
Dans un marché de la distribution en pleine transformation, le leader mondial des logiciels d’entreprises va ainsi permettre à l’acteur incontournable de la meunerie en France et à l’International de faire évoluer ses outils, pour répondre aux nouvelles évolutions commerciales.

Paris, le 15 septembre 2022 – SAP a été choisi pour participer à la transformation des outils CRM de Grands Moulins de Paris (groupe VIVESCIA). Initiée en novembre 2020, cette collaboration trouve son origine dans la nécessité pour Grands Moulins de Paris de simplifier et faciliter le pilotage de l’activité commerciale des équipes.

Créée en 1919, cette entreprise de meunerie a depuis toujours su se développer et innover pour satisfaire au mieux ses clients, s’ancrant également dans une démarche pour une alimentation responsable. Aujourd’hui, avec un marché de la boulangerie artisanale très concurrencé, Grands Moulins de Paris avait besoin de disposer d’une base de données centralisée en un seul et même outil, permettant d’avoir une meilleure connaissance à la fois de ses clients et prospects.

Depuis avril 2021, Grands Moulins de Paris bénéficie d’une plateforme SAP Sales Cloud qui met l’accent sur les services suivants :

  • un meilleur suivi de l’activité commerciale et de la flotte des commerciaux itinérants
  • une automatisation des processus de suivi client
  • une gestion facilitée et intelligente des données

Depuis la mise en place de ces outils intuitifs, le nombre de tickets informatiques a drastiquement réduit, et les retours des équipes utilisatrices au sein de Grands Moulins de Paris sont très positifs quant à la facilitation des tâches business.

Damien Loiseau, Directeur de Développement des Ventes chez Grands Moulins de Paris, déclare : « Nous comptons aujourd’hui 250 utilisateurs du nouveau CRM. En quelques clics, ils peuvent retrouver toutes les informations pour préparer une visite prospect ou accompagner leurs clients. Les fiches sont enrichies automatiquement d’informations légales et juridiques comme le nom du gérant, la solvabilité de l’entreprise, mais aussi des bons de livraison, commandes, factures, plan de livraison, etc. Nous disposons également de reportings clairs qui permettent désormais à chaque manager de suivre l’activité de son équipe en temps réel. L’outil facilite la recherche d’informations spécifiques au terrain, et toutes les activités nationales sont pilotées par des KPI. Ce nouveau CRM, c’est un gain de temps indéniable pour tous ! »

Samuel Gaudard, Account Executive Customer Expérience chez SAP, indique : « Nous sommes très heureux de la collaboration avec Grands Moulins de Paris. Ensemble, nous avons pu mettre en place les solutions les plus adaptées pour répondre rapidement et efficacement aux besoins uniques de leurs activités. »

Suite à un appel d’offre, SAP a su convaincre par la qualité de son service, son approche des coûts adaptée à la demande du client et la transparence des équipes en charge du projet. « Il nous fallait un outil fiable et simple à intégrer à notre SI existant », confirme Damien Loiseau.

Cet enjeu de CRM constitue la première étape d’un plan d’accompagnement complet entre SAP et Grands Moulins de Paris, qui se poursuivra avec l’intégration de la brique Service Client, puis de l’ensemble Marketing. Ainsi, à horizon 2023, l’expérience de Grands Moulins de Paris powered by SAP saura se montrer complète et cohérente pour aider à l’amélioration en temps réel de l’ensemble de ses services.

Visitez le SAP News Center. Suivez SAP sur Twitter @SAPNews.


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Apple has released an OS update. Packaged in with it is the latest version of Safari, 16.

Expected to be released ahead of next month’s macOS 13, Safari 16 is packed with updates, making it one of the most capable browsers available.

For web designers, the significance is the forward momentum in web technologies that enable freer design work and fewer hacks to achieve complex layouts. Little by little, CSS recommendations are being implemented to the point that using JavaScript for layout is rapidly becoming as unnecessary as it is disliked.

Some of this was announced in June in the Safari 16 beta. But a lot has been added in the last couple of months. So here’s what’s new in Safari 16 today.

CSS Container Queries

The most exciting addition to Safari 16 is CSS Container Queries.

It is hard to understate how in-demand this feature has been; if you imagine an edit button on Twitter that gifted you crypto every time you corrected a typo, you’d be getting close to how popular this feature is.

Until now, media queries have detected the whole viewport. And so, if you have an element like a card, for example, that needs to change at smaller viewports, you need to calculate the available space and adapt the element’s design accordingly. Unfortunately, this frequently gets out of sync with edge cases causing more than a few headaches for front-end developers.

Media queries are severely restrictive to modern layout methods like Grid that wrap elements automatically because there is no way to detect how the elements are laid out.

Container Queries solve this by allowing you to define styles based on the size of the actual containing element; if a div is 300px wide, the contents can have one design, and if it’s 400px wide, they can have a different design—all without caring what size the whole viewport is.

This is dangerously close to OOP (Object Orientated Programming) principles and almost elevates CSS to an actual programming language. (All we need is conditional logic, and we’re there.)

The latest versions of Chrome, Edge, and now Safari (including mobile) support CSS Grid. Even discounting the rapid decline of Twitter, this is way more exciting than any edit button.

CSS Subgrid

Speaking of Grid, if you’ve built a site with it (and if you haven’t, where have you been?), you’ll know that matching elements in complex HTML structures often results in nesting grids. Matching those grids requires careful management, CSS variables, or both. With CSS Subgrid, grids can inherit grid definitions from a grid defined higher up the hierarchy.

CSS Subgrid has been supported by Firefox for a while but is not yet part of Chrome or Edge. Until there’s wider support, it’s not a practical solution, and using a fallback negates any benefit of using Subgrid. However, its introduction in Safari will surely herald rapid adoption by Google and Microsoft and moves the web forward considerably.

CSS Subgrid is likely to be a practical solution within 18 months.

AVIF Support

AVIF is an exceptionally compact image format that beats even WebP in many instances. It even allows for sequences, creating what is essentially an animated GIF but smaller, and for bitmaps.

AVIF is already supported by Chrome, with partial support in Firefox. Safari now joins them.

AVIF support is one of the more valuable additions to Safari 16 because you’re probably already serving different images inside a picture element. If so, your Safari 16 users will begin receiving a smaller payload automatically, speeding up your site and boosting UX and SEO.

Enhanced Animation

Safari 16 introduces some significant improvements in animation, but the one that catches the eye is that you can now animate CSS Grid.

Yes, let that sink in. Combine Container Queries and animation. The possibilities for hover states on elements are tantalizing.

Safari 16 also supports CSS Offset Path — known initially as CSS Motion Path — which allows you to animate elements along any defined path. This enables the kind of animated effect that previously needed JavaScript (or Flash!) to accomplish.

Chrome, Edge, and Firefox all support CSS Offset Path; the addition of Safari means it’s now a practical solution that can be deployed in the wild.

Web Inspector Extensions

Announced as part of the beta release, Web Inspector Extensions allow web developers to create extensions for Safari, just as they would for Chrome.

Web Inspector Extensions — or Safari Extensions as they’re destined to be known — can be built in HTML, CSS, and JS, so the learning curve is shallow. It’s a good route into app development for web designers.

Because the underlying technology is the same as other browser extensions, anyone who has made a Chrome, Edge, or Firefox extension will be able to port it to Safari 16+ relatively easily. As a result, there should be a rapid expansion of the available extensions.

Improved Accessibility

Accessibility is key to an effective and inclusive web. Be like Bosch: everybody counts, or nobody counts.

When testing a design for accessibility, emulators don’t cut it. In my experience, Safari has some of the most reliable accessibility settings, especially when it comes to Media Queries like prefers-reduced-movement.

Further gains in this field mean that Safari continues to be an essential tool for QA tests.

Reduced Resets

Finally, I want to throw up my hands to celebrate the reduced number of non-standard CSS appearance settings.

For years we’ve been prefacing our style sheets with elaborate resets like Normalize, designed to undo all the assumptions browser developers make about design and the UI preferences of their engineers.

Safari 16 has reportedly “Removed most non-standard CSS appearance values.” How effective this is and how much we can rely on it given the other browsers on the market remains to be seen. However, like many of Safari 16’s changes, it’s a step towards a browser that’s on the developers’ side instead of an obstacle to overcome.


The post Exciting New Features in Safari 16 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Les avancées de la suite SAP SuccessFactors Human Experience Management transforment le développement des talents pour le travail de demain.

A Paris, le 14 septembre 2022 – A l’occasion du salon SuccessConnect, SAP SE (NYSE : SAP) a annoncé de nouvelles avancées dans les fondements de la suite SAP SuccessFactors Human Experience Management (HXM) afin de permettre aux entreprises de mettre en œuvre une stratégie intégrée de développement des talents et de créer une force active prête pour l’avenir.

Les entreprises prospèrent lorsque leurs employés sont engagés dans leur carrière et leur entreprise, qu’ils sont correctement qualifiés, qu’ils perçoivent des perspectives d’évolution adaptées à leur profil et qu’ils ont un fort sentiment d’appartenance. Cependant, de nombreuses organisations ont du mal à avoir une vision d’ensemble des compétences présentes au sein de leurs effectifs ou des ambitions de leurs collaborateurs. Les dernières avancées de la suite SAP SuccessFactors HXM réunissent les données, l’apprentissage automatique et l’IA pour offrir aux organisations une meilleure compréhension des capacités de leur personnel et une intelligence des talents exploitable pour aligner leurs employés sur les besoins de l’organisation.

Les innovations suivantes seront disponibles au deuxième semestre 2022 :

  • Skills ontology utilise le machine learning et l’automatisation pour identifier en permanence les compétences d’un employé en fonction de son poste, de ses responsabilités, de ses expériences et de ses réalisations, offrant ainsi une vision globale des compétences d’une organisation à l’échelle mondiale.
  • Growth portfolio est une source d’information dynamique rassemblant les spécificités de chaque employé : ses compétences, ses points forts, sa manière de travailler, mais aussi ses passions et aspirations.
  • Dynamic teams est une nouvelle fonctionnalité qui permet aux entreprises de créer, de suivre, de mesurer et d’optimiser les résultats de leurs équipes. Les entreprises qui utilisent SAP SuccessFactors Performance & Goals peuvent ajouter des résultats clés objectifs (OKR) à Dynamic teams afin de suivre les progrès et de mesurer la réussite. Dans Dynamic Teams, les employés sont rassemblés selon leurs compétences et non selon leurs affinités. Ainsi, grâce au machine learning et à l’IA, SAP SuccessFactors Opportunity Marketplace rend l’évolution des employés au sein de l’entreprise plus équitable.

Associées à SAP SuccessFactors Opportunity Marketplace, ces innovations apportent les connaissances et l’adaptabilité nécessaires à la constitution d’une force active plus qualifiée, plus souple et plus équitable. Growth portfolio et Skills ontology permettent une individualisation des recommandations au sein de SAP SuccessFactors Opportunity Marketplace, qui reflètent l’ensemble des personnalités des individus, et pas seulement leurs compétences. L’introduction de Dynamic teams transcende les structures traditionnelles pour favoriser un travail basé sur les compétences plutôt que sur les descriptions de poste. Les entreprises peuvent ainsi constituer des équipes diversifiées, capables d’obtenir de meilleurs résultats, tout en accélérant l’évolution de carrière et le développement personnel grâce à des cas pratiques.

En nous appuyant sur notre héritage en matière de gestion des talents, nous réimaginons la manière dont les entreprises assurent la gestion et le développement professionnel de leurs collaborateurs pour répondre aux exigences émergentes du travail de demain”, explique Meg Bear, Présidente et Chef de Produit de SAP SuccessFactors. “Lorsque les gens ont la possibilité de travailler sur ce qui les passionne, ils sont plus engagés, plus performants et permettent à leur entreprise d’obtenir des résultats commerciaux hors normes.”

SAP a créé un système permettant de gérer l’organisation du travail de demain, dès aujourd’hui”, a déclaré Josh Bersin, analyste industriel. “La nouvelle architecture et les nouvelles fonctionnalités de SAP SuccessFactors sont un bon en avant sur ce que les organisations ont besoin pour gérer, développer et habiliter leur personnel et leurs équipes.”

Ces nouvelles applications RH de la suite SAP SuccessFactors HXM sont des innovations essentielles qui fournissent un système complet de développement des talents et conçues spécialement pour les organisations afin de les aider à créer une force active durable et prête pour l’avenir.

Pour que le développement des talents soit durable et efficace, les organisations doivent favoriser un sentiment d’appartenance. Donner aux gens les moyens de s’épanouir au travail commence par l’identité. Les utilisateurs de SAP SuccessFactors peuvent désormais indiquer le nom et les pronoms personnels de leur choix sur leur profil public, ce qui leur permet de s’approprier la manière dont ils se présentent et d’être reconnus comme leur véritable personnalité au travail.

Les noms choisis et les pronoms personnels seront généralement disponibles pour tous les clients SAP SuccessFactors au quatrième trimestre 2022. Skills ontology, Growth portfolio et Dynamic teams seront également disponibles dès le quatrième trimestre 2022.

Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous à l’événement virtuel SuccessConnect. Suivez SAP sur Twitter @SAPNews.

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I bet you didn’t know that WordPress is the world’s most popular website builder and content management system (CMS).

Just kidding…of course, you did! But that’s not all there is to know about WordPress, so take our ridiculously challenging WordPress quiz and see how much of an expert you are…

(Scroll to the bottom for the correct answers.)

1. What is WordPress?

  1. SEO plugin to check your keyword density
  2. AI tool to create illustrations
  3. Online software to create websites
  4. A coffee shop in Canada

2. What is the number of websites using WordPress?

  1. 75 million
  2. 1.3 billion
  3. 2 thousand
  4. 7.1 billion

3. WordPress has a tradition of naming its major releases after:

  1. American presidents
  2. Famous jazz musicians
  3. British kings
  4. Heavy metal bands

4. How many websites are created on WordPress per day?

  1. Two websites
  2. 20,040 websites
  3. Over 500 websites
  4. 60-80 websites

5. What is the correct WordPress website address?


6. Who is the WordPress CEO?

  1. Elon Mask
  2. Bill Gates
  3. Leonardo DiCaprio
  4. No CEO

7. Which US government website is using WordPress?

  2. U.S. Embassy Websites
  4. All of them

8. How many languages is WordPress available in?

  1. 21
  2. 72
  3. 78
  4. 1

9. What is the most downloaded WordPress theme of all time?

  1. Divi
  2. Gutenberg
  3. WoodMart
  4. Astra

10. How many Fortune websites are using WordPress?

  1. 11
  2. 25
  3. 90
  4. 78

11. What is the average salary of a WordPress developer per year?

  1. $100k
  2. $56k
  3. $24k
  4. $201k

12. When was the first WordPress version released?

  1. 1999
  2. 2010 
  3. 2007
  4. 2003


1. What is WordPress? – 3. WordPress is online, open-source software that you can use to create websites.

2. What is the number of websites using WordPress? – 2. In 2021, WordPress powers over 1.3 billion websites all over the web, and this number continues to grow.

3. WordPress has a tradition of naming major releases after – 2. WordPress has a habit of naming its big releases after famous jazz musicians. For example, in the first version of January 2004, they called 1.0 (Davis), named after American trumpeter Miles Davis. Another version of May 2004 was named 1.2 (Mingus).

4. How many websites are created on WordPress per day? – 3. Over 500 websites are created on WordPress every day. At the same time, only 60-80 sites are built on popular platforms like Squarespace and Shopify. Besides, every second, 17 new blog posts are published on WordPress!

5. What is the correct WordPress website address? – 1. The fact that always confuses beginners is that and are entirely different companies that provide separate services. is the real WordPress everyone talks about that helps you to build websites. While is a hosting provider created by Automattic, the co-founder of WordPress.

6. Who is the WordPress CEO? – 4. WordPress is a free, open-source project. That’s why it does not have a CEO; volunteer developers run the project from all over the globe. This is the reason anyone can submit a report about a bug or suggest features.

7. Which US government website is using WordPress? – 4. The correct answer is all of them. All major websites of the US federal government use WordPress for their websites. The list includes all government sites of big and small cities, counties, universities, and high schools.

8. How many languages is WordPress available in? – 2. The Default WordPress language is English; however, the platform provides a fully translated platform with plugins that allow you to change your site’s language in seconds. The software has been successfully used in over 72 languages and can be modified for more!

9. What is the most downloaded WordPress theme of all time? – 4. Astra is the most downloaded WordPress theme of all time. Astra is claimed to be the most potent and fast theme trusted by many popular brands. Besides, the theme earned over $30M.

10. How many Fortune 500 websites use WordPress? – 1. 11 Fortune websites, such as Walt Disney Company, ABM Industries, and 21st Century Fox, use WordPress.

11. What is the average salary of a WordPress developer per year? – 2. The average WordPress developer earns $56,000 per year, according to Payscale.

12. When was the first WordPress version released? – 4. The first version of WordPress was released on May 27, 2003, which makes WordPress much older than Twitter and Facebook.


Featured image via upklyak on Freepik


The post Ridiculously Challenging WordPress Quiz first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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On paper, microservices sound wonderful. They are modular, scalable, and fault tolerant. A lot of companies have had great success using this model, so microservices might naturally seem to be the superior architecture and the best way to start new applications.

However, most firms that have succeeded with microservices did not begin with them. Consider the examples of Airbnb and Twitter, which went the microservice route after outgrowing their monoliths and are now battling its complexities. Even successful companies that use microservices appear to still be figuring out the best way to make them work. It is evident that microservices come with their share of tradeoffs.

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When you hear the word “leadership,” do you think of a particular person?

If you’d been asked that question anytime before the 1900s, chances are you’d think of an accomplished politician or a battle-tested general. These were the people leading society for most of recorded history. Today, you might have someone else in mind.

Since the industrial era, the US has birthed a pantheon of founders who’ve arguably led our society as much as any statesman or president. We put Rockefeller and Ford right next to Lincoln and Jefferson. Think about it; these guys haven’t just changed the US; they’ve changed how the entire world lives and does business.

Founders of successful companies today command even larger amounts of capital and power than JD and Henry. With the rise of social media, they are often thrust to the forefront of their brands and the public, whether they like it or not. Some manage the responsibility better than others.

In my opinion, the best businesses use all that capital, manpower, and name recognition to do more than simply make a profit. By leading with authenticity, inspiring positive action, and influencing their brand’s vision for innovation – they try to make a change.

I wanted to take a minute to reflect on some modern founder-led brands I think are doing a killer job of creating unique, world-changing businesses and company cultures. I also want to discuss the lessons I have learned from them.

Elon Musk – Tesla

When talking about founder-led brands of the 21st century, it’s hard to pass over electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla and its outspoken CEO, Elon Musk. Love him or loathe him, he belongs in any conversation on influential founders.

While Musk isn’t technically the founder of Tesla, he is one hundred percent responsible for the company’s direction over the past decade. I think two of the strongest leadership points for Musk are his focus on branding and innovation.

Tesla created showrooms and charging stations long before his business had the sales to justify the expense. People saw the name Tesla everywhere, got curious about it, and now that’s paying off big time. Tesla today is at the forefront of the EV industry while all the other car companies play catch-up.

Behind the scenes, Tesla was also early to create a vertically-integrated supply chain – giving it almost complete control over its product and logistics. That’s another feature with a hefty upfront price tag but paid off when the pandemic hit. Now the biggest automakers in the world are rushing to copy that model.

Musk arguably even convinced China to deregulate foreign ownership of automotive companies. That’s hard to prove. However, China changed its rules around foreign ownership of EV companies shortly after he refused to enter the country.

Arguably, Tesla today is one of the frontrunners in redefining how traditional companies run. Musk is known to hate bureaucracy and traditional hierarchies. He hires other people to take care of bureaucratic processes for him.

Musk is also known for hiring relatively young, hard-working employees into high-power management positions in the company and letting them prove themselves. That inspires extreme loyalty from his employees from an early age. Musk’s focus on efficiency and rejection of traditional hierarchies has sparked a small revolution in tech companies.

Finally, I respect Musk because he has goals beyond showing year-over-year growth to shareholders. That’s hard to do day in and day out.

Sara Blakely – Spanx

Sara Blakely is an example of a founder with her hands in every part of her business, from product creation to sales. Most importantly, she created an authentic company culture with values she felt the business world lacked.

For those who know her story, Spanx very nearly didn’t happen. Blakely pitched her slimming undergarment to multiple women’s brands run by men. Most told her it would never work.

It might seem silly now, but men used to think they knew women’s fashion better than women. It wasn’t until one executive gave Blakely’s product to his daughters to try out that he agreed to start stocking Spanx. It’s a great example of how businesses can make a lot of money by listening to their customers.

Besides founding a women’s clothing company that sells products women want, Blakely strived to bring “feminine energy” into the workplace. I saw this poignant quote from her in an article:

“Twenty-one years ago when I started Spanx, I ended up in the paper in Atlanta, and I was at a cocktail party and a couple of guys came up to me and they said, ‘Sara, we read about you. Congratulations! We heard you invented something.’ And I said, ‘Yes I did, I’m so excited.’ They said, ‘Business is war,’ and then they pat me on the shoulder and they kind of laughed at each other. I went back home to my apartment that night. I was 29 and I just thought, I’m not going to war. I’m going to do this very differently. I’m going to honor a lot of feminine principles — intuition, empathy, kindness. Just allowing myself to be vulnerable through this process. And of course, a lot of the masculine energy has helped me also — it was a balance. But I wasn’t going to do it by squashing the feminine.”

Blakely worked hard to create a sales-oriented company culture that was purposely welcoming from that point forward. She regularly scheduled “oops meetings” where employees could stand up and say how they messed up and turn it into a funny story. At Spanx, it was okay to make mistakes and learn from them.

Blakely wanted everything about her product to be fun, including the way it was sold. She created a mandatory boot camp for salespeople, which, among other things, requires employees to perform standup comedy. Little things like that resonated with people and made Spanx synonymous with “fun.” Even famous actresses were flashing their Spanx on the red carpet.

The lesson we can all learn from Spanx and Blakely is that fun and positive energy are great marketing tools for any business. Many companies try to push a fun culture publicly without any authentic leadership that genuinely exemplifies that narrative, they won’t have the same effect. Blakely’s story of Spanx is not just a story of the brand but a story of her life and the experiences that shaped her vision and goals.

Jack Dorsey – Block (FKA Square)

While better known for founding Twitter, Jack Dorsey has recently been in the news for his move to solely running payment processing business Block. I admire Dorsey because he radically encourages his teams to think differently about how they work.

Dorsey is known for optimizing ways to stay productive and focused throughout the day. He manages through unconventional tactics like communicating only through voice memos on his phone that he runs through transcription apps. He says this prevents him from being sidetracked by distractions on his computer. I think that kind of mindfulness is necessary now more than ever.

Dorsey tries to bring this level of focus to his interactions with his employees too. I saw a great quote from him in this article discussing computer-less meetings at Block.

“When phones are down and laptops are closed, the team can discuss any issue at hand without distraction. We can actually focus and not just spend an hour together but make that time meaningful — and if that time is 15 minutes, then it’s 15 minutes and then we move on with our lives.”

Besides limiting distractions, Dorsey is known to walk five miles to work daily, theme each day, and create detailed agendas and goals for each team meeting. In his former company, Twitter, the culture was frequently described as a space where employees could speak freely to management about things they wanted to change.

On that subject, Dorsey has been known to push hard for employee control in his companies. Perhaps ironically, he was also quoted saying he wants Twitter to break away from its co-founders’- vision and control, calling founder-led companies “severely limiting.” However, it still seems he has some sort of vision for the world that he wants to bring around via Block.

His business goals are visionary, pushing the boundaries of innovation in the financial world.

Dorsey is a known cryptocurrency enthusiast but had pushback from the Twitter team, including his CFO, about making a crypto-centric product. His move to payments processor, Block, seems to be a bid to follow his passion and exert his vision on the world.

Block has since made headlines for being extremely bullish on cryptocurrencies, while many have expressed doubts. Dorsey even changed the business’s name to Block to better reflect its focus on blockchain and famously purchased $50 million worth of Bitcoin in 2020. All the while, Dorsey has been quietly creating arms of his business in the hopes of improving BTC’s usefulness. That may pay off down the line.

Melanie Perkins – Canva

I identify strongly with Melanie Perkins, co-founder of graphic design SaaS, Canva. Besides being roughly the same age, we both came from nondescript beginnings with no background in entrepreneurship or tech.

Canva is an excellent example of a business created by becoming intimately familiar with a customer problem and executing. Perkins spent years teaching people how to use design platforms like Adobe Creative Suite because they were so complicated. Taking that knowledge, she started a simple product to help customers create high school yearbooks. That expanded into a super app covering every aspect of design.

This super-app has unlocked a way for millions to learn design and produce high-quality content at any skill level. The cost to use Canva is many times lower than anything else on the market.

While Canva is an amazing product, what I like most about Perkins is that she believes business serves a higher purpose than maximizing profits.

When she was suddenly thrust into the limelight with a $40 billion valuation, people were even more impressed by Perkins’ philanthropic goals. She vowed to donate a 30 percent stake in Canva to a charity dedicated to eliminating poverty (about $12 billion). She is also known to regularly fundraise for 25,000 different nonprofits through her app. She doesn’t just inspire people with words, but by actions, she’s actually taking.

Canva is very public about its ethos. I like their values because they are general yet avoid the jargon many companies fall into. They are:

  • To be a force for good and empower others;
  • Pursue excellence;
  • Be a good human;
  • Make complex things simple;
  • Set crazy big goals and make them happen.

Besides revolutionizing how modern businesses design and harness goodwill marketing, Canva was also one of the forerunners of the remote work trend.

Most of Canva’s “Canvanauts” worked from homes worldwide even before the pandemic. Canva showed a lot of tired old businesses that you could still run a successful company without having employees in the office 24/7.

How I Try to Learn From the Best

Finally, I want to talk about what I am trying to contribute to my team and society with my current business, startup acquisition marketplace, MicroAcquire.

As I’ve mentioned, I think it is very much on myself as a founder to set the tone of my business – and that starts with who I hire. When I’m searching for new employees to join the “#Micromafia” I not only look for productive workers, I look for people I genuinely enjoy spending time with. It’s the best feeling in the world to go to meetings where you leave thinking, “That was really fun.”

Besides creating a great team, I’ve tried to address another problem I see again and again at major tech companies: employee burnout. There’s a reason the average tenure of a tech employee is three years.

I love working on startups. It’s like playing a video game for me, and it’s probably why I’m a founder. That said, I know my employees don’t always feel the same way. As CEO, I make sure my team knows I want them to live their lives outside of MicroAcquire.

On the business side of things, I take cues from the best. Like Musk and Dorsey, I want to preemptively create features that I know our customers will love. I knew people wanted an easy way to sell their startups because I wished I’d had one back when I was doing it.

Like Spanx and Tesla, I also strongly believe in the power of innovative branding – and I make sure we spend in areas that will give us significant returns down the line.

For example, we’ve made it easy to get MicroAcquire merchandise online completely free. The extra exposure we get from tech people rocking MicroAcquire t-shirts is more than worth the cost. We also created our own media publication to tell the founder stories we thought major publications had missed. That’s been a huge hit with our customers, who also happen to be founders. These people traditionally have had to spam inboxes and pay for press because they didn’t raise billions in funding.

Finally, like Blakely and Perkins, I also want to actively listen to customer feedback and make sure we create a necessary and desired product. That’s why I make sure we’re constantly engaging with our community both on our website and social media. Many of the features we’ve added are just things we’ve heard mentioned multiple times from customers.

So far, I love the community we’ve created online and in the office. I don’t claim to have the winning formula, but I feel we are making a real difference out there. We’re lucky to live in a world with so many smart people getting their ideas out and making a positive change in the world.


Featured image via Unsplash.


The post 4 Founder-Led Brands That Are Done Right first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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WordPress has made it easy for everyone to launch a blog, but even though launching a blog isn’t a difficult task any longer, driving traffic to your blog certainly is!

In this article, I’ll share some tried and tested strategies that have worked well for my clients’ blogs. You do not have to be an expert or a marketing guru to get traffic to your WordPress website. Follow the helpful tips I share in this article and watch the visitors start pouring in.

Tip 1: Use Powerful Headlines

The first thing related to your blog that a user reads in the search engine results is your article headlines. Of course, nobody wants to click on a boring article title. But a powerful headline stands out from the rest and gets you more clicks. 

In most themes, your article headlines are translated into meta titles for the pages. Meta titles indicate the topic of your articles to Google and other search engines. 

Tip 2: Build an Email List

Consider offering your visitors a newsletter signup form through which they can subscribe and get notified about new posts on your blog. You can offer them an incentive for free to persuade them to subscribe to your blog. It can be anything from an e-book, membership, useful templates, or an e-course. 

Building an email list gives access to the inboxes of your visitors. You can share your blog content with this prospective audience every time you post a new article. This will help you get consistent traffic to your WordPress blog.

Tip 3: Use Free Giveaways and Contests

Free giveaways work as an incentive for your WordPress blog visitors. To offer an entry to your blog’s free giveaway, you can ask your visitors for an email subscription, comment on your blog posts, share it on their social media channels, and ask for other such things. 

The trick is to think about the actions of your visitors that will increase traffic to your blog and provide them with one or multiple giveaway entries for such actions. 

Tip 4: Optimize For Keywords

All successful bloggers optimize their content for keywords. You need to perform proper keyword research to find sentences and words that your target audience is typing in Google and other top search engines. 

Instead of guessing the keywords for your articles, consider using some helpful tools like SEMrush’s Keyword Magic Tool and Google Ads Keyword Planner. This way, you can find the terms people are genuinely interested in and the keywords that do not have too much competition.

You must ensure to choose the keywords that have some excellent traffic volume but, at the same time, have less competition. Such keywords will help in the better ranking of each of your articles.

Tip 5: Optimize WordPress Site Speed

It has been proven that loading time is a ranking factor for SEO, as Google tends to assume that fast sites are high-quality sites.

Signing up for a hosting provider specializing in WordPress guarantees you get the best optimization features for your WordPress site. However, that alone is not enough because you need a hosting provider that can also handle a high volume of visitors.

Optimizing your WordPress website will help in the faster loading of your blog pages. Images are generally the biggest culprit in slowing down your website. So you must first optimize them through an image optimization plugin like Smush, Imagify, or Optimus. 

Enabling caching on your WordPress blog will considerably improve its speed. You can store your website data locally with caching, thereby reducing your server load to a large extent. Your website will, therefore, load faster on your visitors’ end, especially when they are repeat visitors.

Tip 6: Take Advantage of Social Media

Try building your presence on some of the top platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. Post multiple times a day on these websites and share your blog articles.

You must also include social sharing buttons with your blog posts to make sharing easier for your audience. It will allow your blog visitors to share your post on different social platforms. This dramatically increases the chances of your blog post going viral.

Tip 7: Internal Linking Strategy

The only key here is to link articles that are closely related to each other. Your visitors might be interested in such related content and read more of your blog posts, thereby increasing your page views. It also increases the chances of visitors sharing your blog content since they find it valuable.

Tip 8: Be a Guest Blogger

Guest blogging involves creating content for other websites for mutual benefits. It helps you establish your authority in the blogging world while attracting more visitors to your WordPress website. 

Becoming a guest blogger allows you to spread the word about your blog to a new set of audiences and bring in organic traffic. It expands your work portfolio and helps build or enhance your online reputation.

Tip 9: Pay for Traffic

Consider using Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Microsoft advertising, and other top advertising platforms when paying to bring traffic to your blog. Be aware of your blog audience and use the most suitable criteria to target it. 

I’d recommend setting a weekly budget for paid ads and tracking the ad performance at the end of the week.

If you are satisfied with the traffic results, use the same criteria for the next week. On the other hand, if the ad performance is not as per your expectations, try different criteria to reach your target audience.


Getting traffic to your WordPress blog is an incentive for all the hard work that you do in creating content and managing your website. It builds a name for your blog and improves its search engine ranking. All this leads to better user engagement and revenue.


Featured image via Pexels.


The post 9 Ways To Drive Traffic To Your WordPress Blog first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

WALLDORF, Allemagne — 11 mai 2022 — Aujourd’hui, à l’occasion du salon SAP Sapphire à Orlando, en Floride, SAP SE (NYSE : SAP) annonce ses toutes dernières innovations apportant de la valeur ajoutée à ses clients dans quatre domaines critiques : la résilience de la supply chain, le développement durable, la transformation des processus de gestion et le développement d’applications no-code.

Selon une étude récente du Boston Consulting Group, si 80 % des entreprises se tournent vers les solutions numériques pour relever les défis actuels, seules 30 % d’entre elles parviennent à une véritable transformation numérique de leur activité. Les annonces d’aujourd’hui aident les clients de SAP à accélérer leur parcours de transformation grâce à des solutions innovantes basées sur le cloud qui couvrent les processus de gestion end-to-end dont les clients ont le plus besoin. Ces annonces seront faites le premier jour de SAP Sapphire, la conférence mondiale des clients et partenaires de SAP, qui se déroule en personne et virtuellement du 10 au 12 mai 2022.

“Depuis 50 ans, les solutions critiques de SAP et son expertise sectorielle approfondie aident les entreprises du monde entier à fonctionner au mieux”, a déclaré Christian Klein, PDG et membre du conseil exécutif de SAP SE. “Nous sommes particulièrement bien placés pour continuer à favoriser la réussite de nos clients dans un monde qui évolue rapidement, en favorisant la transformation numérique basée sur le cloud qui résout les défis les plus pressants des clients, depuis la résilience de la supply chain au développement durable.”


Supply chain résilientes et réseaux commerciaux intelligents

Les innovations SAP améliorent l’efficacité et la transparence de la supply chain, permettant ainsi d’améliorer les performances et la résilience. Parmi ces innovations, SAP annonce aujourd’hui une nouvelle suite d’applications iOS qui rationalisent la supply chain numérique et donnent aux travailleurs des outils intuitifs. Les deux premières de ces applications – SAP Warehouse Operator et SAP Direct Distribution – ont été lancées aujourd’hui et sont disponibles dans l’App Store d’Apple.

En outre, le nouveau SAP Digital Manufacturing cloud réunit les dernières innovations en matière d’analyse, d’edge computing et d’automatisation avec des processus de fabrication end-to-end à la pointe de la technologie pour aider les clients à optimiser les performances de fabrication. SAP Business Network continue également d’évoluer pour devenir le plus grand réseau d’entreprise au monde et, avec l’intégration de Taulia, les clients peuvent libérer la valeur liée à leur fonds de roulement.


Faire passer les entreprises de la parole au geste en matière de développement durable

Le portefeuille croissant de solutions SAP en matière de développement durable est idéalement positionné pour aider les entreprises à passer du discours volontaire à l’action concrète. Parmi les nouveautés présentées aujourd’hui, citons les nouvelles fonctionnalités de SAP Cloud for Sustainable Enterprises qui aident les entreprises à innover dans les domaines clés de la gestion du développement durable. Il s’agit notamment de l’amélioration de SAP Product Footprint Management, qui permet aux clients de réduire l’empreinte carbone de leurs produits à grande échelle grâce à la connectivité en direct de SAP S/4HANA Cloud, y compris les capacités de transport et de déplacement.


Permettre la transformation des processus d’entreprise

Les clients continuent d’adopter RISE with SAP, pour redéfinir leurs processus de gestion end-to-end et passer à un ERP modulaire et agile dans le cloud. Plusieurs clients seront présents sur la scène du Sapphire pour montrer comment ils utilisent RISE with SAP pour innover en matière de business. Les partenaires aident également nos clients à mettre ces innovations à l’échelle grâce aux meilleures pratiques et aux solutions sur mesure : RISE with SAP and SOAR with Accenture intègrent et fournissent maintenant ce dont les entreprises ont besoin pour une transformation basée sur le cloud, y compris la gestion de l’infrastructure du cloud, la gestion des applications et les services d’exploitation. La dernière version de SAP Service Cloud comprend de nouvelles fonctionnalités de gestion dynamique et de modélisation des cas, ainsi qu’une intégration native avec Qualtrics® XM Discover et Microsoft Teams, afin d’améliorer la capacité des entreprises à tenir les promesses de leur marque grâce à une meilleure visibilité, une plus grande responsabilité et des délais de résolution plus courts.


Accélérer l’innovation avec le développement No-Code/Low-Code, l’automatisation des processus, les données et l’IA.

SAP AppGyver, l’une des principales solutions de développement d’applications d’entreprise no-code/low-code, inclut désormais une intégration native avec SAP Service Cloud et est disponible dans le cadre du volet gratuit de SAP Business Technology Platform. SAP Process Automation, qui fait également partie du SAP BTP Free Tier, a été amélioré pour la gestion des flux de travail no-code et l’automatisation robotique des processus (RPA).

SAP fournit également de nouvelles innovations SAP AI pour optimiser intelligemment les processus opérationnels end-to-end, y compris le lead-to-cash, design-to-operate, recruit-to-retire et source-to-pay. SAP offre également à tous les étudiants un accès gratuit à des ressources et à des expériences d’apprentissages personnalisées dans la « student zone» du portail d’apprentissage. Pour répondre au besoin croissant de développement accéléré d’applications par des utilisateurs non techniques, SAP lance un parcours d’apprentissage amélioré qui prépare les étudiants à de nouvelles certifications en low-code /no-code.


Guide des actualités SAP Sapphire 2022

Plus de détails sur toutes les nouvelles, les lancements et les mises à jour dans le Sapphire News Guide.

Visitez le SAP News Center. Suivez SAP sur Twitter à @SAPNews.


The post SAP innove pour répondre aux besoins les plus urgents de ses clients appeared first on SAP France News.

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Sometimes it’s easy to feel like the world is going to pieces all around us, especially when we’re doom scrolling Twitter between news alerts every few minutes. But if we step back a little, things may not seem so bad.

On the web, we see companies and individuals taking a positive stand, making changes, and carrying on despite challenging circumstances. So in this month’s collection, we celebrate confidence and accentuate the positive, as the song says. Enjoy!

Plastic Bionic

The ‘change view’ option is well used in this portfolio site for Plasticbionic design studio. The grid view is especially pleasing.


Creative agency Fabricca has gone for a simple look, with some appealing illustrations and custom icons.


The color scheme and display font choice (Knockout) make a strong statement here for law firm Normand.

Dumpling Delivery

We all need some bored-on-a-slow-friday-afternoon distraction from time to time, and Mailchimp delivers the goods here.


OTR is a mental health service for young people aged 11-25. The site does a great job of feeling approachable and friendly to younger users while not being condescending, cutesy, or childish.


Good use of block color adds extra depth to this otherwise brutalist portfolio site for neueMeta design studio.

Vitra Chair Finder

This interactive questionnaire helps the customer identify the best chair for their needs. The animation is done well here, and a page of swirling Vitra chairs is a lovely thing to see.

Chia Studios

A good balance here of serious and fun in Chia Studio’s portfolio site, professional but friendly.

Sagmeister 123

The concept behind this limited clothing range designed by Stefan Sagmeister is that, taking the long-term view, the world is actually getting better. As such, the Sagmeister 123 site has an overall feeling of quiet positivity. And a koala.


RecPak is a meal replacement shake designed for taking during outdoor activities. The site has an active, dynamic feel that works well to convey a sense of rugged outdoor adventure.

Alicia Moore

This site for Alicia Moore clothing brand oozes style and sophistication with soft colors and beautiful fashion photography.

Think Packaging

Think Packaging’s website has a bright, bold, fun feel. Case studies are well presented visually but keep text to a minimum.


Brand design and packaging blog BP&O has added extended content for subscribers, and their new site is a pleasure to browse.

The Future Factory

The Future Factory is a business lead generation agency, which doesn’t sound, well, a bit dull. But, some funky animation and slightly quirky type certainly do not convey dullness.


Polybion’s new website has a spacious feel with a rich color scheme adding a sense of confidence and brand maturity.

The Empathy Experiment

The Empathy Experiment is an interactive ‘game’ from digital agency media.monks that examines empathy and inclusivity in the workplace while at the same time showcasing some technical skills.

Belle Epoque

The opening scroll on Belle Epoque’s site is really pleasing, and the random floating shapes are intriguing.

Richard Ekwonye

Richard Ekwonye’s portfolio site is clean and straightforward. Skills are on display, but without intruding on the content.


SND has created UI sound kits. The site is as simple as it could possibly be, and yet it is impossible not to investigate all the sounds and start imagining where you could use them.

KMZ Industries

Regular readers will know how much we like technical/industrial-made-interesting sites, and this one for KMZ grain storage systems is a perfect example.


The post 20 Best New Sites, May 2022 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot