
A Question and Answer session with guests: 

Spring Framework is by far the most popular framework for writing Java applications. Why is Spring so dominant, and how will it hold its ground against newer frameworks? We’ll ask our guests those and other questions on this week’s Deploy Friday. 

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In the video below, we take a closer look at Spring Auto-Wiring Beans with @Autowired annotation. Let’s get started!

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Hi, Spring fans! In this installment of Spring Tips, we’re going to look at Alibaba’s Apache RocketMQ. We’ve talked some about Alibaba in Spring Tips before. Check out the earlier Spring Tips installment in which we explore some of Spring Cloud Alibaba.

Running Apache RocketMQ

In order to use Apache RocketMQ, you’ll need to follow the steps in the RocketMQ quickstart. This Spring Tips installment introduces Apache RocketMQ, originally a technology developed and used internally at Alibaba and proven in the forge of 11/11, the famous Chinese sales holiday, sort of like “Cyber Monday,” or “Black Friday,” in the US. Sort of like that, but waaaaaay bigger. In 2019, Alibaba (alone, with no other e-commerce engines involved), made almost $40 billion USD in 24 hours. This required that trillions of messages be sent through something that could scale to meet the demand. RocketMQ is the only thing they could trust.

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In this article, we focus our attention on the DevOps.

What is DevOps? How is it different from Agile? What are the popular DevOps Tools? What is the role of Docker, Kubernetes and Azure DevOps in DevOps. Let’s get started with a simple use case.

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You can build a custom skill for Alexa by extending a servlet that accepts requests from and sends responses to the Alexa service in the cloud.

This project will walk through how to build an Alexa Skill with Spring Boot and Http Servlet mapping examples.

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Monitoring production is an important part of a software service provider. Many companies providing monitoring systems for maintaining the production environment. Spring Boot comes with different awesome modules that developers can easily configure and maintain development and production environments with. The actuator module provides production-ready features by which we can easily maintain the production environment. The actuator exposes JMX and HTTP endpoints.


  • Endpoints: Spring Boot Actuator provides some default endpoints by which we can access application information. We can also monitor the production environment with those endpoints. Endpoints can also be accessed by third-party monitoring tools.
  • Metrics: We can access OS and JVM related information using spring boot actuator endpoints. This is very useful for runtime environment. Spring boot actuator provides this feature by integrating with micrometer application monitoring.
  • Audit: Spring Boot Actuator publishes events to  AuditEventRepository. Spring security by default publishes “authentication success,” “failure,” and “access denied” exceptions. This is a very useful feature for reporting and authentication failures. Auditing can be enabled by AuditEventRepository. By default, spring-boot provides InMemoryAuditEventRepository for auditing which has limited capabilities.
  • HTTP Tracing: Spring boot actuator also provides an HTTP tracing facility. If you want to use it you have to include web endpoint. Http tracing provides the information about request-response exchange.

Important Endpoints

Spring Boot Actuator provides the listed HTTP and JMX endpoint. We will discuss in detail later part of this article.

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HTTPS is a secure version of HTTP designed to provide Transport Layer Security (TLS) [the successor to Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)], the padlock icon in the address bar that establishes an encrypted connection between a web server and a browser. HTTPS encrypts every data packet to transmit in a secure way and protects sensitive data from an eavesdropper or hacker.

You can implement HTTPS by installing the SSL certificates on your web application. You can use either certificate issued by trusted Certificate Authorities (CA) or Self-Signed Certificate.

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This is already the third article that describes how to test asynchronous operations with the Byteman framework in an application using the Spring framework. The article focuses on how to do such testing with the JUnit 5 library.

The previous article focused on how such testing could be done with the usage of the JUnit 4 library (first article) and Spock framework (second article).

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Spring, work your magic!

Auto-configuration is probably one of the most important reasons why you would decide to use frameworks like Spring Boot. Thanks to that feature, it is usually enough just to include an additional library and override some configuration properties to successfully use it in your application.

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Learn how to develop a custom Spring Cloud Stream binder from scratch.

Spring Cloud Stream is a framework built on top of Spring Boot and Spring Integration that is designed to build event-driven microservices communicating via one or more shared messaging systems.

The core Spring Cloud Stream component is called Binder,” a crucial abstraction that’s already been implemented for the most common messaging systems (e.g. Apache Kafka, Kafka Streams, Google PubSub, RabbitMQ, Azure EventHub, and Azure ServiceBus).

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