Let’s Build a TouchTone Keypad!

If you’ve built React/Redux applications before, you know there is a standard pattern of uni-directional data flow. The UI dispatches an action. A reducer handles the action, returning a new application state. The UI reorganizes itself accordingly.

But what if you need a Redux action to trigger interaction with a complex system? Say, a collection of Web Audio components used to create or analyze sound. Those are not serializable objects. They shouldn’t be managed by a reducer. Nor should a UI component manage them because it could be subject to unmounting at runtime, causing a loss of the audio system.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

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ANKAA PMO présent depuis plus de 20 ans sur le marché des services IT, accompagne les DSI dans leur recherche de compétences pour des besoins de renforts en mode régie ou l’externalisation de projets.
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