
Personalized marketing is when you attune your marketing efforts based on customer data. This data can be anything from the first and last name to purchase intent, concerns, and history.

Personalized marketing has revolutionized the way businesses market their product and service to their audience. It brings value to people’s lives, spiking the sales graph for brands and businesses. So it’s a win-win situation for both the company and the consumer.

Even big companies do this for their campaigns. They do so because it gives them great results and ROI for their marketing initiatives. If these multinational businesses do this, it’s a good idea to incorporate this strategy and learn from a top resource on digital marketing.

This article aims to explain every nook and cranny of personalized marketing. By the end of this 5-minute read, you will know the impact of personalized marketing on our lives. And how you can integrate this into your marketing strategy to benefit your business.

What Is Personalized Marketing?

Have you ever encountered a business that knows what you’re going through? Or did you see an ad online that you closely relate to? Chances are, you were one of the target markets of those marketing materials. And if you could associate yourself with the ad, their marketing strategy worked.

That is what personalized marketing does to your audience, market, or particular demographic. This style of advertising leverages personalization in your marketing materials. The details of your marketing content are tailored to a specific audience and address the issues or real-time problems of a particular segment in your market.

Personalized marketing has become popular because more people demand it from businesses. Once the people have experienced what it felt like, they want to feel more of it.

To objectively see the demand for personalization, here are some statistics to back it up.

Accenture reported that 91% of consumers are likelier to shop with businesses that offer them relevant content. This shows that the right product recommendations can increase the chances of shopping with you.

Salesforce mentioned that 66% of consumers expect companies to understand their individual needs. This statement proves that a generalized way of marketing isn’t as effective as before. The consumer mindset has already developed, and they demand more personalization from businesses.

A striking piece of data from Statista showed that 90% of consumers in the US find the idea of personalization appealing. If that figure is accurate, almost all businesses should start incorporating this into their strategies. There’s no reason for them not to try this out.

Given the high positive demand for personalized marketing, it’s no secret why more and more businesses are doing this. However, not every company out there is doing this right. A wrong way of doing this can bring a loss of clients and a negative ROI.

To help you go on the right track of using personalization in your marketing, read up on the next section of this article.

Know These 6 Tips To Correctly Do Personalized Marketing

You’d agree that knowing your customer’s first and last name is essential. But with the dynamically changing strategies, personalized marketing is going beyond that. It’s actually about understanding what your targeted consumers need, merging with a way to convey the message that your business is the solution.

To help you achieve this, take note of the things below:

1. Leverage Your Customer Data

The foundation of personalized marketing is laid on customer data. The best marketing professionals and strategists emphasize gathering relevant data if you want to scale. Excellent digital marketing courses will teach you that customer data will help you build a solid foundation for your content and campaigns.

Consumer behavior has always been the most important detail for target marketing. With every click, it has become easier to gather data about individual customers, their interests, hobbies, purchase history, buying behavior, and more.

You’ll be able to get this information if you’ve practiced data management and collecting customer data throughout the years of your operation. However, it’s not too late to begin if you haven’t started with this yet. There is a lot of marketing automation software that aids marketing teams in doing this. For example, many businesses use lead scoring software to gain insight into their clients’ needs and categorize them appropriately.

For your personalization efforts, you can use questionnaires, surveys, and feedback forms to capture personal data on the internet. A customer will happily fill out a survey form if a reward in return entices him. This reward can be in any form– a voucher, a first buy discount, free shipping, or more.

This initiative will help you get more data in a shorter time frame.

2. Understand Your Customer’s Needs

Hoarding data will be a complete waste of marketing efforts, capital, and efficiency if you do not extract consumer behavior from it. When you have access to a rich set of data, you have the privilege to understand your customers’ trending needs deeply. After gaining insights from the data, create a marketing strategy based on those findings to target your audience.

Doing this doesn’t just apply to B2C; it also works for B2B companies, which is why the demand for custom software development, tailored services, personalized packages, and B2B data providers have been on the rise in these recent years.

It is a two-way road. While you are on the lookout for your target market, at the same time, the customers expect businesses to know what they need. The market you’re currently serving expects you to know what products or services are fit for them.

So this is where it gets crucial: you have to dig deeper into your niche and find the specs of your audience’s needs. Having a general idea about the needs of your target audience and personalized marketing usually don’t go harmoniously.

Planning a better-personalized marketing strategy will not be a piece of cake but will be much more rewarding for every aspect of your business. May it be sales, return on investments, customer relationships, or personalized marketing campaigns.

3. Personalize Every Stage Of The Customer Journey

The first rule of business is convincing the customer that you are their best friend. Now that you know what they want, you pledge to provide them with whatever best you can. Limiting personalization to marketing is not the solution. You have to be vigilant in meeting these individual requirements at every stage. And remember that consistency is the name of the game. That is how you bring your business into the running.

You can integrate CRM automation, email marketing tools and deploy other content marketing strategies to help make this process a lot simpler. Personalized live chat and chatbots, such as those offered by ThriveDesk, allow businesses to personalize their offerings and build their brand reputation.

As a customer, my requirement would be reading content, browsing, and experiencing products that would hit home. A personalized experience is what every consumer demands. And this is what makes them want to go back and do business with you again.

By creating helpful and relevant content, recommending the right products to them, and giving out convenient payment options, you are setting your business apart from the rest. Doing this allows you to have personalized every touchpoint that your customers do with your business.

4. Present In An Engaging Way

Consider customer engagement as absolutely necessary. Having the best data set and knowing what your customers want is not enough. In the competitive space of business and marketing, everyone is trying to get the attention of one another. And this is what you are supposed to do. This helps in building consumer-brand relations.

When a consumer engages, meaningful things happen. Engaging content pushes the consumer through the funnel and hence promotes conversions. Your content should be creative and eye-catching.

Engaging content blended with personalization boosts the brand experience. Increased loyalty, trust-building, and improved customer experience enhance the conversion and sales speed.

A great way to use personalization in an engaging manner that most businesses overlook would be through exit-intent popups.

5. Be Where Your Customers Are

This is an element that some businesses miss out on. They have created excellent social media marketing content but only distributed it on the wrong channel. For personalized marketing to be effective, it needs to be seen by people.

Are you questioning your marketing techniques because all you see is stagnancy? You have set up an engaging online store on Shopify or Wix, collected all the relevant data, your content is engaging enough, and your marketing strategy is top-notch. But you are still unable to reach your clientele.

You start wondering what you are missing out on. Your content and your strategies will not be prolific if you are on the wrong channel. Remember: the message of your content has to reach the right people for it to be effective.

Should you be on social media? If so, which one? Do you get more traction with email campaigns? Or do you have more engagements on forums?

Find out where your market is, then spend your focus there. Now the next step is how to know where they spend most of their time?

This is where we go back in the loop. And hence we again emphasize that data collection is the foundation of any great marketing strategy.

6. Improve Marketing Content

Don’t rest on your laurels when you’ve gotten everything down to a tee and have attained your desired marketing analytics behind your personalized marketing content. Always think of ways how you can improve.

Evolving at every step will keep you in the running. Don’t be misguided into thinking that your work is done if you feel like you have reached the pinnacle. Keep looking for ways to get better. Set bigger goals and status for your business.

Always go back to the drawing board and brainstorm with your team on how you can change and strive with the dynamically changing world and mindsets. In the end, all you want is to build better relationships with your customers, new and existing.

For enhanced productivity, your marketing team should always look for new strategies. This is how fresh and great marketing ideas are made.

See How You Can Benefit From Personalized Marketing

Irrelevant information can waste energy and time for both customers and the business. Personalized marketing hits the bull’s eye 99% of the time. It brings immeasurable value to the company as well as the customer.

Here are some of the top benefits of personalized marketing:

1. Better Engagement

The first target personalized marketing aims at is grabbing an individual’s attention. And this results in better engagement eventually. If you are presenting your customer with something that wows them, needless to say, it will grab their attention.

This will help bridge the gap between your customer and your brand. Identifying customers’ needs and then giving them what they want will help improve customer interaction with your brand.

It can even be enough for them to follow your call to action. The next thing you know, they will be checking your website, signing up for a list, or even purchasing a product right then and there.

2. Higher Conversions

Are you there for your customer at the right time and place? One-on-one marketing provides easy solutions to customers because you hit them with just what they are looking for at the right time.

When potential customers realize that you understand what they’re going through and provide the solution, most won’t hesitate to try your business out.

Personalization isn’t just focused on content. It can also be integrated into your processes. This results in aiding the increase of higher conversion rates.

3. Improved Customer Experience

Offering personalization will significantly improve the user experience. Once you provide the products, services, and content that meet their needs, their opinion of your business automatically improves.

Considering the statistics about personalized experiences, it is evident that consumers demand personalization strategies from companies. And if you offer such an experience, you increase the chance of making them do more business with you. Personalization helps businesses in reducing cart abandonment rates, better customer journey, increased customer satisfaction, and many more.

4. Customer Retention

Retaining persisting customers is equally important to your business as bringing new ones. Most businesses face low customer retention. It’s also a factor that some companies overlook. You must understand that it’s not all about converting prospects into paying customers. Your focus should also be on retaining those customers to make them loyal advocates of your brand.

One of the major benefits of consistent personalization is an improved customer retention rate. Consumers tend to stay with a business that understands their needs and provides solutions to their problems.

Once you can transfer a customer to a loyal advocate, you can also receive a ton of benefits. These are people that are going to defend your brand from critics. These are the same people who will give you free marketing via word of mouth and positive reviews.

5. Better Customer Relationships

Personalized experience leads to customer retention, eventually building better relationships with your nurtured customers. These entities are connected in a loop.

Customer relationships are an aspect of business that significantly helps with scalability and higher revenue. So connecting with your customers and building a relationship with them is as important as the product you are selling. This is why strengthening customer relationships should be a top priority for businesses.

Personalization makes you an expert on your target market trends. You get to know your audience deeper, which helps you build a foundation for creating a great customer relationship. And this requires marketing and customer experience teams to work together in a symphony.

For this, you can use team collaboration software which aids in the optimization of content and your approach toward the market. You’ll have a better strategy in getting their attention, providing what they want, and recommending things they’ll be interested in.

All of these things help in building customer rapport. When a customer feels that you treat them as more than just a paying customer, their customer loyalty goes to your business.

Best Examples Personalization Marketing

To inspire you to integrate this marketing strategy into your operations, below are different personalization marketing campaigns done exceptionally by various businesses. Grab inspiration, ideas, and motivation from these examples.

1. Coca-Cola

We all know the most basic form of personalization is addressing your customers’ names, but Coca-Cola took this simple idea into a massive global campaign. Their “Share a Coke” campaign started in 2011, wherein they printed different popular names on their Coke bottles and cans.

It seemed like a regular campaign at first, but it started getting traction as more customers wanted to get the name of their family, friends, and themselves. Coca-Cola said the campaign’s purpose was “to create a more personal relationship with consumers and inspire shared moments of happiness.”

The soft drinks giant used personalization and tied such a strategy with its mission: to bring memories and happiness to its consumers. You, too, can do the same – combine your mission and personalization strategy to create a unique campaign.

2. Spotify

Spotify leverages user data in its marketing strategy. They have several campaigns that make users want to use their application more often because it gives out a more tailored experience.

Other than their year-end campaign( #spotifywrapped), where they show the most played songs and podcasts their users listen to (which was a viral hit), they now also have an #OnlyYou campaign that shows your unique listening taste partnered with a musical astrology reading.

3. Nike

Nike has consistently been recognized for authentic, personalized, and heartfelt ad campaigns. This personalization always makes them capture an audience who can relate and those who start connecting to the brand. So Nike isn’t new to personalization. Their aim is robust community engagement.

Their highly inspirational campaigns with real-life heroes induce inspiration in their audience. Nike is great at converting people because of its excellent storytelling ability while adding personalization to the mix.

Nike’s just launched a new app that offers personalized content and rewards for committed fans. They tackle challenges and issues head-on, but they always make their marketing messages relatable to their audience. That is why they “just do it.”


Personalized marketing is the secret sauce to thriving businesses in the world today. However, incorporating this marketing strategy and finding success is not as simple as you might think. You will face challenges, but with enough perseverance and brainstorming, you can surpass them and successfully create a great campaign.

Remember, this marketing approach can be a hit or a miss. The first step to making it a success is relevant data collection followed by judicious implementation. This isn’t an overnight activity that you can do. It requires months of diligence in the right direction with the proper guidance. And you can gain valuable insights into this guidance via the content marketing strategies outlined in this article. But remember, once you start rolling, there is no looking back.


The post The Complete Guide To Personalized Marketing first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

The hardest part of designing websites for a living is setting your prices. Setting a fair price for your services is something that nearly all of us struggle with.

If you’re lucky, you’re part of an agency that has experienced design leads who can assess projects objectively. But if you’re a freelancer — or if you’re one of those design leads — you have to set your own rate.

It’s a challenge to find a sweet spot in the market. You want to be competitive or you’ll price yourself out of jobs. But you also want to be able to live the lifestyle you aspire to.

The truth is there is always someone cheaper. There is always someone who believes the ‘exposure’ myth and will do a project for free. You can’t compete on price, and you really shouldn’t try. If you have been competing on price, you are almost certainly undercharging for web design. Where you should compete, is on quality and results.

When you’re no longer competing on price, you can put your rates up.

How Much Do You Charge for Web Design Services?

To find out what most professional designers charge, we’re asking you to answer the following two questions (anonymously).

We’d like to know how much you charge for web design services per hour. (We don’t necessarily recommend you charge by the hour, but with projects varying in scope this is the best way to compare pricing.)

Because the value of the dollar varies a great deal — $1 goes a lot further in Patagonia than it does in Norway — we’d also like to know how much you charge per hour as a percentage of your monthly housing cost (your rent or mortgage).

Remember, most experts in the field agree: No matter how much you’re charging for web design services, you’re probably undercharging. Perhaps it’s time to put your prices up.


Featured image via Pexels.


The post Are You Undercharging for Web Design Services? first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

Starting your own business is a process with a fair share of challenges. Even in the web design world, where you can potentially minimize costs by working from home and collaborating with freelance contractors, many expenses exist. 

To run a successful web design business, you need enough money to invest in everything from skilled colleagues to resources (like fonts and themes), software subscriptions, and technology tools. Finding a way to fund your company can be the most complicated part of ensuring its success.

For most new companies, the easiest option to generate opportunities is “bootstrapping.” Learning how to bootstrap a web design business means knowing how to bring your business to life with virtually no starting capital. 

Here’s how to get started.

What is Bootstrapping? 

Successful bootstrappers take an idea, such as creating a web design company and create a fantastic company without the backing of investors. It takes significant dedication, commitment, and single-mindedness to accomplish your goals, but some of the world’s greatest entrepreneurs, like Steve Jobs and Sam Walton, got their start this way. 

The term “bootstrapping” comes from the phrase “to pull yourself up by the bootstraps,” which indicates overcoming challenges on your own without any external support. 

The pros and cons of bootstrapping include:


  • Full control: Bootstrapping allows entrepreneurs to retain full ownership over their business. Alternatively, engaging with investors means allowing other professionals to own a portion of your company or make a share of the decisions. 
  • Innovation: Business owners in a bootstrapping model are forced to invest in agile and innovative business models. You must develop processes to produce immediate, lasting cash flow from day one. 
  • Accomplishment: Building something from the ground up creates a powerful sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. 
  • Ownership: You won’t have to sell any equity in your business to other investors, which means you can benefit fully from the company as it grows.


  • Risks: Self-funded businesses generally run out of funds faster and struggle to scale as quickly as other companies, limiting the brand’s ability to reach its potential.
  • Limited support: Traditional financing methods (like working with investors) also provide networking opportunities and support from specialists who want to see your company succeed. 
  • Pressure: Bootstrapping businesses need to be meticulous about everything from keeping books to making the right decisions for brand growth. 
  • Hard work: With limited resources, connections, and options, bootstrapping entrepreneurs need to work harder than most and take on more roles.

How to Bootstrap Your Web Design Business: Step by Step

Bootstrapping a web design business can be complicated, but it works for many companies if you follow the right strategy. The good news is web design companies generally don’t require as much initial capital as some other types of companies, like standard retail brands or companies with a need for brick and mortar offices.

However, there are still steps you’ll need to follow to ensure success.

Step 1: Source Some Initial Funds

While you might not work with investors when bootstrapping your web design business, you’ll still need some essential initial funds. To run a web design business, you won’t necessarily need a massive initial investment, but you will need something. 

To determine how much capital you need to raise from your income, savings, a line of credit, or other common bootstrapping sources, think about:

  • Where you’re going to work: The upfront costs of operating your own web design business will be a lot lower if you choose to work from home and with remote specialists. The less you have to pay for office space, the better.
  • Business fees: You may need to pay fees for registering your business name, hosting your own website for advertising, and dealing with any registration costs.
  • Equipment and software: Think about what you will use daily for web design. Subscription-based services like Adobe Creative Cloud can cost quite a bit to access. You’ll also need a good computer, and perhaps a tablet for sketching.

Step 2: Find a USP 

The easiest way to ensure a bootstrapped web design business is a success is to ensure you are offering specific clients something they genuinely need. In a service-based landscape like web design, you need to know what your customers want and offer something they can’t get elsewhere.

For instance, can you differentiate yourself from other web design companies by helping with modern trends like 360-degree video and XR-ready design? Can you build apps for companies from scratch and provide ongoing maintenance for the websites you make?

An excellent way to find your USP is to examine your competitors. Find out what other companies in your area are offering their customers, and listen to consumers in your industry when they talk about what they need from a website designer. 

Step 3: Choose a Cash Flow Optimized Model 

Since you’re relying only on your cash and the money you make from your web design business to fuel its growth, choosing a model optimized for consistent cash flow is essential. Bootstrapping a business often means you place most of the profit you gain from your company back into the development of the brand. 

With this in mind, consider how you’ll offer services and charge your customers. Are you going to ask for a portion of the fees up-front before starting a web design project? Can you provide your customers with subscription models to improve your revenue consistently?

For instance, you could provide help with ongoing maintenance, development, and support rather than just offering to build websites for companies. Another way to make additional income is with professional services, like consulting. 

Make sure there’s a market for the services you’ll offer before launching your business by examining the surrounding environments and services your competitors provide.

Step 4: Keep Costs Low and Profits High

Keeping costs low will be essential to ensuring your success when bootstrapping a business. Fortunately for web designers, it’s relatively easy to cut down on fees. For instance, WordPress is free to use for your development projects, making it an excellent choice for many web design strategies. 

You can also look into common free and cheap alternatives to web design tools online, like GIMP. Shop around for the things you will be paying ongoing fees with. For instance, it’s best to check out multiple vendors when looking for web hosting and marketing support. 

While keeping your costs low, it’s also essential to accelerate profits as much as possible. You can look for ways to boost customer retention by building stronger relationships with your clients and offering them deals on long-term subscriptions. 

If you have time outside of your web design business, you can also try taking on some side hustles. Options include:

  • Selling web design assets on sites like ThemeForest
  • Offering your services on a freelance basis with sites like Dribbble and Toptal
  • Designing and selling NFTs for the metaverse
  • Teaching web design or selling webinars

Step 5: Grow Cautiously

Finally, while the goal of successfully bootstrapping your web design business will be to grow as rapidly and consistently as possible, it’s important to be cautious. For instance, you’ll need to be able to afford the fees of every new designer you bring onto your team, so consider looking for freelancers and contractors rather than permanent hires.

Use organic channels for marketing your services, like blogging and content marketing which can help improve your SEO standing and attract attention among clients. Plus, encourage your customers to recommend your services to other brands. 

As new clients approach your business, ensure you only take on as many customers as you can reasonably handle. Compromising on quality will damage your relationships with customers and harm your reputation. 

Good Luck Bootstrapping Your Business

When you’re bootstrapping a business, you get the benefit of being able to eliminate any outside influences from your growth. You’re free to focus on building relationships with companies of your choice, and you get to make decisions about your growth. However, there are downsides, too, like significant stress and limited financial opportunities.

While bootstrapping your business is tough, if you manage to complete the process successfully, the results can be fantastic. 


Featured image via Unsplash.


The post How to Bootstrap a Web Design Business first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

Ce nouveau programme formera la prochaine génération de consultants SAP


Paris, le 15 juin 2022 – SAP SE (NYSE : SAP) a annoncé le lancement de son initiative Partner Talent. Son objectif est d’identifier et former des talents, nouveaux et existants, au sein de l’écosystème de partenaires SAP, afin de répondre à la demande croissante de professionnels certifiés et qualifiés pour accompagner les entreprises dans leur évolution.


Le programme propose un cursus rigoureux à temps plein, conçu pour certifier les professionnels de l’informatique dans des domaines cruciaux et très demandés, notamment RISE avec SAP S/4HANA Cloud et une introduction à SAP S/4HANA Financial Accounting. Les participants obtiendront ensuite trois certifications SAP, avant de réintégrer l’écosystème des partenaires en tant que diplômés prêts à travailler.


Deux premières promotions ont déjà démarré le programme. Les jeunes diplômés entameront un programme de formation intensive de trois mois destiné à leur faire acquérir les compétences professionnelles et personnelles nécessaires pour devenir consultant SAP.


Avec un taux de croissance annuel moyen de 16 % pour le marché des services Cloud de SAP EMEA North, les partenaires SAP sont très sollicités et certains d’entre eux sont confrontés à un manque de compétences numériques. Le nouveau programme de SAP est ouvert à la fois aux jeunes diplômés et aux personnes travaillant dans des secteurs complémentaires. Il contribuera à combler les lacunes existantes en matière de talents en fournissant aux diplômés les compétences et les qualifications nécessaires pour trouver un emploi dans la communauté des partenaires.


Les participants bénéficieront d’un soutien continu et d’un retour d’information permanent de la part des délégués, des instructeurs et de l’équipe partenaire élargie tout au long de la période de formation. Les candidats bénéficieront également d’un événement de bienvenue et de lancement à leur arrivée, avec la possibilité d’assister à une cérémonie de remise des diplômes à la fin de la formation.


SAP offrira également une aide du fonds de développement commercial (BDF) aux partenaires qui recrutent, forment et certifient de nouveaux consultants dans le cadre de leur initiative de capacité des partenaires Drive2Deliver.


L’initiative sur les capacités des partenaires combine :

– Un contenu de formations pour développer les compétences en matière de produits pour l’ensemble du portefeuille SAP, y compris les principales solutions SAP comme SAP S/4HANA et SAP S/4HANA Financial Accounting.

– Accès au contenu d’habilitation pour les membres de l’écosystème des partenaires SAP.

– Pratique directe sur des systèmes de formations logiciels SAP

– Environnements d’apprentissage dirigés par des experts et entre pairs.

– Possibilité d’obtenir des badges numériques de certification globale SAP et de se tenir au courant des avancées technologiques.


Valérie CHAZALON, Chief Partner Officer SAP France, commente : ” En lançant la Partner Talent Initiative, les diplômés du programme vont acquérir des compétences inestimables, qui aideront les clients et les partenaires à devenir des entreprises « intelligentes » et à fournir des services de haute qualité. Grâce à un programme d’études rigoureux, associé à un retour d’information et un soutien continus, notre programme dotera la prochaine génération de consultants de l’état d’esprit, des compétences et de l’ambition nécessaires pour réussir dans l’écosystème partenaires et au-delà.


Paul Cooper, Président du UK & Ireland SAP User Group (UKISUG), commente : “Nous nous félicitons de la création de la Partner Talent Initiative, car elle contribuera à combler un éventuel déficit de compétences à l’avenir. La dernière étude que nous avons menée auprès de nos membres a montré que de nombreuses organisations craignent que le manque de compétences disponibles ait un impact sur la vitesse à laquelle elles passent à SAP S/4HANA. Un écosystème de partenaires florissant, doté d’un plus grand nombre de talents certifiés, sera essentiel pour soutenir les parcours SAP S/4HANA des clients et développer la main-d’œuvre de la prochaine génération.”


À propos de SAP

La stratégie de SAP vise à aider chaque organisation à fonctionner en “entreprise intelligente”. En tant que leader du marché des logiciels d’application d’entreprise, nous aidons les entreprises de toutes tailles et de tous secteurs à opérer au mieux : 77 % des transactions commerciales mondiales entrent en contact avec un système SAP®. Nos technologies de Machine Learning, d’Internet des objets (IoT) et d’analytique avancées aident nos clients à transformer leurs activités en “entreprises intelligentes”. SAP permet aux personnes et aux organisations d’avoir une vision approfondie de leur business et favorise la collaboration afin qu’elles puissent garder une longueur d’avance sur leurs concurrents. Nous simplifions la technologie afin que les entreprises puissent utiliser nos logiciels comme elles le souhaitent – sans interruption. Notre suite d’applications et de services de bout en bout permet aux clients privés et publics de 25 secteurs d’activité dans le monde de fonctionner de manière rentable, de s’adapter en permanence et de faire la différence. Avec son réseau mondial de clients, partenaires, employés et leaders d’opinion, SAP aide le monde à mieux fonctionner et à améliorer la vie de chacun. Pour plus d’informations, visitez le site



The post SAP lance l’initiative Partner Talent pour identifier et former les talents de son écosystème de partenaires appeared first on SAP France News.

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Moving from studying design into the big wide world of web design is a daunting process. It’s a competitive and dynamic industry that’s growing all the time. It’s estimated that between 2020 and 2030, web designer jobs in the US will increase by 13%. One of the most challenging aspects of starting a career in web design is getting hired, especially as a freelancer. 

The first thing that most clients and agencies look for is usually your level of professional experience. They want to work with someone who, while perhaps not a veteran, has at least a few years of experience. This can lead to a lot of frustration for new designers. After all, how are you supposed to get experience if nobody hires you? 

Moreover, clients and agencies miss out on promising candidates when they pass up on skilled designers just because they don’t have experience. 

Here’s why we should all give zero-experience designers a chance.

1. Price

Professional web design doesn’t come cheap, and for a good reason. Most freelancers who have been in the business for many years have built a solid reputation for themselves and have no shortage of work. Web design agencies have a higher degree of accountability and a quality guarantee, which is why hiring their services can cost more. 

If you’re looking to get design work done on a tight budget, you’ll have better luck contacting someone with little or no experience. However, they’re most likely looking to build up their portfolio and will gladly offer you competitive rates.

2. No Experience Doesn’t Mean No Skill

Clients often assume that anything produced by an inexperienced designer will be sub-par or unusable. While it is true that an extensive portfolio is a good sign, it isn’t the only reason to hire someone. 

New web designers may not be as well versed in business, but many of them are still highly skilled and motivated individuals with a lot to offer. 

Whether self-taught or college graduates, they have devoted countless hours to becoming good at what they do. Instead of passing on a zero-experience candidate, give them a chance to show you what they can do with a mock-up. If you’re still dubious, then go with someone else. But you never know what someone has to offer until you put them to the test.

3. They Will Prioritize Your Job

As we’ve already established, finding work as a fresh-faced web designer can be challenging. This means that those with little to no experience are more likely to have time to devote entirely to your project, as they won’t be splitting their focus.

Agencies and well-established freelancers usually juggle several different projects at a time, meaning they will take longer to produce a result. If they happen to be working on a higher-paying job simultaneously with yours, you can guess which one they’ll prioritize. 

It’s always comforting to know that the person handling your design work is focused on you and you alone. You know your project won’t be on the back burner or forgotten about. 

4. You Will Foster Loyalty

This applies more to big web design agencies. New designers know their lack of experience counts against them, even for entry-level positions. If you choose to look past that and hire them anyway, they won’t forget it in a hurry. 

Once you’ve hired them, you have all the time in the world to help them learn the ropes. Include them in projects headed up by more experienced designers, give them lower priority jobs, and create an environment where their technical skills can flourish. 

Everyone has to start somewhere, and you can bet that they will remember who decided to give them an opportunity when nobody else would. A few years later, when they’ve found their feet in the industry, you’ll have a skilled, experienced designer with something you can’t buy: loyalty. 

5. They’re Eager to Learn

Industry veterans eventually become somewhat set in their ways. They develop their unique style and way of doing things, and while this isn’t bad, it’s different from someone freshly entering the industry for the first time. 

New designers are ‌much more eager to take instruction and expand their repertoire according to your needs. They have the time, energy, and motivation to learn new skills and may have a different approach to projects simply because they have not yet learned otherwise.

6. No Project Is Too Small

Not every job is going to be massive and high paying. People need web designers for small business sites, event pages, small ad campaigns, and other similar projects. Established designers looking for bigger fish will often pass up these kinds of jobs. But they are ideal for new designers who need to build their portfolio website.

On the other hand, new designers will usually take any opportunity to make money and gain experience. If your project isn’t massively complex or high stakes, use it as an opportunity to give someone a chance to showcase their skills. 

7. Everyone Starts Somewhere

No designer starts their career with experience, and many work in other design-related jobs for some time before they begin to do what they’re genuinely passionate about. Industries that make it hard for entry-level professionals to find work often discourage them from pursuing their goals. While philanthropy might not be high on the list of priorities for clients or agencies who want the best in the business, it’s always good to remember that growing industry means recognizing potential. 

Not every newbie will ‌be a prodigy. But without people out there willing to give them a chance, even the most gifted designer will eventually lose heart. 


In short, experience isn’t everything. While it is a vital asset to any designer, there is certainly room in the industry to allow those with potential to grow. 

So, next time you’re looking for new hires or someone to take on a freelance gig, remember what it’s like to be the new guy and consider hiring someone less experienced. You will sometimes find the brightest gems where you least expect them.


Featured image via Pexels.


The post Why Zero Experience Designers Need A Chance first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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De spécialiste de l’ingénierie industrielle, ATS accélère sa transformation numérique et lance sur le marché un portfolio de nouveaux services digitaux notamment sur base de solutions SAP Cloud PLM et Assets (de l’Ingénierie à la machine as a service). Un acteur OT et IT, capable d’accompagner les organisations dans leur voyage vers l’industrie 4.0.

ATS, c’est avant tout une aventure familiale, démarrée en 1989 au Creusot. L’histoire d’un spécialiste en ingénierie industrielle (ATS Engineering), mais aussi en conception et réalisation de moyens de production automatisés (ATS Solutions). L’entreprise compte aujourd’hui 200 collaborateurs, pour un chiffre d’affaires annuel d’environ 20 millions d’euros.

“La quatrième révolution industrielle nous donne l’opportunité de transformer l’industrie, en la rendant à la fois plus performante et plus attractive. Notre ambition est d’accompagner dans leur transformation les femmes et les hommes (end-users) opérant sur des sites industriels, en apportant de nouveaux outils et services pour remettre l’Homme au centre et réinventer l’expérience Homme-machine.” Explique Rodolphe Roy, Président d’ATS. “Faire grandir l’Humain pour amener plaisir et reconnaissance dans l’industrie : Un élément crucial pour booster l’attractivité et attirer de nouveaux talents.”

Le numérique, nouveau pilier d’ATS

Le premier jalon de la transformation d’ATS est posé en 2011, lorsque Rodolphe Roy en devient l’actionnaire unique. En 2017, une fois le rachat sécurisé, la transformation du groupe peut commencer, avec comme nouvel axe le numérique.

La société est dans le même temps repérée par BPI France, qui l’invite à rejoindre le programme accélérateur PME/PMI, puis la French Fab, le porte-drapeau de l’industrie française en tant qu’ambassadeur pour la Bourgogne. Ce programme accélérateur pousse également ATS à aller au-delà de l’OT pour proposer des services IT à ses clients et remettre l’innovation au centre de sa transformation.

Des LAB’Innovation sont ainsi déployés sur chacun des sites d’ATS, afin de permettre à tous les collaborateurs de l’entreprise d’explorer et d’innover avec de nouvelles technologies digitales, comme le cloud, l’ingénierie collaborative en Réalité Virtuelle, l’impression 3D ou encore la capture de la réalité. Le tout en lien avec les clients et partenaires de l’entreprise.

« Notre langue maternelle est l’OT, mais nous avons fait IT seconde langue, ce qui nous permet d’accompagner les industriels dans leur transformation numérique. Nous avons pour vocation à être la courroie de distribution entre ces deux mondes. »

Il est vrai qu’en tant que concepteur de moyens de production automatisés, et connectés, ATS Solutions apporte déjà un savoir-faire à mi-chemin entre OT et IT, pour le compte de clients prestigieux comme Air Liquide, Arkema, Schneider Electric ou encore le CEA.

ATS Connect, l’intégrateur OT/IT des industriels

“Avec ATS Solutions, nous proposons aux industriels des nouveaux moyens de production (CAPEX) automatisés, connectés et flexibles, rappelle Rodolphe Roy. Toutefois, nous étions un peu frustrés de ne pas pouvoir les accompagner dans leurs phases d’exploitation (OPEX), ni dans leurs projets de numérisation de leurs parcs machines existants.”

“Notre nouvelle activité portée par ATS Connect répond à cela, mais pas seulement : nous accélérons sur l’accompagnement à la transition énergétique et environnementale des industriels, jusqu’aux projets de villes intelligentes (smart city).” Complète Jordan Lecat, COO d’ATS Connect.

ATS Connect est chargée de porter les projets de connexion digitale des équipements. Cela commence par un audit 4.0 du moyen de production, des échanges systématiques avec les utilisateurs finaux pour identifier leurs points de douleurs. Nous traitons ensuite la collecte des données et le traitement de l’information pour créer les bons outils de suivi de performance et de maintenance. Le tout en faisant appel au besoin à des technologies innovantes capables de projeter les entreprises dans le monde de l’industrie 4.0. À ce titre, ATS Connect devient un intégrateur de bout en bout de solutions OT/IT.

SAP, éditeur clé pour ATS

Autre jalon de la transformation d’ATS, la rencontre avec SAP en 2018. ATS voit dans les solutions Cloud Public PLM et Assets, respectivement SAP Enterprise Product Development (SAP EPD) et SAP Intelligent Asset Management (SAP AIM) associé à SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP), une plate-forme ouverte et collaborative de choix pour gérer les équipements des industriels et porter des projets avancés, comme la mise en place de jumeaux numériques connectés. Cette plateforme Cloud devient ainsi un catalyseur pour le développement commercial des nouveaux services numériques d’ATS Connect.

« ATS Connect se positionne clairement comme offreur de solutions Industrie 4.0, explique Jordan Lecat. Nous collectons la data, que nous faisons remonter sur la plate-forme Cloud SAP, afin de proposer des services innovants à nos clients. Par exemple de la maintenance prédictive. Avec ATS Connect, nous pouvons enfin proposer une gestion de bout en bout des moyens de production des industriels. »

Dans le cadre du partenariat entre SAP et le Collectif Continuité Numérique, ATS Connect participe par ailleurs au développement de démonstrateurs Industrie 4.0 autour des jumeaux numériques, lesquels sont déployés sur les Experience Centers SAP de Paris et Barcelone. ATS rejoint ainsi l’écosystème SAP relatif à l’industrie du futur. « Ceci nous rend d’autant plus fiers que nous partageons les valeurs et ambitions portées par SAP et ses Experience Centers : Meet, Inspire, Engage. »


The post ATS accompagne les industriels dans leur transformation numérique appeared first on SAP France News.

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While this blog post refers to AWS services, in particular, the best practices are mostly the same for any other IAM framework.

« Security is job zero. »

When it comes to security in AWS, this is the de facto culture and standard.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Workflows are great for orchestrating services, functions, or events. They provide out-of-the-box features to make your applications resilient, reliable, and simple.

But currently, each cloud vendor has its workflow solution. AWS has Step Functions, Google has Google Workflows, Microsoft has Azure Durable functions, and so on. The lack of a common way to define workflows becomes an issue when you need to migrate or host your applications on more than one cloud vendor. It also limits the potential for creating tools and infrastructures that support several platforms. This is what the Serverless Workflow specification addresses.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

Levallois-Perret, le 2 juin 2021 — Responsage, service spécialisé dans le conseil et l’orientation des salariés aidants et Tilia, start-up dédiée à l’accompagnement des aidants soutenue par BNP Paribas Personal Finance, annoncent que SAP, leader du marché des logiciels d’application d’entreprise, a choisi leurs solutions pour accompagner et soulager ses collaborateurs aidants dans leur quotidien.

L’aidance : un sujet majeur de l’accord inter-générationnel de SAP

C’est dans le cadre de l’accord intergénérationnel signé en fin d’année que SAP a choisi d’accompagner ses salariés aidants avec les services de Responsage et Tilia.

« De plus en plus de salariés doivent prendre soin d’un parent âgé, d’un enfant ou d’un conjoint malade ou en situation de handicap, affirme Sandra Lotode, Directrice des relations sociales. Cela a donc été une évidence de proposer aux aidants, au sein de nos dispositifs de qualité de vie au travail, une solution qui les soulage et préserve l’équilibre vie privée/vie professionnelle. »

Responsage-Tilia : la réponse idéale à la problématique de l’aidance

Expert reconnu de l’accompagnement des salariés aidants depuis 2013, Responsage accompagne les salariés tout au long de leur parcours d’aidant : entretien téléphonique/visio  pour hiérarchiser les problématiques, réponse écrite documentée en 3 jours ouvrés, calendrier de suivi personnalisé pour le montage des dossiers…. L’application Tilia offre un accès digital au service Responsage. De plus, Tilia assure la mise en œuvre et la coordination des différents prestataires nécessaires à la personne aidée.

« Le dispositif d’aide aux salariés aidants s’inscrit dans le volet social de la RSE, souligne Joël Riou, Président-Fondateur de Responsage. Soutenu par un accompagnement expert, le salarié préserve sa santé physique et mentale. Par ailleurs, grâce aux bilans anonymisés fournis par Responsage, SAP dispose d’une vision objectivée de la problématique dans l’entreprise. »

« Tilia se réjouit d’accompagner des entreprises qui inscrivent l’humain au cœur de leurs ambitions et qui font de l’aidance une priorité de leur stratégie de bien-être au travail, » indique Christine Lamidel, Fondatrice et Directrice Générale de Tilia. « Le dispositif Responsage-Tilia simplifie le quotidien des aidants et les rassure sur le bien-être de leur proche. Cela participe in fine au maintien de leur engagement professionnel, une nécessité pour rompre l’isolement auquel les aidants sont souvent confrontés. »

À propos de Responsage

Responsage accompagne les salariés aidants depuis 2013. L’entreprise compte plus de 100 clients (Danone, L’Oréal, Pernod-Ricard, Crédit Agricole, France Télévisions, Pôle emploi…) et couvre plus de 250 000 ayants droit. Responsage s’appuie sur une équipe d’assistants sociaux expérimentés, des bases de données de plus de 70 000 contacts et un outil d’aide à la rédaction expert. Les outils collectent et anonymisent dans des bilans les données sur les salariés accompagnés. L’entreprise peut ainsi orienter ses politiques sociales.

Le service est désormais élargi à l’accompagnement social global. Responsage compte parmi ses actionnaires, Bayard Presse, Danone, Babilou et le fonds d’investissement à impact social PhiTrust. Plus d’informations sur le site de Responsage.

À propos de Tilia

Tilia est un dispositif clé en main qui accompagne les entreprises et directions des ressources humaines désireuses d’épauler leurs collaborateurs confrontés à la situation d’un proche en état de dépendance. Cet accompagnement s’effectue par le biais d’une approche collective comprenant des cycles de conférences de sensibilisation à destination de tous les acteurs de l’entreprise, et d’une approche individuelle dédiée aux aidants. Le service proposé par Tilia a été élaboré dans le but d’apporter du répit aux collaborateurs contraints de conjuguer activité professionnelle et rôle d’aidant, et participer ainsi au maintien des équilibres de temps de vie au quotidien. Tilia assiste toutes les fragilités — maladie, handicap, grand-âge ou suite à un accident de la vie — en vue de faciliter le bien vivre à domicile, d’alléger le quotidien des aidants et de les rassurer quant au bien-être de leur proche fragilisé.

Tilia est une startup engagée (social business), issue d’un programme d’intrapreneuriat du Groupe BNP Paribas, développée par sa Directrice Générale et Fondatrice Christine Lamidel suite à son expérience familiale personnelle, et aujourd’hui accélérée par BNP Paribas Personal Finance. Plus d’informations sur le site Internet et le blog de Tilia. @TiliaOaidants | LinkedIn

À propos de SAP

La stratégie de SAP vise à aider chaque organisation à fonctionner en “entreprise intelligente”. En tant que leader du marché des logiciels d’application d’entreprise, nous aidons les entreprises de toutes tailles et de tous secteurs à opérer au mieux : 77 % des transactions commerciales mondiales entrent en contact avec un système SAP®. Nos technologies de Machine Learning, d’Internet des objets (IoT) et d’analytique avancées aident nos clients à transformer leurs activités en “entreprises intelligentes”. SAP permet aux personnes et aux organisations d’avoir une vision approfondie de leur business et favorise la collaboration afin qu’elles puissent garder une longueur d’avance sur leurs concurrents. Nous simplifions la technologie afin que les entreprises puissent utiliser nos logiciels comme elles le souhaitent – sans interruption. Notre suite d’applications et de services de bout en bout permet aux clients privés et publics de 25 secteurs d’activité dans le monde de fonctionner de manière rentable, de s’adapter en permanence et de faire la différence. Avec son réseau mondial de clients, partenaires, employés et leaders d’opinion, SAP aide le monde à mieux fonctionner et à améliorer la vie de chacun. Pour plus d’informations, visitez le site

The post SAP choisit le tandem Responsage-Tilia pour accompagner ses salariés aidants appeared first on SAP France News.

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The dreaded part of every site reliability engineer’s (SRE) job eventually: capacity planning. You know, the dance between all the stakeholders when deploying your applications. Did engineering really simulate the right load and do we understand how the application scales? Did product managers accurately estimate the amount of usage? Did we make architectural decisions that will keep us from meeting our SLA goals? And then the question that everyone will have to answer eventually: how much is this going to cost? This forces SREs to assume the roles of engineer, accountant, and fortune teller.

The large cloud providers understood this a long time ago and so the term “cloud economics” was coined. Essentially this means: rent everything and only pay for what you need. I would say this message worked because we all love some cloud. It’s not a fad either. SREs can eliminate a lot of the downside when the initial infrastructure capacity discussion was maybe a little off. Being wrong is no longer devastating. Just add more of what you need and in the best cases, the services scale themselves — giving everyone a nice night’s sleep. All this without provisioning a server, which gave rise to the term “serverless.”

Source de l’article sur DZONE