One of the most common critiques about Scrum that I’ve heard from smart software engineers is that "Scrum does not care about technical practices. Scrum is for wimps." I’ve also heard managers down the hallway say that "Scrum is for wreckless developers because its main concern is only about fast delivery." I’ve heard many business analysts and solution architects tell me that "Scrum is too fragile because it does not specify the documentation the team needs to write."

People often say these things because they could not find in the Scrum Guide that says what technical practices the Scrum team need to do. But just because the Scrum Guide does not explicitly mention any technical practices you need to do, it doesn’t mean you couldn’t or shouldn’t do any technical practices. In fact, professional Scrum teams will find that technical practices are required for the software to be sustained in the long run. This is what agility is all about, not just about being fast in the beginning but slow at the end because of technical debts.

Source de l’article sur DZone (Agile)

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