In my previous article, I explained one of the messages flows in detail from the point of view of implementing in- and outbound messaging with Spring Integration’s AMQP support. I briefly mentioned that data handler adapters are loaded dynamically, and they’re plugged into the message flow. In this third part, we’ll explore one of those technical challenges in detail that the application’s modular design raise and how it can be tackled by using Spring Boot 2’s new property Binder API.

What Will You Learn After Reading This Article?

For most of the use cases, having a predefined, static message flow is sufficient. However, that’s not the case for the forget-me app, as multiple data handlers can be configured, which will carry data erasure out. One major challenge to address is deciding whether or not a particular data handler needs to be initialized and plugged into the main message flow. I can tell you beforehand that Spring’s conditional configuration will be used to do that.

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Whenever I teach Agile approaches, I discuss the possible meetings a team might choose. Some people turn to me in dismay. They start adding up all the meeting time and say, "That’s a lot of meetings."

Could be. Especially if you use iterations. You might have these meetings:

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AI in the Finance Sector

Evolving technologies have always had a great impact on businesses because of how they can improve the existing process. Certain technologies offer great scope to take your business to the next level because they have the capacity to change the way you do your business. Artificial Intelligence is currently the most trending topic due to the opportunity it offers to benefit from its use. There is no other industry except the financial industry who is trying their best to adopt Artificial Intelligence for speed, accuracy, and efficiency in business. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning offer a great deal in the finance industry through algorithms in the financial services. At the heart of the Artificial Intelligence are some of the algorithms, which are self-learning and can help the finance industry if fed the right data. There are multiple fields in finance that can eventually benefit from the implementation of Artificial Intelligence and could prove to be of great value to the customer and the financial organization, too.

Let’s have a look at the areas in finance, which will benefit from the introduction of Artificial Intelligence.

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"To simplify yields a richer result." — Yvon Chouinard, Let My People Go Surfing

This is one of my favorite quotes of all time. Throughout life, I am constantly learning through trial and error. And I have found that the simple process often leads to the better product. For instance, my barbecue chicken recipe. I love summer and enjoy spending time with friends and family barbecuing. I have a simple recipe that is my go-to, but I’ll often try to shake things up with new sauces, rub mixtures, or brines. Turns out that my simple recipe with a minimal amount of ingredients is always the crowd favorite.

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Selon une étude menée par le conseil norvégien des consommateurs, Facebook et Google ne se montrent pas vraiment respectueux de l’esprit du RGPD dans la façon dont ils implémentent ses directives.
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Les premières rumeurs de février dernier prennent de la consistance. Google aurait bien l’intention de se lancer dans le jeu-vidéo déporté (ou en streaming).
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Concrètement, il s’agit tout bonnement de remplacer les cartes de visite physiques. L’application mobile (iOS et Android) du service permet de scanner le QR Code de la personne à laquelle on veut se connecter.
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Current Challenges (Use Case)

I am a cloud architect and an API developer. I have seen these frequent issues in API development during the development phase. Currently, Dev/QA environment is impacted by frequent third-party APIs outages and other service environment issues. It affects Dev/QA teams productivity and happens often, which stops all the development and testing work. There is a need for a mocking API server, which will sync with the main 3rd party servers (service provider) and cache the API response periodically on the mock server for Dev/QA environment. So, when 3rd party REST API services are down then dev and testing work won’t be impacted on Dev/QA servers.


This tutorial will cover installation and usage of Wiremock for using open source WireMock. The objective of using WireMock is to use as a backup mock server in the failover/outage of the actual REST APIs.

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Earlier in my career and before my other business lesson, I was asked to help out with some computer troubleshooting at a major medical billing facility. This facility had around 4-5 people running the billing exclusively for a hospital.

One day, they had some issues with the network and had to call someone in. I was not available at the time. The "network specialist" came in around 10:00 and started to diagnose the problem.

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En janvier dernier, opérateurs, régulateur et gouvernement annonçaient un accord « historique » pour réellement accélérer le mouvement. Six mois après, le plan entre en phase « opérationnelle »…
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