
A company’s leaders must prepare for the selection, achievement, and continuous improvements of Agile delivery. Only the leadership can evolve and continuously grow the environments in which their people function. Moreover, only these mentors can design the atmosphere that promotes high-performing Agile teams to thrive and deliver excellence. Agile leaders, therefore, must show smarter ways of working so that their people will discover from their personal and professional standards, mentorship and intrinsic motivation. The quest to become an Agilest does not need to be hard. Many leaders have to attempt a new method of management. The process will need to prepare, enable, and challenge their people to attain the highest potential through Agile teachings and practices.

What is not so apparent to leaders is that their people’s knowledge of the processes alone won’t be enough. Agile leaders must take an actual role to guide the new way of working. How many times have I heard from leadership that, "You have my support and contact me if you have any questions"? That way of thinking is a recipe for disaster with Agile. Agile leaders need to involve themselves directly on a daily basis. Get out and walk around, attend daily stand-ups, pop in on Sprint Planning sessions and come to the Sprint Reviews. You want your people to see you are involved with and care about the success of the implementation.

Source de l’article sur DZone (Agile)

"I don’t care about the tech — what I really want to hear is how this product fits in our processes and helps our people get more done."

That was the message my co-founder and I heard from an executive at a major bank last week. For us, it was both a deja vu and a major relief because we’d just presented at the Cablelabs Summer Showcase about the importance of aligning people, process, and technology together. The executive was pleased about how RackN had achieved that balance.

Source de l’article sur DZone (Agile)

My wife is an event organizer, and in her early conferences, juggling a load of must-do items and decisions was a key pain-point as she kept many critical plates spinning. The stress of keeping all of it in her head at the same time filled up the cognitive capacity she had available to actually work on any of it.

We’ve all had people at work who’s answer to "When will that thing be done?" is always countered with "I’m working on it…" And, it never seems to be done. The most helpful people in taking on work are the least helpful in completing it.

Source de l’article sur DZone (Agile)

DevOps has become more than a trend—it’s a survival imperative for the enterprise. In today’s digital economy, software innovation drives business innovation.  The faster developers can deliver on the next wave of software innovation, the faster the business can deliver customer value, bring new revenue streams online, and respond to market events. DevOps practices across the enterprise can deliver business results at the speed and quality customers expect.  

Many IT organizations start their DevOps journey implementing automation and tools only to quickly face hurdles when trying to scale DevOps practices across the organization.  Their journey starts to take a detour as they struggle with organizational boundaries, unwieldy system-wide processes, and cultural resistance to change. It’s common to blame the people and teams that are not getting on board, but to quote Edward Deming, “People work in the system, management creates the system.”

Source de l’article sur DZONE

If you’re like me, every article you’ve ever read about managers vs. leaders bagged on managers while praising leaders. Not surprising, right? People hate being "managed" and nearly everyone fancies themselves as being (or becoming) a leader. 

There may come a time when managers are obsolete, but for now, these are both valuable roles – they’re just different.

Source de l’article sur DZone (Agile)

Happy Monday, readers! I’m getting back on track with reader question Monday once again. No more excuses about bad web hosting issues.

Today’s question is about test driven development. Specifically, it’s about test driven development when you’re trying to get a team to do it—a remote team. Here’s the question (directed at me some time ago on Twitter).

Source de l’article sur DZone

Pour le chef de projet, développer son leadership est important.

Certaines personnes ont plus de facilités que d’autres à stimuler une équipe et instaurer leur leadership.
Plus que d’avoir ces compétences innées, peut être ont elles apprises de leurs échecs antérieurs avant de devenir des leaders reconnus.
«Je suis convaincu que l’échec permet de progresser. Je pourrais vous donner une longue liste de choses que j’ai mal faites», dit le milliardaire « self-made man » Michael Rubin.

Trop de personnes ont de grandes idées mais sont bloqués par la peur de l’échec. Or c’est de l’échec que l’on apprend le plus.

Début de l'aviation

Cette peur de l’échec provient d’une surestimation des risques qui entraîne un manque de confiance en soi.

Face à nous mêmes nous sommes souvent intransigeants et avons tendance à oublier nos capacités et compétences.
Plutôt que se focaliser sur ce que l’on ne fait pas, il est alors important de capitaliser sur ce que l’on fait, nos « petites victoires » du quotidien pour prendre ou reprendre confiance.

Il faut se rappeler que ce qui compte est l’atteinte de l’objectif et que chaque jour, nombres d’entre eux sont atteints sans trompettes, ni tambours.

Le leadership se développe, s’améliore.

Et ce quelque soit notre personnalité extravertie ou introvertie.
Alors que nous pourrions penser que les extravertis sont mieux lotis que les introvertis, Larry Page, pdg de Google démontre que les introvertis ne sont pas exclus du cercle du leadership. Nous sommes donc au départ tous sur le même pied d’égalité.

L’important est de garder une orientation de pensée positive, en étant convaincu de sa capacité personnelle à atteindre l’objectif.

De fait, cette conviction amène à communiquer, à porter une attention auprès de l’équipe qui comme l’a démontré l’effet Pygmalion (ou Rosenthal) ou Elton Mayo lors de l’expérience d’Hawthorne, développe un sentiment que ce qu’elle réalise est important.

La valeur accordée à la réalisation stimule alors le groupe à faire de « grandes choses ».