
There’s not much buzz about design patterns these days. They appear to have joined the hall of fame of accepted wisdom, alongside the Silver Bullet, SOLID and DRY. Lately, I had the opportunity to share some thoughts on the importance of good old design patterns with Koen Aerts, CTO of Team Rockstars IT. Here’s the gist of that talk in a more digestible format.

Before I start, let me set some boundaries, as people can get doctrinaire about definitions. I refer to the good old bridge, builder, decorator, and factory patterns. Architectural patterns like MVC do not fall into the same category, much fewer paradigms like serverless and microservices (aka SOA the next generation).

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In this article, you will learn how to use Spring Boot and HarperDB to create a microservice. Later on, you will also look at how to deploy the complete application on AWS Elastic Beanstalk.

You will be building an Employee Leave Management System. This application will be responsible for tracking the detailed record of employees’ leaves. You will also be implementing the functionality to add, edit, and cancel leaves.

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This is the second in a series of blogs on data-driven microservices design mechanisms and transaction patterns with the Oracle converged database. The first blog illustrated how to connect to an Oracle database in Java, JavaScript, Python, .NET, and Go as succinctly as possible. The goal of this second blog is to use that connection to receive and send messages with Oracle AQ (Advanced Queueing) queues and topics and conduct an update and read from the database using all of these same languages.

Advanced Queuing (AQ) is a messaging system that is part of every Oracle database edition and was first released in 2002. AQ sharded queues introduced partitioning in release 12c and is now called Transaction Event Queues (TEQ).

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In the first part of this series, we have seen all the pre-requisites that are needed to proceed with the hands-on. We will extend the EdgeX Foundry tutorial by Jonas Werner and deploy the EdgeX Foundry services on K3s. We have already learned that K3s will be a good lightweight solution to manage and orchestrate the EdgeX microservices. We will use the Geneva version of EdgeX Foundry.

The scope of this post is to demonstrate an Edge use case that will consume the sensor data e.g. ambient temperature. This sensor data will then be processed by EdgeXFoundry services hosted on K3s. This sensor data will be pushed to a cloud-based MQTT broker called HiveMQ. From here, the data can be stored and processed in the cloud. The configurations and manifests used in these posts are available in this repository.

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Message and Event payload validation has been a rather thorny problem ever since extensible data structures (XML, JSON, YAML…) started to be used at scale. In fact, very little progress has been made since the good old days of DTDs. Schema definition languages such as XML-schema, json-schema, or even the OpenAPI schema are unfamiliar to most developers and often result in a rather anemic validation set of rules, leading to a perceived low value, and therefore a lack of interest. 

There are three key problems in a schema architecture: 

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Image Source: Pixabay

An API Gateway is an essential component of any microservices architecture. Amazon provides its own API Gateway service, which you can use to enable user access to a microservices application, and manage API communication between microservices. 

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Why Microservice Architecture?

Microservice Roadmap.

Nowadays, with the rise of social media, fast internet, etc., the tendency to use applications is getting more and more. As a result of these behavior changes, monolithic applications need to deal with a tremendous majority of changes.

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Thinking of building the next big mobile application? The time to market of a mobile application is critical in the current fast-paced industry. Deciding if it’s an Android or an iOS application is just one part of the problem. Most of today’s applications need a backend system to carry out their operations. Features like remote data storage/syncing, authentication, and user communication require a set of backend services to be available.

So, how can we develop these backend systems for mobile applications? There are two main patterns for doing this. The first is to do direct integration.

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Add Sleuth, RabbitMQ, and Zipkin in Spring Cloud Project

This article assumes that you know how to set up a spring cloud or spring boot project; also, the RabbitMQ and ElasticSearch servers are ready.

Add the dependencies in maven pom.xml:

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As the number of services grows in an organization, the problem of secret management only gets worse. Between Zero Trust and the emergence of microservices, handling secrets such as tokens, credentials, and keys has become an increasingly challenging task. That’s where a solution like HashiCorp’s Vault can help organizations solve their secret management woes.

Although there are secret management tools native to each cloud provider, using these solutions locks you in with a specific cloud provider. Vault, on the other hand, is open source and portable.

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