
We’re going to have some fun this month. There are so many new tools and resources out there for designers that make life easier, and others are simply enjoyable.

Here’s what is new for designers this month …

Polka Dot Generator

Polka Dot Generator is exactly what you think. Adjust colors, dot size, shadow, and fuzziness, and then export the CSS for use in your projects. This could make for fun effects or backgrounds.

Design Memes

Design Memes is just a lot of fun. It’s a collection of memes based on design culture updated daily. It’s a little silly and a little reflective. Yes, it’s completely ok to laugh at yourself.


Pppointed is an SVG arrow-making tool that helps you create cool pointers without a lot of effort. Just pick a color, shape, and style, and you are ready to go. Save your custom arrows as SVG files or copy the code and use them on the web whenever you want to point at things visually.

Open Source Color System

Open Source Color System is a set of palettes that include carefully picked colors to help you overcome interface challenges. For example, it is one of the only color tools out there that includes palettes for light and dark modes. It’s also designed with accessibility in mind to help you create a complete and usable system.


Cowsay is a nifty little web interface of the same name made with Svelte and HTML Canvas. Play with it and then copy your art as ASCII or an image.


Minze is a simple JavaScript framework for native web components. It’s tiny and fast, modern, shareable, framework agnostic, and uses TypeScript to scale your component library. Plus, you can get started with it right away.


Tally is a simple – and free – online form builder. You can use it without coding, and it works like a document file, so there’s no learning curve. You can create unlimited forms, integrate with other tools, set logic, collect payments, and more. There’s a pro version as well if you need even more features.


Hue.Tools is another color tool to help you maximize effort when creating palettes. Generate a color you like, see specs and values in all the different color spaces, inspiration from design sites, and colors that work with it. It’s fun and functional.


Sturdy is a low overhead code collaboration platform for fast-moving teams. With Sturdy, you work in the open with your team. Discover and interact with draft code as it is written. Those team drafts are like live pull requests (Figma or Google Docs) but using your local editor.


Mage is a tool that transforms your data into predictions. Build, train, and deploy predictive models in minutes with no AI experience required. This is a premium tool, but you can try it for free.


Huemint is a machine-learning-based color scheme generator for websites, graphics, and branding. There are many options to play with, and you can generate some pretty interesting combinations that ordinarily you might not think of.


CSSUI is another tool you’ll love because it includes pure CSS interactive components without any JavaScript. It’s easy to customize, uses standard HTML, is easy for all levels to use, is tiny and fast, and supports pretty much all modern browsers. It’s an open-source tool that you can download and use immediately.

UI Icons Line – Free

UI Icons Line – Free is a set of 1,000 free vectors for use in your projects. Who doesn’t need a robust set of icons?

Skill Icons

Skill Icons is a set of icons to help you showcase your design and development skills on your resume or GitHub. They all look great and match.

Ambient Design

Ambient Design is a mobile app design market where you can get mobile UI kits for Figma. Purchase kits separately, or buy quarterly or yearly plans to access all current and future UI kits.


TextFrame lets you create animated tutorials for your users to get the help they need. It integrates directly with WordPress or any other website with just a couple of lines of code and includes plenty of customizable options to make it easy for you to help others understand how to use the website. The tool is free for one site and just a few bucks per month for additional sites.


Booqsi is a fun new social media network for book lovers. The platform is still in beta and lets you save and share books, create shelves for reading, and doesn’t force a connection to Amazon. It’s just all about the books. And there’s a bonus: every link from the site goes back to to help you find and support local bookstores.


Stylo is an open-source WYSIWYG interactive editor for JavaScript. It is made to bring great user experience and interactivity to the web, for everyone, with no dependencies. It has an interactive design, is customizable, and is future-proof.

Tutorial: How to Favicon in 2022

How to Favicon in 2022 is an excellent lesson on the five icon files every website needs (plus one JSON file). If you are creating more than that, this is a must-read.

Tutorial: Creating Generative SVG Grids

Creating Generative SVG Grids is an in-depth, step-by-step tutorial for anyone who wants to create a more artistic SVG. It uses a handful of tools, including SVG.js, Generative Utils, TinyColor, and GSAP.


Fromage is a new and beautiful premium typeface family from Adam Ladd. It includes 14 styles with an interesting serif and alternative sans option. The high-contrast design is great for a variety of projects.

HD Colton

HD Colton is a premium super sans serif typeface with a whopping 91 styles and family package options. It would make a bold statement as a display option.


The post Exciting New Tools For Designers, March 2022 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Every day design fans submit incredible industry stories to our sister-site, Webdesigner News. Our colleagues sift through it, selecting the very best stories from the design, UX, tech, and development worlds and posting them live on the site.
The best way to keep up with the most important stories for web professionals is to subscribe to Webdesigner News or check out the site regularly. However, in case you missed a day this week, here’s a handy compilation of the top curated stories from the last seven days. Enjoy!”

Need a Laugh? Check Out these Car Logos Drawn from Memory

10 Useful CSS Tricks for Front-end Developers

13 Inspiring Examples of Contact Page Design

5 Tips for Creating Innovative UX Design

Mockover – Create Mockups from any Image on the Web

5 Must-Have Elements of a Successful Footer in 2022

MDB – Super Cool Badges for your Projects

Uimini – Uimini Modern and Lightweight CSS Framework

16 Google Search Tips for Developers

Chrome OS Flex: What It Is, and Why You Should Use It

Doodle Icons – 400+ Handcrafted Icons Free for your Next Project

CSS Box Shadow Tutorial: A Step-By-Step Guide (+ Examples)

Type Trends 2022


The post Popular Design News of the Week: March 7, 2022 – March 13, 2022 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Alongside HTML and CSS, JavaScript makes up the holy trinity of front-end technologies.

JavaScript is cross-platform and object-orientated. You can use it for everything from simple animation to complex server-side operations. JavaScript fell out of fashion after its initial release; however, it has grown to dominate web coding in the last decade.

But how much do you actually know about JavaScript? Let’s find out…


The post Quiz: The Surprisingly Difficult JavaScript Quiz first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Paris, le 7 mars 2022 – Afin de répondre aux préoccupations des dirigeants et collaborateurs face à l’augmentation de cyberattaques protéiformes et de plus en plus sophistiquées, SAP SE (NYSE : SAP), Trustpair et Accenture ont mené une étude portant sur la lutte contre les risques de fraude au virement. Cette enquête souligne une importante prise de maturité des entreprises face à la fraude, ainsi qu’une évolution positive de la perception des dispositifs visant lutter contre celle-ci.

Tandis que 95% des entreprises ont fait l’objet d’une tentative de fraude en 2021, dont les trois quarts de ces tentatives ont entraîné une perte financière, 2022 se place sous le signe d’une mise en marche des entreprises, avec une volonté forte de se professionnaliser dans la gestion de la lutte contre la fraude au virement. Les entreprises multiplient ainsi les projets d’envergure et mieux intégrés à leurs systèmes d’information.

Quelques chiffres clés permettent de dresser un diagnostic des risques de fraude auxquels font face les entreprises, mais également les enjeux de sécurisation inhérents :

  • Pour 85% des répondants, la vulnérabilité des entreprises face à la fraude s’explique par la forte augmentation des cyberattaques.
  • Parmi les entreprises victimes de fraude, la fraude au RIB arrive largement en tête (64%), suivie par la fraude au faux fournisseur (43%) et le phishing (40%).
  • Alors que 87% des répondants savent qu’il existe des solutions anti-fraude, 58% des entreprises n’auraient aucune solution technologique dédiée à la fraude au virement. Toutefois, il s’agit d’un enjeu prioritaire, car 67% d’entre elles ont entrepris un projet de lutte contre la fraude au virement en 2021.
  • On apprend également que près d’un quart des répondants souhaitent que les ERP occupent un rôle de conseiller sur la sécurisation de leurs virements. En effet, le rôle d’un ERP est fondamental, car des modules spécifiques dédiés à la lutte contre la fraude sont de plus en plus présents, ainsi que des solutions spécialisées directement intégrées dans l’environnement technique des entreprises.

« L’étude montre une chose : une sensibilité toujours plus grande au besoin de s’équiper d’une solution digitale contre la fraude au virement », déclare Baptiste Collot, Président et co-fondateur de Trustpair. « Ce constat va de pair avec l’évolution des tentatives de fraude, puisqu’il y a quelques années, les corporates avaient essentiellement pour réponses de continuer à mettre en place des processus manuels pour se protéger de ces risques-là. »

« Cette étude met en lumière l’enjeu croissant autour des ERP et de l’automatisation des processus dans la lutte contre les tentatives de fraude. Notre expertise combinée à celle de notre partenaire Trustpair dans la sécurisation des coordonnées bancaires est reconnue (avec une note de confiance à 8,6/10), et il semble, aujourd’hui plus que jamais, indispensable de répondre à la demande d’accompagnement de nos clients, en leur fournissant tous les conseils et ressources nécessaires pour mieux se défendre contre ce type de cyberattaques », selon François Bourgeois, Sales Director Finance & Risk – SAP France.

L’étude a été menée du 1er décembre 2021 au 25 janvier 2022 auprès de 134 Directeurs Financiers et Directeurs Trésorerie d’ETI et de grands groupes français, via un questionnaire par internet et par téléphone.

Pour télécharger l’étude dans son intégralité : lien.


À propos de SAP

La stratégie de SAP vise à aider chaque organisation à fonctionner en “entreprise intelligente”. En tant que leader du marché des logiciels d’application d’entreprise, nous aidons les entreprises de toutes tailles et de tous secteurs à opérer au mieux : 77 % des transactions commerciales mondiales entrent en contact avec un système SAP®. Nos technologies de Machine Learning, d’Internet des objets (IoT) et d’analytique avancées aident nos clients à transformer leurs activités en “entreprises intelligentes”. SAP permet aux personnes et aux organisations d’avoir une vision approfondie de leur business et favorise la collaboration afin qu’elles puissent garder une longueur d’avance sur leurs concurrents. Nous simplifions la technologie afin que les entreprises puissent utiliser nos logiciels comme elles le souhaitent – sans interruption. Notre suite d’applications et de services de bout en bout permet aux clients privés et publics de 25 secteurs d’activité dans le monde de fonctionner de manière rentable, de s’adapter en permanence et de faire la différence. Avec son réseau mondial de clients, partenaires, employés et leaders d’opinion, SAP aide le monde à mieux fonctionner et à améliorer la vie de chacun. Pour plus d’informations, visitez le site

SAP News Center. Suivez SAP sur Twitter : @SAPNews.

À propos de Trustpair

Trustpair est la plateforme de gestion de risque de tiers spécialisée dans la lutte contre la fraude au virement.

Créé en 2017, Trustpair accompagne les Directions financières des grandes entreprises et ETI dans la sécurisation de leurs paiements en vérifiant automatiquement les coordonnées bancaires de leurs tiers. Avec Trustpair, plus de de 150 Directions financières sont déjà dotées d’une solution digitale pour déjouer les fraudes via :

  • Le contrôle automatique des RIB fournisseurs
  • L’audit continu et en temps réel du référentiel tiers
  • La sécurisation de l’ensemble de leurs campagnes de paiements


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In this video tutorial below, we take a closer look at Messaging Design Pattern(MDP) in Java. This tutorial includes an introduction and implementation of a proxy, adapter, and web service. Let’s get started!

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The email channel is known for multiple advantages. It is convenient to implement practically, offers many options, and has a fantastic ROI of up to 4200%.

But we also face problems, the most disappointing of which is people ignore emails, not performing the desired action, or worst of all unsubscribing. Why does it happen?

The web is constantly progressing. It offers many tools like modern HTML template builders, ESP services, and other digital assistants that help us at all stages. But even the best tools are not enough; the secret of success still rests with us.

In this post we’ll cover the 7 cardinal sins of email marketing, to help you avoid them.

1. Being Too Late

I can define this mistake as probably the worst. It’s worse than broken links, incorrect dates, or prices. Even more harmful than ugly design.

We lose a lot when postponing email strategy implementation. Beginners often focus all their attention on the content, social media activities, SEO issues… All that is important, right. But ignoring email campaigns is a hard fail.

Thousands of visitors never come again to your website. In other words, they leave the very first levels of the marketing funnel. While regular emailing keeps them engaged and prevents churn.

So delays here are only profitable for competitors. Don’t wait until you collect “enough” contacts. Start as soon as possible. 

Frequency matters too. Don’t bomb people with emails; it annoys and causes unsubscribes. Email frequency is an individual parameter depending on many factors.

2. Disregarding Clients’ Expectations

A fundamental axiom: people unsubscribe when emails are irrelevant. The same goes for neglected expectations. Even the best content with next-gen features won’t save the situation.

I mentioned the email frequency a bit above. Notice that if you announce the weekly emails but send them every day, this is an example of ignoring expectations. Be honest with readers.

Another typical issue is off-topic. If your subscribers are waiting for content related to smartphones, send them newsletters about smartphones, not dresses or domestic turtles :)

But in some cases, getting off-topic can be good. It all depends on the target audience, actual situation, and communication style. 

3. Bad Segmentation 

Once again, relevance is vital. So we must avoid generic emails. Instead, especially if your contact list is extensive enough, apply all the possible parameters: age, gender, location, customers history, etc.

Where to get the respective data? A typical solution is to use update preferences forms in emails or on the website. Let clients choose the topics that are interesting for them.

Use surveys, sign-in forms, AI-based techniques of segmentation… Smart algorithms are great helpers that track clients’ behavior and then process the data for segmentation purposes. 

The better we know our subscribers, the deeper we segment the contact list. It allows sending precisely targeted newsletters to respective segments.

4. Insufficient Personalization 

As Hubspot stats say, personalized emails’ open rate is 26% higher, and their click-through rate is 14% better. But even besides index data, poor personalization is just nonsense today.

Clients are looking for content that matches their preferences, so marketers have to consider these expectations. Segmentation and dynamic range are essential here, but they are not the only techniques.

Everything is much more sophisticated here, in addition to personalized subjects and content. Another solution is to generate recommendations that include the previously browsed products.

AI-powered automation comes to help. Machines will upgrade the classical personalization to the next level called hyper-personalization.

5. Underestimating Mobile-Friendliness 

It’s simply unacceptable to send non-responsive emails today. With so many people opening email on different devices, this is a huge fail.

The modern world is full of gadgets and devices. Email has been opened on smartphones more frequently than on desktop PCs and notebooks in recent years. Up to 70% of readers will read messages on mobiles very soon. No wonder that responsivity turned into a mobile priority.

Regarding layout and design, there are no problems: modern template editors are featured with automated responsivity. But mobile-first means not only layout/design adjustment for mobiles, full-width buttons, or larger fonts. We have to work with content too. Don’t overwrite text remember that recipients read inbox emails on the run. 

Just imagine yourself reading emails in the cafe or cab. And ask yourself: is everything convenient? Would you take the desired action on the run?

6. Non-Professional Approach 

People are quite skeptical of new brands. We need to do our best to attract them. So everything must be done professionally.

The best solution: be a perfectionist. If newsletters look amateurish, they are likely to repel.  

Being amateurish will also ruin your brand identity and reduce customers’ trust. Pay close attention to design, stick to your corporate style, analyze each detail in the context of overall harmony.

7. Overlooking Tests and Improvements 

Testing is vital. Before sending an email campaign, check it via Litmus or Email on Acid to be sure that message looks just as planned. These tools allow testing email rendering by +90 combinations of email clients, devices, and OS.

Knowledge is power. Always try and test your marketing strategies. Are you satisfied with your actual performance? Run A/B tests and focus on the most significant wins and failures. 

Summing Up

Of course, threats are not limited to these seven failures. The last piece of advice: never ignore trends. 

Accessibility? Don’t forget about clients with special requirements. Get whitelisted and incorporate these technologies in your campaigns.

And constantly strive for perfection. With this doctrine, you’ll win!


Featured image via Pexels.


The post 7 Worst Fails in Email Marketing first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

Every day design fans submit incredible industry stories to our sister-site, Webdesigner News. Our colleagues sift through it, selecting the very best stories from the design, UX, tech, and development worlds and posting them live on the site.
The best way to keep up with the most important stories for web professionals is to subscribe to Webdesigner News or check out the site regularly. However, in case you missed a day this week, here’s a handy compilation of the top curated stories from the last seven days. Enjoy!”

15 Websites with Inspiring Menu Design

Boardy – Dashboards for Everyone

42 Card Effects CSS for Websites

20 Best New Websites, February 2022

Move Over JavaScript: Back-end Languages are Coming to the Front-end

UI Generator – Get Mockup UI in Seconds

50 Cool Web and Mobile Project Ideas for 2022

These are the Highest-paying Design Jobs in 2022

Top Trends in Product Design for 2022

Pppointed – SVG Arrow Maker for all Kinds of Decorative Arrow Styles – Build Websites with Notion in ~10 Sec

The React Cheatsheet for 2022



The post Popular Design News of the Week: February 14, 2022 – February 20, 2022 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

The popularity of web scraping is growing at such an accelerated pace these days. Nowadays, not everyone has technical knowledge of web scraping and they use APIs like news API to fetch news, blog APIs to fetch blog-related data, etc.

As web scraping is growing, it would be almost impossible not to get cross answers when the big question arises: is it legal?

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