
Since Java 5, the core Java APIs have been enhanced with more features for handling coordination between threads in concurrent programming. In this post, we discuss a class in the java.util.concurrent package that aids in this purpose: the CountDownLatch.


The CountDownLatch class enables us to coordinate threads by introducing awareness of the number of threads that are carrying out related tasks and keeping track of the number of threads that have completed their task. 

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Sometimes on Linux/UNIX computers, you will want to do a search for any files containing a particular string within it. This can be particularly useful when searching for specific things for a CI/CD pipeline.

On Linux or Mac, if we want to search a set of files for a specific string in a terminal, we use the grep.

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Often times when we are creating an application, the data we use determines what we show to the user. For example, in a to-do application, we may have multiple to-do list items. In Vue, it is easy to display multiple data points through the v-for attribute in our Vue templates.

How To Use V-for in Vue

Let’s suppose we have some data we are storing on a single page component. Our .vue document looks a bit like this:

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BellSoft issued a new version of Liberica Native Image Kit (NIK),, so in this short article, I will provide a tutorial on how to use it with the Quarkus framework.

Liberica NIK is based on the open-source project GraalVM (Community Edition) and is compatible with many platforms, including lightweight musl-based Alpine Linux. Liberica NIK in essence is a utility that converts JVM-based applications into native executables (AOT compilation).

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In this video tutorial below, we take a closer look at Messaging Design Pattern(MDP) in Java. This tutorial includes an introduction and implementation of a proxy, adapter, and web service. Let’s get started!

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In a previous article, I described a way to organize low-latency products as multiple code bases which are bound together with a Maven Bill of Materials (BOM). Understandably, this requires setting up continuous integration and deployment for a large number of similar projects. Maintaining such a setup manually in the face of change while ensuring its consistency will take a lot of effort.  In this article, I will describe how the team at Chronicle Software has tackled these issues in different projects by writing code that does this for us, in the form of Kotlin DSL for TeamCity.

This guide will show how to configure the same set of CI/CD builds for multiple Maven project repositories of similar layouts programmatically, following the DRY (don’t repeat yourself) principle. Following it will require a base knowledge of git, Maven, and TeamCity but would not require knowledge of the Kotlin language, since all of the displayed code is self-explanatory.

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GSSAPI authentication is becoming increasingly popular as CockroachDB starting to make inroads in Fortune 2000 customer bases and financial services segment. That said, ecosystem coverage for GSS needs to improve for parity with other authN methods. Today, we are providing a workaround and a look at the future. By the way, do you realize this is my 15th article on Kerberos and CockroachDB?

Articles Covering CockroachDB and Kerberos

I find the topic of Kerberos very interesting and my colleagues commonly refer to me for help with this complex topic. I am by no means an expert at Kerberos, I am however familiar enough with it to be dangerous. That said, I’ve written multiple articles on the topic which you may find below:

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Private, public, or hybrid, cloud solutions for any business domain are designed to provide the freedom to grow and security for the organization and customer data. For cloud-based multimedia solutions, there is cloud-based custom transcoder IP that supports automated Video-On-Demand (VOD) pipelines. Cloud services offer solutions that ingest source videos, processes video for playback on a wide range of devices using cloud media converter, and store transcoded media files for on-demand delivery to end-users.  

Custom IP integration along with other cloud services showcases better feasibility of using Open-Source codec, to use one’s transcoder instead of cloud media-converter for multimedia solutions. In this blog, we will see how an Open-Source codec like AV1 is selected as a custom IP for encoding to integrate over the cloud as a service.  

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In the video below, we take a closer look at the State Design Pattern in Java. This tutorial includes an introduction, real-time examples, class/sequence diagram, and implementation. Let’s get started!

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This post and video were co-created by David La Motta (Kong), Ross McDonald (Kong), and Alex Dworjan (Red Hat).

Murphy’s Law

“Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.”

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