
Dans un marché de la distribution en pleine transformation, le leader mondial des logiciels d’entreprises va ainsi permettre à l’acteur incontournable de la meunerie en France et à l’International de faire évoluer ses outils, pour répondre aux nouvelles évolutions commerciales.

Paris, le 15 septembre 2022 – SAP a été choisi pour participer à la transformation des outils CRM de Grands Moulins de Paris (groupe VIVESCIA). Initiée en novembre 2020, cette collaboration trouve son origine dans la nécessité pour Grands Moulins de Paris de simplifier et faciliter le pilotage de l’activité commerciale des équipes.

Créée en 1919, cette entreprise de meunerie a depuis toujours su se développer et innover pour satisfaire au mieux ses clients, s’ancrant également dans une démarche pour une alimentation responsable. Aujourd’hui, avec un marché de la boulangerie artisanale très concurrencé, Grands Moulins de Paris avait besoin de disposer d’une base de données centralisée en un seul et même outil, permettant d’avoir une meilleure connaissance à la fois de ses clients et prospects.

Depuis avril 2021, Grands Moulins de Paris bénéficie d’une plateforme SAP Sales Cloud qui met l’accent sur les services suivants :

  • un meilleur suivi de l’activité commerciale et de la flotte des commerciaux itinérants
  • une automatisation des processus de suivi client
  • une gestion facilitée et intelligente des données

Depuis la mise en place de ces outils intuitifs, le nombre de tickets informatiques a drastiquement réduit, et les retours des équipes utilisatrices au sein de Grands Moulins de Paris sont très positifs quant à la facilitation des tâches business.

Damien Loiseau, Directeur de Développement des Ventes chez Grands Moulins de Paris, déclare : « Nous comptons aujourd’hui 250 utilisateurs du nouveau CRM. En quelques clics, ils peuvent retrouver toutes les informations pour préparer une visite prospect ou accompagner leurs clients. Les fiches sont enrichies automatiquement d’informations légales et juridiques comme le nom du gérant, la solvabilité de l’entreprise, mais aussi des bons de livraison, commandes, factures, plan de livraison, etc. Nous disposons également de reportings clairs qui permettent désormais à chaque manager de suivre l’activité de son équipe en temps réel. L’outil facilite la recherche d’informations spécifiques au terrain, et toutes les activités nationales sont pilotées par des KPI. Ce nouveau CRM, c’est un gain de temps indéniable pour tous ! »

Samuel Gaudard, Account Executive Customer Expérience chez SAP, indique : « Nous sommes très heureux de la collaboration avec Grands Moulins de Paris. Ensemble, nous avons pu mettre en place les solutions les plus adaptées pour répondre rapidement et efficacement aux besoins uniques de leurs activités. »

Suite à un appel d’offre, SAP a su convaincre par la qualité de son service, son approche des coûts adaptée à la demande du client et la transparence des équipes en charge du projet. « Il nous fallait un outil fiable et simple à intégrer à notre SI existant », confirme Damien Loiseau.

Cet enjeu de CRM constitue la première étape d’un plan d’accompagnement complet entre SAP et Grands Moulins de Paris, qui se poursuivra avec l’intégration de la brique Service Client, puis de l’ensemble Marketing. Ainsi, à horizon 2023, l’expérience de Grands Moulins de Paris powered by SAP saura se montrer complète et cohérente pour aider à l’amélioration en temps réel de l’ensemble de ses services.

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Learning how to design an MVP webpage or website could be one of the best things you can do as a site creator in today’s digital world.

In a fast-paced landscape, where customer preferences and technology are constantly changing, most companies don’t have time to dedicate months or years to each web project. The longer you take to complete your website, the more likely your creation will be outdated by the time you hit “publish.” That’s why countless creators are beginning to take a different approach.

To avoid wasting time, money, and effort on something that doesn’t deliver a significant return on investment, designers are now building “Minimum Viable Products,” or “MVPs.”

Here’s what you need to know about creating your MVP webpage.

What is MVP Web Design?

Typically, the “MVP” development process is most common in the app or software creation world. It refers to when a developer builds the simplest version of a technology capable of achieving specific goals. For instance, if a company wanted to create an ecommerce app, they would design a simple tool capable of listing products, enabling payments, and tracking orders.

After launching the MVP product, the company or developer would check to ensure it had the right impact on the target market and generated positive results. Using feedback and analytics, the developer would then begin to add new features one at a time.

MVP design aims to ensure you’re developing the best, most valuable product for your audience while getting your solution to market as quickly as possible.

The same strategy in MVP app and software design can also apply to website creation. Rather than building a highly complicated website with multiple features straightaway, the designer would focus on creating a single page equipped with the essential elements.

For instance, instead of building an entire site for your online course, you may develop a single-page website where customers can learn about the system, sign up, and pay for their membership. The great thing about an MVP web page is it allows companies to start advertising their solution, product, or service quickly, with the minimum initial investment.

How to Create an MVP Web Page

Creating an MVP web page is similar to designing any Minimum Viable Product. Throughout the project, the focus will be on keeping the development process simple while collecting as much feedback as possible.

Here’s how you’d get started with an MVP web page.

Step 1: Planning

Planning is an important stage in any web design project. It’s particularly crucial in the MVP landscape, where you need to define the most critical features of your webpage or website to ensure it’s “viable” for your needs. The initial planning stage can sometimes be the lengthiest part of the process, depending on the amount of research you need to do.

For the most part, web designers and companies will begin by conducting market research. This means examining crucial concepts intended to drive your strategy, such as:

  • Your target audience: Who are you trying to target with this web page, and what will they need from your site? A user persona can be helpful if you don’t already have one.
  • Competitors: Who are your main competitors in this space, and what do their web pages offer? Which features do you need to replicate or avoid?
  • Goal setting: What is the main objective of this web page? What do you need it to do, and what might it need to accomplish in the future?

The key to MVP web page planning is ensuring you look holistically at your project without thinking too far ahead. The site you create should be capable of scaling and expanding in the future, but it shouldn’t have too many features from day one.

Step 2: Creating Your Feature List

Once you’ve done your research and formed the foundations of your plan, it’s time to list all the features your MVP web page needs to have. Unfortunately, this is where the process can get a little complicated. It’s easy to start adding capabilities and components that aren’t necessary to make your site more exciting or competitive.

As worrying as it can feel to release a very basic web page, remember your focus is on rapid growth and development. With this in mind, concentrate on narrowing your feature lists down into:

  • Initial must-have capabilities: First, decide what your web page can’t thrive without. If the primary goal of your page is to sell software subscriptions, then you’ll need to implement tools for collecting member information and payments.
  • Next stage functionality: Consider the features you might add once you’ve confirmed your webpage is effective. This will allow you to ensure you’re creating a platform that can expand to suit future needs.
  • Possible future requirements: You can also list features that might be helpful in the future but don’t necessarily need to be implemented immediately. For instance, if you’re selling an online course, you might create a separate page where people can sign up to learn about future lessons.

Step 3: Finding the Right Software

Next, you’ll need to decide how to build your web page. There are several options available to today’s designers. An open-source solution is usually the best route for designers who need to create something specific from scratch. However, if the factor that makes your solution “viable” is unique, you may need access to code to bring your idea to life.

Alternatively, if you’re building a basic webpage capable of something like collecting customer email addresses or facilitating transactions, you might be able to use an off-the-shelf tool. CMS services for web designers can reduce the work and expense involved in creating a minimum viable product.

For instance, you might use a tool like Wix or Squarespace to edit a pre-existing template and simply drag-and-drop the features you need into the right places. On the other hand, if you’re planning on adding more functionality to your site down the line, it’s worth checking if any builder you will use has the right level of flexibility. Many tools will allow you access to code, advanced features, and essential module-based building functions.

Step 4: Implement Your Analytics

One of the essential parts of an MVP workflow is feedback. When you roll out your MVP, you’ll be looking for insights, guidance, and analytics to help you decide what your next steps are going to be. As a result, MVP workflows are based heavily on experimentation.

This means you’re going to need the right analytical tools in place to track crucial information. You can implement tools for collecting customer feedback directly. It’s also worth having a system in place for tracking metrics like:

  • Conversion rate;
  • Traffic numbers;
  • User behavior;
  • Most used/least used features;
  • Technical site performance;
  • Bounce rate;
  • Average time spent on the page.

While Google Analytics is one of the most popular tools for collecting insights in the MVP website design world, various other options are available. You can even find tools with in-built heatmaps to see how people navigate your site more effectively.

It’s also worth having A/B testing components in place. This will allow you to test the different “new” features you add to your web pages over time and examine how they influence your conversions and support your goals. For example, you can use A/B testing to explore the impact of everything from CTA button colors to webpage copy and offers.

Creating Your MVP Web Page

In the fast-paced web development and design world, the old-fashioned and slow approach to designing web pages is growing increasingly less common. Instead, an MVP strategy may be the best bet for companies looking to go to market faster, collect insights from their target audience, and accelerate growth.

Though getting used to this design strategy initially can be challenging, it can save you significant time, resources, and money in the long term.


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The post How to Design an MVP Web Page first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Creating videos for social media or to embed on your site can be a fun and creative way to promote your brand or business. More importantly, time spent on a page is a significant SEO ranking factor, so providing a video to watch is of enormous benefit.

However, coming up with the music for your videos can be challenging. You want something catchy that fits your video’s tone but don’t want to violate copyright laws.

Music licensing can be tricky, but if you’re smart about it and know what license your needs fall into, things will go swimmingly. Many different types of licenses cover differing budgets or use cases.

Public Domain: Public domain music is music that is not protected by copyright and can be used by anyone for any purpose. This includes traditional folk songs, classical music, and works released explicitly into the public domain.

Creative Commons: Creative Commons is a license that allows you to use someone else’s work for free, as long as you give credit to the creator. There are several Creative Commons licenses, so read the terms before using any music in your videos.

Royalty-Free: Royalty-free music is music you can use without paying royalties. This means you can use the music in your videos without getting permission from the artist or paying for a license. You can usually find royalty-free music on stock audio websites.

10 Places to Find Music for Videos

Below you’ll find the ten most common places to find music for your videos, including Youtube, Instagram, and TikTok videos.

1. YouTube Audio Library

The first place to look for music is YouTube’s Audio Library. This is an excellent resource for finding free, high-quality music for your videos. You can search by genre, instrument, mood, or duration and preview the tracks before downloading them.

You can use music from the YouTube Audio Library in your Instagram and Youtube videos. Just make sure you follow the copyright guidelines specified on the YouTube website.

2. AudioJungle

AudioJungle from EnvatoMarket is an excellent resource for finding high-quality music for your videos. You can search by genre or mood and listen to previews of the songs before you download them.

AudioJungle offers a variety of paid plans that give you access to more features and higher-quality audio files. Prices start at $12 per month for the basic plan and go up to $48 per month for the premium plan.

3. Free Music Archive

The Free Music Archive is another resource to search for free music. It’s a little more eclectic than the YouTube Audio Library, so you’ll find a broader range of genres and styles here. 

However, all of the music on the site is licensed under Creative Commons, so you’re free to use it in your videos. In addition, you can search by genre or artist and even listen to previews of the songs before you download them.

4. Incompetech

The next website to find royalty-free music for videos is Incompetech. You can search by genre, mood, or instrument, but also read about music licenses. Besides, the site has a handy “music for video” section that features tracks that are specifically designed for use in videos.

Incompetech is free for users, but the company still earns money on display ads and Patreon donations.

5. Bensound

Bensound is a website where you can find high-quality music for your social media videos. It has a library of music that you can choose from, and you can also create custom playlists. The site is easy to use, and you can search for music by genre, mood, or artist. 

All of the music on the site is licensed under Creative Commons, so you’re free to use it in your videos. Prices start from approximately $12/mo subscription, or you can pay $34 per track.

6. ccMixter

ccMixter was created as a Creative Commons Project. It is a collaboration platform for musicians who want to promote their work. The site also has a handy “music for video” section that features tracks that are specifically designed for use in videos.

ccMixter offers a variety of paid plans that give you access to more features and higher-quality audio files. Prices start at $12 per month for the basic plan and go up to $48 per month for the premium plan.

7. Epidemic Sound

Epidemic Sound is a music company with a rich history dating back to 2009. They provide high-quality music for social media videos, and their library is constantly expanding. Epidemic Sound was founded by three friends working in the music industry. They were frustrated with the quality of stock music available, so they decided to create their own. 

Epidemic Sound has since become a go-to source for high-quality music. In recent years, the company has been working hard to expand its library and make it easier for people to find the perfect song for their videos. As a result, they now have over 30,000 tracks available.

Epidemic Sound’s monthly subscription service starts at $15/month. This gives you access to all of the site’s music, and you can download as many tracks as you want.

8. Musopen

Musopen is a perfect website for finding classical music for your videos. The site has various tracks to choose from; you can filter them by composer, orchestra, period, mood, length, and more. In addition, all of the music on the site is licensed under Creative Commons, so you’re free to use it in your videos.

Musopen offers a subscription plan that gives you access to high-quality music for your social media videos. You can choose from three different pricing plans, and each plan comes with a different number of downloads per month.

9. Jamendo Music

Jamendo is a website where you can find royalty-free music for your social media videos. The music on the website ranges from rock to electronica, and there is something for everyone. 

You can either browse the music by genre or use the search function to find the perfect song for your video.

10. StoryBlocks

StoryBlocks is a website created by two brothers, Aaron and Evan Sharp. It has a royalty-free music library with various music genres to choose from. You can find everything from pop to classical on this website. 

There is also a section of the website devoted to social media-friendly tracks. This means you can find music perfect for your videos without worrying about copyright issues.


Featured image via Unsplash.


The post 10 Great Places to Find Music for Videos first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

Today, I’d like to cover the weekly life of a project manager. When I’m managing a project, these are the things I do every week: 

  1. Identify the next milestone. Do you have a goal that is less than a month away? If not, make one up as soon as you can. Talk about the next milestone in every meeting with the team. 
  2. Update your project plan. Schedule an hour or two every Friday to review and update your project plan. 
  3. Update your risk registry. During your project planning time, update your risk registry. 
  4. Send a weekly project update. After updating the project plan and risk registry, I send out an update that summarizes where things are with all the projects for which I’m responsible.

Putting these things together will often require meetings or conversations, but having a concrete idea of what you’re delivering each week can make it more clear what to focus on.

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An unreliable, semi-broken and unresponsive website is an excellent way to lose leads and visitors — regardless of how aesthetically pleasing or well-designed, the visual elements are.

Over the past decade, we’ve seen more initiative to deliver faster internet to regions of the world that were previously devoid of it. With online communities expanding and more people becoming receptive to online shopping, ensuring your site’s dependability is now more important than ever. 

One way to achieve this is by employing uptime and downtime monitoring tools. This guide will examine the best ways to get alerts when something goes wrong and your website falters.

Why Is Website Uptime Monitoring Important?

Downtime is bound to occur occasionally. Nonetheless, the goal is to minimize it. The longer the downtime occurs, the more traffic and potential clients you lose. A dysfunctional website is also detrimental to your credibility and reputation. People may associate your website’s unreliability with your real-world products or services.

With web developers charging an average of $200 per hour, high-quality websites can be expensive to build and maintain. Nevertheless, it’s often worth the investment. However, an unreliable website can backfire on you. Instead of attracting more customers, it could potentially repel them. This can result in lost revenue.

An uptime monitoring solution can help you prevent or reduce these losses. It verifies if your website is up and functional and notifies you if it’s not. This allows you to troubleshoot the issue and get your website back up and running as soon as you’re alerted. The most common issues behind your website’s downtime include: 

  • Server faults;
  • Network outages;
  • Power outage;
  • Traffic spikes;
  • Cyberattacks;
  • Domain name issues;
  • An erroneous web application deployment;
  • Increased server loads;
  • DNS Resolve issues;
  • Human error.

Thus, you must employ a dependable tool that detects downtime or any interruptions related to your website as soon as they occur. They are must-have tools for web designers, developers, and network administrators. However, not all of them are built the same. So how do you identify the best uptime monitoring tools?

Essential Features of Uptime Monitoring Tools

Uptime monitoring tools typically detect interruptions by running network tests such as pings and trace routes. You could practically monitor your website’s uptime by constantly running these tests yourself. 

However, this isn’t an efficient way to monitor your website’s uptime. A comprehensive uptime monitoring tool will automatically monitor your website’s uptime in the background. It will then alert you through various channels as soon as it senses that your website may be down. 

Furthermore, high-quality uptime monitoring solutions tend to offer additional information regarding your website’s uptime/downtime and its performance. These tools commonly feature dashboards, status pages, badges, exportable records, etc., to help you keep track of your site’s overall health.

9 Best Features of an Uptime Monitoring Solution

The ideal uptime monitoring tool or service should feature: 

  1. Website security features that notify of and repel potential cyber attacks;
  2. 24/7 uninterrupted background website monitoring;
  3. Multi-channel alerts (email, SMS, push notifications, instant messages, social media, etc.);
  4. Report generation;
  5. 24/7 customer support available through different channels (email, phone, chat, etc.);
  6. Be capable of monitoring multiple websites and proxies at the same time;
  7. Offer insights and suggestions to improve your website’s performance;
  8. Be affordable;
  9. High customizability should allow you to choose which features to enable and disable.

Another optional feature to look out for is public status pages that your clients can access to determine if all your services are up and running. GetWeave is an excellent example of this. The website features a well-organized systems status page where customers can check if all of Weave’s services are functional. 

Nevertheless, you can use the above information as a buying guide when assessing potential uptime monitoring tools. The rest of this guide will supply a few suggestions as to which tools you should use for your website.

3 Best Website Uptime Monitoring Tools 

Some of the best uptime monitoring tools for website downtime alerts include:

1. Uptrends

Uptrends isn’t just a downtime detection tool; it’s a complete web performance monitoring solution. It will notify you as soon as it detects any disturbance in your website’s performance. It features highly customizable checks. For instance, you can set performance check limits for load times. Uptrends will notify you instantly if your website takes too long to load.

You can also configure from which locations you want it to monitor your website. Uptrends will then point you to where your website usually suffers performance dips in the real world. 

The service uses multiple communication channels to send users notifications: email, phone calls, and SMS. Alternatively, you can download one of Uptrend’s mobile applications and receive push notifications. Additionally, you can integrate Uptrends with messaging and communication applications such as PagerDuty, Slack, and Microsoft Teams.   

Another impressive Uptrend feature is its ability to emulate your website’s performance on different browsers. It runs Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge on its servers. Thus, you can compare how your website runs on these web browsers without installing them on your servers or computer. 

Uptrends supplies users with various charts, reports, and graphs to help identify sudden spikes or dips. Waterfall reports display the complete page-load from the initial request to the last download. This allows you to compare the history of your website’s performance element by element. It comes with three price plans whose costs depend on the number of monitors you would like. Starting at $16.21 (at the time of writing) the Starter Plan is the most affordable.

2. Oh Dear

Oh Dear is a slightly cheaper option than Uptrends, with the most affordable plan starting at $12 per month (at the time of writing). However, while Uptrends offers a 30-day free trial, Oh Dear only provides a 12-day trial period. Nevertheless, Oh Dear’s interface is a lot cleaner and more minimal. 

Since Oh Dear runs servers in different locations across the globe, it can track how your website performs in various regions. Oh Dear will scan through your website and index all the pages. If it detects any issues, it will alert you immediately. 

Oh Dear also features a continuous certificate monitoring function. Site owners who are concerned with their website’s security may find this feature to be especially useful. It will verify your SSL certificate expiration dates and alert you of any changes.  

Oh Dear’s public status page enables your clients to keep track of your website’s availability.

Oh Dear uses email and SMS text messages to alert site owners of any issues. It also features integrations with communications and social media applications such as Telegram, Discord, Slack, Microsoft Teams, etc. Oh Dear ensures that messages are as detailed and user-friendly. This makes it easier to troubleshoot and find the origin of your problem. Oh Dear is more than a worthy alternative to Uptrends. 

3. WP Umbrella

WP Umbrella is a little different from the previous entries. It’s intended to help users manage and monitor multiple WordPress sites. Thus, it is far more particularized in its approach to website uptime monitoring. Again, as is the primary function of the uptime monitoring tool, it offers a real-time alert system that will contact you through email, SMS, Slack, etc. 

WP Umbrella employs a simple minimal UI. Its main screen consists of a dashboard that allows you to view all your WordPress websites. By default, this dashboard features four columns: Site, Uptime, Speed, and Issues.

WP Umbrella will alert you of any outdated or erroneous plugins or themes. While it doesn’t offer dedicated public status pages, it does have a client report generation feature. You can automatically send these reports to your various subscribers or clients when your website is down. 

WP Umbrella is the most affordable option on this list. Users are charged $1.99 per month (at the time of writing) for each website monitored. In addition, WP Umbrella offers a 14-day trial and does not require your credit card details. It’s an excellent option for anyone running a WordPress website or two.


This guide has only explored three possible uptime monitoring solutions. They won’t only assist you in detecting downtimes, they can also help you find the reason your site may be slow.

These solutions are an excellent place to start. But there are many other options coming to market all the time. You may find that this is the first step to converting more leads and reducing your bounce rate. 


The post 3 Best Website Uptime Monitoring Tools  first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

Dans le cadre de sa transformation, le Groupe ISB investit dans un nouveau système d’information. La modernisation de son SI va s’effectuer par l’adoption de l’ERP SAP S/4HANA en mode cloud, avec l’offre RISE with SAP. Ce projet sera mené en partenariat avec NTT Data Business Solutions France (NDBS France).

Groupe ISB est un spécialiste du bois qui souffle cette année sa soixantième bougie. Acteur incontournable français des produits et solutions bois pour l’habitat et la construction, il est également spécialiste du rabotage de bois résineux en Europe.

L’entreprise s’appuie essentiellement sur deux marques fortes : Silverwood (bois rabotés : bardages, lambris, terrasses, etc.) et Sinbpla (trading de panneaux et bois résineux). Le groupe compte environ 430 collaborateurs, répartis sur différents sites : usines, hubs portuaires, plateformes logistiques et agences commerciales.

2015 : l’année de l’émancipation

Groupe ISB est né du rachat de la division Importation et Solutions Bois (ISB) de Wolseley par ses cadres en 2015. Suite au rapprochement en 2019 avec SCA Wood France, Benjamin Bodet a pris la direction générale du groupe et engagé la transformation d’ISB sur ses deux principaux métiers, qui sont l’importation et la transformation du bois. « Nous avons retravaillé tout d’abord notre modèle économique, puis notre organisation commerciale. Dans le cadre de notre plan stratégique Impact 2026, validé début 2022, nous avons notamment travaillé sur la création de valeur tout le long de la value chain, des pays producteurs à nos clients distributeurs et industriels. »

Groupe ISB a comme ambition de mettre sa politique RSE au cœur de ses activités, en proposant notamment des produits bas carbone, durables et toujours plus respectueux de l’environnement.

Le plan Impact 2026 comprend un volet visant à investir dans les solutions SAP avec comme projet clé l’adoption de l’ERP SAP S/4HANA. Un choix né d’une intense phase de réflexion : « Nous avons passé 18 mois à challenger les différents éditeurs du marché. La balance a finalement penché en faveur de SAP. C’est un environnement que nous connaissons bien, proposé par un acteur qui nous ressemble ; innovant et leader sur son marché. »

Un ERP nouvelle génération… en mode cloud

NTT Data Business Solutions France a été choisi pour accompagner le Groupe ISB dans la mise en place de l’ERP SAP S/4HANA, la méthodologie de travail proposée et l’expertise logistique NTT correspondant aux besoins du Groupe ISB, le logisticien du bois. Une solution que la société a souhaité construire depuis une feuille blanche et déployer en mode cloud, avec RISE with SAP. « Nous voulions disposer d’un outil global, capable d’intégrer au maximum nos processus, mais sans reproduire les défauts de l’ancien système, trop sur mesure, trop permissif et manquant parfois de rigueur, par exemple sur la gestion des données. »

« Opter pour SAP est un véritable challenge qu’on se sent prêt à relever, poursuit Benjamin Bodet. Cela va nous obliger à nous structurer. C’est aussi pour cela que nous avons choisi SAP. » La difficulté principale de ce projet reste d’adapter l’ERP aux spécificités d’un métier qui demeure particulier, le bois. « Notre approche consiste à coller au maximum aux standards de la solution, mais sans écarter toutefois la mise en place de processus spécifiques. Nous allons nous appuyer sur l’expertise en intégration de NDBS FRANCE pour cela. Mais il nous faudra rester raisonnables dans nos envies d’adaptation de l’outil. »

Le projet a été lancé en début d’année 2022 et devrait s’achever avec le go live de la solution SAP S/4HANA, programmé pour le 1er août 2023. 18 mois donc pour mettre en place un ERP au périmètre large (finance, contrôle de gestion, achat, vente, production et logistique) et couvrant toutes les entités du groupe.

Déjà des projets autour de l’ERP SAP S/4HANA

L’adoption d’une solution cloud devrait permettre de faciliter l’accès à l’ERP en France comme à l’étranger. « Nous avons des partenaires un peu partout dans le monde, explique Benjamin Bodet. L’un de nos projets serait par ailleurs d’intégrer SAP le plus en amont possible chez nos partenaires logistiques chargés d’exporter du bois en direction de nos hubs portuaires français. » L’objectif est de connaître au plus tôt et avec le plus de précision possible le contenu de chaque chargement, afin de mieux gérer les stocks et de mieux orienter les flux.

Autre sujet, le transport : « Nous affrétons 20.000 camions chaque année. Investir dans un module avancé de gestion des transports nous permettra de disposer d’une tour de contrôle de l’ensemble de nos flux, routiers comme maritimes, ce qui nous permettra de distribuer nos produits avec la road to market la plus directe possible. »

Dernier défi enfin, l’empreinte carbone, qui est au cœur du plan stratégique Impact 2026 de Groupe ISB. « Pour optimiser notre empreinte carbone, que ce soit lors de la production ou du transport, il nous faut des outils. SAP Product Footprint Management est une solution que nous souhaitons implémenter, car en nous donnant la capacité de mesurer l’impact carbone de nos produits elle pourrait nous apporter un net avantage compétitif et aligner avec les valeurs de notre entreprise que nous portons. »

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New Zealand Rugby (NZR) a annoncé la signature d’un partenariat majeur pluriannuel avec SAP afin d’accélérer la transformation numérique de l’Union de Rugby. SAP, tout premier grand partenaire technologique de NZR, devient à la fois un Partenaire Officiel Mondial Premium, un Partenaire Technologique Officiel, et le Partenaire Officiel des Logiciels Cloud des « équipes en noir »*, notamment les All Blacks et les Black Ferns.

Leader du marché des logiciels d’application d’entreprise, SAP possède l’expertise, les solutions et l’envergure nécessaire pour créer une infrastructure technologique plus efficace, connectée et innovante pour NZR. Les deux organisations collaboreront pour identifier et mettre en œuvre des solutions Cloud novatrices, et connecter les données dans des domaines clés, afin de fournir un avantage concurrentiel sur et en dehors du terrain aux équipes, et plus largement à tout l’écosystème de NZR.

Ce partenariat permettra à NZR d’exploiter les solutions SAP et d’innover dans quatre domaines clés : créer un système de gestion intégré pour diriger et améliorer ses opérations, parfaire l’expérience des supporters, réaliser des objectifs de développement durable pour l’organisation et explorer la manière dont l’utilisation des données et des solutions peut favoriser la performance des équipes.

  • Opérations organisationnelles : l’utilisation d’un hub digital de solutions SAP pour créer des systèmes interconnectés permettant à NZR de tirer le meilleur parti de la puissance de ses systèmes et des données hors terrain, afin de mieux soutenir leurs équipes en place.
  • Performance de l’équipe : en implémentant SAP SuccessFactors et en se dotant d’une source unique de données RH, NZR compte améliorer l’expérience de ses membres et leur permettre ainsi d’atteindre leur plein potentiel.
  • Expérience des fans : créer de nouvelles façons de se connecter et de dialoguer avec la base de supporters locaux et mondiaux de NZR, tout en exploitant les nouvelles technologies et plateformes, afin qu’ils se rapprochent de leurs équipes et joueurs préférés.
  • Impact environnemental : exploiter les solutions et les capacités numériques permettant à NZR de gérer de manière holistique ses performances en matière de durabilité, tout en soutenant la stratégie plus large de NZR en matière de responsabilité sociale et d’environnementale (RSE).

Angela Nash, Chief Information & Technology Officer de NZR, a déclaré : “La NZR entreprend une transformation numérique de grande ampleur qui nécessite le soutien et l’expertise d’une organisation technologique internationale, pour nous aider à réaliser notre objectif : devenir l’Union de Rugby la plus avancée sur le plan technologique dans le monde. SAP est à l’avant-garde de la transformation numérique au niveau mondial et dispose des outils nécessaires pour nous aider à mettre en place une équipe d’experts qui, non seulement partage notre vision, mais dont les compétences et les capacités sont de renommée internationale. Nous sommes ravis qu’ils soient notre premier partenaire technologique et qu’ils travaillent avec NZR sur toutes les plates-formes clés afin d’examiner, d’améliorer et de nous permettre de fournir des systèmes technologiques qui garantissent que nous sommes les meilleurs sur le terrain et en dehors.”

Scott Russell, Executive Board Member & Customer Success, commente :

New Zealand Rugby s’est fixé un objectif ambitieux : devenir le collectif de Rugby le plus avancé technologiquement au monde. En tant que tout premier partenaire technologique de l’organisation, SAP peut aider NZR à atteindre cet objectif en favorisant la transformation numérique dans tous ses domaines d’activités et en introduisant des technologies révolutionnaires qui aideront les équipes de NZR à donner le meilleur d’elles-mêmes – et à gagner. ”

SAP et NZR mettront également l’accent sur le développement de programmes et d’initiatives supplémentaires visant à promouvoir et à célébrer la diversité et l’inclusion.

Grâce à ce partenariat, SAP bénéficiera de divers droits et avantages, notamment le marquage et la signalisation dans les stades et sur le terrain pour les matchs gérés par NZR, le marquage sur toutes les plateformes numériques, les interventions des joueurs et des rencontres exclusives avec les équipes et les joueurs.

*Les « équipes en noir » de la NZR – les All Blacks, les Black Ferns, les All Blacks Sevens, les Black Ferns Sevens, les Māori All Blacks, les All Blacks XV et les All Blacks moins de 20.


Fondé en 1892, New Zealand Rugby s’efforce d’inspirer et d’unifier les Néo-Zélandais à travers le rugby. Notre objectif est de diriger, soutenir, développer et promouvoir le jeu national de la Nouvelle-Zélande, en mettant le rugby au cœur de chaque communauté. Le système de haute performance de NZR s’efforce de promouvoir les compétitions que nos fans aiment, d’encourager les talents qui peuvent représenter nos équipes en noir et d’être leader mondial sur et en dehors du terrain.

La stratégie de SAP est d’aider chaque entreprise à fonctionner comme une entreprise intelligente et durable. En tant que leader du marché des logiciels d’application d’entreprise, nous aidons les entreprises de toutes tailles et de tous secteurs à fonctionner au mieux : Les clients de SAP génèrent 87 % du commerce mondial total. Nos technologies d’apprentissage automatique, d’Internet des objets (IoT) et d’analyse avancée permettent de transformer les activités des clients en entreprises intelligentes. SAP aide à donner aux personnes et aux organisations une connaissance approfondie de l’entreprise et favorise la collaboration qui leur permet de garder une longueur d’avance sur leurs concurrents. Nous simplifions la technologie pour les entreprises afin qu’elles puissent utiliser nos logiciels comme elles le souhaitent, sans interruption. Notre suite d’applications et de services de bout en bout permet aux entreprises et aux organismes publics de 25 secteurs d’activité dans le monde entier de fonctionner de manière rentable, de s’adapter en permanence et de faire la différence. Grâce à un réseau mondial de clients, de partenaires, d’employés et de leaders d’opinion, SAP aide le monde à mieux fonctionner et à améliorer la vie des gens. Pour plus d’informations, visitez le site

The post SAP et New Zealand Rugby unissent leurs forces pour dynamiser la transformation numérique avec un partenariat mondial appeared first on SAP France News.

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