
Les apports de l’industrie 4.0 permettent de rendre les entreprises plus agiles, et aptes à répondre aux enjeux d’hyperpersonnalisation des produits, ainsi qu’aux aléas, économiques, sanitaires ou climatiques.

L’industrie doit faire face aujourd’hui à deux défis clés :

  • L’hyperpersonnalisation des offres induite par la montée de l’économie d’expérience, qui pousse les entreprises à aller de la mass production vers la mass customization.
  • La multiplication des changements brusques dans les habitudes de consommation, provoquée par des crises sanitaires, économiques et bientôt climatiques.

L’industrie 4.0 entend répondre à cette double problématique en rendant la production plus agile. Basiquement, l’industrie 4.0, c’est la transformation numérique appliquée au monde de l’industrie, avec une digitalisation des processus de production. Digitalisation qui doit s’accompagner d’une collecte et circulation des données assurée en temps réel entre les sites de production et le SI de l’entreprise.

De la nécessité de disposer d’un socle solide

Des processus standards et une plate-forme robuste sont nécessaires. « Notre partenariat avec SAP remonte à 2007, lors du déploiement de l’ERP qui sert maintenant de socle à notre stratégie Industrie 4.0. Les notions de socle et de standardisation des processus sont très importantes, » témoigne Damien Régnier, Digital & Shopfloor Operation chez Faurecia.

Attention toutefois à ne pas faire de la standardisation des processus un facteur de réduction de la flexibilité. « Il y a un écart entre le monde de l’ERP et le « shop floor ». L’un a besoin de processus standardisés alors que l’autre demande un certain niveau de flexibilité. » C’est donc un équilibre entre agilité et efficacité qu’il faudra savoir trouver.

Tout n’est d’ailleurs pas forcément bon à digitaliser sur la chaîne de production. « Il faut partir du « pain point » pour trouver des sources de gain, du ROI. Cibler les bons processus avec les bonnes technologies, » analyse François-Xavier de Thieulloy, expert Industrie du Futur à la Direction de l’accompagnement chez Bpifrance.

Le MES, primordial sur les chaînes de production

« L’introduction d’un MES (Manufacturing Execution System, logiciel de pilotage de la production) a été une étape importante dans la digitalisation de nos processus de production », explique Alexandre Sizaret, responsable Production System Efficiency chez Airbus. « Notre MES, sur base SAP ME, est aujourd’hui déployé dans 280 stations de production à travers l’Europe et utilisé quotidiennement par 5000 collaborateurs. »

Un MES permet de faire remonter les données de production en temps réel, mais également de faire redescendre alertes, informations et décisions auprès des opérateurs. Alexandre Sizaret alerte toutefois sur les dangers d’une digitalisation à outrance des processus. « À vouloir trop enrichir le MES, nous avons fini par perdre des utilisateurs. Nous avons alors pris du recul pour retravailler l’expérience utilisateur, en partenariat avec les opérateurs et les chefs d’équipe. »

« La co-construction de la solution reste primordiale, confirme François-Xavier de Thieulloy. Il faut écouter les acteurs de terrain afin de pouvoir les embarquer dans le projet. »

Les règles d’une digitalisation réussie

Nous l’avons vu, pour disposer de données de qualité et en quantité suffisante, il faut tout d’abord disposer de fondamentaux solides, comme un ERP. Mais aussi un MES, pour descendre au plus près de la chaîne de production, ainsi que des technologies comme l’IoT qui vont faciliter la capture de données.

Il faut également savoir traiter ces données qui vont aider à la prise de décision (data to action) ou piloter directement des processus (data driven process). Des informations doivent également redescendre afin de faciliter le travail de l’opérateur. L’opérateur augmenté est un des atouts clés de l’Industrie 4.0.

Enfin, lorsque le volume de données devient suffisant, des techniques de Machine Learning et d’Intelligence Artificielle pourront être utilisées afin d’anticiper les aléas et d’améliorer la production ainsi que la maintenance des équipements.

Tout ceci nécessite toutefois un SI solide et complexe, qui n’est pas toujours à la portée des petites entreprises. « Les PME industrielles ont besoin de solutions très packagées, proposant un ROI rapide », confirme François-Xavier de Thieulloy.

D’autres défis à ne pas négliger

Alexandre Sizaret insiste par ailleurs sur la nécessité d’assurer une continuité digitale : « La data doit aller de l’ingénierie jusqu’à la production et vice versa. Savoir capter ce qui se passe sur le terrain permettra d’alimenter des jumeaux numériques avec précision. »

Damien Régnier milite pour sa part en faveur de solutions hybrides : « Il faut trouver le bon équilibre entre du tout cloud et du tout local, du tout standard et du tout spécifique, mais aussi du tout agile et du tout efficace. »

Enfin, François-Xavier de Thieulloy, alerte sur le besoin d’accélérer le rythme de transformation : « Nous aimerions passer rapidement de quelques dizaines d’entreprises qui franchissent le pas chaque année vers l’Industrie du Futur à quelques centaines. »

En savoir plus sur les solutions pour l’industrie 4.0, production


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Levallois-Perret, le 23 novembre 2020 – SAP France annonce accompagner Team Vitality dans sa digitalisation. Le leader européen de l’esport s’appuie sur les solutions de SAP pour accélérer son développement à l’échelle internationale.

Quand Big Data rime avec esport

Le milieu du sport peut être considéré comme un système complexe où interagissent de nombreux acteurs comme les sportifs, les sponsors, les entraîneurs ou encore les fans. Les objectifs d’un club consistent à la fois à augmenter les performances de ses équipes mais également assurer une rentabilité financière sur le long terme dans un environnement de plus en plus concurrentiel. Ce modèle se vérifie dans des sports très médiatisés et aux forts enjeux business comme dans le football, le basketball, le tennis, etc, mais se confirme aussi dans l’esport dont la croissance et l’attractivité ne font désormais plus aucun doute.

En tant que partenaire d’innovation et d’analyse de données d’organisations sportives professionnelles telles que la NBA, la WTA, Team Liquid et le FC Bayern, SAP intensifie la portée de son offre ERP dans l’esport. Outre la gestion de la performance des joueurs, SAP cherche également à impliquer les fans avec ses technologies innovantes. Intégrant des outils de gestion financière et aussi d’engagement marketing, SAP renforce la compétitivité des équipes esport en accélérant leur transformation numérique. Et pourquoi pas demain s’orienter dans la voie de l’ »Athlète Digital » ?

C’est dans ce contexte que la collaboration est née avec Team Vitality.

Team Vitality, un développement fulgurant

Fondé en 2013, Team Vitality est le plus important représentant français sur la scène internationale de l’esport. Comme dans le sport traditionnel, l’équipe est aujourd’hui devenue une marque à part entière avec plusieurs millions de fans. Avec le temps, Team Vitality a développé un marketing avancé et créé d’importants partenariats avec de grandes marques internationales. Team Vitality, c’est désormais toute une gamme de merchandising qui va des maillots officiels aux accessoires high-tech, en passant par une ligne de vêtements. Son business model s’appuie sur la vente en ligne mais aussi sur des points de vente et des espaces de rencontre avec ses fans qu’il compte décliner dans plusieurs grandes villes en France et en Europe. L’entreprise emploie aujourd’hui une cinquantaine de personnes.

SAP pour structurer sa croissance financière et rassurer ses investisseurs

Pour booster sa croissance, Team Vitality enchaîne les levées de fonds depuis plusieurs années. La marque mise également sur le meilleur des technologies pour gérer efficacement sa croissance, sur SAP pour l’accompagner dans le pilotage financier de son activité et sur APSIA pour l’assister dans cette transformation digitale. Team Vitality s’appuie sur 3 solutions clés de SAP :

  • SAP Business By Design, ERP basé sur le cloud pour optimiser la gestion de la finance, des achats et des stocks.
  • SAP Cloud Platform, plateforme d’intégration et d’extension pour faciliter les échanges avec l’écosystème de l’entreprise.
  • SAP Analytics Cloud, une solution d’analyse augmentée multi-source pour optimiser et accélérer la prise de décision. 

Un pilotage de l’activité facilité

L’utilisation des trois solutions SAP permet à Team Vitality d’optimiser l’ensemble de ses processus. Plus précisément, cinq aspects de la gestion de l’entreprise sont impactés :

  • Un suivi facilité d’éléments clés dans les contrats de partenariats et les contrats fournisseurs.
  • Une gestion des données améliorée : un meilleur tracé des flux grâce à une source d’information unique et fiable permettant ainsi de répondre facilement aux différentes contraintes contractuelles et légales (audit des comptes, RGPD, etc.).
  • L’automatisation de certaines tâches telles que le paiement de certains fournisseurs ou la comptabilisation de certains flux récurrents permettant ainsi un gain de temps considérable.
  • Une meilleure connaissance des flux financiers de l’entreprise dans un contexte de forte croissance du nombre de flux et de développement régulier de nouvelles activités.

« Nous avons plusieurs business models en un : nous faisons de la vente retail via notre site Internet, nous élaborons des contrats marketing avec différentes marques et nous générons également du contenu. Il était donc nécessaire d’avoir plusieurs outils regroupés en une seule interface facile d’accès pour pouvoir gérer l’ensemble de ces activités », explique Sonia Manueco, CFO chez Team Vitality.

Une collaboration sur le long terme

A terme, Team Vitality souhaite pousser encore plus loin l’utilisation des solutions SAP pour ainsi impacter toutes les branches de l’entreprise et l’accompagner dans son développement à l’international. Team Vitality envisage ainsi pour le quatrième trimestre 2020, une interconnexion entre le webshop et les différents flux de l’entreprise permettant d’améliorer la qualité de suivi et d’amélioration des commandes.

« Grâce à SAP, nous avons tous les composants pour aller encore plus loin : nous souhaitons nous améliorer davantage sur le volet opérationnel via l’automatisation de l’ensemble de nos process légaux, qualités ou encore logistiques. L’objectif à long terme est également d’exploiter l’ensemble des datas que nous récupérons sur nos plateformes comme Twitch et Twitter pour pouvoir faire le lien entre les interactions avec nos fans et les achats sur notre webshop », conclut Franck Boniface, COO chez Team Vitality.


Contact presse Team Vitality

Valérie Duthey et Maéva Corbel, Le Public Système PR –

Contacts presse SAP
Daniel Margato, Directeur Communication : 06 64 25 38 08 –
Pauline Barriere : –



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As we approach our first winter holiday season since the pandemic set in, the world could feel like a very scary place; there is a great deal of uncertainty about the future for businesses, for young people in education, for jobs, for travel. Celebrations are certainly going to be a lot quieter this year.

And yet, the web is far from showing doom and gloom. We’re seeing confidence and positivity in designs across the board. As businesses and people adapt to the demands of social distancing and WFH, we’re seeing a focus on simplifying, appreciating quality over quantity, taking better care of ourselves and our world, and making the most of our time. And this is reflected through design in a variety of ways: visually minimal style, pared down content, fresh colors, statement type, great photography, illustration.

There is confidence in abundance on the web. Enjoy…

Mammut Expedition Baikal

Mammut make outdoor clothing and equipment, and this microsite is for its Eiger Extreme collection. Stunning photographs of Swiss speed climber Dani Arnold climbing at Lake Baikal in Siberia are cleverly interspersed with details of the company’s products he can be seen wearing, along with links to buy. It feels natural, rather than forced.

Wavering Stripes

This a beautifully made site highlighting the experiences of people held in immigration detention centers in the US. The illustrations belie the grimness of the stories told — on the landing page there is a warning as to the nature of the content.

Juan Mora

Proof that holding pages don’t have to be boring, this ‘under construction’ site for interface designer Juan Mora is a far cry from the warning-barrier and stick-figures-at-work gifs of the web’s early days.


Cafecrema’s simple, one page site creates the atmosphere of 1950s coffee shops through its illustration style, a jazz soundtrack, and a very mid-century modern color palette.

A N Other

Perfume brand A. N Other prioritises quality ingredients and materials, simplicity, craftsmanship, and the environment. Its website captures this perfectly, and invokes a sense of luxury as the result.

Puddle Sound

Puddle is an architectural and interior design company, who also do product and furniture design. For a Tokyo hotel project they created a vacuum tube amplifier, that is the subject of this site. It is as simple as can be with only the barest essential information, and with all attention focused on the product shots.


Hous Luxe Woningen are a Dutch company who build luxury homes. The high quality images, muted color scheme and generous use of white space in its website reflects this sense of luxury perfectly.

Who Cares?

Who Cares? is an interactive game designed to raise public awareness of endangered animal species. The illustration style is very pleasing, and there are some lovely little details in the animation and sound.


This site for sparkling water company Ugly, uses bold, cartoonish typography and illustrated characters to add a lot of character to, well, water.


Glyphs font editor version 3 was released on 16th November. The accompanying site has a fresh feel, mainly due to its striking color scheme. The on scroll animation showcasing variable fonts is a nice touch.

Ruler Agency

Ruler Digital Agency uses color only in the images of work on its own site. Everything else is grayscale, even the images, which can be a really effective technique when it is used well, as it is here.

Zoë Pepper

Zoë Pepper is a collective of freelance brand strategists who work with early stage startups. The site is minimal without feeling empty, and utilises quirky illustration and scrolling animation to good effect.


Karst make notebooks using paper made from stone, and woodless pencils. Its site has a simple, clean feel with a muted, neutral color scheme that complements the colors of its notebook covers.

London Alley

London Alley is a production company who concentrate on music videos and advertising. Its site is simple and striking with plenty of video, and effective use of split screen.


LoveSeen makes false eyelashes, and nothing else. The site has a fun, inclusive feel — more girl(and boy)friends together than glossy, high fashion magazine. It’s appealing and persuasive.


This site for wine-growers Chartogne-Taillet uses illustration and an animated, ‘hand’ drawn map to create a sense of heritage, appropriate for a family with a long history of making wine in the Champagne region. It is reminiscent of a label on a good bottle of wine.

Refusi Studio

Refusi Studio is a design agency from Italy. This portfolio site is simple, with strong colors and big, statement typography. And a giant cartoon eye.

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow is an interactive project from the National Film Board of Canada. It uses tweets to trace emotional ‘waves’ throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.


Boost is a gummy (chew) vitamin supplement for the immune system. Big type, big graphics and lots of orange and purple — the colors associated with vitamin C and antioxidants — make vitamins cool.


Philiber is a meal delivery subscription service, available in urban centers in Quebec. The site is clean and modern, with a comforting color scheme and a nice mix of photography and flat style illustrations.


Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

Personalization; it’s probably one of the most important design trends to emerge in recent years.

As consumers in all industries become more demanding, they’re increasingly searching for online experiences that are customized to suit their individual needs and expectations.

Today, personalization exists in virtually every digital interaction, from adverts on social media to PPC campaigns and email marketing efforts.

Used correctly, the manipulation of demographic, behavioral, and other in-depth user-data can help designers to create dynamic, highly customized content for each website user. At the same time, these unique websites ensure that designers really make an impact on behalf of their clients, outshining the competition and driving amazing results.

What is Hyper-Personalization?

Basic personalization in web design involves making changes to a design based on what you know about your client’s target audience.

For instance, if you knew that you were designing for an audience that spends more time on their smartphone than their computer, you’d concentrate on building hyper-responsive experiences for small screens. For instance, the website is specifically designed to support people using smartphones to swipe, tap, and scroll.

If you’re aware that your customer’s target market is other businesses, you might put more testimonials, free demo CTAs and other enticing components on the website to encourage investment.

Hyper-Personalization is an emerging trend for 2020 that focuses on going beyond the basic understanding of a target audience, to look at genuine customer data. Hyper-personalization is all about leveraging in-depth omnichannel data to drive more advanced customer experiences on every page of a website.

For hyper-personalization to be genuinely effective, designers need access to virtually unlimited data, from CMS systems, sales teams, marketing experts, and more. When you have that data handy, you can use it to:

  • Design websites that showcase dynamic CTAs, featuring content relevant to each user;
  • Implement sign-in screens for customers vs. demo requests for new leads on home pages;
  • Showcase products similar to past pages when repeat customers return to a site.

Why is Hyper-Personalization Important?

Personalized experiences have always been important to the sales journey.

However, in an era where companies are constantly competing to grab user attention, you can’t just cater to your site designs to a group of people anymore. Increasingly, users are expecting specific interactive moments on websites, made just for them.

Amazon is an obvious example to consider here. As one of the world’s leading online shopping sites, Amazon’s efforts with website personalization are incredible. The Amazon website uses tools integrated into the back-end of the marketplace to watch everything a customer does on its platform.

As users browse through the website, the site jots down each category that you look at, and which items interest you. Thanks to this, Amazon can suggest which products you may be most interested in.

Websites like Madebyhusk also offer an incredible insight into hyper-personalization, allowing users to browse for the products that appeal to them based on in-depth filters like edging and color.

The result is a higher chance of conversion.

When customers feel as though they have complete control over their buyer journey, and that each step on that journey is tailored to them, they’re more likely to buy.

Better Converting CTAs

A call to action is an excellent way to move things along when you’re encouraging the buying process with your target audience.

Used correctly, your CTAs can encourage more than just cart conversions. They can also convince people to sign up for your newsletter via a subscription form, take a survey, or begin a free demo.

Regardless of the CTAs that you choose to implement, personalization will quickly make your requests more effective. According to studies, CTAs that are personalized are 202% more effective than generic alternatives.

For instance, uses a crucial statement: “Great personal care products don’t have to come at earth’s expense.” Followed by an engaging CTA to drive positive action from their audience. The company knows that they’re appealing to a customer interested in saving the planet, so they make the benefits of “Getting Started” obvious immediately.

Using data provided by clients, designers can figure out exactly how to position CTAs and offers for customers. For instance, notice that Humankind has a green colored CTA button.

Most buttons take advantage of bold colors like red and orange, but the green shade for Humankind further highlights the nature-driven personality of the brand.

Relevant Product Recommendations

Repeat customers are infinitely more valuable than people who purchase just one item from your site.

However, convincing a standard customer to become a repeat client isn’t easy. Sometimes, clients need a push to determine what they want to buy next.

Fortunately, as a website designer, you can help with that. Using dynamic modules in the product pages of your customer’s website, you can show individual end-users what they might want to purchase next from a specific brand.

These dynamic modules can use information about what each customer has purchased in the past, to suggest a new product or service. Amazon do particularly well in this regard, leveraging a vast marketplace and treasure trove of information to make quality recommendations. But you don’t need to be designing a considerable website for a global business like Amazon to take advantage of dynamic suggestions. Any business with a focus on hyper-personalization can benefit from this strategy.

Increased Time on Site

Any form of personalization on a website can significantly improve the amount of time a customer spends in that digital environment.

Imagine walking into a restaurant that seems as though it was designed specifically for you. The décor, the seating arrangements, and even the menu are customized to your taste. You’re more likely to spend your time and money there than on any generic food place you find on the street.

The same rules apply to website design. The more hyper-personalized you can get with your client’s design, based on what you know about their customers, the easier it will be to keep customers engaged.

For instance, the website entices visitors with various high-quality images of popular bands and artists, before providing them with endless information about the brand and what it does. The designer of this site knew that it needed to appeal to the visual demands of the audience first, before offering useful information like featured artist lists, News, and blog posts to keep the users on site.

Hyper personalization is all about figuring out what kind of end-user you’re designing for, so you can build the digital environment that’s more engaging and compelling to them. Some designers even create dynamic pages that change depending on whether a customer is a repeat client or a new visitor.

Improved Loyalty and Affinity

Finally, it’s human nature that we all want to spend time with the people that treat us best.

We all value excellent customer service, which is why customer experience is the most significant differentiating factor for any organization today.

Web-based personalization works in a similar way. When you use your design tools to make the site experience that you give to each visitor warm, individualized, and welcoming, then your clients are sure to see a boost in customer loyalty.

Around 89% of consumers say that they’ll only consider buying from brands that care about them. As a designer, you can convince every website visitor that they’re going to get the experience they deserve. Just look at how instantly lets clients know that they can expect a fun and friendly interaction on every page.

Accessing useful data from the companies that you’re working with before you begin developing and designing a website could be the key to creating happier customers and higher conversions.

The more delighted end-users are with the experience that a website gives them, the happier that your client will be with you – increasing the impact of your design portfolio.

If you can create customer loyalty and affinity for your client, then you will be able to develop the same feelings between yourself and your client. This could mean that you earn more recommendations as a designer and build your position as a leader in the industry.

Hyper-Personalization is Crucial for 2021

As companies continue to worry about how they can safely use data without crossing the line when it comes to customer privacy, hyper-personalization has stayed just out of the mainstream. While it may be a while before we see every website designer starting their process with piles of in-depth data, it seems that we are heading in that direction.

Customers in 2021 and beyond will undoubtedly want a more advanced and customized experience from the brands that they interact with – particularly in an era where it’s becoming much easier to deliver meaningful moments online.


Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

Autre source / On the same theme

SAP (NYSE : SAP) a annoncé aujourd’hui avoir procédé à l’acquisition d’Emarsys, fournisseur de plateforme d’engagement client omnicanal. Les conditions de la transaction n’ont pas été précisées.

Les offres Emarsys ont été ajoutées au portefeuille de solutions existantes de SAP en matière d’expérience client.

« Emarsys fait maintenant officiellement partie de SAP Customer Experience. Nous sommes impatients à l’idée de travailler ensemble, d’apprendre à mieux nous connaître et de créer un portefeuille de produits qui aille bien au-delà de la somme des deux parties », déclare Bob Stutz, Président de SAP Customer Experience. « Grâce aux atouts de nos solutions actuelles et à l’intégration d’Emarsys, SAP Customer Expérience permettra de créer des mécanismes d’engagement personnalisés et omnicanaux, pour aller à la rencontre des clients lorsqu’ils le souhaitent,, sur leurs canaux de prédilection et selon leurs préférences. »

À propos d’Emarsys

Emarsys met à la disposition des responsables de marketing digital et responsables business la seule plateforme d’engagement client omnicanal conçue pour accélérer les résultats business. En alignant rapidement les résultats business souhaités sur des stratégies d’engagement client omnicanal reconnues (crowdsourcées par des grandes marques de votre secteur d’activité), notre plateforme vous donne la possibilité d’accélérer le Time to Value, de proposer des expériences client 1:1 de qualité et produire des résultats mesurables … rapidement. Rejoignez les 1 500 entreprises internationales qui font déjà confiance à Emarsys pour générer les résultats prévisibles et rentables que leur entreprise exige, mais aussi bénéficier des expériences client omnicanales hautement personnalisées que leurs clients méritent. Plus plus d’infos, rendez-vous sur

À propos de SAP

La stratégie de SAP vise à aider chaque organisation à fonctionner en “entreprise intelligente”. En tant que leader du marché des logiciels d’application d’entreprise, nous aidons les entreprises de toutes tailles et de tous secteurs à opérer au mieux : 77 % des transactions commerciales mondiales entrent en contact avec un système SAP®. Nos technologies de Machine Learning, d’Internet des objets (IoT) et d’analytique avancées aident nos clients à transformer leurs activités en “entreprises intelligentes”. SAP permet aux personnes et aux organisations d’avoir une vision approfondie de leur business et favorise la collaboration afin qu’elles puissent garder une longueur d’avance sur leurs concurrents. Nous simplifions la technologie afin que les entreprises puissent utiliser nos logiciels comme elles le souhaitent – sans interruption. Notre suite d’applications et de services de bout en bout permet aux clients privés et publics de 25 secteurs d’activité dans le monde de fonctionner de manière rentable, de s’adapter en permanence et de faire la différence. Avec son réseau mondial de clients, partenaires, employés et leaders d’opinion, SAP aide le monde à mieux fonctionner et à améliorer la vie de chacun. Pour plus d’informations, visitez le site

Contacts presse

Morgane Joffredo / Julia Dubois
01 85 65 86 34/12


Daniel Margato
Directeur Communication
06 64 25 38 08

The post SAP finalise l’acquisition d’Emarsys appeared first on SAP France News.

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BitCoin is basically a digital ledger system, allowing for keeping transactions based upon cryptographic signatures in a decentralised database, ensuring the transaction was initiated by the person owning the private key. From a philosophical point of view, it’s simply authentication and authorisation based upon a private asymmetric key, period! What if I told you the same idea could easily be transferred to code in general. As in, keeping a ledger of invocations towards some HTTP endpoint, where the client decides what code the server should execute? The obvious example can be found below.

Plain Text





You’d have to be pretty stupid to not see the use case for the above snippet, especially considering it’s arguably (probably) the foundation of Revolut, a FinTech company, threatening to driver every single European bank out of business these days.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

When it comes to compliance, website developers need to keep their eyes on more than just ADA regulations and Section 508. Privacy laws are a big consideration and decisions on how to build privacy into a website start with architects. 

And that’s exactly what website developers (and designers!) are. They build up attractive, functional websites and apps for their clients. Yes, they work closely with clients, copywriters, vendors, and other professionals to get the job done, but the developers are the ones who put it all together. 

That’s why it’s critical that website developers are well-versed in marketing privacy laws — these regulations directly impact the end results of their work. But how does a website architect create a digital platform that honors both user privacy and the needs of their clients? 

What Privacy Laws Are Important For Web Developers?

The two biggest privacy laws that web developers need to keep tabs on are the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Each law has its own unique scope and provisions, but they both shifted the landscape in defining an individual’s rights to their personal data and set mechanisms for how these rights would be protected and enforced.

Each regulation also carries with it fines, fees, and legal measures for non-compliance. These can be substantial. And if that’s not enough, there’s an ever-increasing consumer demand for websites that prioritize privacy and security. Consider these statistics:

  • 82% of Americans surveyed say they are concerned about the security of their online data
  • 79% of adults claim they are very or somewhat worried about how companies use the data they collect about them
  • 63% of Americans believe they understand very little or nothing at all about privacy laws and regulations that are intended to protect their data

How Can Developers Implement These Laws?

Privacy by Design is Critical for Websites

Under GDPR, web developers are required to adopt the Privacy by Design framework, which is a multi-point methodology intended to standardize data protection measures. 

Building privacy into websites shouldn’t happen at the end stages. It should start with how the websites are conceptualized in the first place. Here are points to prioritize:

  • Minimize that data you’re collecting and pseudonymize it to protect data privacy
  • Are you capturing consent? How? Where?
  • Integrating security measures to protect data — anytime you capture data or implement a third party product, a security risk is born.
  • Knowing where you’re introducing privacy and data sharing notices
  • Implement just-in-time notices to provide consumers transparency and build trust 
  • Giving your users the opportunity to manage their personal data

Let’s look at these a little more closely…

Data Minimization is the Goal

Data minimization is an important principle embedded in GDPR. Data minimization itself is a pretty straightforward concept: organizations should limit how much personal data they collect and only process the information necessary to accomplish their business purposes. Once the data is no longer useful, it should be deleted. 

For web developers, this means several things. When it comes to building websites, forms, cookies, and other methods should only ask for essential information. For example, if you are creating a pop-up to collect email addresses, don’t ask for their location unless it’s relevant to the email list and better serving their needs.

How and Where Do You Introduce Privacy Policies and Notices?

Let’s say you take data minimization seriously. That’s great! Now you need to put those data collection practices into words and share them with your customers. 

Privacy policies and notices are a big part of both GDPR and CCPA. Both the CCPA and the GDPR mandate that your privacy policy detail why you’re collecting information and how it will be used, as well as what the individual’s rights are and how they can exercise them. 

CCPA takes a slightly different angle, requiring privacy policies to disclose if the business sells personal data and what third parties have access to the data. CCPA also dictates that privacy policies and notices are current, updated at least annually.  (Nota bene: GDPR also asks for updated privacy documents, but doesn’t specify frequency.) 

How does this translate from policy into web development?

  • If you’re collecting data to improve user experience, allow for targeted ads, or sharing information with third-parties, this information will need to be included in a privacy notice. Remember, CCPA works with a broad definition of selling data, so you may need to account for a “Do Not Sell” link on your home page. 
  • Considering using data beyond these purposes? Plan to obtain explicit user consent for each additional purpose.
  • What’s your plan for the data after the user gives it to you? Where is it stored? Who has access to it? How long are you keeping it? These are all questions that a website developer should consider, and that needs to go into a privacy notice. 

Just-in-Time Notices for Transparency and Trust

Part of Privacy by Design is the use of individual components of your website to create transparency and support compliance. From a development and design perspective, this means you should always be looking for ways to communicate the hows and whys of data collection. 

Yes, your privacy policies and notices aid in this, but going beyond these pieces is important. Customers recognize when businesses go the extra mile for them, after all. 

So consider implementing just-in-time notices at points where users enter their information. These notices are a chance to share your data collection practices with your users. It’s transparent! It’s open! It aids in consumer awareness! 

Keep Users in the Loop

Want to win over your customers? Make it as easy as possible for them to manage their personal data and how it’s being used. This starts with making sure they are aware of why you’re requesting their information and how you’re planning on using it for the website. You should also:

  • Get user consent — clear and unambiguous user consent — prior to gathering any data at all. This includes cookies.  
  • Don’t pre-tick boxes for consent. Just don’t. (It’s bad practice AND it’s against GDPR.)
  • Link to all legal documents on the site. Users should be required to agree to them before using the service. 
  • Want to send marketing communications like email newsletters to your customers? Make sure they agree to this. Expressly. 

One helpful tool for keeping users in the loop is a marketing preference center. A marketing preference center allows users easy access to their information. From there, they can manage, edit, and delete their information at their discretion.  

Bonus? A marketing preference center is an excellent point at which to communicate a business’ commitment to privacy. While users will pick up this through all the discrete elements of privacy on your website, putting it all into one hub that also allows users control over their data really reinforces this message. 

Remember, it’s not just on the consumer to manage their data. Web developers should commit to managing the data in their systems. This means they should:  

  • Maintain accurate and clean records of users’ data consent preferences
  • Send regular reminders to users to update their personal information in your system
  • If a user deletes their account, promptly delete all of their personal information  
  • If your client goes out of business or is sold, they should delete all personal information in their system

Make it User Friendly

A final point: making your websites user friendly is important regardless of privacy compliance. Users expect websites that don’t make them think deeply about, or worry about, their privacy. Make it accessible and easy. Don’t make people figure it out on their own.

Give them value for sharing their data

Your users don’t have to share their data. They’re choosing to. So in exchange for their personal information, make sure you’re using it to provide a user-friendly website. Offer them a secure, enjoyable experience.  

But don’t ask for more than you need

Let’s loop back around to this point again. While consumer data can help you build a better website, don’t plan your websites around it and don’t demand data to create a good experience. 

Usability, web design, and website security; all of these things benefit from consumer data. But privacy laws should always guide how any personal data is collected and used, and respect for consumers’ individual rights, and honoring their privacy should be top-of-mind for web developers. 


Featured image via Pexels.


Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

The world of search engine optimization was born with all sorts of different hacks and shortcuts that many people use in an effort to grow their business.

Knowing effective SEO tricks would be incredibly profitable, but unfortunately it’s not that easy

This becomes evident as soon as you do a Google search about anything SEO-related, only to find pages and more pages replete with blog posts and videos disclosing all the tips and tricks you “need to know” in order to achieve the best SEO results, in the fastest way possible.

Knowing effective SEO tricks would be incredibly profitable, but unfortunately it’s not that easy.

In its essence, SEO isn’t about hacks, shortcuts, and hidden optimizations, but rather about resource allocation. Keep reading to learn why!

Be Careful About Over-Reliance on Hacks

Before we start talking about resources, it’s important to understand why the quick and easy SEO hacks we’ve all read about online aren’t as reliable as they might seem.

The reality is that yes, there are some traditional hacks and optimization tactics that many people swear by. However, SEO has become way too competitive for these hacks to still work.

Think about it: anyone can learn about these hacks and shortcuts in a matter of seconds, which means that anyone can use them, which means that they’re not going to help your website stand out. By way of example, when thinking about keyword usage, many websites simply decide to put them everywhere on their website, without actually planning and strategizing. Perhaps years ago, doing so would lead to excellent results, but that’s not the case anymore.

What I want to go over, and what I mean with this article, is that when developing your SEO plan, you should think less about hacks, and try to focus on strategy and resources instead.

As tempting as they might be, most SEO hacks won’t really go that far.

What does go far are those strategies and resource allocation decisions, which you can master as long as you know three things:

  • Who your competitors are;
  • What you have;
  • and What strengths you can double down on.

Base Your SEO Strategies on Your Business’s Resources

So, SEO is about resource allocation – we know that now…but what exactly does that mean?

Well, this logic is based on something you might have heard of before, and that is the three pillars of SEO.

As a refresher, everything in SEO revolves around three pillars:

  • Link building and referring domains;
  • Content development and content marketing;
  • Technical SEO.

Many businesses have a limited digital marketing budget and, as if that wasn’t enough, their SEO budget tends to be even more restricted.

This means that we can’t try every hack out there or do every campaign we can come up with, hoping it will lead to positive results. On the contrary, it means we need to be methodical and understand which strategies have the most potential and are actually worth exploring.

In summary, there’s one big challenge that every SEO team and company experiences, and that is the limitation of resources versus possible operations, and that leads us to a question: what mix of SEO pillars will give us a good shot at ranking high and surpassing our competitors?

Develop Your SEO Strategies Based on Your Inherent Strengths

The mistake that a lot of business owners make after reading SEO articles or hearing about amazing case studies is that they try and copy the strategies they learned about, from beginning to end.

However, contextually, each case study or article could refer to a strategy that was specifically optimized for a different type of business.

So, although copying what other successful businesses can work in certain situations when speaking about SEO, it’s best to borrow ideas and use the ones that fit your inherent strengths.

Based on the pillars of SEO that we discussed earlier, there are three strong points that a company can have:

If You Have a Strong Network…

Some businesses don’t have the resources to create an in-house content development team or outsource writing services.

However, they have another strong suit, which lies in their ability to go out into their community, speak, and be heard. They can do this because they have built a strong network over the years and, in cases like this, what we often do is use a backlinking approach.

When working with businesses that have a strong community presence, go out and double down on their network. Pitch their relevant contacts for guest speakership and guest posts, building thought leadership, while also driving links to their website.

If You’re Not That Popular But Are Good With Words…

Right now, some of you might be thinking: “Yeah, well, that’s easy when you’ve built the exposure, but not all of us are lucky enough to be well-known”.

Listen, I get it, we’ve all been in that position.

For clients and businesses that feel like they don’t have the brand equity or exposure to develop a strong backlinking strategy, opt for another route, and invest much more on content (and/or technical SEO, see below).

If the client has a team who’s ready to put its head down and get to work, then focus on producing a lot of content for their website.

Ultimately, the goal is to build a content library that is thorough and expansive, and that provides the client with more opportunities for keyword rankings, while also reinforcing the relevance of their website for those specific SEO keywords.

If Technical Knowledge is Your Forte…

You may not like (or have time) to write and you may not have a strong community presence, but if you have advanced technical skills and the ability to create a strong website quickly, then there’s another approach you can take.

This leads us into the third pillar of SEO: technical SEO.

This solution is indicated for technical teams that can create large websites, databases and user experiences in no time, and it is typically adopted by tech startups that are trying to create an app that provides user value.

First and foremost, winning at technical SEO requires strong technical skills that will allow you to build the web assets that you need, but that’s not all. It also requires you to understand how you can double down on these skills and manage large websites in the rather complex Google ecosystem.

So you need, for example, to know how you can get Google to notice and properly index the new pages you create on your website, even if you already have 100,000 pre-existing pages.

Or to ensure that each of your new pages is properly optimized for the best keywords.

Needless to say, using technical SEO does become a complex operation. However, when done right, it can lead your SEO to grow by sheer size, with the hopes that certain relevant keywords will start to rank for your business naturally.

Conclusion: Your Strategy Will Probably Be a Combination of the Three Pillars

When it comes to SEO, honing in on your strengths and accepting the fact that you can’t do everything is definitely the way to go.

When you’re running an SEO campaign, you should always focus on what you’re good at, know your resources, and augment what you already master – and that will put you in the right direction.

By focusing your resources on any of the pillars of SEO (or even a mix of them), you substantially increase your chances of achieving long-term success, which will not happen if you go for hacks and shortcuts instead.

A long-term, highly-organized, resource-allocated SEO strategy won’t only guarantee continuous success, but it can ultimately become self-sustaining, meaning that it will allow you to keep growing and growing, becoming an organic part of your marketing plan.

I’ve seen a lot of people try SEO hacks for two weeks, only to realize that they didn’t work and that their efforts had been in vain. 

It’s unfortunate because by doing so, you’re turning your back on a marketing channel that is very valuable to a lot of people, and these hacks trick people into thinking it’ll be overnight.

So remember, resource allocation over hacks and shortcuts!


Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot