API test is a significant part of a successful Continuous Integration/ DevOps practice. As per Google Trends, the interest in Web/ API services tests has been progressively growing over the few decades. According to SmartBear research over 3,372 software professionals in API test over 2019, 91 percent of participants either presently have, or thinking to have a formal API test procedure in place in the coming future. Around 45 percent of API testers reported that their company already automated 50% or more of test projects. Moreover, by more than 75 percent of companies across industries, API quality is considered a top priority.

With APIs more and more becoming crucial elements for software development, it has become critically essential for programmers and developers to carry out API testing. API test is a procedure that concentrates on identifying whether an API that has been developed meets up the expected threshold concerning security, reliability, performance, and functionality. As these tests are crucially vital, you need to make use of the top API testing tools out there. 

Source de l’article sur DZONE

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