
Développement d'applications mobiles Xamarin pour Android - 2e édition annoncée

La 2e édition du développement d’applications mobiles Xamarin pour Android est annoncée! Découvrez comment créer des applications riches et intuitives pour Android avec Xamarin.

« Xamarin Mobile Application Development pour Android » – Deuxième édition annoncée et disponible à pré-commander. Ce livre devrait être publié en septembre 2015.

Le livre intitulé « Xamarin Mobile Application Development for Android » – Seconde édition est annoncé et est disponible à précommander. Ce livre est attendu pour être publié en septembre 2015.

Si vous êtes un développeur C# qui veut développer des applications Android et améliorer votre ensemble de compétences existant, alors ce livre est idéal pour vous. Une bonne connaissance pratique du C#, .NET et du développement logiciel orienté objet est supposée.

Ce livre est destiné aux développeurs qui souhaitent apprendre à développer des applications Android en utilisant Xamarin. Xamarin est un outil de développement logiciel qui permet aux développeurs de créer des applications natives pour Android, iOS et Windows à l’aide d’une seule base de code. Il s’agit d’une solution très pratique pour les développeurs qui souhaitent créer des applications natives pour plusieurs plates-formes à partir d’un seul code source.

Le livre couvre tous les aspects du développement d’applications Android avec Xamarin, y compris la configuration de l’environnement de développement, le développement d’interfaces utilisateur, le développement de services Web, le déploiement et la publication d’applications sur le Google Play Store. De plus, le livre fournit des exemples de code et des explications étape par étape pour faciliter la compréhension des concepts. Les lecteurs apprendront également à tester et à déboguer leurs applications et à les optimiser pour une meilleure performance.

Le livre est accompagné d’un site Web qui contient des exemples de code et des ressources supplémentaires pour aider les lecteurs à tirer le meilleur parti de leur apprentissage. Les lecteurs peuvent également accéder à un forum en ligne pour discuter avec d’autres lecteurs et obtenir des conseils et des informations sur le développement d’applications Android avec Xamarin. Enfin, le livre propose des exercices pratiques qui aident les lecteurs à mettre en pratique ce qu’ils ont appris et à tester leurs compétences en matière de développement logiciel.

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Concevoir et réaliser des tests numériques pour applications mobiles

Je suis passionné par la conception et la réalisation de tests numériques pour les applications mobiles. Je vais partager mes connaissances et mes techniques pour vous aider à améliorer vos tests.

H2: L’écosystème des expériences numériques à venir est propulsé par le mobile

Avec l’environnement numérique de plus en plus complexe, les marques doivent s’adapter aux besoins de leurs clients à travers divers appareils, plateformes et canaux. Cependant, avec des ressources limitées, les marques ont tendance à choisir des emplacements établis pour servir leurs clients. Selon une enquête de Forrester, les dirigeants développent des expériences personnalisées pour les appareils les plus populaires des consommateurs, donnant la priorité aux canaux plus établis tels que les sites Web et les applications mobiles. Les marques optimisent également leurs sites Web pour une utilisation mobile, tandis que les applications mobiles offrent une occasion d’engagement plus fréquente avec les clients. Malgré la disponibilité de nombreux produits numériques, les entreprises mettent toujours l’accent sur les expériences numériques Web et mobiles. Pour offrir une expérience mobile supérieure et bien servir vos clients mobiles, il est nécessaire de procéder à des tests numériques pour les applications mobiles. Dans ce blog, nous expliquerons pourquoi les tests numériques sont essentiels pour les applications mobiles, comment ils diffèrent des applications Web et comment concevoir et effectuer des tests numériques pour les applications mobiles.

Le mobile est le moteur de l’avenir des écosystèmes d’expérience numérique

Les appareils mobiles sont devenus un élément familier de la vie quotidienne pour des millions de personnes. Dans le monde entier, des appareils dotés d’une connexion Web tels que les smartphones et les tablettes sont devenus des outils essentiels pour la communication, l’information et le divertissement. Selon Statista, en 2022, le nombre d’utilisateurs uniques d’Internet mobile était de cinq milliards, ce qui indique que plus de 60 % de la population mondiale d’Internet utilise un appareil mobile pour se connecter en ligne. La possession et l’utilisation d’Internet mobile sont prévues pour continuer à croître dans le futur car les technologies mobiles deviennent plus abordables et accessibles que jamais. Cette tendance à la hausse de l’adoption d’Internet mobile est évidente dans les marchés numériques en développement où les réseaux mobiles sont le principal moyen d’accès à Internet. Le trafic Internet mobile représente environ 60 % du trafic Web. En revanche, dans les marchés axés sur le mobile comme l’Asie et l’Afrique, les connexions mobiles représentent une part encore plus importante des pages Web consultées.

L’architecture mobile est essentielle pour fournir une expérience numérique optimale

L’architecture mobile est essentielle pour fournir une expérience numérique optimale. Les entreprises doivent comprendre comment leurs clients interagissent avec leurs produits et services à travers leurs appareils mobiles et comment ces interactions peuvent être améliorées. Les marques doivent s’assurer que leurs applications mobiles sont conçues pour fonctionner correctement sur différents appareils et systèmes d’exploitation. Une architecture mobile réussie implique une stratégie de conception cohérente et cohérente qui tient compte des différents facteurs tels que la taille de l’appareil, la résolution, la connectivité et la plate-forme cible. Les entreprises doivent également prendre en compte la vitesse et la fiabilité du réseau lorsqu’elles développent des applications mobiles afin de garantir une

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Avec l’aide de TeamWork, Albéa a adopté les solutions SAP Asset Manager et SAP Plant Maintenance, afin d’équiper ses techniciens de maintenance d’une solution moderne et mobile. Ce core model sera prochainement déployé sur l’ensemble des sites industriels du groupe.


Leader mondial des tubes et emballages pour les produits cosmétiques et parfums. Albéa adresse un large panel de clients, dont des marques prestigieuses comme L’Oréal et Clarins. L’industriel dispose de 43 sites répartis dans 15 pays, où travaillent plus de 12 500 employés. Albéa a réalisé un chiffre d’affaires 2021 de 1,2 milliard de dollars.

La plupart des usines d’Albéa ne disposent pas d’outil dédié pour suivre les activités de maintenance. « Notre objectif était de mettre en place un outil commun pour gérer la maintenance et accompagner les techniciens avec des processus digitalisés et automatisés, tout en favorisant leur mobilité au sein de leur lieu de travail », résume Émilie Ganot, Business Relationship Manager, Supply Chain & Manufacturing, Albéa.

Un premier site pilote a été désigné pour accueillir cette solution, l’usine Albéa Argonne de Sainte-Menehould, le principal site industriel du groupe en France.

SAP Asset Manager : une offre mobile et ergonomique

Les usines d’Albéa, dont celle de Sainte-Menehould, travaillent la plupart sur un ERP SAP ECC. Certains utilisateurs étaient toutefois réticents à l’idée d’adopter SAP Plant Maintenance (SAP PM), jugé trop peu ergonomique et trop coûteux à maintenir. Plusieurs offres de GMAO ont été étudiées au fil des ans, mais elles restaient complexes à intégrer avec la gestion des stocks et le contrôle de gestion.

« Lors d’une démonstration de SAP Asset Manager (SAP AM), nous avons découvert un outil ergonomique, qui permet aux opérateurs de maintenance d’utiliser une tablette pour saisir leurs opérations et faire remonter des informations dans SAP PM. Nous avons alors validé l’utilisation de SAP AM, avec SAP PM en back-end, » témoigne Astrid Chauvin, Business Relationship Manager, Supply Chain & Manufacturing, Albéa.

Premier avantage, la solution s’interface nativement avec SAP ECC et ses différents modules (stocks, achats et finance). L’interface repose sur la technologie Fiori, qui permet de proposer une expérience utilisateur optimisée, compatible avec les terminaux mobiles. Enfin, l’application offre la capacité de saisir des données hors connexion, ce qui peut être très utile en environnement industriel.

TeamWork a assuré, en collaboration avec Albéa, l’intégration de cette solution. « TeamWork est un partenaire de confiance avec lequel nous aimons travailler, poursuit Astrid Chauvin. La force de TeamWork est de savoir aborder les sujets tant sur leurs aspects fonctionnels que techniques, le tout avec une forte connaissance métier. De plus, c’est une structure à taille humaine, très accessible. »

Une solution bien acceptée

« Le site Albéa Argonne est une grosse usine, comprenant 20 lignes de fabrication et 550 salariés, dont 20 techniciens de maintenance travaillant en 24/7, détaille Émilie Ganot. Nous avons décidé dans un premier temps de déployer la solution sur deux lignes pilotes. Le core model que nous allons mettre au point sera ensuite déployé sur le reste de l’usine, puis sur les autres sites industriels du groupe. »

Dans l’absolu, le déploiement de SAP AM reste un projet assez simple. Albéa a dû toutefois déployer simultanément SAP AM et SAP PM. De plus, l’intégration mobile – native dans SAP S/4HANA – a nécessité la mise en place d’un add-on spécifique sous SAP ECC. Enfin, la solution SAP AM repose sur des services mobiles de la SAP Business Technology Platform, qu’il a donc fallu aussi mettre en place et configurer. Au final, 5 mois ont été nécessaires entre le kick off du projet et le go live de la solution.

« Notre plus grande surprise a été l’adhésion des utilisateurs, note Astrid Chauvin. Ils ne voulaient initialement pas utiliser la solution SAP PM. En leur proposant SAP AM, nous avons donc eu l’impression de jouer à quitte ou double. Mais, dès que les utilisateurs ont entamé le projet avec nous et vu comment l’outil se présentait sur des tablettes, l’enthousiasme a été immédiat. Ceci nous a confortés dans l’idée que nous avions fait le bon choix. »

Reste que la solution n’est pas sans défauts. Si son cœur ne connaît qu’une grosse mise à jour par an, cette mise à jour peut avoir des implications aussi bien sur SAP AM, SAP PM que la SAP BTP. Quant à l’application mobile, elle est mise à jour bien plus fréquemment. Les équipes ont donc dû apprendre à gérer une solution hybride, mêlant on premise, cloud et mobilité.

La satisfaction prévaut toutefois depuis le go live. Prochaine étape sur le court et moyen terme, le déploiement de ce core model sur les autres lignes de production du groupe. À plus long terme, Albéa espère tirer profit du couple SAP AM / SAP PM pour se lancer dans la maintenance prédictive de ses outils de production.

The post Albéa digitalise la maintenance de ses sites industriels avec SAP Asset Manager appeared first on SAP France News.

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Les modèles « en tant que service » font désormais partie de notre quotidien de consommateurs. À quand remonte la dernière fois que vous avez acheté un CD ou un DVD ? En ce qui me concerne, je ne m’en souviens pas. Toute ma famille utilise des plateformes de diffusion continue pour tout cela. Mes fils et moi commandons même nos lames de rasoir et nos crèmes de rasage selon un modèle similaire. Bien sûr, on dirait bien que c’est toujours moi qui paye, mais c’est un autre sujet !

Ce concept de vente d’un résultat en tant que service est communément appelé « servitization ». Hier simple modèle de consommation, c’est aujourd’hui une approche commerciale plus large, dans laquelle les dépenses d’investissement pour un équipement représentent de plus en plus un obstacle aux yeux de l’acheteur. Souvent, il est bien plus intéressant d’avoir accès au même équipement moyennant des frais mensuels, basés sur une utilisation à l’heure ou encore sur le débit.

Grâce à la servitization, les fabricants trouvent de nouveaux moyens de se rapprocher de leurs clients à travers des modèles économiques inédits. Pour ce faire, ils établissent une relation suivie, basée sur des transactions mensuelles alignées sur la consommation, le débit, la disponibilité ou l’exploitation des équipements plutôt que sur une transaction ou une vente ponctuelle attribuant la responsabilité de la maintenance au prestataire de services.

La servitization appelle des produits plus intelligents

Pour rendre la servitization possible, les équipementiers doivent concevoir des produits plus intelligents, capables de collecter les informations nécessaires à une facturation précise de leurs clients. Ils doivent également s’assurer que leurs équipements fonctionnent en permanence, et génèrent les données dont ils ont besoin pour prévoir les opérations de maintenance qui éviteront les pannes. Grâce à l’Internet des Objets (IdO), des capteurs emmagasinent les informations d’utilisation, de débit ou de performances pertinentes pour alimenter le processus de gestion en tant que service.

Grâce à un jumeau numérique de la machine, le fabricant et le client sont tous deux en mesure d’en surveiller les performances et d’utiliser les algorithmes d’apprentissage automatique afin d’évaluer le degré d’efficacité de son utilisation.

La valeur ajoutée de la servitization

Faire des services une part croissante et dynamique de votre activité, c’est accéder à de nouvelles sources de revenus et améliorer vos marges tout en évitant la banalisation et en érigeant la durabilité en véritable facteur de différenciation.

Prenons un exemple fictif. Soit une entreprise qui produit des machines à laver. Cette entreprise souhaite mettre en place un modèle de « lavage en tant que service », dans lequel elle facturerait ses clients en fonction du nombre de lavages réalisés chaque mois par leurs appareils.

Si, comme moi, le client fait partie d’une famille de cinq personnes, qui utilise la machine quotidiennement, il paiera davantage qu’une personne seule qui ne l’utilise qu’une fois par semaine. Le dénominateur commun est que la machine à laver doit fonctionner à pleine performance chaque fois que nécessaire.

Réinventer les modèles de services

Cette nouvelle offre de service requiert des contrats basés sur les résultats, qui incluent des mesures de performances des cycles de lavage et des accords de niveaux de service (SLA) garantissant une disponibilité à 100 %.

Afin de proposer une expérience immersive aux clients, une application peut leur fournir des données en temps réel sur leurs cycles de lavage : le moment où ils se terminent, combien de cycles ont été exécutés dans le mois, le coût, l’empreinte carbone, les performances de la machine…

Ces informations sont également utilisées par le fabricant et par une société de maintenance tierce pour gérer le cycle de vie complet des services, dans tous ses aspects : de l’installation à la facturation en passant par la garantie, l’émission de tickets de service, les interventions sur site, les réparations en atelier, la facturation et les solutions de financement.

Le modèle de service réduira également l’impact environnemental global de la machine en permettant une surveillance de la consommation d’énergie et d’eau, ainsi qu’une prise en charge de la mise hors service et du recyclage afin de maintenir l’équipement dans l’économie circulaire.

Des services précis afin de réduire les coûts et d’améliorer l’expérience client

La disponibilité des données relatives aux machines aide le fabricant et le partenaire de maintenance à repenser leurs opérations de gestion des services. Ils s’appuient sur une planification avancée basée sur l’IA pour hiérarchiser les interactions, améliorer l’utilisation des ressources et réduire les temps de déplacement.

Lorsqu’un technicien de service est dépêché pour réparer une machine, il doit avoir toutes les pièces nécessaires et toutes les informations de dépannage à portée de main via un appareil mobile. Il peut même être guidé dans son travail de réparation grâce à des lunettes à réalité augmentée. Le problème peut ainsi être résolu en une intervention, ce qui évite les longs délais provoqués par une commande de matériel après le rendez-vous.

Révolutionner le retour sur investissement en augmentant les performances des équipements et en allongeant leur durée de vie

Grâce à la visibilité accrue garantie par les capteurs d’IdO intégrés aux machines à laver, le fabricant est désormais en mesure d’assurer un suivi continu des performances de tous les équipements utilisés. Il peut ainsi surveiller leur état et leurs performances par rapport aux accords de niveau de service.

Le fabricant peut également tirer parti des données émises par toutes les machines et, grâce à des algorithmes d’intelligence artificielle, identifier des tendances ou encore anticiper le risque de défaillance. Il peut aussi proposer des opérations de maintenance préventive afin de limiter les pannes et de renforcer le service client. Enfin, ces informations peuvent être transmises aux équipes de recherche et de développement afin qu’elles éliminent tout problème récurrent au moment de concevoir la prochaine génération de la machine.

Un cycle de service de lavage vraiment complet

Il est évident que le modèle économique « en tant que service » perdurera – dans nos vies privées bien sûr, mais aussi de plus en plus au sein des entreprises modernes, auxquelles il permettra de dégager des gains dans tous les domaines.

Pour découvrir comment tracer votre voie vers une gestion de service d’excellence, téléchargez le récent livre blanc de Copperberg intitulé « Transformer la gestion des services pour une servicisation fructueuse ».


Richard Howells, Vice-président ERP et Supply Chain numérique chez SAP

The post Il est grand temps de prendre la « servitization » – les nouvelles prestations de services – au sérieux appeared first on SAP France News.

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Création d'un Processus de Retouche de Portrait pour les photographes

En tant que photographe, vous voulez vous assurer que vos images de portrait sont à leur meilleur. La création d’un processus de retouche de portrait est une partie importante de la réalisation de cet objectif. La retouche peut vous aider à créer des images époustouflantes qui épateront vos clients et les rendront satisfaits des résultats.

La première étape de la création d’un processus de retouche de portrait consiste à déterminer le type de retouche que vous souhaitez effectuer. Voulez-vous vous concentrer sur la retouche de la peau, la correction des couleurs ou autre chose? Une fois que vous avez déterminé le type de retouche que vous souhaitez effectuer, il est temps de démarrer le processus.

L’étape suivante consiste à décider quels outils vous utiliserez pour la retouche. Il existe de nombreux outils différents disponibles pour la retouche de portraits, tels que Photoshop, Lightroom et d’autres logiciels de retouche d’images. Vous devez choisir les outils qui fonctionnent le mieux pour vous et votre flux de travail.

Une fois que vous avez choisi les outils que vous utiliserez, il est temps de commencer le processus de retouche proprement dit. Commencez par faire de petits ajustements à l’image. Cela peut inclure le réglage de l’exposition, du contraste ou de la balance des couleurs. Vous pouvez également utiliser des outils tels que l’esquive et la gravure pour apporter des modifications subtiles à l’image.

En ce qui concerne la retouche de la peau, il existe plusieurs techniques que vous pouvez utiliser. Vous pouvez utiliser le pinceau cicatrisant pour éliminer les imperfections ou l’outil Tampon de clonage pour supprimer les objets indésirables de l’image. Vous pouvez également utiliser la séparation des fréquences pour lisser les tons de peau et réduire les rides.

Une fois que vous avez terminé de faire des ajustements à l’image, il est temps de l’enregistrer. Assurez-vous d’enregistrer l’image dans un format adapté à l’impression, tel que TIFF ou JPEG. Vous devez également enregistrer une copie de l’image d’origine au cas où vous auriez besoin de revenir en arrière et de faire d’autres ajustements plus tard.

La création d’un processus de retouche de portrait est une partie importante de la production d’images époustouflantes que vos clients adoreront. En suivant ces étapes, vous pouvez vous assurer que vos images sont à leur meilleur et que vos clients sont satisfaits des résultats.

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The sports world is changing. Digitalization is everywhere. Cameras and sensors analyze matches. Stadiums get connected and incorporate mobile apps and location-based services. Players use social networks to influence and market themselves and consumer products. Real-time data processing is crucial for most innovative sports use cases. This blog post explores how data streaming with Apache Kafka helps reimagine the sports industry, showing a concrete example from the worldwide table tennis organization. 

Innovation in Sports and Gaming With Real-time Analytics

Reimagining a data architecture to provide real-time data flow for sporting leagues and events is an enormous challenge. However, digitalization enables a ton of innovative use cases to improve user experiences and engage better with players, fans, and business partners.

Think about wonderful customer experiences with gamification when watching a match, live betting, location-based services in the stadium, automated payments, coupons, integration with connected fan shops and shopping malls, and so on.

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Since its conception in the late 1980s, HyperText Markup Language (HTML) has persisted as a critical element in displaying web pages online.  This ubiquitous programming language continues to offer a detailed framework for structuring the content we see and interact with on the web, allowing us to format text and multimedia components in plain-text code, which is simple enough to change when the need arises.

The Transformation of HTML

As is the case with nearly all programming languages, HTML has transformed to incorporate dozens of new features over the decades since its introduction, accommodating typical contemporary pressures such as community feedback/critique and the rapid growth of adjacent web development technologies. The results of this transformation are easily visible to us in the output of modern HTML code; for example, the most recent HTML iteration–HTML5, introduced in 2014–offers new, simple elements for embedding video and audio files, as well as much-needed improvements in mobile display and overall mobile functionality.

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This is an article from DZone’s 2022 Enterprise Application Security Trend Report.

For more:

Read the Report

Building secure mobile applications is a difficult process, especially in the cloud. We must consider that mobile platforms, like iOS and Android, have completely different architectures and quality guidelines. Also, we need to take care of our cloud architecture on the back end. In this article, we will have a look at the top six security vulnerabilities, OWASP’s best practices for building/testing iOS and Android applications, and guidelines for iOS and Android. Last but not least, we will explore an example of DevSecOps for mobile applications. 

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The best CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software solutions help sales teams streamline critical processes to improve productivity, track customer interactions and gain actionable insights to deliver a personalized experience to sell smarter, shorten the sales cycle and drive better retention rates.

This article reviews the 21 best CRM software to help you streamline your searches. We’ll cover the key features, user experience, pricing plans, strengths, and weaknesses. So, let’s get to it.

1. Salesforce Sales Cloud CRM

Salesforce Sales Cloud is a cloud-based customer relationship management solution that supports large sales teams and every customer touchpoint.

Over 150,000 companies, including world-leading brands like IBM, NBCUniversal, and Sonos, use the CRM system to streamline workflow automation. 

Key Features

Project Management — The software natively integrates with Slack, allowing you to seamlessly manage your Salesforce tasks in one central location and collaborate remotely with colleagues, customers, and partners in real-time. 

Sales Forecasting — Salesforce can estimate your future sales revenue using your current and historical pipeline data. Again, integrating with apps like revVana helps you gain better revenue insights.

Flexible and Scalable — This CRM software helps small businesses and enterprises meet their growing needs without sacrificing performance. Salesforce CRM is entirely cloud-based, supports over 8,700 integrations, and has an open API, making it highly extensible.

User Experience

Setting up an account only takes three steps.

The dashboard is clean and straightforward, making it easy to use. You can click the modules on the navigation menu to use its features. Additionally, the CRM software displays information in graphs, pie charts, and tables in an easy-to-understand way.

Salesforce Sales Cloud has a robust knowledge base to hit the ground running immediately.


Salesforce offers four subscription plans, billed annually:

  • Essential $25 per user per month
  • Professional $75 per user per month
  • Enterprise $150 per user per month
  • Unlimited $300 per user per month


  • It’s fully cloud-based (you don’t need to install anything)
  • 30-day free trial
  • Customer relations management automation
  • Supports over 8,000 integrations and apps
  • Multilingual and multi-currency support
  • Open API
  • Leads management and business intelligence tools
  • Round-the-clock support
  • Multiple appointment scheduling
  • Mass emailing capability


  • It doesn’t support live chat
  • Not suitable for on-premise deployment

2. Pipedrive

Pipedrive is one of our top options for the best CRM software today. The cloud-based solution helps marketers set up their pipelines, track progress in real-time and automate routine tasks. Over 100,000 companies in 179 countries use the software.

Key Features

Real-Time Alerts — Pipedrive has a built-in reminder that keeps you posted on all your sales activities so you don’t miss a follow-up.

Reporting — The CRM provides detailed reports on pipeline performance. With this insight, you can measure your progress against your business goals.

Revenue Forecasting — The software can forecast your sales volume and revenue using your pipeline data. It automatically updates the estimate when a lead’s status changes.

Leads Capture — Pipedrive has a customizable web form that helps you capture leads for your pipeline. Also, you can segment the leads for personalized communications.

User Experience

Pipedrive is user-friendly. New users will be able to get the hang of it quickly. Also, the CRM software has a robust help center to help users set up and customize their accounts.

It features a visual pipeline that lets you see your sales strategies and process and update a lead status by dragging and dropping it. Additionally, it presents reports in easy-to-understand ways.

The software offers live chat and round-the-clock email support for quick resolutions. 


Pipedrive offers four plans, billed monthly and annually.

  • Essential $11.90 per user per month
  • Advanced $24.90 per user per month
  • Professional $49.90 per user per month
  • Enterprise $74.90 per user per month


  • Faster deal closing
  • Omnichannel lead generation
  • Efficient customer relationship management
  • Free trial (no credit card required)
  • Goal setup and tracking
  • Sales forecast
  • Over 350 integrations
  • 14-days free trial
  • API support
  • Real-time support


  • No free plan
  • The dashboard could feel overwhelming

3. Oracle Netsuite CRM

Oracle NetSuite Customer Relationship Management software promises to deliver the real-time data you need to manage interactions with potential customers, existing customers, and suppliers, deliver exceptional customer experiences and drive sales.

Over 32,000 customers use Oracle NetSuite products.

Key Features

Sales Force Automation — NetSuite CRM SFA unifies your sales processes and provides unprecedented insights into every aspect of your customer relationship to supercharge your sales performance.

Marketing Workflow — You can create and launch targeted marketing campaigns to grow your leads pool. Also, the CRM lets you segment your leads to deliver a personalized experience, shortening the sales cycle.

Customer Service Management — NetSuite automates customer service management, allowing users to focus on other pressing day-to-day activities. For example, it can review the status of submitted tickets and reply with follow-up communications.

Partnership Relationship Management — NetSuite CRM is not just a customer relationship management software. Instead, the platform is a complete business management tool that helps you manage relationships with partners, share real-time information, and maintain control over partner-focused sales processes.

User Experience

This CRM could be more beginner-friendly if not for its many features and advanced functionalities. However, the software offers a search feature to help users find things faster. Another user experience challenge is Netsuite’s time-demanding customization.

Plus, some users have reported crashes and downtime.

Besides these challenges, NetSuite has an excellent user interface that makes it exciting. Also, it offers live chat support, helpful resources, and a comprehensive knowledge base.


NetSuite charges an annual license fee but doesn’t provide any pricing plans. You must contact their customer support to learn about the deployment needs of their CRM systems.


  • A centralized data source that gives users unprecedented visibility into their sales process
  • Salesforce, marketing, and customer service automation
  • Partner relationship management
  • Advanced reporting and analytics
  • Great user interface
  • Sales forecasting
  • Mobile 


  • No monthly subscription plans
  • Not-too-great user experience
  • Expensive compared to other CRM solutions

4. Zoho CRM  

Over 250,000 businesses worldwide use Zoho CRM software solutions. It helps management, marketing, support, and sales teams address their customer relationship management and omnichannel engagement needs.

The platform empowers users to deliver personalized experiences and drive sales through multiple channels.

Key Features

Sales Force Automation — You can create workflows to reduce manual data entry, eliminate redundancies and automate repetitive sales, marketing, and customer service functions. 

Journey Orchestration — Zoho CRM lets users create personalized customer journeys and track each prospect’s path to identify delays or loopholes and optimize the sales process.

Omnichannel — With the Zoho CRM software, you can engage and track customer interactions across multiple channels, including email, social media, phone, and the self-service channel. 

Sales Enablement — Zoho CRM enables frictionless sales processes. You can generate quotes, invoices, and orders within the CRM software. Also, it lets you set up partner portals to grow your business and manage relationships with stakeholders.

User Experience

The Zoho CRM dashboard is clean, straightforward, and user-friendly. So, you can use all of its features as a first-time CRM user.

For example, the software lays the module tabs above the fold at the top bar, making them easily accessible. The reports are also less overwhelming as you can drill into the report you want to see, one at a time.

Zoho CRM offers webinars, tutorials, free eBooks, and documentation for easy setup and customization. No live chat support.


Zoho CRM offers four subscription plans billed monthly and annually:

  • Standard $18 per user per month
  • Professional $30 per user per month
  • Enterprise $45 per user per month
  • Ultimate $55 per user per month


  • Mobile
  • Marketing and sales automation
  • Advanced template and layout customization
  • Insightful reporting and analytics
  • Team collaboration
  • Support customer self-service portal
  • Predictive sales and intelligence
  • Voice assistant
  • Multilingual and multi-currency support
  • App marketplace with several third-party developers
  • REST API support
  • Activity reminders and sticky notes
  • 15-days free trial


  • No live chat support
  • Limited native marketing automation (needs extensions)

5. HubSpot CRM 

HubSpot CRM is a cloud-based customer relationship management solution for salespeople, marketers, customer service agents, operations managers, and business owners. Top global brands like Atlassian, Doordash, and Wistia use the HubSpot CRM software.

Key Features

Multiple Hub — HubSpot CRM offers five hubs—marketing, sales, customer service, CMS, and Operations—that lets you pay for your needs. In addition, you can integrate up to five hubs into a single CRM to streamline your business processes. 

Email Marketing — The software has a built-in email marketing capability for targeted campaigns to your audience. In addition, you can create customized emails with the intuitive drag-and-drop editor.

Lead Generation — With the built-in lead-capturing forms, ad management tools, and landing pages, you can generate leads online, feed them directly into the CRM and convert them to customers.

Customer Support Portal — You’ll get a customer support portal to manage customer services and support requests, minimizing the burden on your customer service team. With the portal, you can also set up your knowledge base.

SEO Advisor — The SEO Advisor provides actionable SEO tips which can help you rank essential keywords on Google search results. It comes in handy when creating blog posts or developing landing or website pages.

User Experience

You can set up HubSpot CRM quickly and get it running immediately.

The CRM is easy to use and has an excellent user interface. You can customize your dashboard to quickly view your sales pipeline all in one place to enhance your user experience. Also, HubSpot presents its reports in an easy-to-understand way.

It also integrates seamlessly with other tools. In addition, HubSpot offers onboarding services and multiple support channels—phone, email, live chat, and online community.


HubSpot offers a free version but with limited access to its tools. You can extend its functionality based on your needs by subscribing to a plan in the appropriate hub.

Marketing Hub

  • Starter $45 per month
  • Professional $800 per month
  • Enterprise $3,600 per month

Sales Hub

  • Starter $45 per month
  • Professional $450 per month
  • Enterprise $1,200 per month

Customer Service Hub

  • Starter $45 per month
  • Professional $450 per month
  • Enterprise $1,200 per month


  • Starter $23 per month
  • Professional $360 per month
  • Enterprise $1,200 per month

Operations Hub

  • Starter $45 per month
  • Professional $720 per month
  • Enterprise $32,000 per month


  • Powerful collaborative tool, Integrating marketing, sales, customer service, CMS, and operations in a single CRM solution.
  • A free version
  • User-friendly and intuitive
  • Large CRM database
  • Sales and marketing workflow
  • Insightful reporting and analytics
  • Lead management 
  • Seamless third-party integration
  • Social posting from the CRM
  • Meeting scheduling
  • Mobile app


  • Limited features that could push to acquire other HubSpot licenses
  • HubSpot licenses are on the high side.

6. Freshworks

Freshsales is a sales CRM software that promises to help you gain a 360-degree view of your customers, deliver personalized engagement, shorten the sales cycle and accelerate revenue with context-driven sales. Brands like Klarna, Blue Nile, and PharmEasy use the CRM system.

Key Features

Lead Generation and Scoring — Freshwok offers CRM tools to help you run personalized campaigns and generate leads from your website visitors. You can also score the leads based on their engagement level.

Deal Management — Freshworks provides a birds-eye view of the deals in your pipeline, making it easy to prioritize and work on them immediately. You can also collaborate with multiple salespersons on the same deal., 

Workflow Automation —The software’s built-in workflow automation lets users automate repetitive tasks to save and boost the sales force’s productivity. You can quickly create automation with the pre-set templates.

AI-Powered Insights —Freshworks’ algorithm, Freddy AI, does the heavy lifting so that you can focus on only deals that convert. Additionally, it delivers AI-powered insights that help you drive faster deal closure. 

Omnichannel — The software enables users to reach customers on their preferred channel without exiting the CRM software. For instance, you can connect with your contacts via email, phone, live chat, WhatsApp, SMS, and Zoom.

User Experience

You can set up an account in three simple steps and connect your email account to the CRM software.

The dashboard is clean and less overwhelming. As a result, you are likely to crack the software at first use without facing many challenges. Also, you can import your sales data and start using the CRM tools immediately without starting from scratch.

You can use the FAQ, help center, or live chat for quick resolutions when you run into issues.


Freshworks offers the best free CRM software with basic features—ideal for beginner users. In addition, you can subscribe to a paid plan to access more tools.

  • Growth $15 per user per month
  • Pro $39 per user per month
  • Enterprise $69 per user per month


  • Email marketing within the CRM software
  • AI-powered deal insights
  • Built-in lead generation capability
  • Seamless sales process automation
  • Multilingual and multi-currency support
  • Territory management
  • Omnichannel customer engagement
  • Over 30 reports
  • A free plan
  • Mobile app
  • 21 days free trial of the highest tier plan
  • Provides a 360-degree view of the business
  • AI-based leads scoring
  • Pipeline visualization


  • Hard-to-reach support
  • Limited third-party integrations

7. Monday

Monday CRM software is one of the best CRM software in the industry. Over 125,000 businesses use it to generate leads from multiple sources, qualify them in a central location, and track and manage all aspects of the sales cycle, from pre-sales to post-sales, all in one place.

Key Features

Email Tracking — With Monday, you can centralize your email communications and track essential email metrics to learn when to reach out, saving you time on cold leads. It also lets you create personalized emails with built-in templates.

Sales Process Automation — You don’t have to waste time on repetitive sales processes. It’s one of the best CRM software for automating your workflows, enabling you to focus on essential things. For instance, it can assign leads to sales reps, notifies you when a prospect opens an email, and more.

Leads Capturing — You can feed your sales pipeline with steady streams of qualified leads collected from multiple sources, qualify them on the CRM, and automatically score them based on pre-set criteria.

Post-Sales Management — Monday’s post-sales management capability lets you continuously manage customer relationships and drive after-sales customer satisfaction to boost customer retention.

User Experience

You can quickly sign up with Gmail and set up your account in a few more steps.

You can sell your sales pipeline and customer journey at a glance. Also, the user interface is excellent, and the software presents information in ways anyone can quickly grasp. In addition, it has a desktop notification feature that keeps you updated on your sales activities in real-time.

Users can customize their dashboards to see only the things they like. Unfortunately, the support doesn’t provide live chat support; however, it tries to compensate for this with a robust help center and round-the-clock email support.


Monday offers a free plan for its CRM software and four premium subscription plans.

  • Basic $10 per month
  • Standard $14 per month
  • Pro $24 per month
  • Enterprise (custom package)


  • Free and custom plans
  • Workflow automation
  • Email tracking and centralized communication
  • Pipeline visualization
  • Customizable reporting dashboard
  • Built-in lead management (capturing and auto-scoring)
  • Post-sales customer relationship management
  • Third-party integrations
  • Mobile app
  • Online community and robust help center


  • Limited native marketing automation
  • No live chat support

8. Keap

Keap is one of the leading sales CRM solutions that cater to small businesses. The software promises to help them grow their leads, improve revenue and drive customer retention through enhanced customer relationship management and marketing workflows.

Key Features

Email and Text Marketing — It’s the right CRM software for small businesses seeking to bring email and SMS marketing into their marketing mix and manage them in one place. They can quickly create email and SMS campaigns with built-in templates and send them to their segmented lists.

Sales and Marketing Automation — With Keap, small business sales teams can automate critical sales and marketing processes to deliver a personalized experience to customers and drive targeted business growth while saving valuable time and human resources. 

Lead Capturing — You can acquire and track leads at every touchpoint. This CRM software comes with CRM tools for capturing leads like landing pages, dedicated sales funnels, forms, and appointment schedulers, which you leverage to generate consistent leads. 

eCommerce — Keap supports payment processors like Stripe, PayPal, and Wepay, allowing you to send and receive payments within your CRM software. The platform has facilitated over $2.6 billion in online sales since its launch.

User Experience

Keap promises a 14-day free trial. But I need help accessing the feature after signing up; the offer is only available to randomly selected businesses.

If the software can deliver on its promises, it will be great for the user experience. 


Keap offers three subscription plans, billed monthly and yearly.

  • Pro $129 per month
  • Max $199 per month
  • Max Classic (custom plan)


  • A referral program that pays up to 30% commission
  • A high-reaching user community
  • Knowledge base and help center
  • Native payment platform
  • Built-in email and SMS marketing
  • Advanced automation
  • Expert assistance


  • No mobile app
  • Limited subscription plan
  • Expensive annual packages
  • The free trial is often unavailable
  • unreliable

9. Sage

Sage integrates sales, marketing, and service modules to deliver world-class customer relationship management software.

It’s one of the best CRM software in the market. With this solution, you can gain valuable insights into where your business stands to make better business decisions.

Key Features

Service Module — This module brings customer service management functionality within the CRM, enabling you to deliver an exceptional experience to prospects and customers, nurture them into long-term relationships and generate repeat businesses.

Sales Modules — With this module, you can automate your sales processes to accelerate sales performance and boost productivity. The company’s customer data shows that sales reps using this feature improved productivity by up to 40%.

Marketing Module — You can plan and run omnichannel, targeted marketing campaigns within the CRM and optimize campaigns to deliver more results with the built-in insightful reports.

User Experience

Sage doesn’t offer its pricing plans upfront. Also, you can’t sign up online. Instead, you’ll need to leave your business information online and wait for their support team to call, which might take time to come.

The user interface is excellent, but the CRM software integrates with only limited applications. In addition, real-time case resolution still needs to be improved. However, the software offers a community forum.


Sage doesn’t have public pricing information. 

However, the software license could cost approximately $600 annually for each user. In addition, one-time initial implementation and related services could take the total cost to about $8,000. 


  • Single modules to fully Integrated solution
  • Powerful real-time insights 
  • Team collaboration
  • Sales and marketing automation
  • Customer service management


  • No straightforward signup
  • No subscription plan
  • Limited integration

10. Insightly CRM

Insightly is a popular CRM tool developed to help businesses streamline their processes, collaborate across teams, and integrate all the applications they need to drive sustainable growth.

Over 25,000 companies, including Bloomberg, Bosch, and Sanofi, use the platform, making it one of the best CRM software platforms today.

Key Features

Relationship Mapping — You can link your customer data to existing contacts to map and understand how your customers relate. This feature helps you get a high-definition picture of your customers.

Marketing  — Insightly’s unified marketing platform enables marketing teams to build sales pipelines, attract and engage ideal customers with intelligent and segmented campaigns and automate marketing processes to grow the business faster.

Sales  — You can centralize your customer data in one place, managing leads and spotting and prioritizing those most likely to convert. You can also create and send emails within Insightly and automate your workflows.

Service  — Insightly empowers customer service teams to solve customer challenges more effortlessly. You can receive customer support tickets in one place, quickly share information across the organization and receive actionable insights to improve customer experience.

Integrations  — You can connect all the tools you need to grow your business and manage them under one app. Also, Insightly’s AppConnect supports this CRM’s users in building custom integrations and workflows.

User Experience

Insightly has a clean design with a user-friendly interface. 

Some users complained that it could be challenging to grasp all its possibilities fully. However, it features a knowledge base, videos, and tutorials that could bring you up to speed as quickly as possible. The platform also offers live chat support.

The filters and bulk email could be better.


Insightly’s CRM systems come in three plans, billed annually:

  • Plus, $29 per month
  • Professional $49 per month
  • Enterprise $99 per month


  • Custom integration and workflow builder
  • Project management and team collaboration
  • Sales and marketing automation
  • Module for customer service teams
  • Scalable CRM
  • Live chat support
  • Free trial
  • Low-entry cost
  • Mobile app
  • Customer relationship mapping


  • Annual billing
  • Learning curve

11. SugarCRM

SugarCRM is one of the best CRM platforms in the market. It delivers CRM solutions that help companies gain a comprehensive high-definition view of their customers in the past, present, and future to enable predictability, boost situational awareness and reach new levels of business performance. 

Key Features

Predictive Forecasting — SugarCRM leverages historical and real-time data from multiple points to identify issues, root causes, and opportunities and deliver actionable sales insights. In addition, it offers automatic alerts for fast response.

Sales and Marketing Automation — You can automate anything with SugarCRM, from data collection, leads routing, and quote approval to leads scoring and marketing to deliver meaningful buying experiences, shorten the sales cycle, and drive revenue.

Customer Service Management —SugarCRM native customer service management support enables you to deliver a personalized, positive experience to customers at every touchpoint. In addition, the software automates critical processes to reduce the burden on your customer support team. 

User Experience

SugarCRM has a solid user interface.

However, you must pay for at least three users before you sign up for any plan, making the software expensive. Also, the CRM software offers a more complex signup process. You’ll need to fill out an online form to contact support.

SugarCRM has a user community and resource center that can help you quickly set up your account and learn how to make the most of the CRM software. Also, phone support is available in four languages.


SugarCRM has four monthly plans, billed annually and requiring a minimum of three users.

  • Market $1000 per month/user
  • Sell $45 per month/user
  • Serve $80 per month/user
  • Enterprise $85 per month/user


  • AI-Powered prediction
  • Full situational awareness
  • Sentiment assessment
  • Powerful automation and workflow
  • The built-in customer service solution
  • On-premises deployment
  • Omnichannel customer engagement


  • No complimentary or trial plan
  • Lacks a mobile app
  • Expensive plan

12. NetHunt

NetHunt is one of the best CRM platforms built for Gmail and Google Workspace users, designed to help them manage leads, nurture prospects, and stay on top of their sales performances. The solution also plays well with LinkedIn and eight other tools.

Key Features

Data Organization  — With NetHunt, you can organize your business data effectively and productively. Also, the solution organizes your deals and sales pipelines in an easy-to-understand manner, providing insights into what works and doesn’t.

Sales Force Automation  — Using this sales CRM means your sales team won’t have to waste time on repetitive tasks. Instead, the solution automates key sales processes like leads capturing and nurturing, contact updates, and others so they can focus on other things.

Centralized Communication  — You can centralize your business communications, regardless of your customer’s preferred channel, whether social media, email, telephone, messenger, or live chat, and manage everything on the go under one app roof.  

User Experience

You can create an account in three clicks. The interface is clean and user-friendly. You can quickly update your deals by dragging and dropping them and visualize your pipeline to see your entire sales process and performance at a glance.

Also, you can set up workflows and integrations in a few minutes. Both processes are intuitive and might not require any learning curve. In addition, NetHunt has a help center and offers live chat support.


NetHunt is available via four subscription plans, billed monthly and annually.

  • Basic $24 per month
  • Business $48 per month
  • Advanced $96 per month
  • Custom plan


  • Zapier integration
  • Advanced data organization and visualization
  • Workflow automation
  • Omnichannel communication
  • Mobile apple
  • Live chat and phone support
  • Code-free web form for leads capture
  • Low-entry fee
  • Free trial and custom plan
  • Chrome browser extension
  • Open API
  • Cancel anytime


  • Available only to Gmail and Google Workplace users
  • Limited integration options
  • Limited marketing automation 

13. FreeAgent

FreeAgent CRM helps teams collaborate more effectively to get things done. The software promises to help users track their progress in real-time and gain actionable insights to optimize their performance. Over 1,000 businesses worldwide use the platform.

Key Features

All-In-One Solution — With FreeAgent CRM, you won’t need to open multiple browser tabs to get your job done. Instead, you get everything done in one place. You can also automate repetitive tasks to get more done in less time. 

Workflow Optimization — You can streamline business processes to complete more work efficiently. The CRM tool can help you organize and prioritize deals so you can focus on those most likely to move the needles for your business.

Code-Free Customization — FreeAgent code-free customization enables you to set your account to meet your business’s unique needs. The software also integrates with other apps, making it highly extensible.

User Experience

FreeAgent CRM is easy to use and has a visually appealing user interface. The software enables complete funnel visualization and presents reports in ways anyone can understand.

You can quickly connect with the company’s in-house CRM experts to set up and customize your account to explore its full possibilities. The solution also offers live chat and helpful resources.


FreeAgent offers “Unlimited Users” and “Per User” pricing packages with different plans, billed monthly and annually. The Per User package has three plans.

  • Starter $45 per month
  • Professional $90 per month
  • Enterprise $120 per month


  • Highly extensible
  • All-in-one solution
  • Fully cloud-based
  • Code-free customization
  • Workflow automation
  • Full funnel visualization
  • Customer service management
  • Third-party integrations
  • Live chat support
  • Custom app
  • ISO 27001 compliant


  • No mobile app
  • Poor search and filter

14. Creatio CRM

Creatio CRM is one of the best CRM software used by small and medium-sized businesses in over 100 countries to automate end-to-end customer journeys with no code. You can purchase separate modules or deploy the software as a unified CRM tool. 

Key Features

Marketing Creatio — With this module, you can automate your marketing campaigns, lead management, and deliver personalized omnichannel communication to boost business revenue and drive customer retention.

Sales Creatio — Creatio supports sales teams to collaborate across boards and automate mission-critical sales processes to get more things done. The software also provides a 360-degree view of customer journeys to personalize their experience.

Service Creatio — You can automate and manage customer service workflows on Creatio to save the support team valuable time and deliver an enhanced, personalized experience to customers. The software uses AI to streamline the handling of service cases.

Studio Creatio — Creatio’s no-code UI builder helps non-technical users build business applications and processes with maximum freedom using easy-to-use drag-and-drop visual design tools.

User Experience

The analytics and reporting are insightful, and you can quickly visualize the data in a few clicks.

The software’s no-code capability means you can complete projects that usually take months or even days. In addition, support is multilingual, so you’ll always get assistance whenever the need arises in your preferred language. 

Also, the platform has helpful resources for quick self-help.


Creatio has different subscription packages for each module (Creatio). 

The monthly sales and service modules subscriptions range between $25 and $60, while Marketing Creatio goes for a $1,000 to $100,000 yearly fee. You’ll need to contact support to understand the cost of deploying its unified CRM solutions.


  • Cost Calculator
  • Cloud and on-site deployment
  • 360-degree customer view
  • Unlimited no-code customization
  • End-to-end workflow automation
  • Real-time analytics
  • Trial plan
  • Custom plan


  • Expensive plan
  • No mobile app

15. Close

Close is a cloud CRM solution for remote salespeople. As one of the best CRM software in the industry, it makes team onboarding a breeze, automates and analyzes workflows, and helps you grow revenue quickly. It also integrates well with some of your tools, bringing your software stack to one place.

Key Features

Calling — Close has built-in call software to help you reach more people effortlessly and double your call volume and velocity. With the predictive dialer, you can call multiple numbers at once, and the software automatically routes answered calls to available reps.

Video — Close natively support Zoom, enabling remote selling with videos. The software can connect your Zoom account and sync your previous recordings with the CRM software. It also alerts you five minutes before every meeting, and you can add notes during the meeting for context.

Call Coaching — With Close, you can train your sales team, no matter where they are, all within the CRM without needing to invest in expensive online training tools.

Workflow Automation — The CRM solution offers in-app email and calls automation that can simplify your workflow and help you get more work done. Also, you can save and share winning templates with team members to boost the reach rate and close deals faster.

User Experience

Close is an easy-to-use CRM software for busy salespeople with no learning curve. 

You can quickly create an account, set up your workflow sequences, and immediately put the CRM to work. The software also has dynamic smart views that let you prioritize your leads and quickly find what you need.

Close offers free migration and support, so you can get assistance whenever needed. However, it might not be real-time since the software doesn’t offer live chat.


Close offers four subscription plans billed monthly and annually.

  • Starter $25 per month
  • Basic $59 per month
  • Professional $89 per month
  • Business $129


  • Remote selling
  • Power and predictive dialer
  • Built-in email and SMS marketing
  • Powerful reporting insights
  • Free trial, migration, and support
  • Sales force automation
  • Phone and email support
  • Pipeline visualization


  • No mobile app
  • No live chat support

16. Nutshell

Nutshell is an all-in-one B2B CRM software designed to help teams manage contacts and leads, sell smarter and gain valuable insights to track performance and optimize the sales process. Over 30,000 sales and marketing professionals use the software to streamline their workflow.

Key Features

Pipeline Management — Like most CRM, you can visualize your customer’s journey at a glance. With this feature, you can view, manage and prioritize leads for a faster closing.

Sales Automation — From lead assignments to scoring, task reminders, and more, Nutshell automates these tasks at the snap of a finger, allowing your team to focus on actual closing. 

Email Marketing Campaigns— Nutshell helps you send targeted, beautifully designed marketing emails. You can save time with the built-in template and see who engages with the email in real time. 

Leads Capturing  — The CRM has a native web form to capture leads and feed them directly to your pipeline. In addition, you can embed the form on your website to generate leads from web visitors.

User Experience

Nutshell reporting is top-notch, with an excellent interface. 

However, some users complained the email builder is subpar and could need improvement. Also, it offers limited customization.

Besides these, the software is excellent for quickly connecting all your software tools and accessing them in one place. The company doesn’t charge for customer support, and they can help you migrate your data to hit the ground running immediately.

The CRM offers several helpful resources to help you resolve issues and put the software to full use. 


Nutshell offers two plans, billed monthly and annually. Here’s the cost per user per month:

  • Nutshell $19
  • Nutshell PRO $49
  • Nutshell Marketing (custom plan)


  • Open API
  • Mobile apps
  • Free Migration
  • Sales force  automation
  • Leads generation
  • Pipeline visualization
  • Email marketing campaigns
  • Sales forecasting
  • Dependable support 
  • Custom marketing plan


  • No live chat

17. Nimble

Nimble is one of the best CRM software for small and midsize businesses, used by over 140,000 professionals. Also, world-leading brands like UpWork, GoDaddy, and Flexjobs use the platform. 

Key Features

Nimble Prospector — With Nimble, you can efficiently prospect leads on any social site, website, or cloud application and connect with them in less time. The prospector is available as a browser extension, making it readily available.

Relationship Management — The software helps users manage customer contact details, automate key business processes, enable social listening and gain valuable business intelligence to deliver superior customer experience.

Email Marketing — The built-in email campaign management functionality means you won’t need to switch tabs or need third-party services to engage customers via personalized emails and track your progress.

Smarter Actions — Nimble provides actionable business and customer intelligence to take more intelligent actions to gain complete control of your sales process. For example, you can visualize your sales funnel, gain social insights to prepare for meetings, and discover engagement opportunities.

User Experience

You’ll likely start your Nimble experience by importing a CSV file of your existing contact database; thankfully, the software makes this process very straightforward. Also, the CRM makes importing and syncing data with other apps seamless.

Additionally, Nimble’s “Today Page” feature provides an overview of all your upcoming activities, deals, and engagement opportunities from social mentions and essential contacts to reach out to, making prioritizing more effortless.

The software has a support center and a live chat for quick assistance.


Nimble offers only one subscription plan—Nimble Business, available for $25 monthly for a user. However, you’ll pay only $19 if you opt for the annual plan.


  • App Marketplace
  • Native leads prospector
  • Browser extension
  • Activity tracking and team tasks management
  • Built-in calendar
  • Pipeline management
  • 360-degree view of customers and leads
  • Marketing automation
  • Contact management
  • Live chat
  • Business and customer intelligence
  • Office 365 and Google Workspace integration
  • Low entry fee
  • Social listening and mentions


  • No mobile app
  • Limited subscription plan

18. MailChimp

Mailchimp is not just an email service provider. It’s also one of the best CRM software for small businesses. With this solution, you can build better customer relationships and sell to them more creatively. In addition, the CRM is scalable and can support your business growth and needs.

Key Features

Contact Management — Whether importing an existing contact database or building from scratch, MailChimp helps you manage them all from one location. Also, you can create or use the built-in segments to organize your contacts.

Email Marketing — Email marketing and campaign management are probably MailChimp’s best selling point and are natively supported in the CRM, meaning you can run effective email campaigns. Also, it comes with pre-built email templates, and you can run A/B tests in-app.

Behavioral Targeting and Personalization — MailChimp can predict customers buying behaviors, enabling you to segment your contact effortlessly to launch campaigns that feel like a one-on-one conversation at the right time or deliver personalized product recommendations. 

User Experience

You’ll only need to fill out three fields to sign up. However, it would have been better if users could create accounts automatically with their Gmail. It’ll save you the stress of logging into your email to activate the MailChimp account.

Mailchimp’s user interface is excellent, with many white spaces, but I don’t find the yellow background and black font colors easy on the eyes while signing up. Also, the software can integrate neatly with other tools, so you can easily manage your stack in one place.

MailChimp support is excellent, and case resolution is always fast.


MailChimp CRM offers free, and three paid plans.

  • Premium $350 per month
  • Standard $20 per month
  • Essentials $13 per month


  • Highly scalable
  • Mobile app
  • Predictive segmentation and behavioral targeting
  • Holistic audience view
  • Live chat support
  • Seamless contact management
  • Actionable customer insight
  • Free plan
  • Low-priced starting plan
  • Extensive third-party integrations


  • Limited native Salesforce automation

19. Apptivo

Apptivo is a CRM software used by over 200,000 businesses, including Sephora, UNAIDS, Exult, and Los Angeles Times. The solution simplifies customer relationship management so sales and marketing teams can be more efficient and close deals effortlessly.

Key Features

Win and Loss Analysis — You can track the sales opportunities your sales team prospected and analyze the employees that contributed to winning the opportunity. Additionally, the app can help you analyze lost opportunities and the reasons behind them.

Territory management — You can quickly delineate and manage your sales territories to boost team collaboration, improve sales efficiency, and maximize territorial benefits. With the built-in assignment rules, you can automatically segment leads based on territories.  

Sales Planning — With Apptivo, you’re sure you won’t be tracking your sales targets with spreadsheets. Instead, the software comes with a sales planning app to measure your team members’ KPIs and implement scalable sales processes to facilitate faster deal closing.

User Experience

Apptivo has an excellent user interface.

But new users might need help navigating the software. Also, the customization and app integrations are not a walk in the park. 

However, the CRM system offers an extensive knowledge base for self-help. 


Apptivo offers three subscription plans.

  • Lite $10 per month
  • Premium $15 per month
  • Ultimate $25 per month


  • Project management
  • Integrated CRM software
  • Activity tracking
  • Performance analysis
  • Pipeline visualization
  • Contact Marketing
  • Email campaigns
  • Leads management
  • Salesforce automation
  • Sales planning
  • Territory management
  • 30-day free trial
  • Mobile apps


  • Hard customization
  • No real-human live chat

20. Act! CRM

Act! is a cloud-based CRM software designed for small and midsize businesses to manage customer relationships and sell better seamlessly. The CRM system has been in play for over 35 years, powering over 800,000 users worldwide.

Key Features

Marketing Automation — Using Act! means you won’t need to spend much hiring and maintaining an in-house marketing team. Instead, this CRM software can handle most of your crucial marketing processes effectively.

Sales Pipeline Management — With Act! built-in sales pipeline management, you can automate your sales tasks and maintain a 360-degree view of your customers and their journey to close deals faster.

Activity Management — Act! helps you stay on top of all the happenings around you, including critical projects, enabling you to prioritize and stay more productive.

User Experience

Act! offers a user-friendly interface and intuitive customization. 

However, some users complained that each new update tends to drag the software backward. Additionally, you might need help setting up custom reports and dashboards. 

Also, I can’t vouch for their support. You might struggle to reach them whenever the need arises. However, there is an extensive resource you can always fall back on for self-help.


Act! offers two plans billed annually.

  • Act! Premium Desktop $37.50 per user per month
  • Act! Premium Cloud $40 per user per month

Users opting for the Premium Cloud plan pay an additional $10 monthly for desktop sync.


  • Sales and marketing automation
  • Customer management
  • Sales pipeline visualization
  • Activity tracking
  • Advanced reporting capabilities
  • 14-day free trial
  • Live chat support
  • Flexibility and Extensibility
  • Cloud and on-premises deployment


  • No mobile app
  • Limited pricing plans
  • Annual billing

21. Agile CRM

Agile CRM is one of the best CRM services in the market. It promises to help you sell and market like Fortune 500 companies. In addition, the software packs several core CRM features like sales enablement, marketing automation, and customer service.

Key Features

Sales — The CRM system can help your sales teams manage their contacts in one place, track deals to keep the sales process on track, and automate sales calls. The CRM system also lets you manage appointments and gamify sales.

Marketing — Agile CRM has an intuitive drag-and-drop builder to set up a marketing workflow and build landing pages in minutes. It also extends its CRM capabilities with social media, email, and SMS features for multichannel marketing campaigns. 

Service — The software streamlines your customer service management so that your support can focus on only tasks that matter. It also allows you to provide pre-formatted replies for faster and more consistent responses.

User Experience

Agile CRM has a clean and intuitive dashboard. Using the features doesn’t require any learning curve. Also, the CRM software displays information in an easy-to-understand way.

The customer relationship management software has a robust knowledge base. Also, you can schedule a chat with any of their specialists within a few minutes.


AgileCRM has free CRM software alongside three premium packages, billed monthly, yearly, and bi-annually. If you go for the bi-annual plans, you’ll pay the following:

  • Starter $8.99 per user per month
  • Regular $29.99 per user per month
  • Enterprise $47.99 per user per month


  • Free plans with ten users
  • Yearly and bi-annual subscription plans
  • Lead management
  • Appointment scheduling
  • Two-way telephony
  • Contact management
  • Email and SMS marketing
  • Marketing automation with exit intent.
  • Social monitoring
  • Project management
  • Landing page builders
  • Chrome extension
  • Post-call automation
  • Push notification


  • No mobile app
  • No live chat support

Choosing the Best CRM Software

The right CRM software providers for your business would offer you the best customer relationship management and engagement solutions. So, consider only CRM software vendors that offer you business solutions to meet your specific needs within your budget and integrate seamlessly with all your business tools.


Featured image via Unsplash.


The post 21 Best CRM Software first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

We’ve seen some incredible websites in 2022. There have been more than the usual number of sites with a political mission, and plenty that made us want to travel. The big design trends were brutalism, huge typography, and bold positive color. We’re looking forward to what the web will bring in 2023, but in the meantime, take a look back at the best 50 websites of 2022. Enjoy!

Justice Reskill

Justice Reskill used bright colors and positive, uplifting artwork to create a supportive platform for people who’ve been through the justice system.


Bold type and plenty of on-scroll animation made this site for Pienso stand out back in January.

Gazelle No.1

The promotional site for Gazelle No.1 used innovative scroll-activated video to sell the electric bike.


Mekanism’s site was the first agency redesign to impress us in 2022. Super-polished then, super-polished now.


Redbrick was well ahead of the trend for brutalism with a twist when it released this site promoting its coffee.

SOS Foods

Ethical and sustainable goods were top of the sales charts in 2022, and SOS Foods did a great job capitalizing on the style.

Hartzler Dairy

Hartzler Dairy embraced its mid-20th-century branding with a nostalgia-infused site.

Engineered Floors

Even in 2022, designers are still paying mobile short shrift, but this site for Engineered Floors is excellent on mobile.

Emi Ozaki

We loved the quirkiness of Emi Ozaki’s phone-style interface for her portfolio back in February.

I Killed A Cactus

I Killed A Cactus is a beautiful 3D site designed to help people care for houseplants.

Aris Hotel

We were tempted in the direction of Crete by this stunning luxury site for Aris Hotel on the island.

Milton Textiles

Milton Textiles is a big, bold site for a product that is usually an afterthought in the interior design world.


The site for MAAP is predictably excellent, modern, and efficient. It encapsulated the apparel brand’s values perfectly.

Garden Eight

The promotional site for Garden Eight, a digital design studio in Tokyo and Copenhagen, was suitably standout eccentric.

Circus Shanghai

Circus Shanghai used a mid-century illustration style to reference the solar system and the Chinese flag.


Normand took the bold decision to step away from the typical law firm design strategy.


Designing a site for UI sound kits is challenging, but SND pulled it off perfectly with this minimal site.


We saw lots of brutalism in 2022, and Polybion’s site was a standout example of how to make the trend work.


Bold block coloring added depth and interest to this portfolio site for design studio neueMeta.

Dumpling Delivery

OK, we confess we spent waaay too much time playing this dumpling delivery game from Mailchimp back in May.

Nowhere Bakery

Nowhere Bakery succeeded in making vegan, paleo, gluten-free cookies seem appealing.


We were mesmerized by the perpetual motion video for the pan-Baltic law firm Triniti.

Kim Kniepp

Kim Kniepp’s site impressed us with interconnected navigation and a superbly coded masonry grid.

Feed The 300

Feed The 300 is one of dozens of great sites to combat Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In this case, it was aimed at feeding zoo animals.

Icons By Menu

Icons By Menu is a stunning minimalist site that is a pleasure to browse.

Museum Of Pink Art

The Museum of Pink Art is an immersive experience celebrating the color pink. It was easy to lose hours wandering around.

BelArosa Chalet

2022 was the year of illustrations, and BelArosa Chalet’s site used them to significant effect to sell a venue still under construction.


Online sexual abuse and harassment are particularly appalling when directed at young people. WTFFF tackled the issue sensitively.

Pretty Damn Quick

Logistics aren’t the most engaging topic, but this friendly, illustrated site for Pretty Damn Quick grabbed us immediately.

Norwegian Soda Co.

This site for the Norwegian Soda Co. uses beautiful photography to create an engaging one-page site.

Fornasetti Profumi

Fornasetti Profumi wowed us with its long-form videos used to emphasize stillness and calm.

Laesk Kombucha

We were convinced this site for Laesk Kombucha had been produced by Wes Anderson.

Cased In Time

Single-product sites are often underwhelming, but this excellent ecommerce site bucks that trend.

DS & Durga

Eschewing the well-trod approach of flowers and pretty models, this perfume site for DS & Durga fully embraces the brutalist trend.

Daniel Spatzek

We loved the way Daniel Spatzek’s portfolio site broke all the rules and still managed to be informative and engaging.


Aro kept minimalism alive with a simple site that exudes luxury while selling a simple concept.

Think Packaging

Think Packaging took a case study approach to present its products, and it worked really well.

Steffie de Leeuw

Giant typography intertwined with botanical illustrations created a memorable site for Steffie de Leeuw.

Anna Jóna

The prelaunch teaser site for the Ana Jóna café and cinema was elegant and modern and had us eyeing a long weekend in Reykjavik.

Das Salz

More wanderlust courtesy of the fresh, enticing site for the Das Salz hotel and café.

Jono Pandolfi

This simple-to-use site for US tableware and cookware brand Jono Pandolfi sold us on hand-made ceramics.


We still can’t get over the fact that it took until 2022 for Jennifer Aniston to produce a haircare range.

Nathan Riley

Another big trend in 2022 was masonry-style sites, and this portfolio for Nathan Riley was one of our favorites.

Capsul’in Pro

With the excellent application of animation and careful use of color, this site for Capsul’in Pro transformed coffee pods into luxury items.


Seen is an essential site that explores themes of prejudice and racism in creative fields. It’s a strong approach to a difficult subject.

Glasfurd & Walker

Glasfurd and Walker’s superb portfolio site sets itself apart by over-extending the viewport. It’s a highly original idea.

The Other Side Of Truth

The Other Side of Truth is the standout site of 2022. It used the web expertly to present two interpretations of the facts surrounding the Russian invasion of Ukraine.


Back in October, we fell in love with the pixel-block animation loading for the Bannach furniture brand.

Karina Sirqueira

Karina Sirqueira’s portfolio was a joy to browse through. The morphing shapes imposed simplicity on a series of beautifully presented case studies.

Joshua’s World

We were amazed by Joshua’s World, a little island that can be titled and rotated to power the little cyclist along his career.


The post 50 Best Websites of 2022 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot