

Levallois, le 25 novembre 2020 – SAP France annonce aujourd’hui la disponibilité d’une nouvelle plateforme e-commerce, nouvelle génération, destinée aux PME souhaitant développer rapidement un site e‑commerce : SAP Upscale Commerce. La solution permet de déployer rapidement des vitrines intelligentes sur mobile et sur le web pour chercher de nouveaux revenus et créer de nouvelles expériences clients.

« SAP Upscale Commerce apporte une solution efficace pour les petites et moyennes structures dans un environnement social et économique bousculé par une crise sanitaire. Une ou deux semaines maximum suffisent pour mettre en ligne un site e-commerce pensé pour un usage mobile et omni-canal. Avec cette solution, nous souhaitons accompagner les PME dans leur transformation numérique dans une période critique », explique Lahcen Binoumar, Directeur des Ventes PME, SAP France.

Flexibilité et rapidité : deux attributs essentiels de la solution SAP Upscale Commerce.

Partant du constat que les consommateurs accordent de plus en plus d’importances aux expériences simples de consommation et s’attendent à pouvoir faire leurs achats sur tous leurs appareils ou canaux, SAP a développé une plate-forme agile qui permet aux marques et aux commerces de créer des expériences d’achat simples, rapides et à moindre coût.

La solution SAP Upscale Commerce, solution en mode SaaS, permet à ses utilisateurs de lancer des nouveaux produits, tester des marchés et boutiques éphémères grâce à des applications optimisées et intuitives pouvant combiner des achats en ligne et en magasin pour des expériences d’achat multicanales. SAP Upscale Commerce bénéficie d’une gestion avancée grâce à l’Intelligence Artificielle permettant aux clients de profiter d’une expérience d’achat unique et engageante tout en maximisant la rentabilité et les ventes pour la marque ou le détaillant. La solution offre un « mobigramme » : une vitrine personnelle alimentée par l’intelligence artificielle qui optimise dynamiquement l’assortiment de produits pour chaque visiteur.

Les principaux avantages sont :

  • La création et le déploiement de boutique en quelques clics, sans code.
  • Une approche de commerce multi-canal pour offrir une expérience contextuelle, personnalisée et transparente, et ainsi maximiser les profits.
  • Une expérience de boutique connectée au back-office, tout en testant de nouveaux concepts de commerce rapidement, à moindre coût.


Une expérience optimisée permettant de réaliser des profits.

La solution est construite à l’aide de la technologie cloud-native sur une architecture de micro-services pilotés par API. Cette configuration permet une grande flexibilité dans son déploiement et une adaptabilité à tous les environnements. Ainsi, elle peut être autonome, déployée comme une extension complémentaire avec d’autres solutions existantes, via son propre système de gestion de commande ou encore par un système de gestion de commande existant. SAP Upscale Commerce permet de réduire le temps de déploiement sur le marché et le coût total de possession, et de proposer des expériences d’achat à profit optimisé grâce à :

  • Un déploiement rapide et sans code pour proposer des expériences d’achat réussies.
  • Un environnement SaaS multi-tenant, toujours en service et continuellement mis à jour.
  • Une technologie intégrée permettant un merchandising intelligent, une personnalisation, une gestion des commandes distribuées et la vente en continu.


SAP Upscale Commerce : un accompagnement sur-mesure en période de crise sanitaire.

SAP accompagne depuis des années les PME, les startups dans leurs développements et s’intéresse particulièrement à l’impact de la crise sanitaire tant sur ses collaborateurs que sur l’expérience utilisateur**. Pour chaque étape du parcours, SAP met à disposition une assistance technologique à distance et un portail en libre-service composé d’experts sectoriels, de consultants et d’ingénieurs support afin d’offrir à l’utilisateur un plan de soutien et des supports complets, des stratégies d’innovation et de connaissances techniques et sectorielles approfondies. De plus, les utilisateurs se concentrent sur leurs métiers et la relation client grâce à la gestion du centre de données réalisée par SAP.

** Etude retail, Odoxa x SAPCustomer Data Platform

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Levallois-Perret, France 28 octobre 2020 SAP SE (NYSE : SAP) a annoncé aujourd’hui le lancement de Grow by SAP, un package technologique exclusif conçu pour aider les entreprises à forte croissance à accélérer leurs activités de la manière la plus durable possible. Ce kit de démarrage SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) sera proposé sous forme d’abonnement gratuit pendant les six premiers mois pour les sociétés en hyper croissance éligibles au programme ainsi qu’un accompagnement dédié pour s’assurer d’une adoption optimale.

La France compte près de 20 000 startups qui contribuent chaque année à l’économie du pays à hauteur de plusieurs centaines de milliard d’euros. Elle abrite également 10 licornes technologiques – le président Macron souhaite en compter 25 d’ici 2025 – faisant du pays le deuxième plus fournis d’Europe derrière le Royaume-Uni. Toutefois, en raison du manque d’investissement résultant de la pandémie de Covid-19, ces scale-ups sont confrontées à un déficit de financement à hauteur de 1,4 milliard d’euros en cette année 2020. La pandémie renforçant le rôle central de la technologie dans tous les secteurs, la solution SAP donnera à ces entreprises à croissance rapide les outils et les ressources nécessaires pour poursuivre leur développement dans un contexte inédit et leur fournira une plateforme de croissance durable.

Cette offre SaaS couvre toutes les exigences administratives auxquelles est soumise une entreprise, y compris la planification des ressources de l’entreprise (ERP), la finance, les ressources humaines, les déplacements et les dépenses, ainsi que l’analytique. La solution Grow by SAP leur fournit donc tout ce dont elles ont besoin pour atteindre de nouveaux sommets, y compris un accès rapide à une chaîne d’approvisionnement mondiale, une gestion de l’expérience humaine (Human Experience Management HXM) et des fonctionnalités ERP qui tirent pleinement parti du cloud, de l’apprentissage automatique et de l’analytique avancée.

« Nous constatons que les startups font face à des défis considérables et sont confrontées à un écart de croissance à cause de la pandémie de Covid-19 », a déclaré Brian Duffy, président de SAP EMEA North. « Nous croyons plus que jamais que le moment est venu de renforcer notre soutien à ses entreprises  croissance rapide dans leur mission de transformation du monde des affaires.

« Nous avons tous été témoins du rôle vital joué par les scale-ups dans le maintien de l’économie tout au long de la pandémie, et nous sommes convaincus qu’elles sont l’une des clés de notre reprise post-Covid. SAP partage la même vision que ces entreprises, et nous espérons qu’en leur donnant accès à ces technologies, nous les aiderons à prospérer, à promouvoir l’innovation et à exploiter tout leur potentiel. »

Le projet Grow by SAP rejoint la gamme complète de solutions SAP, qui aident les entreprises et les individus à faire face à l’impact de la pandémie de Covid-19. Cette gamme de solutions inclut des solutions permettant de faire face aux perturbations touchant les chaînes d’approvisionnement, d’explorer de nouvelles façons de travailler, d’aider les employés et les clients en leur apportant ce dont ils ont le plus besoin.

Grow by SAP est spécialement conçu pour les organisations étant valorisées plus de 150 millions de dollars dans le cadre des différentes séries de financement, et ce jusqu’à l’IPO. Cette offre est actuellement disponible pour les entreprises basées en France, au Royaume-Uni et en Irlande, aux Pays-Bas, en Belgique, au Luxembourg et dans les pays nordiques.


Pour de plus amples renseignements sur Grow by SAP, consultez notre site web.

Consultez le SAP News Center. Suivez SAP sur Twitter : @SAPNews. 

A propos de SAP 

La stratégie de SAP vise à aider chaque organisation à fonctionner en “entreprise intelligente”. En tant que leader du marché des logiciels d’application d’entreprise, nous aidons les entreprises de toutes tailles et de tous secteurs à opérer au mieux : 77 % des transactions commerciales mondiales entrent en contact avec un système SAP®. Nos technologies de Machine Learning, d’Internet des objets (IoT) et d’analytique avancées aident nos clients à transformer leurs activités en “entreprises intelligentes”. SAP permet aux personnes et aux organisations d’avoir une vision approfondie de leur business et favorise la collaboration afin qu’elles puissent garder une longueur d’avance sur leurs concurrents. Nous simplifions la technologie afin que les entreprises puissent utiliser nos logiciels comme elles le souhaitent – sans interruption. Notre suite d’applications et de services de bout en bout permet aux clients privés et publics de 25 secteurs d’activité dans le monde de fonctionner de manière rentable, de s’adapter en permanence et de faire la différence. Avec son réseau mondial de clients, partenaires, employés et leaders d’opinion, SAP aide le monde à mieux fonctionner et à améliorer la vie de chacun. Pour plus d’informations, visitez le site

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This month’s collection of new tools, resources, and freebies for designers is a smorgasbord of sorts. You’ll find everything from useful APIs to icons to tutorials to fonts.

Let’s get right into it, here’s what new for designers this month:

Tooltip Sequence

Now that your app or website is ready, you might need to help users engage with it. Tooltip Sequence is a simple JavaScript package that helps you create a series of small tooltips that will guide users through product features with a small description of what they need to know. It looks great and the best part is this tool saves you from having to create each tooltip description manually on each page and link them together.


Serenade allows you to free up your hands with voice coding technology. Use natural speech and stay productive with this tool that allows you to code without typing. It works across multiple coding languages and platforms. It’s as easy as “add function hello” and the tool knows what syntax to use.


Gazepass, which is still in beta, is a nifty API that allows for passwordless multi-factor authentication for any website or mobile app. It uses biometrics on any device or platform to make getting into apps or websites easier for users.


Filters.css is a CSS-only library to apply color filters to website images. Installation only takes three steps and includes a variety of filers, such as blur, grayscale, brightness, contrast, invert, saturate, sepia, and opacity.

Sidebar Webring

Sidebar Webring is a collection of blogs and websites that are focused on web design. The curated list is handpicked for superb content for designers and developers. But, what’s a webring? It’s a collection of linked websites in a circular structure that are organized around a theme. The term is a throwback to the early days of the web in the 1990s and 2000s.

Wicked Templates

Wicked Templates is a set of responsive HTML templates made with Bulma and Tailwind CSS that you can style and use as you wish. Use these templates to jumpstart projects. Free and paid options available.

WP Umbrella

WP Umbrella will help you keep sites running in a healthy and safe manner on WordPress. Monitor uptime and performance, PHP errors, and keep up with hundreds of websites from one dashboard.


Servicebot helps you create customer-facing embeddable billing pages that work with Stripe payments. This premium tool is quite user-friendly and works with websites or SaaS.

Custom, Accessible Checkboxes with Perfect Alignment

Create custom, accessible checkboxes with perfect alignment every time. This walkthrough shows you how to use CSS to align elements and labels. is a nifty tool that creates 3D object shadows. Use the easy on-screen controls to get just the right orientation and shape.


Urlcat is a tiny JavaScript library that helps you build URLs with dynamic parameters and without mistakes. The friendly API has no dependencies, includes TypeScript types, and is just 0.8KB minified and gzipped.


Reacher is a real-time email verification API that lets you check the validity of an address before you send the email. Reduce bounce rates in an instant. (The personal version is free.)


Swell is a most powerful headless ecommerce platform for modern brands, startups, and agencies. Create fast and flexible shopping experiences with the API and headless storefront themes. This is a premium tool but does have a free trial.

No Code Founders 2.0

No Code Founders 2.0 is a platform for discovering the latest startups built with no-code and the tools used to build them. Browse startups, tools, perks, interviews, jobs, meetups, posts, and more as part of the no-code movement. The community engages on Slack and requires an email to sign up.

How to Pick More Beautiful Colors for Your Data Visualizations

Beautiful color choices will make your data visualizations that much more impactful. This tutorial by Lisa Charlotte Rost will help you make better color choices on the way to better infographics and charts. Plus, it’s well developed, designed, and packed with useful information.


IconPark is a collection of more than 1,200 high-quality icons with an interface that allows you to customize them. It uses a single SVG source file that can be transformed into multiple themes. The library includes cross-platform components and is free to use.

Mono Icons

Mono Icons is a simple and consistent open-source icon set that uses mono spacing. The collection includes 136 icons.


BGJar is a free SVG background generator for digital projects. Pick a category and customize the result to fit your project or needs.


HitCount is almost too simple to be true. This tiny tool lets you add a hit counter to your website that’s as easy as adding an image. Copy the code and make any customizations you want. Then paste it to your design. That’s it!


Blacklight is a real-time website privacy inspector. The tool by Surya Mattu scans any website you enter in the scan bar and shows what user-tracking technologies are used on the website. This allows you to see who might be gathering data about your visit.


Alter is a customizable – and experimental – three-dimensional typeface that you can experiment with. It’s as fun to play with as use.

Autobus Omnibus

Autobus Omnibus is a simple all capitals font with new wave styling. The character set has 96 glyphs that are perfect for display use.


Deathmatch is a seasonal blackletter font that’s ideal for the upcoming Halloween holiday. The character set includes plenty of options and there’s a full version (paid) for commercial use.

Futura Now

Futura Now is a premium typeface and update to a font you may already know and love. The new version has 107 styles in a massive family.

Pumpkin Soup

Pumpkin Soup is a fun almost handwriting style typeface with a cartoonish vibe. It includes a regular and italic style and is most appropriate in limited use.


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Every week users submit a lot of interesting stuff on our sister site Webdesigner News, highlighting great content from around the web that can be of interest to web designers.

The best way to keep track of all the great stories and news being posted is simply to check out the Webdesigner News site, however, in case you missed some here’s a quick and useful compilation of the most popular designer news that we curated from the past week.

The Core Concepts of Bold Web Design


Chrome Extensions Every Web Developer Must Have


How to Use Email Infographics to Engage Subscribers


30+ Free Graphic Templates for SaaS Social Media


Searchbox – A Lightweight JavaScript Library for Building Search UIs


Twake – Open Source Collaboration Platform for Teams


Synthesia – Generate Professional-looking AI Videos from Text in Minutes


Design Resources


19 Trippy & Glitchy CSS Distortion Effects


Update on Firefox Send and Firefox Notes


The Rounded User Experience


Chinese Approach to 3D Illustration and Character Design


Sapiens Character Builder




Here’s How You Measure the Success of a UX Design Project


Tools Should not Only Be for Experts – They Should Turn Us into Them


Designing with Accessible Color Contrast on the Web


The Future of Experiences, According to a Theme Park Designer


How to Make an App – The Ultimate Guide


Page Experience: A Guide on Google’s Newest Ranking Factor


Visual Mind AI – How Attractive is your Website?


The Untold History of MacOS System Preferences


Bringing Context to Design Systems


How to Market Yourself as a Creative Entrepreneur


Magic Startup Shell – Validate your Startup Idea


Want more? No problem! Keep track of top design news from around the web with Webdesigner News.


Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

Every week users submit a lot of interesting stuff on our sister site Webdesigner News, highlighting great content from around the web that can be of interest to web designers.

The best way to keep track of all the great stories and news being posted is simply to check out the Webdesigner News site, however, in case you missed some here’s a quick and useful compilation of the most popular designer news that we curated from the past week.

The Beginner’s Guide to Responsive Web Design in 2020


Frontendor – HTML Templates and Blocks to Help Build Beautiful Websites


Why these Developer Job Titles are Ridiculous and Shouldn’t Exist


Emblemicons – Open-Source Free to Use Library of 1000+ Beautiful Icons


Disrespectful Design – Users Aren’t Stupid or Lazy


Welcome to your Bland New World


Playing with Fonts


The 50 Best Fonts for Creating Stunning Logos


How HTTPS Works


Nova – Beautiful, Fast, Flexible, Native Mac Code Editor


How to Be a Great Email Designer: Essential Tools


10 UX Lessons I Learned Building my Product from Scratch


5 Fears that Creatives Must Overcome


Introducing Mono Icons


From Posters to the Web: The Link Between Print and Digital Design


Designing SaaS Products In 2020


User Experience: What Is, its Guidelines and How to Apply it on your Website


The Evolution of the Google Sign up Form: 2005 → 2020


Principles for Naming a Brand


How to Choose the Right Website Fonts


Design Principles: What, Why, and How


5 Basic Types of Images in Web Design


Documenting is Designing: How Documentation Drives Better Design Outcomes


How to Create Dreamy Color Blurs in Adobe Illustrator


The Entrepreneur Vs the Linchpin: Which Type of Designer are You?


Want more? No problem! Keep track of top design news from around the web with Webdesigner News.


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As a freelance web developer, how many clients do you get from your website? If you’re like most, you’re probably lucky to get one client every 2-3 months. Unfortunately, that’s very common.

These days it’s not enough just to be a web developer if you want to make really good money. You have to be able to differentiate yourself in the marketplace to get more opportunities. If you can do this successfully, I’m 100% sure that it will help you win more projects and charge higher rates.

So today I’d like to share with you a little bit of my own story. In the last 4 months, I was able to position myself as a specialist with my personal site that ultimately helped me win more projects and get better clients.

The Importance of Niching Down

The first thing that I would invite you to do is to shift your thinking a little bit.

If you want to be a high-paid professional (especially if you’re a freelancer), you need to learn how to market and sell yourself. And the first rule of marketing is to identify your target audience and the result that you help them achieve.

I can’t over emphasize the importance of this.

You need to know exactly who you help and the outcome that you provide. That is ultimately what you get paid for. So you need to define your ideal client.

My suggestion is to pick a market segment that you would love to work with, that has the money to afford you and (ideally) those that have already done some projects for. Once you have identified your target market, you need to create your positioning statement. Your positioning statement should immediately tell who you help and what results you help them achieve.

Here is a formula that you can use to create your positioning statement:

I help __ (target audience) __ do (build/achieve/overcome) ___ (problem that you help them solve).

For example: I help startup SaaS companies build highly converting websites. You can go even narrower if you want, but this is already much better than just saying, “I’m a web developer.”

If your positioning statement is “I help startup SaaS companies build highly converting websites” it can still be narrowed down and improved. As you gain more experience and work with more clients, you can refine it to something like: “I help healthcare SaaS companies build highly converting websites.”

Now imagine if a SaaS startup founder from a healthcare niche came to your site and saw that positioning statement vs a very generic one like “I’m a web developer”. How much easier would it be for you to differentiate yourself and gain a huge advantage over your competitors in the marketplace?

4 Elements of a Perfect Landing Page

“I am passionate about coding, I have 10+ years of experience, client satisfaction is my main goal…” 

Have you ever seen statements like that on someone’s portfolio site? Or maybe it even says that on your own site. From my experience, statements like that don’t really help you convert site visitors into customers.

If you personally go to a company’s website, what would you like to see yourself as a visitor? Somebody saying how good they are, or to find out if they can be a good fit to solve your problem? I think that most of the time the latter is what you’re after. That’s what other people usually go to your website for; they want to know how you can help them solve their problems.

For instance, take a look at this section from Tom Hirst’s website:

As you can see, this immediately helps the visitors understand if Tom is a good fit for them or not. He doesn’t just boast about how good he is, but rather helps the client understand what problems he can solve for them. Another important part here is that Tom doesn’t use a lot of technical terms. Since a lot of his visitors may be not as tech-savvy as he is, there is no point in confusing them with technical jargon. The more you can speak their language – the easier it will be for you to build trust and connection that will later help you during the sales process.

Let me tell you a bit about the 4 parts of my site that I think have contributed significantly to having me win more projects. The 4 elements are problem, solution, proof, and call to action. Let me go over them 1 by 1 and explain why they’re important.

1. Problem

A good way to start your landing page sales letter is by identifying the problem of the client. If you know their pain points and you mention them, you should be able to hook them into reading your copy. And a well-written copy plays a significant role in persuading your visitors to take the next action.

2. Solution

Once you have mentioned their problem, you need to present them with a solution that you provide. You need to show them how working with you can solve their problems. Whatever their problems are, you have to show them that you understand them and can help solve them.

That’s what UX designer Matt Oplinski is doing on his website is doing. He knows that his clients might need help with 3 types of projects: Digital Products, Marketing Websites or Mobile Apps. For example, the clients who are seeking a redesign of their website may have an issue with their current conversion rates. And that’s exactly what Matthew lists in the middle section under “Custom Marketing Website” headline. I would even argue that he may have been a bit more specific with the solutions that he can offer.

The main takeaway here is that it’s important to be very specific with the result that you can help your clients achieve. The more accurate it is, the better it is going to convert.

3. Social Proof

Social proof plays an extremely important role in converting a lead into a customer. When someone comes to your site, they don’t know if they can trust you. If they were to spend one, two, five, ten or even more thousand dollars – they need to feel comfortable with you. They need to have at least some level of trust. That’s why they want to see as many signs as possible that you’re trustworthy.

Social proof obviously can come in many different forms. The most popular and important ones, in my opinion, are case studies with results that you’ve produced and testimonials. They will be absolutely crucial to persuade your clients and be able to differentiate yourself from others.

Here is a good example from Bill Erickson’s site:

Ideally, your testimonials should showcase a particular business goal that you’ve helped your client to achieve. But even if you don’t have those, you can use ordinary testimonials that your clients give you. That alone is better than no testimonials at all.

4. Call to Action

Last but not least you should have a single call to action on your site. Most likely it will be a button to contact you, or book a call with you.

In my opinion, it’s important to have a single call to action because if you give people too many options they will not be so focused on taking an action that you actually want them to take.

I also suggest that you have a call to action button at least 2-3 times on the page: one on the first screen where you have your positioning statement and/or your offer, and one at the very bottom of the page so that when they finish reading they don’t need to go back to the top to take action. Having another call to action in the middle of your page is also a good idea. My advice would be to add it after you’ve described the problem, your solution and presented yourself as someone who can help your leads with their problems.


I started niching down and created my own website four months ago. Being a member of multiple freelance platforms, I’ve been fortunate enough to get enough leads in my target market to test out my strategy. So far the results are pretty amazing.

It has become a lot easier for me to win projects, get clients that respect my knowledge, and my process. Besides that, I’ve been able to significantly increase my rates for my work. A great thing about working with similar projects every time is that you automate and streamline a lot of things, improve your delivery process and become much more efficient. You can even create a productized service. This is something that is very hard to achieve if you’re constantly working on custom projects that have different requirements and involve different technologies.

To be completely transparent, I’m still in the process of building my authority in the niche, polishing my offer and gaining experience. I still have a long way to go. What I can certainly say today is that it has been one of the best decisions in my professional career.

To become a high paying professional in your industry you have to do things differently. Today I tried to show you one of the ways that you can improve your career or freelancing business fast. It probably won’t happen overnight, but in a matter of a few months you can be so much ahead of your competition if you deploy some of the strategies that I’ve shared with you today.

I really hope that this article has helped you gain some perspective and you will start to consider doing a similar thing that I did to achieve amazing results.


Featured image via Unsplash.


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Today we’ll break down the differences between single and multi-tenant architectures. The main difference between them is that these software applications can serve either one or more customers at the same time. A single tenancy architecture is mostly used throughout the SaaS (software-as-a-service) cloud services or delivery models. On the other hand, a multi-tenancy, though it is also an architecture of a single software application, serves multiple customers at a time.

By knowing the differences, people will understand how each architecture works and which model is the best solution for their needs, also I record a video were I explained 3 ways to architect your SaaS application. It’s essential to learn more about single-tenant vs multi-tenant so people understand the importance these two architectures have.

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Web design clients come from a wide variety of backgrounds. One day, you’ll be designing a portfolio website for a voiceover artist, the next you’ll be creating a comprehensive ecommerce site for a leading retailer. In an ideal world, you’ll get to a point where you eventually specialize in a niche. However, you’ll need to master both avenues first.

The more time you spend in this industry, the more you’ll learn that every client comes with their own unique requirements and challenges to consider. However, there’s a particularly huge divide between the kind of web design projects you do for B2B clients, and the ones you do for B2C customers.

Both B2B (Business to Business) and B2C (Business to Consumer) websites need to be clear, concise, and aesthetically pleasing. They should always have a strong focus on user experience, and they need to work consistently across devices. However, being aware of the difference between B2B and B2C projects will help you to deliver better results to your customers.

Defining the Differences Between B2B and B2C Sites

Some web design trends remain consistent in any environment.

Whether you’re creating a site for a hairdresser, or a leading SaaS company, you’ll need to deliver responsive design, intuitive navigation, and excellent site security.

Your process is unlikely to differ from B2B to B2C much in terms of project milestones, phases, prototyping and wire-framing. The differences that arise between B2B and B2C projects often come in the approach you take to building certain elements.

Let’s take a closer look at the things you might need to consider:

1. The Target Audience

In any design project, it’s always important to keep the end customer in mind. Knowing your client’s target audience will help you to create both an image and a tone of voice that appeals to the right people.

B2B Websites

With B2B websites, you’ll be speaking to a range of highly-educated individuals who already have a general knowledge of your service. The aim here will be to show the end-user how you can help them achieve better results. For instance, highlights “syncing communication” so you can “effortlessly chat” with your team.

The language and content of the website is all about highlighting the key benefits of the products, and the kind of outcomes that they can deliver. The Nielsen Norman Group reports that there’s often a lot of discussion between decision-makers when they’re checking out a B2B website.  

Designers need to work harder at convincing B2B buyers that they’re making the right decision. This is particularly true when you’re selling something like a software subscription that requires a lot of long—term investment.

B2C Websites

On the other hand, while B2B customers make decisions based on logic, information, and well-explained benefits, B2C customers are more influenced by emotion. They want quick solutions to their problems, and the opportunity to purchase from a brand that “understands” them.

Look at the Firebox website, for instance. It instantly highlights an ongoing sale at the top of the homepage, addressing any concerns a customer might have about price. That combined with a quirky layout full of authentic photos and bright colors means that customers are more inclined to take action.

2. The Purpose

Another factor that can vary from B2C to B2B websites, is the motive behind a customer’s purchase. Knowing what’s pushing a target audience to interact with a brand will help you to create a website that appeals to specific goals.

B2B Websites

B2B websites often aim to solve expensive and time-consuming problems for companies. To sell a decision-maker on the validity of a solution, it’s important to thoroughly explain what the solution is, how it works, and how it addressees a specific pain point.

Look at the Zoom website for instance, they don’t just tell people that they offer video conferencing, they address the practical applications of the platform:

B2C Websites

Consumers are a lot easier to appeal to in terms of emotional impact, because many of them come to a website looking to fulfill an urgent need. Because of this, many web designers can take advantage of things like urgency and demand to encourage conversions. For instance, look at this website from TravelZoo. It takes advantage of a customer’s desire to get away:

A B2B website needs to focus on providing information that helps companies to make more confident decisions. What’s more, with B2B sites, decisions are often made by several stakeholders, while B2C sites ask a single person to make a choice. A B2C website needs to address immediate concerns and connect with customers on an emotional level. B2C buyers still want to do their research on products or services, but the turnaround is much quicker, and often requires less information.

3. The Design Elements (Visual Appearance)

Just as the focus of your website design and the audience that you’re creating the experience for can differ from B2B to B2C websites, the visual elements of the design might change too.

B2B Websites

In most cases, B2B websites are all about presenting a highly professional and respectable image. You’ll notice a lot of safe and clear choices when it comes to typography and imagery. It’s unusual to see a B2B website that takes risks with things like illustrations and animations.

Look at the Green Geeks website for instance. Everything is laid out to encourage clarity and understanding. Information is easy to find, and there are no other issues that might distract a customer.

B2C Websites

On the other hand, B2C websites can be a little more daring. With so many different options to choose from, and most customers buying out of a sense of urgency or sudden demand, designers are under pressure to capture attention quick. This means that it’s much more likely to see large pieces of eye-catching imagery on B2C sites, with very little text.

Movement, like slideshows and animations often play more of a role here. Additionally, there’s a good chance that you’ll be able to experiment more aggressively with color. Take a look at the Yotel website, for instance. There’s very little textual information here, but the appeal of the website is conveyed through sliding images:

4. Website Content

The way that information is conveyed on a B2B website is very different to the messages portrayed on a B2C site. Usually, everything from the language, to the amount of content that you use for these projects will differ drastically.

B2B Websites

When designing for a B2B website, you’ll need to be careful with content, as you’ll be speaking to a very mixed audience. If your site caters to different industries, you’ll need to ensure that you show authority, without using too much jargon. Some companies even create different pages on their site for specific customers. The website covers the benefits from a company, sale and integration perspective:

Rather than try to talk to all business owners about their differing communication pains, G-Suite anticipates its audience and creates pages for each.

B2C Websites

Alternatively, B2C websites can make things a little simpler. For instance, on, there’s no need to provide a ton of information for different types of shopper, designers can appeal to one audience, i.e. the “beauty addict”:

In both B2B and B2C websites, the aim of the content should always be to answer any questions that the end user might have.

5. CTA Buttons

Call to Action buttons are often a crucial part of the web design journey. However, it’s sometimes difficult to determine where they should be placed, or how many buttons you need.

B2B Websites

Because the decision to buy something won’t always happen immediately with a B2B website, these kinds of sites often use a variety of CTAs. For instance, you might have a “Request a Quote” button at the top of a page, as well as a Sign in button.

On the Klaviyo site, for instance, you can request a demo, sign up or log in:

You can place CTAs lower on the page with B2B websites too, as it’s more likely that your customers will be scrolling through the site to collect more information before they decide to buy.

B2C Websites

On the other hand, with B2C websites, you usually don’t need to give your visitors as many options. A single option to “Add to Cart”, or perhaps an extra choice to “Add to Favorites” is all your user will need. Customers need to instantly see what they need to do next as soon as they arrive on a page:

On the Evil Hair website, you immediately see how to add a product to your cart.

Remember, the sales process is a lot quicker with B2C customers. This means that you need your CTA buttons to be front and center as soon as someone clicks on a page.

6. Contact Forms

In a similar vein, the way that you design your contact forms will also depend on the end-user that the website wants to appeal to. There’s a very different process for getting in touch on a B2B website, compared to a B2C site.

B2B Websites

B2B websites often require longer contact forms, as clients need to collect additional information about a prospect’s position in a company, and what that company does. B2B companies need to share things like what they’re looking for in a service, and how many users they have, so a sales team knows what kind of demonstration to give.

As with any strategy for contact form design, you should always only include the fields that your client needs and no more. If you demand too much from any client, you could send them running in the opposite direction. Check out this straightforward option from Ironpaper, for instance:

The form addresses as many relevant questions as possible without overwhelming the customer. Because the site handles things like design, it makes sense that they would ask for a link to the company’s existing website.

B2C Websites

On a B2C website, there are very different approaches to contact forms. You may have a dedicated contact form on your website where people can get in touch if they have any questions. A FAQ page where customers can serve themselves is another great way to help your client stand out from the competition. Check out this option from River Island, for instance:

On the other hand, you might implement pop-up contact forms into a website if your client wants to collect emails for email marketing. In that case, it’s important to make sure that you’re only asking for the information you need, and nothing more.

The easier it is to sign up for a newsletter, the more likely it is that customers will do it. Being able to enter their name and email address and nothing else will make the signup seem less tasking.

7. Search Bars and Navigation

Whether you’re designing for B2B or B2C companies, navigation will always be a critical concern. End users need to find it easy to track down the information that they need about a company, whether they’re looking for a particular product or a blog.

B2B Websites

On a B2B website, the search bar often takes up a lot less prominence than it does on a B2C site. That’s because all of the information that a client needs, and the buttons they need to take their next steps, are already visible front-and-center.

As a designer, it will be your job to push as many people to convert as possible, by making the purchasing journey the most appealing path for visitors. For instance, on the Copper website, the “Try Free” buttons are much easier to see than “Continue with Google” or “Login”:

With B2B sites, the focus is on a very specific goal. Although navigation still needs to be available, it doesn’t need to be as obvious as it is on a B2C site.

B2C Websites

On the other hand, most B2C websites offer a wide range of products, and they’re perfectly happy for their customers to purchase anything, as long as they eventually convert. Because of this, they make navigation a much more significant part of the customer journey.

The search bar is often presented at the very top of the screen where customers can see it immediately. Additionally, there may be multiple pages within certain product categories, so that customers can browse through the items they’re most interested in. For instance, look at the homepage on the IWoot website:

The navigation elements in B2C websites need to be a lot more obvious, because consumers are more likely to use them when they’re searching through their options.

8. Social Proof and Testimonials

Finally, social proof is one of the things that will work well for improving conversions on any kind of website. When your customers aren’t sure whether or not they should buy from you, a review or testimonial could be just the thing to push them over the edge.

B2B Websites

On a B2B website, the decision-making process takes a lot longer. Because of this, it’s worth including as much social proof as possible in every part of the website. Client testimonials, reviews and ratings, and even high-profile company logos make all the difference. Many B2B websites include a page dedicated to case studies highlighting the success of other brands.

Your client might even go as far as to ask for a page that highlights their awards and recognition or showcases comparison tables that pit their products against the competition.

For instance, Authority Hacker has a “what the pros say about us” section as social proof:

B2C Websites

With a consumer website, you can include consumer ratings and reviews wherever you like. However, it’s most likely that you’ll want to have a place where customers can see the reviews of other clients on the product pages themselves. On the EMP website the company gives users the option to click on the star review section to jump to a different space on the page where testimonials are listed. This ensures that customers don’t have to scroll through a lot of excess information if they just want to add an item straight to their cart.

Designing for B2B vs B2C

In the world of web design, no two customers are ever the same. While you’ll need to adapt your processes to suit each customer you interact with, you can set your expectations in advance by learning the differences between B2B and B2C strategies.


Featured images by Chris Ross Harris and Mike Kononov.


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