
Personalization; it’s probably one of the most important design trends to emerge in recent years.

As consumers in all industries become more demanding, they’re increasingly searching for online experiences that are customized to suit their individual needs and expectations.

Today, personalization exists in virtually every digital interaction, from adverts on social media to PPC campaigns and email marketing efforts.

Used correctly, the manipulation of demographic, behavioral, and other in-depth user-data can help designers to create dynamic, highly customized content for each website user. At the same time, these unique websites ensure that designers really make an impact on behalf of their clients, outshining the competition and driving amazing results.

What is Hyper-Personalization?

Basic personalization in web design involves making changes to a design based on what you know about your client’s target audience.

For instance, if you knew that you were designing for an audience that spends more time on their smartphone than their computer, you’d concentrate on building hyper-responsive experiences for small screens. For instance, the website is specifically designed to support people using smartphones to swipe, tap, and scroll.

If you’re aware that your customer’s target market is other businesses, you might put more testimonials, free demo CTAs and other enticing components on the website to encourage investment.

Hyper-Personalization is an emerging trend for 2020 that focuses on going beyond the basic understanding of a target audience, to look at genuine customer data. Hyper-personalization is all about leveraging in-depth omnichannel data to drive more advanced customer experiences on every page of a website.

For hyper-personalization to be genuinely effective, designers need access to virtually unlimited data, from CMS systems, sales teams, marketing experts, and more. When you have that data handy, you can use it to:

  • Design websites that showcase dynamic CTAs, featuring content relevant to each user;
  • Implement sign-in screens for customers vs. demo requests for new leads on home pages;
  • Showcase products similar to past pages when repeat customers return to a site.

Why is Hyper-Personalization Important?

Personalized experiences have always been important to the sales journey.

However, in an era where companies are constantly competing to grab user attention, you can’t just cater to your site designs to a group of people anymore. Increasingly, users are expecting specific interactive moments on websites, made just for them.

Amazon is an obvious example to consider here. As one of the world’s leading online shopping sites, Amazon’s efforts with website personalization are incredible. The Amazon website uses tools integrated into the back-end of the marketplace to watch everything a customer does on its platform.

As users browse through the website, the site jots down each category that you look at, and which items interest you. Thanks to this, Amazon can suggest which products you may be most interested in.

Websites like Madebyhusk also offer an incredible insight into hyper-personalization, allowing users to browse for the products that appeal to them based on in-depth filters like edging and color.

The result is a higher chance of conversion.

When customers feel as though they have complete control over their buyer journey, and that each step on that journey is tailored to them, they’re more likely to buy.

Better Converting CTAs

A call to action is an excellent way to move things along when you’re encouraging the buying process with your target audience.

Used correctly, your CTAs can encourage more than just cart conversions. They can also convince people to sign up for your newsletter via a subscription form, take a survey, or begin a free demo.

Regardless of the CTAs that you choose to implement, personalization will quickly make your requests more effective. According to studies, CTAs that are personalized are 202% more effective than generic alternatives.

For instance, uses a crucial statement: “Great personal care products don’t have to come at earth’s expense.” Followed by an engaging CTA to drive positive action from their audience. The company knows that they’re appealing to a customer interested in saving the planet, so they make the benefits of “Getting Started” obvious immediately.

Using data provided by clients, designers can figure out exactly how to position CTAs and offers for customers. For instance, notice that Humankind has a green colored CTA button.

Most buttons take advantage of bold colors like red and orange, but the green shade for Humankind further highlights the nature-driven personality of the brand.

Relevant Product Recommendations

Repeat customers are infinitely more valuable than people who purchase just one item from your site.

However, convincing a standard customer to become a repeat client isn’t easy. Sometimes, clients need a push to determine what they want to buy next.

Fortunately, as a website designer, you can help with that. Using dynamic modules in the product pages of your customer’s website, you can show individual end-users what they might want to purchase next from a specific brand.

These dynamic modules can use information about what each customer has purchased in the past, to suggest a new product or service. Amazon do particularly well in this regard, leveraging a vast marketplace and treasure trove of information to make quality recommendations. But you don’t need to be designing a considerable website for a global business like Amazon to take advantage of dynamic suggestions. Any business with a focus on hyper-personalization can benefit from this strategy.

Increased Time on Site

Any form of personalization on a website can significantly improve the amount of time a customer spends in that digital environment.

Imagine walking into a restaurant that seems as though it was designed specifically for you. The décor, the seating arrangements, and even the menu are customized to your taste. You’re more likely to spend your time and money there than on any generic food place you find on the street.

The same rules apply to website design. The more hyper-personalized you can get with your client’s design, based on what you know about their customers, the easier it will be to keep customers engaged.

For instance, the website entices visitors with various high-quality images of popular bands and artists, before providing them with endless information about the brand and what it does. The designer of this site knew that it needed to appeal to the visual demands of the audience first, before offering useful information like featured artist lists, News, and blog posts to keep the users on site.

Hyper personalization is all about figuring out what kind of end-user you’re designing for, so you can build the digital environment that’s more engaging and compelling to them. Some designers even create dynamic pages that change depending on whether a customer is a repeat client or a new visitor.

Improved Loyalty and Affinity

Finally, it’s human nature that we all want to spend time with the people that treat us best.

We all value excellent customer service, which is why customer experience is the most significant differentiating factor for any organization today.

Web-based personalization works in a similar way. When you use your design tools to make the site experience that you give to each visitor warm, individualized, and welcoming, then your clients are sure to see a boost in customer loyalty.

Around 89% of consumers say that they’ll only consider buying from brands that care about them. As a designer, you can convince every website visitor that they’re going to get the experience they deserve. Just look at how instantly lets clients know that they can expect a fun and friendly interaction on every page.

Accessing useful data from the companies that you’re working with before you begin developing and designing a website could be the key to creating happier customers and higher conversions.

The more delighted end-users are with the experience that a website gives them, the happier that your client will be with you – increasing the impact of your design portfolio.

If you can create customer loyalty and affinity for your client, then you will be able to develop the same feelings between yourself and your client. This could mean that you earn more recommendations as a designer and build your position as a leader in the industry.

Hyper-Personalization is Crucial for 2021

As companies continue to worry about how they can safely use data without crossing the line when it comes to customer privacy, hyper-personalization has stayed just out of the mainstream. While it may be a while before we see every website designer starting their process with piles of in-depth data, it seems that we are heading in that direction.

Customers in 2021 and beyond will undoubtedly want a more advanced and customized experience from the brands that they interact with – particularly in an era where it’s becoming much easier to deliver meaningful moments online.


Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

Autre source / On the same theme

API test is a significant part of a successful Continuous Integration/ DevOps practice. As per Google Trends, the interest in Web/ API services tests has been progressively growing over the few decades. According to SmartBear research over 3,372 software professionals in API test over 2019, 91 percent of participants either presently have, or thinking to have a formal API test procedure in place in the coming future. Around 45 percent of API testers reported that their company already automated 50% or more of test projects. Moreover, by more than 75 percent of companies across industries, API quality is considered a top priority.

With APIs more and more becoming crucial elements for software development, it has become critically essential for programmers and developers to carry out API testing. API test is a procedure that concentrates on identifying whether an API that has been developed meets up the expected threshold concerning security, reliability, performance, and functionality. As these tests are crucially vital, you need to make use of the top API testing tools out there. 

Source de l’article sur DZONE

À moins que vous ne vendiez des survêtements, qui se sont vendus 80 % plus vite en avril qu’en février de cette année, la plupart des détaillants de mode sont confrontés à un printemps et un été difficiles.

J.C. Penney est la dernière victime parmi les géants de la vente au détail, rejoignant Neiman Marcus, Macy’s et d’autres qui ont déposé leur bilan. Pendant ce temps, les ventes au détail d’avril aux États-Unis ont chuté de 17,8 % par rapport à 2019.

Les magasins dans certaines régions des États-Unis rouvrent, mais pas complètement. Le nombre de clients autorisés à l’intérieur des magasins pourrait être limité, et de nombreuses personnes continueront à se tenir à l’écart des commerces non essentiels.

Pour survivre aux retombées financières, les retailers doivent trouver de nouveaux moyens de rester virtuellement proches des clients.

Ici, deux fondateurs de start-up et un expert de SAP décrivent comment la technologie peut aider les détaillants à survivre et à se rétablir – tout en gardant leurs marques et le suivi de leurs clients intacts.


La réalité augmentée fait entrer le magasin chez vous

Ashley Crowder, co-fondatrice et directrice de Vntana, pense que les solutions de 3D et de réalité augmentée (RA) comme celles développées par son entreprise peuvent augmenter les taux de conversion pour les achats en ligne.

« Vntana permet de prendre facilement des fichiers de conception de fabrication existants et de créer immédiatement des expériences 3D et de RA qui ont prouvé qu’elles pouvaient plus que doubler les taux de conversion et réduire les retours de 40 % », a-t-elle déclaré.

Vntana travaille avec des clients comme Shah Jewelry pour créer des versions virtuelles de produits qui permettent aux clients d’ »essayer » les articles à la maison. Même avant la pandémie, Vntana a constaté une augmentation du taux de conversion des navigateurs en acheteurs parmi les entreprises qui offrent des expériences 3D à leurs clients. Par exemple, selon M. Crowder, Ikea a connu une augmentation de 30 % de ses revenus lorsque les consommateurs pouvaient placer virtuellement des produits dans leur maison.

Crowder pense que la technologie de Réalité Augmentée (RA) et de réalité virtuelle (RV) est là pour rester : « Artillery Intelligence, une publication de recherche sur la RA et la RV, a réalisé une étude de consommateurs qui a révélé que 45 % des consommateurs veulent essayer les achats en RA/RV. Trente pour cent ont déclaré que si cela pouvait leur fournir suffisamment d’informations pour prendre une décision d’achat, ils ne voudraient plus jamais aller dans un magasin de détail. Les gens veulent donc ce contenu et ils veulent cette option ».

Elle s’attend à ce que l’adoption s’accélère en raison de la crise du coronavirus et souligne que les entreprises qui agissent rapidement maintenant seront mieux positionnées pour survivre et se développer à l’avenir.


Le commerce électronique hyperlocal dynamise le retail physique

Sandeep Bhanote a cofondé Radius8, une start-up qui améliore les interactions des acheteurs en ligne en leur proposant des expériences hyperlocales et personnalisées. Comme Crowder, Bhanote participe au programme d’accélération de SAP.iO Foundries à New York, qui soutient actuellement une cohorte d’entreprises axées sur l’expérience client.

Radius8 résout ce défi. Le commerce électronique est le même, quel que soit l’endroit où se trouvent les consommateurs, ce qui peut se traduire par des expériences médiocres pour les acheteurs en ligne, en particulier si le détaillant possède de nombreux magasins dans tout le pays.

« Notre technologie prend la localisation du consommateur et détermine sa proximité avec n’importe lequel de ces magasins au sein de la chaîne de vente au détail et modifie dynamiquement l’expérience du commerce électronique pour refléter l’endroit où il se trouve », a expliqué M. Bhanote.


  1. Bhanote pense que l’unification de l’expérience numérique et physique des magasins propulsera la vente au détail à un niveau supérieur.

Grâce aux données géospatiales, Radius8 offre aux consommateurs une meilleure expérience en ligne tout en stimulant les ventes en magasin en amenant les gens à se rendre dans des magasins spécifiques. M. Bhanote explique que le point central de l’intégration entre les magasins virtuels et physiques s’est limité à la compréhension de l’inventaire.

« Mais la réalité est que tous ces magasins physiques ont toutes ces choses merveilleuses qui se produisent et qui ne sont presque jamais communiquées numériquement – même pas dans le rayon de ce magasin physique », dit-il.


  1. Bhanote a ajouté que les clients – dont adidas, Lucky Brand, Snipes USA, Orvis et Eddie Bauer – utilisent déjà Radius8 pour créer de superbes expériences sur des sites virtuels et physiques.


L’entreprise intelligente offre des expériences uniques et de l’agilité

Matt Laukaitis, vice-président exécutif et directeur général mondial des industries de consommation chez SAP, estime que le maintien de l’intimité avec le client est primordial pour les détaillants.

« C’est la capacité à continuer à renforcer ce lien avec les consommateurs », a-t-il déclaré. « Nous voyons beaucoup d’innovations de la part de marques, grandes et petites, où les gens font des choses créatives avec des stylistes personnels virtuels et des sessions individuelles de vidéo-shopping pour donner aux clients une expérience unique ».

Qu’il s’agisse d’une expérience en ligne ou traditionnelle, les gagnants du futur maintiendront la cohérence de la marque tout en augmentant la pertinence et la fidélité des clients. « C’est ce qui va leur permettre de réussir leur réouverture de magasins », a déclaré M. Laukaitis.

L’agilité des détaillants pour répondre à la pandémie les rendra plus ou moins efficaces. « Les entreprises qui pourront le mieux naviguer dans la crise sont celles qui peuvent être créatives et agiles dans l’environnement actuel », a-t-il déclaré.

Les entreprises qui ont déjà adopté la transformation numérique et investi dans une infrastructure d’entreprise intelligente auront une longueur d’avance sur leurs concurrents. Elles disposent de la rapidité, de la simplicité et de la flexibilité nécessaires pour adapter leurs modèles d’entreprise tout en répondant aux attentes des consommateurs.

Une chose est sûre : le commerce électronique se développe rapidement. Le taux de croissance récent des recettes du commerce électronique aux États-Unis a atteint près de 80 % d’une année sur l’autre.  Et la crise a accéléré le besoin des gens de vivre de meilleures expériences numériques.

Les nouvelles technologies comme la RA et le géospatial, combinées à un noyau numérique solide et aux technologies traditionnelles de l’expérience client, permettront aux détaillants de pivoter rapidement et de conserver leurs clients.


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The post Trois façons dont la technologie peut sauver le retail appeared first on SAP France News.

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In today’s look at the latest research for web designers, we’re going to look at studies and reports from Payoneer, Robert Half, Hootsuite, and Contentsquare to see what they have to say about things like:

  • Current freelancer demand
  • Web designer earning potential
  • A change in ecommerce shopping trends
  • Unseen content rates

1. There’s Light At the End of the COVID-19 Tunnel for Freelancers

Payoneer’s The State of Freelancing During COVID-19 had to take a different approach to reporting on the freelancer workforce than in years passed.

Here’s why:

When 1000+ freelancers around the globe were asked how demand for their services changed during COVID-19, this was the response:

Less than 17% of freelancers experienced an increase in demand for their services and less than 23% saw demand remain the same.

An overwhelming majority of freelancers experienced a shrink in demand, with nearly 29% saying it slightly decreased while almost 32% said it greatly decreased.

However, the data collected wasn’t just assessed on a global scale. Payoneer also looked at freelancing demand trends in various parts of the world:

Notice the differences between Asia and Australia (who were hit with COVID-19 earlier) and North America and Europe (where the pandemic arrived a little later).

It appears as though Asian and Australian freelancers are, economically speaking, already starting to feel the effects of recovery from the pandemic with demand working in their favor.

So, if you’re feeling like there’s no end to the hardships you’ve faced during COVID-19, and were considering dropping your prices, hold on for just a little bit longer. Freelancers are starting to feel optimistic about demand for their services increasing. If you go devaluing yourself now, it’ll be hard to return to where you were before COVID-19 when things get back to normal.

2. Robert Half’s Salary Guide Breaks Down the Earning Potential for Web Designers

On a related note, let’s talk about demand from the employer’s point of view.

According to Robert Half’s 2020 Salary Guide for creative marketing professionals, there’s big demand for digital talent:

So, that’s number one. We know that almost 50% of hiring managers feel as though their digital teams are inadequately staffed. That’s good news for web designers.

However, these same managers complain about creative marketing professionals’ lack of up-to-date skills as the biggest barrier to hiring or retaining them. Although the report doesn’t say so, I’m going to assume this refers both to employees as well as contractors.

This should be a no-brainer. By keeping up with the latest web design trends and techniques, you can make top-dollar for your services — and hold onto those valuable client relationships for a long time.

According to the report, this is how much you stand to earn working in web design (in the U.S.) today:

If you’re eyeballing those salaries in the 95th percentile, then you know what you need to do. Hiring managers have spoken up about what’s holding them back from hiring.

For those of you who feel as though you’ve gone as far as you can as a web designer, it might be worth exploring a new specialty. Like one of the following:

As you can see, designers in the UI, UX, and interactive space (along with web developers) have the opportunity to make more money, even earlier on in their careers. You may also find that more job opportunities are available as you move into these niches (because of less competition), which might cut down on any demand issues you’ve been experiencing because of COVID-19.

3. Hootsuite’s Digital 2020 Report Reveals an Interesting Trend in Ecommerce

Hootsuite’s Digital 2020 report is always a great resource for learning about social media marketing trends. That said, that’s not why I read it.

It’s for hidden gems like these:

It’s no surprise that we’re seeing changes in retail and ecommerce during COVID-19. What is a surprise, however, is how consumers’ online shopping habits have changed.

Here’s what we’re seeing when we compare 2020 ecommerce data with the pre-COVID benchmarks:

Site visits are 1.7% lower than expected. That would make sense considering how budget-conscious consumers are right now. It likely keeps them from going on unnecessary shopping sprees.

Session durations are 3.3% lower. This could be related to fewer site visits. It might also indicate greater consumer confidence. If they come to a website with a plan for what they need to buy, they’re going to take a straight line to conversion instead of spending time window shopping that prolongs their session.

The number of transactions is 19.1% higher and the conversion rate is 21.6% higher. Considering shoppers aren’t spending as much time with ecommerce websites, this point suggests that there’s a massive shift happening from in-store shopping to online shopping.

If that’s the case (even if consumers are currently spending less money), that means web designers need to set their sights on the ecommerce space. With the holiday shopping season expected to start sooner rather than later this year, now is the time to get in there and make sure these sites provide as streamlined an experience as possible.

4. Contentsquare Studies the Unseen Content Rates By Industry

Contentsquare analyzed more than 7 billion user sessions globally to create the 2020 Digital Experience Benchmarks report.

There’s some interesting data in here about website traffic and conversion trends, but what I find the most valuable is the breakdown by industry.

It was this chart, in particular, that really caught my eye:

According to Contentsquare’s data, between 60% and 75% of a website’s content is unseen. Some industries fare better than others, like home supplies and luxury retailer websites, but the numbers still aren’t flattering.

For example, what does it mean when consumers miss 75% of a financial service provider’s content?

Does this mean that the financial advisory content — which I’m assuming comprises the bulk of the pages on the site — is useless or irrelevant? Or perhaps it’s an issue of discoverability since blog content and other resources often take a backseat to service and product promotion?

What about ecommerce brands in the apparel or beauty space?

If two-thirds of their pages are unseen, does that mean their websites are overrun with obsolete inventory? Or, again, is it an issue of navigability and discoverability around the store?

As a web designer, I’d suggest performing your own unseen content analysis on the websites you’ve built. If over 60% of your pages never get any views, you’re going to have to decide what to do with them:

Option 1: Fix the navigation or search function so people can actually find these unseen pages.

Option 2: Remove them from the site and make room for content your visitors actually find valuable.


As you encounter research and reports online — whether it’s written specifically for web designers or other creative professionals — spend some time looking for hidden gems.

As you can see above, there’s a ton of relevant research for web designers out there, even if it’s hiding behind the mask of a larger issue or matter. And it’s this data that will help you get a leg up on the competition since it’ll get you thinking about your business and your approach to design in different ways.


Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot


According to a 2016 research by Mckinsey, it was revealed that the total annual external investment in AI ranged between $8billion to $12billion in. Statistically, this is a clear sign that AI is making a great impact in the global industries especially the financial sector. In other words, it’s a revolutionary impact in the financial industry can not be underestimated.

Blockchain, on the other hand, has also shown its immense potential in so many industries especially in the finance industry. In fact, it’s digital disruption is greatly impacting how so many businesses operate in our contemporary world. While so many industries are beginning to embrace the amazing options these technologies – Artificial intelligence and Blockchain technology offer – helping them to create more value,  boosting sales, and so on,  it’s interesting to know that the combination of both will positively revolutionize the future of the fintech industry.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Web design clients come from a wide variety of backgrounds. One day, you’ll be designing a portfolio website for a voiceover artist, the next you’ll be creating a comprehensive ecommerce site for a leading retailer. In an ideal world, you’ll get to a point where you eventually specialize in a niche. However, you’ll need to master both avenues first.

The more time you spend in this industry, the more you’ll learn that every client comes with their own unique requirements and challenges to consider. However, there’s a particularly huge divide between the kind of web design projects you do for B2B clients, and the ones you do for B2C customers.

Both B2B (Business to Business) and B2C (Business to Consumer) websites need to be clear, concise, and aesthetically pleasing. They should always have a strong focus on user experience, and they need to work consistently across devices. However, being aware of the difference between B2B and B2C projects will help you to deliver better results to your customers.

Defining the Differences Between B2B and B2C Sites

Some web design trends remain consistent in any environment.

Whether you’re creating a site for a hairdresser, or a leading SaaS company, you’ll need to deliver responsive design, intuitive navigation, and excellent site security.

Your process is unlikely to differ from B2B to B2C much in terms of project milestones, phases, prototyping and wire-framing. The differences that arise between B2B and B2C projects often come in the approach you take to building certain elements.

Let’s take a closer look at the things you might need to consider:

1. The Target Audience

In any design project, it’s always important to keep the end customer in mind. Knowing your client’s target audience will help you to create both an image and a tone of voice that appeals to the right people.

B2B Websites

With B2B websites, you’ll be speaking to a range of highly-educated individuals who already have a general knowledge of your service. The aim here will be to show the end-user how you can help them achieve better results. For instance, highlights “syncing communication” so you can “effortlessly chat” with your team.

The language and content of the website is all about highlighting the key benefits of the products, and the kind of outcomes that they can deliver. The Nielsen Norman Group reports that there’s often a lot of discussion between decision-makers when they’re checking out a B2B website.  

Designers need to work harder at convincing B2B buyers that they’re making the right decision. This is particularly true when you’re selling something like a software subscription that requires a lot of long—term investment.

B2C Websites

On the other hand, while B2B customers make decisions based on logic, information, and well-explained benefits, B2C customers are more influenced by emotion. They want quick solutions to their problems, and the opportunity to purchase from a brand that “understands” them.

Look at the Firebox website, for instance. It instantly highlights an ongoing sale at the top of the homepage, addressing any concerns a customer might have about price. That combined with a quirky layout full of authentic photos and bright colors means that customers are more inclined to take action.

2. The Purpose

Another factor that can vary from B2C to B2B websites, is the motive behind a customer’s purchase. Knowing what’s pushing a target audience to interact with a brand will help you to create a website that appeals to specific goals.

B2B Websites

B2B websites often aim to solve expensive and time-consuming problems for companies. To sell a decision-maker on the validity of a solution, it’s important to thoroughly explain what the solution is, how it works, and how it addressees a specific pain point.

Look at the Zoom website for instance, they don’t just tell people that they offer video conferencing, they address the practical applications of the platform:

B2C Websites

Consumers are a lot easier to appeal to in terms of emotional impact, because many of them come to a website looking to fulfill an urgent need. Because of this, many web designers can take advantage of things like urgency and demand to encourage conversions. For instance, look at this website from TravelZoo. It takes advantage of a customer’s desire to get away:

A B2B website needs to focus on providing information that helps companies to make more confident decisions. What’s more, with B2B sites, decisions are often made by several stakeholders, while B2C sites ask a single person to make a choice. A B2C website needs to address immediate concerns and connect with customers on an emotional level. B2C buyers still want to do their research on products or services, but the turnaround is much quicker, and often requires less information.

3. The Design Elements (Visual Appearance)

Just as the focus of your website design and the audience that you’re creating the experience for can differ from B2B to B2C websites, the visual elements of the design might change too.

B2B Websites

In most cases, B2B websites are all about presenting a highly professional and respectable image. You’ll notice a lot of safe and clear choices when it comes to typography and imagery. It’s unusual to see a B2B website that takes risks with things like illustrations and animations.

Look at the Green Geeks website for instance. Everything is laid out to encourage clarity and understanding. Information is easy to find, and there are no other issues that might distract a customer.

B2C Websites

On the other hand, B2C websites can be a little more daring. With so many different options to choose from, and most customers buying out of a sense of urgency or sudden demand, designers are under pressure to capture attention quick. This means that it’s much more likely to see large pieces of eye-catching imagery on B2C sites, with very little text.

Movement, like slideshows and animations often play more of a role here. Additionally, there’s a good chance that you’ll be able to experiment more aggressively with color. Take a look at the Yotel website, for instance. There’s very little textual information here, but the appeal of the website is conveyed through sliding images:

4. Website Content

The way that information is conveyed on a B2B website is very different to the messages portrayed on a B2C site. Usually, everything from the language, to the amount of content that you use for these projects will differ drastically.

B2B Websites

When designing for a B2B website, you’ll need to be careful with content, as you’ll be speaking to a very mixed audience. If your site caters to different industries, you’ll need to ensure that you show authority, without using too much jargon. Some companies even create different pages on their site for specific customers. The website covers the benefits from a company, sale and integration perspective:

Rather than try to talk to all business owners about their differing communication pains, G-Suite anticipates its audience and creates pages for each.

B2C Websites

Alternatively, B2C websites can make things a little simpler. For instance, on, there’s no need to provide a ton of information for different types of shopper, designers can appeal to one audience, i.e. the “beauty addict”:

In both B2B and B2C websites, the aim of the content should always be to answer any questions that the end user might have.

5. CTA Buttons

Call to Action buttons are often a crucial part of the web design journey. However, it’s sometimes difficult to determine where they should be placed, or how many buttons you need.

B2B Websites

Because the decision to buy something won’t always happen immediately with a B2B website, these kinds of sites often use a variety of CTAs. For instance, you might have a “Request a Quote” button at the top of a page, as well as a Sign in button.

On the Klaviyo site, for instance, you can request a demo, sign up or log in:

You can place CTAs lower on the page with B2B websites too, as it’s more likely that your customers will be scrolling through the site to collect more information before they decide to buy.

B2C Websites

On the other hand, with B2C websites, you usually don’t need to give your visitors as many options. A single option to “Add to Cart”, or perhaps an extra choice to “Add to Favorites” is all your user will need. Customers need to instantly see what they need to do next as soon as they arrive on a page:

On the Evil Hair website, you immediately see how to add a product to your cart.

Remember, the sales process is a lot quicker with B2C customers. This means that you need your CTA buttons to be front and center as soon as someone clicks on a page.

6. Contact Forms

In a similar vein, the way that you design your contact forms will also depend on the end-user that the website wants to appeal to. There’s a very different process for getting in touch on a B2B website, compared to a B2C site.

B2B Websites

B2B websites often require longer contact forms, as clients need to collect additional information about a prospect’s position in a company, and what that company does. B2B companies need to share things like what they’re looking for in a service, and how many users they have, so a sales team knows what kind of demonstration to give.

As with any strategy for contact form design, you should always only include the fields that your client needs and no more. If you demand too much from any client, you could send them running in the opposite direction. Check out this straightforward option from Ironpaper, for instance:

The form addresses as many relevant questions as possible without overwhelming the customer. Because the site handles things like design, it makes sense that they would ask for a link to the company’s existing website.

B2C Websites

On a B2C website, there are very different approaches to contact forms. You may have a dedicated contact form on your website where people can get in touch if they have any questions. A FAQ page where customers can serve themselves is another great way to help your client stand out from the competition. Check out this option from River Island, for instance:

On the other hand, you might implement pop-up contact forms into a website if your client wants to collect emails for email marketing. In that case, it’s important to make sure that you’re only asking for the information you need, and nothing more.

The easier it is to sign up for a newsletter, the more likely it is that customers will do it. Being able to enter their name and email address and nothing else will make the signup seem less tasking.

7. Search Bars and Navigation

Whether you’re designing for B2B or B2C companies, navigation will always be a critical concern. End users need to find it easy to track down the information that they need about a company, whether they’re looking for a particular product or a blog.

B2B Websites

On a B2B website, the search bar often takes up a lot less prominence than it does on a B2C site. That’s because all of the information that a client needs, and the buttons they need to take their next steps, are already visible front-and-center.

As a designer, it will be your job to push as many people to convert as possible, by making the purchasing journey the most appealing path for visitors. For instance, on the Copper website, the “Try Free” buttons are much easier to see than “Continue with Google” or “Login”:

With B2B sites, the focus is on a very specific goal. Although navigation still needs to be available, it doesn’t need to be as obvious as it is on a B2C site.

B2C Websites

On the other hand, most B2C websites offer a wide range of products, and they’re perfectly happy for their customers to purchase anything, as long as they eventually convert. Because of this, they make navigation a much more significant part of the customer journey.

The search bar is often presented at the very top of the screen where customers can see it immediately. Additionally, there may be multiple pages within certain product categories, so that customers can browse through the items they’re most interested in. For instance, look at the homepage on the IWoot website:

The navigation elements in B2C websites need to be a lot more obvious, because consumers are more likely to use them when they’re searching through their options.

8. Social Proof and Testimonials

Finally, social proof is one of the things that will work well for improving conversions on any kind of website. When your customers aren’t sure whether or not they should buy from you, a review or testimonial could be just the thing to push them over the edge.

B2B Websites

On a B2B website, the decision-making process takes a lot longer. Because of this, it’s worth including as much social proof as possible in every part of the website. Client testimonials, reviews and ratings, and even high-profile company logos make all the difference. Many B2B websites include a page dedicated to case studies highlighting the success of other brands.

Your client might even go as far as to ask for a page that highlights their awards and recognition or showcases comparison tables that pit their products against the competition.

For instance, Authority Hacker has a “what the pros say about us” section as social proof:

B2C Websites

With a consumer website, you can include consumer ratings and reviews wherever you like. However, it’s most likely that you’ll want to have a place where customers can see the reviews of other clients on the product pages themselves. On the EMP website the company gives users the option to click on the star review section to jump to a different space on the page where testimonials are listed. This ensures that customers don’t have to scroll through a lot of excess information if they just want to add an item straight to their cart.

Designing for B2B vs B2C

In the world of web design, no two customers are ever the same. While you’ll need to adapt your processes to suit each customer you interact with, you can set your expectations in advance by learning the differences between B2B and B2C strategies.


Featured images by Chris Ross Harris and Mike Kononov.


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Web developers have been the bedrock of any company’s business strategy for some time, and the industry is continuing to thrive and grow at a rapid pace. This is why it’s surprising that it is so lacklustre when it comes to diversity.

A recent study revealed 80% of those in the design industry are male, and more specifically 79% within the field of web design. According to WISE, just 23% of the people working in STEM roles (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) are female and women currently account for just 15.8% of the UK’s current generation of engineering and technology graduates.

Why the Lack of Diversity in Web Design?

The main reason for this, as cited by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) found that women still lack the confidence to pursue these careers, despite their school results being as good as (or better) than their male counterparts. Research has found that the professional and technical services sector has the fourth-highest gender pay gap of all UK industries. If more women were to join these higher-paid sectors it could help reduce the gender pay gap as a whole, as well as help female economic empowerment.

This division is seen in ethnic minority groups too. The numbers for BAME (Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic) employees in the British tech industry are unknown but is estimated by the British Computer Society to be at 1-2%, a ridiculously low number in this day and age. This is why groups and organisations are cropping up designed to promote an industry that reflects all of society rather than one part of it. Here are some of the organisations to pay attention to who are bridging the diversity gaps in web design.

Girls Who Code

Girls Who Code are working to create opportunities for women within tech, aiming to deepen their computer science skills and confidence. They run a range of programs designed to equip women with the necessary computing skills to pursue opportunities in the field and to give chances that are often shunned due to society. Founder Saujani states that women are socialized to seek perfection, and this is something that needs to be overcome. One way to break that mentality at an early age, she says, is coding:

[Girls] walk into these classrooms and they feel like they will never be good at it, and when they learn how to create something, whether it’s a website or app, it changes their mindset and they stop giving up

Adobe Design Circle

Adobe Design Circle is another initiative aiming to introduce all members of society to design. They want to create more visibility for design as a viable career path for anyone that might be considering it, and to help with youth entering the field. This is opening the opportunities of working in tech and web to aspiring designers at a young age who aren’t necessarily yet conditioned by the pressures of society and showing them it can be a realistic career path.

They have their own scholarships and mentoring initiative to support these goals too. The faces behind the team of Adobe Design Circle range through multiple ethnicities and have a fairly even male-female divide. This equal representation alone is inspiring. One of Adobe’s core missions is to offer youth the opportunity to learn and express themselves through creativity and technology, regardless of their economic or cultural backgrounds. With this they specifically encourage applicants of all backgrounds to apply and offer many other opportunities from mentoring to internships.

Ladies that UX

Ladies that UX are a collaborative community of women in UX aiming to “support each other, push the UX boundaries and promote female skill and talent.” It is a European-based initiative where each city involved runs slightly different events and groups decide together what they would like to get from their meetups. They assist each other with UX challenges, discuss topics, and brainstorm ideas. Ladies that UX was created in 2013 by Georgie Bottomley and Lizzie Dyson with the aim of bringing together women in the industry, offering support and creating connections around the world.


Xuntos is aiming to create the largest community of ambitious and talented individuals from under-represented groups in the technology industry. It works to nurture university students and recent graduates that are often overlooked in the tech industry by the means of educational workshops, university hubs, events and an active community. The very name “Xuntos” is a Galician word which means “together” and this is their most important factor. They want people to realise they are not alone and just because the representation isn’t there, doesn’t mean their capabilities aren’t.


Colorintech is a non-profit organisation that was founded in 2016. It aims to close the gap and shorten the learning curve, with a strong community designed to help each other. The company was founded by Silicon Valley tech executive Dion McKenzie and ex-Googler Ashleigh Ainsley after they became frustrated at the few black individuals in the field. Since its inception 30,000 students, professionals, volunteers and tech companies have been impacted by their work, and over 450 minorities graduated from their programs in 2019 alone.


UKBlackTech are on a mission to create the most diverse tech sector in the world. Their aim is to encourage more ethnic minorities to enter the UK’s technology workforce and make an impact. To help with this, they design and implement different initiatives to help them get employed and retain employment, put on bespoke events that target aspects such as specific job roles or tech topics and promote different opportunities for members to apply to.

Witty Careers

Witty Careers was created with the aim to support women from black and ethnic minority backgrounds in the UK and equip them with the skills to build a career in the tech industry. They run different practical skills workshops and events which in the past have included visits to a Microsoft store, Uber, and Pivotal. They open doors for communications, networking and future career prospects for those in the minority. They also have a handy range of resources designed to help you get into the career you want. From CV writing advice to industry insights, they are all free of charge.

Featured image via Unsplash.


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Vous pourriez supposer que, lorsqu’il s’agit de faire son choix de garder leurs organisations en cours d’exécution en douceur et sur le budget, les financiers, les décideurs sont de faire ces choix sur la base de données claires et leur confiance dans les données. Comme il s’avère, ce n’est pas toujours exacte hypothèse.

Une récente enquête menée par SAP d’Accord et Kelton Mondiale a montré que 59 pour cent des financiers décideurs de travail dans l’etat, la ville et le gouvernement local et de l’enseignement supérieur croire les outils financiers et les systèmes utilisés dans leurs organisations sont sujettes à l’erreur, et 68% d’avoir à prendre des décisions sans une visibilité complète sur les informations nécessaires. Beaucoup de ces dirigeants admettre que la fraude, le gaspillage et les abus sont les défis à relever leurs organisations face et que leur vulnérabilité à ces types de risques est à la hausse:

  • Les deux tiers des répondants admettent que la fraude, le gaspillage et les abus sont les défis de leur organisation est actuellement confrontée.
  • Plus du quart des répondants déclarent que leur vulnérabilité aux risques de fraude et d’abus augmenté dans la dernière année.
  • Environ un tiers-dire le nombre d’inexactitude des rapports de dépenses et les factures soumises a augmenté au cours de la dernière année.

Inexacte de Prise de Décision Conduit à des Risques

La vérité est, il est arrivé aux meilleurs d’entre nous. Nous pouvons tous susceptibles souviens d’une fois où nous avons pris une décision sans avoir les informations de base nécessaires pour le faire, et que la décision peut ne pas avoir produit le plus de résultats favorables.

Pourquoi? Afin de prendre de bonnes décisions d’affaires et d’éviter de regrettables erreurs, nous avons besoin d’accéder à toutes les informations optimal de sorte que nous n’avons pas à l’aveuglette.

Les dommages à la réputation de mauvais de prise de décision peut être catastrophique pour un secteur public de l’organisation potentiellement conduisant à une diminution du financement et de la confiance.

Une récente étude de l’Association of Certified fraud Examiners (ACFE) a identifié le haut de la fraude dépenses que les entreprises et les organismes gouvernementaux à engager. Elles comprennent:

  • Cinq pour cent d’une organisation typique, les revenus annuels sont perdus à cause de la fraude
  • Quatre-vingt-neuf pour cent des cas de fraude impliquer le détournement de fonds, y compris rembourrage de voyage et des demandes de remboursement de frais
  • Annuel médian de la perte de US$114 000 de détournement de fonds

En dépit de ces menaces, de l’etat, la ville et le gouvernement local et de l’enseignement supérieur les décideurs sont confrontés à ces défis chaque jour. Environ un quart des répondants affirment que leur organisation a involontairement signalé incorrecte des données de budget, en raison d’inexactitudes dans les rapports de dépenses ou des factures. Et, 26% disent que leur organisation involontairement ressources allouées là où il ne devrait pas avoir à cause de l’prévoyant plus de budget qu’il a eu réellement.

Pour l’enseignement supérieur, des organisations, ces types d’erreurs peuvent avoir des effets négatifs directs sur les élèves. L’Université du Texas (UT) à Tyler récemment trouvé ses calculs pour l’ensemble de trajet de quatre ans de recherche. D’autres ont été accordées que ne l’étaient réellement prévu, et l’université a répondu par la révocation entre 50 et 60 ces bourses – longtemps après que les élèves avaient accepté à l’UT Tyler et les autres collèges, les délais ont expiré. De nombreuses admissions dirigeants estiment que ces actions contraires à l’éthique et des étudiants ont pris aux médias sociaux pour partager leurs malheureuses histoires.

Les risques liés à la réputation éprouvée par l’UT Tyler sont juste un exemple de pourquoi la précision, la visibilité et la conformité sont de la plus haute importance pour toute organisation.

La lutte contre la Fraude et l’Atteinte de la Conformité avec l’IA et l’Engagement des Employés

Pour ceux qui travaillent dans le secteur public, en ne respectant pas les règles et règlements gouvernementaux n’est pas une option. La bonne nouvelle est qu’il existe de nombreuses façons dont ces petites organisations peuvent commencer à s’éloigner de cette question – y compris par une meilleure formation des employés, une réglementation plus stricte des processus internes, et une étroite collaboration avec les chefs de l’information. En fait, le gouvernement et l’enseignement supérieur, les organisations mettent en œuvre diverses initiatives pour rester au courant.

Selon les Kelton Mondial de l’enquête, près des deux tiers (69%) ont demandé à leurs employés pour en savoir plus sur cette information ou procéder régulièrement à des vérifications (65 pour cent) pour recueillir le plus actuel de la réglementation de l’information. Plus de la moitié aussi regarder au-delà des murs de leur organisation – en particulier les pairs dans le secteur public – pour trouver les meilleures pratiques pour le respect de la conformité à la réglementation.

Dans le même temps, de mettre les technologies qui permettent simultanément d’automatiser les tâches fastidieuses et sujettes à erreur de processus comme l’audit des charges et de la facture de données, mais l’apprentissage et deviennent de plus en plus efficace au fil du temps — est la plus efficace à long-terme de la stratégie.

J’ai vanté les avantages de l’automatisation avant, mais ceux sur les lignes de front: La majorité (55%) des répondants au sondage qui ont entièrement automatisé, outils pour les notes de frais, factures, ou la gestion des déplacements à différents stades de mise en œuvre affirment que leur organisation est d’une meilleure gestion de la fraude, le gaspillage et les abus au sein de leurs organisations.

Plus loin encore, ceux qui ont complètement automatisé le processus de facturation sont environ deux fois plus susceptibles que ceux qui n’ont pas 39 pour cent contre 21 pour cent — à-dire qu’il y a eu moins d’erreurs dans ces rapports. Pima Community College à Tucson, en Arizona, est un excellent exemple d’un établissement d’enseignement supérieur qui a récolté les avantages de l’automatisation. Son processus de gestion de voyage, les dépenses et les factures utilisé pour être très manuel – avec du papier à base de demandes et remboursements étant la norme. On peut imaginer le potentiel de la marge d’erreur avec cette approche. En introduisant de nouvelles technologies et de l’automatisation de la vérification des règles, Pima pour réduire les erreurs et les violations de conformité, et à son tour augmenté l’adhésion à la politique.

Sur le Kelton Enquête Mondiale

Le Kelton Mondiale étude a recueilli les réponses de 313 financiers décideurs de travail dans l’etat, la ville et le gouvernement local et de l’enseignement supérieur pour en savoir plus sur la façon dont ces organisations sont la réduction des risques, le maintien de la conformité, et d’optimiser l’efficacité de ce qui fonctionne bien, ce que d’autres pourraient apprendre de ce que certaines organisations sont en train de faire, et où l’application de nouveaux systèmes et processus pourrait régler le temps et la précision des questions.

David Ballard est vice-président senior du Secteur Public chez SAP, d’Accord.
Cette histoire est initialement paru sur le SAP Accord des salles de rédaction.

Source de l’article sur SAP News Center