
WebDriverIO: Next-generation Automation Framework

WebDriverIO is an open-source next-generation automation framework, that allows us to automate modern web and mobile applications. It has an extended set of built-in and community plugins that help in designing robust, scalable tests and easily integrate with third-party applications including cloud services (BrowserStack, Applitools, Sauce Labs), Docker, Jenkins, Bamboo, GitHub, and many more.

It helps in designing automation tests for web applications and native mobile applications in just a few lines of code, making it very popular among developers and testers. It runs on WebDriver protocol to support cross-browser testing, and Chrome DevTools protocol to support Chromium-based automation. 

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RingCentral APIs use OAuth 2.0 for authorization. But which grant flow is the best practice for client-side apps, such as desktop, mobile app, and web (Single Page Apps)? The answer to that is authorization code with Proof Key for Code Exchange. In this article, I will introduce and show you how to implement authorization code with PKCE flow in Single Page Apps.

Useful Links

  1. RingCentral APIs reference: Authorization in RingCentral APIs.
  2. IETF link: Proof Key for Code Exchange by OAuth Public Clients.

Authorization Code and Implicit Grant Flow

Authorization Code Grant Flow

We can get the full steps of authorization code grant flow in the following diagram. A third-party app will need the RingCentral client ID and client secret to exchange and refresh the access token. The third-party app will stay authorized if it refreshes the RingCentral access token before the refresh token has expired, and will get a new refresh token and access token when it refreshes.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Les risques croissants liés aux cybermenaces, à la protection des données et aux nouvelles lois sur la confidentialité poussent les entreprises leaders à identifier et mettre en place des mesures efficaces de limitation des risques.

Alors que votre entreprise s’engage dans la transformation numérique et transfère toujours plus d’applications vers le cloud, vous avez besoin d’une sécurité plus intelligente, automatisée et intégrée. SAP vous aide à atteindre ces objectifs avec les solutions SAP pour la cybersécurité et la protection des données. Ces solutions uniques considèrent en parallèle les transactions métier et les risques liés à la sécurité, et contribuent à la sécurité des données, propice à une confiance numérique durable.

Nos solutions vous aideront à :

  • Détecter et traiter les activités suspectes dans les environnements logiciels SAP®.
  • Analyser le langage de programmation ABAP® et le code source non-ABAP pour identifier les risques.
  • Effectuer une surveillance des systèmes et applications à gros volumes, avec alertes et outils analytiques, mais aussi intégration à d’autres outils de gestion des événements et des informations de sécurité (SIEM).
  • Assurer le contrôle de vos données et une transparence optimale dans les environnements de type Hyperscale (clouds publics).
  • Gérer et faciliter la sécurisation des données personnelles, en toute conformité, avec notamment des capacités liées au masquage et à la journalisation.

Invitation spéciale :

Rejoignez-moi, ainsi que mes collègues Evelyne Salie, Anne Marie Colombo et Wasif Gilani, pour obtenir des informations de SAP, mais aussi de notre invité spécial, Kevin Heckel de Deloitte, le 23 mars 2021, pour notre présentation intitulée « Cybermenaces, confidentialité et sécurité », proposée dans le cadre du sommet virtuel SAP Finance and Risk.

Nous évoquerons ces sujets et la façon dont les technologies SAP peuvent aider les professionnels de la sécurité, de la protection des données et de la confidentialité à transformer votre approche en matière d’automatisation et de conformité.

Wasif Gilani nous parlera d’une nouvelle solution incontournable : SAP Data Custodian.

Nous évoquerons également deux autres solutions : SAP Enterprise Threat Detection et notre tableau de bord de cybersécurité SAP Analytics Cloud (Arndt Lingscheid et Gabriele Fiata).

En somme, nous vous proposons 45 minutes particulièrement riches et intenses, axées sur la cybersécurité et la protection des données, et la présentation de multiples fonctionnalités absolument incontournables.

Nous sommes impatients de vous retrouver à l’occasion de cet événement virtuel unique !  Rendez-vous à 11 h (UTC-4) ou bien à la demande, une fois l’événement terminé.

Et en attendant, voici quelques suggestions :

Consultez ce document de deux pages consacré à la manière dont Deloitte a utilisé SAP Enterprise Threat Detection pour optimiser la surveillance des menaces de sécurité pour nombre de ses applications.

Accédez à notre dizaine de sessions à la demande pour bénéficier de présentations de produits approfondies et pour découvrir les nombreux cas dans lesquels SAP utilise ses propres solutions pour gérer les risques, automatiser des centaines de contrôles et effectuer ses propres programmes d’audit interne à travers l’entreprise. Inscrivez-vous pour regarder la session de votre choix et approfondir les domaines de la GRC (gouvernance, gestion des risques et conformité), de la gouvernance des accès, de la confidentialité et de la cybersécurité.

The post Adoptez une stratégie gagnante face aux cybermenaces et aux risques liés à la confidentialité et à la sécurité appeared first on SAP France News.

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Looking for something new to get you excited about design work? This list is packed with all kinds of goodies to help you feel inspired and ready to work.

Here’s what new for designers this month.

Top Picks for March

Same Energy

Same Energy, in beta, is a visual search engine. You can search with a minimum number of words or an image. The website is designed to help you find art, photography, decoration ideas, and practically anything. It uses deep learning and algorithms to create images on the home page, and you can create feeds in the same manner. The coolest part of this tool is that it tries to match the visual and artistic style you ask for with image mood and objects.

SVG Repo

SVG Repo is a collection of more than 300,000 SVG vectors and icons that you can download and use in projects for free (even commercial use). The site has a powerful search tool to help you find the right image, and the platform is designed so that you can contribute.


Penpot is an open-source design and prototyping platform for cross-domain teams. It is a web-based tool that isn’t dependent on any operating system and works with open web standards. It’s designed to be zippy and interactive so your team can work fast.


Directual is a no-code platform for building scalable apps using a visual interface. (Perfect for designers with less development experience.) It includes integrations with other popular tools and is free to use while figuring out how the app works and how you can make it fit your business goals.

HTML Boilerplates

HTML Boilerplates helps you start web projects by generating a custom HTML boilerplate that you can download. Just choose the elements you want to include and then copy and paste the code into your editor.

6 Productivity Boosters


Rows is a spreadsheet tool with built-in web integrations that’s made for team collaboration. It works with other tools you already use, such as Google Analytics, Twitter, LinkedIn, Mailchimp, and so many others. Without scripts, you can use it to automate workflows, analyze data, share dashboards, and build forms and tools that make work simpler.

Form.Taxi is a premium web-based form tool. You can create web forms without code or programming and connect them to your website. The tool then stores information, filters for spam, and notifies you of form submissions.


Verbz is a voice productivity app that allows you to create notes, assign tasks, make announcements, run standups, or chat. Talk or type, listen or read. It works as your own voice assistant for teams. It’s available in Beta from the App Store, and there’s a waitlist for Android users.


Flameshot is a tool for grabbing screenshots. It has a customizable appearance, is easy to use, and lets you draw and edit screenshots as you work.


Kitemaker is a collaboration tool for development processes. It can help you keep track of everything from tools such as Slack, Discord, Figma, and Github in one place. It helps you structure projects and keep discussions about work moving forward in one place.

This Code Works

This Code Works is a place to save code snippets that work for when you need them again. You can group and organize snippets and share with others. You might think of it as the “Pinterest of code.”

3 Icons and User Interface Elements

Sensa Emoji

Sensa Emoji is a collection of common emoji icons that you can use in your materials. Every element is fully vector and free to use.

Google Fonts Icons

Google Fonts now supports icons, starting with Material Icons. Choose between outlined, filled, rounded, sharp, or two-tone options in the open-source library.

Toolbox Neumorphism Generator

Toolbox Neumorphism Generator is a design tool that helps developers to generate CSS in the soft UI /neomorphism style for the elements with real-time output.

3 Tutorials and Demos

An Interactive Guide to CSS Transitions

An Interactive Guide to CSS Transitions explains everything you need to know about this great animation tool for website designers. This tutorial digs in with code and examples to help you create more polished animations and is designed for anyone from beginners to experienced designers with some pro tips throughout.

About Us Pop-Out Effect

The About Us Pop-Out Effect adds a special element to any team or contact page with a nifty pop animation. Each person seems to lift out of the circle frame in this pen by Mikael Ainalem.

Interactive Particles Text Create with Three.js

Interactive Particles Text Create with Three.js is a web element you could play with all day. Text shifts into particles and follows mouse movement in a fluid motion in the pen by Ricardo Sanprieto.

10 Fresh Fonts and Text Tools

Bitmap Fonts

Bitmap Fonts is a collection of various bitmap typefaces all pulled and stored in a single location. This is the perfect solution if you are looking for a bitmap option.

Uniwidth Typefaces

Uniwidth Typefaces for Interface Design is another collection of fonts for a specific purpose – here universal widths for interface design. Uniwidth fonts are proportionally-spaced typefaces where every character occupies the same space across different cuts or weights. This is both a tutorial on the type style as well as font collection.

Bubble Lemon

Bubble Lemon is a typeface for projects with a childlike feel. With an outline and regular style, the thick bubble letters look like some of the sketches you may have done in grade school.

Core Font

Core Font is an open-source project with a funky and modern style. It has a full upper- and lower-case character set, numerals, and a few punctuation marks.


GHEA Aram is a superfamily with a Central European flair, according to the type designer. The premium typeface includes everything from light to black italic and even some Armenian ligatures.

Make Wonderful Moments Duo

Make Wonderful Moments Duo is a script and sans serif font pair with a lighthearted feel and highly readable character set. The regular (sans serif) only has uppercase characters.


Ribheud is a slab-style display font with a heavy look and strong presence. What makes it interesting is the left-outline/shadow on each character.

Rose Knight

Rose Knight has an old-style feel that can take on multiple moods, depending on supporting design elements. All of the characters are uppercase with alternates. It could make a fun branding option.

The Glester

The Glester is a beautiful premium typeface in a calligraphic style. The most interesting element of this typeface is all of the extra decorations that allow you to change individual characters (380 glyph alternates).


Velatus is a vintage-style typeface with plenty of swashes and flourishes that make it unique. It comes with 157 characters and 96 glyphs.


The post 27 Exciting New Tools For Designers, March 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Le 2 mars 2021, Microsoft a publié des correctifs concernant des vulnérabilités critiques de type « jour zéro » (zero day) affectant les serveurs de messagerie Exchange en version 2010, 2013, 2016 et 2019.

Ces vulnérabilités permettent à un attaquant de réaliser une exécution de code …
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Today, most companies are using Python for AI and Machine Learning. With predictive analytics and pattern recognition becoming more popular than ever, Python development services are a priority for high-scale enterprises and startups. Python developers are in high-demand — mostly because of what can be achieved with the language. AI programming languages need to be powerful, scalable, and readable. Python code delivers on all three.

While there are other technology stacks available for AI-based projects, Python has turned out to be the best programming language for this purpose. It offers great libraries and frameworks for AI and Machine Learning (ML), as well as computational capabilities, statistical calculations, scientific computing, and much more. 

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Le 23 février 2021, WMware a publié un avis de sécurité concernant trois vulnérabilités (cf. section documentation). La vulnérabilité CVE-2021-21972 est la plus critique. Elle permet une exécution de code arbitraire à distance par un attaquant non authentifié.

Cette vulnérabilité …
Source de l’article sur CERT-FR

If you like to build websites with WordPress, then you’re in for a treat.

Now, for the first time, you don’t need to know how to code to use Google’s popular Material Design system on your WordPress website; the web giant has released a WordPress plugin and theme to import its colors, icons, UI elements, and typography straight into your CMS.

Google already provided a set of tools for generating Material Design themes, but until now you needed to know how to copy that code across to your site files. With this latest plugin and theme, all you need to do is click and go.


You need to install both the plugin and theme to take advantage of Material Design for WordPress. Using the add-ons, you can tweak your typography via Google Fonts, add-in MD color, and even choose your own icons. If even that’s too much, pick one of the pre-built themes. One of the best features is that the plugin warns you if your customizations break accessibility guidelines, saving you a do-over when you discover it later on.

Google calls it “an experimental plugin and theme,” which means it’s subject to change. And Google has been quick to emphasize that the plugin is very much a work in progress, asking for feedback to help them direct future development efforts.

It’s a really great option for anyone who’s starting on the web, building their first site, or who really wants a nice reliable design system that they can build on in the future.

It’s yet another automation tool that has driven WordPress to the top of the technology pile and made it the CMS of choice for 40% of the web. As tech hots up and AI continues to develop, it’s hard to dismiss the idea that one day soon, our only contribution to websites will be paying the hosting bill!


The post Try the New Material Design Capabilities for WordPress first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

Everyday design fans submit incredible industry stories to our sister-site, Webdesigner News. Our colleagues sift through it, selecting the very best stories from the design, UX, tech, and development worlds and posting them live on the site.

The best way to keep up with the most important stories for web professionals is to subscribe to Webdesigner News or check out the site regularly. However, in case you missed a day this week, here’s a handy compilation of the top curated stories from the last seven days. Enjoy!

The New Trello – Going Beyond the Board

Flameshot – Superb Screenshot Tool

GitHub Surf – Open repositories in a VSCode Environment

The Never-Ending Job of Selling Design Systems

The Secret Ingredients to Design

What Saul Bass Can Teach Us About Web Design

2021 Planner for Notion – A Smart Notion Workspace

Ideas for CSS Button Hover Animations – Create Beautiful Images of Your Code

Variable Font Reveals The Full Horror of The Climate Crisis

Design Systems For Figma: Year In The Life Of A Material Design Advocate

Interface Market – An Extensive Collection of App UI Kits

DogeHouse – Open-Source Audio Chat on the Web

Interaction Design is More Than Just User Flows and Clicks

Design Trends 2021

Straw.Page – Extremely Simple Website Builder

The Impact of Web Design and SEO Conversion Rates

Powerful Microinteractions to Improve Your Prototypes

What’s New in Ecommerce, February 2021

Colortopia – The Easiest Way to Find Colors

5 Simple Design Patterns to Improve Your Website

TextBuddy for macOS – A Swiss Army Knife for Plain Text

Upcoming Interesting JavaScript ES2021 (ES12) Features

WordPress 5.7: Big ol’ jQuery Update

JavaScript reducer – A Simple, Yet Powerful Array Method


The post Popular Design News of the Week: February 15, 2021 – February 21, 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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