
Create a new App Service Plan. If you have already created then skip this step. An app service is like one container or a VM machine. In a single Azure app service, you can host N number of web apps. Based on load, you can split your apps to separate app services if required.

To create a new app service, you’ll first need to set a resource group name; if you already have created it, you can use the same or else can create new. Next, fill the app service name, select Linux as your OS, select a pricing plan based on your needs, and hit create.

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Originally published August 17, 2016

Turn to page one.

What is DevOps?

Communication, collaboration and integration are the three main principles of the ever-growing, modern approach to software delivery known as “DevOps.” Coined in 2009 by Patrick Debois, the term (development and operations) is an extension of Agile development environments that aims to enhance the process of software delivery as a whole.

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Originally published on January 31, 2015

Spring Data JPA

How do we implement database relationships using spring data JPA?

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Spring Batch

In this post, we will show you how to use Spring Batch to read an XML file with your ItemReader using StaxEventItemReader and write its data to Oracle Database using Custom ItemWriter. We will also learn how to use ItemProcessor to process input data before writing to the database.

Custom ItemReader or ItemWriter is a class where we write our own way of reading or writing data. In Custom Reader we are required to handle the chunking logic as well. This comes in handy if our reading logic is complex and cannot be handled using Default ItemReader provided by spring.

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Imagine having an app where you can write and store your notes efficiently. Today, we are going to build an app that will keep track of your notes. We’ll use ASP.NET Core to build the app. We’ll also use .NET Core’s OAuth 2.0 authentication middleware to make sure the personal notes are kept secure.

My Private Notes App

As mentioned earlier, you’ll use an ASP.NET app to build your note-keeping app. Here’s how the app works: The home page will keep track of all your recent notes, and if you include more than three notes, the oldest will be shelved. Once we’ve built the app, you’ll learn how to secure it with OAuth. Read this starter project from GitHub to get started. 

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Recently I was looking for a way to implement access control for microservices. I needed a solution that would allow defining complex authorization rules that could be enforced across many services. After searching the web, I discovered a very promising Open Policy Agent project that seems to be the right tool for the job. In this series of three blog posts, I am going to introduce Open Policy Agent to you and highlight how it can help you.

What Is Open Policy Agent?

Open Policy Agent (OPA) is a policy engine that can be used to implement fine-grained access control for your application. For example, you can use OPA to implement authorization across microservices. However, there is much more that can be accomplished with OPA.

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If you’re building custom applications owned by the same organization, there are many benefits of implementing single sign-on (SSO). You get shorter development time, increased security, and improved user experience. One of my favorite aspects of SSO is that instead of upgrading a large codebase all at once, you can do it a piece at a time.

What do I mean by that? Well, let’s say you’re looking to shift an app written in ASP.NET MVC 5 to ASP.NET Core MVC. You can do so by migrating each service at a time instead of rewriting the entire thing. You can then connect the two apps like they were one by enabling SSO. 

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The R programming language is one of the most popular programming languages right now. As such, the comparison is quite often made between R and other popular programming languages, such as R vs. Python and R vs. Matlab.

R has an exhaustive number of packages. It is open source and completely free to use. Active community support for the statistical programming language is also available. These are just some of the several reasons to get started with R today.

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Creating a conversational order process

Think about how much faster you could sell or help customers by having a chatbot or virtual assistant handling orders. An order process has certain information that needs to be filled out in order to complete the process. When you are building a bot, this is called slot filling. This guide is a walkthrough on how you create a slot filling flow.

You might also like:  Slot-Filling Chatbots Will Never Meet Human Expectations

Slot filling is about collecting certain bits of information from the user before a final response can be given. A typical use-case is to make an order of some kind where certain parameters need to be settled before the order can be placed, for example booking a flight or ordering a pair of shoes.

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With the React VR framework, you are now able to build VR web apps. WebVR is an experimental API enabling the creation and viewing of VR experiences in your browser. The goal of this new technology by Oculus is granting access to virtual reality to everybody regardless of the devices at hand.

The only thing you need to make a React VR app is a headset and a compatible browser. No need even for a headset when you are just viewing a web VR application. React VR is a great framework to build VR websites or apps on JavaScript. It utilizes the same design as React Native and lets you make virtual reality tours and user interfaces with the provided components.

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