
Background Context

In our first blog, we introduced the definition and evolution of hybrid multicloud, key challenges of the enterprises, and the value realized by implementing a hybrid multicloud strategy. This blog will cover how to create a holistic and business-value-driven multicloud strategy. In order to provide agility, security, reliability, and access to a large ecosystem of services, a robust transformation strategy and program are required. This strategy must align with business objectives such as revenue growth, cost reduction, risk reduction, enhancing the customer experience, and capitalization of market opportunities.

Having created many transformation strategies across many industries, we have observed critical success factors that are worth noting. For instance, successful IT organizations tightly align their cloud strategies to business objectives while developing a target architecture and operating model blueprint while quantifying the costs and benefits in a business case. Organizations that have failed to implement their cloud strategy, or failed to realize their committed benefits, typically do not complete these important elements of a holistic strategy. 

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Apache Kafka became the de facto standard for processing data in motion across enterprises and industries. Cybersecurity is a key success factor across all use cases. Kafka is not just used as a backbone and source of truth for data. It also monitors, correlates, and proactively acts on events from real-time and batch data sources to detect anomalies and respond to incidents. This blog series explores use cases and architectures for Kafka in the cybersecurity space, including situational awareness, threat intelligence, forensics, air-gapped and zero trust environments, and SIEM/SOAR modernization. This post is part six: SIEM/SOAR Modernization.

Blog Series: Apache Kafka for Cybersecurity

This blog series explores why security features such as RBAC, encryption, and audit logs are only the foundation of a secure event streaming infrastructure. Learn about use cases,  architectures, and reference deployments for Kafka in the cybersecurity space:

Source de l’article sur DZONE

J’ai récemment eu une conversation avec le responsable produits d’un grand fabricant d’équipements industriels. Chaque machine comporte de  multiples variantes, est vendue à des centaines de clients, ce qui représente des milliers d’installations à travers le monde et peut être utilisée pendant des décennies. Mon interlocuteur m’expliquait qu’il avait reçu un appel d’un de ses clients  pour la mise à niveau d’une de ses machines pour en augmenter la productivité et optimiser. De ce fait, les équipes de ce responsable produits  vont être très occupées pour répondre à cette demande au cours des prochaines semaines, voire des prochains mois. Imaginez maintenant le nombre de ressources et le temps qui seraient nécessaires s’il avait à répondre à plusieurs demandes similaires en parallèle.

Voyons quelles sont les tâches les plus importantes qui sont requises pour élaborer un plan de réponse complet à destination de ce client :

  • évaluer le potentiel de revenus de la demande de mise à niveau ;
  • analyser la réplicabilité de la solution auprès d’autres clients ;
  • vérifier l’état de fonctionnement de l’équipement ;
  • évaluer le mode d’utilisation de la machine ;
  • valider la compatibilité de la dernière configuration proposée par l’ingénierie ;
  • comprendre les nouvelles exigences applicatives ;
  • effectuer une analyse des risques ;
  • analyser les perturbations de la chaîne d’approvisionnement ;
  • collaborer avec les fournisseurs et les partenaires pour élaborer le plan d’exécution ;
  • et probablement bien plus encore…

Il est également important de noter le nombre de systèmes, de processus et de partenaires requis pour construire et appliquer ce plan d’intervention.

Tout est question de stratégie globale

Nous voyons de nombreux clients de tous secteurs, en particulier dans la haute technologie, l’énergie, les équipements industriels, la santé, l’aérospatiale et le pétrole et le gaz, cherchant à tirer une part croissante de leurs revenus de services stratégiques. C’est un objectif commun aux fabricants d’équipements d’origine (OEM) recherchant des marges plus élevées, une proximité accrue avec leurs clients et des revenus récurrents.

Pour y parvenir, les entreprises doivent élaborer une stratégie globale, en intégrant les services d’ingénierie à la gestion des actifs, afin de rapprocher les OEM des opérateurs.

Dans cet article, je vous expose les éléments stratégiques liés à l’intégration du monde de l’ingénierie et de l’opérationnel, qui permettront aux OEM et aux opérateurs de maximiser la valeur de leur collaboration et de mettre en place une base permettant d’explorer de nouveaux business models, tel que le Product as a Service.

Éléments stratégiques d’une intégration des services d’ingénierie à la gestion des actifs

Ne serait-il pas intéressant de disposer d’un package de solutions prêt à l’emploi permettant de gérer tous les actifs installés, prenant en compte leur durée de vie et leur état ?

Comment y parvenir ?

Voyons quelques-uns des éléments stratégiques qui permettront de briser les silos fonctionnels, pour bénéficier d’une vue à 360 degrés du cycle de vie des produits et des actifs.



  • Tout d’abord, un OEM doit savoir déterminer la configuration d’un actif existant à partir des spécifications du produit issues de l’ingénierie. Il s’agit ici de la capacité à suivre et à gérer entièrement l’actif lors son installation, puis tout au long de son cycle de vie et jusqu’à sa mise hors service. L’un des aspects importants est de comparer dynamiquement l’actif en fonctionnement avec les configurations d’ingénierie les plus récentes, afin de prendre les bonnes décisions de maintenance ou de mise à niveau.
  • Le deuxième élément est la façon dont les partenaires collaborent et partagent des données. En créant un écosystème collaboratif de nouvelle génération basé sur le cloud, les équipementiers, les opérateurs, les fournisseurs et les partenaires de service vont disposer d’une plate-forme commune. Elle permettra de rassembler l’ensemble des partenaires, de partager du contenu, des données, et même d’étendre les processus métiers au-delà des murs de l’entreprise. L’objectif est de permettre aux OEM et aux opérateurs de déterminer quelles mesures doivent être prises et à quel moment.
  • Le troisième aspect est l’efficacité avec laquelle nous utilisons les données d’ingénierie en amont pour améliorer la gestion des actifs. Avec une ingénierie de service efficace, nous pouvons établir une nomenclature des services, des conceptions de services, identifier des systèmes critiques, définir des caractéristiques de performance, planifier des stratégies de service, créer des aides visuelles et bien plus encore. Les données de l’ingénierie de service peuvent être utilisées efficacement dans plusieurs flux de gestion des actifs, tels que la planification de la demande, les services sur le terrain, la gestion des garanties, les plans de maintenance et les stratégies d’actifs. En activant une continuité numérique de bout en bout, il est possible de connecter les données tout au long de la chaîne de valeur d’un service, de sa conception à son utilisation.
  • Enfin, l’un des éléments clés est de permettre aux entreprises de capturer et d’analyser les données transactionnelles et de performance des actifs opérationnels. Une fois restituées sous forme exploitable, ces informations permettront de générer des plans de service dynamiques, mais aussi d’identifier les modifications de conception à apporter, ainsi que les mises à niveau possibles afin de maximiser la valeur d’un actif. Cette boucle de rétroaction continue reposant sur l’ensemble de la base installée permettra aux OEM de proposer de meilleurs produits, plus durables.

Afin de répondre à cette évolution des besoins métiers sur le terrain de l’intégration des services d’ingénierie à la gestion des actifs, SAP et Siemens Digital Industries Software ont récemment annoncé  une extension de leur partenariat qui leur permettra de fournir de nouvelles solutions de gestion du cycle de vie intelligent des services et des actifs. Il est essentiel que tous ces éléments stratégiques soient liés aux processus métiers de la chaîne d’approvisionnement et qu’ils soient accessibles sur une plate-forme unique pour que les équipementiers et les opérateurs puissent en tirer une valeur commerciale.


Découvrez la valeur stratégique qu’il y a à gérer le cycle de vie de produits intelligents et connectés avec des technologies numériques à travers l’ensemble de votre entreprise et de l’entreprise étendue.

Demandez le livre blanc PLM 2021 de CIMdata.


The post Que se passe-t-il lorsque l’ingénierie et la gestion des actifs convergent ? Place au rapprochement ! appeared first on SAP France News.

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Landing pages are crucial for conversions. User-friendly landing pages rank higher in the search engines and generate the maximum leads.

Interestingly, user behavior changes every year, and new website design trends should be kept in mind to continue acquiring sales from your existing landing pages.

If your high-performing landing pages in 2019 have suddenly started underperforming in 2021, then it is a clear indication that your landing pages need a strategic revamp to record higher conversions.

Landing page revisions are necessary for reduced bounce rate, more visitor time on the page, and better user actions.

This article will discuss some of the top web design trends of 2021 that brands have adopted to revamp their landing page designs. You can learn from the trends and apply your own custom design intelligence to redesign your landing pages for 2022 and convert the maximum number of visitors.

Let’s begin…

Why Landing Page Design Is Crucial For Conversions

Landing pages are the first stop on your consumers’ online buying journey and the first chance to put an impression.

People on the internet are becoming less patient. It takes only about 50 milliseconds for a visitor to form an opinion about a brand and decide whether they want to stay or leave the website.

Convincing modern customers to buy products or fill up query forms on a landing page is not easy with traditional website elements.

In 2021, it is now harder to impress visitors landing on your website than in 2019. Keeping in mind the audience of 2021 and beyond, an ideal landing page should be user-friendly, engaging, innovative and should encourage users to take action.

Here are some of the top reasons why landing page design is so crucial for conversions:

  • You get barely 7 seconds to create a strong impression. It is a time span in which visitors roughly scan the page and make their decisions.
  • Publishing 40+ effective landing pages at regular intervals can generate 12X more leads.
  • The average conversion rate from the landing page across all industries is only 2.35%.
  • Using the right types of targeting and testing can boost landing page conversion rates by up to 300%.

Considering the above stats, it can be easily said that a landing page has to be impressive and quick enough to impact the visitors positively.

7 High Converting Landing Pages & Lessons You Can Learn From Each

Below are some of the best high-converting landing pages, which were just updated recently in 2021. For each page, we list a lesson you can learn to inspire your next design revision in 2021 and ahead:

Example #1 – Replace Boring Customer Info Forms With An Interactive Quiz

Landing Page: Nextiva’s Unified Communications Readiness Quiz Landing Page

Industry: Voice Over IP software

Conversion Measured By: Leads fill out a form if they are interested

Redesign focus: Improve the quantity and quality of leads

Solution: Substitute online form with an interactive quiz

In 2019 and even 2020, many businesses were practicing the trend of including a customer form on their landing pages as a call to action to initiate a quick customer action.

The customer information form was useful for businesses because it helped them generate quick leads. However, at the same time, there was no real reason pushing the customer to fill in the lead forms especially if it consisted of more than 2-3 fields.

Nextiva used its creativity to replace boring lead forms with interactive quizzes. In its 2021 page design, the company added a quiz for visitors to participate in.

The aim is to have interactive pages to keep visitors engaged and persuade them to stay on the page.

Here are the comparisons of both the designs:



Key Takeaways:

  • The 2021 landing page now has a free Unified Communications Readiness Quiz that allows business owners to fill the form interactively. Adding a quiz with the number of pages mentioned at the top tells the user how many steps are left to complete the quiz, making their waiting time easier.
  • The background image is replaced with communication icons to simplify the message of the kind of services they offer.
  • The page looks neater and appears to be easier to scan at a glance.

Example #2 – Emphasize Strong Visuals and Copy that Stresses on Product Details

Landing Page: Western Rise Homepage Variation

Industry: Ecommerce

Conversion Measured By: Apparel purchase

Major redesign focus: Improve the number of leads

Solution: Improve the copy and visuals

Western Rise, a clothing eCommerce company, realized the importance of having impressive images and detailed product information on its landing page.

The 2021 page replaced ordinary product images with strong visuals of the models wearing Western Rise clothing. Also, the product image includes extensive product details, which were missing on the older page.

Here is a clear comparison of the 2019 vs. 2021 landing pages of Western Rise:



Key Takeaways:

  • The new landing page has a powerful headline – Performance Clothing for Travel, Work, and Play. In just a couple of words, the brand tells everything about itself. ‘Performance Clothing’ is their unique selling proposition (USP) that tells the customers that their product is durable. Besides, the caption ‘Travel, Work, and Play’ tells what the product is about. Modern customers like products that fulfill a particular need, and Western Rise made it easier for the users to realize the importance of their products which fulfilled their specific needs.
  • The bold visuals in the new page capture contemporary shots of the models that put a strong impression on the audience. Every image is clicked mindfully to explain the style and quality of the Western Rise clothing line.
  • The products displayed on the new page include every minor detail and feature that often other clothing brands ignore, such as the specialty of the product, occasions to wear, and weight other than colors, fabric, fitting, etc.

Example #3 – Use Strong Social Proof To Increase Conversions

Page: Aura Save 50% Landing Page

Industry: Identity Theft Software

Conversion Measured By: Online registration or an inbound call

Major redesign focus: Improve the number of signups

Solution: Add strong social proof

It is a known fact that social proof on sales pages is essential for increased conversions. But in 2021, the importance of social proof has gone too far.

Aura is an identity theft protection service that aims to build trust with its prospective customers when they first browse their landing page. Take a look at how Aura displays customer reviews above the fold to catch user’s attention.

Unlike others, Aura combined the rating stars and the review to prove customer satisfaction and emphasize their expertise in the field.


Another example of using strong social proof is the Exploding Topics newsletter landing page.

Exploding Topics is a newsletter with a pro subscription for content marketers and anyone interested in trending topics about any topic. It’s an excellent example that uses a lot of social proof on landing pages that give something away for free, like a weekly newsletter or an eBook.

If you could notice, the latest landing page below has multiple forms of social proof on a single page. First, they feature a list of brands that trust Exploding Topics. Secondly, they quote Wired Magazine founder Kevin Kelly’s feedback, followed by the logos and tweets praising the newsletter.

Key Takeaways:

  • Exploding Topics uses several different types of social proof that appeal to different demographics.
  • Their “trusted by” logos of world-renowned companies stand out to potential B2B subscribers.
  • Kevin Kelly’s quote is catching the attention of tech-savvy readers.
  • Despite packing the page with social proof, the opt-in form is still well above the fold. It is the best landing page practice that applies to nearly all pages.
  • The landing page uses actually embedded tweets (not screenshots), which help demonstrate that the tweets are legit.

While Exploding Topics have smartly used social proof on its page, the ideas of leveraging social proof are not limited to this only.

Example #4 – Focus On Visually Appealing Above the Fold Content

Landing Page: Perfect Keto Homepage Variation

Industry: Supplements

Conversion Measured By: Online purchase

Major redesign focus: Improve the number of purchases

Solution: Improve Above The Fold Content

Above the fold content greatly impacts customer’s decision-making. Perfect Keto lacked that appeal on its 2019 landing page design.

Hence, the 2021 design was revamped with better visuals and more professional looks.

The 2021 page received major changes in above-the-fold content, such as the top menu bar with the brand name not losing the user’s attention anymore and an additional menu bar giving a quick overview of what the brand offers.

The older page did have many social proofs, but those were limited to customers only. The 2021 design also highlighted the publications where the brand appeared, which proved exceptional in building customer trust.

Take a look at the two landing pages of Perfect Keto in 2019 and 2021:



Key Takeaways:

  • The 2021 landing page heading is more compelling because it clearly conveys what their product is all about. The older page was missing the actual purpose of the product.
  • An additional section on the new page to educate customers about the Keto diet and how to start it helps visitors understand the product even better.
  • The inclusion of a product image above the fold attracts user attention and makes the product trustworthy. People now know what they will be buying right at first sight of the page.
  • The new page proudly displays the products featured in the publications, such as Women’s Health, Healthline, Reader’s Digest, and Popsugar, which again helped customers trust the brand.
  • The page also features a video of the Perfect Keto founder that is brilliantly working in gaining visitor’s attention and faith.

Example #5 – Make The Call to Action More Compelling

Landing Page: Zendesk HelpDesk Softwage Landing Page

Industry: SaaS

Conversion Measured By: Online registration

Major redesign focus: Improve the number of registrations through the website

Solution: Make The CTA More Compelling

Zendesk did a clever job by replacing the sign-up form with a single button. On the older page, it was unclear to the user if the company has a trial option for free unless they move to linked pages. Such confusions often resulted in traffic bounces.

Adding the start free trial button on the 2021 page makes it easier for the users to understand that the product comes with a free trial. At the time, it helps the user take quick action.

Similarly, the ‘Get started’ button at the top was replaced with ‘Free trial’ with the same intention.

Moreover, chat support was added to guide users at any stage of the buyer journey. Live chats are vital to help visitors better understand the product and move a step ahead in the customer journey.

Take a look at below two images:



Key Takeaways

  • The CTA buttons have more actionable text and look more prominent.
  • The color choice for the button is in contrast with the background but matches the page theme.
  • The older page missed sales support, which is included in the new page for a better customer experience.
  • The tabs in the menu bar were reduced to four to make the page simple to use for users.

Example #6 – Use Contrast To Highlight Specific Copy On The Page

Landing Page: GetResponse Website Building Landing Page

Industry: Online Software

Conversion Measured By: Online signup

Major redesign focus: Improve the number of signups

Solution: Use contrast around important copy on the page

GetResponse focuses on attracting visitors’ attention towards the offerings from their business. Starting from above the fold section, the landing page highlights the texts that are important and need the visitors’ attention.

The infographic on the landing page is the next thing that promises to grab user attention while beautifully describing how this website builder works and is useful to the user.

Key Takeaways:

  • The text highlighted on the landing page draws the user’s attention towards what the business has to offer or unique selling points.
  • The infographics briefly explain the working of the tool in an easy-to-understand manner.
  • The Yellow color is used prominently on the landing page to attract user attention and persuades users to try the tool by listing its advantages.


Landing pages provide the first opportunity to create an impression in the minds of the consumers. A well-structured and mindfully designed page sets the right tone for your brand message and encourages users to choose your business.

However, the strategy for landing pages needs innovations from time to time for better results. The examples and tips shared above prove how landing pages in 2019 have seen significant improvement in 2021.

In the coming year, use these ideas to create landing pages that influence customer decisions and encourage them to take quick actions.


The post 7 Landing Pages Comparisons To Improve Your Conversions in 2022 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

Ready to take your business online but not sure where to start? It’s a surprisingly simple process, made all the easier by the tagDiv Newspaper theme that can shoulder the burden of code, leaving you to be creative.

Professional web designers normally begin with broad brushstrokes, roughly hewing a site, before finessing on the finer details; that’s exactly what tagDiv’s Newspaper theme lets you do, with innovative tools and a huge selection of pre-built options to choose from.

What is the Newspaper Theme?

Newspaper is the best-selling magazine theme from tagDiv. In constant development over the last twelve years, it’s been used to create world-beating sites for clients as diverse and demanding as United Nations, ShareAmerica, The Rackspace Blog, Bitcoin News, Uber Engineering, and Tech Explorist.

As the name implies, the Newspaper theme is primarily a magazine or blog theme, but you can use it for any kind of site, in any type of industry.

Packed with intuitive features that make personal web development not just possible but enjoyable, it will have your site ready to launch in no time.

It is fully compatible with Gutenberg, WordPress’ drag-n-drop site builder; it also comes with its own WYSIWYG, tagDiv Composer. All the sites built in Newspaper are fully flexible, responsive, mobile-friendly, and retina-ready. Newspaper is even fully integrated with WooCommerce so that you can transform your magazine site into a fully-featured ecommerce store.

Newspaper has been carefully coded to make the most of the upcoming Core Web Vitals update from Google, so your new site will be well-placed to rank highly on search engines.

Now that you know a little about the background of the Newspaper theme let’s look at how we can use it to build a WordPress site.

Pre-Built Websites

Sometimes it’s not just your coding skills but your design skills that are lacking; you know what kind of site that you want, you’re just hazy on the details.

This is where tagDiv’s Newspaper theme comes into its own. With a single click, you can install an entire pre-built website. And the process is so fast and convenient that you can try out as many as you like and pick the one that matches your vision.

You can even import a whole ton of pre-written content for testing the sites out, so you can see how it will look with your content without spending hours typing or copying and pasting text out of a Word doc.

There are 120 different designs covering all kinds of different industries. This means no matter what kind of site you’re building, one click, and you’re ready to go live.

Cloud Library

One step up from a full pre-built website is tagDiv’s Cloud Library. If you’ve installed one of the pre-built websites, this is probably where you want to go next.

The Cloud Library is a collection of 1600 different design elements that can be mixed and matched with live-editing to fast-track your site creation. You’ll find content blocks like headers, footers, testimonials, banners, and featured items. You can mix-n-match them however you please to create the site of your dreams.

Putting the “Cloud” into the Cloud Library are tagDiv’s servers, storing the code for each of these elements, so your installation only needs to load the code you actually use. This provides a huge boost in performance.


Lastly, the Newspaper theme provides tagDiv Composer, a specialist WordPress builder — like Gutenberg — that allows you to customize your website with absolutely no coding skills whatsoever. It’s a powerful yet simple-to-use tool that allows you to edit the elements of the Cloud Library and adapt them to your own purposes.

With Composer, you can create your own headers, footers, banners, text blocks, and more without any of the limitations of cookie-cutter design.

tagDiv Composer gives you the ultimate control over your site. You’ll find all the essential elements you need, from text and buttons to images and videos. All you have to do is drag and drop them into place.

Building a Site With tagDiv Newspaper Theme

As you can see that the fastest way to an engaging and original website is, to begin with, a pre-built site, then add the different blocks of code you want from the Cloud Library, and finally customize them with the Composer.

To make this possible, tagDiv has brought together experts from multiple disciplines, including brand strategy, project management, and web development.

It’s a slick system for quickly publishing high-quality sites that are unique to you and your business. Trusted by more than 130,000 customers worldwide, the Newspaper has earned tagDiv the status of Power Elite Author on ThemeForest and Top Author on Envato.

The Newspaper theme costs just $59, which includes six months of support from tagDiv, but for just $17.63, you can extend support to 12 months for added peace of mind.

tagDiv Newspaper is the simplest way for you to take your business online using WordPress.


[— This is a sponsored post on behalf of tagDiv —]


The post Build Your Site The Easy Way With TagDiv Newspaper first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

The dog days of summer are here. From vacations to pool time, you might not be thinking about work that much. But there are still plenty of new tools and resources popping up to help you become a better or more efficient designer.

Here’s what new for designers this month.


Haikei is a web app that you can use to generate SVG shapes, backgrounds, and patterns in a web-based editor that you can use with any design tool or workflow process. Everything is customizable and it is free with access to 15 generator functions. (Additional templates and generators will be available when the pro plan is released later.)


Pixelhunter is a smart image resizer for social media platforms. It recognizes objects and crops pictures automatically. It supports 102 sizes and is free to use.


Compo is an Apple app that allows you to play with shapes and colors and create compositions on your own. You can see shapes and colors like the Bauhaus masters, creating from a blank canvas or shuffling in more creative ways. You can move, rotate, copy, overlap, and adjust shapes and colors to suit your style. Available for iPad and iPhone.


Backlight is an all-in-one design system platform that allows you to build code and reference sites in a space where designers and developers can work together. It has a series of “starter kits” to help you with the technology you use from React to Chakra to Tailwindcss. It’s designed to be collaborative with everything in one place and integrates into your workflows. The tool is just launching and you can request early access to learn more.

Multi Color Text With CSS

Multi Color Text With CSS is pure fun. Check out the pen by Shireen Taj.

Mega Creator

Mega Creator is an online graphic design tool that helps you create images, icons, illustrations, backgrounds, and more for a number of uses. It has templates that are sized for common uses such as social media. You can upload your own elements to work with (free) or use including graphic assets for a fee.


Noloco is a no-code solution for designers to build web apps. You can start building for free and design almost anything you can dream up from a set of drag-and-drop ready-made blocks. (And it will work across all screen sizes.)


Tinter is a tiny web tool to generate color variations of images. The tool also generates monochrome colors of images with multiple variants, without hampering the quality of the image.

Radix Colors

Radix Colors is an accessible, open-source color system for designing gorgeous websites and apps. It includes 28 color scales with 12 steps each and includes support for dark mode as well as matching transparencies.

WP Cost Calculator

WP Cost Calculator is a smart, simple tool that allows you to easily create price estimation forms. It’s perfect for a number of industries that use online pricing.


TraveledMap allows you to create customizable maps thanks to the use of markers, routes, and photos, which you can share or add to your website or blog. This tool is made for travelers and tourism pros.

Glyph Neue Icons

Glyph Neue Icons is a collection of 1,500 icons in SVG and PNG format. (They are free with a link.) Icons come in plenty of categories and styles for all types of use.

Streamline Icons

Streamline Icons is a set of thousands of icons in 12 different styles and themes that you can use for projects. They work through the Streamline app or a plugin for Figma, Sketch, or Adobe XD.

Health Icons

Health Icons is a set of free, open-source health icons for personal or commercial projects. They include filled and outline styles that are editable. There are more than 800 icons in the collection.

OMG, SVG Favicons FTW!

OMG, SVG Favicons FTW! Is a look at the benefits of using SVG favicons in web projects. It also examines some of the challenges – such as browsers support – with code snippets to help you get started.

Aspect Ratio in CSS

Aspect Ratio in CSS explores a design concept we talk about a lot in other places, but not so much with CSS. This piece by Ahmad Shadeed takes a look at how you can go beyond the “padding hack” and use native aspect ratio support in CSS to maintain image height and width ratios in responsive design.

Fight Kick

Fight Kick is a bold font with a lot of personality. The free demo version has 249 characters and is for personal use only.

Glow Better

Glow Better is a beautiful premium typeface with a pair of options – a serif and script. Both contain letterforms with swashes and tails that are delightful.

Huggable Hedgehogs

Huggable Hedgehogs is a playful font that’s perfect for children’s projects. Everything has a mono-height in the all uppercase typeface.


Monice is a rounded sans serif with thick lines and high readability. It includes bold, regular, and italic styles with free (demo, personal) and commercial options.


Rustica is a robust premium typeface with 20 styles and family options. It has slim curves and an easy-to-read character set that would work for almost any use. It also supports 219 languages.


The post Exciting New Tools for Designers, July 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

The first-ever RT-Thread IoT OS Global Tech Conference will be held from September 16–17,2021 features embedded technologies, new projects showcase, community contributors track. We welcome embedded developers from across different countries to come together to exchange ideas, showcase projects, identify solutions, discuss future strategies, and provide mutual learning opportunities on a wide variety of topics, let’s exploring embedded technologies.

Register for free here!

RT-Thread Tech Conference

About RT-Thread

RT-Thread is an embedded real-time operating system, with its rich middle-tier components and great hardware & software ecosystem delivered great support for the Internet of Things (IoT) industry. Born in 2006, till now, RT-Thread has powered 1 billion devices, applied in Wearable Devices, Smart Home Appliances, Energy, Automotive Electronics, Medical Electronics, Consumer Electronics, and many other industries.

Source de l’article sur DZONE


“Cette initiative est née de notre profonde conviction que les entreprises, quelle que soit l’industrie, peuvent tirer parti du partage d’experiences.”


Il est ingénieur de formation, issu de Polytech’Nice-Sophia. Elle est diplômée en mathématiques appliquées et a validé une thèse en théorie de l’optimisation. Ils mènent leur carrière dans de grandes entreprises technologiques internationales. Et dirigent le Industrial Council of Artificial Intelligence Research (ICAIR). Olena Kushakovska (SAP) et Jean-Michel Sauvage (Amadeus) pilotent ensemble ICAIR depuis 2020. Ils ont une ambition claire pour l’organisation : accélérer le travail sur l’IA en mettant l’accent sur le développement durable. A l’occasion du 1er SAP Sustainability Summit, la directrice générale de SAP Labs France et le directeur R&D pour les solutions Revenue Management d’Amadeus se sont prêtés au jeu de l’interview croisée pour nous donner leur vision de l’IA durable.

  1. Quels sont les principaux avantages de l’IA dans votre secteur ?

Olena Kushakovska : Chez SAP, nous permettons à nos clients de devenir des entreprises intelligentes, d’utiliser les données pour bâtir des entreprises plus performantes, plus résilientes, plus rentables, plus agiles et plus durables. Nous mettons tout en œuvre pour que la réalité de l’entreprise intelligente soit pleinement intégrée avec les fonctionnalités d’Intelligence Artificielle.

Jean-Michel Sauvage : L’IA est une technologie majeure qui offre la meilleure utilisation possible des données et fournit un service plus performant, plus efficace, prévisible, personnalisé et à plus forte valeur ajoutée sur l’ensemble de la chaîne.

  1. Quand, pourquoi et comment vous êtes-vous engagé avec ICAIR ?

Olena : Amadeus et SAP sont membres fondateurs de ICAIR. La décision d’aller de l’avant a été prise entre Gilles Floyrac et moi il y a environ 2 ans. Gilles était le président d’Amadeus Nice à l’époque et la région Côte d’Azur venait de décrocher le label 3IA. Son idée était que les entreprises conduisent l’agenda industriel parallèlement au monde universitaire. Plus de 60 entreprises de la zone ont soutenu le projet 3IA. Nous avons contacté les entreprises que nous pensions intéressées (ex. IBM, ARM, NXP, Thales Alenia Space, Orange) et le “Club” est né. La réunion de mise en place entre les responsables de site pour sceller le club s’est tenue chez Amadeus puis la 1ère session de travail a eu lieu chez SAP en juin 2019.

Jean-Michel : Les techniques d’IA n’étant pas spécifiques à la résolution d’un problème, cette initiative est motivée par la forte conviction que les entreprises, même lorsqu’elles travaillent dans différents secteurs, peuvent bénéficier de l’apprentissage et du partage d’expériences sur les défis auxquels elles sont confrontées sur des problèmes techniques similaires.

« Nous nous efforçons d’utiliser l’IA de manière durable et d’atteindre les objectifs de durabilité de l’ONU au sein du secteur. » Olena KUSHAKOVSKA

  1. Qu’est-ce qui est spécial avec ICAIR ?

Jean-Michel : ICAIR se concentre sur la recherche appliquée, et à ce titre, est un moyen de lier la recherche fondamentale et les résultats académiques à leur application dans un environnement industriel.

Olena : ICAIR est à taille humaine, agile, diversifié, industriel, pratico-pratique, avec des cas d’utilisation réels. Des entreprises leaders dans le monde composent le conseil. Pour autant, il y a un faible niveau d’administration, une faible bureaucratie, mais beaucoup de bonne volonté et un grand écosystème. La bienveillance et le soutien sont sans faille, et l’implication continue !

  1. Pourquoi avoir choisi l’IA durable comme thème du programme ICAIR ? 

Jean-Michel : L’IA s’accompagne de défis, tant en termes de technologie, de puissance de calcul, que de biais d’apprentissage, ou de décisions humainement explicables. Nous pensons que l’IA peut être conçue et utilisée de manière durable et apporter de la valeur d’une manière qui respecte la planète et les communautés.

Olena : On questionne souvent l’IA en termes écologique ou éthique. Nous voulons envisager la durabilité dans un contexte beaucoup plus large, celui des objectifs de durabilité des Nations Unies. La durabilité s’entend comme la capacité de notre génération à atteindre ses objectifs, sans compromettre la capacité de la génération future à atteindre les leurs. Et ce, par rapport à toutes les ressources : naturelles, humaines, économiques. Nos efforts se concentrent sur l’IA durable pour atteindre les objectifs des Nations Unies au sein de l’industrie.

  1. Quel est le champ d’application d’ICAIR ?

Jean-Michel : ICAIR a été pensé de telle sorte que des chercheurs d’entreprises de Sophia Antipolis hébergeant des laboratoires de recherche travaillant dans différents contextes industriels, et sur différents sujets, puissent discuter et échanger leurs points de vue sur des questions communes liées à l’utilisation de l’IA dans leurs industries respectives.

Olena : Notre objectif est de travailler sur des projets communs et d’échanger sur les meilleures pratiques en matière d’apprentissage automatique et d’intelligence artificielle. Cela permettra de faire progresser les recherches en matière d’IA. Enfin, nous comptons utiliser notre puissance commune pour promouvoir la Côte d’Azur en tant que berceau de l’IA durable.

  1. Qu’est-ce qui vous motive personnellement ?

Olena : Ma volonté est de promouvoir notre grande collaboration, dans l’écosystème incroyablement riche sur le plan technologique et intellectuel de la Côte d’Azur, en montrant à nos maisons-mères que cet endroit est vraiment exceptionnel, et y développer une véritable communauté autour de l’IA. Je veux aussi que la France et l’Europe obtiennent la place qu’elles méritent dans le monde en ce qui concerne l’IA, en veillant à ce que l’IA soit utilisée à bon escient, que la Côte d’Azur soit identifiée comme l’endroit idéal pour l’IA durable, et enfin que les gens ne craignent plus l’IA.

Jean-Michel : Je suis un passionné d’aviation et d’informatique. Heureusement pour moi, les voyages et l’aviation en particulier sont des domaines pleins de défis combinatoires, très complexes à résoudre et à optimiser. Chez Amadeus, nous sommes déjà pleinement engagés dans le déploiement de l’IA. Nous sommes également engagés depuis de nombreuses années dans le développement de systèmes ouverts et interopérables, car nous pensons que c’est en combinant les meilleurs services « atomiques » que nous apporterons une plus grande valeur ajoutée à nos clients, à l’industrie du voyage et aux voyageurs. Mais nous savons aussi que, comme toute évolution de ce genre, elle a besoin de temps, d’expérience, de tests et d’apprentissage. L’IA s’accompagne de nombreuses questions et défis sans réponse. Avec ICAIR, nous faisons partie de l’apprentissage, de l’enseignement, et nous voulons y répondre de la bonne manière.




Les membres sont des entreprises internationales avec des sites sur la Côte d’Azur et menant des recherches en IA :

  • Accenture,
  • ACRI-ST,
  • Amadeus,
  • ARM,
  • Hewlett Packard Enterprise,
  • IBM,
  • NXP Semiconductors,
  • Orange,
  • Renault Software Labs,
  • SAP Labs France,
  • STMicroelectronics,
  • Thales Alenia Space.

Le programme touche l’ensemble de l’écosystème du label 3IA de la Côte d’Azur :

  • Académiques : Institut 3IA, UCA (Université Côte d’Azur), Ecoles, Centres de Recherche
  • Secteurs d’activité : ICAIR, ClusterIA
  • Institutions : MIA, OTESIA, EuropIA
  • Associations : Telecom Valley, Pôle SCS

Des initiatives liées à l’IA lancées par ces acteurs soutiennent la dynamique territoriale de la Côte d’Azur. Elles se rapportent aux objectifs de développement durable des Nations unies et constituent le champ d’application du programme « IA durable ».

En savoir plus : ICAIR – Industrial Council of Artificial Intelligence Research

The post SAP et Amadeus pilotent le conseil industriel pour la recherche en intelligence artificielle appeared first on SAP France News.

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Gartner predicts that by 2023, over 50% of medium to large enterprises will have adopted a Low-code/No-code application as part of their platform development.
The proliferation of Low-code/No-code tooling can be partially attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has put pressure on businesses around the world to rapidly implement digital solutions. However, adoption of these tools — while indeed accelerated by the pandemic — would have occurred either way.
Even before the pandemic, the largest, richest companies had already formed an oligopsony around the best tech talent and most advanced development tools. Low-Code/No-code, therefore, is an attractive solution for small and mid-sized organizations to level the playing field, and it does so by giving these smaller players the power to do more with their existing resources.
While these benefits are often realized in the short term, the long-term effect of these tools is often shockingly different. The promise of faster and cheaper delivery is the catch — or lure — inside this organizational mousetrap, whereas backlogs, vendor contracts, technical debts, and constant updates are the hammer.
So, what exactly is the No-Code trap, and how can we avoid it?

What is a No-Code Tool?

First, let’s make sure we clear up any confusion regarding naming. So far I have referred Low-Code and No-Code as if they were one term. It’s certainly easy to confuse them — even large analyst firms seem to have a hard time differentiating between the two — and in the broader context of this article, both can lead to the same set of development pitfalls.
Under the magnifying glass, however, there are lots of small details and capabilities that differentiate Low-code and No-code solutions. Most of them aren’t apparent at the UI level, leading to much of the confusion between where the two come from.
In this section, I will spend a little bit of time exploring the important differences between those two, but only to show that when it comes to the central premise of this article they are virtually equivalent.

Low-Code vs. No-Code Tools

The goal behind Low-Code is to minimize the amount of coding necessary for complex tasks through a visual interface (such as Drag ‘N’ Drop) that integrates existing blocks of code into a workflow.
Skilled professionals have the potential to work smarter and faster with Low-Code tools because repetitive coding or duplicating work is streamlined. Through this, they can spend less time on the 80% of work that builds the foundation and focuses more on optimizing the 20% that makes it different. It, therefore, takes on the role of an entry-level employee doing the grunt work for more senior developers/engineers.
No-Code has a very similar look and feel to Low-Code, but is different in one very important dimension. Where Low-Code is meant to optimize the productivity of developers or engineers that already know how to code (even if just a little), No-Code is built for business and product managers that may not know any actual programming languages. It is meant to equip non-technical workers with the tools they need to create applications without formal development training.
No-Code applications need to be self-contained and everything the No-Code vendor thinks the user may need is already built into the tool.
As a result, No-Code applications create a lot of restrictions for the long-term in exchange for quick results in the short-term. This is a great example of a ‘deliberate-prudent’ scenario in the context of the Technical Debt Quadrant, but more on this later.

Advantages of No-Code Solutions

The appeal of both Low-Code and No-Code is pretty obvious. By removing code organizations can remove those that write it — developers — because they are expensive, in short supply, and fundamentally don’t produce things quickly.
The benefits of these two forms of applications in their best forms can be pretty substantial:
  • Resources: Human Capital is becoming increasingly scarce — and therefore expensive. This can stop a lot of ambitious projects dead in their tracks. Low-Code and No-Code tools minimize the amount of specialized technical skills needed to get an application of the ground, which means things can get done more quickly and at a lower cost.
  • Low Risk/High ROISecurity processes, data integrations, and cross-platform support are all built into Low-Code and No-Code tools, meaning less risk and more time to focus on your business goals.
  • Moving to Production: Similarly, for both types of tools a single click is all it takes to send or deploy a model or application you built to production.
Looking at these advantages, it is no wonder that both Low-Code and No-Code have been taking industries by storm recently. While being distinctly different in terms of users, they serve the same goal — that is to say, faster, safer and cheaper deployment. Given these similarities, both terms will be grouped together under the ‘No-Code’ term for the rest of this article unless otherwise specified.

List of No-Code Data Tools

So far, we have covered the applications of No-Code in a very general way, but for the rest of this article, I would like to focus on data modeling. No-Code tools are prevalent in software development, but have also, in particular, started to take hold in this space, and some applications even claim to be an alternative to SQL and other querying languages (crazy, right?!). My reasons for focusing on this are two-fold: 
Firstly, there is a lot of existing analysis around this problem for software development and very little for data modeling. Secondly, this is also the area in which I have the most expertise.
Now let’s take a look at some of the vendors that provide No-Code solutions in this space. These in no way constitute a complete list and are, for the most part, not exclusively built for data modeling. 

1. No-Code Data Modeling in Power BI

Power BI was created by Microsoft and aims to provide interactive visualizations and business intelligence capabilities to all types of business users. Their simple interface is meant to allow end-users to create their own reports and dashboards through a number of features, including data mapping, transformation, and visualization through dashboards. Power BI does support some R coding capabilities for visualization, but when it comes to data modeling, it is a true No-Code tool.

2. Alteryx as a Low-Code Alternative

Alteryx is meant to make advanced analytics accessible to any data worker. To achieve this, it offers several data analytics solutions. Alteryx specializes in self-service analytics with an intuitive UI. Their offerings can be used as Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) Tools within their own framework. Alteryx allows data workers to organize their data pipelines through their custom features and SQL code blocks. As such, they are easily identified as a Low-Code solution.

3. Is Tableau a No-Code Data Modeling Solution?

Tableau is a visual analytics platform and a direct competitor to Power BI. They were recently acquired by Salesforce which is now hoping to ‘transform the way we use data to solve problems—empowering people and organizations to make the most of their data.’ It is also a pretty obvious No-Code platform that is supposed to appeal to all types of end-users. As of now, it offers fewer tools for data modeling than Power BI, but that is likely to change in the future.

4. Looker is a No-Code Alternative to SQL

Looker is a business intelligence software and big data analytics platform that promises to help you explore, analyze, and share real-time business analytics easily. Very much in line with Tableau and Power BI, it aims to make non-technical end-users proficient in a variety of data tasks such as transformation, modeling, and visualization.

You might be wondering why I am including so many BI/Visualization platforms when talking about potential alternatives to SQL. After all, these tools are only set up to address an organization’s reporting needs, which constitute only one of the use cases for data queries and SQL. This is certainly a valid point, so allow me to clarify my reasoning a bit more.

While it is true that reporting is only one of many potential uses for SQL, it is nevertheless an extremely important one. There is a good reason why there are so many No-Code BI tools in the market—to address heightening demand from enterprises around the world — and therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at their almost inevitable shortcomings.

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