
Part 1 connected to this article focuses on users, groups, and policy automation with Terraform. If you haven’t read it yet, it’s called Managing AWS IAM With Terraform: Part 1.

Following the first part, in this tutorial, we will cover:

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In this tutorial, we’ll go over how to use and understand React Hooks. This article is an extension of article how-to-manage-state-with-hooks-on-react-components. It has been expanded with other Hooks and logic and Lessons Learned.

Here we create a simple product page with a shopping cart (see image 2). The shopping cart represents the memory (or the ‘state’) of the product page. The state generally refers to application data that must be tracked.

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In this post, we will learn to scrape Google organic search results using Node JS.


Before we start, we will install these packages, which we will use further in the tutorial:

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Alert windows are widely used across websites where an alert message acts as a mode to ‘interrupt’ the current flow of the user journey. A simple example of a JavaScript alert would be someone filling in details on the sign-up page and submitting the details without entering some mandatory information. This user flow also needs to be verified when Selenium automation testing is performed on the web product. 

Handling pop-ups and alerts are one of the common test scenarios that should be tested using Selenium WebDriver. In this post of the Selenium Python tutorial series, we look at how to handle JavaScript alerts in Python. It is worth mentioning that the core fundamentals of JavaScript alerts and popups remain unchanged irrespective of the programming language used for Selenium.

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Nestjs is a cutting-edge Node.js framework for developing server-side applications that are efficient, dependable, and scalable. It is simple to integrate with NoSQL and SQL databases such as MongoDB, Yugabyte, SQLite, Postgres, MySQL, and others. It supports popular object-relational mappers such as TypeORM Sequelize and Mongoose.

In this tutorial, we’ll create an e-commerce application with SQLite and TypeORM. We’ll also look at Arctype, a powerful SQL client and database management tool.

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In the early days of software development, anyone seeking to develop a web, mobile, or backend application had to own the hardware required to run a server, which is an expensive process.

Then, when cloud computing came, it became possible to lease server space or a number of servers remotely. The developers and companies who rent these fixed units of server space generally overbuy to ensure that a spike in traffic or activity won’t exceed their monthly limits and break their applications. Because of this, a lot of the server space that gets paid for can be wasted.

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The NonNullable type is a utility type in TypeScript that creates a new type, whilst removing all null or undefined elements. It lets us take existing types, and modify them so they are more suitable in certain situations. Let’s look at how it works.

Custom Types

This article covers custom types. To learn more about custom types, read my guide about it here.

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Ever looked for a comprehensive intro to Maven that is fun and entertaining at the same time? Then have a look at this brand-new episode of the « Marco Codes » YouTube channel: Maven Tutorial – Nice & Easy.

In this video, you’ll learn how to use Maven like a professional: installations, using the mvn wrapper, using Maven together with IDEs, and of course the Maven basics. From pom.xml concepts to running commands (clean install) to understanding Maven repositories and multi-module projects, by the end of it, there won’t be many questions left when it comes to Maven.

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A combination of AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway is a widely-used architecture for serverless microservices and API-based solutions. They enable developers to focus on their applications, instead of spending time provisioning and managing servers.

API Gateway is a feature-rich offering that includes support for different API types (HTTP, REST, WebSocket), multiple authentication schemes, API versioning, canary deployments, and much more! However, if your requirements are simpler and all you need is an HTTP(S) endpoint for your Lambda function (for example, to serve as a webhook), you can use Lambda Function URLs! When you create a function URL, Lambda automatically generates a unique HTTP(S) endpoint that is dedicated to your Lambda function.

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Securing applications is not the easiest thing to do. An application has many components: server-side logic, client-side logic, data storage, data transportation, API, and more. With all these components to secure, building a secure application can seem really daunting.

Thankfully, most real-life vulnerabilities share the same root causes. And by studying these common vulnerability types, why they happen, and how to spot them, you can learn to prevent them and secure your application.

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