
2020 aura été une année clé pour le SI de Laboratoire Renaudin. L’industriel basque a en effet basculé vers l’ERP intelligent SAP S/4HANA, avec son partenaire STMS, en s’appuyant sur la méthodologie Move to SAP S/4HANA.

PME familiale indépendante, Laboratoire Renaudin est devenu au fil des décennies un véritable industriel de la pharmacie, avec son site de production de 20 000 m², situé à Itxassou, au cœur du Pays Basque. Sa spécialité ? Les injectables de petit volume (ampoules, flacons et poches). En 2019, l’entreprise a ainsi écoulé 87 millions d’ampoules, essentiellement auprès d’hôpitaux et de cliniques, en France comme à l’étranger.

Laboratoire Renaudin utilise des solutions SAP depuis 2012, avec un ERP très intégré, présent tout au long de la chaîne de production. Une solution qui gère la plupart des processus et est utilisée par 120 des 220 salariés de l’entreprise. La tierce maintenance applicative de cette offre est assurée par l’intégrateur STMS, spécialiste depuis plus de 10 ans des solutions SAP.

Le SI de l’entreprise était arrivé à un tournant. Les conditions étaient favorables à la migration d’ECC vers SAP S/4HANA et l’entreprise craignait de devoir faire face par la suite à un embouteillage de migrations réalisées sur le tard. Certains développements programmés en interne avaient également intérêt à être réalisés pour l’ERP intelligent SAP S/4HANA et non pour ECC, afin de ne pas rajouter de dette technologique supplémentaire.

Cette mission de migration a été tout naturellement confiée à STMS, qui a appliqué la méthodologie Move to SAP S/4HANA en prélude au projet. « Nous avons souscrit à l’offre Move, dans des conditions tout à fait transparentes, explique André Mateescu, directeur commercial de Laboratoire Renaudin et sponsor du projet. Nous n’avons eu aucune mauvaise surprise, dans la mesure où tout a été bien cadré et les budgets tenus. »

Une méthodologie claire pour une migration réussie

Première étape, comprendre quelle valeur attendre de SAP S/4HANA et quelle approche adopter pour répondre aux besoins métiers et à la stratégie générale de l’entreprise. Cette phase permet aux utilisateurs et à la direction de se projeter dans le futur ERP. Seconde étape, analyser la solution existante afin d’en détecter les points faibles, de recenser les spécifiques et d’identifier les opportunités de simplification du SI et d’adoption de nouvelles technologies.

L’utilisation de SAP Readiness Check 2.0 permet de disposer d’une vue d’ensemble des applications et modules recommandés. L’ABAP Test Cockpit offre pour sa part de tester les spécifiques existants sous SAP S/4HANA. Enfin, les processus de l’entreprise sont comparés aux standards du marché et les outils obsolètes décommissionnés.

Fort des enseignements tirés de ce travail préparatoire, STMS a pu proposer plusieurs trajectoires de migration vers SAP S/4HANA, appuyées chacune par un budget et un planning. Laboratoire Renaudin a opté pour une migration à périmètre constant, permettant de limiter la durée du projet au strict nécessaire. Mais avec une réduction des pain points, la recherche de quick wins, des optimisations autour de la base de données et une modernisation des cockpits, au travers de Fiori.

Un projet mené à bien en 10 mois

Le projet s’est composé d’une phase de migration technique effectuée entre mars et mai 2020. Puis d’une recette métier menée avant et après les congés d’été, suivie d’une bascule à blanc réalisée en octobre. La première phase de la recette a permis de tester les différents flux et de faire remonter les écarts. Pendant l’été, l’équipe technique a pu se pencher sur ces problèmes, avant une seconde phase de recette dédiée à la qualification opérationnelle de la nouvelle solution. La phase de bascule à blanc s’est révélée essentielle pour mesurer avec précision la durée du basculement entre l’ancienne et la nouvelle solution.

La crise sanitaire a eu un effet inattendu sur le projet en reculant son déploiement du 11 novembre 2020 à mi-décembre. Un déploiement qui devrait se dérouler sur trois jours. « Nous fournissons nos produits à des services de réanimation et d’urgence. Nous ne pouvions donc pas nous permettre d’arrêter notre activité en pleine montée de la seconde vague de la Covid, constate André Mateescu. Mais je reste serein quant à la mise en production de la solution. »

Des gains importants sur la base de données

Les premiers bénéfices des technologies SAP HANA se font d’ores et déjà sentir. À commencer par d’importants gains sur la taille de la base de données, qui est passée de 345 Go à 170 Go. Un bénéfice direct de la méthodologie Move to SAP S/4HANA, qui offre l’occasion de réorganiser les données. L’analyse préparatoire a permis également de décommissionner 23 % de spécifiques qui n’étaient plus utilisés.

Laboratoire Renaudin travaille dans un secteur particulier, nécessitant de nombreux développements sur mesure. « Nous avions un peu peur de changer de système de base de données du fait de nos spécifiques, en particulier sur la production, témoigne Amaia Sedes, responsable qualification de l’entreprise. Si cette partie a nécessité beaucoup de travail, elle n’a finalement pas eu d’impact majeur sur la phase de recette. »

C’est là encore un des bénéfices de l’approche Move, qui permet de bien cadrer, planifier, puis traiter les différents thèmes d’une migration vers l’ERP intelligent SAP S/4HANA.

The post Une méthodologie claire pour une migration réussie – Laboratoire Renaudin adopte l’ERP SAP S/4HANA avec STMS appeared first on SAP France News.

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I am an « automation fundamentalist ». What I mean by that, is that I will go through large amounts of pain to avoid having to manually type code if I am able to have my computer do it automatically for me. The reasons are fairly self evident, because all bugs originates from a human being having written code at some point in time. Hence, if I can completely avoid manually writing code, the argument is that I can create 100% perfect software systems, that won’t even in theory be allowed to contain bugs of any kind. This idea extends to writing Unit Tests too.

Therefor, I created the ability to automatically generate Unit Tests in Magic. To understand how, watch the following video, where I demonstrate how I invoke an HTTP REST endpoint, for then to persist the invocation, allowing me to « replay » it later. The idea of course, is that being able to replay an HTTP invocation, can help me sanity check my system further down the road, as I modify it for whatever reasons I have to modify it.

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Now, we have everything prepared and ready to go to a Kubernetes Cluster in a cloud provider. It is a fact that creating a cluster in any cloud provider manually is a difficult task. Moreover, if we want to automate this deployment, we need something that helps us in this tedious task. In this article, we will see how to create a Kubernetes Cluster and all of its required objects, deploying our Alexa Skill with Terraform using Google Kubernetes Engine.


Here, you have the technologies used in this project:

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If you’re here, then you’re thinking about becoming a web designer and wondering if it’s a smart move.

Honestly, it’s not uncommon to be plagued by doubts and what-ifs when making a big career change, and that’s especially so right now, what with all the uncertainty we’ve faced over the last year.

Here’s some good news: It’s never a bad time to become a web designer, which makes 2021 the perfect time to turn your passion into a career! Here are 8 reasons why:

1. People Are Spending More Time Online Than Ever Before

DoubleVerify surveyed consumers’ digital consumption habits in 2020, and guess what it found? The amount of time people spend online has doubled since the pandemic began. Before 2020, consumers worldwide were spending an average of 3 hours and 17 minutes online every day. Now? The average is 6 hours and 59 minutes.

Needless to say, web designers are in high demand as businesses rush to get in front of these consumers.

2. There’s a Big Freelance Boom Right Now

An Upwork study at the end of 2020 reveals that freelancing grew by 22% (about 2 million workers) since 2019. This now-popular career move is a great option for everyone — from university graduates entering the workforce for the first time to anyone who’s been recently laid off. Heck, if you’re just plain unhappy with the course of your career and want to shake things up, freelancing could be the breath of fresh you need.

3. It’s a Future-Proof Field

In these uncertain times, you’re right to be cautious about jumping into something new. But web design is a career that’ll be around for a long, long time. It’s not just the fact that we’ll always need people to build websites that makes this field future-proof. You could build… Websites. Mobile apps. Web apps. Progressive web apps. You could specialize in… Graphic design. UX design. Web development. You could work for yourself. Build your own agency. Go work for someone else.

There’s a ton of flexibility in how you make a living as a designer. So if your interests change or your industry is impacted, that’s fine. Just pivot!

4. You Can Do It From Anywhere, Anytime

When people are nervous about traveling or living in densely packed cities, that’s not something that should worry you as a web designer. One of the benefits of being a web designer is that you can do it from anywhere you want and on your own schedule.

This is especially nice for anyone who has a family and needs a more effective way of managing it all at once, even when the kids aren’t in school or jobs out in the physical world are diminishing.

5. You’re in the Driver’s Seat

Let’s face it, it can be really stressful working for a company where you have little to no say about what goes on, how it gets done, and how much money you make for all your efforts. This is one of the reasons why freelancing is such an attractive option for many. You get to decide which content management system you build websites with. You get to decide who you work with. You get to set your hours of availability. You make the rules. And you know what? You can change them at any time. It’s all on you.

6. It Can Be a Lot of Fun

There’s some fascinating stuff coming down the line in digital design. For instance, augmented and virtual realities are really starting to pick up speed as ecommerce companies need a better way to allow customers to window-shop and try stuff on digitally.

AI is also bringing a lot of changes to the space. Not only can machine learning and language processing improve the way companies do business online, but they can also improve the way web designers work, too.

7. It Can Also Be Really Rewarding

Because you control your career as a web designer, you get to decide who you build websites for. So, what kinds of causes are you passionate about? Is there an industry you have close ties to and want to give back? This isn’t about working for free. This is about offering your professional design services to people you’re invested in and causes that get you excited.

Not only will it be easier to work for clients like these, but you’ll enjoy it more, too.

8. You Don’t Need to Go to School to Become a Designer

This is a common question for people wanting to leap into web design. While you should have some basic knowledge and skills when you start, you don’t need a degree in design or development to start making money.

One of the beautiful things about becoming a web designer is that you can learn as you go. Here are 5 free courses that’ll help you get to the next level. For instance, you can start as a freelancer, building websites from pre-made templates or themes. As you get more experience and pick up advanced design and coding skills, you can then branch out into specialized fields or areas of expertise.

Ready to Become a Web Designer?

There are many, many reasons to leap into web design in 2021. But are you ready? Before you get started, make sure you have a trusted set of resources to help you with the business side of becoming a web designer. Webdesigner Depot is a good place to start. You’ll learn things like:

And much, much more. When you’re ready, check out this 3-part business branding series where you’ll learn how to kick off your new web design business the right way.


Featured image via Unsplash.


The post Should You Become a Web Designer in 2021? first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Ecommerce design may seem fairly straight-forward; you build an online store that showcases a company’s products or services and gives customers a quick and pain-free way to purchase them.

While that formula will always hold true, ecommerce is undergoing some big changes, and web designers need to be prepared to keep up with them. This monthly ecommerce trends roundup will explore these new and evolving design, sales, and marketing trends.

1. Calmer Color Palettes

Although we’re not likely to see this trend go near the sites for big box stores, it’s something smaller ecommerce companies are adopting. And with good reason.

As consumers become wary about how much money they’re spending, they don’t need to feel pressured or rushed into a purchase. And ecommerce sites that employ calmer color palettes — like pastels and earth tones — will do a better job of putting their customers at ease.

Bicycle saddle manufacture Brooks England shows how this trend plays out in ecommerce design:

It’s not just outdoors or sporting goods companies that can use more natural-looking colors, either. CBD product vendor Cannaray is another company that uses a more subdued color palette:

Really, any store that wants to do a better job creating satisfying experiences for customers and gaining their long-time loyalty should consider toning things down with color.

2. No-rush Shipping Rewards

For years, we’ve seen consumers go crazy for brands that offer free and fast shipping. But thanks to the surge in online shopping in 2020, ecommerce companies, their shipping partners, and delivery service providers just haven’t been able to keep up with the pace.

When customers are unhappy with slow deliveries, they’re going to go to social media and review sites to bombard brands with complaints, as has been happening with Loft since November:

Although many ecommerce stores still don’t inform customers ahead of time about these delays, we’re starting to see a new checkout trend.

Here’s how Gap is encouraging and rewarding customers for choosing no-rush shipping:

Amazon is another ecommerce site that encourages no-rush shipping at checkout with a reward:

Not only does this set better expectations for customers before they finish their purchases, but it encourages everyone to slow down a bit so that ecommerce companies and their shipping/delivery partners can keep up.

3. More Human and Empathetic Assistance

Each year, design trend roundups suggest that AI will play a greater role in web design.

While that may be true for things like the search bar or personalized recommendations, ecommerce sites are pulling back the reins on automated support and assistance.

Best Buy, for instance, offers customers the option to “Shop with an Expert”:

After shoppers go through a quick survey, they’re given a variety of options — based on their own level of comfort and convenience — to work with the expert:

Something that might’ve been left in the hands of a self-service quiz or automated chatbot is being given the human touch once more.

We’re seeing a similar trend with retailers like Warby Parker. While it still offers a virtual AR try-on, the main navigation actually emphasizes the home try-on option:

Again, this is another example of ecommerce companies becoming less reliant on automated support to give their customers a better and more confident shopping experience.


Ecommerce trends are always evolving. Sometimes it’s due to new technologies. Other times it has to do with what’s happening in the world around us. And sometimes it’s simply to keep up with changing consumer expectations.

Stay tuned as we explore new and emerging ecommerce trends in the coming months…


The post What’s New in Ecommerce, January 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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The concept of coroutine must be familiar to everyone now. After all, not only LUA, Go, and Kotlin but also C++ all support coroutines.

But different languages have different implementations. Such as LUA, coroutines will be scheduled when someone called yield() or resume().

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The start of the year is always a good time to reassess priorities and consider new approaches, but 2021 is more of a reset than we expected this time last year. 2020 is unlikely to go down in anyone’s autobiography as the best year of their life, but it has done something positive: it’s prepared the ground for rapid change in the next 12 months.

More than any other year in our lifetimes, 2021 is set to be revolutionary, with emerging trends that will last well into the new decade. Here’s what we think you can look forward to around the next corner.

1. The End of Minimalism

Minimalism has been the de facto approach to web design for the last decade because it works.

But design reflects the zeitgeist. Where minimalism once felt clean and fresh, it’s starting to feel dull and uninspired. There have been a few false-starts breaking out of the long-term trend, but thanks to the pandemic, 2021 will be the year minimalism finally folds — at least for a while.

Prior to coronavirus-mandated lockdowns worldwide, there were already signs of a more vibrant, more decorative, more joyful approach to design. Simple typefaces have been replaced with more decorative examples — faces that use ink-traps to fake 3D effects are surprisingly popular.

trends are cyclical, and the wheel always turns

One of the biggest aspects of this blossoming trend is the move away from Material Design-style flat color not just to gradients but to multi-color gradients and even animated gradients. Even Apple, the last bastion of the clean white-box approach, jumped on the gradient bandwagon with its Big Sur branding.

One of the few things COVID-19 hasn’t slowed is the adoption of new web technology, and CSS, in particular, has had some major developments in the last year. CSS Grid is now a practical technology, and our ability to code standards-compliant designs that aren’t dependent on hierarchical boxes is greatly enhanced.

After more than a year of pretty grim news for most people, much of the world will be vaccinated over the next twelve months, and life will rapidly return to normal. The last global crisis on this scale was the 1918 influenza pandemic, and it led directly to the decade known as the Roaring Twenties.

Minimalism was already dipping in popularity — trends are cyclical, and the wheel always turns — but lockdown, or perhaps more precisely the end of lockdown, is the catalyst for significant change.

2. The Decline of WordPress

In Autumn 2020, something entirely unexpected happened: The W3C announced the platform its new web presence would be built on, and WordPress — the previous choice of the web’s steering committee — didn’t even make the list of finalists.

Due to accessibility concerns, the W3C development team opted to migrate away from WordPress to Craft CMS. The decision was met with a mixture of glee and outrage. But whether you agree with the decision or not, it’s hard to see it as anything other than yet another symptom of WordPress’ decline.

WordPress faces a triple threat: there are web builders that do an adequate job for low-end web projects; there are newer rivals like Craft that outperform WordPress as a CMS; there’s a growing interest in alternate approaches, like Jamstack.

So will it all be over for WordPress in 2021? Not even close. There are myriad reasons WordPress will continue to be the choice of designers and developers for years to come. Tens of thousands of professionals worldwide have invested their whole careers in WordPress; there are millions of themes, plugins, templates, and build processes that are tightly woven into the WordPress ecosystem. What’s more, there are millions of sites with substantial content archives powered by WordPress [WebDesignerDepot is one such site].

WordPress reportedly powers approximately 37% of the web, and it will still be the dominant CMS in 2022. But it’s unlikely to grow beyond that 37%, and by 2030 its market share will be in rapid contraction.

2020 was the high-tide mark for WordPress

But for all its faults — and it’s undeniable that WordPress is full of faults — WordPress is the best of the web; it has given a voice to millions of people, launched countless careers, and empowered entrepreneurship worldwide.

2020 was the high-tide mark for WordPress, but it’s not an extinction-level event — even the much-maligned Flash, which was killed dead in a matter of months by the first generation iPhone, limped on until a few weeks ago.

WordPress will have to find a niche and accept a smaller market share; in doing so, it will address the single biggest complaint that anyone has about WordPress: that it’s trying to do too much.

WordPress is one of the great success stories of the web. In a decade, it may have to settle for powering just 10% of the web — a level of failure most of its rivals can only dream of.

3. The Digital Currency Explosion

2021 is undoubtedly the year that cryptocurrency goes mainstream. In 2020 Bitcoin grew by almost 400%; currently valued at around $35k, conservative predictions for a December 2021 valuation are $100k, with five-year predictions as high as $1m. And Bitcoin isn’t the only cryptocurrency; the value of developer-friendly Ether has jumped by more than 50% in the first few weeks of 2021.

In the US, the incoming Biden administration is preparing a multi-trillion dollar relief package, which many believe young Americans will invest in cryptocurrency. Perhaps more importantly, large investment banks are now pumping hundreds of millions in digital currencies. PayPal and Visa are both in the advanced stages of adopting blockchain technology.

The biggest threat to the new digital economy is the volatility of cryptocurrency. You cannot price services in XRP if XRP’s dollar price could crash at any time — as it did a few weeks ago.

And so there are two routes in which this trend will unfold for ecommerce. Either pricing will remain in dollars, and the equivalent price in various cryptocurrencies will be calculated in real-time. Or, transactions will make use of stablecoins like Tether that are tied to the value of the US dollar.

Cryptocurrency is the latest gold-rush, and whether you think it’s the chance of a lifetime or yet another Ponzi scheme, it will become increasingly high-profile in ecommerce throughout 2021.

4. No More Video Calls and also More Video Calls

2020 was the year of Zoom. Its growth from bit-player to overtaking Skype is a material lesson for entrepreneurs that every obstacle is an opportunity.

every obstacle is an opportunity

Over the last year, we’ve discovered two things: meetings are more creative in person, and office costs are significantly reduced when staff work remotely.

There’s going to be a shift in the business landscape this year. Remote working will continue to be normal for years to come as businesses enjoy rent savings. Video calls will still be common for quick update meetings. But expect to travel to physical meeting places periodically for in-depth strategic planning.

Expect to see major cities with deserted office buildings and a rapid expansion of co-working spaces, especially those with meeting spaces — if WeWork can hold on a little longer, there may be light at the end of the tunnel.

As a web professional, you’re in a unique position to thrive in the new business world, even more so if you’re a freelancer. Remember, if you’re working onsite, be mindful of your physical health, and if you’re working remotely, be mindful of your mental health.

What Do You Think?

No one saw 2020 coming. Sometimes world events are outwith our control, and we have to hang on and hope it gets better. It’s been a tough 12 months, and the truth is we’re not through it yet.

But the 2020 coronavirus pandemic is the first pandemic in human history that we’ve had the technology to shorten.

2021 offers the opportunity for enormous change. Will designers look for new, more decorative approaches? Will we replace our technology stack? Will you be billing clients in Ether this year? Will you suffer the misery of a packed evening commute ever again?



Featured image via Unsplash


The post 4 Predictions for the Web in 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Enjoying Baccarat is something that folks have always wanted to accomplish after viewing a few of the popular stars do exactly the same in films and on TV. As the style and glitz may not nearly be as you would have dreamed it to be, it will at least come close to it. Of all the different activities which are there nowadays, online baccarat loves being amongst the most truly effective performed games. You can be certain that you will thoroughly appreciate the overall game without actually having to go somewhere to be able to have fun.

Here are the most important reasons as to why you’d want to play baccarat on the internet.

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