
Doing data science today is far more difficult than it will be in the next 5 to 10 years. Sharing and collaborating on workflows in painful, pushing models into production is challenging. Let’s explore what Azure provides to ease data scientists’ pains.

In this post, you will learn about the Azure Machine Learning Studio, Azure Machine Learning, Azure Databricks, Data Science Virtual Machine, and Cognitive Services. What tools and services can we choose based on a problem definition, skillset, or infrastructure requirements?

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Si votre Vue.js a des dépendances, vous aurez besoin pour gérer les dépendances d’une certaine manière lorsque vous test unitaire du composant.

Une approche consiste à installer les dépendances dans l’environnement de test, mais cela peut compliquer vos tests.

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Selon l’ 2019 Gartner quatrième rapport annuel de Chief Data Officer (CDO) de l’Enquête, la mise en œuvre d’une base de données et d’analyse de la stratégie a été classé comme le troisième plus important facteur de succès quand il s’agit d’un CDO de l’organisation.

Quand il s’agit de données, nous sommes tous conscients des quatre « Vs » — variété, de la vitesse, de la véracité et de volume – pourtant, pour de nombreuses organisations, leur entreposage de données de l’infrastructure n’est plus équipés pour y faire face. En outre, la valeur, la cinquième « V », est encore plus insaisissable. Donc, en tenant compte de l’ampleur de données que de nombreuses entreprises modernes ont signifie que répondre à ces défis exige une nouvelle approche de l’automatisation en cours de la fondation.

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This is the tutorial I wish I had around some years ago when I first tried to learn how to use Vim. If you’re just beginning to know this amazing text editor, please keep reading; I am writing this tutorial right for you!

Whether you prefer to code in a simple steps editor or in a full-fledged IDE, the fact remains that a console-based text mode editor can be an invaluable tool for many purposes, from coding to remote system administration. VIM (Vi IMproved) is the most common version of a classic UNIX text editor named vi, which is currently available on almost any platform. It’s one of the most useful and complex console tools you can find, and also one you can make use right away, no matter what you do for a living (everyone needs to write something, right?).

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Previous posts – Part 1  |  Part 2.


In this post, let us start exploring Flink to solve a real-world problem. This post from shows how they are using Flink to perform a complex event correlation. I will take a simplified and practical event correlation problem and try to solve using Flink.

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A common dilemma faced by many developers is whether to go with Android or IOS? Well, all I can say is, “it all depends on CHOICES!” To me, Android is the best bet. Why? Android today has managed to hold 88% of the global market, whereas competitors like Apple’s IOS and Windows are way behind. 

In this tutorial, I will take you through an introduction to Android app development, so you can get started building your own. 

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Connect all your Git secrets to the Jenkins pipeline.

It’s a common practice to encrypt the secrets/credentials we use in our code and then save it in some secure place. We have a number of options to achieve this, with tools like Vault, Git-crypt, and more. However, git-secret is one simple awesome tool that we can use to store our secrets in our Git repo. Git secret uses gpg for encryption and decryption of secrets. 

Here’s how git-secret works. Go to the folder in your repo in which you have files to encrypt. Then, run git init && git secret init. This would initialize your .gitsecret folder. Then you run git secret tell $email , and if you want other users to decrypt the secrets file you have to import their gpg public key and again run git secret tell $otheruseremailid . Now you can run git secret add $secretfilename and git secret hide,which creates $yoursecretfile.secret file, which is an encrypted secret file.

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I am very excited to share my experiences building Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) into Spring-Boot-based Java applications. First, let’s establish everything we will learn in this tutorial: 

Step 1) Create a Spring Boot Java App using Spring Initializr

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Build your Blazor IoT app in the blink of an eye!

I thought my first ASP.NET Core edition of Hello, Blinky would be my last, at least for a long time. But then something reminded me of Blazor, and I thought why not build a Blazor edition of Hello, Blinky for Windows IoT Core and Raspberry Pi? After some hacking, I made it work. Here’s my Hello, Blinky for Blazor.

You may also like: Building an ASP.NET Core  »Hello, Blinky » IoT Application

Who the Heck Is Hello, Blinky?

Hello, Blinky is sort of like the "Hello, World" from Raspberry Pi and other microboards. While it’s possible to do a "Hello, World" with these boards, why not do something more interesting with connected electronics? Isn’t that what those boards were made for anyway?

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In the first part of this tutorial, we have seen how to configure multi-camera for recording a video.

As we know that in the previous iOS version, Apple did not permit to record videos using the front and back cameras at the same time. This time, with the release of iOS 13, they have introduced this feature that allows users to capture video recording using the back and front camera.

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