Advocates of data-driven transformation firmly believe its tentacles will extend into every walk of life, but the delivery of public services has traditionally been slightly slower on the uptake of new technologies than many domains. A recent report from Cardiff University explores whether that is also the case with data analytics.

The researchers examined the various data systems that underpin government services in the UK, with a specific emphasis on the number of decisions that are underpinned by data and algorithms. Rather surprisingly, they suggest that the collection and sharing of data across local and national governments is now pretty widespread.

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After spending a lot of time writing my network protocol in C, I decided that it would be a nice exercise to do the same in Rust. I keep getting back to this language because I want to like it. I hope that having a straightforward task and the passage of time will make things easier than before.

I gotta say, the compiler feels a lot nicer now. Check this out:

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Hi, Spring fans! Happy New Year to you! Here’s hoping that your new year is healthier and happier than the last. 

Also, this is the eighth anniversary of This Week in Spring, I started this series in the first week of January 2011. We’ve come a long way since then! This is as good a time as any to remind you that I love this community and I love reading what you’re up to. It’s a pleasure to learn right along with you. As always, I’m grateful for any contributions in this humble roundup; just hit me up on Twitter. My Direct Messages are wide-open. Thank you for everything you’ve done to drive this and for everything I know you will do, dear reader.

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Let’s Build a TouchTone Keypad!

If you’ve built React/Redux applications before, you know there is a standard pattern of uni-directional data flow. The UI dispatches an action. A reducer handles the action, returning a new application state. The UI reorganizes itself accordingly.

But what if you need a Redux action to trigger interaction with a complex system? Say, a collection of Web Audio components used to create or analyze sound. Those are not serializable objects. They shouldn’t be managed by a reducer. Nor should a UI component manage them because it could be subject to unmounting at runtime, causing a loss of the audio system.

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Millions of repositories are hosted on GitHub, and lots of projects hosted there make their way into your project as dependencies. Developers can just look for modules that cover their use-case and import it into their project, which is actually great! The not-so-great part about importing third-party code is that developers usually just ignore the security aspects of it altogether.

According to GitHub, its security scan for vulnerabilities in Ruby and JavaScript unearthed more than four million bugs, which sparked a significant clean-up effort by project owners. As demonstrated by Equifax’s massive data breach, vulnerable open-source software libraries may contain significant security repercussions. GitHub has made some improvements in terms of notifying the user about the security issues in their code, but the users are required to opt into their security alerts.

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Apache Commons CLI, initially released in 2002, is perhaps the most widely-used Java command line parser, but its API shows its age. Applications looking for a modern approach with a minimum of boilerplate code may be interested in Picocli. Why is it worth the trouble to migrate, and how do you migrate your Commons CLI-based application to Picocli? Picocli offers a fluent API with strong typing, usage help with ANSI colors, autocompletion, and a host of other features. Let’s take a look using Checkstyle as an example. (Note: as the author of Picocli, it is fair to say I am biased.)

Why Migrate?

Is migrating from Commons CLI to Picocli worth the trouble? What is the benefit of moving from one command line parser to another? Is this more than just redecorating the living room of our application?

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Starting with ECMAScript 6, JavaScript has a class keyword for creating a class. I have written in detail about classes here.There is no question that classes simplify the way objects are created, inheritance is implemented, etc. JavaScript classes have: 

The k6 open-source load testing tool integrates with Azure Pipelines (as well as many other continuous integration tools) to automate performance tests. Running load tests as part of your continuous integration (CI) pipeline saves time and ensures that you’ll catch any performance regressions that occur due to code changes.

Microsoft recently introduced the world to Azure DevOps, an extension and rebranding of Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS). Azure DevOps is comprised of several services which you can use all together or just cherry-pick the services you need.

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The Problem

Let’s say we have a list of members using our services. The list shows the first name, last name, and level of membership in our system

The logic for membership calculating is simply this:

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The coming year almost certainly has some surprises in store for the technology space, but one factor IT professionals can bank on is that digital transformation will remain a top goal for enterprises. Digital transformation provides a solid advantage by facilitating operational excellence; it enables service or product innovation, and it increases customer value over time. That’s why enabling digital transformation is among CIOs’ top three objectives in 11 out of 15 industries, according to Gartner’s 2018 CIO Agenda Industry Insights report.

Both the agent and currency of every digital transformation initiative is data. IT professionals seeking to help their companies pursue digital business models in the coming year must be ready to quickly integrate an ever-increasing number of endpoints and applications required by business leaders. They must also be ready to manage and deploy digital assets and data from new data sources, a majority of which will be cloud-based, and do so at the speed of innovation. For IT leaders, the challenge will be to develop an IT strategy and architecture that can support the integration and data management needs of digital transformation.

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