
Informing someone that you want to “measure” them is not a great way to start a conversation. Software developers, like all people, tend to look unfavorably upon having their performance closely measured. But measuring developers is one of the hottest trends for companies around the globe. So is it tyranny to measure people?

People are quick to note that numbers don’t tell the whole story and can become defensive at the notion their productivity should be quantified somehow. This resistance can become even more entrenched when teams become stacked against each other. 

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Quand on parle de solutions dans le cloud, ou le ‘nuage’, on évoque principalement l’utilisation de ressources informatiques mises à disposition par le biais d’Internet. Cette technique offre davantage de flexibilité et de rapidité. Elle se révèle également plus économique qu’une installation locale des composants et logiciels. Dans les solutions de Cloud Computing, les clients ne paient que pour les services basés dans le cloud qu’ils utilisent effectivement. En d’autres termes, vous pouvez grâce à cette technologie de pointe réduire vos coûts d’exploitation, faire fonctionner votre infrastructure informatique de manière optimale et efficace, et surtout, la faire évoluer en fonction de vos besoins. Mais au fait : qu’est-ce que le cloud ?

Qu’est-ce que le cloud ?

Le cloud, ou nuage en français, renvoie à une nouvelle conception de l’informatique. Les ressources de stockage, les logiciels d’analyse ou les applications sont basés sur Internet. Il s’agit donc de solutions dématérialisées, qui remplacent l’installation sur un réseau d’entreprise, en local. Le cloud constitue une infrastructure virtuelle sur laquelle des ressources accessibles depuis un navigateur ou une application dédiée sont mises à disposition. C’est le fournisseur des solutions de cloud computing qui se charge de la maintenance et de l’entretien de l’architecture sous-jacente.

Le terme ‘cloud’ est apparu dans les années 1990, pour désigner les parties d’une architecture dédiée à l’information et à son échange. On l’utilise couramment pour décrire les domaines informatiques dans lesquels des systèmes numériques comme des

ordinateurs de bureau, des serveurs, les smartphones ou les tablettes échangent des données. L’image du ‘nuage’ s’explique d’une part par le fait que cette architecture demeure pour une grande part voilée pour l’utilisateur, d’autre part par la dimension dématérialisée des ressources. L’histoire du cloud débute à proprement parler en 2006, lorsque Amazon décide de louer des capacités de stockage aux entreprises.

Depuis lors, l’offre croissante de services de cloud computing permet de délocaliser plus aisément à des prestataires externes des questions telles que le stockage des données ou la sécurité informatique. Les systèmes ERP cloud, par exemple, sont moins sensibles aux défaillances qu’un réseau local, dans la mesure où les données sont certes stockées sur un serveur, mais généralement de manière redondante, à plusieurs emplacements, ce qui limite le risque de perte. Les collaborateurs de l’entreprise peuvent alors se connecter par le biais d’Internet au stockage en ligne. Il leur suffit d’un PC, d’une tablette ou d’un smartphone pour accéder aux données dont ils ont besoin. L’accès peut se faire quel que soit l’endroit où ils se trouvent, au bureau, chez eux ou en déplacement.

Solutions de cloud computing : les avantages

Utiliser un ERP cloud présente pour les entreprises de nombreux avantages. Souvent, elles choisissent de passer à une solution cloud pour des raisons de coût. En effet, un ERP cloud permet de réduire l’investissement pour l’achat de matériel et de logiciels ou pour la mise en place de centres de données. De même, l’entreprise n’a pas besoin d’engager un expert en informatique pour gérer l’infrastructure locale, puisque celle-ci se trouve dans le cloud . Installer un centre de données local entraîne de nombreux frais pour une PME. S’y ajoutent des frais de gestion et le temps qu’il faut y consacrer, afin d’appliquer les mises à jour logicielles et de configurer le matériel. L’utilisation de logiciels cloud permet donc aux équipes informatiques en entreprise de se consacrer à d’autres missions et sur la stratégie commerciale. 

Le cloud computing est aussi plus rapide que les ressources locales. S’agissant d’offres à la demande, en libre-service, les PME et les ETI peuvent disposer en quelques minutes d’une puissance importante, mise à disposition par le prestataire. Il en résulte une meilleure flexibilité. L’entreprise n’a plus besoin de se soucier de la planification de ses capacités. C’est d’autant plus vrai que les services informatiques en cloud s’appuient sur un réseau puissant de centres de données. Il est régulièrement mis à niveau avec du matériel informatique rapide et efficace. La latence réseau est donc bien plus faible. 

Enfin, les solutions de cloud computing offrent des avantages en termes de fiabilité et de sécurité. Le cloud ERP simplifie la protection des données, la restauration en cas de problème et la continuité des activités. Le cloud permet en effet la mise en miroir des données, stockées à plusieurs endroits différents. Concernant la sécurité, c’est le prestataire de solutions cloud qui met à disposition les technologies de pointe. Il effectue également les contrôles indispensables. De cette manière, l’environnement informatique des PME et ETI est mieux sécurisé. Les données sont protégées et les applications résistent mieux aux menaces potentielles. 

Les différents types de solutions de cloud computing

L’un des avantages du cloud est, comme nous avons pu le voir, la flexibilité. Selon l’organisation des entreprises, les habitudes de travail et le fonctionnement des équipes, un type donné de cloud computing est plus adapté qu’un autre. Votre prestataire étudie votre cahier des charges et vous propose un ERP basé sur le cloud convenant réellement à vos besoins et à ceux de votre activité. Autrement dit, les solutions de cloud computing sont taillées sur mesure pour les différents utilisateurs. 

La première différence réside dans l’architecture du cloud sur lequel mettre en œuvre vos ressources. Il existe trois options pour la fourniture de services en cloud  : le cloud public, le cloud privé et le cloud  hybride. Dans le cas du cloud public, les ressources informatiques comme les serveurs et les supports de stockage se trouvent sur Internet. Le fournisseur donne accès aux logiciels et applications. Dans le cloud privé, à l’inverse, les ressources informatiques sont dédiées à une seule entreprise. Le cloud peut néanmoins être hébergé par un prestataire externe, pour les raisons que nous avons examinées ci-dessus. Enfin, le cloud hybride combine les deux solutions. 

Les services et les logiciels cloud, quant à eux, appartiennent aux catégories suivantes : 

  • IaaS, ou Infrastructure as a service
  • Paas, ou Platform as a service
  • Saas, ou Software as a service. 

Ces catégories peuvent évidemment se combiner pour fournir aux entreprises un service intégralement externalisé dans le cloud.

À quel moment une entreprise devrait-elle avoir recours à un ERP cloud ?

Vous vous demandez si des solutions de cloud computing sont faites pour vous ? Voici quelques éléments de réponse, sachant qu’aujourd’hui, environ un quart des entreprises a recours à un ERP cloud

La réponse à cette question est relativement simple. L’utilisation du cloud computing apporte un plus indéniable dès lors que les données de l’entreprise doivent être disponibles à partir de plus d’un terminal numérique. Lorsque les collaborateurs de la PME utilisent des terminaux mobiles comme le smartphone ou les tablettes, le recours au cloud s’impose. Le cloud permet, comme nous l’avons vu, l’accès décentralisé aux données. Vos collaborateurs peuvent y accéder de partout, et pas seulement depuis le siège de l’entreprise.

Les solutions en cloud sont intéressantes pour les entreprises qui sont basées sur plusieurs sites différents, d’où elles doivent pouvoir consulter une base de données commune. C’est aussi le cas lorsque l’entreprise connaît une croissance rapide et qu’il lui faut des capacités informatiques supplémentaires. Le cloud est par ailleurs une solution de mobilité par excellence, incontournable à l’heure du télétravail. Grâce au cloud  privé, la PME peut évoluer de manière flexible, en fonction de ses besoins en capacité de stockage et de calcul.  L’accès aux données est accordé de manière sécurisée uniquement à ceux qui doivent pouvoir s’en servir. Le plus souvent, l’investissement dans une solution de cloud computing est rentabilisé rapidement, en une année environ. 

Contrairement à ce qu’on pense souvent, les ERP cloud offrent une sécurité améliorée par rapport à la plupart des solutions locales. Le scepticisme que l’on rencontre parfois à l’égard des solutions en cloud n’est donc en aucun cas justifié. Le cryptage des données, en particulier, peut être mis en œuvre dans le cloud  comme sur un serveur local. Il est important que le prestataire fournisse une solution de cryptage adaptée, auquel cas le stockage en cloud ne pose pas de problème particulier. Pour une sécurité optimale, nous vous conseillons évidemment le recours à des solutions de cloud computing dans le cloud  privé. 

Le cloud pour quelles utilisations ?

Le cloud computing permet de nombreuses utilisations. En voici quelques exemples, parmi les plus intéressants pour les PME / ETI. Le cloud  permet tout d’abord de créer des applications et de les faire évoluer. On peut s’en servir aussi bien pour les applications sur ordinateur que pour les applications mobiles. Le cloud est particulièrement adapté aux applications API. Il est non seulement possible de les créer, mais aussi de les tester dans le cloud, de manière optimisée.

L’utilisation la plus courante est cependant le stockage de données, et leur restauration en cas de problème informatique. Le cloud contribue donc à la protection des données de l’entreprise. Ces données sont accessibles de partout. Il est facile de les analyser, en les partageant entre les membres de vos équipes et les différents services. Les services d’intelligence artificielle basés dans le cloud aident les dirigeants à prendre les meilleures décisions stratégiques. 

La puissance des solutions basées dans le cloud vous permettra aussi d’offrir des supports audio et vidéo à vos clients. Ils pourront les consulter depuis n’importe quel emplacement, et sur n’importe quel terminal. Enfin, ce type d’hébergement est aujourd’hui incontournable pour y stocker des logiciels cloud, avec utilisation à la demande, ce qu’on appelle SaaS pour Software as a service. 

Choisir les solutions de cloud computing SAP

SAP est spécialisé dans les solutions de cloud computing. Ce sont aujourd’hui plus de 200 millions d’utilisateurs du cloud qui les ont choisies comme support pour leur activité. SAP met en œuvre des technologies intelligentes depuis plus de 40 ans et accompagne les entreprises comme les PME / ETI. Aujourd’hui, SAP est la société de logiciels cloud leader dans le monde. Elle fournit en particulier des ERP cloud pour faciliter l’organisation de travail au quotidien et optimiser les processus de gestion. Tous les outils SAP peuvent être basés dans le cloud et sont conçus dans ce but. 

Nous avons développé en particulier différentes solutions pour les PME / ETI afin de les aider à gérer leur trésorerie, leurs stocks, le télétravail, les missions des différents collaborateurs ou encore les opérations financières. Grâce aux solutions SAP, votre entreprise répond de manière plus agile à l’évolution du marché. De plus, elle améliore son indice de satisfaction client. Vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur nos solutions de cloud computing ou nos ERP cloud ?

N’hésitez pas à nous contacter, par téléphone, par courriel ou par le chat. Notre service de support analysera précisément vos besoins et vous orientera vers les solutions les mieux adaptées à votre entreprise.

The post Solution Cloud Computing : maitrisez le Big Data et accélérez l’innovation de votre PME/ETI appeared first on SAP France News.

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With the advancement and growth in technology and the arrival of DevOps and Agile, the software testing industry is witnessing numerous changes. Software Testing has traversed a long path from manual testing to record-and-playback sophisticated testing tools, then to test automation, and now to codeless automated testing.

World Quality Report 2020–2021 states that not having advanced programming know-how and expertise is considered one of the critical challenges when applying automated testing to Agile projects. We could perhaps state that the development of codeless testing tools is a promising solution to the challenge.

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Microservices have crafted highly flexible and adaptable IT infrastructures. Microservices is a unique software development approach that concentrates on creating single-function modules that work jointly to execute the same tasks. It enables you to alter only one service, without modifying the rest of the infrastructure. In simple words, one can easily deploy and change every service without affecting the functional facets of other applications or services. Instead of following an old monolithic architecture (sole app with manifold functions), testers and developers use this microservice approach to build independent modules for every function.

However, the microservice architecture can also make an app extra complicated, particularly when we add several functionalities. Likewise, testing the combined functionality of numerous services is a lot more complicated due to the distributed nature of the app. As microservices follow a dissimilar architecture, we also require an exceptional strategy for testing microservices. In this article, we will explore different tools for testing microservice applications. Testing microservices can assist us in eradicating several issues by avoiding a domino effect. 

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The user interface, or UI for short, is the aspect of an app or website that users interact with naturally. Since the UI is the part that is most commonly used, it leaves a lasting impression on users that can either be positive or negative.

The design of the user interface and it’s functionality are what can make or break programs. That’s why UI testing has become integral in the world of software and web development.

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As we all know the Cloud-based systems are becoming the most popular architecture in the software engineering world, and the most famous and beloved Cloud platform among developers is Spring Cloud.

Spring Cloud has some important features which are given in the following parts and the feature part does a specific job:

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By now you’re likely aware of JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). Heck, I’d be willing to bet that there’s even a good chance that you’ve used it for one reason or another. And, honestly, I’m sure that reason was a good one. JSON has become ubiquitous in the software industry because it provides developers with a simple and flexible way of managing data.

In the context of databases, JSON was often thought of as something you’d use with NoSQL solutions. However, over the past few years, JSON integrations have made their way into the relational world. And for good reason. The ability to store JSON documents within a relational database allows you to create hybrid data models, containing both structured and semi-structured data, and enjoy all of the benefits of JSON without having to sacrifice the advantages of relational databases (e.g. SQL and all things data integrity).

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Looking to give your homepage a well-needed design update in late 2021 or 2022? Not a bad idea; first impressions are crucial when it comes to business websites. But, fixing your homepage and website design is no easy feat.

Web design trends are evolving faster. Blame the ever-decreasing user’s attention span. The average visitor now spends just 0.5 seconds scanning your homepage to form an opinion about your brand and decide whether to click through or bounce.

Increased user expectations and uncertainty in the user’s response, which is highly impacted by the site’s first impression, are other reasons to consider. This is why the designs which were trending in 2019 are no longer viable in 2021 or 2022.

We have curated the ten best examples of homepage designs to inspire your business in 2022, including a rundown of the best strategies and tips.

Let’s start by highlighting why homepage optimization is necessary for 2022:

Why Your Homepage Will Be So Important in 2022

Your website — especially your homepage — is your brand’s first chance to attract, build trust with, and connect with visitors.

According to recent statistics on why website design is important:

  1. 38% of visitors will stop interacting with a website if they think the layout isn’t visually appealing or intuitive. This creates a higher bounce rate and fewer conversions.
  2. 94% of a visitor’s first impression is based on website design (including colors, fonts, layout, navigation menus, etc.).
  3. 46% of people base a business’s credibility on the aesthetics of its website. Brands with less-than-stellar homepage designs are seen as less trustworthy than companies investing in the visitor experience.

Think of it the same way as walking into a brick-and-mortar store. Visitors are more enticed by a carefully curated ambiance of neatly stocked shelves and welcoming employees than a store that’s dark, messy, or seemingly unfriendly.

Using this logic, your homepage’s above-the-fold section is where you’ll greet visitors and reel them in for more.

10 Homepage Design Comparisons (2019 vs. 2021) To Inspire Your Business Website Design in 2022

Homepage design has come a long way since 2019. In this section, you will explore how.

These homepage designs crush it above the fold. Take just a few of these tips to heart, and your website will be poised to attract leads and conversions — no matter which industry you’re in.

1. Netflix – Crafting The Perfect Call To Action That Reduces Friction With An Additional FAQs Section

Most businesses make the mistake of adding a CTA button that first persuades the user to click on it and then asks for the visitor’s email address.

Netflix also did the same in its 2019 design.

However, Netflix combined both steps in its 2021 homepage design.

The new, improved 2021 homepage design asks for the user email address right up front along with the CTA button.

Here is a good comparison of both the designs:

2019 homepage design


2021 homepage design

Key Takeaways:

  • The design encourages visitors to enter their email address right when they land on the homepage. As a result, form submission is much easier when the user has started the process. Hence, Netflix makes it easier for visitors to move along their conversion funnel nicely by reducing the friction.
  • The 2021 design also has a nice FAQ section that provides quick information about the company’s services and improves the overall user experience.
  • FAQs also help increase the organic presence of the website in the search engines because Google presents snippets from the FAQ section in the form of an answer box in the search results.

2. Spotify – Revamped Color Combinations For Improved CTA Visibility And Using The ‘Rule of Three’ For Heading Text

The older 2019 Spotify homepage design used light pink and orange colors in its home page main area. The CTA color was green, but if you look closely, the CTA lacks visibility.

The new 2021 design uses blue and green colors with a much larger font size for the main heading. The colors are attractive, and the CTA is visible clearly.

Here is the comparison of the Spotify homepage 2019 design vs. 2020 design:

2019 homepage design


2021 homepage design

Key Takeaways:

  • Blue is the most versatile color, and green is the perfect choice for the CTA button. Spotify used universally accepted color combinations to redesign its homepage and made the CTA more visible.
  • The main heading is also made larger than it was in the 2019 design, and it follows the rule of three in writing which is effective and satisfying. It uses just three words in the main heading to allow the human brain to process information as a pattern that is more memorable.

3. Hulu – Give Priority To Your Brand Name And Hide Pricing

If you compare the Hulu 2019 vs. 2021 Hulu homepage, the brand name has been prioritized and shown as the main heading.

Moreover, the older homepage had pricing information everywhere, which has been reduced intelligently in the new design.

2019 homepage design


2021 homepage design

Key Takeaways:

  • The brand name ‘Hulu’ is displayed as the main heading of the homepage, which helps to build audience trust.
  • The older design persuaded the users to pick a paid plan even though they had a free trial option—this discouraged users from trying their service. The new 2021 design encourages users to try the platform for free. In addition, the packages have prominent CTAs that mention “try for $0”. This design move improves conversions on the website.
  • The new design makes it easier for the visitors to select a viewing plan with easy comparison of the three available plans. The best part is, customers can start all the plans for $0. It’s a win-win situation for the users, and they can quickly pick a plan to start watching Hulu.

4. Nextiva – Reduce Visual Noise And Add Pictures In Menu To Improve UX

Nextiva realized the importance of reducing visual noise in its newly designed 2021 homepage. Visual noise happens when you use too many colors to attract user attention. Different colors compete with each other resulting in diluted customer observation.

In the old 2019 homepage, Nextiva used orange, blue, and green as the primary colors, while in the 2021 revamped design, they have used blue as the main color.

Here is a comparison of the two designs:

2019 homepage design


2021 homepage design

Moreover, the older homepage didn’t have an image in the product menu, but the new 2021 homepage improves the UX further.

Below is a comparison:

2019 homepage design


2021 homepage design

Key Takeaways:

  • Nextiva used blue as their base color for the homepage design and removed orange and green colors to reduce visual complexity. This is an excellent change to keep the user’s attention focused. Notice the green colored bar at the top of the homepage in the 2019 version now replaced with blue.
  • The 2021 design has a clean look compared to the 2019 design, which looks scattered with too many different elements, including CTAs that confuse the users.
  • The product menu does an excellent job of linking intelligently to service pages such as phone systems and video meetings. The image of a smiling lady attracts users to click on Nextiva’s products to learn more about them. Improving UX is an impressive way to reduce bounce rates and increase time on site.

5. GoToMeeting – Avoid Lengthy Sign Up Form, Educate Users About Your Products, and Add Images That Depict The Current Needs of The Audience

GoToMeeting does a great job educating the users about their product by adding more content on the homepage that comprehensively explains their product features.

Moreover, they have replaced the older hero image with a new picture that portrays the changing needs of their audiences. Nowadays, there is a rise in work from home culture due to Covid-19. Hence, the photo and the heading text clearly target the needs of their users.

Here is a comparison of the 2019 vs. 2020 homepage of GoToMeeting:

2019 homepage design


2021 homepage design

Key Takeaways:

  • The 2019 homepage design had a sign-up form on the homepage, which GoToMeeting removed in the 2021 design. People hate to fill in so much information right when they land on the home page. Hence, GoToMeeting did the right thing by removing the signup form from their homepage.
  • The hero image steals the show of the 2021 redesign because the picture of a working mom with her kid playing studying in front of her is a great way to portray the current needs of the society when over 60% of the employees are working from home. Audiences can quickly relate their working environment with the hero image leading to more sign-ups.
  • The older 2019 design was confusing, and it made little effort to help the users understand the different features of the product. The new 2021 homepage design has a product features section that explains the different features of the software. When users are educated about the product, they earn the confidence to try the product.

6. Zillow – Apply Hick’s Law To Allow Visitors To Take Faster Decisions

Zillow does an impressive job of applying Hick’s Law in allowing visitors to make faster decisions. Hick’s law states that the more options you present to the users, the faster they will decide. Therefore, it is a major factor in improving website usability.

The old 2019 homepage design of Zillow offered too many options to the users, like they want to buy, rent, or sell a property. The users first select either one of the three options and then enter the zip code to start their search.

The new 2021 homepage design changed that. Now, Zillow offers users a single option. They only need to enter the zip code to get started.

By reducing the number of actions that users need to take to just one, the homepage design eases the overall decision-making process of the site visitors.

2019 homepage design


2021 homepage design

Key Takeaways:

  • The new homepage design has a simple search bar that persuades visitors to take prompt action.
  • The Hero image is placed smartly behind the search bar to depict the needs of the users accurately.
  • The homepage does have three different panels for buying, renting, or selling a home when the users scroll below. The old design is missing that. The new design removed so many options above the fold and kept just a single option for the users to encourage more users to search properties on the site.

7. Plex – Placement of Prominent Calls-to-Action On Homepage

The CTA is a key element of every website. It helps the users decide on their next action and helps to convert the visitors into leads.

Plex lacked an optimized CTA placement in its 2019 home page design. Hence, the 2021 design received an uplift to better place the CTA for increased visitor engagement.

Take a look at the home page designs of Plex from two different years. If you compare the two home pages of 2019 vs. 2021, the primary difference that will grab your attention is the CTA.

2019 homepage design


2021 homepage design

Key Takeaways:

  • The call-to-action buttons are more prominent and have actionable texts.
  • The number of CTA buttons is increased to two to encourage users to take action.
  • The additional CTA button is wisely placed at the center to get immediate attention.
  • Note that the color choice for the button is also bright and highly contrasts with the background yet matches the color theme.
  • The old heading text ‘Stream Smarter’ was confusing because it didn’t help the users understand what Plex does. Hence it is now revised to ‘Watch Free Movies and TV on Plex.’ The new text is easy to understand and has the word ‘Free’ to increase the number of visitors clicking on the CTA.

8. Dropbox – More Above The Fold Content And Change of Fonts

Dropbox has significantly worked on its main content, which is clearly visible in the comparison homepage design images of 2019 vs. 2021.

The 2021 homepage is seen fixing faded, minimalistic, and less engaging content in the older homepage.

2019 homepage design


2021 homepage design

Key Takeaways:

  • Sans serifs, with their clean readability, are included for longer bouts of the homepage.
  • Bold sans text is doing the job of drawing user attention effortlessly.
  • The color contrast of the text with the background is increased, which improves the visibility.
  • The right side image of a laptop is replaced with a screenshot of the software, which intrigues users to know more.

9. Cisco – Moving Blocks To Outsmart Competitor Websites

The homepage design of American technology company Cisco has seen a drastic change in 2021; it deserves to appear on this list. The company website smartly represents an appeal for future development through its killer homepage design.

Here is a comparison of the old 2019 homepage design vs. the new moving block design of 2021:

2019 homepage design


2021 homepage design

Key Takeaways

  • The home page contains moving blocks with news from the blog. As you hover over the image, it widens up, and a CTA button appears. The blocks represent a design of the future which the competitors might find hard to replicate.
  • Every block has a CTA, which was missing in the 2019 design. Each block represents a specific Cisco service and caters to the different needs of the visitors.
  • The new design is elegant and cleaner with lots of information.

10. Slack – Product Video On Home Page For More Conversions

Slack has made it easier for the users to understand the product well by using a video on the homepage.

The 2019 design has an image, while the 2021 design has a video that helps the visitors understand how the product works.

Here is a comparison of the 2019 design vs. 2021 design:

2019 homepage design


2021 homepage design

Key Takeaways

  • The inclusion of a product video leaves a great impression in the minds of the visitors and shows them what your product does.
  • Video helps Slack to make its value proposition clear and super fast.
  • Video has a strong correlation to conversions, and they work well as compared to hero images. Slack used a hero image on the homepage in 2019, but they replaced it with a video in 2021.

Final Thoughts on Using These Homepage Designs for Inspiration in 2021

By making it to this point in our guide, you now have plenty of inspiration to run with when upgrading your homepage. You should also have a better understanding of how powerful this tool may become for your brand.

So now it’s time to brainstorm how to use these ideas for your own 2021 homepage design. First, jot down the key points from this guide and honestly assess how your website currently compares.

Accomplish this task, and your brand might see an uptick in website traffic and conversions. It may even earn a spot in a roundup of killer website designs just like this one.


The post 10 Homepage Design Comparisons to Inspire Your Business in 2022 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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The second and final episode of Dev Interrupted‘s two- part series with Senior Google Staff Engineers Hyrum Wright and Titus Winters has premiered.

If you haven’t listened to their first episode, I highly recommend checking it out. Both guests bring a deep understanding of software engineering to the show: Hyrum is semi-famous as the « Hyrum » of Hyrum’s Law; while Titus is responsible for managing 250 million lines of code and over 12,000 developers.

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The first-ever RT-Thread IoT OS Global Tech Conference will be held from September 16–17,2021 features embedded technologies, new projects showcase, community contributors track. We welcome embedded developers from across different countries to come together to exchange ideas, showcase projects, identify solutions, discuss future strategies, and provide mutual learning opportunities on a wide variety of topics, let’s exploring embedded technologies.

Register for free here!

RT-Thread Tech Conference

About RT-Thread

RT-Thread is an embedded real-time operating system, with its rich middle-tier components and great hardware & software ecosystem delivered great support for the Internet of Things (IoT) industry. Born in 2006, till now, RT-Thread has powered 1 billion devices, applied in Wearable Devices, Smart Home Appliances, Energy, Automotive Electronics, Medical Electronics, Consumer Electronics, and many other industries.

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