

“Cette initiative est née de notre profonde conviction que les entreprises, quelle que soit l’industrie, peuvent tirer parti du partage d’experiences.”


Il est ingénieur de formation, issu de Polytech’Nice-Sophia. Elle est diplômée en mathématiques appliquées et a validé une thèse en théorie de l’optimisation. Ils mènent leur carrière dans de grandes entreprises technologiques internationales. Et dirigent le Industrial Council of Artificial Intelligence Research (ICAIR). Olena Kushakovska (SAP) et Jean-Michel Sauvage (Amadeus) pilotent ensemble ICAIR depuis 2020. Ils ont une ambition claire pour l’organisation : accélérer le travail sur l’IA en mettant l’accent sur le développement durable. A l’occasion du 1er SAP Sustainability Summit, la directrice générale de SAP Labs France et le directeur R&D pour les solutions Revenue Management d’Amadeus se sont prêtés au jeu de l’interview croisée pour nous donner leur vision de l’IA durable.

  1. Quels sont les principaux avantages de l’IA dans votre secteur ?

Olena Kushakovska : Chez SAP, nous permettons à nos clients de devenir des entreprises intelligentes, d’utiliser les données pour bâtir des entreprises plus performantes, plus résilientes, plus rentables, plus agiles et plus durables. Nous mettons tout en œuvre pour que la réalité de l’entreprise intelligente soit pleinement intégrée avec les fonctionnalités d’Intelligence Artificielle.

Jean-Michel Sauvage : L’IA est une technologie majeure qui offre la meilleure utilisation possible des données et fournit un service plus performant, plus efficace, prévisible, personnalisé et à plus forte valeur ajoutée sur l’ensemble de la chaîne.

  1. Quand, pourquoi et comment vous êtes-vous engagé avec ICAIR ?

Olena : Amadeus et SAP sont membres fondateurs de ICAIR. La décision d’aller de l’avant a été prise entre Gilles Floyrac et moi il y a environ 2 ans. Gilles était le président d’Amadeus Nice à l’époque et la région Côte d’Azur venait de décrocher le label 3IA. Son idée était que les entreprises conduisent l’agenda industriel parallèlement au monde universitaire. Plus de 60 entreprises de la zone ont soutenu le projet 3IA. Nous avons contacté les entreprises que nous pensions intéressées (ex. IBM, ARM, NXP, Thales Alenia Space, Orange) et le “Club” est né. La réunion de mise en place entre les responsables de site pour sceller le club s’est tenue chez Amadeus puis la 1ère session de travail a eu lieu chez SAP en juin 2019.

Jean-Michel : Les techniques d’IA n’étant pas spécifiques à la résolution d’un problème, cette initiative est motivée par la forte conviction que les entreprises, même lorsqu’elles travaillent dans différents secteurs, peuvent bénéficier de l’apprentissage et du partage d’expériences sur les défis auxquels elles sont confrontées sur des problèmes techniques similaires.

« Nous nous efforçons d’utiliser l’IA de manière durable et d’atteindre les objectifs de durabilité de l’ONU au sein du secteur. » Olena KUSHAKOVSKA

  1. Qu’est-ce qui est spécial avec ICAIR ?

Jean-Michel : ICAIR se concentre sur la recherche appliquée, et à ce titre, est un moyen de lier la recherche fondamentale et les résultats académiques à leur application dans un environnement industriel.

Olena : ICAIR est à taille humaine, agile, diversifié, industriel, pratico-pratique, avec des cas d’utilisation réels. Des entreprises leaders dans le monde composent le conseil. Pour autant, il y a un faible niveau d’administration, une faible bureaucratie, mais beaucoup de bonne volonté et un grand écosystème. La bienveillance et le soutien sont sans faille, et l’implication continue !

  1. Pourquoi avoir choisi l’IA durable comme thème du programme ICAIR ? 

Jean-Michel : L’IA s’accompagne de défis, tant en termes de technologie, de puissance de calcul, que de biais d’apprentissage, ou de décisions humainement explicables. Nous pensons que l’IA peut être conçue et utilisée de manière durable et apporter de la valeur d’une manière qui respecte la planète et les communautés.

Olena : On questionne souvent l’IA en termes écologique ou éthique. Nous voulons envisager la durabilité dans un contexte beaucoup plus large, celui des objectifs de durabilité des Nations Unies. La durabilité s’entend comme la capacité de notre génération à atteindre ses objectifs, sans compromettre la capacité de la génération future à atteindre les leurs. Et ce, par rapport à toutes les ressources : naturelles, humaines, économiques. Nos efforts se concentrent sur l’IA durable pour atteindre les objectifs des Nations Unies au sein de l’industrie.

  1. Quel est le champ d’application d’ICAIR ?

Jean-Michel : ICAIR a été pensé de telle sorte que des chercheurs d’entreprises de Sophia Antipolis hébergeant des laboratoires de recherche travaillant dans différents contextes industriels, et sur différents sujets, puissent discuter et échanger leurs points de vue sur des questions communes liées à l’utilisation de l’IA dans leurs industries respectives.

Olena : Notre objectif est de travailler sur des projets communs et d’échanger sur les meilleures pratiques en matière d’apprentissage automatique et d’intelligence artificielle. Cela permettra de faire progresser les recherches en matière d’IA. Enfin, nous comptons utiliser notre puissance commune pour promouvoir la Côte d’Azur en tant que berceau de l’IA durable.

  1. Qu’est-ce qui vous motive personnellement ?

Olena : Ma volonté est de promouvoir notre grande collaboration, dans l’écosystème incroyablement riche sur le plan technologique et intellectuel de la Côte d’Azur, en montrant à nos maisons-mères que cet endroit est vraiment exceptionnel, et y développer une véritable communauté autour de l’IA. Je veux aussi que la France et l’Europe obtiennent la place qu’elles méritent dans le monde en ce qui concerne l’IA, en veillant à ce que l’IA soit utilisée à bon escient, que la Côte d’Azur soit identifiée comme l’endroit idéal pour l’IA durable, et enfin que les gens ne craignent plus l’IA.

Jean-Michel : Je suis un passionné d’aviation et d’informatique. Heureusement pour moi, les voyages et l’aviation en particulier sont des domaines pleins de défis combinatoires, très complexes à résoudre et à optimiser. Chez Amadeus, nous sommes déjà pleinement engagés dans le déploiement de l’IA. Nous sommes également engagés depuis de nombreuses années dans le développement de systèmes ouverts et interopérables, car nous pensons que c’est en combinant les meilleurs services « atomiques » que nous apporterons une plus grande valeur ajoutée à nos clients, à l’industrie du voyage et aux voyageurs. Mais nous savons aussi que, comme toute évolution de ce genre, elle a besoin de temps, d’expérience, de tests et d’apprentissage. L’IA s’accompagne de nombreuses questions et défis sans réponse. Avec ICAIR, nous faisons partie de l’apprentissage, de l’enseignement, et nous voulons y répondre de la bonne manière.




Les membres sont des entreprises internationales avec des sites sur la Côte d’Azur et menant des recherches en IA :

  • Accenture,
  • ACRI-ST,
  • Amadeus,
  • ARM,
  • Hewlett Packard Enterprise,
  • IBM,
  • NXP Semiconductors,
  • Orange,
  • Renault Software Labs,
  • SAP Labs France,
  • STMicroelectronics,
  • Thales Alenia Space.

Le programme touche l’ensemble de l’écosystème du label 3IA de la Côte d’Azur :

  • Académiques : Institut 3IA, UCA (Université Côte d’Azur), Ecoles, Centres de Recherche
  • Secteurs d’activité : ICAIR, ClusterIA
  • Institutions : MIA, OTESIA, EuropIA
  • Associations : Telecom Valley, Pôle SCS

Des initiatives liées à l’IA lancées par ces acteurs soutiennent la dynamique territoriale de la Côte d’Azur. Elles se rapportent aux objectifs de développement durable des Nations unies et constituent le champ d’application du programme « IA durable ».

En savoir plus : ICAIR – Industrial Council of Artificial Intelligence Research

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At the dawn of the web-era, there was much focus on how environmentally friendly websites were: we’d chop down fewer trees, ship fewer products, and travel less for business.

And because the web was small, any negative impact it had was relatively small. But the Internet’s no longer small, and neither is the impact it has on the environment. The average website uses 211,000g of CO2 per year, watching a video online outputs an estimated 0.2g of CO2 per second, and a single email can cost 50g of CO2.

In the next four years, the tech industry as a whole may use up to 20% of the world’s electricity and be responsible for 5.5% of global CO2 emissions.

The good news is that because websites are viewed many times, even small improvements can multiply into real change.

1. Reduce Energy Consumption

Through electricity use, the Internet generates around the same CO2 as most major countries. That carbon comes from two sources: the devices we use to access the Internet and the servers that host our data.

Computers heat up, and when they heat up, they slow down. Servers are especially vulnerable and use extraordinary amounts of energy to keep cool and functional, which is why Microsoft keeps throwing servers into the sea.

Make It Faster

The faster your site, the less data is used to serve it, and the less carbon it’s outputting; it’s that simple.

Reduce the Number of Resources Used

Everything you load on your site has an impact. You might think that a tiny PNG is too small to really impact your carbon footprint, but over thousands of page loads, its impact is multiplied. Anything you can do to reduce the number of actual files requested will reduce your carbon output. You can use sites like Ecograder to estimate your own site’s CO2 output.

Optimize Images

If there’s one thing you can do to reduce the size of your site, the amount of data that needs to be sent over the Internet to serve your site, and the resulting speed, it’s optimizing your images.

Nothing reduces a site’s footprint like optimizing images. It’s easy and free to reduce the size of JPGs and PNGs with a service like TinyPNG. Offer WebP to any browser that will accept them; it will boost your Lighthouse score and improve your CO2 usage.

Lazy Load Images

Lazy loading images means images are loaded as they are required; images at the top of a page always load, images further down only load when the user scrolls to them; if the user doesn’t scroll to the bottom of the page, they don’t load, saving you CO2.

Reduce The Amount Of JavaScript You Use

Yes, JavaScript is awesome. Yes, it can be hugely beneficial to UX. And yes, it munches on energy like it’s candy.

When a web page loads, it’s done, the total cost is in. If JavaScript keeps running in the background, redrawing the screen based on user interaction — as is the case with a parallax site — the web page keeps using up energy on the device.

Choose a Sustainable Hosting Company

You can reduce the power needs of a site, but you can’t eliminate them. One simple step is to opt for a hosting company that gets its electricity from sustainable sources such as wind power or solar.

Low←Tech Magazine is powered by a server that runs on solar energy and carries a warning that it may go offline. But it’s possible to host both reliably and sustainably. Many web hosts outsource their actual server management, so they have no control over how those servers are powered, but there are plenty of exceptions that guarantee green web hosting. Google Cloud aims to be the cleanest in the cloud industry. For green web hosting, I always recommend the all-round superb Kualo.

2. Be Inclusive

One of the biggest issues with the EV (Electric Vehicle) movement is that we’re replacing cars earlier than we normally would in a rush to move to “clean” driving.

A new EV certainly outputs less than a gas-powered vehicle when driven the same distance. Combine increased use — because owners think they are driving cleanly — with the fact that a new EV has to be manufactured, the minerals for batteries have to be mined (in horrific conditions), and it then needs to be shipped to you, and EVs are not as friendly as they appear — so go ahead, buy that vintage Porsche it’s probably better for the environment than a Tesla.

Support Legacy Devices

The same issue that applies to cars applies to devices. Every time we rush ahead to support the latest iPhone, we leave older generations behind. A device can and should last longer than two years.

This is not to say that you shouldn’t embrace modern web standards. Technologies like CSS Grid are excellent at reducing markup size and speeding up sites. CSS Grid has been well supported for over four years, and even “legacy” devices can handle it. If you can keep a phone for an extra six months, the environmental cost of that phone is reduced by 20%.

3. Help Users Make Good Choices

More and more people are trying to make good choices. We’re eating a healthier, balanced diet. We’re recycling clothes. We’re traveling by bike, and on foot, instead of by car. People want to do the right thing, and they seek out companies that aid them.

Improve Navigation

Anything that you can do to make your content more findable will mean fewer page loads and therefore consume fewer resources.

By improving your information architecture, improving your search accuracy, and improving on-page signposts like bread crumbs and link text, you help users find content faster.

Feelgood Feedback

When the environmental impact of a user’s actions are quantifiable, let them know. Users who care will appreciate it, and users who don’t will ignore it. adds a note to any quotation letting you know how much carbon you’ve saved by traveling by train instead of flying.

Don’t Remove the Shipping Rate

Many ecommerce sites offer free shipping, especially above a certain order value; it’s a good way to encourage higher sales. But absorbing the shipping cost implies that there is no shipping. By highlighting the shipping costs, even if they’re not passed on to the customer, you remind them that there is an environmental cost and a financial cost.

You can absorb the shipping rate without implying there is no cost by adding the shipping and then explicitly deducting it as a discount.

Sustainable Web Design Is Good For Business

The fundamentals of good web design are the fundamentals of sustainable web design.

Make it fast and usable, and you’ll also be making it energy efficient. Make it inclusive, and you’ll help the industry slow the ever-growing tendency to consume. Make it transparent, and you’ll help your users make good choices of their own. All of these things are not only good for the environment, but they also result in improved UX and SEO.


Featured image via Pexels.


The post 3 Effective Ways To Improve Your Site’s Carbon Footprint first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Ten years ago, people began talking about the “Independent Web.” Although we don’t commonly use the term anymore, that doesn’t mean that it’s not still as vital a topic of discussion today as it was a decade ago.

Today, I want to look at where the term came from, what it refers to today, and why it’s something that all of us in business, marketing, and web design should be thinking about.

What Is The Independent Web?

The Independent Web is a term that was coined back in 2010 by John Battelle.

In “Identity and The Independent Web,” Battelle broaches the subject of internet users losing control of their data, privacy, and decision-making to the likes of social media and search engines.

“When we’re ‘on’ Facebook, Google, or Twitter, we’re plugged into an infrastructure that locks onto us, serving us content and commerce in an automated but increasingly sophisticated fashion. Sure, we navigate around, in control of our experience, but the fact is, the choices provided to us as we navigate are increasingly driven by algorithms modeled on the service’s understanding of our identity.”

That’s the Dependent Web.

This is how Battelle explains the Independent Web:

“There is another part of the web, one where I can stroll a bit more at my own pace, and discover new territory, rather than have territory matched to a presumed identity. And that is the land of the Independent Web.”

In 2010, this referred to websites, search engines, and apps where users and their activity were not tracked. But a lot has changed since then, and many websites that were once safe to peruse without interference or manipulation are no longer.

What Happens When the Dependent Web Takes Over?

Nothing good.

I take that back. It’s not fair to make a blanket statement about Dependent Web platforms and sites. Users can certainly benefit from sharing some of their data with them.

Take Facebook, for instance. Since its creation, it’s enabled people to connect with long-lost friends, stay in touch with distant relatives, enable freelance professionals like ourselves to find like-minded communities, etc.

The same goes for websites and apps that track and use visitor data. Consumers are more than willing to share relevant data with companies so long as they benefit from the resulting personalized experiences.

But the Dependent Web also has a darker side. There are many ways that the Dependent Web costs consumers and businesses control over important things like:


If you’ve seen The Social Dilemma, then you know that platforms like Facebook and Google profit from selling their users to advertisers.

That’s right. They’re not just selling user data. They’re selling users themselves. If the algorithms can change the way users behave, these platforms and their advertisers get to cash in big time.

Many websites and apps are also guilty of using manipulation to force users to behave how they want them to.

Personal Data

This one is well-known thanks to the GDPR in the EU and the CCPA in California. Despite these initiatives to protect user data and privacy, the exploitation of personal data on the web remains a huge public concern in recent years.

Content and Branding

This isn’t relevant to websites so much as it is to social media platforms and Google.

Dependent Web platforms ultimately dictate who sees your content and when. And while they’re more than happy to benefit from the traffic and engagement this content brings to their platforms, they’re just as happy to censor or pull down content as they please, just as Skillshare did in 2019 when it deleted half of its courses without telling its course creators.

What’s more, while social media and search engines have become the place to market our businesses, some of our branding gets lost when entering such oversaturated environments.


When algorithms get updated, many businesses often feel the negative effects almost immediately.

For example, Facebook updated its algorithm in 2018 to prioritize “meaningful content.” This pushed out organic business content and pulled regular user content to the top of the heap.

This, in turn, forced businesses to have to pay-to-play if they wanted to use Facebook as a viable marketing platform.


The Dependent Web doesn’t just impact individuals’ experiences. It can have far-reaching effects when one company provides a critical service to a large portion of the population.

We saw this happen in November when AWS went down.

It wasn’t just Amazon’s servers that went down, though. It took out apps and sites like:

  • 1Password
  • Adobe Spark
  • Capital Gazette
  • Coinbase
  • Glassdoor
  • Roku
  • The Washington Post

And there’s absolutely nothing that these businesses or their users could do but sit around and wait… because Amazon hosts a substantial portion of the web.


When consumers and businesses become dependent on platforms that predominantly control the way we live and work, it’s difficult for us to stand up for the little guys trying to carve out innovative pathways.

And that’s exactly what we see happen time and time again with Big Tech’s buy-and-kill tactics.

As a result, we really lose the option to choose what we use to improve our lives and our businesses. And innovative thinkers lose the ability to bring much-needed changes to the world because Big Tech wants to own the vast majority of data and users.

How Can We Take Back Control From The Dependent Web?

Many things are happening right now that are trying to push consumers and businesses towards a more Independent Web:

Consumer Privacy Protection: GDPR and CCPA empower consumers to control where their data goes and what it’s used for.

Big Tech Regulations: The Senate held tech regulation hearings with Facebook’s and Twitters’s CEOs.

Public Awareness Initiatives: Films like The Social Dilemma bring greater awareness to what’s happening on social media.

Ad Blocker Adoption: Adblocker usage is at an all-time high.

Private Search Engine Usage: Although Google dominates search engine market share, people are starting to use private search engines like Duck Duck Go.

Private Browsing Growth: Over 60% of the global population is aware of what private browsing is (i.e., incognito mode), and roughly 35% use it when surfing the web.

Self-hosted and Open Source CMS Popularity: The IndieWeb community encourages people to move away from Dependent platforms and build their own websites and communities. This is something that Matt Mullenweg, the founder of WordPress, talked about back in 2012.

“The Internet needs a strong, independent platform for those of us who don’t want to be at the mercy of someone else’s domain. I like to think that if we didn’t create WordPress something else that looks a lot like it would exist. I think Open Source is kind of like our Bill of Rights. It’s our Constitution. If we’re not true to that, nothing else matters.”

As web designers, this is something that should really speak to you, especially if you’ve ever met a lead or client who didn’t understand why they needed a website when they could just advertise on Facebook or Instagram.

A Decentralized Web: Perhaps the most promising of all these initiatives are Solid and Inrupt, which were launched in 2018 by the creator of the Web, Tim Berners-Lee.

As Berners-Lee explained on the Inrupt blog in 2020:

”The Web was always meant to be a platform for creativity, collaboration, and free invention — but that’s not what we are seeing today. Today, business transformation is hampered by different parts of one’s life being managed by different silos, each of which looks after one vertical slice of life, but where the users and teams can’t get the insight from connecting that data. Meanwhile, that data is exploited by the silo in question, leading to increasing, very reasonable, public skepticism about how personal data is being misused. That in turn has led to increasingly complex data regulations.”

This is something we should all keep a close eye on. Consumers and businesses alike are becoming wary of the Dependent Web.

Who better than the creator of the web to lead us towards the Independent Web where we can protect our data and better control our experience?


Featured Image via Pexels.


The post What Is The Independent Web And Does It Matter In 2021? first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Over the last fortnight one site builder has gone toe-to-toe with another, as Wix launched a marketing campaign aimed at attracting WordPress users, and instead attracted universal ire.

First, Wix sent out expensive headphones as gifts to key WordPress “influencers” in an attempt to lure them to the platform. Second, they produced a series of adverts that instead of promoting their own product, tried to imply that WordPress is so bad you’ll need mental health counselling to cope with it; it’s been widely frowned upon, but am I alone in thinking they’re not a million miles away from Apple’s anti-Windows adverts? No, I’m not.

Then, Wix made an attempt to go viral with an uncomfortable video in which a character portraying “WordPress” releases a “secret” message warning the community of “fake news” supposedly due to be released by Wix. The language and the styling is clear: WordPress is unhip daddio.

Unlike WordPress, Wix is a publicly owned company, it has an obligation to its shareholders to maximize its revenue. Had Wix targeted WordPress’ many failings, that would have been fair game. Had they gone after Shopify, or Webflow, or Squarespace, or one of the many other site builders on the market no one would have blinked an eye. Wix’s error wasn’t going after WordPress, or even the tactics used to do so, Wix’s mistake was in attacking the very community it was attempting to court.

I’m not a big fan of WordPress. I’ve built around a dozen sites in it over the years and we’ve never got along, WordPress and I. But I am a big fan of the ethos of WordPress; who doesn’t love free, open source software, built by volunteers?

The holy grail of marketing is transforming customers into evangelists — individuals who will bare their chests, paint their face with woad, and charge headlong onto social media at the merest hint of a perceived slight. You can’t buy them. It’s a loyalty that has to be cultivated over years, and requires more give than take. WordPress has those evangelists, people who see their careers in web design as intertwined with the CMS. No amount of free headphones is going to convert them to a closed system like Wix.

The irony is that Wix’s approach stemmed from the WordPress community itself. If it is going to celebrate “powering 40% of the Web” then it has to expect to make itself a target. If you’re an antelope, you don’t douse yourself in bbq sauce and strut around the waterhole where the lions like to hang out.

If the row rumbles on, it will eventually end in an apology and a promise from Wix to “do better.” But the truth is, all Wix did was confuse a community of people trying to build websites, with a competing business.

This time next year, Wix will still be recovering from the damage to its reputation, and WordPress will be telling us it powers 110% of the Web.


The post Wix Vs WordPress: 3rd Round Knockout first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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We’re no longer arguing about whether climate change exists because climate change is now extensively documented. Instead, we’re arguing over whether climate change is a natural cycle or human-accelerated.

At this point, the reasonable best-case (yes, best-case) scenario is that global temperatures will rise by 2˚C — if we don’t meet our global emissions targets, then it will be higher.

A 2˚C rise in temperature means a rise in sea levels of approximately 20m in the next 100 years. Major cities, including New York and London, will be decimated. Florida will become an island off the coast of Georgia. Venice is in serious trouble, as is the whole of the Netherlands. Many low-lying island nations will cease to exist. If we do nothing, there may not be enough farmable land left to sustain the population.

According to, the whole Internet currently churns out 3.8% of global carbon emissions. Next Tuesday is Earth Day 2021, making this a great time to think about your own sites’ carbon footprint.

The key to reducing a website’s carbon footprint is to use as little electricity as possible — including battery power because batteries need to be charged. Some simple ways to achieve this are using dark mode, limiting the amount of resource-hungry JavaScript you use, and limiting your site’s payload. Small incremental gains like these can radically reduce the damage your sites are doing, and conveniently they also happen to be good for UX.

But let’s look at the numbers. An environmentally consciously designed site that gets 100,000 page views per year will output around 0.055 tons of CO2 per annum. By comparison, the average human produces 4 tons of CO2 (in Western countries, it’s closer to 16 tons) over the same period. The world as a whole produces 43.1 billion tons of CO2 per year. If you redesign your site to reduce power usage by 10%, you’ll have solved 0.0000000000001% of the problem.

With such a small impact on such a huge problem, is it really worth changing how we design websites to limit climate change?

Featured image via USGS.


The post Poll: Is Environmentally Conscious Web Design Really Worth It? first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

SAP annonce ce jour que l’équipementier automobile Faurecia a choisi SAP et SuccessFactors pour l’accompagner dans la digitalisation de ses processus RH afin de valoriser le potentiel de ses employés tout en leur permettant d’évoluer dans leur carrière de manière proactive.

Avec ses 266 sites industriels, 39 centres de R&D et ses 114 000 employés présents dans 35 pays, Faurecia est l’un des dix premiers équipementiers automobiles mondiaux proposant des solutions pour la Mobilité Durable et le Cockpit du Futur.

Simplifier les processus RH et développer les talents

Le SIRH de Faurecia s’est construit sur la base du développement de l’entreprise et des acquisitions externes, comptant jusqu’à 65 systèmes de paie différents.

Pour offrir un nouvelle expérience collaborateur, Faurecia a décidé de centraliser toutes ses données RH et la gestion de la paie en un unique endroit et une seule interface. L’objectif : promouvoir le développement individuel et profiter d’un panorama complet des processus RH qu’il s’agisse de la formation, la définition des objectifs et l’évaluation des performances des collaborateurs, la gestion des salaires et du personnel.

En choisissant SAP SuccessFactors, Faurecia a fait le choix d’un système collaboratif et accessible qui accompagne le développement du potentiel des collaborateurs par la formation, le management direct et les ressources humaines.

Des collaborateurs acteurs de leur carrière

Grâce à l’implémentation de la solution SAP SuccessFactors, Faurecia dispose d’un accès aux évaluations de performance et aux modèles de compétences de ses employés dans le monde entier, afin de leur proposer des formations adaptées à leurs objectifs et parcours professionnel. Cela offre aux managers la possibilité de mieux accompagner les salariés dans leur développement et leurs évolutions de carrière.

La mise en place de SAP SuccessFactors a permis à l’entreprise de profiter d’une source de donnée unique et d’une solution de paie intégrée facilitant de suivi des processus RH et la gestion de l’architecture du SIRH. Les informations RH sont dorénavant centralisées en un même endroit et accessibles en temps réel. Avec SAP SuccessFactors Mobile App, les managers peuvent organiser des entretiens à tout moment, depuis leur téléphone, avec tous les renseignements nécessaires sur le candidat. Grâce à l’intégration de SAP On-Prem Payroll et de Employees Central, le Groupe bénéficie de données de meilleure qualité et de l’enregistrement automatisé des informations RH.

Très bien accueillie par l’ensemble des collaborateurs grâce à une communication régulière, la solution est aujourd’hui pleinement adoptée par l’ensemble des acteurs de l’entreprise.

« SAP SuccessFactors a complètement changé la manière de promouvoir la formation en interne. Aujourd’hui, les employés peuvent d’eux-mêmes avoir accès au catalogue de formations et être pleinement acteur de leur développement professionnel. Nous profitons également de données plus qualitatives grâce à un système unique pour la paie et pour tous les processus RH facilitant ainsi notre visibilité sur le parcours des collaborateurs », explique Laurent Villemagne, Vice President, Group HR Information Systems & Controlling.

À propos de Faurecia

Fondé en 1997, Faurecia est devenu un acteur majeur de l’industrie automobile mondiale. Avec 266 sites industriels, 39 centres de R&D et 114 000 collaborateurs répartis dans 35 pays, Faurecia est un leader mondial dans ses quatre domaines d’activités : Seating, Interiors, Clarion Electronics et Clean Mobility. Son offre technologique forte fournit aux constructeurs automobiles des solutions pour le Cockpit du futur et la Mobilité durable. En 2020, le Groupe a réalisé un chiffre d’affaires de 14,7 milliards d’euros.

À propos de SAP

La stratégie de SAP vise à aider chaque organisation à fonctionner en “entreprise intelligente”. En tant que leader du marché des logiciels d’application d’entreprise, nous aidons les entreprises de toutes tailles et de tous secteurs à opérer au mieux : 77 % des transactions commerciales mondiales entrent en contact avec un système SAP®. Nos technologies de Machine Learning, d’Internet des objets (IoT) et d’analytique avancées aident nos clients à transformer leurs activités en “entreprises intelligentes”. SAP permet aux personnes et aux organisations d’avoir une vision approfondie de leur business et favorise la collaboration afin qu’elles puissent garder une longueur d’avance sur leurs concurrents. Nous simplifions la technologie afin que les entreprises puissent utiliser nos logiciels comme elles le souhaitent – sans interruption. Notre suite d’applications et de services de bout en bout permet aux clients privés et publics de 25 secteurs d’activité dans le monde de fonctionner de manière rentable, de s’adapter en permanence et de faire la différence. Avec son réseau mondial de clients, partenaires, employés et leaders d’opinion, SAP aide le monde à mieux fonctionner et à améliorer la vie de chacun. Pour plus d’informations, visitez le site .

Contacts presse :

Daniel Margato, Directeur Communication : 06 64 25 38 08 –
Pauline Barriere :–
SAP News Center. Suivez SAP sur Twitter : @SAPNews.

The post Faurecia choisit SAP SuccessFactors pour développer une nouvelle expérience collaborateur appeared first on SAP France News.

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