storytelling from Within.

Here are a few areas where these technologies shine:

  • Retail – VR can be used to provide a virtual showroom where customers browse through products. AR can even bring the products into your home by showing you how a piece of furniture will fit in your room, what a painting will look like on your wall, or in Apple’s case, how a product will look on your desk.
  • News – Coverage of events can be enriched by providing a 360-degree view and placing viewers in the center of the story.
  • Training – AR can generate virtual overlays over physical equipment so employees can have hands-on training that’s more effective.

Define Your Platform

Adding immersive experiences to your website will require various skills based on what you’re trying to create. Whether you’re new to web development or are a seasoned developer with many years of experience, the main difference from classic web development is that you’re switching from a 2D to a 3D experience. Development in VR/AR is much closer to developing 3D video games than creating web applications.

First of all, you need to decide on the hardware that you’re building for. Are your viewers mainly using computers, smartphones, or a headset like the Oculus Quest? Each hardware category offers a different set of capabilities for what’s possible.

Next, when we look at 3D engines and frameworks on the market, some big names like Unity, Unreal Engine, and CRYENGINE stand out. Most of these engines were spun out of game development and are based on programming languages like C, C++, or C#. While very powerful, they’re overkill for anyone trying to create a basic immersive web experience.

The good news for web developers is that the WebXR Device API is an open standard specified by the W3C with a JavaScript API that makes immersive experiences possible in the browser. So if you already have a background in web development, you can use your knowledge of JavaScript to get started.

There are some useful frameworks and platforms that make working with WebXR more convenient:

  • A-Frame – A web framework for building 3D experiences.
  • React 360 – A framework for the creation of interactive 360-degree experiences that run in the web browser. As the name already suggests, it builds on React and reuses the concepts you already know.
  • Amazon Sumerian – A managed service that lets you create and run 3D, AR, and VR applications. Since it’s integrated into the AWS ecosystem, it’s also possible to add AI-enabled elements into your generated world.

Create Your Content

No one wants to read long blocks of text in 3D. Since we’re talking about visual experiences, it’s logical that the emphasis should be on creating content that is pleasing to the eye and interesting to look at. What works on a normal website probably isn’t going to feel natural in a 3D environment, so you need to decide what visuals you should create to suit the format.

What high-resolution images and assets do you need? Can you add videos? How about 360-degree videos? Will viewers just be looking at something, or will they be able to interact with it?

You also can’t forget about sound because it’s a critical part of immersive experiences. What music and sounds should you create to make the content come alive?

Not everyone is going to have the latest and greatest device or 5G coverage. The requirements for bandwidth and transmission quality are much higher with 3D content. A few milliseconds of latency can go unnoticed on a typical website, but in a VR/AR setting, it can make the experience laggy or unusable.

Try to optimize your content to be the highest quality it can be within a reasonable file size. If the experience starts to suffer from too many assets downloading at the same time, it’s better to create a more streamlined experience that maintains a high performance rate.

It’s important to consider your hosting infrastructure, as well. This shouldn’t be a big problem, but it is worth mentioning that you need to add new content types to your configurations, and your CDN needs to support these new types, too.

Make Your Content Flexible

When we’re talking about getting your website ready for immersive experiences, we’re not just talking about having people scroll through your regular website in VR. That isn’t compelling for your audience.

The idea is to take some content that’s already on your website and separate it from the presentation layer so you can use it in a 3D environment or any other platform that you want. Classic content management takes place in silos, which means you cannot easily reuse the content from your website.

This separation can be achieved by using a classic database, but if you want developers and content teams to collaborate, a headless CMS is front-end agnostic and more user friendly.

Start Experimenting Today

Building 3D content experiences may seem intimidating, but as we’ve seen, you likely already have the web development skills necessary to get started and try out some different ideas.

What you build today will prepare you for the 3D future of tomorrow.


Featured image via Pexels.


The post How to Prepare for the Immersive Web first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Paris, le 8 décembre 2021 – L’entreprise SAP est fière d’annoncer qu’elle remporte aujourd’hui le Trophée Défis RSE 2021 grâce à son engagement sociétal, illustré par People to Work. Lancé l’année dernière en France et en partenariat avec M2i Formation et Fitec, ce programme de formation est destiné aux demandeurs d’emploi et vise à donner une chance à tous pour faire émaner des talents de tout horizon.

People to Work : un programme qui fait déjà ses preuves avec plus de 800 personnes formées depuis un an

Partant du constat que 40% des employeurs européens ont des difficultés à trouver des profils compétents et experts en informatique, soit environ 500 000 emplois non pourvus, SAP, accompagné par ses deux partenaires, a déjà formé plus de 800 personnes. Le taux de retour à l’emploi est impressionnant : 100% pour ceux ayant suivi un cursus consultant et 80% pour un cursus utilisateur SAP.

People to Work de SAP permet ainsi à des personnes en recherche d’emploi de compléter leurs compétences, de se former et d’obtenir la certification SAP correspondant à leur métier, pour faire la différence. Il s’adresse à des candidats de niveau BEP à Bac +5 issus des domaines métiers de l’administration des ventes, achats, logistique, comptabilité et contrôle de gestion.

Sans critères académiques d’éligibilité, ces formations s’appuient entre autres sur des financements gouvernementaux. Les métiers les plus porteurs suite à une formation People to Work sont les Achats, la Logistique, l’ADV et la Comptabilité.

Un programme qui fait également ses preuves en Allemagne depuis 20 ans, et qui a permis à plusieurs milliers de demandeurs d’emploi d’accéder à une profession rapidement grâce à des formations certifiantes SAP.

Un Trophée qui confirme une fois de plus l’engagement RSE de SAP

Les Trophées Défis RSE, fondés en 2012, mettent à l’honneur divers acteurs soucieux de leur impact et désireux d’affirmer leurs engagements et responsabilités pour leurs salariés, pour leur écosystème, pour l’environnement et donc pour la planète et les générations futures. Parrainés par le Ministère de l’Économie et des Finances, le Ministère de la Transition Écologique et Solidaire et le Sénat, les Trophées Défis RSE sont également soutenus par des partenaires, des réseaux experts dans la RSE et le développement durable, et par des médias.

Les auditions par le jury ont permis de sélectionner un palmarès équilibré de 10 lauréats parmi 9 catégories. Les meilleures démarches et initiatives RSE des candidats sont évaluées selon une grille élaborée par EthiFinance, et des critères sur l’engagement, la performance, la pérennité et l’innovation.

« Les métiers du numérique gagnent à être connus et le marché du travail demeure très actif dans ce domaine. Ils sont porteurs d’avenir pour les jeunes qui ont du mal à s’insérer dans la vie active, mais aussi pour des personnes dont les métiers connaissent une décroissance et qui souhaitent se reconvertir. Le programme People to Work by SAP crée de l’opportunité au travers de la formation et du développement pour tous, par le biais de formations, de qualification et de validation des compétences financées par l’Etat. » Marie-Line Ségla, Directrice Formation – SAP Product Learning CoE.

À propos de SAP

La stratégie de SAP vise à aider chaque organisation à fonctionner en “entreprise intelligente”. En tant que leader du marché des logiciels d’application d’entreprise, nous aidons les entreprises de toutes tailles et de tous secteurs à opérer au mieux : 77 % des transactions commerciales mondiales entrent en contact avec un système SAP®. Nos technologies de Machine Learning, d’Internet des objets (IoT) et d’analytique avancées aident nos clients à transformer leurs activités en “entreprises intelligentes”. SAP permet aux personnes et aux organisations d’avoir une vision approfondie de leur business et favorise la collaboration afin qu’elles puissent garder une longueur d’avance sur leurs concurrents. Nous simplifions la technologie afin que les entreprises puissent utiliser nos logiciels comme elles le souhaitent – sans interruption. Notre suite d’applications et de services de bout en bout permet aux clients privés et publics de 25 secteurs d’activité dans le monde de fonctionner de manière rentable, de s’adapter en permanence et de faire la différence. Avec son réseau mondial de clients, partenaires, employés et leaders d’opinion, SAP aide le monde à mieux fonctionner et à améliorer la vie de chacun. Pour plus d’informations, visitez le site

Contacts presse :

Mathilde Thireau :

Robin Legros :



The post SAP remporte le Trophée Défis RSE pour son inclusion sociétale grâce au programme People to Work appeared first on SAP France News.

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In computer science, there is nothing more fundamental and intuitive than control structures. Every student learned about them in the first few weeks of any computer science program. We could not code without them, period. But they are not set in stone: we did get rid of the infamous GOTO in the 80s!

At the pre-ALGOL meeting held in 1959 Heinz Zemanek explicitly threw doubt on the necessity for GOTO statements; at the time no one paid attention to his remark, including Edsger W. Dijkstra, who later became the iconic opponent of GOTO.[3] The 1970s and 1980s saw a decline in the use of GOTO statements in favor of the « structured programming » paradigm, with goto criticized as leading to « unmaintainable spaghetti code« 

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When you are a developer newbie, the realistic start may seem more like a bumpy ride to build the next great app which is still far from a Silicon Valley story. What do you do then? 

There are now tons of great low code or no-code development tools like drag and drop app builders that empower experts and people with little to no technical background to enter the digital market and transform it entirely. 

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Are you tired of using the same old Google fonts from website to website? You’re in luck!

In this month’s roundup of the best new fonts, we’re showcasing the latest and greatest fonts from independent type foundries and designers worldwide.

Astronef Super

Astronef Super is a retro-futuristic font collection with seven styles that are meant to be mixed and matched. While the font is modular in design, there are wild variations in weight that you can have a lot of fun with.


Auguste Serif and Auguste Sans Serif were originally drawn as a single stencil font that combined serif and sans serif styles. They ultimately became two separate fonts, with four weights apiece, that can be scaled up and down in size based on your needs.


Bartok is an exciting font as it breaks with the concept of creating a family of unified styles. Instead, each of the four styles uses different structures and weights, meaning this font can be repurposed for a wide variety of brands and styles.


Cardone is a type of serif known as Scotch Roman, designed for functionality and legibility. With its sturdy and brutal design, this serif is perfect for editorial content.


Champ is a fun and friendly font with nine weights. Because of its bold footprint, this serif performs best in branding and headlines.


Columba is modeled after old-style printing press typefaces. With its narrow, legible serif forms, Columba is most useful in text-heavy environments — both on the web as well as for printed brand materials.


Deia is a bracketed serif font with seven fonts. Thanks to the curved stroke transitions in Deia’s character set, this font is full of personality and would work great in product packaging and website branding.


Garton is a 19th century-inspired typewriter typeface that would look great on literary and editorial websites. This uniquely elegant font has three weights with italic companion sets for each.


Halisa is an extensive font family with 60 styles, five widths, and six weights (plus italics). The designer drew inspiration from 19th-century factory signs to come up with this legible semi-constructed grotesque typeface.

Helvetica Now Variable

Helvetica Now Variable is an upgrade on Helvetica Now and the original 1957 Helvetica design. This one, however, adds over a million new Helvetica styles to the fold (all in one font file), which designers can use to create all kinds of digital and print content, including typographic animations.


Palast is a type system that consists of three sub-families: Palast Text, Palast Display, and Palast Poster. Designers can use this carefully crafted serif font family pretty much anywhere they want — from clients’ websites to promotional print graphics.


Parco is part of the new wave of humanistic typographic design. With Parco’s compact spacing and tall characters, this font will help designers craft eye-catching and highly legible headlines and branding.

Right Gothic

Right Gothic is a huge font family, containing 98 styles — seven weights, seven widths, 20-degree italics, and an adjustable contrast axis. While this contemporary font is a sans serif, it draws upon typical serif anatomy with its high contrast between thick and thin strokes.

Rund Text

Rund Text is a geometric sans serif that looks both stylish yet comfortable. It also has a companion Display family available to designers who want to bring the same type of functional design to larger headlines or branding.


Sculpin is another variable font to make this list of the best new fonts. This sans serif font was designed as if a chisel and brush had been used, giving it a structured, hand-crafted feel.


The post 15 Best New Fonts, December 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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In the first part of this series, we have seen all the pre-requisites that are needed to proceed with the hands-on. We will extend the EdgeX Foundry tutorial by Jonas Werner and deploy the EdgeX Foundry services on K3s. We have already learned that K3s will be a good lightweight solution to manage and orchestrate the EdgeX microservices. We will use the Geneva version of EdgeX Foundry.

The scope of this post is to demonstrate an Edge use case that will consume the sensor data e.g. ambient temperature. This sensor data will then be processed by EdgeXFoundry services hosted on K3s. This sensor data will be pushed to a cloud-based MQTT broker called HiveMQ. From here, the data can be stored and processed in the cloud. The configurations and manifests used in these posts are available in this repository.

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Every day design fans submit incredible industry stories to our sister-site, Webdesigner News. Our colleagues sift through it, selecting the very best stories from the design, UX, tech, and development worlds and posting them live on the site.

The best way to keep up with the most important stories for web professionals is to subscribe to Webdesigner News or check out the site regularly. However, in case you missed a day this week, here’s a handy compilation of the top curated stories from the last seven days. Enjoy!

9 Often Overlooked Ways to Make Visitors & Google Love your Website

Accessibility Myths

How to Increase User Empathy and Build Better Products

Cccolor – Clean & Simple Color Picker for Web Designers

The State of UX in 2022

3 Essential Design Trends, December 2021

Vector UI 1.1 – Smart Design System for Figma

JavaScript Reduce Method Made Simple

Glitch Effect on Text in Pure CSS

2021 Design Tools Survey


The post Popular Design News of the Week: November 29, 2021 – December 5, 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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