
Symbolization is a technique that allows you to translate machine memory addresses to human-readable symbol information (symbols).

Why do we need to read what programs do anyways? We usually do not need to translate everything to a human-readable format when things run smoothly. But when things go south, we need to understand what is going on under the hood. Symbolization is needed by introspection tools like debuggers, profilers, core dumps, or any other program that needs to trace the execution of another program. While a target program is executing on a machine, these types of programs capture the stack traces of the program that is being executed.

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In this article, you will learn how to use Spring Boot and HarperDB to create a microservice. Later on, you will also look at how to deploy the complete application on AWS Elastic Beanstalk.

You will be building an Employee Leave Management System. This application will be responsible for tracking the detailed record of employees’ leaves. You will also be implementing the functionality to add, edit, and cancel leaves.

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Man on the computer.


Relational databases distribute their data across many tables by normalization or according to business entities. This makes maintaining a growing database schema easier. Real-world queries often span across multiple tables, and hence joining these tables is inevitable.

PostgreSQL uses many algorithms to join tables. In this article, we will see how joins work behind the scenes from a planner perspective and understand how to optimize them.

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In the video below, we take a closer look at Iterator Design Pattern in Java.  This tutorial includes an introduction, example, and key points. Let’s get started!

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In this video tutorial, we take a closer look at Object Pool Design Pattern in Java. This tutorial includes an introduction, example, and key points. Let’s get started!

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AngularJS is one of the most trusted frontend frameworks by enterprises. The frontend framework has multiple features that work the best for developers. In this section, we will learn about the use of expressions in AngularJS.


Expressions in AngularJS are used to bind data with HTML. The AngularJS expressions are code snippets like that in JavaScript, which are usually placed in the interpolation bindings. However, you can directly make use of expressions in directive attributes.

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The year’s winding down as everyone segues into a much-needed holiday R&R. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t some awesome new tools and resources for website design projects.

Check them out, and hit the ground running in January. Here’s what’s new for designers this holiday period. Enjoy!

Fancy Border Radius Generator

Fancy Border Radius Generator is a fun tool that allows you to create exciting shapes for elements. Use the included templates or create your own border shapes and then export the CSS/HTML for a variety of uses.


Pulsetic answers the question: “Is your website down?” Get website downtime alerts by phone call, SMS, email, or Slack. Create beautiful status pages and incident management reports and keep visitors (and your team) updated.

Ffflux SVG Generator

Ffflux SVG Generator makes it easy to generate fluid and organic-feeling gradients. You can use the resulting graphics as backgrounds to elements on a page to give a colorful fluid look to page elements. Choose colors and styles, then save or copy your SVG for use.


Fable is a web-based motion design platform to help you tell moving stories. It’s designed to be easy enough for beginners to use but has tools that even the most experienced motion designers can appreciate. This is a premium tool, but you can try it free.

Modern Fluid Typography Editor

Modern Fluid Typography Editor takes the guesswork out of sizing and scale for type sizes on different screens. Set a few preferences and see ranges your type styles should fall in. This typography calculator is visual and easy to use.

Emoji to Scale

Emoji to Scale is a fun look at emojis in a real-world relationship to each other. Make sure to also note the Pokemon to Scale project, which is just as much fun.

Page Flip Text Effect

Page Flip Text Effect is a fun and straightforward PSD asset that adds a nice element to design projects. Everyone can use some fun, colorful animation, right?


Nanonets is a practical tool for automated table extraction. You can snag tables from PDFs, scanned files, and images. Then capture relevant data stored in tabular structures on any document and convert to JSON Excel, or CSV and download. shows browser name and version, matched with a list of the browsers you support as a company or project. It’s a visual reminder to update if you are working with some browser lag. It’s a free tool and includes a frontend API.


UKO UI is a Figma dashboard and design system bundle packed with components and pages to build from. It’s free for personal use.

Floating UI

Floating UI is a low-level library for positioning “floating” elements like tooltips, popovers, dropdowns, menus, and more. Since these types of elements float on top of the UI without disrupting the flow of content, challenges arise when positioning them. It exposes primitives, which enable a floating element to be positioned next to a given reference element while appearing in view for the user.


Style-Dictionary-Play lets you experiment with a style dictionary in your browser with a live preview and mobile and desktop views. It’s an open-source tool and allows for URL project sharing, and you can use it without logging in or signing up.

Airplane Runbooks

Airplane Runbooks makes it easy to turn small amounts of code into complex internal workflows. Model onboarding flows, admin operations, cron-like schedules, and more and share with your team. It’s like Zapier but for first-party operations that touch prod data.


Shoelace is a forward-thinking library of web components that works with any framework. It’s fully customizable – and has a dark mode. It’s built with accessibility in mind, and the open-source tool is packed with components.

Tutorial: Coloring with Code

Coloring with Code is an excellent tutorial by the team at Codrops that will help you create beautiful, inspiring, and unique color palettes/combinations, all from the comfort of your favorite text editor. It’s practical and easy to follow along as you work through the steps on your own.


Stytch is a full-stack authentication and authorization platform whose APIs make it simple to seamlessly onboard, authenticate and engage users. Improve security and user experience by going passwordless with this premium tool.


Highlight keeps web apps stable. With pixel-perfect session replay, you’ll get complete visibility into issues and interactions that are slowing down users. You can start using this premium tool in minutes, and it works on every framework.


The post Exciting New Tools For Designers, Holidays 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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In the first part of this series, we have seen all the pre-requisites that are needed to proceed with the hands-on. We will extend the EdgeX Foundry tutorial by Jonas Werner and deploy the EdgeX Foundry services on K3s. We have already learned that K3s will be a good lightweight solution to manage and orchestrate the EdgeX microservices. We will use the Geneva version of EdgeX Foundry.

The scope of this post is to demonstrate an Edge use case that will consume the sensor data e.g. ambient temperature. This sensor data will then be processed by EdgeXFoundry services hosted on K3s. This sensor data will be pushed to a cloud-based MQTT broker called HiveMQ. From here, the data can be stored and processed in the cloud. The configurations and manifests used in these posts are available in this repository.

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The Adobe PDF Embed API provides a simple way for web developers to display PDFs on their web pages. While browsers provide good support for rendering PDFs, they do so in an « out of context » manner that takes over the entire screen. The PDF Embed API however lets you place a PDF within your site’s layout, providing much better control over the position and size of the rendered document. This improved experience also provides deeper integration into the PDF viewer, letting developers listen for events and perform operations on the document. In this article, I’m going to demonstrate a simple, but hopefully really useful example of this.

Imagine a large document covering many pages, for example, a textbook. Your website users, potentially students, could work with the document over many weeks while school is in session. If the document is a few hundred pages long, it would be incredibly useful to remember where they were in the document when they start reading again. While a large PDF may have bookmarks, even then they could only be for chapters or other sections, not the exact page the user last read. Luckily, the Embed API provides a method to help with this. Let’s take a look!

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article imageIn our previous article from this series we talked about the example predictive analysis architecture found in an edge medical diagnosis solution for the healthcare industry.

The process was laid out how we approached the use case and how portfolio solutions are the base for researching a generic architecture. It continued by discussion how we approached the use case by researching successful customer portfolio solutions as the basis for a generic architecture.

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