Plusieurs employés d’Amazon font pression sur la direction afin que celle-ci cesse sa collaboration avec le gouvernement américain. Amazon fournit en effet sa technologie de reconnaissance faciale Rekognition aux services de l’immigration américains.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet

On Monday, June 18 in an IBM office in a San Francisco, California, IBM demonstrated an AI-based system that purports to hold its own in a debate with a human being. They named the system (wait for it) IBM Debater. For the human opponent, they picked a proven, skilled debater: Noa Ovadia, a college senior who won a debating championship in 2016. 

[Me stepping on a soapbox…feel free to skip]

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Une mise à jour dans la gestion des comptes Google vise à faciliter la navigation et la compréhension des paramètres de confidentialité et de sécurité par les utilisateurs. Google ne va pas jusqu’à dire cependant qu’il a besoin des données pour faire de la publicité ciblée, préférant parler « d’expériences plus personnalisées et de meilleures recommandations. »
Source de l’article sur ZDNet

Le ministère de l’Intérieur a publié son rapport annuel sur l’état de la menace liée au numérique, réalisé par la Délégation ministérielle aux industries de sécurité et à la lutte contre les cybermenaces. Les chiffres montrent que les dispositifs mis en place commencent à porter leurs fruits, mais que des zones d’ombres persistent.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet

Le Bureau de la gestion et du budget (OMB) et le Département de la sécurité intérieure (DSH) des États-Unis ont publié cette semaine un rapport selon lequel 71 des 96 organismes (74%) participant au processus d’évaluation des risques ont des programmes de cybersécurité à risque ou à haut risque. Le rapport est le résultat d’un décret exécutif signé par le président D. Trump lorsqu’il a pris ses fonctions pour la première fois.

La fiabilité et la faible latence que promettent les réseaux 5G pourraient conduire à une meilleure sécurité des véhicules autonomes affirme un rapport du Gartner.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet

Alors que des millions de joueurs attendent avec impatience la sortie du jeu Fortnite sur Android (promise pour cet été 2018 selon Epic Games), plusieurs arnaques ont été rapportées ces dernières semaines sur la toile. Les joueurs sont en effet invités à télécharger de faux APK du jeu, contenant en réalité des logiciels malveillants qui se propagent sur leur smartphone.

Le Car Connectivity Consortium (CCC) a mis au point la norme Digital Key Release 1.0, pour assurer l’interopérabilité du système entre différents constructeurs de véhicules et les fabricants de smartphone.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet

Les plates-formes de réseaux sociaux doivent évoluer vers des standards de confidentialité plus élevés pour empêcher leurs utilisateurs de partir vers d’autres modes de communication plus sécurisés.
Source de l’article sur ZDNet

To win in today’s highly competitive market environment, our customers need to embrace digitalization, and they are relying on us to guide them on their journey towards an intelligent enterprise – at their own speed and in their preferred environment. When it comes to consumption models and infrastructure, choice and convenience are therefore top priorities for our customers now.

Digitalization has resulted in many companies struggling to deal with the huge amounts of enterprise data and the increased user demands for faster access to real-time information. By mastering these challenges and gaining previously unseen insights into their data, users can uncover invaluable new opportunities and understand their business better than ever before. SAP HANA, the market-leading platform for real-time computing, has done exactly that for its more than 23,000 customers to date.

Image by © Jetta Productions/Dana Neely/Blend Images/Corbis

From the beginning, our aim has been to help customers get the most out of their SAP HANA deployment. Driving openness and cost effectiveness is part of our commitment to delivering customer value. Customer feedback shows that the majority of the organizations using SAP HANA want to continue using proven IT processes and harnessing their IT infrastructure investment for SAP HANA. And, increasingly, customers want to benefit from highly flexible and cost-cutting approaches – including commodity hardware and cloud deployment models.

Lowering Total Cost of Ownership

The SAP HANA Tailored Data Center Integration (TDI) has been instrumental in lowering SAP HANA total cost of ownership and designing SAP HANA infrastructure to meet the individual needs of our customers. The SAP HANA TDI approach allows them to choose their preferred hardware and infrastructure components from a menu of third-party products that have been tested and certified for use with SAP HANA: existing processes can be integrated, existing hardware reused, and upgrades can be chosen that fit the budget. SAP HANA TDI can therefore significantly lower the total cost of ownership and accelerate the integration of SAP HANA with IT infrastructures.

Hyper-converged infrastructure (HCI) is one of the next big steps that allow our customers to benefit from the latest technologies to drive flexibility and lower operational costs. HCI is an IT framework that combines computing, storage, and network into a single system that reduces data center complexity and increases scalability. It includes a hypervisor for virtual compute nodes and the hypervisors typically run on commodity servers. We are currently working with several HCI technology partners that will be soon certified for SAP HANA workloads.

Process More Data in Real Time

During SAPPHIRE NOW 2018, we also announced that SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 03 is the first major database platform to support Intel® Optane™ DC persistent memory.[1] Persistent memory support will transform the current data storage hierarchy, providing a combination of higher capacity, affordability, and persistence. This will enable customers to process more data in real time while driving a lower total cost of ownership and improving business continuity with drastically faster startup times for SAP HANA.

Intel Optane DC persistent memory represents an entirely new means of managing data for demanding workloads such as the SAP HANA platform. It is non-volatile, so the in-memory SAP HANA database does not have to completely reload all the data from persistent storage to memory. In addition, it runs at near-DRAM speeds, maintaining today’s performance expectations. It also delivers greater data density than memory technologies, which enables additional innovation and simpler IT landscapes. With its persistence, high performance, and lower cost per gigabyte than conventional memory, Intel Optane DC persistent memory can help reduce total cost of ownership, reshape how businesses tier their data for database systems, and open up new use cases for the speed and power of the SAP HANA platform.

Our customers and their individual needs are at the heart of everything we do. With SAP HANA TDI, hyper-converged infrastructure and Intel Optane DC persistent memory solutions, we continue to provide more choices at lower costs and improved scalability – whether on-site hardware or public, private cloud, or hybrid environments.

[1] Intel® Optane™ DC persistent memory is available today for early adoption testing and production shipping to select customers later this year, with broad availability in 2019

The post More Choices, Lower Costs, Improved Scalability: Making the Most Out of Your SAP HANA Deployment appeared first on SAP HANA.
