
API test is a significant part of a successful Continuous Integration/ DevOps practice. As per Google Trends, the interest in Web/ API services tests has been progressively growing over the few decades. According to SmartBear research over 3,372 software professionals in API test over 2019, 91 percent of participants either presently have, or thinking to have a formal API test procedure in place in the coming future. Around 45 percent of API testers reported that their company already automated 50% or more of test projects. Moreover, by more than 75 percent of companies across industries, API quality is considered a top priority.

With APIs more and more becoming crucial elements for software development, it has become critically essential for programmers and developers to carry out API testing. API test is a procedure that concentrates on identifying whether an API that has been developed meets up the expected threshold concerning security, reliability, performance, and functionality. As these tests are crucially vital, you need to make use of the top API testing tools out there. 

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Domain Authority (DA) is a ranking metric that predicts how well a site will rank online. It goes by a scale of 1 to 100 — the closer you are to 100, the better your odds of ranking in search engine result pages (SERPs), thus giving you more clicks.

To see how your site currently ranks, visit Moz’s free Link Explorer to test your DA. Just type your website URL in the search bar and click “Analyze”. Just remember: don’t kick yourself if your DA is smaller than 30 to 50. If you follow these 9 tips today, you’ll most definitely see your DA score improve.

1. Domain Name Age

You know that old saying, right? Wisdom comes with age. Well, guess what? The same is true for your domain name. If your domain name doesn’t have an ‘old’ age, then it’ll rank lower, and users online might not see your site as legitimate.

But with an older domain name, not only will users see your site as more legitimate, but it’ll also have a much higher DA score than younger domain names. In other words, every time you change your domain, you might be doing more harm than good to it, since you’re actually knocking down the credibility you’ve built up over the years by starting from scratch.

Therefore, pick an easy-to-remember domain name that’s not only relevant to your niche, but it’s also something that you’re willing to keep for a very long time.

2. On-Page Optimization

Then, it’s time to optimize all the following on your pages:

  • Code;
  • Content;
  • Site structure;
  • Metatags;
  • Other on-page elements (H1, Title tags, Image alt tag, Site architecture, etc.).

Improving your DA with optimization can make your site be more search-engine-friendly.

3. Create Great Content

Want to attract high-quality links from multiple domains in your niche? Good news! More attraction to your site comes from creating high-quality content that appeals to your target audience. Otherwise, poor-quality content will only scare people away.

So, in providing the best content possible, that will definitely help you improve your DA score (and even give you many additional SEO benefits).

4. Internal Link Improvement

Why worry about earning external links when your internal links need the most attention? Yes, focusing too much on external links can make you lose sight of linking internally.

So, why internal links? These links help nudge visitors to what they’re trying to look for on your website. In that way, visitors are getting the best user experience, while you reap the rewards of having an increased DA score.

5. Link Profile Clean-Up

Having a clean link profile is essential, since it helps you obtain and maintain a great DA score. So, to clean up your link profile, you must remove the bad links from it.

In this process, you can use tools like:

These tools help you figure out any inappropriate or unwanted links.

After the link audit is complete, contact the website owners to have them either delete the link or add the “nofollow tag” (devalues the link). If this doesn’t work, use the Google Disavow tool to remove said links from your profile.

6. Know Your Niche

When running a site, it’s important for you to be the expert in what you have to offer online – and your DA is no exception to this. Becoming an authoritative figure in your niche allows you to gain the confidence of readers, while providing expert advice to the community.

If you have amazing content (i.e. guest blogs on industry-related forums) and clever ways to engage your target audience, then people will see you as an authority to your niche. This not only enhances your brand, but also increases your DA score.

7. Be Mobile-Friendly

Nowadays, people are on their phones, tablets, etc. Whatever device that they can use on the go, they’ll use. In other words, mobile isn’t just the way of the future – it’s happening right now, outpacing laptops since 2014. So, if your website isn’t mobile-friendly yet, then now is the time to fix that!

If your website hasn’t been optimized for mobile use yet, not only will it hurt your search rankings (since Google favors mobile-friendly sites), but you’ll also lose out on users visiting your site to begin with.

So, go to Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test, and then run a test for your domain. Afterwards, Google will give you a detailed report of how mobile-friendly your site is, and what you can do to improve it.

8. Improve Page Speed

Let’s face it: No one likes to wait for a webpage to load; they want quick results. So, if your site isn’t loading fast enough, then users will get frustrated and most likely go to another site. So, why not improve your page speed?

First, find the cause of your website running slower than it should. You can do this by running your website through Google’s PageSpeed Insights; it’ll analyze the speed of your site. And then, it will identify some effective ways for you to make your site faster and consequently improve your DA score.

9. Utilize Social Media

Finally, it’s important to increase your social signals, when it comes to gaining more authority with your domain. While search engines like Google won’t insist that sites make social signals a priority to increase their rankings, site runners must still take advantage of social media to do the following:

  • Promote their sites;
  • Promote their products and services;
  • Tell people about any events and contests.

As a result, sites are more likely to get likes, shares, and tweets through social media, versus going solo in search engines.


Domain authority is extremely important for your site. First, DA allows you to analyze how well your website does in the search space. Plus, it allows you to compare the performance of your website with that of your rival sites, thus showing you where you stand in search engine results.

So, why not get your site thriving today by improving and maintaining your DA score today? Your site will thank you for it!


Featured image via Unsplash.


Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

Paris le 6 novembre 2020 SAP SE (NYSE: SAP) et Qualtrics ont annoncé le lancement de Qualtrics® XM for Suppliers, une nouvelle solution permettant aux organisations d’identifier les points d’amélioration des processus Achats, depuis le sourcing jusqu’au paiement (souce-to-pay) afin d’aider à sécuriser des ressources critiques, accroître les économies, atténuer les risques et améliorer l’agilité de l’entreprise.

Qualtrics XM for Suppliers combine les données issues des solutions SAP® Ariba®, SAP Fieldglass® et SAP S/4HANA® avec les informations collectées en temps réel auprès des fournisseurs et analysées par l’intelligence artificielle de Qualtrics, une entreprise du groupe SAP.

Une majorité (66%) des directeurs des achats et des directeurs supply chain déclarent que leur fonction joue un rôle dans la réduction des risques fournisseurs, selon une étude conduite par Oxford Economics et SAP. Toutefois, seuls 51% d’entre eux indiquent pouvoir trouver rapidement des solutions alternatives pour leur approvisionnement, et 46% ont des difficultés  à obtenir de la visibilité sur la performance d’un fournisseur. Qualtrics XM For Suppliers aide les organisations à améliorer leur processus source-to-pay en se basant sur l’écoute et l’analyse des feedbacks des fournisseurs puis la mise en place d’actions appropriées aux moments clés.

« Quand les organisations donnent la priorité à l’écoute, à la compréhension et à l’action sur la base des retours des parties prenantes, l’impact business et le ROI suivent naturellement », explique Brian Stucki, vice-président exécutif de Qualtrics et directeur général de Customer XM. « Qualtrics XM for Suppliers met les feedbacks des fournisseurs au cœur de l’interaction acheteur-fournisseur et devient une part intégrante de la prise de décision et de la construction de la relation. Les équipes achats obtiennent ainsi une vision holistique du processus global du point de vue des fournisseurs afin de régler les écueils, recommander des améliorations et trouver des solutions innovantes. »

En tant que leader en matière d’expérience client et créateur du concept d’Experience Management (XM), Qualtrics ajoute son expertise à cette nouvelle innovation au travers des fonctionnalités clés de la plateforme Qualtrics XM, comme le moteur Qualtrics iQ, pour offrir :

  • Des analyses prédictives et de l’intelligence. Accès instantané aux feedbacks des fournisseurs et aux indicateurs prédictifs pour favoriser la prise de décisions en matière de dépenses dans l’ensemble de l’entreprise.
  • Des workflows automatisés, fluides et homogènes. Mise en place de plans d’actions automatisés et partagés avec les équipes concernées afin de réduire les écarts d’expérience tout au long du processus source-to-pay.
  • Des informations en temps réel pour agir rapidement. Collecte des informations fournisseurs sur l’ensemble des points d’interaction afin de permettre aux équipes achats d’identifier précisément les changements et décisions à mettre en œuvre.

« Cette année nous a appris que la résilience et l’agilité peuvent seulement être atteintes s’il est possible d’anticiper les disruptions avant qu’elles arrivent, d’améliorer les synergies primordiales avec les fournisseurs et de savoir quand activer les solutions alternatives », explique Jason Wolf, senior vice-president et directeur général de SAP Intelligent Spend and Business Network « C’est désormais encore plus simple d’y arriver avec Qualtrics XM for Suppliers pour les solutions SAP Ariba, SAP Fieldglass et SAP S/4HANA. »

Qualtrics XM for Suppliers permet aux équipes achats, finance et supply chain de :

  • Sécuriser les ressources critiques et apporter de la résilience aux entreprises en identifiant et en atténuant les zones de risques pour minimiser l’impact sur l’activité des perturbations éventuelles et répondre proactivement aux retours des fournisseurs les plus importants.
  • Accélérer les économies en utilisant les informations et les recommandations révélées par l’IA sur l’ensemble du processus source-to-pay afin d’identifier les écarts d’expérience au sein de la supply chain et influencer les termes des contrats qui ont l’impact le plus positif sur le ROI.
  • Innover rapidement en s’appuyant sur les feedbacks obtenus sur les différents points d’interaction afin de promouvoir la collaboration avec les fournisseurs et utiliser leur expertise pour identifier les possibilités d’améliorations.

SAP Press Room : Globale  / France. Suivez SAP sur Twitter : @SAPNews

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TiDB, an open-source, distributed SQL database, provides detailed monitoring metrics through Prometheus and Grafana. These metrics are often the key to troubleshooting performance problems in the cluster.

However, for novice TiDB users, understanding hundreds of monitoring metrics can be overwhelming. You may wonder:

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Comment améliorer, contrôler et automatiser ses processus ? L’utilisation de SAP Cloud Platform permet aux entreprises d’atteindre leurs objectifs de Process Excellence.

Une connaissance fine des processus et la capacité à les améliorer en continu sont les clés de l’excellence opérationnelle de l’entreprise. Ceci nécessite agilité, collaboration, automatisation et intelligence dans les processus.

Cet objectif d’excellence des processus peut être atteint au travers d’un cycle comprenant quatre étapes :

  1. compréhension des processus ;
  2. amélioration des processus ;
  3. automatisation des processus ;
  4. surveillance et ajustement des processus.

« Il est essentiel de comprendre les processus existants, avant de pouvoir les améliorer et en tirer plus de valeur », résume Olivier Enault, Presales for Information & Process Excellence, SAP France. La première phase consiste donc à découvrir les processus au travers de la technologie Process Mining de Celonis, qui va les détecter et les analyser.

Redessiner les processus avec SAP Cloud Platform Workflow

SAP Cloud Platform Workflow va permettre de créer ou redéfinir des processus, de façon transparente et simple. « SAP Cloud Platform Workflow propose un moteur complet de design et d’orchestration des workflows, explique Laurent Rieu, Business Development Director EMEA, SAP. Il permet de digitaliser des processus précédemment basés sur des opérations manuelles (par exemple des échanges de mails) et de les orchestrer de manière rigoureuse. »

L’exemple type de processus RH est l’arrivée d’un nouvel employé. En liaison avec le SI, le processus va enchainer des actions, combinant des règles métiers prédéfinies et des tâches effectuées manuellement. Un premier manager va par exemple vérifier que le coach et le matériel assigné à l’employé sont les bons. Un second va se charger d’organiser le déplacement du nouvel employé, lié à sa formation, etc. Et en fin de chaine, il sera possible de collecter l’expérience utilisateur au travers de l’offre Qualtrics, afin d’améliorer encore ce processus.

Automatiser les processus avec SAP Intelligent RPA

Toutes les tâches sans valeur ajoutée sont ensuite automatisées au travers de SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation. « Lancés par les utilisateurs ou déclenchés automatiquement suivant un évènement donné, les robots proposent un ROI très rapide, témoigne Laurent Rieu. Les projets de RPA sont courts (quelques semaines) et libèrent immédiatement du temps pour les collaborateurs de l’entreprise. »

L’objectif n’est pas d’éliminer l’humain de l’équation, mais d’automatiser tout ce qui peut l’être. Selon les cas, les processus seront donc entièrement automatisés (sous la supervision d’un responsable) ou partiellement automatisés, les robots servant alors de lien et de support aux différents intervenants.

Déploiement et surveillance assurés par SAP Cloud Platform

Les processus sont déployés par la suite sur SAP Cloud Platform. Le monitoring est alors pris en charge par SAP Cloud Platform Process Visibility. Cet outil offre une vue en temps réel des processus et de leurs instances et fait remonter immédiatement les informations sous la forme d’indicateurs de performance destinés aux utilisateurs métier. Ainsi, des tableaux de bords permettent d’identifier rapidement tout incident ou ralentissement.

Les informations fournies par SAP Cloud Platform Process Visibility serviront de base à un nouveau cycle d’amélioration et d’automatisation des processus. C’est cette boucle d’amélioration continue qui permettra d’atteindre l’objectif d’excellence des processus.

Accélérer la mise en œuvre des projets de digitalisation et d’automatisation des processus

Maintenant que la proposition de valeur des activités de digitalisation et d’automatisation des processus est claire, la question importante reste la suivante : « Comment accélérer la réalisation de tels projets ? ».

SAP Cloud Platform ne se contente pas de fournir les briques technologiques pour implémenter ces scénarios de digitalisation et d’automatisation des processus. Nous allons plus loin et proposons des modèles complets de processus, de robots d’automatisation et de tableaux de bord de pilotage prêts à l’emploi pour permettre de simplifier la mise en œuvre rapide de tels scénarios, tout en fournissant la flexibilité requise pour assurer l’adéquation entre ces modèles et les besoins de nos clients.

Vous trouverez ainsi une collection grandissante de robots d’automatisation prédéfinis sur notre site en ligne Intelligent RPA Store

Vous trouverez également un ensemble de modèles de processus et de tableaux de bord sur notre site API Business Hub

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Dans le cadre de son plan A2P 2020, Agromousquetaires a créé une société dédiée à la logistique. AgroM Transport s’appuie sur SAP TM 9.5 pour assurer la planification et l’exécution des opérations de transport. Une solution mise en place par itelligence.

Agromousquetaires est le pôle agroalimentaire du groupe Mousquetaires. Avec 4,03 milliards d’euros de chiffre d’affaires annuel, 11.000 collaborateurs, 19.700 partenaires agricoles, 62 usines en France et 10 filières, Agromousquetaires est un poids lourd du secteur. La société est en effet le leader français des marques de distributeur, mais aussi le 4e groupe agroalimentaire et le 1er armateur de pêche de l’Hexagone.

Dans le cadre de son plan Agro Performance Plus 2020 (A2P 2020), Agromousquetaires souhaite réduire ses coûts de production au travers de l’innovation. La société passe d’un réseau de PME à une logique de filière, plus efficace. L’un des volets de ce plan prévoit la mise en place d’un pôle logistique dédié.

Le choix de SAP TM et itelligence

En avril 2017, Agromousquetaires a décidé de transférer l’activité logistique de ses filières bœuf et porc vers une nouvelle société, AgroM Transport. Avec comme date butoir le premier janvier 2019.

L’utilisation de SAP Transportation Management (SAP TM) est rapidement apparue comme une évidence pour le groupe. Car le SI d’AgroM Transport mise sur d’autres solutions SAP pour la comptabilité, la finance, le contrôle de gestion et les achats non marchands. Le choix de SAP TM va donc dans le sens d’une cohérence du SI de la nouvelle entreprise.

L’intégrateur itelligence a été choisi pour sa taille rassurante (plus de 7900 consultants présents dans 27 pays) et sa connaissance étendue des solutions SAP (activité 100 % SAP et 30 ans d’expertise). Il a su également convaincre avec sa méthodologie pragmatique, consistant à proposer une solution fonctionnelle le plus tôt possible. Les utilisateurs ont ainsi pu faire remonter leurs recommandations rapidement, l’objectif étant de bâtir une offre de transport moderne : cartographie, diagrammes de Gantt, échanges informatisés avec les partenaires transporteurs, suivi des camions, etc.

Un planning serré

Le projet a démarré en septembre 2017, le pilote devant impérativement être achevé un an plus tard, pour une mise en production le premier janvier 2019. Dans la pratique, le prototype de la solution SAP TM 9.5 a été mis en fonction en mai 2018, avec une phase de stabilisation se terminant en septembre 2018, puis un déploiement progressif jusqu’à la fin de l’année. SAP TM se charge de la planification et de l’exécution des opérations de transport, la gestion des données de base (fournisseurs, clients, articles…) et de la facturation étant prise en charge par S/4HANA Finance.

Le premier janvier 2019, la société AgroM Transport a été lancée avec 331 collaborateurs transférés, 331 cartes grises, 135 transporteurs partenaires, 17 sites gérés et 12 entrepôts frigorifiques. 130.000 ordres de fret sont prévus sur l’année, pour un chiffre d’affaires estimé à 72 millions d’euros. Une grosse volumétrie que SAP TM a su prendre en charge.

Une deuxième phase déjà démarrée

Les enjeux sont atteints à 100 % sur de nombreux critères :

  • mise en place d’un plan de transport efficace ;
  • optimisation du réseau de transport ;
  • exploitation centralisée ;
  • cartographie, GIS et diagrammes de Gantt ;
  • communication avec les partenaires par voie électronique ;
  • intégration avec l’ERP SAP…

Le tout pour un budget maitrisé.

À ce jour, Agromousquetaires n’a migré que deux de ses filières vers la nouvelle société. Une seconde phase programmée sur deux ans est toutefois annoncée. À terme, le choix de SAP TM permettra également de faire remonter des informations vers les outils de Business Intelligence (BI) d’Agromousquetaires.

The post Agromousquetaires adopte SAP TM pour sa nouvelle filiale transport appeared first on SAP France News.

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Dark themes are everywhere these days. 

As human beings continue to spend more of their time interacting with technology, dark themes provide a more relaxing way to engage with the digital world. More often than not, these themes are easier on the eyes, more attractive, and perfect for the dedicated user

Throughout 2020, countless leading brands have debuted their own version of the dark theme. Google has a solution for your Drive, while Apple and Android have built dark theme performance right into their operating systems. 

If you haven’t learned how to make the most out of dark mode yet, then you could be missing out on an excellent opportunity to differentiate your design skills, and earn more clients going forward. 

Why Dark Mode?

Before we dive too deeply into the possibilities of creating your own dark theme, let’s examine what dark mode is, and why it’s so effective. 

Ultimately, dark themes are created to reduce the amount of luminance emitted by everything from your desktop and laptop, to your smartphone and smartwatch. Dark themes help to improve the visual ergonomics of design, by reducing eye strain, adjusting brightness to suit current lighting conditions, and more. Additionally, many dark mode offerings are also fantastic at conserving battery life. 

Here are some of the main benefits of adding dark themes to your design portfolio

  • Better user experience: A focus on user experience is one of the most important trends of the digital age. You need to be willing to deliver incredible experiences to everyone who visits your website if you want to stand out today. Dark mode reduces everything from eye strain, to battery power consumption. This helps to keep customers on a website for longer.
  • Innovation and cutting edge appeal: Most companies want to prove that they can stay on the cutting edge of their industry. The ability to offer an opt-in dark mode version of a website theme or appearance can help your clients to stand out from the crowd. As the environment becomes more mobile-focused, more companies will be looking for designers that can provide the best mobile experiences. 
  • Support for universal design: Dark mode isn’t just great for people who have light sensitivity at night. This solution could be more comfortable for visually-impaired users who would struggle with eye strain when visiting your websites otherwise. If you want your content to be more inclusive for a wider range of viewers, then learning how to design for dark mode is a good way to start.

Best Practices When Designing for Dark Mode

Designing for dark mode is easier than you’d think. Most of the time, it involves simply thinking about how you can replace some of the brighter, more overwhelming aspects of your site, with something deeper and darker. 

Here are some useful tips that will get you moving in the right direction. 

1. Experiment with Colors

A big issue for a lot of web designers when it comes to developing a dark mode solution is that they get too caught up with things like pure white text against pure black backgrounds. However, this high-contrast option can be a little much after a while. 

It’s often much easier to use a dark grey as your primary surface color, instead of a true black. Additionally, rather than using bright white, think about slightly off-white alternatives that will be warmer to the eye.

Experiment with surfaces and color combinations that are unlikely to cause too much eye strain. Dark grey foundations often offer a wider range of depth, too, because you can demonstrate shadows on grey. 

Additionally, when you are experimenting with colors, remember that saturated colors often vibrate painfully against very dark surfaces, making them harder to read. Desaturating your colors will help to reduce the contrast and make your websites more welcoming. 

Lighter tones in the 200-50 range will have better readability on dark themes. However, you can always experiment with your choices. Google Material Design recommends using a contrast level of around 15:8:1 between your background and text. 

2. Consider the Emotional Impact

Much of the effort involved with dark mode design is figuring out how certain colors work together. It’s easy to get carried away with stark contrasts, particularly when you’re used to working with a white background. However, you need to remember that you’re designing for a user that’s primarily looking for an easier and more subdued browsing experience.

While you’re working, remember to consider the emotional aspect of the design too. The emotion in colors can make or break a buyer’s journey in any environment. However, an often overlooked-aspect of color psychology, is that people perceive shades differently when they’re on a black background

For instance, think of the color green. On a light background, it conveys nature and even financial wealth. However, on a dark background, the same green could come across as something venomous, toxic, or even sickly. It’s important to think about the kind of impressions end users are going to get when they arrive on your site.

3. Give Users the Freedom to Choose

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when you begin designing for dark mode, is thinking that you should focus entirely on your dark themes, and nothing else. This lines you up for a problem if you interact with users who want the best of both worlds. If you’re designing for apps in particular, you’re going to need web pages that can switch naturally between light and dark themes. 

Learning how to implement both a dark mode and a light mode option into the desks you create will help you to reach a wider selection of customers. Remember, you’ll need to test the performance and impact of your designs in both themes, to check that they deliver the same kind of experience, no matter how your user chooses to browse. 

Although dark mode should offer a different experience to end-users, it still needs to feel as though they’re browsing on the same website. That means that you’re going to need to experiment with the most natural combination of light and dark mode options.

4. Remember the Basics

Remember, although the three tips above will help you to get on the right path for dark mode design, you’ll also need to consider the opportunities and limitations of the platforms that you’re designing for. The kind of dark mode experience you can deliver for Google Chrome websites is going to be very different to what you can create for something running on iOS.

Examining the documentation provided by the system that you’re designing for will help you to develop something with a close insight into what’s actually possible. 

Other top tips for dark mode design include:

  • Focus on your content: Make sure that your content stands out on the page, without being too overwhelming. 
  • Test your design: In both light and dark appearances, you need to make sure everything is working as it should be.
  • Adopt vibrancy for your interfaces: Vibrancy helps to improve the contrast between your background and foreground. 
  • Use semantic colors: Semantic colors adapt to the current appearance of a website automatically. Hard-coded color values that don’t adapt can seem more aggressive. 
  • Desktop tinting: Try experiment with things like transparency and filters to give your websites and apps a slightly warmer tint – ideal for late-night browsing
  • Icons: Use individual glyphs and icons for dark and light modes if necessary. 

Ready to Design for Dark Mode?

Preparing your web development and design portfolio for an era addicted to dark mode can be a complex experience. You need to think carefully about how people are going to browse through your websites and apps when they’re searching for something more subtle, and less visually overwhelming than the websites that we’re used to making. 

The most important thing to remember is that everything on your website or application should look just as beautifully tailor-made in dark mode as it does in light mode. Simply adding a dynamic black background when people want to switch settings in an app isn’t enough. You need to go in-depth with your designs and examine how different fonts, colors, and images work together.


Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

La Branche Service-Courrier-Colis (BSCC) du Groupe La Poste s’appuie avec succès sur les solutions SAP BW /4HANA et SAP BI Suite pour répondre aux nouveaux enjeux du marché et réduire son Time To Market. Avec la volonté d’être davantage au service des métiers pour améliorer le service client, cette collaboration s’inscrit dans la transformation numérique de l’activité historique du Groupe La Poste. Cette dernière s’installe et se développe sur de nouveaux secteurs avec la volonté de simplifier la vie de tous et de chacun.

Les technologies SAP pour augmenter la qualité de service IT et client

Le projet, lancé en 2017 avec SAP BW/4HANA, est né de la nécessité de la BSCC de désiloter son organisation en place où chaque business unit était responsable du développement et du choix de ses outils BI. Le projet s’est alors bâti sur 3 grands enjeux :

  • Rationaliser, consolider et gérer l’obsolescence afin de converger vers une solution unique ;
  • Répondre aux enjeux métiers via un reporting opérationnel en temps réel et accélérer le Time To Market dans les projets ;
  • Avoir une vision 360 du cycle de vie de chaque produit passant par les chaînes logistiques de l’entreprise.

Depuis la mise en place des solutions SAP en 2017, la BSCC a uniformisé sa BI avec des outils clés en main pour les collaborateurs opérationnels (20 000 personnes). Tout est désormais centralisé et disponible quasiment instantanément pour être davantage au service des métiers et améliorer le service client.

Les 3 000 directeurs d’établissements sont depuis capables de mieux piloter leur activité, d’être plus réactifs mais aussi plus proactifs grâce à la fiabilité du SI. Enfin, cette nouvelle organisation apporte également une réelle amélioration de l’expérience client final permettant à la BSCC de faire des gains financiers significatifs.

Des coûts de run divisés par 6 et des gains financiers importants sur la partie TMS

La mise en place de SAP BW 4/HANA a permis le déploiement de cartographies mixant data source et volume d’informations, grâce à une plateforme permettant d’absorber de grosses volumétries de données. L’ensemble de ce projet a été mené en mode agile, la méthodologie S@fe ayant été déployée à l’échelle de la BSCC, pour permettre une meilleure flexibilité d’intégration et une meilleure coordination de travail entre les équipes.

Plusieurs projets ont pu voir le jour tel que le projet Osram, permettant de mesurer, analyser, piloter le raccordement qui est au cœur de la supply chain. La dernière version déployée permet d’ores et déjà de simuler la transformation de son réseau industriel qui est un enjeu majeur de la Poste pour améliorer la performance client. Ce projet offre une vision bout en bout de la collecte au dernier geste de distribution, ce qui est totalement disruptif et novateur par rapport au pilotage fait jusqu’à présent.

Enfin, la BSCC a pu améliorer son taux de satisfaction client, en mettant les indicateurs utiles à disposition des collaborateurs suite au déploiement de rampe de flashage permettant de suivre les contenants. L’analyse des fausses directions, une vision factuelle (et non plus déclarée) de l’exécution de ce qui a été planifié dans le contrat de service entre établissement et une meilleure connaissance des flux logistique contribuent à l’optimisation des niveaux de tri.

Eric Brun, Responsable du Socle Connaissance 360, explique : “Depuis la mise en place généralisée des outils SAP, notre coût de run a été divisé par six pour la partie back-end, tout en améliorant le time to market. La solution est fiable, simple et claire, permettant aux équipes de réagir rapidement en cas de problème. Sur le volet transports, l’ensemble du Transport Management System a été repensé pour offrir un outil intuitif permettant de connaître la moindre anomalie ou retard et optimiser le taux de remplissage de chaque camion. Le reporting Atlas Handling permet quant à lui une gestion plus performante et prédictive de notre conteneurisation.  Les gains financiers sont extrêmement importants pour le métier et coté IT le TCO de notre back end divisé par 6 »

De nombreux projets communs à venir

« Nous sortons gagnants de la collaboration avec SAP qui nous apporte un vrai support sur nos enjeux court, moyen et long terme. Les équipes SAP nous nous ont réellement permis d’accélérer notre transformation. Nous travaillons sur une roadmap long terme à 3 ans qui inclut le déploiement d’HANA Enterprise en novembre prochain pour gérer les forts volumes dès janvier 2021 et l’accélération avec SAP Analytics Cloud pour faire du reporting massif et développer de nouveaux cas d’usages autour de la mobilité  », conclut Eric Brun.

À propos de SAP

La stratégie de SAP vise à aider chaque organisation à fonctionner en “entreprise intelligente”. En tant que leader du marché des logiciels d’application d’entreprise, nous aidons les entreprises de toutes tailles et de tous secteurs à opérer au mieux : 77 % des transactions commerciales mondiales entrent en contact avec un système SAP®. Nos technologies de Machine Learning, d’Internet des objets (IoT) et d’analytique avancées aident nos clients à transformer leurs activités en “entreprises intelligentes”. SAP permet aux personnes et aux organisations d’avoir une vision approfondie de leur business et favorise la collaboration afin qu’elles puissent garder une longueur d’avance sur leurs concurrents. Nous simplifions la technologie afin que les entreprises puissent utiliser nos logiciels comme elles le souhaitent – sans interruption. Notre suite d’applications et de services de bout en bout permet aux clients privés et publics de 25 secteurs d’activité dans le monde de fonctionner de manière rentable, de s’adapter en permanence et de faire la différence. Avec son réseau mondial de clients, partenaires, employés et leaders d’opinion, SAP aide le monde à mieux fonctionner et à améliorer la vie de chacun. Pour plus d’informations, visitez le site .


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This month’s collection of new tools, resources, and freebies for designers is a smorgasbord of sorts. You’ll find everything from useful APIs to icons to tutorials to fonts.

Let’s get right into it, here’s what new for designers this month:

Tooltip Sequence

Now that your app or website is ready, you might need to help users engage with it. Tooltip Sequence is a simple JavaScript package that helps you create a series of small tooltips that will guide users through product features with a small description of what they need to know. It looks great and the best part is this tool saves you from having to create each tooltip description manually on each page and link them together.


Serenade allows you to free up your hands with voice coding technology. Use natural speech and stay productive with this tool that allows you to code without typing. It works across multiple coding languages and platforms. It’s as easy as “add function hello” and the tool knows what syntax to use.


Gazepass, which is still in beta, is a nifty API that allows for passwordless multi-factor authentication for any website or mobile app. It uses biometrics on any device or platform to make getting into apps or websites easier for users.


Filters.css is a CSS-only library to apply color filters to website images. Installation only takes three steps and includes a variety of filers, such as blur, grayscale, brightness, contrast, invert, saturate, sepia, and opacity.

Sidebar Webring

Sidebar Webring is a collection of blogs and websites that are focused on web design. The curated list is handpicked for superb content for designers and developers. But, what’s a webring? It’s a collection of linked websites in a circular structure that are organized around a theme. The term is a throwback to the early days of the web in the 1990s and 2000s.

Wicked Templates

Wicked Templates is a set of responsive HTML templates made with Bulma and Tailwind CSS that you can style and use as you wish. Use these templates to jumpstart projects. Free and paid options available.

WP Umbrella

WP Umbrella will help you keep sites running in a healthy and safe manner on WordPress. Monitor uptime and performance, PHP errors, and keep up with hundreds of websites from one dashboard.


Servicebot helps you create customer-facing embeddable billing pages that work with Stripe payments. This premium tool is quite user-friendly and works with websites or SaaS.

Custom, Accessible Checkboxes with Perfect Alignment

Create custom, accessible checkboxes with perfect alignment every time. This walkthrough shows you how to use CSS to align elements and labels. is a nifty tool that creates 3D object shadows. Use the easy on-screen controls to get just the right orientation and shape.


Urlcat is a tiny JavaScript library that helps you build URLs with dynamic parameters and without mistakes. The friendly API has no dependencies, includes TypeScript types, and is just 0.8KB minified and gzipped.


Reacher is a real-time email verification API that lets you check the validity of an address before you send the email. Reduce bounce rates in an instant. (The personal version is free.)


Swell is a most powerful headless ecommerce platform for modern brands, startups, and agencies. Create fast and flexible shopping experiences with the API and headless storefront themes. This is a premium tool but does have a free trial.

No Code Founders 2.0

No Code Founders 2.0 is a platform for discovering the latest startups built with no-code and the tools used to build them. Browse startups, tools, perks, interviews, jobs, meetups, posts, and more as part of the no-code movement. The community engages on Slack and requires an email to sign up.

How to Pick More Beautiful Colors for Your Data Visualizations

Beautiful color choices will make your data visualizations that much more impactful. This tutorial by Lisa Charlotte Rost will help you make better color choices on the way to better infographics and charts. Plus, it’s well developed, designed, and packed with useful information.


IconPark is a collection of more than 1,200 high-quality icons with an interface that allows you to customize them. It uses a single SVG source file that can be transformed into multiple themes. The library includes cross-platform components and is free to use.

Mono Icons

Mono Icons is a simple and consistent open-source icon set that uses mono spacing. The collection includes 136 icons.


BGJar is a free SVG background generator for digital projects. Pick a category and customize the result to fit your project or needs.


HitCount is almost too simple to be true. This tiny tool lets you add a hit counter to your website that’s as easy as adding an image. Copy the code and make any customizations you want. Then paste it to your design. That’s it!


Blacklight is a real-time website privacy inspector. The tool by Surya Mattu scans any website you enter in the scan bar and shows what user-tracking technologies are used on the website. This allows you to see who might be gathering data about your visit.


Alter is a customizable – and experimental – three-dimensional typeface that you can experiment with. It’s as fun to play with as use.

Autobus Omnibus

Autobus Omnibus is a simple all capitals font with new wave styling. The character set has 96 glyphs that are perfect for display use.


Deathmatch is a seasonal blackletter font that’s ideal for the upcoming Halloween holiday. The character set includes plenty of options and there’s a full version (paid) for commercial use.

Futura Now

Futura Now is a premium typeface and update to a font you may already know and love. The new version has 107 styles in a massive family.

Pumpkin Soup

Pumpkin Soup is a fun almost handwriting style typeface with a cartoonish vibe. It includes a regular and italic style and is most appropriate in limited use.


Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

And it does this 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year without ever asking for a pay raise.

But this is true only if your website landing page is designed well, maintained, and optimized to the gills. The art and science of a flawless landing page is beyond the scope of a single article, but we can start with helping you spot seven of the most common – and damaging – trouble spots.

1. Unclear Value Statement

Typically, new visitors to your page will only stay on it 3 to 15 seconds before they get distracted. In that span of time, you must offer a clear and visible reason to stick around and interact with the page.

That reason is your value statement. What value do your readers get in exchange for the time you ask them to spend? High-quality content is a must (and hopefully a given), but you also need to pull them in so they experience that content.

Does your landing page do that? If yes, great! If no, you should fix that. If you’re not sure, ask yourself:

  • Is there a compelling, visible headline that expresses the end benefits clearly and succinctly?
  • Is there a subheadline explaining your offering in more detail?
  • Are there supporting graphics that pull the eye toward your headline and subheadline?

If there aren’t, add them now.

2. Poor Signposting

Your landing page isn’t just there to be pretty. It’s meant to convince people to take action. If you don’t make it easy to find your call to action, most viewers won’t look for it.

deliver enough value to make it worth the hassle

You must make it clear — in as succinct and efficient terms as possible — why the action you want a reader to take will deliver enough value to make it worth the hassle. Tell them, in words that stand out from the rest of the page, what you want them to do next and what they’ll receive for doing so.

Improving your signposting stats by asking yourself the following questions:

  • Do you have a clear understanding of what the next step in a visitor’s customer journey should be?
  • Is it easy to find and take that step on your website?
  • Does your copy make a clear and compelling argument in favor of taking that step?

If you can answer yes to all three questions, your signposting is likely good (or at least good enough for now). If not, now you know what you have to do to improve it.

3. Slow Loading Time

Remember that 3 to 15-second maximum time limit we mentioned earlier? That span includes time spent waiting for your landing page to load, and every microsecond of that wait increases a reader’s likelihood of bailing on the whole thing. You must get your loading time to be as quick as possible.

Viewers who exit your landing page early – including while still waiting for it to load – increase your site’s bounce rate. Higher bounce rates reduce your rankings on Google and other search engines, meaning a page that loads too slowly not only impresses fewer viewers, but it also gets fewer viewers overall.

Improving your loading time is usually a job for your tech team or whoever in the office is responsible for overseeing your hosting service. That said, here are a few of the most important ways to optimize this important factor:

  • Optimize image size, file format, and compression;
  • Clean up your database by deleting saved drafts, old revisions, unused plugins, and similar virtual detritus;
  • Confirm that your WordPress theme (if applicable) is optimized for quick loading;
  • Use a content distribution network for file storage;
  • Analyze server response time with your hosting service, and work with them to reduce it;
  • Install tools that leverage browser caching;
  • Fix all your broken links;
  • Remove all render-blocking from JavaScript;
  • Reduce the number of redirects necessary to reach your page;
  • Optimize your code, especially in CSS, JavaScript, and HTML;
  • Enable file compression — except for on images;
  • Replace all PHP content with HTML wherever possible.

This is technical, detailed work, but it’s important. If you don’t have team members up to these tasks, it can be worth hiring an outside consulting company to do it for you.

4. Only One Landing Page

You have a good idea of your ideal customer’s hopes, fears, pain points, demographics, likes and dislikes, and other important information. If you have several different types of customers, you can’t use the same landing page for each of your customer groups. Each group has different characteristics that will prompt them to follow your call to action, so you don’t want to offer just one landing page.

Similarly, you also probably have more than one product or set of content and offerings to generate sales. Having only one landing page can lose leads because the page is only optimized for one of those products or content sets.

Ideally, you should have a unique landing page with a tailored offer for each of your customer models that would send those individuals to each of the products and content sets. An ad for professionals in their 30s making over $50,000 a year would lead to a landing page built for them, while an ad for heads of households working from home would lead to a landing page built for them.

Yes, that means a company with three profiles and four content sets would need 12 landing pages. And yes, it’s worth that kind of effort.

5. Insufficient Visuals

“A picture is worth 1,000 words” is ancient wisdom, but it’s far from true in the internet world – it’s actually worth more. A quick look at social media and blog performance will tell you many people will look at, enjoy, and share a photo or video, but not many will read an entire 1,000-word post on the same topic.

How well your landing page performs depends on the images you use and how you present them. Does your page’s layout conform to the best practices of visual web design:

  • Including images that emotionally reinforce the value expressions of your product’s core benefits;
  • Containing sufficient white space to not be intimidating;
  • Providing data images to indicate the worth of what you do;
  • Using visual design cues to lead the eye toward your conversion points;
  • Applying color gradients to highlight offers and your call to action;
  • Using infographics to replace the dreaded “wall of text”.

If you can say yes for half of these things, carry on. If not, this point may be among the better places to start with a landing page redesign.

6. Asking For Too Much, Too Soon

Craft a custom calls to action that meet all levels of interest, need, and desire

Not every landing page visitor is created equal. Some are hardcore fans and experts in what you do, ready for a 10,000-word white paper that dives deeply into the research supporting your use case. Others might have heard about your industry on an Instagram page and want to know the basics of what you do.

There’s nothing worse than going to a website and being asked for all of your personal information right away. If your call to action requires too much knowledge, too deep a commitment, or even too much personal information, consider scaling back. Otherwise, you risk turning away potential customers.

Better yet, go back to No. 5 above and build a new landing page for beginners and early-stage leads. Craft a custom calls to action that meet all levels of interest, need, and desire.

7. No Trust Elements

Offering some type of authentic customer referral or testimonial is important. It all boils down to the same thing: telling those who read your landing page that other people already like what you do and how you do it.

Examples of effective modern trust elements include:

  • Quotes from positive reviews next to a photo of the reviewer;
  • Screenshots of social media posts praising your company or product;
  • Short video interviews of happy clients;
  • Blurbs for industry thought leaders approving of you;
  • Images portraying business credentials and certifications;
  • Links to positive press coverage;
  • Logos of known business customers who buy and trust your brand.

Final Thought: What’s Next?

There isn’t one guaranteed way to turn a landing page from something full of holes into something perfect. But first, run an audit of your landing page using this list as a guide. Note which errors are there. Next, sort them in order of what takes the least time to fix to what takes the most time to fix.

Then, fix them in that order. We find that getting the quick fixes done builds excitement and momentum, whereas starting with a harder fix can mire down the whole process.

If none of these errors exist on your landing page, congratulations. There’s still lots of work to do on your website and content marketing, but it’s not among these rookie mistakes.


Featured image via Pexels.


Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot