
SAP propose des outils et méthodes pour toutes les étapes de la migration vers l’ERP intelligent SAP S/4HANA. Des solutions qui pourront être complétées par la méthodologie et les outils de SOA People, afin d’accélérer et de sécuriser encore plus ce processus.

L’approche Move to SAP S/4HANA, complétée par les méthodologies et outils de SOA People, offre de mieux préparer, mener et réussir son projet de migration vers l’ERP intelligent SAP S/4HANA. Un outillage qui permet aux entreprises d’envisager sereinement leur projet de migration.

Premier temps : la préparation

« Le premier temps est celui de la réflexion, celui du quand, du comment… et du combien », résume Christian Charvin, Head of Program Move to SAP S/4HANA chez SAP. SAP fournit un ensemble d’outils qui permettent de mener la réflexion de bout en bout, en mesurant précisément quel effort devra être fourni et quels gains attendre.

SOA People ajoute à ceci un outil spécifiquement dédié à la construction du business case, Performer. « Performer va se brancher sur l’ERP du client, en extraire les données de façon anonyme et évaluer le niveau de performance de l’entreprise par rapport à son utilisation de l’ERP, explique Pierre-Edouard Hamon, Presales Director, SOA People. À cet effet, le client va être comparé à un panel d’entreprises représentatives. Ceci permet d’évaluer son niveau de maturité en vue de la migration vers SAP S/4HANA, puis de proposer des plans d’action adaptés, comprenant les améliorations recommandées. Ce plan d’action permet d’évaluer les coûts de mise en œuvre du projet, mais aussi les gains potentiels attendus, qu’ils soient uniques ou récurrents. »

Techniquement, les outils proposés par SAP sont capables de proposer une approche similaire : SAP Process Dicovery crée une image de l’utilisation de l’ERP. SAP Transformation Navigator définit le paysage applicatif et fonctionnel, suivant le périmètre et les améliorations choisis. Enfin, SAP Value LifeCycle Manager construit le business case. Performer présente toutefois plusieurs atouts : une couverture plus large en matière de domaines fonctionnels ; plus d’indicateurs mesurés (2600, contre 1380 chez SAP) : une meilleure automatisation du processus.

Second temps : la migration

Les conversion factories ont le vent en poupe. Les conversion factories assurent une migration technique, sans modification massive des processus. Elles permettent de basculer de SAP ECC vers SAP S/4HANA dans des délais courts, avec un minimum de changements fonctionnels. Une fois cette étape réalisée, les processus peuvent être revus avec les métiers, de façon progressive et suivant les priorités fixées par l’entreprise. Une approche à privilégier lorsque le saut technologique est important : passage de SAP ECC à SAP S/4HANA ou passage d’un environnement sur site à une solution en mode cloud, comme RISE with SAP.

« L’emploi d’une conversion factory permet d’industrialiser toutes les étapes de la migration, à périmètre constant, avec parfois la modification de quelques processus clés. Cette méthode permet de capitaliser sur les investissements réalisés précédemment, en reprenant les paramétrages de l’ERP et en convertissant les spécifiques existants. Quant à la conduite du changement, elle peut être ajustée, en ne déployant pas d’entrée de jeu l’intégralité des nouveautés de SAP S/4HANA », explique Christian Charvin.

« Nous sommes tellement fans de l’approche conversion factory que nous proposons un outil de conversion automatisée capable d’assurer automatiquement certaines tâches (finance, gestion des immobilisations, business partners…), ainsi que la conversion de 93% à 95% des spécifiques, ajoute Pierre-Edouard Hamon. La conversion des spécifiques est réalisée à l’aide d’un moteur d’intelligence artificielle autoapprenant très efficace. À un point tel que nous avons réussi à assurer la migration technique d’un industriel en seulement trois mois ! »

Troisième temps : les travaux post-migration

Une conversion réussie nécessite l’alignement des bonnes personnes, des bonnes méthodes et des bons outils. Toutefois, deux aspects sont à considérer après la conversion, et tout au long du cycle de vie de l’ERP : l’amélioration continue et les tests.

Une solution comme Signavio permet d’analyser les processus utilisés à un instant T et de les comparer aux bonnes pratiques du secteur. Un outil précieux qui réalignera les processus avec ces bonnes pratiques. « Nous recommandons à nos clients de réaliser régulièrement cette analyse, dans le cadre d’une stratégie d’amélioration continue de leurs processus », poursuit Pierre-Edouard Hamon. Mais également pour s’assurer que leurs processus restent dans un état optimal.

Lorsque l’ERP est déployé dans le cloud, il va évoluer au rythme des évolutions proposées par SAP. Mais même lorsqu’il est déployé sur site, il est recommandé d’assurer des montées de versions régulières pour profiter de l’innovation SAP. Que ce soit lors de la refonte de processus existants ou lors d’une montée de version, les tests – de bon fonctionnement ou de non-régression – sont essentiels. « Des outils comme Tricentis (distribué par SAP) permettent d’industrialiser ce que les clients font encore trop souvent à la main. Cette solution permet pourtant d’accélérer sensiblement la phase de test lors d’une conversion ou d’une montée de version », explique Christian Charvin. « Tricentis permet de réduire la phase de test et de libérer du temps pour se concentrer sur la formation des utilisateurs finaux. C’est un outil qui participe lui aussi à l’adoption de SAP S/4HANA », confirme Pierre-Edouard Hamon.

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Le monde du travail est en train de changer – pas seulement les lieux où nous travaillons, mais aussi la façon dont nous travaillons se transforme. Les fonctions ont évolué, passant de responsabilités statiques et prédéfinies à des rôles dynamiques qui nécessitent un apprentissage sur le tas et un développement continu des compétences.

Aujourd’hui plus que jamais, les entreprises ont besoin d’une technologie RH dans le cloud pour offrir à leurs collaborateurs des expériences attrayantes et pertinentes, pour fournir les données et informations dont les dirigeants ont besoin pour apporter de la valeur ajoutée à leur entreprise et pour suivre le rythme des attentes et des besoins en constante évolution chez les collaborateurs.

Nous avons écouté nos clients avec attention et comprenons que la modernisation de leur technologie des ressources humaines (RH) est une étape essentielle pour faire avancer la transformation de leur entreprise, mais c’est une étape qui demande du temps, des investissements et une gestion du changement réfléchie. Comme cela a été  souligné lors du dernier événement « Introduction à RISE avec SAP », la transformation d’une entreprise en entreprise intelligente nécessite l’adoption de nouvelles technologies pour redéfinir les processus de gestion. Mais nous savons aussi que les personnes sont essentielles à la réussite de toute transformation. Si le changement à cette échelle peut sembler un objectif stratégique à long terme, des transformations humaines et culturelles continuent de se produire chaque jour.

En tant que fournisseur de technologies leader sur le marché, nous pensons qu’il est essentiel d’offrir à nos clients des parcours flexibles leur permettant de migrer leurs solutions RH sur site existantes vers SAP SuccessFactors Human Experience Management (HXM) Suite. Grâce à l’initiative SAP HXM Movement, nous réalisons d’importants investissements dans nos solutions HXM et simplifions les modèles commerciaux pour rationaliser le parcours de nos clients vers le cloud et pour accélérer le processus d’innovation.

Nous savons qu’il n’existe pas d’approche universelle pour migrer vers le cloud et que nombre de nos clients existants sur site continueront à avoir des modèles hybrides. SAP HXM Movement est conçu pour aider nos clients à migrer à un rythme qui soit le plus avantageux pour leurs besoins de gestion tout en préservant les investissements existants. Avec RISE with SAP, nous pouvons accompagner nos clients exactement où ils en sont dans leur parcours. Car chaque transformation a ses propres besoins. Et en offrant un modèle commercial simplifié aux clients SAP qui en sont encore au début de leur réflexion, nous pouvons leur offrir des parcours agiles avec des coûts de migration prévisibles afin qu’ils puissent bénéficier de l’économie du cloud tout en réduisant les risques.

La migration vers SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite permet à nos clients d’accéder à l’innovation « born-in-the-cloud » de SAP SuccessFactors avec l’étendue et la profondeur des technologies SAP. Grâce à une évolutivité et une localisation inégalées, elle fournit les bases nécessaires pour réinventer la façon dont les RH offrent des expériences aux collaborateurs en tant que partenaire de transformation stratégique pour l’entreprise. Les investissements produits inclus dans SAP HXM Movement s’appuient sur nos capacités existantes, avec une innovation accélérée dans les domaines critiques suivants :

  • Ressources humaines centrales améliorées grâce à une configurabilité et une localisation améliorées
  • SAP SuccessFactors Time Tracking, une solution dans le cloud récemment annoncée, qui offre des fonctionnalités avancées en matière de temps et de présence
  • Accélération de l’innovation en matière de paie dans le cloud
  • Intégration des données rationalisée entre les solutions sur site et dans le cloud

La transformation de l’entreprise n’est plus une option, c’est un impératif. Pour prospérer dans l’économie d’aujourd’hui, il faut plus d’agilité, plus de visibilité et des expériences humaines plus dynamiques. En commercialisant HXM, nous rendons possible la prochaine évolution des RH, où les collaborateurs sont au centre des activités. Avec SAP HXM Movement, nous nous associons à nos clients pour apporter les changements technologiques dont ils ont besoin pour assurer l’avenir non seulement de leurs activités, mais aussi de leurs collaborateurs.



Meg Bear est vice-président senior de Product, Engineering, and Operations pour SAP SuccessFactors.

The post Simplifier la transition vers le cloud pour les RH appeared first on SAP France News.

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If you have a WordPress website, you’re obviously aware of the benefits this premier open-source website-building platform brings to the table.

But are you aware of the legion of website and business enhancement tools lying in wait among the thousands of cool WordPress plugins currently on the market; one or more of which could easily take your site or business to the next level?

What’s out there? Quite a bit, obviously. 

Which useful WordPress plugins are “must-haves” for me? It could take you a ton of time to find the answer to that one. 

That’s what we’re here for.

10 essential WordPress plugins are admittedly a small sample size. But these are 10 of the very best, and we’re guessing that one or more of them could be just what you’ve been looking for.

1. Amelia WordPress Booking Plugin

This game-changing booking plugin fully automates your business’s interaction with existing and potential clients and allows you to focus on key business operations instead of having to constantly interrupt your workflow to manage appointments.

  • Installing and configuring Amelia can be done with just a few clicks. You don’t have to know anything about coding.
  • Amelia can manage an unlimited number of appointments for an unlimited number of clients, an unlimited number of employees, and at multiple locations.
  • Clients can book appointments 24/7 and manage their own appointments as well as their profiles from the front end.
  • Amelia accepts deposit payments, sends out appointment reminders, and can charge different rates for different appointments.
  • If you have a global clientele, Amelia takes into account customer time zones as well as manages translated notifications if you have a multilingual site.
  • Amelia also manages event bookings, whether they are recurring or one-time.

In the unlikely event you encounter a problem with Amelia, the customer support team stands ready to help.

2. wpDataTables

The wpDataTables WordPress plugin allows users to quickly and easily create responsive, interactive, and highly customizable tables and charts from large amounts of data.

Key features include:

  • The ability to create tables that allow front-end editing, whether they are created manually or are MySQL-based
  • Advanced filtering capabilities that enable front-end users to filter table data by single or multiple column values
  • Automatic syncing of created and published Google Sheets
  • Simple wpDataTables wizards to access the HighCharts, Chart.js, and Google free charts libraries

wpDataTables’ many other features include:

  • Connection support to MySQL, MS SQL, and PostgreSQL databases
  • Responsive design from any data source
  • Creating tables from CSV, JSON, MySQL, and Excel and Google spreadsheet data
  • Formidable Forms plugin support
  • Sorting by single or multiple columns
  • Data color-coding using conditional formatting

More than 50,000 companies and individuals have placed their trust in wpDataTables.

3. Visual Composer Website Builder

Visual Composer is a new, ReactJS-based intuitive drag and drop website builder that enables you to create a website quickly, easily, and hassle-free.

This website-building popular plugin:

  • Enables business owners to showcase their brand online with its drag and drop editor and professional templates.
  • Its feature-rich design controls enable designers to achieve pixel-perfect perfection as they bring their projects to life.
  • Its top-of-the-line marketing content elements give its users the ability to create high-conversion landing pages, integrate with social platforms, and more.
  • Makes building a beautiful WooCommerce-based online store a piece of cake.
  • Features a library of 500+ content elements and templates that is downloadable from the cloud
  • Offers free and premium versions for business owners to start easily and scale their online presence

Your site will be SEO-friendly, fast, and responsive, and the support is terrific. Free and Premium versions (Starting at $49) are available.

4. Slider Revolution

Slider Revolution can do more than create sliders. A lot more.

  • It can add impressive (read that WOW) effects to an already notable website design.
  • It can give you new and unusual visual editing capabilities without requiring any coding on your part.
  • With its collection of hero blocks, sliders, WooCommerce carousels, and more, it brings beauty to any WordPress website.

5. Logic Hop

Logic Hop lets you customize your site’s content for individual customers or customer types.

  • Logic Hop supports personalizing your site in response to dozens of criteria so you can tailor your content to address a unique audience.
  • Logic Hop works with Gutenberg, Divi, Elementor, Beaver Builder, and every other page builder.

Any design or content element you can customize in WordPress can be customized in Logic Hop in minutes.

6. Stacks

The Stacks drag and drop native mobile app builder offers a full package of features to help you design your website or mobile app without coding.

  • Stacks works perfectly with WooCommerce and WordPress
  • Certificates required for Google Play Store or Apple Appstore are automatically generated
  • It takes but a single click to generate and upload the Android & iOS Application Package (APK & IPA)
  • Notifications to customers are easy to generate and send, and Stacks utilizes WooCommerce payment gateways.

7. Heroic Inbox

The Heroic Inbox plugin enables a business to manage all of its emails in shared inboxes right inside WordPress.

  • Customer data is presented on the sidebar next to your ongoing chat or message.
  • Key performance metrics are tracked so the team and overall company performance can be assessed.
  • Zero Inbox status can be quickly achieved and maintained.

8. Tablesome

This powerful WordPress table plugin allows you to quickly create a table and embed it in a post or page.

  • Tables can be imported from CSV and XLSX files.
  • Types of tables that can be created include large data tables, product catalogs, comparison tables, sports statistics, and more.
  • A shortcode builder for table and table element customizing is included

Tablesome is performance-optimized and SEO friendly and works smoothly with any WordPress theme.

9. Ads Pro Plugin – Multi-Purpose WordPress Advertising Manager

Ads Pro is the best ad manager for WordPress you are likely to come across.

Ads Pro features:

  • An intuitive backend Admin Panel that allows you to manage an unlimited number of ad spaces
  • A frontend User’s Panel from which you can control access to manage ads
  • 25+ user-friendly and responsive Ad Templates in 8 categories
  • 20 ad display options
  • 3 Billing Models (CPC, CPM, CPD) and 4 Payment Methods (PayPal, Stripe, Bank Transfer, WooCommerce)

10. Static Pages

Static pages/sites do not require any web programming or database design.

  • The Static Pages plugin allows you to publish any static page on a WordPress website in a matter of seconds.
  • You can improve sales by adding a beautiful landing page to your existing shop or blog or add a page with a Mailchimp subscribe form.
  • Or use Static Pages as an easy way to test something quickly and easily.

Have you been searching for a top-of-the-line WordPress plugin that will help you take your business to the next level?

There are 58,000+ useful WordPress plugins for you to choose from. That would be good news, except you could easily be overwhelmed trying to find just the right plugin for your website.

This post features a collection of top plugins for WordPress websites. Chances are good, you’ll find something here that will make your day.


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The post 10 Cool WordPress Plugins You Should Check Out first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

There’s no shortcut to success when it comes to Google search results. That is unless you count pay-per-click advertising.

While pay-to-play will shoot your site to the top of the SERP immediately, it’s not a sustainable strategy for maintaining your position there. So, you’re going to have to get serious about SEO.

This guide will show you what to do to improve your SEO ranking and start seeing results this year:

  1. Use Google Analytics to track metrics
  2. Get an SSL certificate
  3. Improve mobile page speed
  4. Design a mobile-first UI
  5. Make your site accessible
  6. Optimize your images
  7. Create great content
  8. Structure your content for scannability and readability
  9. Create click-worthy title tags and meta descriptions
  10. Choose one focus keyword per page
  11. Improve your internal link strategy
  12. Use only trustworthy external links
  13. Get your site listed as a featured snippet
  14. Get high-quality backlinks
  15. Create a Google My Business page
  16. Refresh Your Content
  17. Regularly monitor Google Search Console

How to Increase Your Website’s SEO Ranking

If you can improve your SEO ranking — and get your pages closer to, if not on the highly coveted top SERP — you will:

  • Boost your site’s overall visibility as its authority in search grows;
  • Bring high-quality traffic to your pages;
  • Drive-up your conversion rate.

That said, search engine optimization is most effective when it’s an ongoing strategy as opposed to something you set up and forget about. So, some of the suggestions below will only need to be implemented once, while others you’ll have to return to every six months or so to make sure your site is on track.

Let’s get started.

1. Use Google Analytics to Track Metrics

If you haven’t yet begun tracking your website’s activity with Google Analytics, it’s the very first thing you need to do.

While Google Analytics alone can’t tell you how well or poorly your website ranks, there’s valuable data in there about what happens to the traffic that arrives from Google. Or any search engine your visitors use.

You can find this information under Acquisition > Source/Medium:

What you want to see here is that (1) you’re getting lots of visitors from organic search results (as opposed to paid) and (2) that they’re highly engaged. So, that means:

  • Longer times on site;
  • Multiple pages visited;
  • Lower bounce rates.

And if you configure Google Analytics to track different conversions on your site, you can see how well those organic visits convert.

Obviously, there’s a lot more you can track here. But you must understand if your SEO efforts are working in the first place, and that’s where you’ll get your confirmation.

2. Get an SSL Certificate

HTTPS has long been one of Google’s SEO ranking factors. Yet, of the two billion-plus websites that are online today, BuiltWith data shows that only 155 million have an SSL certificate installed:

Security and privacy are major concerns for consumers. So if you want to increase their confidence in your website, installing an SSL certificate is an easy thing to do. And it’ll put you in Google’s good graces, too.

If you don’t have one already, get one for free from Zero SSL.

3. Improve Mobile Page Speeds

Mobile loading speeds became a Google ranking signal in July 2018.

It was something we saw coming ever since smartphones overtook the desktop as the primary device people used to access the Internet. Once it became a ranking factor, though, mobile page speed was something we could no longer treat as a “nice to have.” It became a must.

And with Google’s most recent Core Web Vitals algorithm update, there’s no ignoring how big of a role your site’s mobile loading speeds (i.e., performance) play in ranking it.

To ensure that your site meets Google’s expectations for speed, bookmark the Core Web Vitals tool. It’ll tell you how your site performs across all four of the major ranking categories.

You’ll find your speed-related issues at the bottom of the page, along with resources to help you resolve them.

Most of those tips will have to do with optimizing your code. However, there are other things you can do to make your site load quickly:

  • Use well-coded themes and plugins;
  • Remove unused themes, plugins, media, pages, comments, backups, and so on from your database and server;
  • Install a caching plugin that’ll minify, compress, and otherwise make your site lightweight and fast.

It’s also not a bad idea to review your web hosting plan. You might not have the right amount of server power or resources to keep up with your existing activity.

4. Design a Mobile-First UI

On a related note, a mobile-first design can also improve your site’s loading speeds. Rebekah Carter wrote a really helpful guide on how to do this last year.

In addition to speeding things up — since you won’t be trying to jam a bunch of desktop-first design and content into a smartphone screen — it’s going to help your site rank better.

Just be careful when you do this. A mobile-first design doesn’t mean creating a scaled-back version of the larger site for smartphone users.

In fact, Google explicitly tells us not to do that and why:

“If it’s your intention that the mobile page should have less content than the desktop page, you can expect some traffic loss when your site is enabled mobile-first indexing, since Google can’t get as much information from your page as before.”

And if your response is that the content on desktop-only doesn’t matter, then it really shouldn’t be there. Don’t waste your visitors’ time with useless or repetitive content, as it’ll only give them more reason to abandon your site.

5. Make Your Site Accessible

Accessibility has come to the forefront of the SEO discussion thanks to Core Web Vitals.

Now, running your site through the tool will tell you if there are any inaccessibility issues that Google will ping you for. But that doesn’t make your site completely accessible.

Considering the rise in website accessibility-related lawsuits, you’ll want to take this seriously.

Because a bad experience due to inaccessibility won’t just cost you visitors and a lower search ranking, it’ll cost you a lot of money, too.

Here are some things you can do to ensure that your site and all its content is accessible.

6. Optimize Your Images

Technically, image optimization falls under the page speed tip. However, that’s not the only way you should be optimizing your images, which is why I wanted to address this separately.

According to HTTP Archive, the average weight of a mobile web page these days is 1917.5 KB. Images take up a sizable chunk of that weight:

Because of this, bloated image sizes are often to blame for slow pages.

You can do several things to optimize your images for speed, like using lightweight formats, resizing them, and compressing them. You’ll find 6 other image optimization tips here.

While those tips will help you speed up your site and, consequently, improve your SEO ranking, there’s something else you need to do:

Add alt text to your most important images.

One reason to do this is to improve accessibility. Another is so your web page can rank in both the regular Google search results and image results as this search for “WordPress by the numbers” does:

If you can write alt text that perfectly describes your graphic and matches the image searchers’ intent, you can create another ranking opportunity for your page.

7. Create Great Content

There are many technical ranking factors you have to pay attention to if you want to create a good experience for your visitors and rank well as a result. However, none of that will matter if your content sucks.

So, how do you make great content? It really depends.

Think about the difference between a page describing your web design services and a product page for a blender.

Your web design services page would need to:

  • Explain why hiring a web designer is a must;
  • What your design services entail;
  • What they can expect in terms of results;
  • Include some proof in the form of testimonials or portfolio samples;
  • Have information on next steps or how to get in touch.

That would be a comprehensive and useful page. If business owners searched for “hire a web designer near me” or “should I hire a web designer?”, that page would sufficiently answer their query.

A product page, however, would need to:

  • Provide a brief summary of the blender;
  • Show photos of the blender, different angles of it, as well as different variations of the product;
  • Display the price;
  • Allow customers to Add to Cart or Save for later;
  • Include technical specs of the blender;
  • Recommend related products;
  • Display sortable customer testimonials and ratings.

The last thing a shopper would want is to be directed to a product page that reads like one of your services pages.

So, great content not only needs to be well-written and error-free, but it needs to match the searcher’s intent and expectations. If you can do that, your visitors will stay as long as they need to read through everything, which will help strengthen the page’s ranking.

8. Structure Your Content for Scannability and Readability

Including necessary details and in the right format is an important part of making a page’s content valuable to the visitor. The structure is going to help, too.

For starters, you want to make sure every page is human-readable. So, that involves:

  • Shorter sentences and paragraphs;
  • Linkable table of contents for longer pages;
  • Header tags every few hundred words;
  • Descriptive and supportive imagery throughout;
  • Text callouts like blockquotes and bolded phrases.

By making a page less intimidating to read and easier to scan for a quick summary of what it is, you’ll find that more visitors are willing to read it and follow your calls to action.

You can use a tool like Hemingway to improve your page’s readability. Quickly pop the text of each page into the editor and follow the recommended suggestions:

You’re also going to have to think about how well Google’s indexing bots can read your page. They’re smart enough to pick up on cues but not smart enough to sit down and read your article on the benefits of Vitamin D or how to install a new showerhead.

So, you’ll need to use HTML meta tags as well as hierarchical header tags to tell the bots what the page is about.

If you’re building a WordPress site, you can use the Yoast SEO plugin to analyze how scannable and readable each page of your site is (among other things):

9. Create Click-Worthy Title Tags and Meta Descriptions

To get eyeballs on your really great content, the brief preview users see of it in search results needs to be able to lure them in. Get more clicks to your site from search, and Google will take notice.

But they can’t just be superficial clicks. If Google notices that your page is getting a ton of traffic that almost immediately drops off once they see the content on the page, your page will not fare well in search results.

So, your goal is to stay away from clickbait-y title tags and meta descriptions and make them click-worthy.

The first thing to focus on is the length. Google only gives you a certain amount of space to make your pitch.

There are many tools you can use for this, but I prefer Mangools’s SERP Simulator:

It allows you to play around with your URL, title tag, and meta description and to watch in real-time as it fits the allotted space. You can also compare it to the pages that currently rank for the keyword you’re going after, which can be a really useful reference point. After all, if those sites have made it to the first SERP, then they’re doing something right.

Another thing to think about when writing click-worthy titles is how engaging they are.

The tool I recommend for this is CoSchedule’s Headline Studio:

I don’t find this useful so much for basic web pages. You don’t need to get creative with something like your About or Contact pages. But for content marketing? If you want to beat out competing articles for attention in Google, this tool will be very useful.

10. Choose One Focus Keyword Per Page

It’s not as though you can add a keyword tag to your page, and Google will automatically rank your site for it. That’s not what keyword optimization is.

Instead, what you do is select one unique keyword per page and write the content around it. So, it’s really more about creating a clear focus for yourself and then comprehensively unpacking the subject matter on the page.

Keep in mind, though, that if you want to improve your chances of ranking for the keyword, it needs to be relevant to your brand, useful for your audience, and your site needs to actually be able to compete for it.

You can use the Google Keyword Planner to find keywords that fit those criteria:

Ultimately, you should choose a keyword that:

  • Has a decent amount of monthly searches — over 1,000 is what I aim for;
  • Have “Low” to “Medium” amount of competition, but the lower, the better;
  • Matches the user intent. So take that keyword, put it into Google and see what you find. Then, look at the sites on that first page of search results. Do they match what your own page will address? If so, then you’ve found a keyword that aligns with your users’ search intent.

Now, if you’re writing great content that addresses your visitors’ questions and concerns, then optimizing for your focus keywords will happen naturally. The same goes for related keywords you might want to target. As you write the content for each page, the keywords will organically appear.

But remember how I said Google’s indexing bots need certain HTML and header tags to “read” the content on the page? This means you’ll need to include the focus keyword in some of those areas, so there is no question about what the page is about.

Here’s where your focus keyword should show up:

  • Title tag (H1);
  • Meta description;
  • Slug (hyperlink);
  • Within the intro;
  • The first H2 header tag;
  • Alt text for the most important image on the page;
  • Within the conclusion.

It should also appear throughout the page, along with variations of the keyword that people might search for.

You can use the Yoast SEO plugin to analyze this as well.

11. Improve Your Internal Link Strategy

Okay, so here’s where we start to get into SEO strategies that Google might not directly care about, but that can still drastically improve how well your site ranks.

Internal links, in particular, are valuable because they create an interconnected structure for your site. Here’s a basic example of why that’s important:

Let’s say these are the pages on your website. Each of them can be accessed from the home page and main navigation. This structure tells us that each page is related to the overall message and mission of the company, but they are not related to one another. And that doesn’t make sense, right?

When you’re educating visitors on your Web Design services, it’s naturally going to come up that you also happen to specialize in WordPress and eCommerce design. So, those internal links should appear on your Web Design page. And vice versa.

In addition, your Portfolio and Contact Us pages are likely going to be the most common CTAs on the site. Your prospective clients shouldn’t be forced to backtrack to the homepage or scroll up to the navigation to take action. By including these internal links or buttons within the content of the services pages, you’re giving them a quick and direct line to the next steps.

The more intuitive you make the user journey, the easier it will be for them to convert.

This is one reason why websites with a strong internal linking structure perform well in search results. Another reason is that internal links help Google’s bots find all of the content on your site and better understand how they relate to one another.

12. Use Only Trustworthy External Links

Link juice is one of the reasons why business owners are obsessed with getting backlinks. We’ll get to that shortly.

But it’s also something that comes into play when choosing external links to include on your site.

Link juice is the idea that one site can pass its authority to another through a dofollow link. So, by linking out to authoritative and trustworthy sources, your site may raise its own clout with the search engines because of that connection.

However, it works both ways. If you create external links to websites with misinformation that pose a security threat to visitors or are otherwise untrustworthy, that bad reputation can do your website harm.

So, make sure that every external link you use is necessary and reliable. If not, get rid of it.

13. Get Your Site Listed As a Featured Snippet

I said earlier in this post that pay-per-click advertising is the only way to shortcut the SEO process and get on the first page of Google. That’s not entirely true.

We’ve already seen how optimizing your images for Google Images search can shoot your site to the top of results. Another way to get ahead is by optimizing your page using structured data to land a spot as a featured snippet.

Like this page from Bankrate that answers the question “how do you get a loan”:

Remember that structured data alone won’t instantly move your web page into the featured snippet space. The content needs to be the best it can be, and the structured data needs to be well written. was created to help you pick the right category and write the structured data for it:

Use this to write up the relevant microdata for the pages to make the most sense to do so. For instance, an About page probably wouldn’t benefit from having structured data attached to it. However, a lengthy blog post that explains a step-by-step process would.

There are WordPress plugins (Yoast is one of them) that will help you insert this code into your pages if you prefer.

14. Get High-Quality Backlinks

Backlinks pointing to your website are a huge indicator to Google that your site is share-worthy and authoritative.

However, like everything else in SEO, you can’t cheat your way into a bunch of backlinks. They need to come from authoritative sources, and they need to be relevant. That’s why paying or bartering for backlinks isn’t usually effective. If your web page’s backlink doesn’t organically fit within the content on their site, visitors aren’t going to click on it.

There are lots of ways to go about building up a repository of backlinks that do generate authority for you and improve your SEO ranking in the process:

Get active on social media and become an authority there: The rule is generally that 80% of your posts need to be non-promotional. By sharing content from all kinds of sources that are relevant to your audience, you’re going to get more meaningful engagement. And this’ll eventually put the spotlight on your own content and get people to share it on social media, too.

This is something that Google will look at when ranking your site: What sort of social signals are coming from your brand?

Get featured as an expert: You don’t need to become an influencer for people to view you as an expert in your field. It’s all about your reputation.

By leveraging your reputation to get speaking gigs, you’ll grow your authority even more. Just make sure they’re relevant to what you do. So, look for podcasts, webinars, and conferences in your field that are looking for experts.

Become a guest blogger: If public speaking isn’t your forte, that’s okay. Turn your attention instead to lining up guest blogging gigs.

By writing high-quality content for authoritative websites (whether you get paid or not), you’ll bring more attention to your own brand. And Google will pass that authority onto your site.

15. Create a Google My Business Page

Any business can create a Google My Business page. There are a number of SEO-related benefits to doing this.

The first is that local businesses can literally put themselves on the map with Google My Business. Here’s what a Google search for “restaurants near me” looks like:

Even if your site doesn’t appear on the first SERP, the map that sits at the top of search results can give you a front seat anyway.

Another reason to create a My Business page is that you get to control your knowledge graph sidebar, like Ford’s Garage does here:

By including high-quality graphics, pertinent details about the business, and collecting positive customer reviews, this knowledge graph could do your brand’s reputation a lot of good in the eyes of Google and your prospects.

16. Refresh Your Content

This is useful for all of the content on your site, even your most high-performing pages.

If your site is starting to gain traction, take a close look at your Google Analytics data. You may find a few pages that no one seems to be paying attention to or, worse, that they always seem to bounce from.

In Google Analytics, go to Behavior > Site Content to figure out which pages are underperforming.

Then, ask yourself:

  1. Is this page even a necessary part of the user journey? If not, you can probably scrap it and have one less distraction on your site.
  2. If this page is necessary, what do you need to do to make it more valuable and relevant to your audience?

With the most popular pages on your site, it’s not unreasonable to expect that at least part of what you originally wrote will go stale or become irrelevant within a year or two. So, it’s a good idea to refresh these as well.

To do that, it’s simple. Do a search in Google for your focus keyword. Read through the top five results and see what sort of information your post is missing. Then update it accordingly.

Anything outdated or irrelevant should also be stripped out.

17. Regularly Monitor Google Search Console

Last but not least, you should keep your eyes on Google Search Console.

There’s a lot of valuable information in here that will tell you why your site might not be ranking as well as it could. You’ll find issues related to:

  • Indexing
  • Mobile usability
  • Security
  • Core Web Vitals

You’ll also find data on how well your site is ranking in general. You’ll find this under the Performance tab:

Use this to identify:

  • Which keywords you’re ranking for and are driving traffic to your site;
  • Which keywords you’re getting the most impressions from but not getting clicks from;
  • Which keywords you’re getting the most clicks from but not a lot of impressions;
  • Which keywords you rank low for and could stand to improve upon.

You can learn a lot about how strong your SEO strategy is. Just use the Clicks, Impressions, and Position tabs to sort your data so you can better understand what’s going on.

Then, prioritize fixing the pages that can and should be bringing your site highly qualified traffic but aren’t.


If you’re wondering how long it’ll take before you see an improvement in your SEO ranking, it depends. If your domain’s current authority is low, it can realistically take about six months to see major changes. That said, if you implement all of the suggestions above, you can certainly expedite that.

Just remember that there are no real shortcuts in SEO. You need to have an authoritative and trustworthy website and brand before anything else. So, take the time to build your credibility online so that these SEO tactics can really work.


The post 17 Things You Can Do To Improve Your SEO Ranking In 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Cette nouvelle série vidéo en trois parties explore l’impact des « passionnés » – un groupe croissant de consommateurs qui soutiennent activement les entreprises reflétant leurs valeurs personnelles sur les questions environnementales et sociales.

En 2020, le centre de recherche SAP Insights a lancé une étude conseillant les chefs d’entreprise sur les compétences et attributs dont ils auront besoin dans l’économie de l’expérience guidée par les émotions. Avec plus de 10 000 réponses de consommateurs du Canada et des États-Unis, le rapport a révélé que ce qui différencie les entreprises aujourd’hui, c’est la capacité d’un leader à s’exprimer et à mobiliser l’action sur les enjeux mondiaux. « Cet état d’esprit est alimenté par les passionnés, un groupe croissant de consommateurs qui croient qu’il faut agir pour améliorer le monde et qui attendent des chefs d’entreprise qu’ils fassent de même « , a déclaré Siddharth Taparia, vice-président principal et responsable de la stratégie, de la marque et du marketing de l’expérience chez SAP.


« Nous voulions attirer l’attention sur les problèmes environnementaux et sociétaux et montrer ce que les grandes entreprises, les clients et les partenaires de SAP font pour relever ces défis et susciter le changement et la prise de conscience dans leurs propres secteurs « , a ajouté M. Taparia.


Blank Canvas – bande annonce

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Blank Canvas - bande annonce


La série est animée par Baratunde Thurston, auteur à succès du New York Times et conteur nommé aux Emmy Awards. Chaque épisode se concentre sur un vaste sujet et explore les angles avec du contenu basé sur des données, des témoignages de clients et des points de vue d’experts.


Le premier épisode explore comment les acteurs de l’industrie de la fast fashion opèrent des changements environnementaux positifs suite à la pression de consommateurs passionnés qui demandent du changement. Le deuxième épisode montre comment des fans passionnés ont fait pression sur les ligues sportives professionnelles et les athlètes pour qu’ils mettent en place des initiatives et des messages de justice sociale sur et en dehors du terrain de jeu. Le troisième épisode examine comment les entreprises du secteur de l’alimentation et des boissons font face aux défis environnementaux majeurs que sont l’approvisionnement en eau, le gaspillage alimentaire et l’utilisation de plastique, et comment des consommateurs passionnés sont à l’origine des changements.


La série comprend des conversations avec le mannequin, entrepreneur et philanthrope Karlie Kloss et le golfeur professionnel Cameron Champ. Les épisodes présentent également des segments sur la façon dont des organisations telles que la NBA et le Fonds mondial pour la nature (WWF) s’efforcent de susciter des changements à l’échelle mondiale.


Découvrez les 3 épisodes de Blank Canvas sous-titrés en français


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Every day design fans submit incredible industry stories to our sister-site, Webdesigner News. Our colleagues sift through it, selecting the very best stories from the design, UX, tech, and development worlds and posting them live on the site.

The best way to keep up with the most important stories for web professionals is to subscribe to Webdesigner News or check out the site regularly. However, in case you missed a day this week, here’s a handy compilation of the top curated stories from the last seven days. Enjoy!

How to Treat Clients Who Treat You Poorly

PC Users Are Furious About The New Windows 11 Design

20 Best New Fonts, June 2021

22 Free Web Design Tools from Spring 2021

10 Best Google Fonts for Headings 2021 Collection

Why Python is Not The Programming Language of the Future

The 6 Levels of UX Maturity

Top 20 JavaScript Tips and Tricks to Increase Your Speed and Efficiency

Drawing Graphics With The CSS Paint API

Creating Rhythm With Typography

Soft UI: Making Sense of the Latest Design Trend

Optical Size, The Hidden Superpower of Variable Fonts

WebP Images: A Primer

Perfect Tooltips With CSS Clipping and Masking


The post Popular Design News of the Week: June 21 2021 – June 27, 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

SAP SE (NYSE : SAP) annonce aujourd’hui que Bboxx, fournisseur d’énergie propre et de services publics de nouvelle génération, a choisi l’offre de cloud Grow by SAP pour développer son activité et atteindre son objectif ambitieux de résoudre la problématique de la précarité énergétique.

Avec 770 millions de personnes vivant actuellement sans accès à l’énergie, Bboxx a été fondée en 2010 pour mettre fin à la pauvreté énergétique. Bboxx fabrique, distribue et finance des systèmes solaires décentralisés dans les pays en développement. Grâce à la fourniture d’une énergie abordable, fiable et propre, l’entreprise a un impact positif sur la vie de plus de 2 millions de personnes avec ses produits et services. Bboxx fournit ses produits et services à des clients mal desservis dans les zones rurales grâce à sa technologie innovante, Bboxx Pulse®, qui est sa propre plateforme de gestion à la pointe de la technologie. Bboxx Pulse® permet la croissance des futures entreprises mondiales de services publics et leur permet de gérer l’échelle, lorsque les clients, les employés et les produits sont dispersés dans des endroits éloignés.

Bboxx était donc à la recherche d’une plateforme basée sur le cloud computing, capable de fournir des logiciels évolutifs de pointe et d’intégrer les meilleures pratiques pour l’aider à étendre sa présence sur de nouveaux marchés. Bboxx a choisi SAP Business ByDesign – Supply chain and Finance avec Grow By SAP, un programme exclusif pour les entreprises en hypercroissance. La phase 1 du projet a été lancée en Asie en mai 2021. Ce n’est qu’un début, la phase 2 doit être lancée au Royaume-Uni, en France et au Rwanda en septembre 2021, et la phase 3 en RDC, au Kenya, au Togo et au Nigeria en décembre 2021. Au cours de la phase 3, SAP Business ByDesign sera intégré à Bboxx Pulse®. La mise en œuvre de SAP Business ByDesign est prise en charge par Orchard House Solutions, partenaire SAP de la transformation des activités et de Grow.

En utilisant les solutions ERP, finance et supply chain de SAP, Bboxx gagnera en efficacité grâce à l’automatisation généralisée des processus et à l’utilisation des meilleures pratiques intégrées à SAP. Le fait de disposer d’une seule interface cloud pour la finance et la chaîne d’approvisionnement aidera Bboxx à mettre en place un processus cohérent à l’échelle mondiale tout en répondant aux besoins locaux en matière de reporting.

Anthony Osijo, directeur financier du groupe Bboxx, a déclaré : « Bboxx est actuellement présent dans 10 pays, et nous avons l’ambition d’atteindre 23 pays d’ici cinq ans. Nous avons un impact positif direct sur 1,8 million de vies grâce à la fourniture d’une énergie propre, fiable et abordable. Nous voulons accélérer l’accès à l’énergie dans les pays en développement et continuer à transformer des vies et à révéler des potentiels grâce à l’accès à l’énergie. Face à l’ampleur de ces objectifs, il est essentiel d’avoir un partenaire mondial stratégique comme SAP, suffisamment souple et innovant pour vouloir nous accompagner dans cette démarche. »

Romain Gauthier, Vice-président régional – Nouveaux clients EMEA Nord chez SAP, a déclaré : « SAP était le partenaire idéal pour épauler la mission audacieuse de Bboxx, qui consiste à mettre fin à la précarité énergétique dans le monde, en lui fournissant une infrastructure de cloud unique, hautement flexible et évolutive. Le programme Grow by SAP a été spécialement conçu pour soutenir les entreprises à croissance rapide et les start-ups. Il permettra à Bboxx de bénéficier d’une supply chain, de finances, de comptabilité et d’un service client avancés sur trois grands continents, tout en veillant à ce qu’elle conserve sa base tarifaire compétitive. Lorsqu’il s’agit d’aider les entreprises à étendre leur empreinte et à se développer sur de nouveaux marchés, SAP est un véritable partenaire stratégique. »

À propos de SAP

La stratégie de SAP vise à aider chaque organisation à fonctionner en “entreprise intelligente”. En tant que leader du marché des logiciels d’application d’entreprise, nous aidons les entreprises de toutes tailles et de tous secteurs à opérer au mieux : 77 % des transactions commerciales mondiales entrent en contact avec un système SAP®. Nos technologies de Machine Learning, d’Internet des objets (IoT) et d’analytique avancées aident nos clients à transformer leurs activités en “entreprises intelligentes”. SAP permet aux personnes et aux organisations d’avoir une vision approfondie de leur business et favorise la collaboration afin qu’elles puissent garder une longueur d’avance sur leurs concurrents. Nous simplifions la technologie afin que les entreprises puissent utiliser nos logiciels comme elles le souhaitent – sans interruption. Notre suite d’applications et de services de bout en bout permet aux clients privés et publics de 25 secteurs d’activité dans le monde de fonctionner de manière rentable, de s’adapter en permanence et de faire la différence. Avec son réseau mondial de clients, partenaires, employés et leaders d’opinion, SAP aide le monde à mieux fonctionner et à améliorer la vie de chacun.

Pour plus d’informations, visitez le site .

Contacts presse SAP
Daniel Margato, Directeur Communication : 06 64 25 38 08 –
Mateo Moreau : –
SAP News Center. Suivez SAP sur Twitter : @SAPNews.



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Chaque année, Glassdoor, une plateforme de recherche d’emploi et d’évaluation des employés, récompense les employeurs et les leaders marquants du monde entier avec les Employees’ Choice Awards. SAP, éditeur mondial de logiciels d’origine européenne, est fier que son CEO, Christian Klein, ait remporté un prix Glassdoor Employees’ Choice Award, qui récompense les meilleurs CEOs de 2021.

En se basant entièrement sur les commentaires anonymes des employés au cours de l’année écoulée, Christian Klein a été reconnu comme un CEO de référence en Allemagne et en France. En France, Christian Klein se hisse à la première position du classement avec un taux d’approbation de 99%.

« Nos collaborateurs sont au cœur de notre succès et ils font de SAP la grande entreprise qu’elle est », a déclaré M. Klein. « De toutes les choses qui me motivent à donner le meilleur de moi-même chaque jour, ce sont sans aucun doute les personnes avec lesquelles j’ai le privilège de travailler dans le monde entier. Je suis reconnaissant de pouvoir travailler avec des personnes aussi exceptionnelles, qui m’inspirent continuellement par leur dévouement, leur ingéniosité et leur passion. »

Glassdoor, le leader mondial des avis sur les emplois et les entreprises, offre aux employés la possibilité de donner leur sentiment sur l’environnement, la culture et les dirigeants de leur entreprise. Sur les quelque 1,5 million d’employeurs évalués sur Glassdoor, le taux d’approbation moyen des CEO est de 73 %.

Pour en savoir plus sur les prix de la diversité et de l’intégration, les prix du meilleur lieu de travail, les certifications des premiers talents et les autres récompenses qui font de SAP une entreprise où il fait bon travailler, consultez la section Employer Awards sur

À propos de SAP

La stratégie de SAP vise à aider chaque organisation à fonctionner en “entreprise intelligente”. En tant que leader du marché des logiciels d’application d’entreprise, nous aidons les entreprises de toutes tailles et de tous secteurs à opérer au mieux : 77 % des transactions commerciales mondiales entrent en contact avec un système SAP®. Nos technologies de Machine Learning, d’Internet des objets (IoT) et d’analytique avancées aident nos clients à transformer leurs activités en “entreprises intelligentes”. SAP permet aux personnes et aux organisations d’avoir une vision approfondie de leur business et favorise la collaboration afin qu’elles puissent garder une longueur d’avance sur leurs concurrents. Nous simplifions la technologie afin que les entreprises puissent utiliser nos logiciels comme elles le souhaitent – sans interruption. Notre suite d’applications et de services de bout en bout permet aux clients privés et publics de 25 secteurs d’activité dans le monde de fonctionner de manière rentable, de s’adapter en permanence et de faire la différence. Avec son réseau mondial de clients, partenaires, employés et leaders d’opinion, SAP aide le monde à mieux fonctionner et à améliorer la vie de chacun.

Pour plus d’informations, visitez le site .

Contacts presse SAP
Daniel Margato, Directeur Communication : 06 64 25 38 08 –
Mateo Moreau : –
SAP News Center. Suivez SAP sur Twitter : @SAPNews.

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It’s fair to say that AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) is a controversial topic among web developers.

AMP is a Google-guided technology that strips down web pages to a limited sub-set of tags to serve pages faster. It was developed as a web-based rival to native news apps from vendors like Apple.

The controversy first arose when it was clear how much influence Google had over the conventions, essentially creating a tiered Web overseen by a single entity. The clamor didn’t calm when it became clear that Google prioritized AMP pages for mobile search results. Developers were left in a difficult position: stand by best practices supporting a platform-agnostic Web, or do what’s right for their clients by building the most competitive mobile site possible.

But that was 2015, six years is a lifetime for a web technology, and things are about to change.

Hidden among the announcements about the much-delayed Core Web Vitals update — it’s finally rolling out, a year after originally planned, but don’t expect to see much impact until the end of August — is the news that Google mobile search will no longer prioritize AMP pages.

Beginning immediately (from the 17th June onwards) and completing sometime before the end of August, AMP will cease to be a factor in mobile site ranking. The AMP badge on mobile search results will disappear, and AMP is not required to have your site included on Google’s news app.

This significant move is due to the fact that the Core Web Vitals update from Google will expect the same speed and usability as AMP from non-AMP pages. Google still expects the same optimized user experience; it simply isn’t offering a cheat sheet on how to achieve it.

You can continue to use AMP, but there’s no automatic benefit to doing so, and the housekeeping involved in maintaining multiple front-ends means it’s far simpler to optimize your base site. Without a solid purpose, AMP ceases to fill a need. And just like that, one of the most controversial technologies of recent years slips away.

Featured image via Unsplash.


The post Poll: Is AMP Dead, and Do We Care? first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Every designer has their own preferred strategy for collecting resources. Some pluck brushes, fonts, and templates from different “stock photo sites” and public marketplaces. Others collect graphics from swipe files and forums around the web.

The never-ending desire for themes, visual content, and graphical components has prompted an influx of “design packages” to appear around the web. These all-in-one bundles, ranging from Envato Elements to Elegant Themes, promise a selection of valuable creative content in exchange for a single fee or monthly subscription. 

If you’ve been planning to seek out a few of these high-value subscriptions yourself, you’re in the right place! Today, we’re going to talk about some of the top designer resources available on the market. 

1. Envato Elements

Probably the best-known of all the designer resource marketplaces, Envato Elements advertises itself as the unlimited creative subscription. On this website, you’ll be able to access around 54 million creative assets through a single subscription. There are endless resources to unlock here, ranging from templates for your graphics to video templates, audio, and stock photos. 

Unlike most marketplaces, Envato gives you peace of mind by promising only the highest quality designs and graphics. Your content comes with quality assurance, and there are many PSD elements on the site, too, including stationery and web design templates, mock-ups, and more. Categories for your creative content include:

  • Stock photos
  • Video templates
  • Music
  • Sound effects
  • Graphic templates
  • Graphic designs
  • Presentation templates
  • Fonts
  • Photos
  • Web templates
  • Add-ons
  • CMS templates
  • WordPress resources
  • 3D content

Pricing: Pricing starts at only $16.50 per month, and this gives you unlimited access to everything on the site, including millions of digital assets and stock photos. You’ll also be able to use various courses and tutorials on the website too.

2. Elegant Themes

Elegant Themes is an all-in-one creative resource for website themes. The solution offers you access to some of the most popular WordPress themes worldwide. 

You’ll also get access to a visual page builder as part of the kit. When you sign up for the Elegant Themes subscription, you get access to all of the resources within, including the Divi page builder and WordPress theme, Extra, Monarch, Bloom, and more. If you’re a site builder or work on building pages for clients, this is a must-have subscription. 

Elegant themes are currently the go-to resource for more than 750,000 people. It’s also home to some of the highest-rated themes around. Features include:

  • Divi WordPress page builder
  • Endless WordPress themes
  • Page editing tools
  • Monarch, Bloom, and Extra 
  • Hundreds of website packs
  • Lifetime premium support
  • Unlimited website usage

You can either pay for yearly access with Elegant Themes or pay a one-off price for lifetime access. For most, the lifetime option is likely to be a pretty appealing one. You don’t have to worry about renewing your subscription this way.

3. Template Monster

Template Monster offers the “ONE” web development membership, perfect for creative professionals. The MonsterONE offering is a complete unlimited subscription for all of your creative needs, with access to unlimited downloads, new weekly items, and simple licensing. You also get plenty of support from the Template Monster Team. 

A goldmine for anyone who needs to upgrade their selection of video and photo assets, graphic templates, HTML templates, or anything else, Template Monster is packed full of amazing resources for any project. You can also find new products from fresh contributors all the time, so the value of your membership is constantly increasing. 

Features include:

  • HTML templates
  • Presentation templates
  • CMS templates
  • Graphic templates
  • Video assets
  • 3D models
  • Audio assets
  • WordPress themes and plugins

Pricing starts at a tiny $6.90 per month, with a slight discount if you pay yearly. The lowest-cost package gives you access to all of your graphic and design assets, but you won’t get any eCommerce or WordPress themes. However, if you upgrade to the all-in-one package at $14.95 per month, you get a more extensive range of resources.

4. Creative Market

Creative Market is another one of those amazing all-in-one environments for creatives and designers. This marketplace is supplied by thousands of independent artists from around the globe, each offering a host of top-quality designs and resources. You’ll find photos, graphics, templates, fonts, web themes, and countless other tools on the Creative Market. 

If you’re looking for sheer size, it’s hard to find another company that competes with the Creative Market package. There are literally millions of ready-to-use products available, including Instagram templates, textures, and procreate brushes. 

You’ll have access to 3D content for your immersive website designs and a host of purchasing products. Although there’s no “subscription model” per-se for this marketplace, you can invest in a credit plan that allows you to set how much you spend on your assets each month. 

Features include:

  • Millions of creative products
  • Huge selection of independent designers
  • Brushes, textures, templates 
  • Fonts and web content available
  • Huge selection of stock photos
  • Convenient credit plan

The individual purchasing plan is likely to appeal more to people just beginning to test Creative Market for the first time. However, if you want a subscription experience, we’d recommend using the credit plan to estimate how many credits you’ll need each month.

5. Adobe Stock

All web designers know Adobe. The chances are that no matter what kind of creative work you do, you’ve developed a few skills with an Adobe product, from Photoshop to Lightroom. Adobe Stock is also one of the leading platforms for images on any topic. 

Although Adobe Stock doesn’t compete with other marketplaces in terms of versatility, it still stands out as one of the main resources for designers. There are hundreds of millions of stock images, videos, editorial content, and vectors. You can also access a premium collection of custom content and 3D resources too. The great thing about Adobe stock is that you can easily create your own libraries and download content into your Adobe software. Resources include:

  • Stock photos
  • Premium images
  • 3D content
  • Vectors and brushes
  • Stock video footage
  • Royalty-free templates
  • Vector art and illustrations
  • Stock music and audio
  • Integration with Adobe software

Adobe Stock is a little pricier than some of the other marketplaces available today, but it’s still pretty impressive. You’ll pay around $29.99 per month for 10 assets per month, or you can access a full annual plan at $199.99 per month. The amount you pay will depend on the quality of the resources that you want to download.

6. Motion Elements

If Elegant Themes is the go-to resource for designers searching for WordPress themes and web design solutions, Motion Elements is the top choice for “motion” content. Here, you’ll find videos, SFX content, images, music, 3D solutions, and so much more. 

Though it’s located in Asia, Motion Elements is available worldwide. The marketplace offers a monthly subscription plan wherever you can download unlimited products to suit your needs. There are tons of resources to choose from here, including After Effects elements, tools for Lottie, Premiere Pro, FCPX motion, DaVinci Resolve, and more. 

Features include:

  • After Effects elements
  • Premier Pro resources
  • FCPX Motion
  • DaVinci Resolve
  • Video and audio content
  • Stock images
  • SFX resources
  • 3D content

Pricing starts at $16.50 per month for an unlimited annual plan. This means that you can download as much as you like without having to pay any more. There is a small discount if you pay for a full year of access in one go.

7. Creative Tim

Simple but effective, Creative Tim is an amazing resource for front-end and back-end content bundles. You get fully coded UI tools here that can help you create various mobile and web apps and a huge selection of dashboards and templates. If you’re the kind of designer who likes working on top of things like Bootstrap, React, Angular, Laravel, Node.js, and more, then Creative Tim has you covered. 

This is one of the more technical creative resource packages that we’ve looked at so far, but it has a lot of value to offer. That’s probably why there are already more than 1.5 million people using the service. You can search through administration dashboards, UI kits, premium templates, free content, and design systems. Of course, everything is easy to access too. Features include:

  • Frontend design technologies for endless platforms
  • Soft design, light design, paper design, and more
  • Bootstrap content 
  • Resources and third-party tools
  • Complete design and web kits
  • UI kits and templates
  • Admin and dashboard templates

There’s a free version of Creative Tim available for beginners if you want to keep your costs low, but it’s generally much better to sign up for the premium subscription. You can also purchase kits and templates on a one-off basis if you prefer to start small. However, the best prices generally come from buying the bundles from Creative Tim’s subscription side. 

8. Storyblocks

Similar in style to Motion Elements, Storyblocks is a creative design resource for any designer getting involved with the video world. This website is home to some of the best free-to-use videos around, with simple licensing available at a click. Aside from high-quality videos and templates, you also get audio and sound effects as part of your subscription and images or illustrations. 

The unlimited access pass gives you all the resources you might want, from 4K and HD footage to music and sound effects, After Effects templates, and photos, vectors, or illustrations. You can also export a host of your own video projects with access to the Maker video editor, which allows you to make various changes to your custom video content. Features include:

  • HD and 4K video footage
  • After Effects Templates
  • Sound Effects and Music
  • Photos, Illustrations, and Vectors
  • Unlimited video exports
  • Video editor access
  • Licensing support

The standard all-access plan from Storyblocks starts at a very affordable £39 per month for all of the content you might want. In addition, everything you get here is unlimited, so you don’t have to worry about running out of credits. There’s also an enterprise option available if you want to share access to resources with your team.

9. Motion Array

Motion Array is an all-in-one video creation platform for those with an eye for visual content. This fantastic resource center is packed full of valuable tools, from Da Vinci Resolve templates to Adobe Premier Pro Content. As part of your subscription payment, you’ll get endless presets, audio effects, plugins, video footage, tutorials, and more. 

Though a little more expensive than some of the other premier subscription services on the market, Motion Array does offer a lot of content that you can’t get anywhere else. There’s an unlimited marketplace constantly updating with access to royalty-free footage, stock photos, music, and sound effects. You also get plugins built for Premiere Pro. Features include:

  • Adobe Exchange elements
  • Final Cut Pro and DaVinci resolve templates
  • Royalty-free music and sound effects
  • Stock footage and video
  • Photos and images
  • Time-saving integrations with your favorite apps
  • Portfolio site builder
  • Stock media requests

There’s a free subscription option for Motion Array, which you won’t find from most alternatives. This only gives you access to some basic stock photos and assets, but it’s a nice way to start. When you are ready to upgrade, you can pay $29.99 per month for the full stock media library, as well as requests for custom media assets and exclusive plugins.

Start Stocking Up on Designer Resources

As a designer or creative professional, keeping a constant stack of resources available is crucial to your ongoing productivity. Fortunately, there are tons of premium marketplaces out there today, making it easier to access everything you need. 

Whether you’re looking for full UI kits and templates, or you want some free-to-use images and videos for the website content you’re creating, there’s something for everyone. With most monthly subscription services available at a highly affordable price, you could even sign up for multiple sites at once. 


The post 9 Amazing Design-Resource Package Sites first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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