
New Zealand Rugby (NZR) a annoncé la signature d’un partenariat majeur pluriannuel avec SAP afin d’accélérer la transformation numérique de l’Union de Rugby. SAP, tout premier grand partenaire technologique de NZR, devient à la fois un Partenaire Officiel Mondial Premium, un Partenaire Technologique Officiel, et le Partenaire Officiel des Logiciels Cloud des « équipes en noir »*, notamment les All Blacks et les Black Ferns.

Leader du marché des logiciels d’application d’entreprise, SAP possède l’expertise, les solutions et l’envergure nécessaire pour créer une infrastructure technologique plus efficace, connectée et innovante pour NZR. Les deux organisations collaboreront pour identifier et mettre en œuvre des solutions Cloud novatrices, et connecter les données dans des domaines clés, afin de fournir un avantage concurrentiel sur et en dehors du terrain aux équipes, et plus largement à tout l’écosystème de NZR.

Ce partenariat permettra à NZR d’exploiter les solutions SAP et d’innover dans quatre domaines clés : créer un système de gestion intégré pour diriger et améliorer ses opérations, parfaire l’expérience des supporters, réaliser des objectifs de développement durable pour l’organisation et explorer la manière dont l’utilisation des données et des solutions peut favoriser la performance des équipes.

  • Opérations organisationnelles : l’utilisation d’un hub digital de solutions SAP pour créer des systèmes interconnectés permettant à NZR de tirer le meilleur parti de la puissance de ses systèmes et des données hors terrain, afin de mieux soutenir leurs équipes en place.
  • Performance de l’équipe : en implémentant SAP SuccessFactors et en se dotant d’une source unique de données RH, NZR compte améliorer l’expérience de ses membres et leur permettre ainsi d’atteindre leur plein potentiel.
  • Expérience des fans : créer de nouvelles façons de se connecter et de dialoguer avec la base de supporters locaux et mondiaux de NZR, tout en exploitant les nouvelles technologies et plateformes, afin qu’ils se rapprochent de leurs équipes et joueurs préférés.
  • Impact environnemental : exploiter les solutions et les capacités numériques permettant à NZR de gérer de manière holistique ses performances en matière de durabilité, tout en soutenant la stratégie plus large de NZR en matière de responsabilité sociale et d’environnementale (RSE).

Angela Nash, Chief Information & Technology Officer de NZR, a déclaré : “La NZR entreprend une transformation numérique de grande ampleur qui nécessite le soutien et l’expertise d’une organisation technologique internationale, pour nous aider à réaliser notre objectif : devenir l’Union de Rugby la plus avancée sur le plan technologique dans le monde. SAP est à l’avant-garde de la transformation numérique au niveau mondial et dispose des outils nécessaires pour nous aider à mettre en place une équipe d’experts qui, non seulement partage notre vision, mais dont les compétences et les capacités sont de renommée internationale. Nous sommes ravis qu’ils soient notre premier partenaire technologique et qu’ils travaillent avec NZR sur toutes les plates-formes clés afin d’examiner, d’améliorer et de nous permettre de fournir des systèmes technologiques qui garantissent que nous sommes les meilleurs sur le terrain et en dehors.”

Scott Russell, Executive Board Member & Customer Success, commente :

New Zealand Rugby s’est fixé un objectif ambitieux : devenir le collectif de Rugby le plus avancé technologiquement au monde. En tant que tout premier partenaire technologique de l’organisation, SAP peut aider NZR à atteindre cet objectif en favorisant la transformation numérique dans tous ses domaines d’activités et en introduisant des technologies révolutionnaires qui aideront les équipes de NZR à donner le meilleur d’elles-mêmes – et à gagner. ”

SAP et NZR mettront également l’accent sur le développement de programmes et d’initiatives supplémentaires visant à promouvoir et à célébrer la diversité et l’inclusion.

Grâce à ce partenariat, SAP bénéficiera de divers droits et avantages, notamment le marquage et la signalisation dans les stades et sur le terrain pour les matchs gérés par NZR, le marquage sur toutes les plateformes numériques, les interventions des joueurs et des rencontres exclusives avec les équipes et les joueurs.

*Les « équipes en noir » de la NZR – les All Blacks, les Black Ferns, les All Blacks Sevens, les Black Ferns Sevens, les Māori All Blacks, les All Blacks XV et les All Blacks moins de 20.


Fondé en 1892, New Zealand Rugby s’efforce d’inspirer et d’unifier les Néo-Zélandais à travers le rugby. Notre objectif est de diriger, soutenir, développer et promouvoir le jeu national de la Nouvelle-Zélande, en mettant le rugby au cœur de chaque communauté. Le système de haute performance de NZR s’efforce de promouvoir les compétitions que nos fans aiment, d’encourager les talents qui peuvent représenter nos équipes en noir et d’être leader mondial sur et en dehors du terrain.

La stratégie de SAP est d’aider chaque entreprise à fonctionner comme une entreprise intelligente et durable. En tant que leader du marché des logiciels d’application d’entreprise, nous aidons les entreprises de toutes tailles et de tous secteurs à fonctionner au mieux : Les clients de SAP génèrent 87 % du commerce mondial total. Nos technologies d’apprentissage automatique, d’Internet des objets (IoT) et d’analyse avancée permettent de transformer les activités des clients en entreprises intelligentes. SAP aide à donner aux personnes et aux organisations une connaissance approfondie de l’entreprise et favorise la collaboration qui leur permet de garder une longueur d’avance sur leurs concurrents. Nous simplifions la technologie pour les entreprises afin qu’elles puissent utiliser nos logiciels comme elles le souhaitent, sans interruption. Notre suite d’applications et de services de bout en bout permet aux entreprises et aux organismes publics de 25 secteurs d’activité dans le monde entier de fonctionner de manière rentable, de s’adapter en permanence et de faire la différence. Grâce à un réseau mondial de clients, de partenaires, d’employés et de leaders d’opinion, SAP aide le monde à mieux fonctionner et à améliorer la vie des gens. Pour plus d’informations, visitez le site

The post SAP et New Zealand Rugby unissent leurs forces pour dynamiser la transformation numérique avec un partenariat mondial appeared first on SAP France News.

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Thanks to services provided by AWS, GCP, and Azure it’s become relatively easy to develop applications that span multiple regions. This is great because slow apps kill businesses. There is one common problem with these applications: they are not supported by multi-region database architecture.

In this blog, I will provide a solution for the problem of getting Kubernetes pods to talk to each other in multi-region deployments.

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WALLDORF, Allemagne — 11 mai 2022 — Aujourd’hui, à l’occasion du salon SAP Sapphire à Orlando, en Floride, SAP SE (NYSE : SAP) annonce ses toutes dernières innovations apportant de la valeur ajoutée à ses clients dans quatre domaines critiques : la résilience de la supply chain, le développement durable, la transformation des processus de gestion et le développement d’applications no-code.

Selon une étude récente du Boston Consulting Group, si 80 % des entreprises se tournent vers les solutions numériques pour relever les défis actuels, seules 30 % d’entre elles parviennent à une véritable transformation numérique de leur activité. Les annonces d’aujourd’hui aident les clients de SAP à accélérer leur parcours de transformation grâce à des solutions innovantes basées sur le cloud qui couvrent les processus de gestion end-to-end dont les clients ont le plus besoin. Ces annonces seront faites le premier jour de SAP Sapphire, la conférence mondiale des clients et partenaires de SAP, qui se déroule en personne et virtuellement du 10 au 12 mai 2022.

“Depuis 50 ans, les solutions critiques de SAP et son expertise sectorielle approfondie aident les entreprises du monde entier à fonctionner au mieux”, a déclaré Christian Klein, PDG et membre du conseil exécutif de SAP SE. “Nous sommes particulièrement bien placés pour continuer à favoriser la réussite de nos clients dans un monde qui évolue rapidement, en favorisant la transformation numérique basée sur le cloud qui résout les défis les plus pressants des clients, depuis la résilience de la supply chain au développement durable.”


Supply chain résilientes et réseaux commerciaux intelligents

Les innovations SAP améliorent l’efficacité et la transparence de la supply chain, permettant ainsi d’améliorer les performances et la résilience. Parmi ces innovations, SAP annonce aujourd’hui une nouvelle suite d’applications iOS qui rationalisent la supply chain numérique et donnent aux travailleurs des outils intuitifs. Les deux premières de ces applications – SAP Warehouse Operator et SAP Direct Distribution – ont été lancées aujourd’hui et sont disponibles dans l’App Store d’Apple.

En outre, le nouveau SAP Digital Manufacturing cloud réunit les dernières innovations en matière d’analyse, d’edge computing et d’automatisation avec des processus de fabrication end-to-end à la pointe de la technologie pour aider les clients à optimiser les performances de fabrication. SAP Business Network continue également d’évoluer pour devenir le plus grand réseau d’entreprise au monde et, avec l’intégration de Taulia, les clients peuvent libérer la valeur liée à leur fonds de roulement.


Faire passer les entreprises de la parole au geste en matière de développement durable

Le portefeuille croissant de solutions SAP en matière de développement durable est idéalement positionné pour aider les entreprises à passer du discours volontaire à l’action concrète. Parmi les nouveautés présentées aujourd’hui, citons les nouvelles fonctionnalités de SAP Cloud for Sustainable Enterprises qui aident les entreprises à innover dans les domaines clés de la gestion du développement durable. Il s’agit notamment de l’amélioration de SAP Product Footprint Management, qui permet aux clients de réduire l’empreinte carbone de leurs produits à grande échelle grâce à la connectivité en direct de SAP S/4HANA Cloud, y compris les capacités de transport et de déplacement.


Permettre la transformation des processus d’entreprise

Les clients continuent d’adopter RISE with SAP, pour redéfinir leurs processus de gestion end-to-end et passer à un ERP modulaire et agile dans le cloud. Plusieurs clients seront présents sur la scène du Sapphire pour montrer comment ils utilisent RISE with SAP pour innover en matière de business. Les partenaires aident également nos clients à mettre ces innovations à l’échelle grâce aux meilleures pratiques et aux solutions sur mesure : RISE with SAP and SOAR with Accenture intègrent et fournissent maintenant ce dont les entreprises ont besoin pour une transformation basée sur le cloud, y compris la gestion de l’infrastructure du cloud, la gestion des applications et les services d’exploitation. La dernière version de SAP Service Cloud comprend de nouvelles fonctionnalités de gestion dynamique et de modélisation des cas, ainsi qu’une intégration native avec Qualtrics® XM Discover et Microsoft Teams, afin d’améliorer la capacité des entreprises à tenir les promesses de leur marque grâce à une meilleure visibilité, une plus grande responsabilité et des délais de résolution plus courts.


Accélérer l’innovation avec le développement No-Code/Low-Code, l’automatisation des processus, les données et l’IA.

SAP AppGyver, l’une des principales solutions de développement d’applications d’entreprise no-code/low-code, inclut désormais une intégration native avec SAP Service Cloud et est disponible dans le cadre du volet gratuit de SAP Business Technology Platform. SAP Process Automation, qui fait également partie du SAP BTP Free Tier, a été amélioré pour la gestion des flux de travail no-code et l’automatisation robotique des processus (RPA).

SAP fournit également de nouvelles innovations SAP AI pour optimiser intelligemment les processus opérationnels end-to-end, y compris le lead-to-cash, design-to-operate, recruit-to-retire et source-to-pay. SAP offre également à tous les étudiants un accès gratuit à des ressources et à des expériences d’apprentissages personnalisées dans la « student zone» du portail d’apprentissage. Pour répondre au besoin croissant de développement accéléré d’applications par des utilisateurs non techniques, SAP lance un parcours d’apprentissage amélioré qui prépare les étudiants à de nouvelles certifications en low-code /no-code.


Guide des actualités SAP Sapphire 2022

Plus de détails sur toutes les nouvelles, les lancements et les mises à jour dans le Sapphire News Guide.

Visitez le SAP News Center. Suivez SAP sur Twitter à @SAPNews.


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Do you find yourself stuck when finding new web design clients? Whether you own a web design company or work as a freelancer, expanding your audience and attracting clients can be challenging.

Talking from experience: there are times when I can not find people interested in my work. If that’s the case for you right now, let me tell you not to worry.

This guide will analyze the best practices I use to attract new web design clients and how you can easily customize them to fit your needs and preferences. First, we will explore why it’s essential to use more than one way to acquire clients in 2022.

Why Should You Seek Innovative Ways to Attract Clients?

Let’s start with a personal conviction: There are enough customers to cover our niche’s supply. A common mistake most web designers make is looking in the wrong place.

Do not get me wrong, the quality of your work is always the most important thing. The better your services are, the more clients you will eventually get. But if you want to prove your talent online, you need to expand your audience.

Remember that the market is highly competitive. And so you need to follow certain steps and choose the best platforms. 

7 Best Ways To Attract Web Design Clients in 2022

Although there are many ways to attract web design clients online, some prove to be more effective than others. Let us explore them one by one:

1. Use Marketplaces for Freelancers Such as Upwork, Indeed

Whether you own your web studio or are just getting acquainted with being a freelance web designer, marketplaces for freelancers are a great way to attract new clients. The same goes for well-known web design job boards like Dribbble, Twine, and WordPress Jobs

But in general, marketplaces for freelancers are more effective as these platforms attract thousands of buyers/clients every day. The best way to attract clients is to create and polish your profile and respond to relevant job offers.

However, it is equally important to choose a platform that is not exploitative but also has numerous clients in the web design niche. Although Upwork and Indeed are the two most popular, several other platforms meet these requirements, including Freelancer, 99 Designs, Guru, Upstack, TopTal, and PeoplePerHour.

2. Search on LinkedIn

Many would argue that social media platforms are the best way to attract web design clients these days. While this is true to a certain extent, not all social networks have the same impact on professionals. I have found that LinkedIn is the number one platform that a web designer should invest time and effort into.

The reason is simple; the platform’s goal is to bring professionals together. So, if you create a top-notch LinkedIn profile, you can quickly expand your audience and find people interested in buying services. The process is quite simple because all you need to do is:

  1. Create a professional bio: Mention what you do and who are the people you can help via your services.
  2. Optimize your profile’s About (personal info, website and portfolio info, etc.) and Experience (previous projects) sections.
  3. Use the LinkedIn filters to connect with individuals and companies. 
  4. Personalize your invitations and respond via DMs to people inviting you.

This may sound like a lot of work, and believe me, it is. Still, if you want to attract more clients via social media platforms, LinkedIn is the best way to go. 

3. Pay Attention to your Portfolio and Website

Regardless of how many connections you have on LinkedIn, clients need to trust that you are the best person for a project before hiring you. And there’s no better way to do that than to have a comprehensive portfolio and website.

Websites like Dribble and WordPress allow you to create portfolio websites quickly and efficiently. As a web designer, you can treat your website like a personal project and use your UI and UX knowledge to outshine your competitors.

4. Create Social Proof

In a few words, social proof is a way to prove to new clients that they should mimic the behavior of your existing clients by hiring you for their project.

To do this, you can create a page with Google reviews, collect testimonials/references, take screenshots of your conversations with clients and capture their feedback. Then all you need to do is present them on your portfolio website, in your social media posts/stories, etc.

5. Use Word of Mouth

Apart from asking your existing clients for referrals, you should try to build a deep professional relationship with them. This will automatically help them to recommend your services through word of mouth.

In many cases, word of mouth has proven to be much more reliable than traditional advertising methods (email marketing, SEO tactics).

6. Speak at Events and Podcasts

Say you are an experienced web designer, and all you need is to expand your target audience. In this case, speaking at events is a fantastic way to build authority. Of course, becoming a public speaker is not easy, especially if you’re a beginner.

This is where podcasts come in handy. By appearing as a guest on podcasts (or webinars), you can easily get your name out there, connect with people interested in web design, and eventually attract new clients.

Start by finding communities (e.g., Facebook groups for web design) and communicate with active (or just interested) people in the web design niche.

7. Offer Free Advice to your Audience

Don’t get me wrong, I know that offering something for free is not the best thing. Still, by creating free content and offering free advice, you can make people take notice of your talent.

Likewise, answering questions on social media platforms and creating valuable content is a great way to convert your website/social media visitors into customers.

Wrap Up

Remember that the most important thing in attracting new clients is the quality of your work. This may sound obvious, but believe me, it’s more than just a rookie mistake.

Let’s close with this; the tips listed above will allow you to work harder but smarter. After all, that’s all you need to build authority as a web designer and attract new clients.


Featured image via Pexels.


The post How to Find Web Design Clients in 2022 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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This article illustrates three scenarios that demonstrate how you can use IBM App Connect to build flows that integrate with apps. The three connectors that we will use for these scenarios are;

  1. Microsoft Azure Active Directory – a cloud-based identity and access management (IAM) solution that provides single sign-on and multi-factor authentication that helps to protect from cybersecurity attacks.
  2. Oracle E-Business Suite  – a complete set of business applications for managing and automating processes within your organization.                                                                 
  3. Salesforce Marketing Cloud – a customer relationship management platform that provides digital marketing automation and analytics software and services.

1. Using Microsoft Azure AD With IBM App Connect

You can use App Connect to perform actions on the following objects:

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Step Functions, the serverless finite state machine service from AWS. With DynamoDB, Lambda, and API Gateway, it forms the core of serverless AWS services. If you have tasks with multiple steps and you want to ensure they will get executed in the proper order, Step Functions is your service of choice.

It offers direct integrations with many AWS services, so you don’t need to use Lambda Functions as glue. This can improve the performance of your state machine and lower its costs.

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Designing for user experiences is what all designers do. UX is often thought of as the preserve of app or web designers; however, even a print designer laying out a magazine anticipates reader reaction to the scale of type, the placement of adverts, and the art direction of successive stories.

Because all designers design user experiences, the role of UX Designer has come to mean someone focused on creating a product or service utilizing research and testing to guide decision-making.

To research and test anything, you need metrics: a baseline and a target against which to measure. No one set of metrics is suitable for all projects, but because UX tends to be for financial profit, the Pirate Metrics Framework — Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, Revenue — is a good starting place.

You might seek out very different metrics in some cases. For instance, a museum might measure the success of its education program based on how many students go on to study paleontology. However, those types of metrics are notoriously difficult to quantify. Excepting a few niche cases, successful UX increases user productivity, decreases errors, reduces the cost of support, and increases sales.

So if it’s as easy as counting dollars, why does UX go bad?

UX vs. Design Principles

To understand what UX is, you need to understand what UX is not.

One of the most straightforward design principles to understand is hierarchy: bigger is more important, i.e., a heading is visually stronger than a sub-heading, a sub-heading is visually stronger than the body text.

Design principles stem from one thing: human-centered design. At the most basic level, bigger is more important because the bigger a saber-toothed tiger appears, the more likely it intends to eat me.

The evolution of human beings is so slow that had a smartphone existed at the time, a neanderthal would have been able to tap a button with the same level of precision as me. Prehistoric man shares the same minimum button size as modern man: 48 x 48px. Design principles don’t change, don’t require research, and don’t need verifying with tests.

On the other hand, a neanderthal would not have understood a smartphone, let alone an app. You only need to step back by a single generation to find perfectly intelligent people baffled by a commonly employed design pattern.

Unlike design principles, user experience is a house built on sand. When the sand shifts, the walls crack. The bricks are still solid, but the rain gets in.

Because effective UX is temporary, so is the ROI.

Technology Breaks UX

Technology unfolds at a rapid pace. As technology develops, the user experience defined by that technology changes.

The classic example is the mobile revolution, but technological change does not necessarily mean hardware. One of the most significant shifts in UXD (User Experience Design) in my career has been the popularisation of AJAX — the process of using JavaScript to load new data without refreshing the page. This seamlessness has been around since the early 2000s, but it’s only in the last ten years, as the code to achieve it has simplified, that it’s been widely used.

Jakob’s Law states that users spend most of their time on other sites and, as a result, prefer your site to function like other sites by following familiar design patterns.

Even if your UX is rigorously tested and optimized, when other sites and services carry out their own research, they are testing against the background of younger technology, and the “other sites” Jakob Nielsen refers to begin to change. As a result, the UX of your site is gradually eroded.

The consequence of continual technological change is that user research is constantly invalidated. The UX of an app, site, or service begins to degrade as soon as it is created.

User-Experience Lifecycle

Human beings have two deep-seated motivations: survival and procreation. The most important, survival, depends on discovery — new food sources, new routes through dangerous territory, new ways to skin a mammoth. We are biologically programmed to seek out the new.

A typical user passes through three phases of a relationship with a site, app, or service: discovery > comfort > boredom. Churn, or drop-off, tends to occur in the discovery phase (if the comfort phase is too slow in developing) or the boredom phase. The sweet spot is the comfort phase. That’s the part of the business-customer relationship in which the customer requires minimal support and is least likely to drop off.

The most effective form of UX — meaning the one that satisfies most metrics — rapidly moves a user from discovery to comfort and then continually eases the user back to the start of the comfort phase without tipping back into discovery.

This can be achieved with numerous micro-discoveries, tiny chunks of new experience, from simple functionality tweaks to style revisions.


All UXD, regardless of the quality, level of investment, and skill of the practitioner, begins to degrade the moment it is created.

Design principles like simplicity are good indicators of successful UID (User Interface Design) and are timeless; comprehensive design systems, brand assets, and content offer good ROI.

The most effective UX is broadly familiar and continually refreshed in small ways, allowing users to enjoy the comfort of the familiar while also experiencing the excitement of discovery again and again.


Featured image uses photos by Wolfgang Hasselmann & Shainee Fernando.


The post When UX Goes Bad (and How to Fix It) first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the biggest cloud platform in the world, with over 200 features. In this article, we break down 10 AWS services that support at least some SQL syntax, talk about their use cases, and give examples of how to write queries.

Service Description SQL Support Use Case
RDS Postgres, MySQL, etc. Full Small-medium web apps
Aurora Serverless databases Full Serverless apps
Redshift Data warehouse Full OLAP, Petabytes of data, analytics
DynamoDB NoSQL database Some – PartiSQL Ecommerce, building fast
Keyspaces Managed Cassandra (key value) Some – CQL Messaging
Neptune Graph database Some – openCypher Social networks
Timestream Time series database Partial IOT, Logging
Quantum Ledger Cryptographically verified transactions Some – PartiSQL Finance
Athena Ad-hoc queries on S3 Some – CTAS Historical data
Babelfish MSFT SQL Server on Aurora Full .NET

The table above shows how SQL support varies between the services. A graph database cannot be queried in the same way as a classic relational database, and various subsets of SQL, like PartiQL, have emerged to fit these models. In fact, even within standard SQL, there are many SQL dialects for different companies like Oracle and Microsoft.

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If you don’t keep in touch with your customer base, it can become easy for them to drift away. Newsletters are an affordable and effective way to check in with your audience occasionally.

However, you will need to craft well-designed newsletters to have the desired impact. Your newsletters should include engaging content, including images and written content. They should look highly professional and aesthetically appealing, so people are encouraged to read them. Another thing to consider is the method you want to send the newsletters. Picking the right platform can save you time and energy, especially if you have a large readership. 

The good news is that there are a variety of available platforms that can help you make great-looking emails. These services can also make it easier for you to send newsletters.

Let’s take a look at some of the best newsletter platforms available:

1. HubSpot

This is a name that needs no introduction among digital marketers. HubSpot offers several powerful marketing platforms with valuable tools and features to help any marketing campaign succeed.

HubSpot’s email marketing tool includes easy drag-and-drop tools that make it simple even for novices to write killer newsletters.

When you choose HubSpot’s email marketing tool, you will also have access to its powerful customer relationship management (CRM) platform. HubSpot’s CRM platform includes various email automation tools like follow-up email tools and helps you personalize your newsletters.

HubSpot’s marketing tool includes a free plan that provides access to some of the platform’s powerful email marketing features. The free plan limits users to sending 2,000 emails/month, and paid plans start from $50/month.

2. Mailchimp

Here’s another name that is well known among marketers – particularly concentrated marketers that focus on email campaigns. Mailchimp uses a drag-and-drop email editor that helps just about anybody create professional-looking newsletters and emails.

Mailchimp also has A/B testing tools to help you fine-tune your campaigns and cross-device tools that ensure your newsletters look great on any platform.

The platform offers a selection of newsletter templates to help you get started and make it easy to manage your contact list. The platform allows you to automatically resend newsletters using different subject lines if the recipient didn’t open previous emails.  

Mailchimp offers a free plan that manages up to 2,000 contacts and sends up to 12,000 emails/month with limited access to other features. Paid plans start at just $11/month per 500 contacts with access to more services. Other plans range from $17/month per 500 users to $299/month per 500 users, increasing access to Mailchimp’s tools.

3. AWeber

AWeber is a popular choice because it is so easy to use. It’s another platform that uses drag-and-drop design technology that requires no coding knowledge. The software allows users to add carousels for a truly professional look.

The platform also includes tools that simplify list management and segmentation. AWeber features 6,000 royalty-free stock photos, and it can be integrated with other platforms, including WordPress.

Some people might find that AWeber isn’t as advanced as other options and doesn’t have some of the features they need. However, the platform is ideal for smaller companies and people just getting started with newsletter software applications.

AWeber offers a free plan that lets you add up to 500 contacts. Paid plans start from $16.15/month, and other pricing plans are available to users who need to manage more contacts.

4. Sendinblue

With an expansive template gallery and efficient drag-and-drop design technology, Sendinblue is another platform that helps people create professional, aesthetically pleasing newsletters. It lets users select display conditions that determine which content recipients see.

The software offers a range of features that help automate sending numerous newsletters, including the ability to send according to the recipients’ time zones. It also provides analytical tools to show how well your newsletters are performing.

Sendinblue offers a free plan that allows you to send up to 300 emails/day. Paid plans start from $25/month for the Lite plan and $65/month for the Premium plan with 20,000 emails/month. Each tier gives you access to more features, and prices increase if you want to send more emails.

5. GetResponse

GetResponse has been around for longer than most other newsletter options, so they’ve had plenty of time to get it right. With the platform’s fluid design features, it’s easy to create impressive newsletters and emails that look professional. 

Other features from GetResponse include segmentation and lead scoring features, autoresponders, and automation workflows. In addition, you can have your newsletters sent at optimal times and take advantage of A/B testing tools.

The platform’s free plan lets you manage up to 500 contacts with unlimited newsletters.

GetResponse also provides a Basic plan from $12.30/month, a Plus plan from $40.18/month, and a Professional plan from $81.18/month, each of which lets you have up to 1,000 contacts. Each plan gives access to more features than the other, and you can pay more to manage more contacts.

Start Sending Professional Newsletters Today

Choosing the best newsletter software for you depends on various factors. These factors include which tools you need from the software, your technical ability, and how much you can afford to spend.

As with any product, it’s a good idea to shop around before making any decisions. Most platforms offer free plans, allowing you to try them out first without paying a penny. If you need more advanced features or hope to scale up at some point in the future, it’s probably best to look at platforms that can do more for you.


Featured image via Pexels.


The post 5 Best Newsletter Platforms for Startups in 2022 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot