
As we cross 2020, most of us are still functioning remotely and preparing for a hybrid work environment where we will be expected to work from homeHow can an organization determine productivity? What can we expect from remote working in 2021? How can leaders motivate their employees who are low on motivation? Read this article as I dissect the remote working environment of 2021.

In 2020, this digital revolution was accelerated due to the pandemic outbreak, when most of the global workforce was forced to work remotely from the safe boundaries of their homes. We can witness the change in the work environment when we look at the introduction of various collaboration software, which helps employees connect virtually over a meeting and streamline their processes, to cloud-based connectivity, and a data-centric approach to strategic decision-making powered by the synergy between artificial and human intelligence. These have helped organizations reimagine the way to work.

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Dans notre précédent article intitulé « Et si l’avenir de la fiscalité passait par le système d’information ? », nous mettions en avant les besoins grandissants en termes de contrôles autour des fonctions fiscales. En effet, les entreprises sont soumises à de nombreuses réglementations ainsi qu’à une complexification de leur système d’information. Il devient donc nécessaire pour beaucoup d’entre elles de mettre en place des outils de « Tax Compliance ». Ils permettent de supporter les équipes fiscales et d’assurer le respect des obligations. Dans ce second article, nous illustrerons au travers des fonctionnalités offertes par un des outils du marché, SAP Tax Compliance, la valeur apportée par cette démarche d’outillée.

Que peut-on attendre d’un outil de Tax Compliance ?

De nombreux outils de Tax Compliance sont aujourd’hui présents sur le marché français et mondial. Ceux-ci diffèrent en fonction de la cible visée, de la PME nationale à la multinationale implantée dans de nombreux pays. Ils offrent des fonctionnalités plus ou moins avancées ainsi qu’une complexité de mise en œuvre plus ou moins lourde.

Néanmoins, nous pouvons regrouper les fonctionnalités offertes en deux grandes catégories :

  • L’aide à la conformité des déclarations (a priori) :
    • l’optimisation de l’élaboration de la liasse fiscale (élaboration, vérification et dématérialisation),
    • la détermination de taux,
    • la conformité de la facturation électronique,
    • La déclaration de TVA (soumission, reporting et contrôles).
  • La mise en place de contrôles afin de s’assurer de la conformité (a posteriori) :
    • l’analyse du FEC,
    • les contrôles sur les référentiels (fournisseurs, articles, etc.),
    • les contrôles sur les transactions effectuées.

En complément, nous devons également prendre en compte le fait que les gouvernements exigent de plus en plus de données en temps réel, la qualité des données devient un prérequis clé pour la gestion des processus fiscaux et cela peut être amélioré en mettant en œuvre des contrôles fiscaux et en abordant les problèmes à la source, comme nous allons le voir avec l’outil SAP Tax Compliance.

Quels critères prendre en compte dans le choix de son outil de Tax Compliance


Le choix d’une solution doit être fondé sur les critères tant fonctionnels que techniques, pour répondre aux besoins suivants :

  • Facilité d’installation et d’exploitation de la solution: évaluer le degré d’autonomie sur l’installation et le paramétrage du logiciel, ainsi que le degré d’intégration dans le paysage SI existant. Il est en effet important que les utilisateurs métiers aient un degré d’autonomie suffisant sur l’exploitation de l’outil pour ne pas avoir de besoin de solliciter les équipes IT pour la moindre opération dans l’outil
  • Réponse aux besoins métier au travers de la couverture et richesse fonctionnelle: il est nécessaire d’évaluer la couverture d’un maximum de fonctionnalités et de contrôles standards, ainsi que la couverture géographique au travers d’une gestion multi-pays. Assurance de la facilité de prise en main par l’utilisateur final ou l’auditeur externe au travers d’une ergonomie conviviale et intuitive
  • Exploitation des résultats simple et accessible : évaluer la facilité de compréhension et d’interprétation des résultats de contrôles, la facilité d’export sur des outils bureautiques, ainsi que la capacité de génération des rapports d’anomalie sous format.doc ou .pdf avec explication des résultats, annotations utilisateurs, etc.,
  • L’intégration dans le paysage applicatif de l’entreprise est également primordiale dans le cas très fréquent où plusieurs ERP ou systèmes comptables cohabitent. Devoir multiplier les outils de Tax Compliance pour adresser les différents systèmes serait en effet contre-productif.

Présentation d’un outil : SAP TAX Compliance

SAP Tax Compliance propose une approche centralisée des contrôles de conformité, couvrant tout l’ensemble du processus, de la détection à la correction, en passant par le reporting et l’audit. À l’aide de l’apprentissage automatique à l’échelle de l’entreprise et de contrôles automatisés, l’application permet aux utilisateurs de détecter systématiquement les problèmes de conformité. Mais aussi d’améliorer la qualité des données fiscales, de rationaliser les corrections et d’atténuer rapidement le risque de non-conformité.

L’automatisation des processus de contrôle fiscal en temps quasi réel permet aux organisations de passer à des modèles de travail en continu. Elle permet aussi de résoudre les problèmes dès le début des processus ce qui est essentiel pour éviter de lourdes charges de travail à la fin de la période. Mais également de se conformer aux mandats les plus exigeants que les gouvernements introduisent dans le monde entier. En fait, avec l’introduction de la conformité numérique, la qualité des données fiscales est plus importante que jamais.

SAP Tax Compliance est une solution agnostique qui peut être intégré à SAP S/4HANA ou facilement déployé côte à côte. Elle peut aussi intégrer des données issues d’autres systèmes ERP (SAP ECC ou non SAP) ou spécialisés métiers (MDM, facturation, site de vente en ligne…). Cela offre ainsi la possibilité de capturer simultanément de gros volumes de données à partir de plusieurs systèmes. La solution offre également un apprentissage automatique natif et une intégration avec le workflow SAP. L’intérêt est de permettre l’automatisation et l’orchestration transparente des tâches de correction.


SAP Tax Compliance en un coup d'œil
SAP Tax Compliance en un coup d’œil

SAP Tax Compliance est fourni avec des règles de contrôles préconfigurées pour vous aider à démarrer et à améliorer immédiatement la qualité des données fiscales.

Par exemple, cela vous permet d’identifier et de corriger facilement les immatriculations de TVA manquantes sur les transactions intracommunautaires de l’UE ou les factures enregistrées sans code TVA. Vous pouvez également utiliser le moteur de détection pour faciliter l’examen des factures avec un montant de TVA très élevé. Ceci, permet de générer une réserve de travail pour examiner efficacement les exceptions sans avoir à identifier manuellement les éléments sur l’ensemble des transactions commerciales.

Il est également très flexible et permet d’enrichir facilement l’ensemble des règles de contrôles de la TVA aux droits de douane et autres taxes. Il permet également de relever constamment la barre en matière de conformité en développant vous-même des règles de contrôles fiscaux supplémentaires. Ou bien encore en intégrant le contenu prêt à l’emploi de notre partenaire Mazars.

Ces règles peuvent être facilement créées en définissant de nouvelles vues sur les données. Une fois celles-ci en place, le reste de la configuration peut être facilement complété via une assistance numérique fourni en tant qu’application Fiori qui guide l’utilisateur dans ses choix. Il s’agit de limiter l’implication du service informatique au développement réel des vues. Mais aussi de permettre aux utilisateurs métier d’adapter les contrôles, de réorganiser les listes de travail, de configurer le Machine Learning lorsque les données historiques sont suffisamment significatives. Ainsi que d’adapter les plannings en fonction des besoins de l’entreprise. Les utilisateurs métiers peuvent également gérer les tâches et les groupes d’utilisateurs correspondants responsables de l’achèvement. L’objectif est de garantir que la configuration en cours peut être facilement adaptée à mesure que l’entreprise évolue sans avoir recours à des experts informatiques qui sont toujours très demandés.

La solution permet également des simulations de paramétrages des règles de contrôle fiscal pour optimiser les contrôles et réduire les faux positifs.

SAP Tax Compliance fournit un tableau de bord centralisé pour obtenir des informations en temps réel sur l’état de conformité dans le monde entier. Il devient également un référentiel central de problèmes et de solutions qui peuvent être exploités pour conduire des améliorations en continu des processus. De plus, il permet d’empêcher les problèmes de se produire en premier lieu.

SAP Tax Compliance intègre des mécanismes d’apprentissage automatique

SAP Tax Compliance automatise au-delà de la détection, rationalisant l’ensemble du processus de correction. Il intègre des mécanismes d’apprentissage automatique prêt à l’emploi pour augmenter l’efficacité. De plus, il propose des modèles de workflow natifs pour orchestrer efficacement les tâches entre la myriade d’équipes qui doivent être impliquées dans le processus de correction.

Ces fonctionnalités d’apprentissage automatique peuvent être activées et maintenues par les utilisateurs métiers. Le but étant de libérer la puissance des données sans avoir besoin du support du département IT.

Comment réussir son projet de mise en place ?

Bien qu’il s’agisse d’un projet de mise en place d’outil, celui-ci ne doit pas être considéré comme un projet purement technique mais bien un projet global impliquant les acteurs métiers dès les premières phases. Il s’agit d’être sûr de ne pas se tromper d’objectif. Mais également de réellement apporter la valeur attendue pour toutes les parties prenantes.

C’est pour cela que nous préconisons la mise en place d’une équipe projet pluridisciplinaire. Une équipe qui regroupe les compétences financières, fiscales, juridiques, comptables et IT. Celle-ci est capable de cerner les besoins de la façon la plus exhaustive possible. Mais aussi de mettre en place une cartographie des risques et d’identifier les contrôles afférents.

Au-delà du module Tax compliance il peut être intéressant de disposer d’une solution complète pour la gestion fiscale de bout en bout qui couvre :

  • Contrôles fiscaux pour améliorer la qualité des données fiscales et éviter les interruptions d’activité.
  • Rapports électroniques en temps réel avec rapprochement complet pour une mise en conformité efficace.

SAP Tax Compliance offre une intégration transparente avec la nouvelle solution SAP Document and Reporting Compliance. Cette solution regroupe les anciennes solutions SAP pour la facturation numérique en temps réel (SAP Document Compliance) et la gestion des déclarations périodiques (SAP Advance Compliance Reporting ACR). Elle garantit que les problèmes identifiés soient rapidement suivis, que l’origine de ces déficiences soient analysées et résolues afin d’empêcher les interruptions d’activité.

Ces solutions SAP pour la facturation numérique en temps réel et la gestion des déclarations périodiques proposent déjà plus de 300 modèles pré-configurés de déclaration pour plus de 50 pays.

En synthèse, l’automatisation des contrôles et de la fonction fiscale devient de plus en plus nécessaire. L’obligation de bien s’outiller devient incontournable.

Vincent DOUX – SAP +33 6 03 43 72 95
Jérôme HUBER – Mazars +33 6 67 51 13 38
Vincent THEOT – Mazars +33 6 60 47 46 64
Heyfa LIMAM – Mazars +33 6 66 90 10 81
Nicolas RICHARD – Mazars +33 6 66 61 91 35

The post SAP Tax Compliance, un outil de transformation digitale des fonctions fiscales appeared first on SAP France News.

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The best way to keep up with the most important stories for web professionals is to subscribe to Webdesigner News or check out the site regularly. However, in case you missed a day this week, here’s a handy compilation of the top curated stories from the last seven days. Enjoy!

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The post Popular Design News of the Week: August 23 2021 – August 29, 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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In the video below, we take a closer look at java.util.Collections in Java? | java.util.Collections Introduction and Sample Programs. Let’s get started!

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Creating an incredible brand experience for an end-user is about more than just designing the right home page or lining up a series of great product pages. 

Effective website design conveys crucial information about a company, through everything from font styles, to image choices. Nowhere is this representation of brand identity more important than on the about page. 

People frequently confuse the about page with the contact page or fail to leverage it correctly simply because they don’t know what to say. However, creating an about page that speaks to an audience can be immensely powerful. 

What is an About Page?

The first step in designing a great about page is understanding the purpose of the space. This isn’t just a page on a website explaining what a company does. 

The about page is an introduction to a company’s story, its brand essence, and personality. 

Done correctly, this page will demonstrate a crucial sense of affinity between a business and its customers. It will highlight values that resonate with a customer and make it easier for clients to trust businesses.

The Yellow Leaf hammocks company starts its about page with a video.

As you scroll through the interactive site, you discover new elements of the company’s tale, including what prompted the birth of the business to begin with and the brand’s mission. 

Yellow Leaf lets its visitors know what the company is all about by using authentic images of real people to external content and bold quotes. 

There are even snippets from customer case studies for social proof. 

About pages are relevant because they give customers a way to build a real human connection with a business. Harvard professors say that 95% of purchasing decisions are emotional; we don’t buy things just because we need them. Instead, we look for companies that we feel connections with to solve problems. 

Using an about page to convey an attitude, personality, or just what makes a business special is how designers can ensure that end-users will care more about the business. 

How to Make an About Page Stand Out

So, how do you make an about page stand out?

Since every company is different, there’s no one-size-fits-all strategy for everything.  However, there are a few essential steps to consider as you move through the design process. 

Here are some pro tips for successfully attracting attention with the about page…

Step 1: Decide What to Include

It’s tempting to assume that a complicated about page will lead to a stronger relationship between a brand and its customers. After all, the longer the story, the more the customer knows about the company – right?

While it’s essential to include plenty of valuable information in an about page, it’s also worth remembering that today’s customers are short on time. They don’t want to spend hours scrolling through one part of a website. Instead, they want access to quick, convenient snippets of information. 

The Joseph Payton about page is effective because it cuts the story down into bite-sized chunks. Each piece of information highlights valuable insights for the customer. Plus, hand-drawn images and animations make the experience feel like you’re getting to know Joe on a deeper level. 

Before you begin designing, ask yourself:

  • How much text does the page need? How much space does there need to be for copy? How can you spread the content out in a visually engaging way?
  • What sections should the page include? For example, does there need to be a link to the contact us page or a contact form somewhere?
  • How does the page connect to the rest of the website? For example, can you link to things like case studies and reviews with quotes to tie more of the website together?

Step 2: Make the Mission Statement Clear

In a world where emotion influences buyer behavior, clients and customers want to buy from companies they believe in. It’s not enough to have the right product or price point anymore. People want to know that they have a human connection with a business. 

On some about pages, it’s difficult to pinpoint the real mission of the company. It seems like you have to scroll through endless paragraphs of text to make your own assumptions about what matters to the company. However, a well-designed about page puts this crucial info front and center. 

For instance, on the Apptopia about us page, the subheading tells you everything you need to know about the brand. This heading instantly tells the audience whether it’s worth reading on to find out more. 

The best about us pages often include a lot more than just a single sentence of text. But it’s worth pinpointing some of the essential details from these pages and drawing extra attention to them. A larger font or a different font color could be perfect for this purpose. 

Alternatively, if it’s difficult to refine the company’s mission down into one message, it might be worth creating a whole segment at the top of the page dedicated to this information. That’s what the Toms shoe company does.

Step 3: Invest in the Right Trust Elements

People aren’t always sure who they can trust these days. 

There are millions of websites out there and billions of companies. Not all of them are going to appeal to every customer. Since an about page is all about making a crucial human connection between a business and its client, it’s important to implement as much trust as possible. 

The good news is that there are many trust elements you can embed into an about page to make it more reputable. Star ratings taken straight from companies like Trusted Reviews and Google are a great way to show that a company is already impressing its followers. 

Quotes plucked from your customers or segments of case studies that you can place throughout the About Page copy is another great way to show your authenticity. 

You could even take the same approach as Aja Frost here and embed genuine data and graphs into the about page.

One particularly helpful way to make a website’s about page more trustworthy without eating up too much space is to implement trust stickers. Badges that show all the right groups and regulators approve a company are a great start. 

Even showcasing the logos of companies that the business worked for before on a slideshow could be an excellent opportunity to add depth to their authority. 

Step 4: Convey Brand Personality

Brand personality is reflected in the tone of voice that a company uses for its content. You can see a company’s personality in the choice of colors it has on its website. It’s in the fonts that convey a message, and the videos, images, and other unique strategies that each business uses. 

Although a brand personality needs to shine through in everything the company does, it’s imperative on the about page. This is the environment where a customer is getting to know a business for the first time. As a result, the consumer should instantly recognize what kind of brand archetype they’re working with. 

Take a look at the Eight Hour Day about page, for instance. The first thing you see is a picture of two people laughing. That means you instantly get a sense of friendliness.

As you scroll through the page, you’re greeted by friendly, informal copy combined with bright colors and snippets of useful information. Everything feels comfortable and reassuring. 

When you reach the bottom of the page, you find a bunch of data that makes the company seem more trustworthy. There are links to its social media pages and a partial client list showcasing brands like JCPenny, Wired, and Purina.

Using the right combination of font, copy, and imagery, this About page tells you exactly what to expect before you begin interacting with the company. 

Step 5: Take Visitors on a Journey Through Time

Showing customers where a business is going with things like brand mission statements and values are great. However, it’s also worth giving people an insight into where a brand has already been. 

Many of today’s shoppers aren’t comfortable buying from brands that haven’t spent much time in their chosen industry. They want to see that the people they’re working with have experience, heritage, and plenty of background knowledge. 

What better way to demonstrate all of these things than with a timeline of accomplishments? Here’s an example of how Marshall showcases its history by mentioning various crucial historical milestones.

A timeline of events doesn’t have to be this complex, however. If you don’t want to overwhelm visitors with a wall of text, an actual timeline that offers quick and easy insights into what the business has done over the years could be a better option. 

Another option could be to have a few key statements from the company’s timeline, then link out to a separate “History” page for people who want to find out more. 

Step 6: Show the Human Side

People don’t buy from businesses; they buy from other people. 

An about page isn’t just a chance to show customers what a company does. It’s also an introduction to the people behind that organization. Showcasing the team members that contributed to the growth and continued development makes that organization more attractive. 

Obviously, if there are hundreds or thousands of employees in a team, you might not be able to mention them all on an about page. However, the page should generally include some insights into the c-suite and significant members of staff. 

A selection of company photos is a good way to introduce your team. However, you can consider other options too. For instance, to maintain their unique brand, the Tunnel Bear team designed to draw their own bear icons that represented their personalities.

The design is adorable, and it’s a wonderful way to showcase what makes the company so unique. At the same time, using this kind of illustration means you can avoid the hassle of trying to get all of your business photos to look consistent. 

Step 7: Show Values with Visuals

Finally, as we’ve mentioned frequently throughout this guide, an about page is an essential place to showcase the values of your business. These are the core principles that guide you in everything that you do. They help tell customers what matters most to you and prevent you from moving in the wrong direction. 

However, you’re not restricted to highlighting your values through copy and nothing else. You can also introduce customers to the things that matter most to you through visuals too. Graphics or illustrations that highlight important aspects of your business are a great way to share information without relying too heavily on text. 

Videos are another brilliant option, particularly if you have a lot to say but not a lot of time to say it in. That’s what Ben & Jerrys does.

You can also find a stream of “issues” the company cares about on the website too. This means that people can get more information on things like Democracy, Racial Justice, Fair trading, and what Ben & Jerry’s is doing about all of those things. 

Visual elements like this are a great way to give an about page more pizazz. Plus, they appeal to people who want to learn about your company but don’t want to spend forever reading through the text. 

Create Better About Pages

An about page shouldn’t be an afterthought. 

It’s a crucial part of showcasing a company’s unique style and personality. Used correctly, these pages convey crucial information about everything a business stands for. 

Use the tips above to give more meaning to your about page design, and remember to pay attention to how much your traffic and conversions evolve with every update you make. A better about page could even help you to drive more conversions.


The post 7 Essential Design Tips for a Killer “About Us” Page first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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In the information age, time is a valuable commodity and something people don’t want to spend too much of. As a result, the average visitor only reads about 20% of the content of a page

For web designers and developers, that means a few things: first, you need to ensure that the web pages you create are as engaging as possible; secondly, you need to find a way of making the critical information on any page stand out; thirdly, every modern designer needs to create assets that are easy for today’s fast-paced customers to use. 

Making websites more scannable is how you do your part as a designer to ensure that the customers who come to a page get the quick and convenient experiences they need. 

So, how do designers embrace scannability?

Designing for Scannability: An Introduction

At first glance, the concept of creating a website for scannability is strange. 

Most designers start their projects with the aim of making customers stay on a page for as long as possible. So it’s odd to think that you would want to make it simple for end-users to skip from one page to another on a website in a matter of seconds. 

However, scannability isn’t just about delivering information and getting users off a page. When sites are scannable, they make it quicker and easier for customers to slide down the purchasing funnel. A quicker and more convenient customer journey leads to a stronger user experience and more conversions. 

Look at Netflix, for instance. It doesn’t give interested users a ton of information on its homepage. Instead, the key USPs of the product are laid out bright and bold in the middle of the screen, along with one simple call to action: Get Started.

Designing for scannability means making it easy for users on a page to glance at a screen and instantly access all the information they need to take the next step in their buyer journey. 

There’s no needless scrolling or wondering what to do next. 

According to analyst Jacob Nielsen, scannability is essential because people look for specific things on every page they visit. 

Customers don’t read through web pages word by word. Instead, they scan through the content, plucking information out that serves their requirements. 

Questions to Ask When Designing for Scannability

So, how do you know if your web pages are scannable?

Start by asking the following questions:

  • What’s the intent of the people who arrive on this page?
  • What kind of information needs to be conveyed instantly?
  • Can the visitor see the next step in their journey immediately?

For instance, when someone arrives on the Evernote homepage, you can assume that they want to:

  • Find out about Evernote
  • Learn how to sign up
  • Jump to other pages to find out about features, and contact details

That’s why the designer behind the Evernote website placed an immediate piece of useful information at the top of the page: “Tame your work, organize your life” tells customers exactly what the entire product is all about. The brief paragraph of information underneath can provide a few more details if customers need it, then there’s an immediate call to action: Sign up for free. 

Not only does the call to action tell users what to do next, but it tells them the most important information they need straight away: it’s free. 

Scannable pages like this are useful because:

  • They help users complete their tasks quicker: Whether you want to sign up or learn more about the product, everything you need is available instantly, with no scrolling required. 
  • The bounce rate is reduced. Customers don’t get confused and hit the back button. That’s good for your client’s SEO and their bottom line. 
  • The website looks and feels more credible: Because customers get all the answers to their questions immediately, they’re more likely to trust the website. 

So, what are some of the best things you can do to make your sites as scannable as possible?

Use Visual Hierarchy

Visual hierarchy is a way of organizing the content on your website in a way that adheres to how people use the website. For instance, if you land on a blog page, you expect to see the headline first, maybe some information about the writer, and any other essential information, followed by the body content. 

Although it’s tempting for designers to try and surprise users with new visual strategies, the best way to make your content more scannable is to give end-users precisely what they expect. 

If you’re not sure what a page should look like, try checking out the competition. 

One of the most obvious visual hierarchy rules is that the main navigation should always go at the top of the page. 

Customers will expect to look at the top of the page to find navigation. They don’t want to have to scroll through your website, searching for a way to get to another page. If you want to make it as easy as possible for end-users to jump from one page to another, you can pin the navigation bar to the page so that it stays with users as they scroll. 

Maintain Negative Space

White space, negative space, or whatever you call it – is the part of your design that’s left empty. 

White space is crucial because it gives all of the objects on your page some much-needed breathing room. Without enough negative space on your pages, it’s impossible to embrace scannability because there’s too much information for a customer to take in at once. 

For instance, notice how there are big gaps of space between every element on a Forbes website post. A proper amount of negative space on your site ensures that users can quickly take in chunks of information and use that information to decide what to do next. 

To ensure there’s enough negative space on your website pages, ask yourself what the key elements visitors will notice when they come to a website. The essential items should be:

  • A title or header to confirm that the user is in the right place
  • A CTA that shows your user what to do next
  • A navigation header or menu
  • Critical information includes an introduction to what a page is about or an excerpt from the blog post they’re about to read. 
  • A visual component: A picture or image that gives context to the page. 

Anything else can usually be removed. So, for instance, if Forbes wanted to make the page above more scannable, they could easily remove the ads and social media sharing buttons.

Make the Next Step Obvious

Every page on a website exists in a hierarchy within the customer journey. 

A homepage leads customers to product pages, which leads to a checkout page, which connects to a thank-you page that sends the visitor back to another product page, and so on. 

When designing for scannability, it’s crucial to make the next step in the journey as obvious as possible. Usually, this means placing the call to action “above the fold,” where the customer can see it immediately.

Ideally, scannable pages should have just one CTA. This will stop your audience members from being confused or overwhelmed by choice. 

However, if you’ve got multiple CTAs, think about the average customer’s journey and what they’ll want access to first.

If those buttons don’t appeal to the customer, they can scroll a little further and see other “next step” options, like shopping for “self-isolation essentials” or browsing other popular product categories:

Test Every Page

Testing for scannability means examining every page and making sure that it’s as easy as possible for customers to move through the buying process as fast as they want to. 

Visit each page you design in a buyer journey and ask how quickly it would take end-users to get from point A to point B and beyond. Here are some of the common issues that might slow the customer’s journey and harm scannability:

  • Readability: Is the font legible? Is it large enough to read on all screens, including mobile devices? Legibility in the design world measures how quickly and intuitively your users can distinguish what’s going on any page. Remember that the color of the background, the amount of negative space around copy blocks, and even font pairing can impact the readability of the content. Show your pages to multiple people and time how long it takes for them to grasp the message that you’re trying to convey. 
  • Fluff: Fluff and extra features can make your pages more intriguing, but they can also slow users down. For instance, one picture at the top of a blog page can add context to the article. A slideshow of pictures stops the customer from progressing and keeps them stuck at the top of the page for longer. 
  • Words instead of numbers: According to Nielsen, eye-tracking studies show that numerals often stop the wandering eye. Numbers are compact and more regularly associated with statistics and facts, so they’re more likely to grab attention. If you want to get important points across to end users fast, use numbers, not words. 

Creating Scannable Pages

Scannability is becoming an increasingly important concept in today’s busy landscape. 

Now that more customers are browsing websites from their smartphones or checking out products on the move, designers need to think more carefully about adjusting to this agile environment. 

Scannable pages that move visitors along the buying cycle and into the next stage of the funnel will deliver better results for your clients, and therefore better outcomes for you. 


The post Quick Ways to Make a Webpage More Scannable first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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The best free online coding websites for beginners are hubs of education and insight, designed to take your knowledge and career to the next level.

For years, technical careers have been gaining more attention among innovative individuals. In a digital world, people capable of speaking computer language often have the widest selection of job opportunities. However, before you can start leveraging the blossoming job market, you need to hone your skills. That’s where free coding websites come in.

A free online coding website is an environment where you can develop your understanding of various kinds of code, update your programming prowess, and even earn certifications. Today, we’re going to be looking at some of the most impressive coding websites on the market.

Coding Careers: Opportunities in 2021 and Beyond

Before we leap into our overview of the best free coding websites, let’s examine why it’s so important to invest in your coding role. Looking at the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, we see that coders earn an average of $89,190 per year.

Elsewhere, CompTIA notes that technology hiring has accelerated since the end of 2020, with up to 391,000 new positions opening in the US during December.

Though coding careers have been popular for some time now, they have particularly high value following the pandemic, as companies worldwide adapt to the changes associated with remote workforces, digital customer service, and ecommerce. The pandemic has made us more reliant on technology than ever before, as a result:

  • Coding skills are in high demand: Coding skills are essential for the newly digital world. Studies find that the pandemic has accelerated digital transformation by around 7 years. Companies need coding professionals to stay ahead of the curve.
  • Coding knowledge is becoming more versatile: Companies are looking for coding skills in more than just programmers. They want their data analysts, IT workers, artists, designers, and other professionals to have these talents too.
  • People with coding talent can earn more: Jobs requiring coding skills tend to pay more than those that don’t. This reveals the growing need for coding knowledge in the digital ecosystem.

Coding skills provide an avenue to tech professionals for higher-income jobs, and these careers are growing faster on average than other job opportunities.

The Best Websites for Learning to Code

Learning to code or developing your existing coding skills can help you to unlock a host of new opportunities. Today, you can learn coding online for free, just by visiting the right websites.

Even a basic knowledge of coding can drive a range of results, such as helping to support the better management of websites, reducing reliance on outside developers, and opening the door to app development. So whether you want to start a new career or upgrade your existing knowledge, these sites will help:


BitDegree is a wonderful website for anyone interested in web development, coding, data science, and programming. There are various courses to choose from, depending on the career path you want to take. For instance, you can learn about the AWS cloud or start your journey into gaming development. For coding, BitDegree covers languages like:

  • CSS
  • HTML
  • PHP
  • SQL
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery

The best thing about BitDegree is how it makes learning so fun. There are gamified courses and sections where you can really dive into the essentials of coding. In addition, the online coding course collection often features hundreds of discounted options for people on a budget.


One of the most popular sites for learning how to code for free, CodeAcademy is home to over 24 million students who have built their skills. The interactive learning approach lets you apply what you’ve learned immediately. Over 300 million hours of free coding content are available to check out at your leisure. Like most coding platforms, you can learn languages such as:

  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • PHP
  • jQuery
  • Python
  • PHP
  • Ruby

CodeAcademy is particularly effective for beginners because you get instant feedback after submitting your coding efforts. When you make mistakes, you’ll find out exactly where you went wrong, allowing you to avoid similar mistakes in the future.


Codewars by Qualified is definitely one of the most versatile free platforms for learning how to code. There are dozens of languages you can learn – too many to list right here. Options range from C++ and C# to Ruby, Python, Lean, Java, PHP, Scala, and countless others.

Codewars teaches you your programming language in-depth by selecting challenges designed to put your mind to the test. The goal for each challenge is to help you sharpen your knowledge over time, with tasks that get progressively more difficult over time.

The cool thing about Codewars is it allows you to see how you respond to challenges compared to how other coders have tackled the same issues.


Designed for a younger community of would-be coders, is an engaging and highly accessible introduction to coding. With around 60 million students worldwide, the platform gives you access to a wide range of different learning opportunities intended to suit different needs and learning levels.

The environment is built on a desire to bring coding into the standard curriculum. You can dive into full one-hour tutorials, or you can experiment with a more structured approach to learning, which is ideal for people with different learning styles. There’s also a huge catalog of courses extending from basic coding for younger kids all the way to University-level education.

Free Code Camp

A diverse option in our free coding website list, Free Code Camp is all about developing your coding knowledge while simultaneously networking with other like-minded people in the industry. The solution allows you to learn coding by participating in challenges – which is ideal if you want to put your skills to the test as soon as possible.

To help you jump in, you’ll have access to a range of courses and tutorials designed to help you understand and overcome each challenge. You can even code for non-profits on the platform and build tradeable projects in languages like:

  • HTML5
  • Javascript
  • Node.JS
  • CSS3
  • React.JS
  • Databases
  • Git

If you’re a little nervous about the concept of coding alone, you’ll have a full community to work within the Free Code Camp. You might even meet someone you can work with in the years ahead.

Code Conquest

Code Conquest is less of a course website and more of a comprehensive guide for beginners diving into the world of code. This amazing platform will help you understand all of the basics of coding in no time – even if you’re brand-new to the landscape. You can find out what coding is all about, learn which languages are best to learn for your needs, and more.

The website is full of resources for all kinds of coders, including comprehensive tutorials, reviews, a knowledge center, training packs, and more. You can even choose from a range of languages like:

  • CSS
  • HTML
  • PHP
  • jQuery
  • Ruby
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • MySQL

To help you figure out where you should get started, the Code Conquest website also gives you recommendations on which tutorials to take next.


One of the better-known free websites for coding on the market today, W3Schools is an environment packed full of example codes, resources, tutorials, exercises, and libraries to help you learn how to code. The site is one of the largest in the world for developers.

To begin coding with W3 Schools, you’ll need to choose the programming language that’s right for you, then either jump into the program immediately or select from a range of learning options. The site comes with a handy quiz to help you define your knowledge level.

Languages range from CSS to SQL, JavaScript, HTML, Python, Java, C++, and many more.

Code Avengers

Code Avengers offers a fun and interactive approach to learning how to program and code. There are various course options to teach you how to create everything from games and apps to entire websites. The good thing about the Code Avengers website is you don’t need a lot of spare time to start learning. Each course takes around 12 hours to complete.

You can choose from languages like HTML, CSS, Python, jQuery, JavaScript, and more, and connect with a wide selection of similar coding enthusiasts, just like you. The biggest downside is that the free trial only lasts for seven days before you’ll need to pay to use the full program.

The Code Player

A simple and effective website for learning how to code and building your existing skills. There are tons of videos and demos to walk you through the process of learning how to code from scratch. All you need to do is click on one of the things you want to learn how to do, like creating a simple web page, and the site will give you a video walkthrough.

Though a little simple compared to other coding resources, the Code Player still has a lot of great video guidance to help beginners jump into various languages. For example, you can learn about CSS and HTML or check out various tools to help you make a more effective website.


If you’re particularly interested in learning about Java, the CodeGym is probably the website for you. This online Java programming course teaches you the basics of Java by allowing you to dive into various tasks. You can get involved with various exercises depending on your existing skill level and play around with games designed to teach you more about the coding landscape.

This website is fantastic for people in all stages of the coding journey. Whenever you suggest a solution to a challenge, the website will give you immediate feedback to learn from. There are more than 500 hours of Java coding exercises and educational resources to explore.

The Odin Project

One of the better-known free coding websites on the market, the Odin Project aims to take the headaches and frustration out of learning web development. If you’re a beginner looking to develop a career in coding, then the Odin Project will give you all the pieces of the puzzle required to decide exactly where you want to go and build the appropriate skills.

This site offers a full-stack curriculum of coding education options, with tons of challenges, tasks, and exercises to help you put your newly gained knowledge to the test. You’ll learn how to program in languages like CSS and HTML, explore the basics of JavaScript and Ruby, and even get tips on how to get hired when your skills are maxed out.

Plural Sight

Previously known as Code School, Plural Sight is a fantastic online learning platform that allows you to build your knowledge through a range of paid and free courses. The comprehensive platform is organized into a wide selection of different learning paths. You can choose how you want to develop your skills based on your chosen language and your existing skillset.

You choose an education path created by professional instructors to achieve specific outcomes, and Plural Sight gives you all the material you need. You can also practice what you’ve learned during the course in your browser and get immediate feedback on what you need to work on. There’s even a gamification aspect that allows you to earn points for every course level you complete.

MIT Open Courseware

Imagine how amazing it would be to get accepted to MIT to learn your new coding skills? What if you didn’t have to go through the headache of an official application. If you have a computer and internet access, you can explore MIT’s course material easily through the MIT Open Courseware website. This dedicated website gives you an insight into all of the courses and materials learned by students at MIT.

You can browse through all the courses available in the programming landscape and filter through results based on things like course features. For instance, you might specifically look for courses with their own online textbook, lecture notes, and videos. It’s a great way to get an insight into how one of the most reputable universities in the world offers coding education.

Web Fundamentals

We’ve already looked at a website offering coding resources specifically for Java, now let’s take a look at one designed for HTML5. Launched about 11 years ago as HTML5 Rocks, the Web Fundamentals website is packed full of tutorials, resources, and insights into the most recent updates to HTML5. This open-source environment allows developers and programmers to really get active with their skills.

You can play around with some of the code already available on the website, and explore tutorials authored by a range of amazing individuals. Although these courses are very comprehensive, it’s worth noting that they might not be the perfect choice for true beginners, as the tutorials can be more complex than most.

Dash General Assembly

If you’re keen to learn the essentials of coding in some of the most popular languages, like CSS, JavaScript, and HTML, then Dash General Assembly is the site for you. This website offers fun and free courses which will guide you through the basics of web development. You even get interactive tasks and challenges you can leverage within your browser, with no downloads required.

Users learn how to do a range of amazing things with this website, including how to code HTML5, build a beautiful website, and balance your layouts for aesthetic appeal and usability. You can even design dynamic interfaces where you can add aminations and effects. Dash General Assembly is a fantastic tool for anyone keen to get started in the world of coding.

Finally, promises beginners a fast and simple way to start learning how to code, while having plenty of fun. This exciting website immerses you within a digital story which takes you on an adventure through the basics of coding. You’ll need to learn real-life coding skills to navigate your way through the rest of the story, which means you can develop your C# knowledge as you go.

This is one of the more unique tools for learning how to code that we’ve found so far. It’s a great way to discover the basics of C# without being bogged down in boring lectures. Remember, though, this website is intended for complete beginners, so you might find it a little basic if you already know some of the coding essentials.

Free Websites for Learning to Code

Free coding websites are an excellent way to develop your skills and unlock new opportunities in the world of coding. If you’re keen to jump into a new career as a programmer or coding developer, make sure you check out some of the options above. There’s no doubt you’ll find a site capable of giving you the boost you need.


Featured image via Unsplash.


The post 16 Free Websites for Learning to Code in 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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In the video below, we take a closer look at What is LinkedHashMap? | LinkedHashMap Introduction and Sample Programs | Java Collections Framework. Let’s get started!

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You have been looking for a theme for your website. You haven’t yet settled on all the design details or come across a specialty theme that appears to have what you might need. Then, a multipurpose theme would be a wise choice.

Multipurpose WordPress themes have become extremely popular because of the flexibility they offer. Also, because of their relative ease of use and the powerful tools, you will usually find built into them.

With a good multipurpose theme at your fingertips, you are usually in a position to build anything. You can build a simple personal blogging site or a complex multifunctional site for a client. To make life a little easier, most multipurpose WordPress themes have features to help you get started quickly and in the right direction.

Here is a superb collection of 7 of the top multipurpose WordPress themes on the market today. These themes can help you build virtually any kind of website.

1. Betheme – Website Builder for WordPress with 600+ Pre-Built Websites

BeTheme has long been one of the most popular multipurpose WordPress themes. Not content to rest on their laurels, BeTheme’s authors took suggestions from their customers and created a better builder.

The Live Builder is 60% faster. Its UI is so intuitive that you won’t waste time learning how to use it. It features exciting new and powerful capabilities and performs familiar page-building features better than ever.

With the Live Builder, you can –

  • Edit live content visually without switching between backend and frontend; you can view an element and customize it simultaneously.
  • Use the Revisions feature to create, save, and restore what you want; no more lost changes thanks to the Autosave, Update, Revision, and Backup options.
  • Access the Pre-built Sections Library: find the section or block you need and add it to your page.
  • Select from the large and diverse selection of Items; categories include typography, boxes, blocks, design elements, loops, etc., to help you create exactly what you have in mind.

Click on the banner to learn more.

2. Total WordPress Theme

The introduction emphasized the ease of use and flexibility most multipurpose themes provide. Total has both in abundance thanks to its drag and drop frontend page builder and hundreds of built-in styling options.

Highlights include –

  • An advanced version of the WPBakery page builder.
  • 40+ single click importable demos, 100+ page-building modules, and 500+ styling settings to help you create exactly what you want.
  • Dynamic Template and Pre-styled Theme Cards to tailor dynamic templates for your posts.
  • Templatera and Slider Revolution plugins plus full WooCommerce compatibility.
  • A selection of developer-friendly hooks, filters, and snippets for future theme customization.

Even though Total was designed with perfection in mind, or perhaps because of it, it is the right choice if you need to get a high-quality website up and running in a short period of time. Total’s 47,000+ customers seem to agree.

Click on the banner to learn more.

3. Avada Theme

The fact that Avada is the all-time best-selling WordPress theme with more than 450,000 sales to date might be all the reason you need to choose it, but there are plenty of other good reasons for doing so as well.

For example –

  • Avada’s drag and drop page builder, together with the Fusion Page and Fusion Theme options, makes building a website quick and easy.
  • Single-click import demos, stylish design elements, and pre-built websites are there to help speed up your project’s workflow and impart a high level of quality to the finished product.
  • Avada’s Dashboard organizes your work, and its Dynamic Content System gives you maximum flexibility and full control over your project.

Click on the banner to find out more about this fast, responsive, and WooCommerce-compatible theme.

4. Uncode – Creative Multiuse & WooCommerce WordPress Theme

Uncode will be an ideal choice for building creative, magazine, and blogging websites and for building agency sites as well. This fast, sleek, pixel-perfect multipurpose theme has sold more than 80,000 copies to date.

Uncode’s impressive features include –

  • More than 450 Wireframe section templates that can easily be modified and combined.
  • A Frontend Editor on steroids coupled with the WooCommerce custom builder.
  • A “must-see” gallery of user-created websites.

5. TheGem – Creative Multi-Purpose High-Performance WordPress Theme

TheGem is literally a Swiss Army knife of website building tools that make it ideal for creating business, portfolio, shop, and magazine websites.

Among the many gems included in the package are these –

  • The popular and industry-leading WPBakery and Elementor front-end page builders.
  • 400+ beautiful pre-built websites and templates together with 300+ pre-designed section templates.
  • A splendid collection of WooCommerce templates for shop-building projects.

6. Impeka – Creative Multipurpose WordPress Theme

With Impeka, flexibility is almost an understatement. This intuitive, easy-to-work-with multipurpose theme gives beginners and advanced users alike complete freedom to dream up their ideal website and then make it happen – and fast.

You can –

  • Choose among the Enhanced WPBakery, Elementor, and Gutenberg page builders.
  • Select from 50 handcrafted design elements and Impeka’s 10 custom blocks.

Impeka is perfect for building every website type, from blogging and online stores to commercial businesses and corporations.

7. Blocksy – Gutenberg WordPress Theme

Blocksy is a blazing fast and lightweight WordPress theme that was built with the Gutenberg editor in mind and is seamlessly integrated with WooCommerce.

  • Blocksy is responsive, adaptive, translation ready, and SEO optimized.
  • Blocksy plays well with all the popular WordPress page builders, including Elementor, Beaver Builder, and Brizy.

This popular multipurpose WordPress theme can be used to create any type of website in no time.

Of all the design choices a WordPress user needs to make, choosing a WordPress theme for the task at hand is perhaps the most important.

That choice, more often than not, involves a multipurpose theme. Most multipurpose WordPress themes are extremely flexible. So, you can avoid the tedious and time-consuming task of trying to find exactly the right one for your niche and for the job.

Multipurpose themes work for any website niche and offer whatever an admin might need.

Choose one from these 7 Best Multipurpose WordPress Themes, and you should be able to create your website with relative ease.


The post  7 Top Multipurpose WordPress Themes You Should Check Out first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Selenium has gone through a tremendous evolution since its introduction and that’s the reason today it is the most popular and powerful automation testing tool. The newly released Selenium 4 is creating a lot of buzz and the complete testing community is looking forward to exploring its updated features. 

Before we dive into Selenium 4, let’s have a brief introduction to its previous versions. Selenium 1 was declared as the free open source automation testing framework in the year 2004 consisting of selenium IDE, RC, and web driver. Whereas, the Selenium 2 released in 2011 consisted of the IDE, Web driver, and Grid. The RC server was merged with the web driver, as the web driver facilitated easy automation scripting for the browsers. Selenium 3 was officially released in 2016. One of the most noticeable changes in selenium 3 was the replacement of the selenium core with the web driver-backed option, the introduction of the gecko driver, and W3C web driver integration.

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