
As a consistent user and developer on the OpenShift platform over the years, I’ve tried helping users by sharing my application development content as we’ve journeyed from cartridges all the way to container base development.

With container based development we’ve also transitioned from using templates to define how to deploy our tooling and applications, to operators. There are many examples of how to work with the templated versions of our applications around decision management and process automation found on Red Hat Demo Central and JBoss Demo Central.

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Aujourd’hui les entreprises s’efforcent de plus en plus à offrir une expérience employé exceptionnelle. Et elles ont de bonnes raisons de le faire.

Les recherches révèlent que l’expérience employé a une incidence sur la façon dont les salariés perçoivent leur travail et les efforts qu’ils fournissent. Cette expérience a ensuite un impact sur la satisfaction client, la fidélisation, le rendement des actifs et les ventes (1).

Bien que de nombreux facteurs entrent en jeu, environ 30% de l’expérience employé est liée à l’utilisation de la technologie par leur organisation. Grâce à elle, les salariés peuvent gagner en productivité, flexibilité, améliorer leurs relations professionnelles, mieux gérer le travail à distance. A l’inverse, elle peut aussi les distraire, créer un sentiment d’isolement et limiter leur capacité à se « déconnecter ».

Pour en savoir plus, SAP SuccessFactors a mené des entretiens avec des employés dans le monde entier. Nous avons étudié l’influence de la technologie sur le bien-être, l’engagement, le sentiment d’appréciation et de valeur, la productivité, ainsi que l’expérience globale des processus RH

Bien que cette recherche soit toujours en cours, les résultats préliminaires révèlent trois insights sur la façon dont la technologie peut contribuer à une expérience employé exceptionnelle.

Les employés ont besoin d’outils pour effectuer le travail qu’ils trouvent important et se décharger de ce qu’ils jugent inutile. Nous les avons interrogés sur les tâches, activités, ce qu’ils apprécient le plus et les motive à se lever chaque matin. Selon eux, le « travail utile » est un travail qui implique :

  • La mise en œuvre de quelque chose, par exemple un projet
  • La collaboration avec des collègues dans le but d’atteindre un objectif commun
  • La contribution à une solution et voir les résultats de ces efforts

Sans surprise, lorsqu’on leur demande des exemples illustrant comment la technologie les a aidé, les employés mentionnent des outils conçus pour les soutenir dans ces activités (pour la productivité, Microsoft 365, pour la collaboration, Microsoft Teams et Skype). Avec des résultats plus prononcés chez les employés régulièrement en déplacement ou télétravail.

Mais ils mentionnent aussi des outils qui leur permettent de gagner du temps sur les tâches opérationnelles et administratives. En voici quelques exemples :

  • Une application qui indique les places de parking disponibles lorsqu’on se rend au travail
  • Une application pour commander le déjeuner à l’avance et éviter de faire la queue
  • Les solutions SAP Concur : un employé interrogé a indiqué qu’il a réduit d’au moins 1/3 son temps passé à envoyer ses frais de voyage
  • Des outils qui définissent des modèles fondés sur des comportements antérieurs et qui présentent des propositions de manière proactive. Un employé mentionne une application de navigation GPS qui propose automatiquement un itinéraire en fonction des comportements précédents. Un autre affirme : « J’aime avoir accès au système pour effectuer une tâche, et que le système reconnaisse à l’avance la façon dont j’agis habituellement et prenne en charge certaines étapes à ma place afin que je puisse m’occuper de mon travail […]. Plus vite le système gère les informations, mieux c’est, car ce sont généralement des choses que je […] ne veux pas faire ».

Moins de systèmes séparés et disparates

Les employés soulignent que devoir passer par plusieurs systèmes pour accomplir une tâche ou trouver des informations est extrêmement frustrant et chronophage. Certaines recherches ont démontré que les employés passent jusqu’à 30 % de leur journée de travail à chercher des informations qui peuvent être stockées dans des systèmes et des bases de données disparates.

« J’aimerais faire certaines choses en exactement 20 secondes », confie un employé. « Je ne veux pas avoir à me demander si je dois accéder au portail RH, au portail informatique ou au facility portal. Peu importe qui résout mon problème, je veux juste qu’il soit résolu ».

De meilleures solutions en libre-service avec une assistance humaine

Pendant trop longtemps les solutions technologiques RH des entreprises (surtout celles en libre-service) ont été conçues en tenant compte des RH plutôt que des utilisateurs finaux : les employés. Par conséquent, les employés sont souvent obligés d’utiliser quotidiennement des solutions libre-service obsolètes, non intuitives et mal conçues.

Comme le décrit un employé : « J’essayais de réserver un vol et je recevais sans cesse un message d’erreur, mais le message ne précisait pas ce qui n’allait pas. Ce qui aurait dû me prendre cinq minutes a fini par me prendre plus de trois heures Et quand j’ai finalement réussi à joindre quelqu’un au téléphone, mon interlocuteur n’a pas pu m’en dire plus […]. C’était vraiment frustrant ».

Les conséquences d’une expérience frustrante liée à la technologie vont bien au-delà de la perte de temps. Elles peuvent avoir des effets négatifs sur le bien-être psychologique et physique des employés. Des recherches ont démontré que les expériences frustrantes liées à la technologie peuvent entraîner une perte d’efficacité et un sentiment de colère, impacter l’humeur et les interactions avec les autres, diminuer à la fois le niveau de satisfaction professionnelle et la qualité du travail, compromettre la productivité et même augmenter la pression sanguine ainsi que la tension musculaire (2).

Des recherches antérieures ont démontré que l’élément indispensable des solutions libre-service est la possibilité, si besoin, de parler à quelqu’un. Et cela sans effort important et sans avoir à répéter sans fin une tâche (3).

L’effet de la technologie sur les moments importants : pas toujours positif

Qu’il s’agisse de rejoindre une entreprise, fêter une promotion, s’occuper d’un proche malade ou d’accueillir un nouvel enfant dans sa famille, les moments qui définissent la carrière ainsi que la vie personnelle sont des occasions essentielles de montrer aux employés qu’ils sont reconnus et appréciés. Pourtant, l’expérience technologique associée à ces moments véhicule souvent le message inverse.

Par exemple, un employé interrogé confie : « J’étais très excité quand j’ai trouvé ce travail. Mais le fait d’avoir dû entrer manuellement les informations relatives à mon CV dans le système à plusieurs reprises ne m’a pas laissé une première impression positive de l’entreprise ».

Une récente enquête auprès des candidats et employés de la génération Z est éclairante. 54% d’entre eux déclarent qu’ils ne soumettraient pas une candidature si les méthodes de recrutement de l’entreprise sont dépassées. 26% s’accordent à dire qu’un manque de technologie tout au long du processus d’embauche les dissuaderait d’accepter un emploi.

Alors que les entreprises continuent d’investir dans l’expérience employé, elles doivent être attentives aux solutions technologiques fournies aux collaborateurs. Des solutions dépassées, difficiles à utiliser, qui n’ont pas été conçues en pensant aux employés, désavantageront grandement les organisations lorsqu’il s’agira d’attirer et de fidéliser les talents dans l’économie de l’expérience d’aujourd’hui.

En fin de compte c’est l’un de nos clients interrogés qui le souligne le mieux : « Lorsque nous lançons de nouveaux services de ressources humaines, nous ne voulons pas seulement avoir des utilisateurs. Nous voulons avoir des fans ».

Publié en anglais sur

Lauren Bidwell est chercheuse en gestion du capital humain pour SAP SuccessFactors chez SAP.

(1) The Financial Impact of a Positive Employee Experience ; A Beginner’s Guide to Employee Experience

(2) Ceaparu et al. (2004) ; Lazar et al. (2006) ; Norman (2004) ; Scheirer et al. (2002) ; Murrell & Sprinkle (1993)

(3) Howard & Worboys (2003)

The post Comment créer une expérience employé engageante : le rôle de la technologie appeared first on SAP France News.

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Creating a continuous deployment pipeline will bring us a step closer to an automated build, test, deploy strategy. In order to create such a pipeline, we need to have access to several tools. Instead of installing these on on-premise servers, we can make use of the AWS cloud offer. Let’s see how this can be accomplished!

1. Introduction

We want to create an automated pipeline in order to ensure that no manual and error prone steps are required for building, testing and deploying the application. When a failure occurs during one of these steps, we will be automatically notified and can take necessary actions in order to resolve the issue.

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Brief Description

Interference is a simple java framework that enables you to run a distributed database service within your java application, using a JPA-like interface and annotations.

The basic unit of the interference service is a node — in fact, it is a java application, inside which a service instance is running.

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Serverless computing, which is commonly referred to as just Serverless, is a promising cloud-based technology model that has emerged on the app development and software architecture horizon in recent years. Trying to avail themselves of the huge serverless framework potential, many big-time market players have been quick to jump on the cloud services bandwagon. Such software giants like Google, Microsoft, IBM, and Amazon already offer the customers to migrate all the local business operational efficiencies to be hosted on their flagship serverless platforms like AWS Lambda and Azure Functions.   

Simply put, serverless architecture is an event- and request-driven tech solution allowing application developers to create actionable working environments in the cloud that have all the necessary computational resources needed for a smooth coding flow. This framework comes in handy especially when time is an issue and the tasks assigned are quite resource-intensive.

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In this article, we will see how to implement a data pipeline from an application to Mongo DB database and from there into an Elastic Search keeping the same document ID using Kafka connect in a Microservice Architecture. In recent days and years, all the microservices architectures are asynchronous in nature and are very loosely coupled. At the same time, the prime approach to have minimum code (minimum maintenance and cost), no batch systems (real-time data), and promising performance without data loss fear. Keeping all the features in mind Kafka and Kafka connect is the best solution so far to integrate different sources and sinks in one architecture to have very robust and reliable results.

We will Depp drive and implement such a solution using Debezium Kafka connect to achieve a very robust pipeline of data from one application into Mongo and then into Elastic cluster.

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Convenience is the key take away from AWS and Azure, because out of the box, they give you all the stuff you need to get started with your application development. However, creating your own cloud doesn’t need to be that difficult. If you create your own cloud you’ll also get rid of dozens of lockin technologies, such as Azure Functions, Lambda Functions, Cosmos DB, etc. These « features » provides you with few necessities besides the usual lockin. An acquaintance of me once compared these features to « the heroin marketing model, where the first doze is always free. »

If you want to create your own cloud, you’ll need the following features to get started.

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As more organizations move to establish DevOps techniques into their Software Development Life Cycle, the need of security becomes even more evident when so much application development is going on. But…

Security and DevOps Aren’t Natural Companions

The idea of security in DevOps or DevSecOps doesn’t go very well with the classic DevOps process that insists on continuous integration, delivery, and deployment. When at production you’re constantly releasing smaller bits of your code and application using the DevOps pipeline, introducing security to DevOps can slow down the process significantly. You can’t just pass that through a security team that takes several weeks bringing the new release out to production. 

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A hacked WordPress site is as damaging as having your home burgled. It can completely shatter your peace of mind and adversely impact your online business. 

Why do hackers target WordPress sites? The answer is relatively simple: WordPress is the single biggest platform for website creation these days, so there’s a larger base to attack; this attracts the attention of online criminals. 

So, how can a hack impact your website? 

Depending on the type of attack, your website could suffer any of the following:

  • It could be defaced completely;
  • It could load or operate very slowly on any device;
  • It could completely crash and malfunction;
  • It could display the dreadful “White Screen of Death”;
  • Its incoming visitors could be redirected to other suspicious websites;
  • It could lose all your valuable customer data.

This list is not exhaustive but you get the idea.

Now that we know how a successful hack can impact your website and online business, let us look at the top 10 reasons behind WP hacks and prevent them.

1. An Insecure Web Host 

Like any website, WordPress is hosted on a web host or server. Unfortunately, most site owners do not pay much attention to the web host they select and choose the cheapest they can find. For example, it is more affordable to host a website on a shared hosting plan — one that shares its server resources with many other websites like yours.

This can make your site vulnerable to hackers as a successful hack into any website on the shared server. A single hacked site can consume the overall server bandwidth and impact all the other sites’ performance.

The only way to fix this problem is to opt for a reliable host and a virtual or dedicated server.

Pro tip: If you’re already using a shared hosting plan, check with your hosts if they offer VPS hosting and make the switch.

2. Use of Weak Passwords

Weak passwords are the main reason behind successful brute force attacks that target your account. Even to this day, users continue to use weak and common passwords like “password” or “123456”; if you’re one of them, your website could land in trouble!

Guessing weak passwords allows hackers to enter the admin accounts where they can inflict the maximum damage.

How do you fix this problem? Simple, ensure all your account users (including admin users) configure strong passwords for their login credentials. With at least 8 characters, passwords must be a mix of upper- and lower-case alphabets, numbers, and symbols. 

For added safety, install a password management tool that can automatically generate and store strong passwords.

Pro tip: You can use a plugin to reset passwords for all your users.

3. An Outdated WP Version

Outdated software is among the most common reasons why websites get hacked. Despite being free to download, most site users defer updating their site to the latest version, for fears of updates causing their site to crash.

Hackers take advantage of any vulnerability or bug in an older version and cause issues like SQL Injections, WP-VCD Malware, SEO Spam & other major issues like website redirecting to another site.

How do you solve this problem? When you see a notification about an update on your dashboard, update your site as soon as possible.

Pro tip: If you are worried about updates crashing your live website, you can first test the updates on a staging site.

4. Outdated WP Plugins and Themes

Similar to the previous point, hackers also take advantage of outdated, unused, or abandoned plugins and themes installed on websites. With over 55,000 plugins and themes that are available, it is easy to install a plugin or theme, even from unsafe or untrusted websites. 

Plus, many users do not update their installed plugins/themes to the latest version or do not find the updated version. This makes it easier for hackers to do their job & infect sites.

How do you avoid this problem? As with the core WP version, update each of your installed plugins/themes on your site regularly. Take stock of all the unused ones and remove them or replace them with better alternatives.

You can update your plugins/themes from your hosting account.

Pro tip: We suggest setting aside time every week to run updates. Test them on a staging site and then update your site.

5. Common Admin Usernames 

In addition to weak passwords, users also create common usernames that are easy to guess. 

This includes common usernames for admin users like – “admin”, “admin1”, or “admin123”. Common admin usernames make it easier for hackers to get into admin accounts and control backend files in your WP installation.

How do you avoid this problem? If you are using any such usernames that are easy to guess, change them immediately to a unique username. The easiest way of doing it is through your hosting account’s user management tool, by deleting the previous admin user and creating a new admin user with a unique username.

As the first step, change the default username of your admin user and limit users who have administrator privileges.

Pro tip: WordPress has 6 different user roles with limited permissions. Only grant admin access to users who really need it.

6. Use of Nulled Plugins/Themes 

Coming back to the importance of plugins/themes, users have access to many websites that sell nulled or pirated copies of popular and paid plugins and themes. While these are free to use, they are often riddled with malware. They can compromise your website’s overall security and make it easier for hackers to exploit. 

Being a pirated copy, nulled plugins/themes do not have any available updates from its development team, hence will not have any security fixes.

How do you fix this problem? Simple, for a start, only download original plugins and themes from trusted websites and marketplaces.

Pro tip: If you don’t wish to pay for paid or premium plugins and themes, opt for a free version of the same tools that will have limited features but are still safer to use than the nulled version. 

7. Unprotected Access to wp-admin Folder

To take control of your site, hackers often try to break into and control your wp-admin folder in your installation. As the website owner, you must take measures to protect your wp-admin directory.

How can you protect your wp-admin folder? First, restrict the number of users having access to this critical folder. Additionally, apply for password protection as an added layer of security for access to the wp-admin folder. You can do this using the “Password Protection Directories” feature of the cPanel in your web host account.

Pro tip: Besides these fixes, you can also implement Two Factor Authentication (or 2FA) protection for all your admin accounts.

8. Non-SSL Website

You can easily migrate your HTTP website to HTTPS by installing an SSL certificate on your site. SSL (or Secure Socket Layer) is a secure mode of encrypting any data transmission between your web server and the client browser.

Without this encryption, hackers can intercept the data and steal it. Plus, a non-secure website can have many negative implications for your business – lower SEO ranking, loss of customer trust, or a drop in incoming traffic.

How do you fix this problem? You can quickly obtain an SSL certificate from your hosting company or SSL providers. It encrypts all data that is sent from and received by your website. 

Pro tip: You can get a free SSL certificate from places like Let’s Encrypt, but these provide limit protection that will only be sufficient for a starter site or small site.

9. No Firewall Protection

Lack of firewall protection is another common reason why hackers can bypass website security measures and infiltrate the backend resources. Firewalls are the last line of defence against hackers and work like the security alarm installed on your house. Firewalls monitor web requests coming from various IP addresses, including the suspicious (or bad) ones. 

They can identify and block requests that are known to be malicious in the past, thus preventing easy access for hackers to your website domain. Web application firewalls can thwart various attacks, including brute force attacks, XSS, and SQL injections.

Pro tip: A firewall provides much-needed security and is  your first line of defence. But it’s important to also have a malware scanner installed.

10. Lack of WordPress Hardening Measures

Typically, hackers target the most vulnerable areas or weaknesses within a WP installation, to illegally access or damage the website. The WordPress team has identified these vulnerable areas and has devised a list of 12 hardening measures recommended for every website.

A few of these include:

  • Disabling the File Editor;
  • Preventing PHP execution in untrusted folders;
  • Changing the security keys;
  • Disallowing plugin installations;
  • Automatic logout of inactive users;

How do you implement these hardening measures? While some steps are easy to understand, others require the technical expertise of how WordPress works. 

Pro tip: You can implement hardening measures on your own. However, some measures require technical expertise so in these cases, it’s much easier and safer to use a plugin.


Featured image via Pexels.


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This article is about how you can handle AWS RDS secrets rotation without restarting your Spring Boot application.

I had this problem wherein I had to update my database connection whenever the database password was updated for my AWS RDS instance. This can be because of a monthly password rotation policy or may be the database credentials got compromised and you want all your running applications to keep running even when the database password are changed.

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