Les news de la curation sur des nouveautés et l’humour

You must have seen videos on Youtube or posts on your news feed in which certain texts or a person’s face is blurred. Well, that’s how our digital privacy is ensured by simplest of technologies.
But think about it, in an age of Machine Learning, can’t your digital privacy be easily breached? The answer is a big "Yes," and a team of researchers at the University of Texas has proven that. They have developed a software that can identify the sensitive content hidden behind blurred or pixelated images. The content can be someone’s house or vehicle number, or simply a human face.

Interestingly, the team hasn’t used some state of the art technology to do it. It has instead used Machine Learning methods to train the neural networks. So instead of being programmed, the computer has been fed with large volumes of sample images. The algorithm used doesn’t actually unblur or restore the image. It identifies the content of the blurred image based on the information it already has.

Source de l’article sur DZONE (AI)


The Apache Foundation has confirmed the findings of an independent security research group that a critical remote code execution flaw exists in the popular Struts 2 open source framework. Designated CVE 2018-11776, this vulnerability is located in the core of Apache Struts 2 and impacts all supported versions of Struts 2.

Waratek Enterprise customers are protected against RCE attacks as a core feature.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

We know Grakn can be leveraged to model highly complex data, but how do we go about building a detailed model of a real-world system?

Here, we delve into Transport for London (TFL) data to understand and gain insights into the operation of the London Underground Network.

We go on to build surely the most desirable tool for such a network: a journey planner. (Because who doesn’t want to shave 0.3 minutes off their commute?)

Source de l’article sur DZONE (AI)

An estimated 21 million connected vehicles are on the road today, gathering endless amounts of data. How does this data impact the way we do business and transform the world around us?

A few decades ago, personal vehicle and fleet navigation was completely dependent on paper road maps that no one ever knew how to fold! Digital maps are one of the many examples of how technology has completely revolutionized our world. Mapping the world on the internet rather than on paper has not only changed the way we navigate but also opened up various new business models like UBER and OLA, which we now take for granted.

Autonomous vehicles are here to stay with most manufacturers investing heavily in this direction to make their vehicles part of a connected world. Whether it is your own car or the truck that your business owns, all these are now becoming part of an expanding connected world.

Source de l’article sur DZONE (AI)

With global digitalization, technologies are taking over all aspects of our lives. We see the automation of business processes and services, smart homes, and much more. However, what else we see is the gradual isolation of individuals from each other as they have their own small worlds, locked in their smart devices.

In the last few years, people have been investing in social media heavily. The rise of bloggers does not seem strange now, but we did not expect it to be a real job, say, 5 years ago. Today, most millennials dream of becoming a YouTuber or an Instagram blogger (and most of them succeed, to be honest).

Source de l’article sur DZONE (AI)

About a year ago, I was convinced that the key to succeeding with Artificial Intelligence (AI) was to take a platform approach. In other words, the synergies that accrue from appropriately bringing together the range of technologies that are making AI a reality for enterprises was, I believed, the way to go. I still firmly believe that.

In fact, having personally met over 200 executives (business and technology) since then, from around the world, who seek to find relief and new value from AI, I am convinced that opting for best of breed capabilities from a variety of vendors is not necessarily going to work out in practice. For one, despite claims of using only open standards in building these offerings, deploying the offerings from a variety of vendors in an integrated manner is a challenge. Further, the business and operational challenges that naturally occur in such situations with multiple providers are deterrents too.

Source de l’article sur DZONE (AI)

Back in November last year, Forrester posted an article with a stark warning: "AI hard-fact — treat it like a plug-and-play panacea and fail." The hype surrounding Artificial Intelligence (AI) has only grown since then.

Today, a cursory Google search of the term "AI" results in 2.4 billion entries. That’s a lot of AI chatter! While a Google search may be a blunt instrument for measuring the true impact of AI, it does illustrate just how "big" it has grown. If your inbox is anything like mine, I’m sure you’re only too aware that AI-everything is being used to solve AI-anything. That is exactly why Forrester’s prediction was so apt.

Source de l’article sur DZONE (AI)

The days of leaving Slack to create an event on your calendar are over!

In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to create a scheduler bot that adds events to your personal calendar with a simple Slack slash command using the Nylas Calendar API.

Source de l’article sur DZONE (AI)

At Grakn, we recently released Grakn 1.3, with a slew of new features, bug fixes, and performance enhancements. Included in this release are new gRPC-based drivers for Java, NodeJS, and Python. This article will walk you through the Python driver and provide guidelines on how you can write your own for your language of choice.


The main reason for rewriting our drivers was a move from REST to gRPC in Grakn. This change has cleaned up our API and should provide performance benefits. Further, all of our available drivers (Java, Node, and Python) now expose the same objects and methods to users, subject to language naming conventions and available types. To maintain this uniformity across the stack, new language drivers should provide the same interface. Note that you will require both gRPC and protobuf support to create a functioning driver, so double check a) that compilers for your language exist, and b) your target language version is compatible with the compiler.

Source de l’article sur DZONE (AI)

Anyone who touches product development knows all too well the importance of QA. But what about those at the executive level?

CIOs and CTOs might have different priorities than their product development teams, but at the end of the day they should care about testing just as much as everyone who touches the software. That’s because properly managed testing — meaning testing that’s consistent, repeatable and occurs early and often — can actually speed time to market and prevent buggy software. As a result, the right testing strategy can increase revenue, drive innovation and prevent costly mistakes.

Source de l’article sur DZONE