
I bet you didn’t know that WordPress is the world’s most popular website builder and content management system (CMS).

Just kidding…of course, you did! But that’s not all there is to know about WordPress, so take our ridiculously challenging WordPress quiz and see how much of an expert you are…

(Scroll to the bottom for the correct answers.)

1. What is WordPress?

  1. SEO plugin to check your keyword density
  2. AI tool to create illustrations
  3. Online software to create websites
  4. A coffee shop in Canada

2. What is the number of websites using WordPress?

  1. 75 million
  2. 1.3 billion
  3. 2 thousand
  4. 7.1 billion

3. WordPress has a tradition of naming its major releases after:

  1. American presidents
  2. Famous jazz musicians
  3. British kings
  4. Heavy metal bands

4. How many websites are created on WordPress per day?

  1. Two websites
  2. 20,040 websites
  3. Over 500 websites
  4. 60-80 websites

5. What is the correct WordPress website address?


6. Who is the WordPress CEO?

  1. Elon Mask
  2. Bill Gates
  3. Leonardo DiCaprio
  4. No CEO

7. Which US government website is using WordPress?

  2. U.S. Embassy Websites
  4. All of them

8. How many languages is WordPress available in?

  1. 21
  2. 72
  3. 78
  4. 1

9. What is the most downloaded WordPress theme of all time?

  1. Divi
  2. Gutenberg
  3. WoodMart
  4. Astra

10. How many Fortune websites are using WordPress?

  1. 11
  2. 25
  3. 90
  4. 78

11. What is the average salary of a WordPress developer per year?

  1. $100k
  2. $56k
  3. $24k
  4. $201k

12. When was the first WordPress version released?

  1. 1999
  2. 2010 
  3. 2007
  4. 2003


1. What is WordPress? – 3. WordPress is online, open-source software that you can use to create websites.

2. What is the number of websites using WordPress? – 2. In 2021, WordPress powers over 1.3 billion websites all over the web, and this number continues to grow.

3. WordPress has a tradition of naming major releases after – 2. WordPress has a habit of naming its big releases after famous jazz musicians. For example, in the first version of January 2004, they called 1.0 (Davis), named after American trumpeter Miles Davis. Another version of May 2004 was named 1.2 (Mingus).

4. How many websites are created on WordPress per day? – 3. Over 500 websites are created on WordPress every day. At the same time, only 60-80 sites are built on popular platforms like Squarespace and Shopify. Besides, every second, 17 new blog posts are published on WordPress!

5. What is the correct WordPress website address? – 1. The fact that always confuses beginners is that and are entirely different companies that provide separate services. is the real WordPress everyone talks about that helps you to build websites. While is a hosting provider created by Automattic, the co-founder of WordPress.

6. Who is the WordPress CEO? – 4. WordPress is a free, open-source project. That’s why it does not have a CEO; volunteer developers run the project from all over the globe. This is the reason anyone can submit a report about a bug or suggest features.

7. Which US government website is using WordPress? – 4. The correct answer is all of them. All major websites of the US federal government use WordPress for their websites. The list includes all government sites of big and small cities, counties, universities, and high schools.

8. How many languages is WordPress available in? – 2. The Default WordPress language is English; however, the platform provides a fully translated platform with plugins that allow you to change your site’s language in seconds. The software has been successfully used in over 72 languages and can be modified for more!

9. What is the most downloaded WordPress theme of all time? – 4. Astra is the most downloaded WordPress theme of all time. Astra is claimed to be the most potent and fast theme trusted by many popular brands. Besides, the theme earned over $30M.

10. How many Fortune 500 websites use WordPress? – 1. 11 Fortune websites, such as Walt Disney Company, ABM Industries, and 21st Century Fox, use WordPress.

11. What is the average salary of a WordPress developer per year? – 2. The average WordPress developer earns $56,000 per year, according to Payscale.

12. When was the first WordPress version released? – 4. The first version of WordPress was released on May 27, 2003, which makes WordPress much older than Twitter and Facebook.


Featured image via upklyak on Freepik


The post Ridiculously Challenging WordPress Quiz first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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A data pipeline, at its base, is a series of data processing measures that are used to automate the transport and transformation of data between systems or data stores. Data pipelines can be used for a wide range of use cases in a business, including aggregating data on customers for recommendation purposes or customer relationship management, combining and transforming data from multiple sources, as well as collating/streaming real-time data from sensors or transactions.

For example, a company like Airbnb could have data pipelines that go back and forth between their application and their platform of choice to improve customer service. Netflix utilizes a recommendation data pipeline that automates the data science steps for generating movie and series recommendations. Also, depending on the rate at which it updates, a batch or streaming data pipeline can be used to generate and update the data used in an analytics dashboard for stakeholders.

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Le Mayennais Diricks souhaite booster son activité services. Mais il lui faut pour cela s’équiper d’un outil de gestion des interventions. Pourvu d’un ERP SAP, l’industriel a opté pour la solution SAP Field Service Management.

Dirickx est le premier fabricant français de clôtures, portails et contrôles d’accès, à destination des particuliers comme des professionnels. Tissé, soudé, rigide, barreaudé ou sur mesure, Dirickx peaufine son savoir-faire depuis 100 ans déjà. La société emploie plus de 300 salariés et réalise 50% de son chiffre d’affaires au travers de la grande distribution : BigMat, Castorama, Leroy Merlin, Point.P…

En 2017, la société est reprise par des investisseurs belges, avant de devenir la filiale d’un nouveau groupe, PICOT, toujours implanté à Congrier, en Mayenne. En plus de son activité industrielle, le groupe assure des tâches d’installation et de maintenance, au travers de Dirickx Espace Clôture et de Dirickx Services.

Dirickx Services est une entité en pleine croissance. Fin 2021, elle faisait déjà travailler une dizaine de techniciens, mais avec un processus de gestion des interventions encore très basique. « Les fiches d’intervention étaient transmises sous forme papier à nos bureaux, qui se chargeaient de facturer le client, ce qui pouvait faire prendre jusqu’à une dizaine de jours, témoigne Laurent Dargelosse, Manager de Dirickx Services. Pour développer cette activité, il était impératif que nous options pour un outil capable d’accélérer la remontée et le traitement des informations de terrain. »

Un projet couronné de succès

Comme toutes les autres sociétés du groupe, Dirickx Services réalisait déjà sa comptabilité sur un ERP SAP. Il était donc logique d’y intégrer la facturation client, puis d’y rattacher un outil de gestion des interventions. La solution SAP Field Service Management (SAP FSM) est apparue assez rapidement comme un bon candidat pour gérer les opérations de maintenance réalisées sur le terrain.

« SAP FSM répondait à tous nos besoins, confirme Benjamin Subile, Responsable informatique chez Dirickx : gestion du planning des techniciens, enregistrement des temps, remplissage et signature de la fiche d’intervention, remontée de photos et notes, automatisation de la facturation dans l’ERP. Le tout à l’aide de tablettes qui accompagnent les techniciens sur le terrain. »

Dirickx cherchait un intégrateur SAP FSM capable de travailler en français. Une relation tripartite s’est mise en place, avec d’un côté Codilog, se chargeant des licences et de l’interaction avec SAP, et de l’autre l’entreprise Canguru, pour son expertise sur la solution SAP FSM.

Le projet a démarré en février 2021, avec une mise en production début décembre 2021. Le temps nécessaire pour permettre aux équipes de réaliser toutes les tâches requises : achever la bascule de Dirickx Services vers l’ERP SAP, activer le module de gestion des ventes, mettre en place SAP FSM, puis former les utilisateurs et les équiper en tablettes.

« L’un des points sensibles était la connexion de SAP FSM, qui est une solution cloud, à notre ERP SAP ECC, qui est déployé on premise, signale Benjamin Subile. Nous avons pour cela utilisé le connecteur standard proposé par SAP, qui permet aux deux solutions de communiquer de façon fluide. Cette intégration facilitée est un des avantages d’avoir opté pour une solution qui fait partie de l’écosystème SAP. »

Un outil rapidement adopté par les techniciens

Après une courte phase d’adaptation, les techniciens se sont approprié la solution. « S’ils ont pu être un peu sceptiques au départ, dès les premières utilisations, ils ont adopté l’outil, explique Laurent Dargelosse. Il leur permet de travailler plus efficacement et d’avoir une vision plus claire sur leur planning et leur stock. SAP FSM a apporté beaucoup d’améliorations pour les intervenants travaillant sur le terrain. »

Et il était temps, car l’entité Dirickx Services s’est fortement développée depuis début 2021, en passant de 13 à 18 techniciens, assurant chacun 2,5 à 3 interventions par jour. « Une telle charge n’aurait pas pu être gérée efficacement avec un processus papier », confirme le manager de Dirickx Services.

Cette croissance devrait se poursuivre, avec une vingtaine de techniciens d’ici la fin de l’année et un redécoupage du territoire français en trois régions, contre deux actuellement. Le groupe étant également très présent en Belgique, il envisage de développer l’activité Dirickx Services au Benelux, ce qui devrait – là encore – se traduire par de nouvelles embauches de techniciens de maintenance… lesquels seront équipés de tablettes connectées à SAP FSM.

The post Dirickx modernise et accélère son activité services avec SAP FSM appeared first on SAP France News.

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Live chat is one of the most powerful tools for customer experience in the current marketplace. 

In a world where customers are constantly connected to the online world, online chat is a reliable way of getting quick solutions to common problems. 

Today’s consumers prefer talking to an agent over chat to calling a contact center, and they often feel that live chat is less frustrating than waiting for the right person to answer the phone. 

Of course, like any digital tool, live chat is only effective when using it correctly. Today, we’re going to show you the crucial KPIs you need to consider if you want to ensure that your chat strategy is delivering a tangible return on investment. 

The Most Important Metrics to Measure for Live Chat

These days, implementing live chat tools is easier than ever. 

You don’t necessarily need to hire a professional developer unless you want a specialist widget with specific functions and unique branding. Many plugins and tools for sites built on Shopify and WooCommerce allow you to instantly access chat functions. 

However, just because implementing live chat is easy doesn’t mean that there aren’t countless ways for your strategy to go wrong. Keeping an eye on these crucial KPIs and metrics ensures you’re making the right impression with your chat strategy. 

1. First Response Time

First response time is a crucial live chat metric. This measures how long customers need to wait before someone responds to them. Technically, this metric only refers to how quickly an actual agent responds to your customer, so automated “thanks for getting in touch” messages don’t count. However, immediately responding with one of those messages can convince your audience to stick around for a little longer. 

The faster your agents can respond to messages and solve problems, the better your brand reputation becomes. The good news is that a good live chat strategy can lead to pretty quick response times. The average time for an agent to see a live chat message is around 2 minutes and 40 seconds.

To improve your FRT statistics, make sure you:

  • Invest in chatbots: AI chatbots can support customers 24/7 with handy, self-service functionality. These tools will also filter out the customers waiting for an agent who can find a solution to their problem on your FAQ page.
  • Prepare canned responses: Quick responses to common queries can help you to address a problem much faster. In addition, preparing canned responses will ensure that your team members can quickly respond to more customers. 
  • Increase your resources: Ensure you have the right hand and enough agents to handle peak demand.

2. Average Resolution Time

The first response rate only looks at how quickly someone responds to a customer’s message for the first time. However, it doesn’t show how rapidly you deal with client problems. Average Resolution Time is the metric that helps to measure customer satisfaction by seeing how long it takes to get to a point where your customer can close the chat. 

If it takes too long for your employees to solve problems, there’s an increased risk of your customers becoming annoyed and frustrated. Additionally, the longer agents take dealing with each individual chat, the more other consumers will have to wait for someone to become available. Finally, the longer it takes to resolve an issue, the more customer satisfaction decreases.

The key to success is ensuring that the right agent deals with the correct customer and that everyone on your team is empowered with the appropriate tools and information. Boost resolution time by:

  • Giving customers a quick self-service solution: For common questions, make sure that you have an FAQ section that you can direct your customers to. In addition, a chatbot that can offer quick canned responses to regular queries can save time. Plus, they’re great for reducing the pressure on your agents’ shoulders. 
  • Integrate CRM tools with live chat: Make sure your agents have access to information about each customer as soon as they start the conversation. This information should include the customer’s name, what they’ve purchased before, and if they’ve issued any support tickets. Integrating with the CRM makes it easier for agents to jump straight into the action without needing the customer to explain everything first. 
  • Keep resources handy: Your team members should have instant access to all the information they need to answer customer questions. Ensure that searchable data repositories are available for everyone on your live chat team. 

Remember, routing tools that automatically send customers to the agent with the proper knowledge or skills will also improve response times and reduce the number of times a customer needs to repeat themselves. 

3. Chat to Conversion Rate 

Live chat tools aren’t just an avenue for problem resolution. Although customers can get excellent service through live chat, they also look to chat to collect information before a potential purchase. Around 38% of customers say that they end up purchasing a positive live chat experience. 

The live chat app on your website can provide real-time assistance for sales queries, converting leads, and maximizing your return on investment. However, to determine how successful your chat system is at encouraging sales, you must look at the chat to conversion rate metric. 

Essentially, you measure the number of chats your company has been involved in, then compare that number to the total number of conversions from those customers. It might be helpful to narrow down your results here by using your data and analytics tools to separate your total number of live chats into those intended for sales information and those requiring assistance. 

If your chat to conversion rate isn’t as high as you would like, there are lots of things you can do to start making a positive impact:

  • Automatically launch a chat: As soon as someone comes to your website, launch a chat window with a bot that asks whether you can help your customer. You can even include a list of commonly asked questions so your customer can get help faster. 
  • Follow up on chat conversations: Make sure you follow up on any questions that customers ask on your chat widget with an email. This is a great way to reach out to customers that may have been distracted and ended up abandoning their cart.
  • Personalize suggestions: Use AI insights and information from your customer management tools to determine which products are most likely to appeal to each customer, then suggest those items. Remember to ensure that your tone of voice in the chat matches your brand too. 

Remember, the faster you can answer customer queries and address their concerns with your live chat strategy, the more likely the chat will lead to a sale. Ultimately, customers are convinced to purchase when they believe they can trust your business to deliver excellent experiences. 

4. Customer Satisfaction Score

The customer satisfaction score is probably one of the most critical metrics in any customer experience strategy. It directly measures customer satisfaction levels and gives you an insight into how well you’re doing from the perspective of your target audience. 

The best way to measure CSAT through live chat is to add a survey to the end of the chat session. For instance, you could ask, “How would you rate this session on a scale of 1 to 10”. Then, based on the score, you’d calculate a “Net Promotion Score.” Each score falls into one of three categories: “Detractors 0-6”, “Passives 6-8,” and “Promotors 9-10”.

The more information you collect about your CSAT score, the easier it will be to determine where you’re going wrong with your live chat strategy. On the other hand, if the score is pretty good after a chat session, you’re probably on the right track. To improve your overall score:

  • Encourage feedback: Getting people to leave feedback, even on a live chat app, can be difficult. Offering customers the chance to win something in exchange for their insights could help you to get more data. 
  • Follow up: Connect with your “detractors” to find out what you did wrong. Follow up in the live chat session by asking if they’d like to leave a more comprehensive review. Alternatively, you can send an email asking for additional information. 
  • Reach out to promotors: Connect with the people who give you the most favorable scores to ask them for their insights. Find out what they enjoyed most about the experience and request a review that you can place on your website for social proof. 

5. Missed Opportunities

The longer someone waits for you to answer their question in a live chat or respond to their initial message, the more likely they’ll give up on the conversation. Unfortunately, this means that your company ends up with missed opportunities. You lose the chance to potentially make a sale, delight a customer, and strengthen your brand reputation.

While you might assume that your customers will know you can’t be available to answer all of their questions immediately, that’s not the case. INC tells us that 51% of consumers believe a business should always be open. So every missed chat is another negative mark against your reputation. 

If you discover that your team is missing a lot of chat chances, this could be a sign that you don’t have enough resources available in this area. However, there are a few ways that you can reduce your chances of missed opportunities, such as:

  • Hiring more team members: If you know that there are times of the year or week when you have peaks in demand, ensure that you have the correct number of staff members available. 
  • Using chatbots: Chatbots won’t be able to answer all customer questions, but they can deliver quick responses to commonly asked queries and reduce the risk of lost opportunities.
  • Provide alternative forms of communication: if your customer can’t reach you on live chat, make sure that there are other options available, like a phone number and email address or a form where your customer can automatically submit a ticket. 

6. Total Number of Chats and Tickets

Keeping track of the total number of tickets your customers submit, alongside the number of chats your employees engage in, will give you helpful information. First, the total number of conversations shows how many customers are taking advantage of your live chat function on the website. 

You’ll also be able to compare your total number of chats to the number of resolved problems you deal with for your customers. For example, comparing your total number of chats to an unlimited number of tickets shows you how many customers have been left to rely on other sources of communication. You can also see how good your employees are at following up with tickets issued by customers. 

When you’re analyzing your number of tickets and chat sessions, you might notice that many of the queries you dealt with were connected to specific questions or topics. If that’s the case, you might be able to create a new FAQ page for your customers or provide your chatbot with extra information that it can use. 

If you’re getting more support tickets through alternative means than live chat, it might be time to ask yourself what’s wrong with your live chat performance and why your customers choose not to use it. 

Improving Live Chat CX for Your Business

Live chat can be a powerful tool for improving customer experience and an excellent way to strengthen your relationship with existing and potential clients.

Step into the shoes of your customer and discover what it feels like to walk through the whole live chat experience, from the moment that you send a request to the live chat team to the moment when you close down the chat with a solution to your problem. Other quick tips include:

  • Getting the software right: Make sure your live chat app is easy for your end customers and your employees. The chat app you use should be convenient and suit your brand. It also needs to collect information effectively without causing problems like GDPR and regulations. Get a developer involved if you think you have a problem with your chat functionality. 
  • Guide your team: Remember that your team needs to know how to use the live chat tools available effectively if they’re going to deliver the best results to your customers. Make sure you give your employees scripts to deal with problems if needed. In addition, chatbots that can quickly grab information from integrated CRM tools and other solutions could make your agents’ lives much more manageable. 
  • Pay attention to feedback: Ask your customers for feedback on their live chat experiences whenever you can. Ensure you pay attention to what they say they like and dislike about the encounter. If you can listen to your customer’s opinions, they’ll give you a lot of helpful information to work with when you’re enhancing and optimizing your live chat strategy. In addition, listening to your audience shows that you have their best interests at heart.

Remember, as well as customer feedback; you might be able to ask your employees for their insights into how you can improve live chat performance too. Employees also work with these tools regularly, so they know which features are more problematic than others. 

Measuring and Improving Live Chat

Live chat functionality isn’t something that you implement into your website and forget about. Instead, like any form of customer service or engagement tool, your live chat solution should be something you test regularly and constantly update to suit your customers’ needs. 

Knowing which metrics to measure when examining live chat functionality and performance will boost the experience you can give your audience and even open the door for better relationships with clients in the long term.


The post How to Measure Live Chat Performance first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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API management solutions, also known as API gateways, are a must in the day and age of APIs. However, once you’ve set up such a gateway, you can use it for different purposes unrelated to APIs. Today, I want to show you how to improve the security of web apps.

Prevent Sniffing

Browsers are fantastic pieces of technology that try to make the life of users as comfortable as possible. However, the balance between ease of use and security may sometimes tip on the former to the latter’s detriment. For example, if an HTTP response doesn’t set the content type, the browser may try to infer it:

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Levallois-Perret, le 21 juillet 2022. SAP annonce la nomination d’Olivier Nollent au poste de Managing Director de SAP France. Olivier Nollent reporte à Rohit Nagarajan, Président EMEA North de SAP.

Olivier Nollent dirigera l’activité de l’une des plus importantes filiales commerciales de SAP, leader mondial des logiciels d’entreprise. Il aura pour mission :

  • de renforcer les synergies avec les clients, ainsi qu’avec l’écosystème de partenaires, dans leurs grands enjeux de transformation numérique (gestion de l’expérience, gestion intelligente des dépenses, réduction de l’empreinte sur l’environnement…), et d’innovation (intelligence artificielle, big data, blockchain…) grâce à ses technologies avancées et ses centres de R&D (SAP Labs) et avec son accélérateur de startups SAP.iO basé en France.
  • de poursuivre la croissance de SAP en France via le développement de ses activités Cloud auprès des grands comptes et des PME. Il s’appuiera à cet effet sur l’expertise du Groupe dans les domaines des logiciels ERP, Analytics, Supply Chain Management, RH et de gestion de l’expérience client, ainsi que sur le plus large portefeuille de solutions modulaires disponibles sur site, Cloud ou hybrides.

Olivier est diplômé de l’INSEEC et a débuté sa carrière chez HP, puis a passé 13 années chez Microsoft où il a occupé avec succès plusieurs rôles de direction commerciale, jouant un rôle clé dans la transition de l’entreprise vers le Cloud.

En avril dernier, après 5 années chez Salesforce, il rejoint SAP en tant que Senior Vice President Industries.

Son expérience des grands acteurs du secteur, sa solide expertise dans le développement des business de la Tech et son leadership éprouvé auprès de grandes organisations commerciales sont autant d’atouts pour accompagner la dynamique de croissance de SAP France.

Gérald Karsenti reste Président du Conseil d’Administration, assurant la direction générale de l’entreprise. Il accompagnera également Olivier Nollent dans sa transition vers son nouveau poste, en consolidant la notoriété de SAP sur le marché et en cultivant les relations avec ses clients et son écosystème.

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Imagine a microservice application consisting of dozens of continuously-deployed autonomous services. Each of the application’s constellation of services has its own repository, with a different versioning scheme and a different team continually shipping new versions.

Riddle me this: How can I tell the (whole) application’s version? Being that the change history is scattered among dozens of repositories, what’s the most efficient approach to keeping track of changes? And how do we manage application releases?

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Nestjs is a cutting-edge Node.js framework for developing server-side applications that are efficient, dependable, and scalable. It is simple to integrate with NoSQL and SQL databases such as MongoDB, Yugabyte, SQLite, Postgres, MySQL, and others. It supports popular object-relational mappers such as TypeORM Sequelize and Mongoose.

In this tutorial, we’ll create an e-commerce application with SQLite and TypeORM. We’ll also look at Arctype, a powerful SQL client and database management tool.

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