
A lot, if not all, of data science projects, require some data visualization front-end to display the results for humans to analyze. Python seems to boast the most potent libraries, but do not lose hope if you’re a Java developer (or if you’re proficient in another language as well). In this post, I will describe how you can benefit from such a data visualization front-end without writing a single line of code.

The Use Case: Changes From Wikipedia

I infer that you are already familiar with Wikipedia. If you are not, Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia curated by the community. In their own words:

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For the last few years, I’m writing articles that describe a new, more functional way to write Java code. But the question of why we should use this new coding style remains largely unanswered. This article is an attempt to fill this gap.

Just like any other language, Java evolves over time. So does the style in which Java code is written. Code written around Y2K is significantly different from code written after 2004-2006 when Java5 and then Java6 was released. Generics and annotations are so widespread now, that it’s hard to even imagine Java code without them.

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Fundamentally Hyperlambda is really just a Turing complete markup language, with some added capabilities resembling features from XSLT and XPath. You could argue Hyperlambda is the programming equivalent of YAML. On the index of « programming level abstractions » if we argue that CISC x86 assembly code is at level 1 (the bottom level) and C# and Java is at level 5, while Python and PHP are at level 10 – Hyperlambda is at level 100+ somewhere.

Of course, the point being, that 95% of the times you need a low level programming construct, Hyperlambda implicitly creates your C# objects and ties these together 100% correctly out of the box. This reduces the cognitive complexity of your resulting app’s code by orders of magnitudes. To illustrate this difference, please have a look at the following code snippet taken from Microsoft’s official documentation for how to correctly create an HTTP request from C#.

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A URL shortener is a service that is used to create short links from very long URLs. Usually, short links have the size of one-third or even one-fourth of the original URL, which makes them easier to type, present, or tweet. Clicking on a short link user will be automatically redirected to the original URL. 

There are many URL shortening services available online, such as,, and Implementing a URL shortening service is not a complex task, and it is often part of system design interviews. In this post, I will try to explain the process of implementing the service. 

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If you’re not using fluent assertions in your tests yet and just rely on basic JUnit assertions, you might be missing out on a simple but very effective tool to write high-quality test code. The article starts with a short recap about the virtues of fluent assertions and how they address the shortcomings of basic assertions.

But while very much in favor of fluent assertion I think that current implementations don’t realize their full power: Problems are demonstrated in AssertJ, the main fluent assertion library for Java. Finally, I present a new solution to overcome these issues.

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‘java.lang.System.getProperty()’ is a common API used by Java developers to read the System properties that are configured during application startup time. i.e. when you pass “-DappName=buggyApp” as your application’s startup JVM argument, the value of the ‘appName’ system property can be read by invoking the ‘java.lang.System.getProperty()’. Example:



public static String getAppName() { String app = System.getProperty("appName");   return app;

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Jakarta EE 10 is on its way! This is the third release of Jakarta EE since the transition from the Java Community Process (JCP) to Eclipse Foundation. In this session, we will go through every aspect of Jakarta EE 10 and how this release lowers the barriers of entry, eases the migration, and lays the foundation for a platform for future innovation. We will also look ahead towards what future releases may bring. There will be a demo including converting from the javax.* to jakarta.* namespace as well as looking at available implementations.

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Imagine a scenario where you need to change a JVM parameter, but you can’t or is not a good solution to changing the start script of your server(s).

One of the challenges we had, when we were working with containers, was a way to change a parameter to a JVM without building the docker image again.
The application at the start time should read a JVM parameter where a _user profile_was defined.
For specific reasons we sometimes need to change this profile, for instance, to use a more controlled user where we can debug an issue. In these situations, we want to stop the container/pod, change the profile and start again, or even start a different container with a different profile.

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Apache Tomcat is an open-source application server maintained by the Apache community. It is one of the most popular solutions for hosting Java applications due to its ease of use and lightweight yet versatile functionality. However, if you run the projects based on Jakarta EE 8 (or higher), you may be interested to use the TomEE server with built-in required enterprise technology that isn’t found in Tomcat.

Due to the extreme popularity of these stacks globally and within Jelastic PaaS in particular, we’ve decided to share the tips on how to install automatically clustered Tomcat and TomEE servers to get a highly available solution that can efficiently serve a large number of users, process high traffic, and be reliable.

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We know that, in a software project, nothing replaces good documentation. However, it is also necessary to pay attention to how intuitive the written code is. After all, the simpler and more natural the code is, the better its experience for users.

In the simple « programming rule », in which we will forget everything we have to remember, an API that « forces » you to remember is crucial proof of failure.

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