
Le passage au Cloud est devenu une évidence pour bon nombre d’entreprises, mais il serait erroné de l’appréhender sous le prisme d’une marche technologique forcée. Si cette transition s’opère, c’est avant tout parce que les entreprises perçoivent aujourd’hui un moyen de renforcer leurs positions et de réaliser leurs potentiels pour demain.

SAP France a récemment réorganisé ses équipes au service de son nouveau positionnement stratégique centré sur le Cloud. Une transformation qui n’a qu’un objectif : répondre aux besoins de ses clients. Au cœur de ces changements, Fiamma Ferrero, Directrice Cloud Success Services, explique ce virage stratégique décisif pour l’avenir de toutes les entreprises, quels que soient leur taille ou leur secteur d’activité.

Les entreprises constatent que cette nouvelle façon d’aborder leur business s’adapte à leurs propres enjeux. De la gestion comptable du stock, à la prévision de vente et à l’analyse de données, le Cloud garantit une transition technologique sans rupture d’activité, en utilisant des outils en phase avec les enjeux et besoins, ceci afin de continuer leur cœur de métier avec facilité.

Ce socle, bien que nécessaire, ne représente en réalité qu’une partie de l’intérêt du Cloud. Par sa connexion constante avec des solutions complémentaires et des modules parfaitement imbriquables, le Cloud délivre un nombre infini de possibilités en matière de transformation business. Exit la gestion du stock en temps réel pour ouvrir la porte à une technologie en constante performance qui prédit vos besoins futurs grâce au Machine Learning.

Cette modularité représente un enjeu majeur dans le développement du potentiel business de chaque acteur. L’intégration de technologies innovantes comme de l’intelligence artificielle, permet d’accompagner les entreprises dans leur voyage transitionnel vers le Cloud. C’est en soulignant l’intérêt pour le client que nous pouvons créer chez lui l’envie de passer au Cloud.

En outre, ces entreprises voient un intérêt pour leurs clients et consommateurs, de la même manière que nous, qui accompagnons nos clients de A à Z dans leur transition. En 2021, le National Business Research Institute a constaté que les entreprises en mesure d’offrir un excellent service à la clientèle et de se positionner comme partenaires de confiance, pouvaient viser une augmentation de 20 % ou plus de leur chiffre d’affaires.

Par leur agilité, et grâce à la formation et l’accompagnement de professionnels, les entreprises peuvent exploiter les innovations technologiques, faciliter l’engagement des consommateurs, et être en mesure de générer de grandes quantités de données pour les aider à repérer des problèmes, identifier de nouvelles lignes de produits et des opportunités de marché.

La fidélisation du client passe d’abord par une empathie business, une compréhension de ses envies. La captation comme la rétention du client passe notamment par une cohérence technologique de grande échelle. Nous accompagnons nos clients dans la création et la mise en place de solutions qui sont bénéfiques à l’intégralité de leurs business unit, où qu’ils soient dans le monde. Cette omnicanalité et cette cohérence globale, d’outils comme d’interface, permettent d’assurer un voyage client stable, sans accroche ni obstacle, pour inciter à rester sur la plateforme visitée. Selon une étude de Bain & Company, une augmentation de 5 % du taux de fidélisation des clients accroît les bénéfices de 25 à 95 %.

En phase avec leurs besoins, répondant aux attentes de leurs clients, les entreprises transitent aujourd’hui vers le Cloud non par nécessité mais par ambition. Notre rôle est de leur permettre d’accéder à cette nouvelle étape de leur évolution en garantissant une transition souple, fluide et fructueuse.

The post D’un besoin business à l’envie d’agilité : la réponse évidente du Cloud appeared first on SAP France News.

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In a traditional client-server authentication model, a resource owner shares their credentials with the client so that the client can access its resources when necessary. The client does that by passing the resource owner’s credentials to the resource server, and the resource server validates the same before providing access to the protected resource(s). Simple, right? 

Well, there are a bunch of problems associated with this model, a few of which are listed below:

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Nestjs is a cutting-edge Node.js framework for developing server-side applications that are efficient, dependable, and scalable. It is simple to integrate with NoSQL and SQL databases such as MongoDB, Yugabyte, SQLite, Postgres, MySQL, and others. It supports popular object-relational mappers such as TypeORM Sequelize and Mongoose.

In this tutorial, we’ll create an e-commerce application with SQLite and TypeORM. We’ll also look at Arctype, a powerful SQL client and database management tool.

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An unreliable, semi-broken and unresponsive website is an excellent way to lose leads and visitors — regardless of how aesthetically pleasing or well-designed, the visual elements are.

Over the past decade, we’ve seen more initiative to deliver faster internet to regions of the world that were previously devoid of it. With online communities expanding and more people becoming receptive to online shopping, ensuring your site’s dependability is now more important than ever. 

One way to achieve this is by employing uptime and downtime monitoring tools. This guide will examine the best ways to get alerts when something goes wrong and your website falters.

Why Is Website Uptime Monitoring Important?

Downtime is bound to occur occasionally. Nonetheless, the goal is to minimize it. The longer the downtime occurs, the more traffic and potential clients you lose. A dysfunctional website is also detrimental to your credibility and reputation. People may associate your website’s unreliability with your real-world products or services.

With web developers charging an average of $200 per hour, high-quality websites can be expensive to build and maintain. Nevertheless, it’s often worth the investment. However, an unreliable website can backfire on you. Instead of attracting more customers, it could potentially repel them. This can result in lost revenue.

An uptime monitoring solution can help you prevent or reduce these losses. It verifies if your website is up and functional and notifies you if it’s not. This allows you to troubleshoot the issue and get your website back up and running as soon as you’re alerted. The most common issues behind your website’s downtime include: 

  • Server faults;
  • Network outages;
  • Power outage;
  • Traffic spikes;
  • Cyberattacks;
  • Domain name issues;
  • An erroneous web application deployment;
  • Increased server loads;
  • DNS Resolve issues;
  • Human error.

Thus, you must employ a dependable tool that detects downtime or any interruptions related to your website as soon as they occur. They are must-have tools for web designers, developers, and network administrators. However, not all of them are built the same. So how do you identify the best uptime monitoring tools?

Essential Features of Uptime Monitoring Tools

Uptime monitoring tools typically detect interruptions by running network tests such as pings and trace routes. You could practically monitor your website’s uptime by constantly running these tests yourself. 

However, this isn’t an efficient way to monitor your website’s uptime. A comprehensive uptime monitoring tool will automatically monitor your website’s uptime in the background. It will then alert you through various channels as soon as it senses that your website may be down. 

Furthermore, high-quality uptime monitoring solutions tend to offer additional information regarding your website’s uptime/downtime and its performance. These tools commonly feature dashboards, status pages, badges, exportable records, etc., to help you keep track of your site’s overall health.

9 Best Features of an Uptime Monitoring Solution

The ideal uptime monitoring tool or service should feature: 

  1. Website security features that notify of and repel potential cyber attacks;
  2. 24/7 uninterrupted background website monitoring;
  3. Multi-channel alerts (email, SMS, push notifications, instant messages, social media, etc.);
  4. Report generation;
  5. 24/7 customer support available through different channels (email, phone, chat, etc.);
  6. Be capable of monitoring multiple websites and proxies at the same time;
  7. Offer insights and suggestions to improve your website’s performance;
  8. Be affordable;
  9. High customizability should allow you to choose which features to enable and disable.

Another optional feature to look out for is public status pages that your clients can access to determine if all your services are up and running. GetWeave is an excellent example of this. The website features a well-organized systems status page where customers can check if all of Weave’s services are functional. 

Nevertheless, you can use the above information as a buying guide when assessing potential uptime monitoring tools. The rest of this guide will supply a few suggestions as to which tools you should use for your website.

3 Best Website Uptime Monitoring Tools 

Some of the best uptime monitoring tools for website downtime alerts include:

1. Uptrends

Uptrends isn’t just a downtime detection tool; it’s a complete web performance monitoring solution. It will notify you as soon as it detects any disturbance in your website’s performance. It features highly customizable checks. For instance, you can set performance check limits for load times. Uptrends will notify you instantly if your website takes too long to load.

You can also configure from which locations you want it to monitor your website. Uptrends will then point you to where your website usually suffers performance dips in the real world. 

The service uses multiple communication channels to send users notifications: email, phone calls, and SMS. Alternatively, you can download one of Uptrend’s mobile applications and receive push notifications. Additionally, you can integrate Uptrends with messaging and communication applications such as PagerDuty, Slack, and Microsoft Teams.   

Another impressive Uptrend feature is its ability to emulate your website’s performance on different browsers. It runs Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge on its servers. Thus, you can compare how your website runs on these web browsers without installing them on your servers or computer. 

Uptrends supplies users with various charts, reports, and graphs to help identify sudden spikes or dips. Waterfall reports display the complete page-load from the initial request to the last download. This allows you to compare the history of your website’s performance element by element. It comes with three price plans whose costs depend on the number of monitors you would like. Starting at $16.21 (at the time of writing) the Starter Plan is the most affordable.

2. Oh Dear

Oh Dear is a slightly cheaper option than Uptrends, with the most affordable plan starting at $12 per month (at the time of writing). However, while Uptrends offers a 30-day free trial, Oh Dear only provides a 12-day trial period. Nevertheless, Oh Dear’s interface is a lot cleaner and more minimal. 

Since Oh Dear runs servers in different locations across the globe, it can track how your website performs in various regions. Oh Dear will scan through your website and index all the pages. If it detects any issues, it will alert you immediately. 

Oh Dear also features a continuous certificate monitoring function. Site owners who are concerned with their website’s security may find this feature to be especially useful. It will verify your SSL certificate expiration dates and alert you of any changes.  

Oh Dear’s public status page enables your clients to keep track of your website’s availability.

Oh Dear uses email and SMS text messages to alert site owners of any issues. It also features integrations with communications and social media applications such as Telegram, Discord, Slack, Microsoft Teams, etc. Oh Dear ensures that messages are as detailed and user-friendly. This makes it easier to troubleshoot and find the origin of your problem. Oh Dear is more than a worthy alternative to Uptrends. 

3. WP Umbrella

WP Umbrella is a little different from the previous entries. It’s intended to help users manage and monitor multiple WordPress sites. Thus, it is far more particularized in its approach to website uptime monitoring. Again, as is the primary function of the uptime monitoring tool, it offers a real-time alert system that will contact you through email, SMS, Slack, etc. 

WP Umbrella employs a simple minimal UI. Its main screen consists of a dashboard that allows you to view all your WordPress websites. By default, this dashboard features four columns: Site, Uptime, Speed, and Issues.

WP Umbrella will alert you of any outdated or erroneous plugins or themes. While it doesn’t offer dedicated public status pages, it does have a client report generation feature. You can automatically send these reports to your various subscribers or clients when your website is down. 

WP Umbrella is the most affordable option on this list. Users are charged $1.99 per month (at the time of writing) for each website monitored. In addition, WP Umbrella offers a 14-day trial and does not require your credit card details. It’s an excellent option for anyone running a WordPress website or two.


This guide has only explored three possible uptime monitoring solutions. They won’t only assist you in detecting downtimes, they can also help you find the reason your site may be slow.

These solutions are an excellent place to start. But there are many other options coming to market all the time. You may find that this is the first step to converting more leads and reducing your bounce rate. 


The post 3 Best Website Uptime Monitoring Tools  first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Anypoint CLI is a scripting and command-line tool for both Anypoint Platform and Anypoint Platform PCE. We will be using Anypoint CLI commands for Anypoint Platform accounts, API Manager, CloudHub applications, design center projects, and exchange assets.



  • Verify the npm version with the command npm -version
  • Anypoint CLI installation npm install -g anypoint-cli@latest


You can configure Anypoint CLI authentication with username and password, client ID and client secret, or a bearer token. At least one method is required.

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A breakdown of a simple app, from UI design to deployment, that shows off why coding is a magic tool for designers.

Figma, Adobe XD, Photoshop, Wacom Tablet, sketchbook… all tools for interfaces and web designers, yes? Take 2 minutes, and try to remember why you want to become a designer and why you enjoy designing stuff.

Chances are it’s because you like to create; you’re a creative person. Maybe you started with artistic experiences as a child, then turned that creative energy into problem-solving while continuing to express it visually: You became a designer, a creative problem solver.

Today, I’ll try to show you how coding is an underrated tool to express your creative problem-solving mindset by building a real SVG generator from scratch. So let’s get into it!

Step 1: Don’t get an idea; solve a problem

We didn’t go into deep business considerations here, but seeing problems you face and deciding to solve them yourself is a great way to start.

During client work, I needed some SVG waves for illustrations. So I looked for a wave generator: There were a ton of wavy colorful wave generators with parametric inputs but no simple, perfect sine waves generator. I decided to draw it on my math tool GeoGebra and then export it to SVG.

Okay, but not fast. And we like to get our jobs done quickly. But wait… Why don’t we create a perfect sine waves generator? Without equations & boring math software to open, just a curve and an export button. You got it, now let’s design it.

Quick tips: If you are looking for a problem, look for memes in your field. They always show a deep, painful, well-known problem.

Step 2: Design the solution simple as possible

Two main rules: First rule, think about who will use it; the second rule, predict what they expect from how it works. So who? Front-end developers. What are they waiting for? A curve that can be edited with direct feedback and an export button.

Wireframe design

High-Fi design

A quick tip: You can grab the Figma design of the app for more technical tips on the design.

Step 3: Build it for real

As a designer, stopping at step two is perfectly fine. But imagine if you could build what you design! You already know you can create everything you want.

You can see coding as a way to translate your UI that will surely end with a .com application that is usable by everyone. This is why “best languages” don’t matter; coding is just a tool to express your creativity and build stuff for others. And as a designer, a creative person, this might sound…interesting.

UI to functionnal app

UI to functional app

Every web app interface can be translated from UI design to code with HTML/CSS/JS. There is how we can see the role of each of those 3 “languages”:

HTML: I want a button.

CSS: I want my button to look rounded.

JS: I want something to happen when I click on my button.

To build our app, I’ll use Svelte. Svelte is a JavaScript compiler that allows us to use all those three “languages” in one place. So, let’s see how code can translate our UI to functional things.

HTML button code

“Hey web browser, I want a button named “exportButton” and everything in a function named “downloadSVGpath” to be carried out when someone clicks on the button :) Thanks”

CSS style button code

“Hey web browser, I want you to apply these style rules to my basic HTML button: I want a beautiful rounded corner at 16px, a mouse pointer when we hover it, I don’t want any borders, but I want a cool color gradient as a background color. Then, I want the font inside the button to have its color set to #fcfcfc and use the Inter typeface (bold, please). Like my Figma design, I also want to center stuff in the button and add padding. Oh, and add a subtle shadow :) Thanks.”

Drawing SVG curve function

“Hey, web browser, each time our slider moves, I want to run this function: I want you to draw a curve inside a frame that I have defined inside my HTML code. I also want my curve stroke to look rounded at each cap and have a color and width I’ve defined inside variables. You will take the sine function parameters from the stored values of the sliders. Finally, while your x variable hasn’t reached the total width in the x-axis of our frame, you will solve the y-axis point position of the sine equation and draw the curve :) Thanks.”

Quick tips: You can grab the source code files of the app to explore them.


  • Coding is just a tool that allows us to translate our very visual metaphors into something that everybody can use. How cool is that?!
  • Coding helps us to envision our design goals and forces us to see beyond the visual range: how is my button will be supposed to work? How does it look when hovering? How my popup modal can be designed for mobile devices?
  • Coding allows us to create the weird idea we designed “just for fun” instead of pushing the design case study into our portfolio under the “personal project” tag.
  • Coding shows us how much work is required to achieve what we designed. So we can better understand our design clients’ needs, challenges, and resource management.
  • Coding is flexible. You can replicate the Netflix website pixel perfect with pure HTML/CSS, the Vue Framework, or any other Web framework.


The post Designers Should Code: Build an App From Scratch first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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This month’s collection of the best new sites released in the previous four weeks might seem like a mixed bag, but if you look carefully you’ll see distinct themes emerging. Full-page images and videos are back with a vengeance, and designers are embracing large-scale 20th century-inspired typography from Art Nouveau to ’80s corporate.

Here are the sites that grabbed us this month. Enjoy!

I Killed a Cactus

I Killed a Cactus is a beautifully rendered 3D site that guides the less-horticulturally inclined of us in the best ways to care for our houseplants.

Aris Hotel

After a couple of years in which travel has been restricted, we’re itching to get moving again, and this elegant site for Aris Hotel is steering us in the direction of Crete.

Emergence Magazine

With excellent writing and great photography, Emergence Magazine is dedicated to stories that intertwine ecology and spirituality. Its bold typography epitomizes its ethos.

Milton Textiles

Milton is a textiles manufacturer with an eye for design. Its site showcases its art-inspired collection with big, bold, colorful photography.

Brutally Human

Brutally Human is the one-page portfolio/pitch of designer Stanley Vaganov. He has an impressive client list, and his site exudes the confidence that comes with that.


MAAP uses a billowing flag to grab your attention as soon as you land on the site. The whole site is clean, efficient, and cool; exactly what you’d expect from a cycling apparel company.


Outdoor furniture is typically presented as minimal and sophisticated. Diabla throws surrealism into the mix by introducing brand colors to its large-scale photography.

Steffie de Leeuw

The site for designer and artist Steffie de Leeuw features large typography that appears to be woven through layers of intricate illustration.

Garden Eight

What could be better than Garden Eight’s gaggle of 3D-rendered cartoon creatures floating around a page, twisting and transforming into new shapes?

Circus Shanghai

The site for Circus Shanghai uses a rich mid-century illustration to reference both the solar system and the Chinese flag; it’s an arresting combination.


Ever inventive, the new micro-site for Moooi asks you to defy gravity with an engaging scroll through collages based on its product range.


More full-page motion, this time for design studio Josephmark. The site blends rich colors with a brutalist layout and minimalist typography to create its own identity.

Tony G

We love the infinite scroll on the homepage for creative agency Tony G. It’s a great way to add a slideshow to your homepage without the flaws of slideshows.

Estudio Piedras

This site for furniture design studio Estudio Piedras uses bold lettering mixed with product shots. The straightforward site is punchy and mimics the solidity of the materials used.

The Fleur

The Fleur is a botanical encyclopedia of fictional flowers that Ondre Jzunka has created as NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain.


Gloutir is the site for a “subscription-based workhorse design and development studio” that breaks all the rules of typography, and yet somehow it works.


The rich blue and bright cream of the site for Sophias urban bistro and city garden echoes the welcoming real-world interiors and ties the brand together.


Lucalem is the portfolio site of designer and developer Lucas De Melo. A little more fun than the typical freelancer’s site, it features a disturbingly phallic character.

Soft Power

Soft Power is a creative design studio with an eye-popping list of international clients. Its advertising-style site uses a trendy glitch effect expertly.


Pastel colors and subtle textures evoke a calm mood, ideal for candle company Aather. It’s challenging to visually present smell, but this site does it well.


The post 20 Best New Sites, April 2022 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Most of us are concerned about our public image, right? It matters a lot how people see and think of us. Export the same sentiment to a brand instead of a person. That’s what brand reputation is all about!  

Yes, it’s that simple – the public’s perception of a brand constitutes its brand reputation. And since the internet plays a significant role in public perception nowadays, a brand’s online reputation essentially drives brand perception.

If we come at it from a slightly different angle, it’s the sum of all ideas and emotions a customer or client associates with a brand while interacting with it at any stage. It includes everything, from what kind of customer services they get when purchasing goods or services to after-sales services the company provides. Reputation management is usually done via social media, emails, and online chats.

(Remember, you shouldn’t confine brand reputation only to a brand’s customers or end-users. It includes all stakeholders’ opinions of a brand. It can be anyone from customers to retailers and shippers to manufacturers.)

In short, brand reputation is the most vital intangible asset for any organization striving to make it big in today’s cutthroat market.

What’s The Importance Of A Strong Brand Reputation For Today’s Businesses?

It wouldn’t be wrong to say that nothing affects every stage of the marketing and sales funnel, like a brand’s reputation. Whether it’s awareness, interest, evaluation, commitment, sales, or reputation, a strong brand reputation will only supplement it.

Recent research reveals that about 94% of consumers say that their likelihood of frequenting a business increases if it has positive reviews. Conversely, 92% say that their chance of patronizing a business decreases if it has negative reviews.

Now, let’s look at various factors that make working on your brand reputation important.

Market Trust

Strengthening brand reputation earns your business the trust factor, making your brand a more viable choice for existing and prospective customers. It helps them place their faith in you, believing that your brand is here to thrive and fulfill any promises it makes.

Moreover, it’s a fact that people prefer buying goods and services from a brand that enjoys a solid reputation, especially if people in their social circle use its products.  

Higher Sales

You can’t be far from the truth if you believe brand reputation only yields intangible business gains. It lends you tangible improvements as well, most importantly, in the form of higher sales volume, which translates as higher profits.

All this can’t be achieved without the push from a strong brand reputation, helping the brand carve a niche for itself amongst tough competition.

Customer Loyalty

When a brand succeeds in earning a higher trust level and a positive reputation, the customers are more likely to remain loyal. And, will continue to buy products and services from it, refuting various incentives by the competition, such as discount packages & low prices.

Customer loyalty also leads a brand to a host of other fringe benefits, i.e., demanding a premium price after some time.

Competitive Edge

One thing is for sure, the level of competition in the market is always going to soar higher and higher. And it’s almost impossible for a business to make its way through it without a competitive edge. That’s where a positive brand reputation can make a business’s life easier.

Having the edge over the competition means your potential for catching new customers increases exponentially, helping your brand claim more of the market share.

Word of Mouth

Happy customers remain one of the most significant assets of a brand, especially in this digital era. They serve as brand ambassadors, and if they’re happy and satisfied, they’ll pass the word on, advocating for the brand for free.

It not only leads to increased brand awareness in the market, but it also paves the way for a business to improve its sales and profit margins over time.

What Are The Best Strategies For Managing Your Brand’s Reputation Online?

We’ll keep our focus on the ones proven to be the most effective, starting with:

Staying Ahead of The Curve

Being proactive is among the primary requisites for today’s brand managers. They should be thinking ahead of their competitors and the target audience. While branding online, the margin of error is relatively low, and any slipup can lead to a ripple effect in nullifying the brand’s positive image.

The best way to cope with such a situation is to embrace the mistake quickly and be upbeat enough to resolve the issue immediately rather than have a wait-and-see attitude.

Be Specific About The Deliverables

Social media has played a phenomenal role in educating today’s customers, making them very intelligent and demanding at the same time. It has opened up infinite mediums and channels to get alternatives for almost everything.

That’s why brands need to be very specific in delivery time and after-sales services to avoid earning themselves a bad name in the market. Most experts recommend the “under promise and over deliver” approach to avoid disappointing your customers.

Establish Yourself as An Authority

If you have complete faith in your offerings as a business, knowing that you’re the best in the market, you better be loud and clear about it. It will help you catch immediate attention from your target audience, increasing your brand awareness and your potential to bag more sales and revenue.

Let’s talk about the quality of the product as an example. If you believe that the quality of your product is the unique selling prospect, you must let people know about it. Flaunt this factor with full force, vigor, and authority.

It will help you establish your brand in the market as an authority, and your target market will start looking up to you for the best and the latest on it.

Be Consistent and Assertive

As they say, consistency is the key. If you do it right, your brand reputation will go beyond the lifespan of your brand. People will relate to your brand positively even after your business shuts down.

However, this demands the next level of consistency from your business. You have to make sure you deliver your best in all aspects of branding your business, from the quality of the products and services to the level of customer service you offer.

It doesn’t work well if you outperform your competition by miles for the first time and then step back from delivering those high service standards. You roll your sleeves up and get to compete yourself if you believe you’re outdoing your competition so well.

Deliver on Your Promises

You cannot overstate the significance of delivering on your promises if you want to make the most of your brand reputation. Nothing brands your business better than a bunch of happy and satisfied customers.

And, delivering on your promises consistently is the least of what you need to do to win over your customers to the level they turn into your unofficial brand ambassadors.

Value Feedback

It would be best if you realign your thinking this way. 

Who are you producing your products/services for? Your clients/customers, of course!

What if it’s not working well for them?

Redo your product/service to the requirements and likings of your customers. Otherwise, your business will earn you nothing but a bad name in the market.

You have to realize the importance of listening to your customers, gathering customers’ opinions about what’s not working for them and what areas they would like to see improved. 

Learn to accept and respect your customers’ grievances, praises, issues, tips, or any feedback they give you about your product or service.

You’ll upscale your brand’s reputation considerably if you start doing this.

How Can Influencer Marketing Help You Grow Your Brand’s Reach

Influencer marketing is the concept of branding your business through influential people and opinion leaders in the industry rather than engaging your business directly in doing so. They also brand indirectly, setting a practical example rather than advocating verbally for it.

Research reveals that 94% of marketers using influencer marketing find it highly effective, potentially increasing the ROI 11% times higher than conventional marketing.

Brands that indulge in influencer marketing associate themselves with influential personalities resonating with their message, driving it across their target market in a manner that a large number of people develop an affiliation toward it.

Influencer campaigns help brands tap into an existing community comprising their influencer’s dedicated followers, compelling them to tilt toward a brand they use. Most of us have observed how renowned YouTubers, Tiktokers, and bloggers proactively advertise different brands to their followers.

The increased penetration of a rapidly growing number of social media platforms also helps the influencers garner a solid following and significantly impact the communities that follow them.

They are like a part of the family for their followers, who value their opinion and try to imitate them in what they do and how they do it.


With the competition getting steeper every passing day, earning the trust and business of your target market is becoming a challenging task for most companies. It makes branding even more imperative.

Make a great customer experience your top priority, also keeping a focus on the customer and employee retention and customer feedback to establish yourself as a customer-centric brand. 

Though it might take some time, it will surely help you grab your target market’s attention and respect in the long run. Once you achieve that, you’ll see sales and profits soaring accordingly.


Featured image via Pexels.


The post How to Build a Strong Brand Reputation first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Afin de mieux piloter sa production et répondre à la demande client, Lidea a mis en place un processus S&OP à l’aide de la solution SAP IBP. Un projet, mais aussi un challenge pour ce nouveau semencier issu de la fusion de deux entités.

Lidea est un semencier français issu du rapprochement entre Euralis Semences et Caussade Semences Group. Il se classe dans le top 10 mondial des semenciers grandes cultures. La société propose une offre étendue, allant des céréales aux légumes secs en passant par les plantes fouragères. Elle référence plus de 500 variétés de semences.

Lidea dispose de 8 sites de production situés en France, en Roumanie, en Ukraine, en Espagne et en Russie, avec une surface cultivée totale de 45.000 hectares. La société réalise un chiffre d’affaires annuels de 360 millions d’euros, pour 2100 collaborateurs. 73% de son activité sont réalisés à l’export.

Le rapprochement d’Euralis Semence et de Caussade Semences Group a doublé la taille de l’organisation, ce qui se traduit par un important effort d’intégration et de transformation. “C’est un choc des cultures, avec des processus, des méthodes et des stratégies différentes, explique Sébastien Monaco, CIO et CDO de Lidea. Notre challenge est de faire de cette fusion un succès, d’aligner les équipes, la culture et les processus, puis de préparer la croissance sur de nouveaux territoires. Nous voulons également poursuivre notre effort d’innovation continue, sur les produits, mais également sur les technologies numériques à destination des agriculteurs.”

Lidea souhaite ainsi se tourner plus largement vers ses clients, les distributeurs et fermiers, en adoptant un modèle consistant à ajuster ses plans de production en fonction de la demande.

Le besoin de se structurer… autour de solutions SAP

Si Euralis Semences disposait d’un ERP SAP ECC, l’outillage au niveau de la supply chain restait réduit à sa plus simple expression, avec de nombreuses tâches réalisées manuellement. Du point de vue IT, Caussade Semences Group partait d’encore plus loin. “Avec le doublement de l’organisation, nous ne pouvions plus laisser la situation en l’état”, constate Sébastien Monaco. De multiples projets ont donc été lancés, dont l’extension du périmètre de l’ERP d’Euralis Semences, ainsi que la mise en place d’un CRM et de SAP IBP.

L’utilisation de SAP Integrated Business Planning a comme objectif premier la mise en place d’un processus S&OPau sein de Lidea. “Un quick win était nécessaire sur ce projet, afin de montrer aux actionnaires que nous étions capables de concrétiser la fusion en menant à bien un projet d’envergure portant sur un processus clé de Lidea.” Ce projet est donc doublé d’un challenge stratégique.

“Notre objectif est de créer un core model qui puisse être déployé à l’échelle de Lidea (32 pays couverts) et qui puisse se connecter très facilement aux master data de nos briques financières et industrielles. Le choix de SAP IBP est assumé: nous voulions prendre une brique de la cartographie S/4 HANA de SAP, afin d’anticiper le futur, dont notre migration de l’ERP SAP ECC vers SAP S/4HANA. L’une des raisons du choix de TeamWork est qu’il dispose déjà de références clients dans notre industrie. C’est essentiel pour nous, car nous travaillons dans un secteur particulier et nous avions fixé un délai très court – 6 mois – pour mener à bien ce projet.”

SAP IBP adopté pour le processus S&OP

Le projet a démarré en avril 2021, avec comme impératif un démarrage de la solution en septembre de la même année, lors du lancement de grosses campagnes annuelles. Un délai très court, compte tenu des autres travaux réalisés en parallèle sur le système d’information du groupe (ERP, CRM, datawarehouse…). Afin de tenir ces délais, Lidea a choisi de rester au plus près des standards proposés par SAP IBP. Le projet a également été découpé en deux vagues, la première se concentrant sur la mise en place d’un processus S&OP élargi, la seconde abordant les aspects financiers.

“Notre processus S&OP réconcilie demande et offre, détaille Sébastien Monaco. Les données des commerciaux sont remontées, avec la prise en compte de particularités, comme la gestion des campagnes. Les marchandises disponibles sont réparties, par BU, puis à des niveaux plus fins allant jusqu’au client. Le demand shaping permet de pousser des offres ou de contraindre la demande suivant la capacité de production. Enfin, les données sont remontées dans l’ERP SAP ECC, afin de planifier la production.”

Un démarrage effectif en septembre 2021

La livraison du premier lot et la formation des utilisateurs ont été réalisés dans les temps permettant ainsi de mener les campagnes de rentrée avec SAP IBP.

“Ce projet ambitieux a été réalisé pour un coût très modéré. Sur le terrain du ROI, l’OTIF (on time, in full) est monté de 90% à 98%, améliorant ainsi la satisfaction client. Les gains de productivité internes sont également importants. J’estime que la solution SAP IBP devrait être rentabilisée d’ici 12 à 15 mois.” Le second lot se concentrera sur la finance : scénarios PIC, forecast P&L. Il devrait être livré en fin d’année.

Mais plus que tout, ce projet a permis de fédérer les équipes des deux coopératives autour d’un objectif commun, créant ainsi une dynamique d’appartenance au nouveau groupe. En quelques mois, un des processus clés de l’entreprise a été déployé sur plusieurs pays. “Nos différents sites sont les premiers bénéficiaires de SAP IBP, qui leur donne une vision globale des productions démarrées et de comment est servie la demande client. Le flux S&OP proposé par SAP IBP est le maître des ordres de fabrication de nos sites de production,” conclut Sébastien Monaco.

En savoir plus


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No one likes talking about money. Most of us got into web design because we loved it. But the fact is, we’ve all got bills to pay.

If you’re a half-decent designer or a relatively competent developer, then there’s no reason you can’t make a living as a web designer. Here are six simple steps towards earning a living using the skills you already have.

Step 1. Freelance Work

Many individual bloggers and small company owners require websites to reach a larger audience. You might exploit this opportunity to begin a side business as a freelancer.

One of the most efficient ways to start is to look through employment networks and online classifieds. Eventually though, you’re going to need a portfolio. Building your freelancing company website could be your first opportunity to demonstrate your web development talents. As you embark on new projects, this website can display client testimonials that demonstrate your expertise. Ensure that it’s up to date, relevant, and follows current design trends. Also, make sure your website is linked to your social media profiles. 

Even though you are responsible for finding clients, you have a great deal of flexibility: you can choose your working hours and exercise more freedom and creativity. However, you’d still be accountable for your work and have to execute assignments on time to keep your clients satisfied.

It’s also important to remember that you’ll have to keep track of your taxes and other financial paperwork. Furthermore, you would not have a standard employer who will provide you with health insurance and other perks.

Step 2. Specialize

Today’s market offers a wide choice of web design services most suited to our needs. From designing and building custom websites to creating social media websites to managing SEO and PPCs, web design services offer various services. And while it is beneficial to have a general understanding of what all these services entail, it is always good to identify and refine your expertise. Becoming proficient in one aspect of web design will give you more confidence and direction regarding the kind of work you would like to do.

Allowing yourself to land repeat clients specializing in one type of service will make it easier for you to create processes in your business to complete work accurately and quickly. These processes will also help you build a team should you need one.  

Step 3. Networking Effectively

You should leverage social networking sites such as LinkedIn, practical tools for engaging with colleagues and potential customers. Ensure your profile is updated with all the services offered and all talents you deliver. Make sure you include links to any past projects you’ve worked on. There’s also a career board on LinkedIn that can help you avail yourself of many freelance projects. Registering and engaging with relevant organizations can allow you to acquire more visibility.

Freelancers are generally matched with modest design/development assignments through these websites. Although some developers heavily vouch for them, getting work from these websites when you’re just starting may be exceedingly challenging, considering most of your time will be exhausted in securing billable employment. 

Step 4. Start Your Own Blog or Podcast

Blogs and podcasts are an excellent way to organically acquire fresh customers and other relevant parties. A well-written blog is a terrific source of amusement and knowledge for potential clients. Aside from showcasing your services, a blog may be used to earn money in various ways. Once the blog grows large enough, you can incorporate backlinks, ads, or author-sponsored content. Many popular blogs eventually grow into fully-fledged businesses.

When you start a blog from scratch, it can take a long time to see a return on investment. Consider producing freelance articles for a blog with a constant stream of traffic to help you get started. This will enable you to demonstrate your skills while also getting compensated for them. 

Step 5. Work at a Design Agency

Working at a design agency or in-house could be an ideal option if you desire a more traditional job title. It also helps you build your portfolio with larger and more recognizable clients than those you can secure as a freelancer.

Instead of stressing about the management side of things, you can focus on serving clients and constructing websites with this approach. You wouldn’t have to look for new clients, and you’ll get all of the paid benefits that regular employees get. However, you’d have to work under strict supervision and have less creative control over your projects. There will also be harsh deadlines looming over your shoulder. And this procedure will also set a wage ceiling for you. On the other hand, obtaining employee insurance and securing a source of income can be very reassuring.

Step 6. Start Your Own Agency

Once you feel you have enough relevant experience and are confident in your abilities to perform and manage things well, you can start your own agency. It’s like freelance work, but on a much larger scale. The flexibility to employ others to do your work is the fundamental advantage of having your own agency. You can recruit additional designers and eventually recruiters to help you secure clients.

Having your own agency allows you to do the work you want and how you desire. As a general rule, start as a freelancer and gradually create the foundations for your agency as you gain expertise. You can eventually automate the entire process with hard effort and an innovative business plan.

You must actively network with other people in your business and reach out to new clients in addition to working on your skills. If you can create a solid customer base and take measured chances with your chosen projects, you can procure meatier projects and become prominent in the corporate sector.


Featured image via Unsplash.


The post 6 Simple Steps to a Career in Web Design first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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