
Voice is one aspect of technology that is getting bigger and bigger, and showing little sign of relenting. In fact, 2019 data revealed that 22% of UK households owned a voice-controlled digital home assistant device such as an Amazon Echo or Google home. This is double the figure recorded in 2017 and it is predicted that over the next five years nearly 50% of all homes will have one. Smart home adoption rates are increasing, and it shows how voice control is something we are all becoming more accustomed to.

With these high figures, does it follow that voice should be something web designers build into sites? Or is it merely a gimmick that will die out and render sites with hardware and complex design issues? You only have to look at the failed introduction of Google glass to see that certain technological advancements don’t always have the outcome that might be expected.

Multiple Voices

One of the first issues with voice is establishing whether you want sites to recognise everyone’s voices, or just those who have registered. If you’re using the site in a crowded room will it pick up on snippets of conversation from others and think these are instructions? Google Home has a feature whereby you have to register your voice with its app to use more personalised features such as the shopping list. Is this the sort of thing websites would need?


The implementation of voice is complex, not only does it need to understand certain languages (such as English), but all the accents and variations too. With 160 English dialects alone, that is a lot that the technology needs to understand – not including mispronunciations, slang, and colloquialisms. Also, if a site is used all over the world (which many are) how many languages will it need to know?

Privacy Issues

if there are clips of your voice out there on the web…it can easily be imitated

If a website involves a feature such as online shopping or other functions which require sensitive details to be input, this could put people off using voice. Users need to know where this saved data is being stored, how it will be used and if it is secure. In 2018, HMRC had signed up about 6.7 million people to its voice ID service and HSBC said over 10,000 were registering each week. This shows many trust the service, but experts say that if there are clips of your voice out there on the web (such as in a podcast) it can easily be imitated. Bringing with it security and privacy issues.

According to futurologist Dr Ian Pearson, who invented the text message back in 1991, it won’t be long until we can complete a financial transaction with just a few words and a gesture. This can be a time-saver for things such as online shopping, but we need to ensure there are the correct security steps in place.

Users Don’t Talk The Way They Type

When speaking we tend to use shortened and more colloquial language as opposed to when we type. The voice function on a website will need to be able to adapt for this. One example is if you are filling in a form or comment box by voice for a website, you will need to tell it what to punctuate, letting it know where to add a comma, exclamation mark etc.

Website Processes Need to be Simpler

With the web as we use it now, we often browse through pages, reading other snippets of information before clicking through to the page we want. With voice recognition it will cut out these middle steps. For example, if you are looking for a recipe of something specific, you will just say the command “Show me the … recipe” and it will take you straight there. This direct access to what we are looking for could lead to a simplification of websites.

Regular Updates

With websites as they are now, they need updates semi-regularly, depending on how they are built, how complex they are, and what features we have built into them. A voice-based site will need updating regularly, whether to add new words or processes or to keep up with the fast-adapting technology. It might end up being quite a complex process.


While there are more of us now than ever using voice control via tech such as Alexa, Google, and Siri, there is still a level of mistrust over it. It’s still not quite clear where data is being stored, if it is being stored, and how easy it could be to abuse.

Larger Storage and Bandwidth

If a site is built for voice, will it utilise a ready-built plugin or will it have its own software built by developers? Will this feature require a greater amount of storage and bandwidth to cope with it? These are further factors to consider when thinking of the future of implementing voice to websites.

We Still Don’t Know Where It Will Go

Voice technology while working in some respects, is still a bit of a grey area when it comes to future use. Will it be the next big thing as many have predicted, or will it simply die down?

Look at Google Glass – highlighted as the big new technology, they soon died down and were eventually discontinued. Smart watches were another thing. You can see their initial downfall by reading an article published in 2017 about smartwatches – how major smartwatch makers such as Apple and Samsung rushed into the market before the technology was ready and they subsequently failed. Motorola exited the smartwatch market, Pebble and Jawbone shut down and Fitbit sold 2.3 million fewer devices than in their previous quarter. It was perceived as being a fad. However, fast forward to 2020 and more people than ever are wearing and using smartwatches. The smartwatch market was valued at shipment volumes of 47.34 million in 2019 and is expected to reach 117.51 by 2025, reaching a growth of 15.4 over the next five years.

Will voice follow a similar trend?

No More Impulse Buying

People enjoy browsing websites and many businesses rely on user’s impulse buying and ask their websites to be designed to reflect this. With voice taking you directly to the page’s users want to find, will they bypass these potential selling traps and just buy what they want – rather than added extras? Will it end up being a negative for businesses and see users not as satisfied for the experience?

Voiceless Still Matters

You will also have to remember that not all devices might work with voice, or people might be browsing somewhere where voice cannot be used. This means in the design process it needs to work both for voice instruction and manual use. It needs to work just as well for both to ensure the customer journey isn’t affected.

There are many ways voice can affect how we design websites in the upcoming future. It’s important to take note of market trends and usage – seeing how people use voice and thinking of the customer journey. It’s vital we don’t forget the end goals of websites – whether it’s to inform or to sell, the implementation of voice needs to assist this process not make it harder.


Featured image via Unsplash.


Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

WALLDORF SAP SE (NYSE : SAP) annonce que ERG, l’un des principaux producteurs d’électricité indépendants en Europe dans le secteur des énergies renouvelables, a mis en œuvre les solutions SAP Ariba pour digitaliser et unifier ses opérations d’achat.

En activité depuis plus de 80 ans, ERG a effectué sa transition du pétrole vers l’énergie verte en 2008 en produisant de l’électricité à partir de sources d’énergie renouvelables comme l’énergie éolienne, solaire et hydroélectrique et les centrales de cogénération thermoélectriques à haut rendement et à faible impact environnemental.

La digitalisation des achats vient soutenir les objectifs de transformation cloud d’ERG

ERG adopte des technologies cloud pour obtenir une infrastructure plus flexible avec une meilleure intégration, des processus améliorés, des mises à jour plus rapides et des coûts de gestion réduits. ERG a choisi les solutions SAP Ariba dans le cadre d’une stratégie visant à consolider ses achats sur une plateforme unique, rapprochant les besoins de diverses fonctions commerciales afin de partager des informations avec tous ceux qui en ont besoin au bon moment.

« Après une évaluation approfondie des solutions disponibles, nous avons choisi les solutions SAP Ariba pour leur facilité d’intégration avec nos systèmes SAP existants, et pour offrir à nos fournisseurs une interface unique à partir de laquelle ils peuvent se connecter et collaborer avec notre organisation et nos partenaires », a déclaré Anna Campi, responsable du contrôle de la planification des achats et de la gestion des fournisseurs chez ERG. « Depuis que nous avons adopté les solutions SAP Ariba, nous avons réalisé des économies considérables par rapport à la solution précédente. Nous avons également amélioré notre structure de qualification des fournisseurs par secteur de produits grâce aux solutions SAP Ariba, qui proposent une liste de fournisseurs beaucoup plus précise et plus fiable. »

Grâce aux solutions SAP Ariba Sourcing et SAP Ariba Supplier Lifecycle and Performance, ERG pourra collaborer avec ses fournisseurs tout en s’assurant qu’ils sont alignés sur ses principes organisationnels et son code de conduite. Elles aideront notamment ERG à évaluer régulièrement la conformité de ses fournisseurs stratégiques, qui représentent environ 80 % des achats de la société. Grâce à la collaboration en temps réel, ERG pourra améliorer ses marges d’exploitation et récompenser ses fournisseurs stratégiques pour leur conformité.

« Collaborer avec ses fournisseurs n’a jamais été aussi important qu’aujourd’hui, car les entreprises se concentrent actuellement sur la continuité de leur activité », a déclaré Chad Crook, senior vice president and global head of Customer Engagement and Adoption, SAP Procurement Solutions. « Avec les solutions SAP Ariba, ERG dispose d’un processus digital simplifié de gestion des dépenses de bout en bout sur une seule plateforme et d’une meilleure capacité de communication et de collaboration avec ses fournisseurs, qui lui permet d’assurer la conformité et la fluidité des opérations entre ses partenaires commerciaux. »

L’engagement d’ERG en faveur des énergies renouvelables et du développement durable

La société ERG est engagée en continu dans développement durable. Pour la deuxième année consécutive, elle figure parmi les 50 grandes entreprises les plus durables au monde, selon l’indice Corporate Knights Global 100, et est cotée à la Bourse de Milan. Cette initiative, et l’objectif que s’est fixé ERG de développer ses projets de production et d’achat tout en améliorant les processus de bout en bout, ont influencé ses achats. Conformément aux nouveaux principes écologiques de la société, le conseil d’administration d’ERG a récemment approuvé un code de conduite pour les fournisseurs.


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Un état d’esprit axé sur le client signifie qu’il faut constamment penser non seulement à votre client, mais aussi aux clients de vos clients – et à tous leurs employés. C’est ce que pense avant tout Martin Mrugal, responsable mondial de Customer First chez SAP.

« Pendant la pandémie COVID-19, les entreprises ont prouvé l’une après l’autre que la sécurité de leurs employés, le service aux clients et les engagements envers les parties prenantes sont des priorités absolues », dit-il. « C’est notre travail de défendre passionnément nos clients en leur fournissant les meilleurs outils, services et inspirations pour les aider à remplir leurs obligations et à s’épanouir dans le processus ».

A Customer First Mindset

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A Customer First Mindset


Mrugal a partagé avec les clients des histoires incroyables sur les nombreux résultats positifs obtenus par les clients qui ont un partenariat solide avec SAP.

Faurecia, un équipementier automobile mondial, s’est d’abord concentré sur la protection de ses employés, puis a renforcé ses liquidités pour rassurer les parties prenantes : l’entreprise pourrait faire face à tous les défis posés par la crise. Il a également saisi l’occasion de développer la résilience de sa chaîne d’approvisionnement et d’accélérer la neutralité en matière de CO2 grâce à l’achat d’énergie et d’acier décarbonisés. Malgré le blocage, Faurecia a rassemblé plus de 1 000 fournisseurs en ligne afin d’assurer conjointement la continuité de la chaîne d’approvisionnement et de s’assurer qu’ils sont prêts pour la reprise.

Le géant suisse du commerce de détail Coop a utilisé un nouvel outil de prévision pour s’assurer que les rayons des supermarchés étaient bien approvisionnés afin que les clients puissent s’approvisionner. Il a également transféré temporairement des employés de ses secteurs d’activité non alimentaires, qui ont été fermés pendant la crise, pour travailler dans des entrepôts et des centres de distribution en sous-effectif.

Lamb Weston, un fournisseur nord-américain de produits à base de pommes de terre, a renforcé les pratiques sanitaires sur tous ses sites et n’a autorisé que les visites critiques dans ses usines de fabrication pour éviter la propagation du virus. Elle a également optimisé les stocks, permettant à l’entreprise de transférer les fournitures aux épiceries qui avaient besoin de plus de produits à base de pommes de terre.

« Ce ne sont là que quelques exemples de la manière dont les clients de SAP se concentrent sur leurs employés et leurs entreprises », explique M. Mrugal. « Nous constatons que tout le monde, partout dans le monde, est confronté aux mêmes défis, sous une forme ou une autre. Maintenant plus que jamais, nous augmentons notre niveau d’engagement et nous pensons de manière créative pour accroître notre collaboration et notre connectivité avec les clients par le biais d’engagements virtuels et numériques ».

Interrogé sur son rôle, M. Mrugal explique que « Le client d’abord » est à la fois un état d’esprit, un modèle d’engagement et une organisation construite autour de meilleurs engagements avec les clients – le tout réuni en un seul.

« La véritable mesure du succès de SAP est le succès de nos clients. Ce concept est inscrit dans notre ADN », dit-il en racontant l’histoire d’un représentant commercial de SAP qui a aidé un client à localiser 500 lits d’hôpital en 30 minutes pour un hôpital de fortune à New York au plus fort de la pandémie. « Le représentant a reçu un appel d’un fournisseur, Ram Tool Construction Supply, qui aidait un entrepreneur à construire l’hôpital. Le représentant de SAP a utilisé l’outil SAP Ariba Discovery pour répondre rapidement au besoin ».

M. Mrugal note que depuis que SAP a donné aux clients un accès gratuit à SAP Ariba Start Sourcing à la mi-mars 2020, les affichages des acheteurs sur ce site ont augmenté de 58 % et les réponses des fournisseurs de 404 % par rapport à la période du 1er janvier au 9 mars 2020.

La fourniture de logiciels gratuits est l’un des moyens par lesquels SAP démontre que ses clients sont au premier plan. SAP offre également à ses clients un accès gratuit à plusieurs solutions clés de SAP et de Qualtrics.

« Les clients profitent de nos offres gratuites », a déclaré M. Mrugal. « Qualtrics leur permet de sonder et de prendre le pouls de leurs employés pour s’assurer qu’ils sont vraiment en sécurité. C’est primordial dans l’environnement actuel ».

M. Mrugal a un mantra de trois mesures essentielles que les organisations doivent prendre pour survivre avec succès à la crise. La santé et la sécurité des employés, des clients et des communautés figurent en tête de liste.

Ensuite, une communication claire et cohérente est essentielle. Selon M. Mrugal, il est essentiel de garder les lignes ouvertes avec les clients et de rester connecté : « Nous devons comprendre en temps réel où nos équipes ou nos clients ont des préoccupations, et nous devons y répondre immédiatement ».

Enfin, M. Mrugal estime que le maintien de la continuité garantit que le niveau d’engagement de SAP ne diminue pas ; il affirme plutôt que SAP change la qualité – et pas seulement la quantité – de son engagement avec les clients.

« Dans de nombreux cas, nous sommes encore plus engagés avec nos clients que jamais auparavant alors que nous traversons ensemble cette période inhabituelle », déclare le dirigeant de longue date de SAP, qui pense que le rôle de son organisation continuera à évoluer à mesure que les besoins de SAP et de ses clients continueront à se transformer.

Une chose, cependant, ne changera jamais : le client sera toujours au centre de nos préoccupations.


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I often see freelancers on social media asking what the secret is to working fewer hours, making more money, and helping new clients to find them. While those things tend to happen the longer you’ve been freelancing, it doesn’t happen without some effort.

If you’re wondering how you can change things so that your business becomes more profitable and easier to manage, education is the key.

But it’s not just mastering new design techniques that will take you to the next level. It’s important to invest your time in a well-rounded education so that you can grow not just as a web designer, but also as a freelancer and business owner.

The good news is that you don’t have to spend a ton of cash on courses or resources. In the following round-up, I’m going to share some of the best free courses to help you level up.

5 Best Free Courses and Resources for Web Designers

Rather than sign up for Udemy, Skillshare and other premium course membership sites, I recommend taking a bootstrapping approach to self-education. I mean, the whole point in learning new skills and strengthening existing ones is so you can run a better business and make more money, right?

Once you have extra funds to throw at premium courses, definitely explore those options. For now, let’s focus on the free courses and resources that’ll help get you to that next level:

1. edX

edX was created by Harvard and MIT in order to provide university-level training and education to anyone, anywhere. While you can’t get certified without paying a few hundred dollars, you can go through entire courses for free.

Courses are offered over a wide range of categories. As a freelance web designer, you’d do well to focus on the following areas:

Learn more than just how to design beautiful interfaces. Learn about the technical side of it, too — things like AI, IoT, and cybersecurity.

Computer Science
Learn web development and coding.

Business & Management
Learn essential business skills like:

  • Project management
  • Finance management
  • Leadership
  • Marketing and analysis

Learn things like branding, negotiation, reputation management, and critical thinking.

2. Envato Tuts+

Envato Tuts+ might be best known for its succinct step-by-step design and development tutorials. However, it has a new section of free video courses to take advantage of.

Although you won’t learn any soft skills here, this is a great resource if you want to master the tools of your trade.

Free courses give you a deeper look at tools like:

  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Adobe’s suite of software
  • Sketch
  • WordPress
  • Video conferencing tools

3. YouTube

YouTube is more than just a place to watch entertaining videos. There are some amazing YouTube channels for web designers at all skill levels.

When choosing a design channel and course to follow, look for ones that are well organized. If they’re just posting videos at random without any rhyme or reason, it’ll be difficult to focus on and master one skill set before moving onto the next.

Here are the channels I recommend you follow:


Learn skills related to:

  • Web design
  • Getting started as a freelancer
  • Strengthening your processes
  • Building your portfolio
  • Design theory and strategy


Learn skills related to:

  • Web design
  • Building sites with Figma or Webflow
  • Career paths for designers
  • Productivity hacks


Learn skills related to UX:

  • Web design
  • User psychology
  • Usability testing
  • Design thinking
  • Research and data analysis
  • Journey mapping
  • Get access to UX Conference seminars, too

4. Moz Whiteboard Fridays

Even if you don’t offer SEO as a standalone service, it’s important for web designers to understand the role they play in SEO and to stay abreast of the latest and greatest strategies.

If you haven’t tuned in for one of Moz’s Whiteboard Fridays yet, I’d recommend you start now.

Some of the topics might not be relevant to you (like creating a content strategy). However, there are others you’ll get some great tips from, like the one above that talks about creating great visuals, preparing web pages with tags and schema markup, and optimizing for featured snippets.

5. Nir Eyal – Indistractible

Nir Eyal has made a name for himself over the years as an author and presenter on the subject of human psychology and behavior. His first book (Hooked) examined consumer behavior and how to design around it. His second (Indistractible) turned the focus on us — the doers and creators who build experiences and products for consumers.

The first of his free resources to explore is this 30-minute presentation on why we’re so easily distracted and how to keep those distractions (and ourselves) from getting in the way.

The second free resource to snag up is the 80-page workbook available on the homepage. Here’s a preview of what it looks like:

You’ll learn about common distractions, identify those that are specific to you, and then work through exercises to defeat them.

If this is something you’re struggling with, these resources will empower you to make a much-needed change.

BONUS: WebDesigner Depot

Although WebDesigner Depot doesn’t offer video courses, I consider each of the articles contained within this site to be mini-courses of their own. And you’ll learn everything you’ve ever wanted to know about becoming a web designer and growing your freelance business.


Featured image via Unsplash.


Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

In this time of global economic turmoil, it’s more important than it’s ever been that your financial decisions are based on accurate, up-to-date, market information.

In a world where stock price is a key confidence marker, the businesses that attract attention, secure investment, and grow, are the ones that can demonstrate their value in a wider market.

Up to now, displaying accurate market pricing has been prohibitively expensive, needing direct access to a huge dataset, and the code to mine it. So we’re delighted to introduce marketstack, a real-time market data API that’s reliable, simple to integrate with your site or app, is lightning fast, and includes a free-forever plan.

What is marketstack?

marketstack is a REST API that allows you to access stock data for public companies at 72 global exchanges including the New York Stock Exchange, the Nasdaq, the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and the London Stock Exchange.

marketstack delivers real-time market data, accurate to a single minute, ensuring that the information you base your decisions on, and the information you pass on to your customers, is always up to date.

There are more than 125,000 stock tickers, from over 50 different countries; you can query stocks, or over 75 different market indices; intraday market data is included, meaning you can monitor trades that close at the end of the day; you can even retrieve data about time-zones and international currencies.

Why Choose marketstack

marketstack uses cutting-edge technology to deliver market data in an easy-to-integrate JSON format, which is lightweight and incredibly easy to dig into.

Requests are made via a simple HTTP GET call, and all requests are run through bank-quality 256-bit HTTPS encryption. Whatever code stack you’re using, whether it’s PHP, Python, Node, or plain old JavaScript, marketstack provides comprehensive documentation to get your team up to speed in mere minutes.

The highly reliable cloud infrastructure can handle anything from a few dozen requests per year, all the way up to millions of requests per day. Regardless of the scale of your project, marketstack is robust and flexible enough to handle it.

It’s Not Just About Money

marketstack isn’t just about the bulls and bears of markets, in the tech sector specifically, stock price is an indicator of wider business trends and performance.

When Apple became the first US company to reach a $2 trillion valuation, not only was its stock price central to the story, but it indicated a trend in the tech giant’s dominance that went beyond cold hard cash.

When an eccentric billionaire makes outrageous, and ill-judged comments, and tanks his company’s valuation, the fluctuations in stock price are a big part of the story.

Beyond the spin of politicians, the market index of different exchanges is an indication of what analysts with in-depth knowledge really think during an election campaign.

With over 30 years of historical data, marketstack is a history of business, particularly the burgeoning tech sector, and makes that history available with a simple to use API.

marketstack’s Rock Solid API

marketstack’s API is built on top of apilayer technology, one of the most respected, and trusted API providers in the world, with a huge amount of experience delivering data reliably. Millions of API requests can be run through the API hourly, and it still has almost 100% uptime.

Any API is only as good as the data it supplies, and marketstack’s data is supplied by numerous high-authority providers around the globe, resulting in unprecedented accuracy.

As a result, marketstack is trusted by over 30,000 companies — including Microsoft, Amazon, Uber, and Credit Suisse — and 80+ universities.

Getting Started with marketstack

marketstack is entirely free for up to 1000 requests per month, with access to 1 year of historical data, as well as end-of-day data. No credit card is required to get started, and you’ll never be billed. This is the perfect option for simple integrations, or developers working on proof-of-concept builds. What we really like about marketstack is that the free package is genuinely usable. It’s not just a trial version that presses you into upgrading.

For anyone who needs more comprehensive data, packages that include market indices, technical support, and commercial use permissions, start at $9.99 per month, or just $7.99 per month when billed annually.

Head over the marketstack today to claim your free API key, and get started.


[– This is a sponsored post on behalf of marketstack –]


Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

To understand why user onboarding is such an indispensable tool, we need to empathize with the people using our products; we all come from different backgrounds and cultures, we make different assumptions, and we see the world differently.

User onboarding helps mitigate these differences by making your product’s learning curve less steep.

However, companies often make unfortunate mistakes that hinder user experience and cause frustration. In today’s article, we’ll take a look at eight ways companies ruin their products’ onboarding process.

Let’s dive right in, shall we?

1. No User Onboarding at all

As a part of the team that created a product, you’ve probably spent hundreds of hours going over its features and the most minute detail. Naturally, you know the product like the back of your hand. The user does not.

Naturally, you know the product like the back of your hand. The user does not

We may believe that the app we’ve worked on is straightforward and that user onboarding is probably overkill — but that’s almost never the case. Guiding our users through a product will help with retention, conversion, and their overall satisfaction.

However, there are very rare cases when you can do without user onboarding, here are a few:

  • Your product is too straightforward to cause any confusion;
  • Your product has a formulaic structure, similar to that of other products’ in your category, i.e., social media or e-commerce;
  • Your product relies heavily on Google or iOS design guidelines with common design patterns;
  • Your product is too complex (enterprise or business-oriented) — in such cases, users need special training, rather than just an onboarding;

2. Assuming That Users “Get It”

 One of the vital UX mottos we should always be mindful of is that “we are not our users.” When onboarding them, we always need to assume that they’re at square one. We should communicate with them as if they have no prior knowledge of our product, its terminology, and the way it works.

Providing freshly-registered users with highly contextual information will most likely confuse them. As a result, this will render your attempts to create a helpful onboarding process useless.  

3. Onboarding Users on a Single Touchpoint

it’s tempting to brainstorm which features should make it into the onboarding, then design and code them; that’s a very bad idea

The main problem with the previous point is that it’s too contextual for new users. However, providing no context altogether can be problematic as well. This is commonly found in onboarding processes that focus on a single touchpoint while leaving out the rest of the product.

By choosing to inform users of our product’s features, we force them to detour from their “normal” course of action. This comes at the cost of the user’s frustration.

Since we’re asking people to pay this price, it’s best to provide them with information that will also help them navigate the entire product. As a result, this will decrease the number of times we’ll have to distract them from their ordinary flow.

4. Forcing Users Through Onboarding

We’ve previously mentioned that we mustn’t assume that users have any background knowledge about our products.

The opposite argument can be made — experienced users don’t need a basic onboarding process. It will most likely frustrate them, and it won’t provide them with any real value. Also, forcing users through this process will most likely take the onboarding frustration to a whole other level.

This is why it’s essential that we allow them to skip the parts they don’t find useful. This way, we’ll address the knowledge gaps of the people who really want it and need it.

5. Onboarding Based Purely on Assumptions

This is yet another point that’s implicit in “we are not our users”. Oftentimes, it’s tempting to brainstorm which features should make it into the onboarding, then design and code them; that’s a very bad idea.

Here’s what every designer should do instead:

  • Do user interviews: You should conduct these before having anything designed; user interviews will help you shortlist and prioritize features in terms of their significance, so that the onboarding is focused around the features that matter most.
  • Do usability testing: Once you have a good idea of what features your users consider most important, design onboarding that reflects that; having completed your design, make sure to conduct at least 5 usability testing sessions with users, so that you can make sure that your design works.

6. Just Letting Users Quit

While we shouldn’t force people to go through onboarding, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t nudge them in the right direction.

find that sweet spot between being front of mind and annoying

People choose not to onboard for many reasons, but showing them around will benefit both parties. Therefore, it’s never wrong to remind them that they can always resume onboarding via email or push notifications (unless you’re too pushy). Make sure to find that sweet spot between being front of mind and annoying. 

Similarly, these two mediums are a great way to deliver valuable information as well.

Here’s a great example of an onboarding email from InVision:

And here’s a clever notification from TripPlanner:


7. Asking For Too Much Information

We need to always be mindful of the fact that the product’s spokesperson should act as a guide during onboarding. Its goal at the very beginning is to build trust.

We can ask for small favors when we’ve built a solid and lasting relationship

Not only is asking for too much information from the get-go unproductive, but it will also undermine the trust that the user already gave us.

It’s best to abstain from asking freshly-registered users for their credit card information. Nearly 100% of businesses care about profits — and there’s no shame in it. However, today’s most successful companies make money by providing users with value. So it’s best to stimulate users to share their financial data in subtler ways while focusing on customer experience.

The same can be said about subjecting the people using your service to extensive questionnaires. At the first steps of our interaction, it’s all about giving and gaining trust. We can ask for small favors when we’ve built a solid and lasting relationship.

8. Onboarding for the Sake of Onboarding

While there are dozens of reasons why you should guide your users through your product, it needs to be done well. A pointless onboarding process that doesn’t provide users with value is more frustrating than the lack thereof.

Onboarding can be a bit frustrating at times. Pointless onboarding will just raise eyebrows. It will slow users down and disengage them, which is exactly the opposite of what we want.


The process of introducing your users to your product is one of the factors that will define its success.

A critical aspect of user onboarding that we need to always take into account is value. Is this detour from our user’s ordinary course of action valuable to them? Will this improve their experience with the product?

Onboarding demands careful and continuous tailoring. Once perfected, this process will help you win new users’ hearts and help you build brand loyalty.


Featured image via Unsplash.


Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

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The best way to keep track of all the great stories and news being posted is simply to check out the Webdesigner News site, however, in case you missed some here’s a quick and useful compilation of the most popular designer news that we curated from the past week.

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Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot