
In a previous post, I showed you how to use AWS CDK to automate the deployment and configuration of your Apache Airflow environments using Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (MWAA) on AWS. In this quick how-to guide, I will share how you can use Terraform to do the same thing.

You will need:

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The design world fluctuates back and forth, swerving between love and hate for different design trends. Sometimes we see a wide range of approaches, and sometimes designers all hop on the same idea.

This month, the web is dominated by animation. Designers are cramming in motion in unexpected ways. And it’s fun to explore. Here are 20 of the best new sites on the web this month. Enjoy!


Bannach is a German furniture brand. Its products are colorful and geometric, so it makes sense that when you scroll down to the collection, the thumbnails begin as pixel blocks and animate into product photography.

Fornasetti Profumi

Fornasetti Profumi takes a different approach to motion. It uses video to emphasize stillness to promote the calming qualities of its candle products.

The Other Side of Truth

The Other Side of Truth is a superb exercise in utilizing the web for a cause. It presents facts on the Russia-Ukraine war, but the standout feature is the toggle switch that, instead of light mode-dark mode, toggles facts and Russian state propaganda.

Glasfurd & Walker

Glasfurd & Walker is a portfolio site for a design agency. So far, so standard. However, it sets itself apart because it’s slightly bigger than the browser and swerves left and right with your mouse movement.

Sirup 5th Anniversary

Sirup is a Japanese singer-songwriter, and to celebrate the fifth anniversary of his first hit single, his record company has put together this awesome maximalist micro-site that uses type, motion, and art direction to capture his style.


Fitzjohn’s is a slick site for a new apartment complex in the Hampstead area of London. It uses a refreshing modern color palette and calming animation to take the edge off the frankly ludicrous price tag.

Persepolis Reimagined

Persepolis Reimagined is an awe-inspiring WebGL tour through one of the most important cities in ancient Iran. Make sure you tour it on a large screen. It’s hard not to be wide-eyed with wonder.

JaM Cellars

JaM Cellars is a Californian wine brand that’s pitching to bachelorette parties. With names like Butter, and Sugar, it’s not the most sophisticated tipple, but yellow, we love a yellow site.

Danielle Levitt

This portfolio site for film director and photographer Danielle Levitt features samples of her best work scrolling past the viewport. There’s a clever switch of thumbnail and background color when you scroll down to the contact details.


From total color energy to Apple-levels of minimalism: Propel is a slick, animate-on-scroll site for a marine motor brand selling an outboard and inboard motor. The animated masks on the images are a nice subtle touch.


Standards is a site for a SaaS that helps organizations create, maintain, and share brand guidelines. It uses subtle animation, video of its UI, and compelling copy to sell its approach.

Chris Carruthers

The portfolio site for Chris Carruthers is deliberately self-indulgent with scrolling text, clipped images, and scroll-jacking, but it’s also delightful to peruse.

Theodore Ellison Designs

We don’t often see colored glass in real life, but the play of light on stained glass is beautiful. This site for Theodore Ellison Designs uses video to bring the effect to the web.


The Owomaniya report for 2022 uncovers the state of gender diversity in the Indian entertainment industry. Presented in the style of infographics, the information is brought to life by animation.


Meetings is a French events company. Its site uses an animated collage approach to showcase its services, and animated text to pull you into its content.


Blakeney invests in African companies on behalf of institutional investors. Its site is typical of the financial industry, but it uses animation to lift it to a higher level of interest.


Becklyn is a digital design agency. Its portfolio site uses animated text, expanding image masks, and video to guide us through its site and app design approach.


Cabi is a brand of Japanese condiments with a typically Japanese feeling site. Bright colors, a slowly scrolling slideshow of dishes, and editorial to pack shot hover effects are a great introduction to the brand.


Slantis provides building information modeling to architecture and infrastructure providers. Its site uses animation to showcase the types of content it produces for clients.

July Fund

July Fund is a venture capital project. It takes an entirely different approach than its competitors by adopting a chaotic but enjoyable card-based design.


The post 20 Best New Websites, October 2022 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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According to Adobe, design-led companies reported 50% more loyal customers and 41% greater market share when the design is implemented in a top-priority and high-quality manner.  It plays a multi-level role in helping not only to guide product development but also in establishing a connection with the customer by providing a well-differentiated experience.

Principles of Design Thinking

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Découvrez les saisons précédentes de la série de podcasts SAP intitulée « Parlons des données » dans nos précédents blogs sur la saison 5 et la saison 4.

Il est essentiel de créer un robuste socle de données et d’atteindre l’excellence en matière d’informations pour obtenir l’agilité d’entreprise nécessaire pour faire face aux changements et prendre rapidement les bonnes décisions stratégiques. Aider les équipes métier à mettre à profit leurs ressources de données et une remarquable réactivité pour optimiser la collecte et la communication de ces précieuses ressources est extrêmement utile pour renforcer l’efficacité au sein de l’entreprise et gérer de façon optimale les périodes de changements.

Nous avons donc réuni des experts en gestion et stratégie des données pour évoquer les sujets et tendances clés qui transforment la façon dont les entreprises exploitent les données pour libérer tout le potentiel de ces précieuses ressources.

Écoutez cette série de podcasts en anglais pour tout savoir sur les données !

Surveillez les nouveaux podcasts et rattrapez votre éventuel retard en la matière.

Écoute possible sur Spotify, SoundCloud, iTunes, PlayerFM ou YouTube.

Aperçu de la saison 6 : podcasts sur la stratégie de données, cas d’utilisation et solutions SAP associées

Ep. 58 — Partie 2 : Intégration de SAP Signavio Process Intelligence à SAP Data Intelligence

Cet épisode dit tout sur SAP Signavio Process Intelligence : le pourquoi, le quoi et le comment. Il aborde également l’intégration entre SAP Signavio Process Intelligence et SAP Data Intelligence.  Intervenants : Silvio Arcangeli, directeur principal SAP Signavio Process Intelligence, et Ginger Gatling, directrice principale du marketing des solutions de gestion des données chez SAP.

Ep. 57 — Partie 1 : SAP et Signavio : le quoi et le comment

Cet épisode présente SAP Signavio. Il présente la solution ainsi que les éléments clés et la façon dont SAP et Signavio travaillent ensemble pour améliorer les processus.
Intervenants : Silvio Arcangeli, directeur principal SAP Signavio Process Intelligence, et Ginger Gatling, directrice principale du marketing des solutions de gestion des données chez SAP.

Ep. 56 — Ce que le conseil d’administration doit savoir sur les données

Ce podcast porte sur les fondements nécessaires aux membres de conseils d’administration, en particulier ceux d’entreprises non natives des données, pour gérer les opportunités et risques majeurs, mener des examens plus approfondis, et assumer leur responsabilité de supervision axée sur les données. Écoutez Dr Thomas C. Redman, « le docteur Données », président de Data Quality Solutions, et Maria Villar, en charge de l’innovation en matière de gestion et de stratégie des données d’entreprise chez SAP, partager leurs précieux insights.

Ep. 55 — Les femmes dans le domaine des données

Rejoignez cette discussion interactive avec des femmes ayant toute une carrière en lien avec les données, dont Kristin McMahon, vice-présidente mondiale Solutions et marketing chez SAP, Corrie Brague, directrice principale Gestion des données chez SAP, Ina Felsheim, directrice marketing produits chez AWS, et Ginger Gatling, directrice principale Gestion des données chez SAP. Vous entendrez leur avis sur l’état actuel de la gestion des données, des conseils pour une carrière en lien avec les données et des insights sur l’importance de la promotion des données dans tous les secteurs.

Ep. 54 — SAP et OpenText : réduction des coûts, amélioration des performances et migration vers SAP S/4HANA avec solide retour sur investissement

Cet épisode concerne le traitement des documents, le partenariat avec OpenText et une récente étude axée sur le retour sur investissement évoquant la réduction des coûts, l’amélioration des performances et l’efficacité en matière de migration vers SAP S/4HANA.
Intervenantes : Sheila McCarthy, directrice mondiale du marketing et des solutions, et Ginger Gatling, directrice principale du marketing des solutions SAP

Ep. 53 — Données et analytique SAP : cas d’utilisation client pour l’intégration des données

Ce podcast s’appuie sur l’épisode 51 évoquant les services de gestion des données disponibles dans SAP Business Technology Platform. Dans cet épisode, nous découvrons une entreprise disposant de données en silos, déconnectées et dépourvues de contexte commercial. Ce podcast explique comment SAP Business Technology Platform, et plus particulièrement les services de données et d’analytique, ont été utilisés pour ajouter un contexte commercial à la masse de données existantes afin de favoriser des décisions fiables.
Intervenants : Silvio Arcangeli, directeur principal Stratégie produits technologiques et plateformes chez SAP, Axel Schuller, responsable Solutions de gestion des données SAP, Ginger Gatling, directrice principale du marketing des solutions de gestion des données chez SAP.

Ep. 52 — Rapprochement des données financières

Savez-vous que le rapprochement des données financières est incontournable dans tout projet de mise en œuvre SAP ? En quoi cela consiste-t-il et pourquoi est-ce nécessaire pour toutes les entreprises d’y prêter attention ? Rejoignez Syin Tan, Kevin Zheng, Lucas Morris et Sam Bannigan, représentants Pratiques relatives aux données chez Deloitte, qui évoquent les coûts, risques et exigences de conformité liés au rapprochement financier, et la façon dont ils ont mis à profit SAP Data Intelligence pour maîtriser ce facteur de réussite essentiel.
Intervenants : Kevin Zheng, spécialiste des données chez Deloitte Consulting, Syin Tan, spécialiste finance et données chez Deloitte Consulting, et Lucas Morris, spécialiste finance chez Deloitte Consulting.

Ep. 51 — Les meilleures façons d’exploiter les services de gestion des données avec SAP Business Technology Platform

Ce podcast explore les plus importants services de gestion des données disponibles sur SAP Business Technology Platform. Ces services incluent le catalogage des données et la gestion des métadonnées, l’intégration des données et le traitement des données. La façon dont ces services sont utilisés dans l’ensemble du portefeuille données et analytique de SAP Business Technology Platform sera également abordée. Rejoignez ce podcast pour découvrir les dernières innovations concernant les services de gestion des données et comment les mettre à profit.
Intervenants : Silvio Arcangeli, directeur principal Stratégie produits technologiques et plateformes chez SAP, Axel Schuller, responsable Solutions de gestion des données SAP, Ginger Gatling, directrice principale du marketing des solutions de gestion des données chez SAP.

Ep. 50 — SAP et Sodales : comment innover, créer et monétiser vos solutions SAP BTP Sodales Solutions crée des solutions pour la gestion EHS (Environnement, Hygiène et Sécurité) des entreprises et elle s’appuie pour cela sur SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP). Grâce à son innovation continue et à sa mise à profit de SAP BTP, Sodales exploite chaque opportunité d’amélioration. Écoutez ce que ce « modèle en matière de SAP BTP » a à dire et découvrez son approche en matière d’innovation, mais aussi des réflexions concernant SAP Store, les critères d’embauche, etc.

Ep. 49 — Le problème oublié : comment gérer la croissance du volume de données tout en réduisant les coûts et les risques La croissance du volume des données s’accélère. Les coûts et les risques liés à la gestion de toutes ces données ne se limitent pas au stockage. Rejoignez Deepak Sood, PDG d’Auritas, et Robert Pickering, directeur principal Gestion des solutions Business Technology Platform chez SAP, qui expliquent comment et pourquoi gérer le cycle de vie des données tout en trouvant le juste équilibre en matière de coûts des ressources, propriété, risques et conformité légale.

Ep. 48 — Découverte de la valeur ajoutée de SAP BTP pour les partenaires, avec SAP, IDC et le partenaire SAP Rizing Dans cet épisode de podcast, vous entendrez des dirigeants de SAP, IDC et Rizing, partenaire SAP, évoquer la valeur ajoutée obtenue par les partenaires avec SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP). Paul Edwards (directeur, canaux logiciels et écosystèmes chez IDC) mène une discussion particulièrement instructive avec Martin Stenzig(directeur de la technologie chez Rizing) et Tom Le (vice-président mondial Conseil en solutions partenaires, SAP), en abordant les conclusions du guide de la réussite partenaires IDC qui explore les accélérateurs opérationnels et technologiques offerts aux partenaires via SAP BTP. Les dirigeants abordent des sujets tels que la façon dont Rizing innove avec SAP BTP, le périmètre et l’impact de la plateforme sur la valeur du cycle de vie client, ainsi que les programmes SAP proposés pour assurer la réussite des partenaires avec SAP BTP. Pour en savoir plus, accédez au podcast dès maintenant.

Ep. 47 — Prévision du prix des produits de base avec SAP Data Intelligence Ratan Yedla et Sumanth Krishnan de VASPP Technologies évoquent le fonctionnement de la prévision des prix des produits de base avec SAP Data Intelligence. Ils abordent le recours à des modèles d’IA (intelligence artificielle) et de ML (Machine Learning) pour prévoir les futurs prix en fonction de modèles passés, d’événements externes et de données IoT, et expliquent combien mieux prévoir les prix, avec moins d’erreurs, permet de meilleures décisions d’achat et des économies pour les entreprises. VASPP Technologies a réalisé ce travail lors du sprint de contenus SAP Data Intelligence.

Ep. 46 — Création de l’automatisation intelligente de DataXstream avec SAP Data Intelligence Xilin Cheng et Kathleen Taggart de DataXstream évoquent la création de l’automatisation intelligente et les avantages du recours à SAP Data Intelligence pour les opérations de Machine Learning (MLOps). L’équipe aborde les difficultés rencontrées par le grossiste pour traiter un gros volume de devis et de commandes avec précision et efficacité. Traditionnellement, il fallait que des représentants du service client, comprenant SAP GUI et ayant des années d’expérience dans le secteur, passent des heures à saisir des données. Avec l’automatisation intelligente, la reconnaissance optique de caractères permet de lire du texte dans les modèles de Machine Learning créés par Xilin. Il évoque les techniques de traitement du langage naturel (TLN) utilisées, mais aussi les avantages du développement de pipelines de Machine Learning dans SAP Data Intelligence. Kathleen et Xilin évoquent pour finir l’avenir de l’automatisation intelligente et le potentiel qu’offre le Machine Learning pour remporter plus de contrats et améliorer l’expérience d’achat des clients.

Pour en savoir plus, consultez les ressources et informations supplémentaires disponibles ici :

The post Let’s Talk Data Podcast Series – Nouvelle saison disponible maintenant ! appeared first on SAP France News.

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What is success for you? When do you feel that you succeeded in your job? Is it when you are promoted? Maybe when you are tasked with more important assignments and greater responsibilities? Or does success mean increased creativity and freedom to work on the job you enjoy? We all envision success differently, and we need some sort of North Star to gauge if what we’re doing is getting us closer or further from it. 

Business success is usually measured in monetary value. But, revenue alone is a third-rate guide to building a sustainable product that brings value to both your company and customers. How can a business find its North Star? What might it be? 

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Twitch, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook — virtually every major brand nowadays uses live streaming to connect and engage their audience. For enterprises and developers building cloud-native applications, this growing trend creates a need for streaming technologies that can reliably handle the rush of massive amounts of data, while also being flexible and easy to manage for developers.

One such technology is Apache Pulsar® — an open-source, distributed messaging and streaming platform that’s easy to deploy, simple to scale, and packed with developer-friendly APIs. So the next question is: how can you stream from Pulsar to Apache Cassandra®, the powerful NoSQL database designed to support data-heavy applications in the cloud?

Join our beginner-friendly Pulsar workshop on YouTube and learn how to connect Pulsar with Cassandra for streaming! In this post, we’ll set the scene with an introduction to Pulsar and guide you through four hands-on exercises where you’ll use these free, cloud-native technologies: Katacoda, Kesque, GitPod, and DataStax Astra DB. Each exercise will also be linked to the step-by-step instructions on the DataStax Developers GitHub wiki.

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Welcome to our guide to the best new websites this month. If subtle, minimal sites are your thing, either look away now or prepare to have your preconceptions challenged because this month, we are going maximalist.

Lots of elements fill up the screen, lots of color, lots of big fonts, lots of illustration, and plenty of in-your-face personality. This is a tricky style to get right: if elements are not chosen and placed well, the result is simply annoying clutter. If done well, the result can be impactful and memorable.

[And Happy Independence Day to all of our American readers!]

screenagers & the incredible machine

screenagers & the incredible machine’s site puts illustration front and center, creating a look that evokes various mystic ideas. It sounds strange, but it works.

Anna Jóna

This prelaunch teaser site for Anna Jóna café and cinema has an elegant yet modern feel.


This site for Hardpops (alcoholic) ice pops takes its cue from the product flavors, and the bright, fruity colors give it a real zing.

Daniel Spatzek

Daniel Spatzek’s portfolio site takes the rules-are-made-to-be-broken approach. The result has attitude and a nice touch of humor.

Ander Agency

Plenty of color, large type, and illustration make a bold statement for Ander Agency’s single-page site.

Pretty Damn Quick

Colorful illustration on this site for Pretty Damn Quick’s Shopify app creates an impression of friendliness about the company and ease of use of the product itself.

Know Your Beetle

Know Your Beetle is a showcase page for Kaploom creative studio. Color and type combinations make a big impact.


While many of the sites featured here have a sense of fun about them, WTFFF tackles a somber subject: online sexual abuse and harassment. Artwork and audio create an immersive experience in which five young people share their experiences with the aim of helping others.

BelArosa Chalet

Full-screen illustrations with a hint of vintage style create an ideal impression of what future guests can expect from the currently under construction BelArosa Chalet.


The color scheme on the Paradam site is on the pastel end of the scale, but there is still lots going on to entrance the eye.

Tilton Group

The scrolling color panels on the Tilton Group site are a thing to behold.


Fresco uses a standard layout design, but the colors and quarter-circles instantly lift it.

Museum of Pink Art

Museum of Pink Art is an immersive experience celebrating the color pink. Undoubtedly worth a virtual wander around.

Icons by Menu

OK, this somewhat more minimalist site slipped through the net, but Icons by Menu is so pleasing to look at and use that we had to include it.


With an illustration that could be ideally at home on an Arthur C. Clarke book jacket and that rich, deep red background, this site for Glare DB is a world away from what might be expected.

Alex Beige

While the overall style and accent illustrations are pleasing on Alex Beige’s site, the Our Team section is guaranteed to raise a smile and stick in the user’s mind.


Careful spacing means busy elements (like on scroll animated illustrations) don’t become overwhelming on the Snickerdoodle site.

Grisly’s Cosmic Black

The site for Grisly’s Cosmic Black is fun, bright, and joyful. Plus, it’s nice to see an alcohol site going a bit further than the usual ‘drink responsibly’ and actually providing helpful links.

The Perennial

Not just floorplans and (lots of) images, but virtual walkthroughs too. The Perennial doesn’t feel like a standard office building.


The post 20 Best New Websites, July 2022 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Nestjs is a cutting-edge Node.js framework for developing server-side applications that are efficient, dependable, and scalable. It is simple to integrate with NoSQL and SQL databases such as MongoDB, Yugabyte, SQLite, Postgres, MySQL, and others. It supports popular object-relational mappers such as TypeORM Sequelize and Mongoose.

In this tutorial, we’ll create an e-commerce application with SQLite and TypeORM. We’ll also look at Arctype, a powerful SQL client and database management tool.

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An unreliable, semi-broken and unresponsive website is an excellent way to lose leads and visitors — regardless of how aesthetically pleasing or well-designed, the visual elements are.

Over the past decade, we’ve seen more initiative to deliver faster internet to regions of the world that were previously devoid of it. With online communities expanding and more people becoming receptive to online shopping, ensuring your site’s dependability is now more important than ever. 

One way to achieve this is by employing uptime and downtime monitoring tools. This guide will examine the best ways to get alerts when something goes wrong and your website falters.

Why Is Website Uptime Monitoring Important?

Downtime is bound to occur occasionally. Nonetheless, the goal is to minimize it. The longer the downtime occurs, the more traffic and potential clients you lose. A dysfunctional website is also detrimental to your credibility and reputation. People may associate your website’s unreliability with your real-world products or services.

With web developers charging an average of $200 per hour, high-quality websites can be expensive to build and maintain. Nevertheless, it’s often worth the investment. However, an unreliable website can backfire on you. Instead of attracting more customers, it could potentially repel them. This can result in lost revenue.

An uptime monitoring solution can help you prevent or reduce these losses. It verifies if your website is up and functional and notifies you if it’s not. This allows you to troubleshoot the issue and get your website back up and running as soon as you’re alerted. The most common issues behind your website’s downtime include: 

  • Server faults;
  • Network outages;
  • Power outage;
  • Traffic spikes;
  • Cyberattacks;
  • Domain name issues;
  • An erroneous web application deployment;
  • Increased server loads;
  • DNS Resolve issues;
  • Human error.

Thus, you must employ a dependable tool that detects downtime or any interruptions related to your website as soon as they occur. They are must-have tools for web designers, developers, and network administrators. However, not all of them are built the same. So how do you identify the best uptime monitoring tools?

Essential Features of Uptime Monitoring Tools

Uptime monitoring tools typically detect interruptions by running network tests such as pings and trace routes. You could practically monitor your website’s uptime by constantly running these tests yourself. 

However, this isn’t an efficient way to monitor your website’s uptime. A comprehensive uptime monitoring tool will automatically monitor your website’s uptime in the background. It will then alert you through various channels as soon as it senses that your website may be down. 

Furthermore, high-quality uptime monitoring solutions tend to offer additional information regarding your website’s uptime/downtime and its performance. These tools commonly feature dashboards, status pages, badges, exportable records, etc., to help you keep track of your site’s overall health.

9 Best Features of an Uptime Monitoring Solution

The ideal uptime monitoring tool or service should feature: 

  1. Website security features that notify of and repel potential cyber attacks;
  2. 24/7 uninterrupted background website monitoring;
  3. Multi-channel alerts (email, SMS, push notifications, instant messages, social media, etc.);
  4. Report generation;
  5. 24/7 customer support available through different channels (email, phone, chat, etc.);
  6. Be capable of monitoring multiple websites and proxies at the same time;
  7. Offer insights and suggestions to improve your website’s performance;
  8. Be affordable;
  9. High customizability should allow you to choose which features to enable and disable.

Another optional feature to look out for is public status pages that your clients can access to determine if all your services are up and running. GetWeave is an excellent example of this. The website features a well-organized systems status page where customers can check if all of Weave’s services are functional. 

Nevertheless, you can use the above information as a buying guide when assessing potential uptime monitoring tools. The rest of this guide will supply a few suggestions as to which tools you should use for your website.

3 Best Website Uptime Monitoring Tools 

Some of the best uptime monitoring tools for website downtime alerts include:

1. Uptrends

Uptrends isn’t just a downtime detection tool; it’s a complete web performance monitoring solution. It will notify you as soon as it detects any disturbance in your website’s performance. It features highly customizable checks. For instance, you can set performance check limits for load times. Uptrends will notify you instantly if your website takes too long to load.

You can also configure from which locations you want it to monitor your website. Uptrends will then point you to where your website usually suffers performance dips in the real world. 

The service uses multiple communication channels to send users notifications: email, phone calls, and SMS. Alternatively, you can download one of Uptrend’s mobile applications and receive push notifications. Additionally, you can integrate Uptrends with messaging and communication applications such as PagerDuty, Slack, and Microsoft Teams.   

Another impressive Uptrend feature is its ability to emulate your website’s performance on different browsers. It runs Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge on its servers. Thus, you can compare how your website runs on these web browsers without installing them on your servers or computer. 

Uptrends supplies users with various charts, reports, and graphs to help identify sudden spikes or dips. Waterfall reports display the complete page-load from the initial request to the last download. This allows you to compare the history of your website’s performance element by element. It comes with three price plans whose costs depend on the number of monitors you would like. Starting at $16.21 (at the time of writing) the Starter Plan is the most affordable.

2. Oh Dear

Oh Dear is a slightly cheaper option than Uptrends, with the most affordable plan starting at $12 per month (at the time of writing). However, while Uptrends offers a 30-day free trial, Oh Dear only provides a 12-day trial period. Nevertheless, Oh Dear’s interface is a lot cleaner and more minimal. 

Since Oh Dear runs servers in different locations across the globe, it can track how your website performs in various regions. Oh Dear will scan through your website and index all the pages. If it detects any issues, it will alert you immediately. 

Oh Dear also features a continuous certificate monitoring function. Site owners who are concerned with their website’s security may find this feature to be especially useful. It will verify your SSL certificate expiration dates and alert you of any changes.  

Oh Dear’s public status page enables your clients to keep track of your website’s availability.

Oh Dear uses email and SMS text messages to alert site owners of any issues. It also features integrations with communications and social media applications such as Telegram, Discord, Slack, Microsoft Teams, etc. Oh Dear ensures that messages are as detailed and user-friendly. This makes it easier to troubleshoot and find the origin of your problem. Oh Dear is more than a worthy alternative to Uptrends. 

3. WP Umbrella

WP Umbrella is a little different from the previous entries. It’s intended to help users manage and monitor multiple WordPress sites. Thus, it is far more particularized in its approach to website uptime monitoring. Again, as is the primary function of the uptime monitoring tool, it offers a real-time alert system that will contact you through email, SMS, Slack, etc. 

WP Umbrella employs a simple minimal UI. Its main screen consists of a dashboard that allows you to view all your WordPress websites. By default, this dashboard features four columns: Site, Uptime, Speed, and Issues.

WP Umbrella will alert you of any outdated or erroneous plugins or themes. While it doesn’t offer dedicated public status pages, it does have a client report generation feature. You can automatically send these reports to your various subscribers or clients when your website is down. 

WP Umbrella is the most affordable option on this list. Users are charged $1.99 per month (at the time of writing) for each website monitored. In addition, WP Umbrella offers a 14-day trial and does not require your credit card details. It’s an excellent option for anyone running a WordPress website or two.


This guide has only explored three possible uptime monitoring solutions. They won’t only assist you in detecting downtimes, they can also help you find the reason your site may be slow.

These solutions are an excellent place to start. But there are many other options coming to market all the time. You may find that this is the first step to converting more leads and reducing your bounce rate. 


The post 3 Best Website Uptime Monitoring Tools  first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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