
When I first encountered Entity Framework (EF), I always gravitated towards a database-first option. Back when Entity Framework appeared, there wasn’t a code-first option.

My thinking towards this approach was your database holds the data. If your database wasn’t designed properly from the start, and you generate your entities based on the database design, your code (entities) may suffer.

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In this example, I am going to show you how to post data to a RESTful web service in Java using Spring, Spring Java Configuration and more.

Web Service Code

Let’s take a quick look at the Spring MVC Web Service code on the server:

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In this example, you will learn how to map one-to-many relationship using Hibernate Annotations. Consider the following relationship between Student and Phone entity.

According to the relationship, a student can have any number of phone numbers.

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Today, I’m pleased to announce a new way to work with the OmniSci platform: OmniSci.jl, a Julia client for OmniSci! This Apache Thrift-based client is the result of a passion project I started when I arrived at OmniSci in March 2018 to complement our other open-source libraries for accessing data: pymapd, mapd-connector, and JDBC.

Julia and OmniSci: Similar in Spirit and Outcomes

If you’re not familiar with the Julia programming language, the language is a dynamically-typed, just-in-time compiled language built on LLVM that can achieve or beat the performance of high-performance, compiled languages such as C/C++ and FORTRAN. With the performance of C++ and the convenience of writing Python, Julia quickly became my favorite programming language when I started using it around 2013.

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Hey guys, I hope you all are doing well. I am back with another article on custom docker instances for databases. In my last post, we saw how we could have our custom docker instance for MySQL. Similarly, in this post, we will see how we can do the same with DynamoDB, so let’s get started.

Just like the scenario in the previous article, I was working on a project with DynamoDB as the database due to its many features like scalability, cloud storage, etc. And I wanted to test some things and did not want to mess with the cloud instance, so I thought to make an instance of my own, so what to do?

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Extra panel below: :)

Image title 

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MySQL Python: About MySQL

  • MySQL is a fast, easy-to-use relational database. It is currently the most popular open-source database
  • MySQL is used for many small and big businesses. It is developed, marketed, and supported by MySQL AB, a Swedish company. It is written in C and C++.
  • MySQL is an open-source database, so you don’t have to pay a single penny to use it.

Download MySQL

Follow these steps:

  1. Go to the official MySQL website

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If you’re a database developer, you know that you need different SQL statements for creating schemas, ad-hoc querying, initiating backups, or troubleshooting. For these scenarios, finding the right graphical tool can speed up these tasks and make you more productive. Over the years, the PostgreSQL community has developed several open-sourced graphical tools for managing PostgreSQL databases, visualizing the datasets it contains, and running queries. You can find a comprehensive list of tools on the PostgreSQL wiki here.

This post is the first in a series of on-going articles that will show you how to work with Yugabyte DB using popular PostgreSQL GUI tools.

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The Performance Challenge Championship (PCC) is an event organized by ArchNotes. After learning about the rules of the competition, I found PostgreSQL is very suitable for this scenario. The scenario is reproduced as it is, implemented with PG, but how does it perform?

The competition is described as follows (page in Chinese, but Chrome can translate):

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The SQL Prompt Best Practice rule checks whether a comparison or expression includes a NULL literal (‘NULL’), which in SQL Server, rather than result in an error, will simply always produce a NULL result. Phil Factor explains how to avoid this, and other SQL NULL-related calamities.

SQL Prompt has a code analysis rule (BP011) that checks whether a comparison or expression includes a NULL literal ('NULL'). These will always produce a NULL result. To determine whether a datatype is or isn’t NULL, use ISNULLor ISNOTNULL.

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