
Over the last decade of cloud migration, the threat model against Java applications and the way that we need to defend them has shifted. OpenJDK has made one positive change in this area already by deprecating the old SecurityManager, a relic that protected a bygone era of AOL CDs and paper maps. The next positive change in security is to strengthen the supply chain of software components, know what’s running and what’s vulnerable, and communicate this information with non-technical experts whose data is at risk.

Part of this threat model is driven by vulnerable libraries like last year’s Log4j. Although Log4j is a great logging library and was active on patching, many teams scrambled to identify where they needed to apply those patches. For individual Java developers or teams that knew their code and could deploy, the patch was simple — you updated a library and that was it. The reality though is that software moves fast and far, often leaving the locus of control of these technical experts to stakeholders that don’t have the expertise to manage a problem at this level. In a scramble, teams that did not know Java-specifics looked everywhere including .NET software and Python forums. The government of Quebec shut services down until they knew where Log4j wasn’t. This scrambling was not effective and does not protect our data.

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Tabular data is one of the best sources of data on the web. They can store a massive amount of useful information without losing its easy-to-read format, making it gold mines for data-related projects.

Whether it is to scrape football data or extract stock market data, we can use Python to quickly access, parse and extract data from HTML tables, thanks to Requests and Beautiful Soup.

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Aujourd’hui, et pour la première fois depuis des dizaines d’années, l’inflation est devenue une question centrale dans les entreprises. Les taux ayant atteint des records historiques dans la plupart des pays développés, les chefs d’entreprise s’appuient sur le dernier rapport économique mensuel et sur des perspectives assez floues pour prendre leurs décisions : réduction de la production, augmentation des prix, recherche de nouveaux fournisseurs.

Mais quelle que soit la situation des pays – forte hausse, baisse spectaculaire, ou apparente stabilité –, l’inflation entraîne des conséquences de toutes sortes qui varient selon le secteur d’activité, le pays et la conception de la supply chain. Il existe un risque de manque de liquidités nécessaires à la fluidité des opérations. Les actions bancaires centralisées sur les taux d’intérêt peuvent faciliter ou restreindre les activités de prêt et d’emprunt à court terme. Même les défis liés à la supply chain peuvent s’atténuer ou s’intensifier selon la fluctuation des coûts et l’évolution des coûts du stock disponible.

Il n’existe pas d’outil financier simple ou magique que les entreprises peuvent utiliser pour contourner le problème de l’inflation, mais les technologies intelligentes peuvent y contribuer. Les outils tels que l’intelligence artificielle (IA) et l’analytique prédictive aident les entreprises à anticiper et à voir leurs opérations dans leur globalité, à simuler et anticiper les imprévus, et à orienter leurs modèles économiques selon les besoins. Mais surtout, elles disposent de nombreuses options pour comprendre les circonstances économiques, prévoir l’impact, prendre des mesures à court terme, et établir des structures pour consolider leur position.

Voici trois domaines clés dans lesquels ces types de technologies peuvent aider les entreprises à comprendre l’impact des défis de l’inflation, à agir vite et à préparer l’avenir.

Des mouvements de trésorerie en toute intelligence et confiance

La valeur globale de l’argent et des actifs est vouée à diminuer ; plus tôt une entreprise aura des liquidités, plus tôt elle pourra réaliser plus de choses. Pour atténuer ce risque, les entreprises doivent prendre conscience de l’impact potentiel de divers scénarios : hausse des prix des marchandises, pénurie de matières premières, etc. Fortes de ces connaissances, elles doivent pouvoir faire des prévisions de trésorerie complètes et claires, et créer des stratégies flexibles pouvant être ajustées pour gérer efficacement les manques ou excès de trésorerie.

Grâce aux solutions de gestion du fonds de roulement de Taulia, qui font aujourd’hui partie de SAP, les directeurs financiers guident au mieux leur entreprise. Ils peuvent choisir d’ajuster les stratégies de comptabilité clients et fournisseurs, ou d’exploiter la ligne de crédit au plus faible coût disponible de leur établissement bancaire. De plus, des outils financiers, par exemple pour la gestion des escomptes dynamiques et le financement de la supply chain, peuvent débloquer des actifs circulants.

Les solutions de gestion des actifs circulants rendent avec précision les conditions d’inflation au moyen de prévisions basées sur l’IA et de vues mises à jour, toujours à la disposition des planificateurs d’entreprise. De la planification et de la simulation à la sélection des alternatives de financement et des processus de contrôle adéquats, ces fonctions travaillent de manière synchrone
pour offrir une coordination efficace des mouvements de trésorerie, à partir d’une source de confiance unique, parfaitement intégrée à toute l’entreprise.

Toute décision, finalement, concerne les mouvements de trésorerie, et la combinaison d’informations exhaustives et en temps réel, de possibilités générées automatiquement, et d’insights prédictifs, peut aider les entreprises à prendre en toute confiance les meilleures décisions. Et, alors que leur valeur évolue au fil du temps, il sera possible d’acheter et de gérer les marchandises et actifs au prix d’origine, moyennant des coûts de détention inférieurs au taux d’inflation.

Limiter l’exposition aux différences mondiales

Les pays ont rarement les mêmes taux d’inflation, mais l’augmentation des prix des marchandises entraîne inévitablement une hausse des coûts des matières premières. Et dans les pays où l’inflation est plus élevée ou instable, les devises peuvent se déprécier rapidement, provoquant des taux de change record.

Ces fluctuations économiques mondiales peuvent être particulièrement risquées pour les entreprises qui ont emprunté du capital pour profiter des faibles taux d’intérêt ces dernières années. L’inflation est déjà en train d’éroder leur stratégie de remboursement prévue pour les prêts en cours. Et en cas d’une plus forte instabilité dans une autre région, les pressions sur les coûts pourraient encore s’aggraver, les marges se resserrer et l’accès aux liquidités diminuer.

Grâce à l’application SAP Treasury and Risk Management, les responsables de la trésorerie et les directeurs financiers peuvent surveiller les positions de risque, l’évolution des prix des marchandises, et les taux de conversion des devises, même en temps de grande instabilité économique. Ils peuvent développer des stratégies de comptabilité de couverture conformes à l’aide d’une piste d’audit complète, tout en respectant les réglementations telles que le Règlement sur l’infrastructure du marché (EMIR) et la dernière version des Normes internationales d’information financière (IFRS 9).

Les équipes de gestion de la trésorerie peuvent aussi obtenir plus d’insights pour faire face à la dette et gérer les investissements plus efficacement. La solution SAP Treasury and Risk Management offre des informations telles que la trésorerie disponible, des risques liés aux soldes et le retour sur investissement, et surveille les investissements par rapport aux éventuelles fluctuations du taux d’intérêt. En outre, les opérations d’emprunt et de prêt tout au long de la vie d’un prêt peuvent être saisies, analysées et déclarées au fur et à mesure.

Intervenez vite aujourd’hui pour préparer votre avenir

Lorsque les coûts d’ingénierie et de production de produits manufacturés augmentent, les entreprises doivent décider de réduire leurs marges ou de répercuter ces coûts supplémentaires sur le client. C’est un choix difficile, surtout lorsque les consommateurs trouvent déjà les prix très élevés.

En intégrant les solutions SAP Digital Supply Chain à SAP Business Network, les entreprises d’achats, d’approvisionnement et de logistique obtiennent les insights dont ils ont besoin pour générer plus de revenus de chaque dépense et optimiser la réduction des coûts. Ensemble, elles peuvent effectuer des simulations et analyses par simulation pour identifier et engager les partenaires commerciaux capables de gérer les situations émergentes, telles que la hausse de la production, et de réduire encore davantage les pertes financières et matérielles.

Bien sûr, pour gérer efficacement les risques inflationnistes, les entreprises doivent avoir accès aux données adéquates pour prendre des décisions et faire avancer leur supply chain. La combinaison de SAP Digital Supply Chain et de SAP Business Network permet aux entreprises de gérer les ressources de manière plus stratégique afin d’augmenter la productivité, de réduire les coûts d’exploitation et de permettre aux collaborateurs de se consacrer à des tâches plus stratégiques. De plus, les entreprises peuvent éviter les retards et interruptions de la supply chain pour prévenir les pertes de revenus, et éviter les coûts imprévus grâce à une visibilité sur la capacité des stocks et de la production, la maintenance des actifs et les processus logistiques.

Exploiter une position financière solide

Compte tenu des récentes inflations, il est très important pour survivre de comprendre et de gérer les risques financiers dans la supply chain. Et les entreprises capables de progresser et de prendre les bonnes décisions au bon moment sont celles qui disposent d’une visibilité claire sur leurs données et processus relatifs aux achats, à supply chain et à la logistique.

Pour de nombreuses entreprises dans le monde, les solutions SAP sont déjà l’un des moyens les plus efficaces de protéger leur solidité financière en période d’inflation. Elles continueront d’ailleurs à alléger leurs défis au fur et à mesure que leur portefeuille évolue afin de répondre aux besoins d’une économie en mutation et d’un environnement compétitif.

En savoir plus :

Article de Neil Krefsky, Eamon Ida, Haresh Chhaya, Max Hendrickx25 août 2022

Neil Krefsky est directeur du marketing produits pour la gestion des finances et des risques chez SAP.

Haresh Chhaya est responsable des solutions pour la gestion de la trésorerie et des fonds de roulement chez SAP.

Max Hendrickx est directeur principal du centre d’excellence pour la gestion du fonds de roulement chez SAP.

Eamon Ida est directeur du marketing pour les solutions dédiées aux réseaux d’entreprises chez SAP

The post Trois façons de relever les défis de l’inflation grâce à la technologie appeared first on SAP France News.

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The design world fluctuates back and forth, swerving between love and hate for different design trends. Sometimes we see a wide range of approaches, and sometimes designers all hop on the same idea.

This month, the web is dominated by animation. Designers are cramming in motion in unexpected ways. And it’s fun to explore. Here are 20 of the best new sites on the web this month. Enjoy!


Bannach is a German furniture brand. Its products are colorful and geometric, so it makes sense that when you scroll down to the collection, the thumbnails begin as pixel blocks and animate into product photography.

Fornasetti Profumi

Fornasetti Profumi takes a different approach to motion. It uses video to emphasize stillness to promote the calming qualities of its candle products.

The Other Side of Truth

The Other Side of Truth is a superb exercise in utilizing the web for a cause. It presents facts on the Russia-Ukraine war, but the standout feature is the toggle switch that, instead of light mode-dark mode, toggles facts and Russian state propaganda.

Glasfurd & Walker

Glasfurd & Walker is a portfolio site for a design agency. So far, so standard. However, it sets itself apart because it’s slightly bigger than the browser and swerves left and right with your mouse movement.

Sirup 5th Anniversary

Sirup is a Japanese singer-songwriter, and to celebrate the fifth anniversary of his first hit single, his record company has put together this awesome maximalist micro-site that uses type, motion, and art direction to capture his style.


Fitzjohn’s is a slick site for a new apartment complex in the Hampstead area of London. It uses a refreshing modern color palette and calming animation to take the edge off the frankly ludicrous price tag.

Persepolis Reimagined

Persepolis Reimagined is an awe-inspiring WebGL tour through one of the most important cities in ancient Iran. Make sure you tour it on a large screen. It’s hard not to be wide-eyed with wonder.

JaM Cellars

JaM Cellars is a Californian wine brand that’s pitching to bachelorette parties. With names like Butter, and Sugar, it’s not the most sophisticated tipple, but yellow, we love a yellow site.

Danielle Levitt

This portfolio site for film director and photographer Danielle Levitt features samples of her best work scrolling past the viewport. There’s a clever switch of thumbnail and background color when you scroll down to the contact details.


From total color energy to Apple-levels of minimalism: Propel is a slick, animate-on-scroll site for a marine motor brand selling an outboard and inboard motor. The animated masks on the images are a nice subtle touch.


Standards is a site for a SaaS that helps organizations create, maintain, and share brand guidelines. It uses subtle animation, video of its UI, and compelling copy to sell its approach.

Chris Carruthers

The portfolio site for Chris Carruthers is deliberately self-indulgent with scrolling text, clipped images, and scroll-jacking, but it’s also delightful to peruse.

Theodore Ellison Designs

We don’t often see colored glass in real life, but the play of light on stained glass is beautiful. This site for Theodore Ellison Designs uses video to bring the effect to the web.


The Owomaniya report for 2022 uncovers the state of gender diversity in the Indian entertainment industry. Presented in the style of infographics, the information is brought to life by animation.


Meetings is a French events company. Its site uses an animated collage approach to showcase its services, and animated text to pull you into its content.


Blakeney invests in African companies on behalf of institutional investors. Its site is typical of the financial industry, but it uses animation to lift it to a higher level of interest.


Becklyn is a digital design agency. Its portfolio site uses animated text, expanding image masks, and video to guide us through its site and app design approach.


Cabi is a brand of Japanese condiments with a typically Japanese feeling site. Bright colors, a slowly scrolling slideshow of dishes, and editorial to pack shot hover effects are a great introduction to the brand.


Slantis provides building information modeling to architecture and infrastructure providers. Its site uses animation to showcase the types of content it produces for clients.

July Fund

July Fund is a venture capital project. It takes an entirely different approach than its competitors by adopting a chaotic but enjoyable card-based design.


The post 20 Best New Websites, October 2022 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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User Experience is a crucial consideration for any web developer or designer; the only way to ensure that you’re delivering a successful website is to ensure that the end-user or customer will feel comfortable using it. 

A strong user experience increases your client’s chances of successful audience engagement and conversions.

What you might not realize, however, is that the strategies you use to enhance UX as a web developer or designer can also influence how the search engines respond to a website. 

Though many designers assume that SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the work of a copywriter or content producer, there are design elements to consider too. 

After all, the definition of optimization is “the action of making the best version of a resource.”

So, how are UX and SEO connected?

Adding UX to a Successful SEO Strategy

SEO used to be easy. To stand out on the search results, you just needed to stuff a page full of as many keywords and phrases as possible. Now, it’s a little more complicated. 

Leaders in search engine development, like Google and Bing, know that they need to offer their customers excellent experiences to keep them. In this new experience-focused landscape, SEO and UX share common goals. 

Search engines don’t just want to provide customers with any answers to their questions. Instead, Google and its competitors are using everything from artificial intelligence to machine learning algorithms to ensure that search results are accurate, relevant, and engaging. 

In the same way, user experience is about providing users with easy access to the information and resources they want. 

Now that SEO is a multi-disciplined approach, UX is just one of the essential tools that makes it possible for developers to optimize their websites properly. 

Where UX Developers Influence SEO 

There are plenty of connections between UX and site indexability

We all know that since 2018, site speed has become a crucial ranking factor for companies in search of better search results. As a developer, it’s up to you to ensure that there aren’t too many elements weighing a website down that would prevent it from delivering fast results. 

Bounce rate is another critical factor in search engine ranking algorithms. When customers click on a website, Google wants to see that they get the answers they want. If your navigation is difficult to understand, or the correct information isn’t easy to see on a page, end-users will just hit the back button. 

Let’s take a closer look at how developers can influence SEO with their UX strategies. 

1. Site Navigation and Ease of Use

It’s no secret that today’s digital consumers crave easy-to-use sites.

A complex website with pages ranking for different terms might seem like an excellent idea for SEO. However, from a UX perspective, the easier it is to navigate your website, the more your end-users will benefit. 

According to a study from Ahrefs, well-optimized pages that rank for several keywords can be more beneficial than dozens of pages ranking for similar terms. At the same time, if the search engines have difficulty crawling all your pages due to a poor site navigation strategy, then some pages won’t get indexed. 

So, how do you improve navigation and SEO at once? Follow the proper structure for your site first, categories and subcategories on the retail page help customers find exactly what they need. A solid internal linking structure allows the crawlers to examine your website and index each essential page individually.

Keep navigation simple when designing a website for both UX and SEO potential. 

2. User-Friendly Page Layouts

There are countless cases where poor layout design and formatting disrupts SEO potential. For example, cluttering a page with too much information makes it tougher to read and index. At the same time, if your pages aren’t attractive and easy to navigate, customers are more likely to hit the back button. 

If customers come to a website and immediately leave it again, this tells the search engines that they’re not finding what they need on those pages. That means Google will bump you to a lower position on the SERPs. 

So, how do you make your layouts more UX and SEO-friendly?

  • Get your category pages right: Say you’re creating a blog page for your client. They want to list all of their blogs on one main page while linking to separate locations for each article. A design that puts a large chunk of content from each blog on the main page can be problematic for UX and SEO. It means your customers have to scroll further to find what they need. At the same time, the search engines never know which words to rank that main page for. On the other hand, listing blogs on smaller cards, as Fabrik does in this example, makes sorting through content easier. 
  • Leverage headers and tags: Your customers and the search engines habitually “scan” your pages. When trying to improve UX and SEO simultaneously, you must ensure that it’s easy to find crucial information quickly. Header 1 or H1 tags can help by showing your audience your website’s critical sections. Title tags also give search engines more information on the term you want to rank for. Organizing your content into a structure that draws the eye down the page also means your customers are more likely to stay on your website for longer. That shows the search engines that you have quality, relevant content. 
  • Make the most of images and videos: Visual media isn’t just an excellent way to engage your audience. With videos and pictures, you can convey more vital information in a quick and convenient format. This leads to greater satisfaction from your audience from a UX perspective. However, visual content is also great for SEO. You can optimize every image with alt text and meta descriptions. That means you have a higher chance of ranking both in the main search results and the image searches on Google. 

3. Using Search Data to Inform Site Architecture

Today, SEO is less about building hundreds of landing pages for individual queries. Now, it’s more important to take a simple, de-cluttered approach with your website. SEO can determine what kind of architecture you need to create for a successful website. 

For instance, say you wanted to rank for eCommerce SEO. There are tons of related words that connect to that primary search term. Rather than making dozens of different pages that try to rank for distinct phrases, you can cover a lot of other ideas at once with a larger, more detailed piece of content. 

If a topic is too big to cover everything on a single page, then you might decide to create something called “pillar” content out of your main terms. This involves using one main page where you discuss all of the topics you will cover. Then, you design several smaller sub-pages that link back to that central pillar. 

Once again, this helps the search engines to navigate your website and index your pages while assisting the customers in finding the correct information. At the same time, you combine more pages on a website and remove anything that might be detracting from your site’s authority or not offering enough value. 

4. Improving Website SERP Listings

It’s easy to forget as a developer that a customer’s first experience with a website won’t always happen on that site’s homepage. Usually, when your customers are looking for solutions to a problem, they’ll find your website on the search engine results instead. 

This means that you need to ensure that you make the right impression here:

There are a few ways that developers can ensure the search engine listings they create for their clients are up to scratch. For instance, a reasonable title tag for each page that includes appropriate keywords is excellent for SEO and UX. A title tag lets your customers know they’re in the right place and helps them find the information they need. 

Remember, around eight out of ten users on search engines say that they’ll click a title if it’s compelling. 

Another component you have control over as a developer or designer is the “rich snippet.” Rich snippets are the informative chunks of content that Google adds to a search listing to help it stand out. You can use rich snippet plugins on a website to tell Google what kind of extra information you want to include on a page. 

For instance, you might want a company’s ratings to show up on your search results, so customers can see how trustworthy they are:

5. Local Business Rankings

When you’re creating a website for a company, it’s easy to forget about local rankings. We see the digital world as a way of reaching countless people worldwide. Local orders are easier to overlook when you have a global scope to work with. 

However, as a developer, you can boost a company’s chances of attracting the right local audience and boosting its credibility. For instance, you can start by ensuring that the correct directory information appears on your client’s website and social media profiles.

Another option is to create dedicated location pages for each area the company serves. This will make it easier for clients to find the contact details they need for their specific location. 

At the same time, pages that have been carefully optimized to rank for specific locations will earn more attention, specifically from search engines. The more of the search engine landscape your client can cover, the more chances they have to attract new customers and leads. 

Combing SEO and UX

In a world where experience is crucial for every business, it’s no wonder that UX and SEO are blending more closely together. There are a lot of areas where SEO and UX work in harmony together if you know where to find them. Improving your client’s SEO ranking with UX doesn’t just mean ensuring that their pages load quickly anymore. 

Simple strategies, like making sure a call-to-action button is clickable on a mobile page, can simultaneously boost a website’s UX potential and SEO performance. At the same time, adding images and alt text to a website provides search engines with more information while adding context to your content. 

The key to success is understanding how SEO and UX work together. If you look at SEO and UX as part of the same comprehensive strategy to give end-users a better online experience, achieving the right design goals is much easier. 

Of course, just like any strategy, it’s also worth making sure that you take the time to track the results of your UX and SEO campaigns. Examine which systems help you, and examine customers from an SEO perspective with design and development strategies.


Features image by gstudioimagen on Freepik


The post 5 Ways That UX Developers Influence SEO  first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Technology is constantly evolving, and that too at a rapid pace. The need for better Internet speed, improved connectivity, and easier accessibility has been the driving force behind the constant technological advancements.

5G or fifth-generation wireless cellular network is the most recent technology built to deliver high-speed performance. The technology is expected to significantly improve network connectivity. It is also believed that the introduction of 5G will make it easier and more convenient to connect devices to obtain and share information due to its unified connectivity fabric.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Modals, a nifty little feature that allows you to display different messages at the top of your website, have been touted as extremely useful. Some even claim that they are helpful enough to completely replace the banner ads we all hate so much. But are modals in web design a UX disaster?

If you are unfamiliar with the term, a modal is a dialogue window appearing when a visitor clicks on a hyperlink or hover image.

Suppose you want to collect on-site subscribers or you want visitors to sign up for a freebie. In that case, you can use modals.

However, many web designers – and some website visitors – are against using modals in web design. The main argument is that it affects the user experience. But are modals in web design a UX disaster? Read on to find out.

What Do Modals Do?

Modals often appear as pop-up windows on a web page, requesting a visitor to take action. Most times, they appear following a click on a page element.

Also known as lightboxes, modals isolate the page’s main content. The user will have to complete the action requested by the modal or close it before reassessing the page.

Web designers use modals to capture a visitor’s attention. Since other page contents are inaccessible, a visitor must interact with the modal.

Cons Of Modals In UX

While there are different cons of modals in UX, they all sum up to one con – interruption. When modals appear, they interrupt whatever the user is doing.

Unlike regular pop-ups, users cannot simply ignore the modal and continue browsing. As a result, modals demand immediate attention. 

A user may be interested and decide to interact with the modal. However, if the modal’s content differs from the page’s, the user could forget what they were doing after interacting with the modal.

Furthermore, sometimes modals require action related to information on the page. For example, suppose the user wants to review the information before taking action. In that case, they’ll have to close the modal since the main page is inaccessible.

Statistics show that up to 82% of users dislike pop-ups. Most website visitors aren’t knowledgeable about the technicalities of web design. As a result, they won’t be able to differentiate between regular pop-ups and modals.

After all, modals are a type of pop-up. Some users may consider modals worse since they darken the page’s primary content, making it inaccessible.

Furthermore, people want to visit a website and get what they want immediately. Hence, time is significant. Therefore, modals that require actions that take time can make a website lose visitors.

With all of these cons, you can understand why many web designers say modals are a UX disaster in web design.

Can Modals Be Useful in UX?

In some situations, modals are helpful, and they can improve UX. Many web designers swear on the usefulness of modals, and it’s not difficult to understand why.

Firstly, modals can help simplify a website’s content. For example, a user can immediately exit the page if your website is relatively complex, with lots of content and elements.

You can use a modal to explain the content on the page so that the user doesn’t get confused. Perhaps the modal can display when the user clicks on the back button. The modal can highlight the most critical content on the page and tell the user what to do next.

Secondly, modals are invaluable if you must capture your user’s attention. For example, perhaps you want to display a warning or pass any crucial information that users must know before they continue browsing.

As mentioned before, a user can easily ignore a pop-up, especially if it opens in a new window. However, with modals, the user must at least view the content before they proceed.

Thirdly, a modal can make a web page easier to navigate. It sounds ironic considering the cons, but it’s true if properly implemented. Rather than packing different elements on a web page, you can set some to display as modals.

For example, you can have a page with just text to improve readability. Then, users can click to view visual elements like images and videos as modals.

How To Use Modals the Right Way

Using modals correctly is key to ensuring they don’t negatively affect UX. Here are some ideal situations when you can use modals:

1. Display Warnings

Using modals to give users crucial warnings is ideal, especially if their subsequent actions have serious consequences.

For example, most websites display modals when users click the delete button. Deletion is always critical because, in most cases, it’s irreversible.

A practical example would be an eCommerce website where a user opts to delete items from their cart. You can use a modal to ask the user to confirm before deleting.

2. Input or Collect Information

Modals are effective in prompting users to input information. Sometimes, users must enter specific details before they continue browsing.

A practical example would be a review site where a user wants to submit a review. Before submitting the review, you can use a modal to request the user’s name and other necessary information.

3. Simplify Navigation

As mentioned before, modals can simplify a complex website. In addition, it will help a user navigate better, which is a UX boost.

A practical example would be a news site with many stories and updates. You can use a modal to highlight the day’s trending news stories so that users can visit the web pages with one click.

Conclusion: Are Modals a Disaster in UX?

In conclusion, modals affect a site’s user experience since visitors must interact with them. However, it doesn’t always have to be a negative effect.

Modals become a UX disaster in web design when wrongly used. However, if you follow good practices, modals can improve your website’s user experience.

Generally, only use modals when necessary and in a way that won’t frustrate the users.


Featured image by Freepik.


The post Are Modals In Web Design A UX Disaster? first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot