Understanding “Citizen Developer”

You’ve likely read the term “Citizen Developer,” or, according to Gartner: “An end user who creates new business applications for consumption by others using development and runtime environments sanctioned by corporate IT.”* Why is this movement taking place? As end users, Citizen Developers better understand the functional requirements for an application. They can specialize to ensure that what’s needed is what’s done.

Pitfalls of Citizen Developers

But Citizen Developers worry IT for three reasons: The potential for lower security standards, poor performance, and a sub-par end-user experience. Still, the Citizen Developer has significant benefits for the enterprise, so the question is: How can IT address the pitfalls?

Source de l’article sur DZONE

L’assistance proposée par ANKAA PMO

ANKAA PMO présent depuis plus de 20 ans sur le marché des services IT, accompagne les DSI dans leur recherche de compétences pour des besoins de renforts en mode régie ou l’externalisation de projets.
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