Is Agile maturity a fad or a trend? How can an organization make an informed decision on what level of agility might become achievable before starting a transition? 

Our second webinar addressed the question of Agile maturity and detailed the survey results what indicates an Agile organization. Moreover, we introduced the ‘Agility Assessment Framework," an open source project which aims to provide Agile practitioners with the tools needed to answer these questions:

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Hiring technical talent has always been one of my most difficult tasks as a startup CTO. Development talent is in short supply for all company sizes, and we’ll see an estimated 30% increase in the number of development positions by 2026. Salaries have increased 15% in the last five years with a 2017 median salary of just over $103K, and salaries will continue to rise at a faster pace as the number of positions increases.

For these reasons, we had to look outside our established hiring channels when building our development team at CUE Marketplace. We needed reasonably-priced talent that could grow as we grew. Our company started in Boulder in a co-working space/coding school called Galvanize. We were lucky to have good candidates right outside our door. It’s been two years since our start, and now we have a solid development team full of boot camp grads. Here are five keys to our success in building that team.

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This article is featured in the new DZone Guide to API Management: Comparative Views of Real World Design. Get your free copy for more insightful articles, industry statistics, and more!

I remember the final commit like it was yesterday, even though it was several years ago. Six months of work building our application, and we were ready to launch. It followed all of the best practices, the code was perfect (OK, maybe adequate), and it was just in time for the big release. Like an episode of Silicon Valley, we waited to for the numbers— numbers that never came. Instead, after six months of work, we watched as customers expressed interest and then just walked away.

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Aqua Security has been actively participating in the open source community around Kubernetes security, including contributing significantly to the kube-bench project. We have followed that up with the release of the kube-hunter project, named for its ability to hunt for security weaknesses in Kubernetes clusters. Kube-hunter enables Kubernetes administrators, operators and security teams to identify weaknesses in their deployments and address those issues before attackers can exploit them.  

Kube-hunter augments the CIS validation for K8s deployments provided by kube-bench with discovery and penetration testing capabilities. In that respect it works much like an automated penetration testing tool — you give it the IP or DNS name of your Kubernetes cluster, and it will probe for security issues and alert you, for example, if your dashboard is open or your kubelets are accessible. Use kube-hunter to find Kubernetes installations in your environments, assess them for potential security risks, and receive suggestions on remediation for a wide range of vulnerabilities.

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The trends in software development are showing that more and more companies are adopting CI/CD methodologies to deliver their software applications. We all know that the market demands quicker releases. The days of waiting for months for new releases are gone. Software is now being released at record speeds! Adopting CI/CD does just that. It helps get your application out the door to the market as often as possible. However, one key aspect that seems to be overlooked is Continuous Testing. It’s great that CI/CD is getting software out quicker but quality should not be sacrificed. To solve that you have to test early, test often! Adding a culture of Continuous Testing to your model will provide the following benefits because now you’re focused on testing from the beginning of your SDLC

  • Faster Release Cycles
  • Better Code Quality
  • Better Test Coverage
  • Better Reliability

Now that we know to truly have a CI/CD methodology you need continuous testing as well. But just like adopting CI/CD, continuous testing requires an organizational culture shift. So how do you build that culture? It’s a different mindset that relies heavily on automation: Automated Unit Tests, Automated Functional and Non-Functional Tests, Automated Regression Tests, and Automated Deployments. Basically, anything that can be automated should be automated! That is the key principle of Continuous Testing, test from the beginning and automate as much as possible to ensure faster release cycles.

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I am trying to develop a base API pricing formula for determining what my hard costs are for each API I’m publishing using Amazon RDS, EC2, and AWS API Gateway. I also have some APIs I am deploying using Amazon RDS, Lambda, and AWS API Gateway, but for now I want to get a default base for determining what operating my APIs will cost me, so I can mark up and reliably generate profit on top of the APIs I’m making available to my partners. AWS has all the data for me to figure out my hard costs, I just need a formula that helps me accurately determine what my AWS bill will be per API.

Math isn’t one of my strengths, so I’m going to have to break this down, and simmer on things for a while, before I will be able to come up with some sort of working formula. Here are my hard costs for what my AWS resources will cost me, for three APIs I have running currently in this stack:

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On this episode of Eat Sleep Code, Jen Looper and Diana Rodriguez discuss Vue Vixens, an organization of people who identify as women and who want to learn Vue.js to make websites and mobile apps. Jen and Diana share their story of creating and building a successful developer community and growing Vue Vixens into a worldwide organization.

You can listen to the entire show and catch past episodes on SoundCloud. Or just click below.

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This post represents views on why Machine Learning systems or models are termed as non-testable from quality control/quality assurance perspectives. Before I proceed, let me humbly state that data scientists and the Machine Learning community have been saying that ML models are testable as they are first trained and then tested using techniques such as cross-validation etc. based on different techniques to increase the model performance and optimize the model. However, "testing" the model is referred with the scenario during the development (model building) phase when data scientists test the model performance by comparing the model outputs (predicted values) with the actual values. This is not the same as testing the model for any given input for which the output (expected) value is not known beforehand. In this post, I am rather talking about ML models testability from the overall traditional software testing perspective.

Given that Machine Learning systems are non-testable, it can be said that performing QA or quality control checks on Machine Learning systems is not easy, and, thus, a matter of concern given the trust, the end-users need to have on such systems. Project stakeholders must need to understand the non-testability aspects of Machine Learning systems in order to put appropriate quality controls in place to serve trustable Machine Learning models to end users in production. This applies greatly to healthcare and financial systems where a couple of false negatives or type-II error could lead to havoc or troubles for the stakeholders.

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While previous years have seen an awful lot of discussion given to the potential of AI-based technology, this year has, thus far, seen a tremendous amount of effort given over to the ethical development of AI.

Very much in keeping with this trend was a report, published earlier this year, by the UK’s House of Lords, which made a number of principles around which they urge the development of AI to revolve:

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Data that has been collected, collated, and cleansed is ripe for analysis and insight generation. Advances in Machine Learning and AI are helping deliver on the promises of augmented analytics to produce actionable insights. Pairing Machine Learning techniques with prepared data enables organizations to achieve more accurate predictions and measurable analysis on all kinds of business functions.

A growing number of BI and Analytics tools vendors are responding to the need for augmented BI by opening their platforms through APIs and making stored data more easily accessible. This is a critical first step that gives IT the ability to build connections from Machine Learning products to raw, cleaned, and prepared data.

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