
MySQL is the most popular open source cloud database in the world, and for good reason. It’s powerful, flexible, and extremely reliable. Tens of thousands of companies use MySQL to power their web-based applications and services every day.

But when it comes to data analytics, it’s a different story. MySQL is quickly bogged down by even the smallest analytical queries, putting your entire application at risk of crashing. As one FlyData customer said to us, “I have nightmares about our MySQL production database going down.”

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At a previous job (I won’t tell you which), I had responsibility for a platform of 250,000 lines of C# code and 6 developers as the main architect. Our system was built in its entirety around Azure Functions and Cosmos DB. This was a huge company, with some 30,000 employees around the world, and our CEO got a deal with AWS. At that point we were paying 8,000 EUROs per month for our development environment – Seriously!

Our CEO was smart though, and struck a deal with AWS, probably due to that the company as a whole (I can only imagine) paid millions of EUROs per month for their cloud services in total, and was able to significantly reduce this number by porting « everything » to AWS. At this point we started pondering how to « port » our Azure Functions and Cosmos DB to something we could run in AWS. And yes, we even considered running the Azure Function debugger executable locally in servers inside of AWS – Needless to say, but this was simply suicide, and the whole idea was canned, the project had to be scrapped, and a « brand new AWS lockin project » was initiated – The irony … :/

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article imageIn our previous article from this series we introduced a use case around cloud adoption for retail stores.

The process was laid out how we’ve approached the use case and how portfolio solutions are the base for researching a generic architecture.

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Too many data frameworks built for large scale have unacceptable complexity at small scale. But with a few tweaks, Trino scales down to run nicely on small single-container configurations.

Trino (fka PrestoSQL) is an open source query distribution engine.

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The network model for security fails in the cloud. While the old on-prem model made sense in the earlier days of computing, the rapidly expanding suite of cloud providers, along with their infinite combinations of settings and services, now places an extraordinary burden on security teams to become cloud-centric. An enterprise that doesn’t fully understand its role in securing its data in the public cloud is taking unnecessary risks with its outdated security strategies.

In the traditional data center, the network provided a secure boundary for the organization. The network was carved up into zones and trusts were established within and between zones. Security architectures were established and tools deployed based on this strategy, which largely involved monitoring the traffic flows and enforcing controls where the zones met. But in the cloud, this approach is no longer relevant. Time and again, in breach after breach, headline after headline, the modern attack cycle, particularly in the cloud, starts with identity. Attackers seek access to the identity, then pivot between resources, discovering credentials and other identities that give them more and more access to get what they want.

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SAP SE (NYSE : SAP) annonce aujourd’hui que Bboxx, fournisseur d’énergie propre et de services publics de nouvelle génération, a choisi l’offre de cloud Grow by SAP pour développer son activité et atteindre son objectif ambitieux de résoudre la problématique de la précarité énergétique.

Avec 770 millions de personnes vivant actuellement sans accès à l’énergie, Bboxx a été fondée en 2010 pour mettre fin à la pauvreté énergétique. Bboxx fabrique, distribue et finance des systèmes solaires décentralisés dans les pays en développement. Grâce à la fourniture d’une énergie abordable, fiable et propre, l’entreprise a un impact positif sur la vie de plus de 2 millions de personnes avec ses produits et services. Bboxx fournit ses produits et services à des clients mal desservis dans les zones rurales grâce à sa technologie innovante, Bboxx Pulse®, qui est sa propre plateforme de gestion à la pointe de la technologie. Bboxx Pulse® permet la croissance des futures entreprises mondiales de services publics et leur permet de gérer l’échelle, lorsque les clients, les employés et les produits sont dispersés dans des endroits éloignés.

Bboxx était donc à la recherche d’une plateforme basée sur le cloud computing, capable de fournir des logiciels évolutifs de pointe et d’intégrer les meilleures pratiques pour l’aider à étendre sa présence sur de nouveaux marchés. Bboxx a choisi SAP Business ByDesign – Supply chain and Finance avec Grow By SAP, un programme exclusif pour les entreprises en hypercroissance. La phase 1 du projet a été lancée en Asie en mai 2021. Ce n’est qu’un début, la phase 2 doit être lancée au Royaume-Uni, en France et au Rwanda en septembre 2021, et la phase 3 en RDC, au Kenya, au Togo et au Nigeria en décembre 2021. Au cours de la phase 3, SAP Business ByDesign sera intégré à Bboxx Pulse®. La mise en œuvre de SAP Business ByDesign est prise en charge par Orchard House Solutions, partenaire SAP de la transformation des activités et de Grow.

En utilisant les solutions ERP, finance et supply chain de SAP, Bboxx gagnera en efficacité grâce à l’automatisation généralisée des processus et à l’utilisation des meilleures pratiques intégrées à SAP. Le fait de disposer d’une seule interface cloud pour la finance et la chaîne d’approvisionnement aidera Bboxx à mettre en place un processus cohérent à l’échelle mondiale tout en répondant aux besoins locaux en matière de reporting.

Anthony Osijo, directeur financier du groupe Bboxx, a déclaré : « Bboxx est actuellement présent dans 10 pays, et nous avons l’ambition d’atteindre 23 pays d’ici cinq ans. Nous avons un impact positif direct sur 1,8 million de vies grâce à la fourniture d’une énergie propre, fiable et abordable. Nous voulons accélérer l’accès à l’énergie dans les pays en développement et continuer à transformer des vies et à révéler des potentiels grâce à l’accès à l’énergie. Face à l’ampleur de ces objectifs, il est essentiel d’avoir un partenaire mondial stratégique comme SAP, suffisamment souple et innovant pour vouloir nous accompagner dans cette démarche. »

Romain Gauthier, Vice-président régional – Nouveaux clients EMEA Nord chez SAP, a déclaré : « SAP était le partenaire idéal pour épauler la mission audacieuse de Bboxx, qui consiste à mettre fin à la précarité énergétique dans le monde, en lui fournissant une infrastructure de cloud unique, hautement flexible et évolutive. Le programme Grow by SAP a été spécialement conçu pour soutenir les entreprises à croissance rapide et les start-ups. Il permettra à Bboxx de bénéficier d’une supply chain, de finances, de comptabilité et d’un service client avancés sur trois grands continents, tout en veillant à ce qu’elle conserve sa base tarifaire compétitive. Lorsqu’il s’agit d’aider les entreprises à étendre leur empreinte et à se développer sur de nouveaux marchés, SAP est un véritable partenaire stratégique. »

À propos de SAP

La stratégie de SAP vise à aider chaque organisation à fonctionner en “entreprise intelligente”. En tant que leader du marché des logiciels d’application d’entreprise, nous aidons les entreprises de toutes tailles et de tous secteurs à opérer au mieux : 77 % des transactions commerciales mondiales entrent en contact avec un système SAP®. Nos technologies de Machine Learning, d’Internet des objets (IoT) et d’analytique avancées aident nos clients à transformer leurs activités en “entreprises intelligentes”. SAP permet aux personnes et aux organisations d’avoir une vision approfondie de leur business et favorise la collaboration afin qu’elles puissent garder une longueur d’avance sur leurs concurrents. Nous simplifions la technologie afin que les entreprises puissent utiliser nos logiciels comme elles le souhaitent – sans interruption. Notre suite d’applications et de services de bout en bout permet aux clients privés et publics de 25 secteurs d’activité dans le monde de fonctionner de manière rentable, de s’adapter en permanence et de faire la différence. Avec son réseau mondial de clients, partenaires, employés et leaders d’opinion, SAP aide le monde à mieux fonctionner et à améliorer la vie de chacun.

Pour plus d’informations, visitez le site .

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The post Bboxx déploie SAP pour accélérer l’accès aux énergies propres dans le monde appeared first on SAP France News.

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It’s difficult to find a boardroom anywhere in the world where cloud-native transformation isn’t a top-five item on the business agenda. Businesses understand that in order to survive and keep up with their competitors, they need to lean heavily into the cloud and embrace it as part of their digital transformation strategy. According to a recent survey of C-suite executives, almost 90% of organizations now understand that cloud technology is going to be a critical step on their path to success. But are they running before they’ve learned to walk? 

Businesses that run headlong into cloud-native transformations tend to do so with an idealized view of what it is they want to achieve. They invest heavily and devote their most valuable resources to trying to achieve the perfect transformation, pinning all of their future successes on it. However, we all know that true perfection is unobtainable, and in pursuing it so doggedly we often cut corners and miss opportunities along the way. The ‘rush to cloud’ has only been exacerbated by the pandemic, pushing companies to up their investments and accelerate their plans for cloud transformation. But rather than speeding up, some of these businesses might be better off slowing down to figure out where they’re going and how to get there. 

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I’ve been furious for the larger parts of a decade – Partially due to how our governments and the industrialised war machine of the « United Slaves of America » has treated Assange, Snowden and Manning, arguably spearheaded by Silicon Valley – But also due to the fact of that the internet I grew up with no longer exists. However, I am ready, bring on the storm!

In the 90s when I started hanging out in USENET forums, the internet was a machine for good. Its atmosphere was a feeling of that everything was possible, and together we could create better democratic tools, resulting in a better world, by simply coming together, and together do our part. If everybody pulled a little bit more than their own weight, we could all enter « paradise on Earth ».

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In most companies the single largest cost is human resources. However, by leveraging Open Source intelligently, you can significantly reduce this cost, by literally having the entirety of GitHub’s user base, working for « free » for your company. This of course is a bit like what investors refers to as « China math », but GitHub has 65 million registered user accounts, most of whom we must assume are developers one way or another. If you intelligently structure your organisation around GitHub, there is literally nothing preventing you from using every single one of these developers as your own company’s resource, making you a million times more productive than mega corporations such as Amazon, Facebook, and Microsoft – For a millionth of the cost these mega corporations are paying. But first let’s illustrate the problem, such that the solution becomes clear …

The problem

In one of my previous jobs somebody had cloned an open source git repository, then added its code to our own private corporate cloud’s git repositories, for then to start modifying the thing (the horror!) 2 years later it took one of my developers 6 weeks to update the thing to use the latest version as created by its main developer on GitHub, trying to keep as many of our own customisations as possible in the process. Needless to say, but I was furious about the original decision, due to having responsibilities for code quality at this company.

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Every digital aspect comes with a security risk if not handled properly. With billions of people using online and digital technologies worldwide, there are ample opportunities for hackers to break the security wall and create unrest all around. Cybersecurity news has become too frequent these days. We see bitcoin mining, credit card credential stealing, injecting malicious code into the systems, stealing confidential data, etc. In today’s digital world, it is not just about having speed, reaching your customers quickly, easy setup, mind-blowing features, etc., but rather, it is about how safe or secure your systems, data, or features are.

What is Cybersecurity?

The approach and practice of securing electronic data, networks, computer systems, and any form of digital infrastructure from malicious attacks is known as Cybersecurity. Banks, educational institutions, tech companies, government agencies, publishing media houses, hospitals, and every sector invest in cybersecurity infrastructure to protect their customer data, secrets, and business intelligence from attackers.

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