
Web design is chock-full of acronyms like WWW (World Wide Web), and HTML (HyperText Markup Language). But how many of the terms we use every day do you actually know?

Take our fun quiz and see how many you know (or can guess)!

Featured image via Pexels.


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We tend not to think about it, but the Internet has a physical dimension. It’s a complex network of wires, cables, servers, and technical odds and ends — if you really want to, you can track it down; doing so is particularly easy on small islands because there tends to be a single cable tethering the region to the wider world.

Those physical cables run all the way to your building, and although an ISP manages them, they are normally rented from public bodies as part of your national infrastructure.

Beyond the physical, international bodies govern protocols like ARP, IEEE, HTTP, NTP, FTP, and others, which control how data is transmitted through the network and keep everything playing nice.

Then, at the other end of the equation, there’s your device. It may be a phone, a tablet, a notebook, a desktop. It’s probably several of these. And because it’s your device, everything on it feels like yours. We tend to think of it as our method of accessing the Internet instead of being part of the Internet — in reality, it’s both.

On your device, the software you use to access the Internet is your browser. For 65% of people, that’s Chrome. Even if you’re reading this on Edge, it’s created with the Blink engine, an extension of Chromium, which is the basis for Chrome. In fact, almost every browser is built using a variation of Chromium, except those on Apple devices that require Apple’s own WebKit to be used instead.

Chromium is ostensibly open-source. WebKit is not, but both are geared towards their primary contributors’ business goals; neither Chromium nor WebKit will make a change that negatively impacts Alphabet or Apple.

Your browser is just a copy of a pre-compiled set of source files sat in a Git repo somewhere. You may have installed a few plugins in your browser. You may have bookmarked a few pages. You’ve probably moved it to your dock or your home screen. Those features are just nice add-ons for the GUI; what really matters is what decisions are made about how to render web technologies.

Imagine a world in which every single car used the same mid-range Ford engine. Add in a stereo, and paint it any color you like, you can even pick your own tires, but under the hood, it has to be that mid-range Ford engine. And the only justification is that it’s too much work to create an alternative.

The 2020s are going to be a time of enormous change. You can smell the panic in traditional banking sectors every time Cryptocurrency is mentioned. Real estate billionaires are desperately trying to get us back into offices we don’t want to return to. And yes, I’m sorry, but the climate crisis is looming, and it will force our hand. The values of a whole generation have been rapidly reassessed. Innovation and the potential for innovation are rife, except, ironically, on the Internet, where we’re still chugging away with the mid-range Ford engine under the hood.

The web has reached the point at which the browser engines we choose define real-world infrastructure. There’s a fork in the road: either browser engines are part of an infrastructure that should be rationalized into a single browser protocol, or alternative browser engines need to be nurtured, encouraged, and accessible by choice.

Featured image via Pexels.


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A domain name is an essential element of every project, product, and company. It’s central to a brand and has a disproportionately large impact on user experience. Not only that, but it also impacts SEO and ultimately revenue.

Domain names are also one of the most commonly retailed elements in web technology, with most designers hoarding a small empire’s worth of domain names “just in case” the right side-project comes along.

Because so much of the information and advice on domain names is provided by companies selling domain names and is therefore not impartial, we wanted to bust some of the myths you’ll encounter.

Myth 1: Anyone Can Own a Domain Name

In fact, almost no one can own a domain name. As demonstrated by the (probably) annual renewal notices you receive, you are merely renting a domain name.

You pay a registrar, who registers the domain with ICANN (The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) — or an entity to whom ICANN has delegated the responsibility for a particular TLD.

Even when renting a domain, you do not have the right to use it; thousands of UK-based businesses have had .eu domains stripped from them as a result of being removed from the EU.

Myth 2: There’s a Perfect Domain For Every Project

Domains do not have inherent value; they acquire value over time.

25 years ago, if you were building a search engine, the ‘perfect’ domain might have been,, or perhaps — the particularly cynical might have opted for You almost certainly wouldn’t have registered because it says nothing about search.

Any domain name can acquire value through longevity, SEO, and branding acquired its value through a simple, relentless branding strategy and a generous dollop of luck.

Any domain name can acquire value through longevity, SEO, and branding.

Myth 3: Your Domain Name Should Contain Keywords

If you’re at the point of registering a domain name, either your business is new, or your digital strategy is. In either case, you have hopefully carried out keyword research, but without a live site, your keyword research hasn’t been validated. In other words, you don’t know what your keywords are.

Even if you’re confident that you know exactly what your keywords should be at this time, your keywords may change. The pandemic has required most businesses to pivot to some degree. isn’t much use if legal restrictions have forced you to switch to a delivery business — unless you’ve also registered

Furthermore, in the area of ecommerce, customers tend to view keyword-heavy domain names as budget options because they are like generic-brand goods. It may be that your business will only ever be a budget option, but it’s not a wise business decision to restrict your options.

There is an SEO benefit to keywords in a domain, but it is minimal and will almost certainly vanish in the next few years — even for EMD (Exact Match Domains) — because it is too close to gaming the system.

Myth 4: You Don’t Need a .com

As frustrating as it may be to seek out a .com you’re happy with, nothing says “late to the party” like a .biz domain.

A .co extension is slightly better in some regions because the .co.** format is commonly used; for example. However, .co tends to be typed as .com by users accustomed to the more common format.

nothing says “late to the party” like a .biz domain

It’s possible to opt for pun-based names using regionally specific TLDs like, or This kind of strategy will play havoc with your local search strategy because computers don’t understand puns; you’ll potentially do quite well in Italy or India, though.

If you’re registering a domain for a non-profit, then .org is perfectly acceptable. However, carefully consider whether a domain is worth the lost traffic if you can’t also register the .com (because people will type .com).

The one exception is industry-specific TLDs that communicate something about the domain’s contents to a target demographic. For example, .design is a great extension for designers, and .io is fine for an app if it targets developers (i.e., people who understand the joke). You should also register the .com if you can, and if you can’t, carefully consider whom you’re likely to be competing with for SERPs.

This is not to say that anything other than a .com is worthless, just worth less than the .com.

Myth 5: A Trademark Entitles You to Register a Domain

Trademark registration and domain registration are two entirely different processes, and one does not entitle you to the other. This has been legally challenged a few times and fails far more often than it succeeds.

Trademarks are rarely blanket registrations, which means the trademark owner needs to declare the industry in which it will operate; there was no enmity between Apple Inc. and Apple Corp Ltd. until the former moved into music publishing and no one could download the White Album onto their iPod.

There is, however, a limited value in registering a domain that has been trademarked elsewhere. Not least because you will be competing against their SEO, and if they’re big enough to trademark a name, they’ve probably grabbed the .com.

Myth 6: Premium Domains Are a Good Investment

Premium domains are domains that have been speculatively registered in the hope of attracting a huge resale fee. The process is commonly referred to as ‘domain squatting.’

Domain squatters bulk-register domains in the hope that one of them will be valuable to someone. As a result, they are forced to charge exorbitant fees to cover their losses; a premium domain will cost anything from 1000–100,000% of the actual registration cost.

Setting aside the cost — which would be better spent on marketing — premium domains often come with legacy issues, such as a troubled search engine history, that you do not want to inherit.

Myth 7: A Matching Handle Must be Available on Social Media

The business value of a social media account varies from company to company and from platform to platform. Even if it is valuable to you, numerous marketing strategies will accommodate a domain name: prepending with ‘use,’ or ‘get,’ or appending with ‘hq,’ for example.

More importantly, it’s unwise to allow a third-party to define your long-term brand identity; sure, Facebook is huge now, but then so was the T-Rex.

Myth 8: You Need a Domain Name

A domain name is an alias, nothing more. You don’t actually need a domain name — what you need is an IP address, which a domain name makes human-friendly.

Think of domain names as an accessibility issue; humans are less able to read IP addresses than computers, and domains bridge the gap. (See how helpful accessibility is?)

While a domain name is beneficial, question whether a sub-domain or even an IP address would do. Registering a domain is an exciting stage of a project that many people never get past, leaving themselves with a huge collection of domains that they pay an annual fee for, and never actually develop.

What Makes a Good Domain Name

Now we’ve dispelled some of the myths surrounding domain names, let’s look at the key characteristics shared by good domain names:

A Good Domain Name is Brandable

A brandable domain is non-generic. It’s the difference between a sticky-plaster and a band-aid. Unique is good, rare is acceptable, generic is a waste of money.

A Good Domain Name is Flexible

Keep it flexible. Don’t tie yourself to one market or one demographic. Your domain name needs to work now and fifty years in the future.

A Good Domain Name is Musical

Six to 12 characters and two to three syllables is the sweet spot. Names in that range have a musical rhythm our brains find it easier to retain and recall.

A Good Domain Name is Phonetic

There are 44 word sounds in the English language. Other languages have similar totals. If you use a domain name that is pronounced phonetically, it will be easy to communicate.


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Levallois – 8 mars 2021 – SAP annonce son intention de parvenir à la neutralité carbone de ses activités d’ici la fin 2023, soit deux ans plus tôt que prévu. Cette annonce coïncide avec la publication du rapport intégré 2020 de SAP. L’année dernière, l’entreprise a plus qu’atteint son objectif de réduction d’émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) avec la mise en place de nouvelles façons de travailler et de voyager des 100 000 collaborateurs SAP, engendrées par la pandémie de la COVID-19.

La forte diminution des vols d’affaires a contribué de manière significative à la réduction de l’empreinte carbone de SAP en 2020. Les employés travaillant principalement à domicile, les émissions de carbone causées par les trajets quotidiens et l’exploitation des immeubles de bureaux ont diminué. En conséquence, SAP a pu dépasser de 43% son objectif de réduction des émissions nettes de carbone sur l’année 2020, en générant 135 kilotonnes (kt) au lieu des 238 kt prévues. À titre de comparaison, les émissions de SAP en 2019 étaient de 300 kt. En accélérant la mise en place d’opérations neutres en carbone, SAP anticipe l’évolution actuelle et confirme son rôle de pionnier dans la protection du climat.

En s’efforçant de devenir neutre en carbone, SAP prend en compte toutes ses émissions directes et indirectes, ainsi que certaines émissions provenant de la chaîne d’approvisionnement, notamment celles liées aux vols d’affaires, aux voyages d’affaires en voiture de location et aux datacenters de sociétés partenaires. L’entreprise utilise l’approche consistant à éviter, réduire et compenser les émissions. Dans la mesure du possible, SAP cherche à éviter la création de GES par diverses pratiques commerciales, telles que l’utilisation des technologies de télécommunication plutôt que les déplacements. Si les émissions ne peuvent être évitées, SAP exploite des innovations, telles que l’éclairage à faible consommation d’énergie dans les bureaux, les systèmes de refroidissement efficaces dans les datacenters et les solutions de mobilité alternatives. Enfin, SAP compense les émissions inévitables en soutenant des projets climatiques et en travaillant avec des partenaires qui respectent la norme de qualité avancée par la Fondation Gold Standard ou des normes de qualité équivalentes. En outre, SAP mène continuellement de nouvelles initiatives d’entreprise, comme l’application d’un tarif interne carbone sur les vols d’affaires.

Depuis 2017, SAP poursuit également un objectif climatique certifié par l’initiative Science Based Targets (SBTi) pour apporter sa propre contribution à la limitation du réchauffement climatique à 1,5°C au-dessus des niveaux préindustriels. Si son objectif « zéro carbone » s’applique principalement à ses propres activités, l’objectif climatique de SAP englobe également la chaîne de valeur en amont et en aval. Depuis 2014, SAP utilise 100% d’énergie renouvelable pour alimenter tous ses data centers. Grâce à son cloud vert, SAP peut proposer à ses clients des solutions de cloud computing neutres en carbone.

SAP apporte son soutien aux objectifs de développement durable fixés en 2015 par les Etats membres des Nations unies, en se concentrant particulièrement sur l’objectif 13, Action pour le climat. Ici, la plus grande force de SAP réside dans sa capacité à aider ses plus de 400 000 clients dans le monde à mettre en œuvre des mesures de protection du climat grâce à des offres telles que le programme Climate 21. Avec ses clients et partenaires, SAP fournira plus d’informations sur les solutions dans ce contexte ainsi que sur l’économie circulaire, le pilotage holistique et le reporting lors du SAP Sustainability Summit qui se tiendra virtuellement les 28 et 29 avril 2021.

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Paris, le 8 mars 2021​Le Village by CA Paris​, accélérateur de startups qui accompagne les grands groupes/ETI vers le futur de leurs industries, annonce la sélection de 6 startups pour la nouvelle promotion Femmes Entrepreneures lancée en partenariat avec ​Microsoft France via son programme ​Microsoft For Startups et ​SAP via son programme ​SAP.iO No Boundaries​. Elles ont passé avec succès le comité de sélection soutenues par quatre réseaux féminins : ​Femmes Business Angels​, ​Professional Women’s Network Paris​, ​#JamaisSansElles​ et ​Willa​.

6 startups lauréates

Le comité de sélection composé des partenaires du Village by CA Paris dont Stelllantis, Naval Group, Crédit Agricole Assurances, SAP, Microsoft… ont sélectionné les startups suivantes :

– Dolipharm

Dolipharm ​permet aux entreprises d’aller plus loin dans les domaines de la prévention des services de santé au travail. Elle développe une offre pour permettre aux salariés de

bénéficier du conseil du pharmacien, de la livraison de médicaments et des produits de parapharmacie, et des services associés, le tout sans quitter l’entreprise.

– Tarmac Technologies

Tarmac Technologies ​développe une plateforme permettant aux acteurs des opérations aériennes de collaborer et d’échanger leurs informations afin d’augmenter leurs performances opérationnelles et de repartir à l’heure et en toute sécurité.

– Refyld

Refyld​, développe des produits de soin, d’hygiène, d’entretien et d’alimentaire, sains et naturels, fabriqués en France, rechargeables à l’infini et vendus à prix coûtant grâce à une simple adhésion annuelle.

– Hkind

Hkind est une solution digitale qui facilite l’échange d’initiatives, de solutions et de bonnes pratiques entre celles et ceux qui font la santé d’aujourd’hui et de demain.

– Sweet Show

Sweet Show est une solution SAAS à destination des équipes Sales et Marketing BtoB, qui permet d’assurer le déploiement des offres tout en diminuant le temps perdu en tâches de Back Office et en garantissant une expérience client différenciante grâce à la data générée à chaque étape du cycle de vente.

3DIMO ​est une solution utilisant les nouvelles technologies connectées qui permet la

détection précoce des risques pour la santé chez les animaux d’élevage.

Un programme d’accompagnement global à la clé​
Les startups lauréates intégreront le Village by CA Paris pendant 2 ans (moyennant un loyer) et bénéficieront de programmes complémentaires délivrés par Microsoft et SAP.

Prochaine étape : ​La Pitch Party de présentation des startups lauréates se tiendra en septembre 2021.

« Nous sommes très heureux d’accueillir, au sein du Village By CA Paris, ces 6 startups créées ou co-crées par des femmes. Nous vous attendons en septembre prochain pour venir découvrir ces startups et ces femmes entrepreneures inspirantes. » déclare ​Fabrice Marsella, directeur du Village by CA Paris

« Félicitations aux 6 startups sélectionnées pour cette nouvelle édition de « Femmes Entrepreneures » ! A l’image de notre promotion Femmes de l’École IA Microsoft, nous sommes fiers de contribuer à des initiatives en faveur de la féminisation du secteur du numérique et d’accompagner leur croissance à l’international aux côtés de notre écosystème. » ​commente ​Agnès Van De Walle, Directrice de l’entité Partenaires et Startups de Microsoft France.

Quand on parle d’entrepreneuriat, on pense le plus souvent à des hommes. On manque de modèles féminins. Pourtant ils existent ! C’est tout l’objet de cette promotion : mettre à l’honneur les talents féminins qui dirigent de jeunes pousses prometteuses et les aider dans leur développement. Cette année, nous avons sélectionné des startups aux profils très variés. Leur point commun est bien sûr l’innovation mais pour beaucoup d’entre elles un impact positif.” ​explique ​Sébastien Gibier, Directeur SAP.iO Foundry Paris


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Looking for something new to get you excited about design work? This list is packed with all kinds of goodies to help you feel inspired and ready to work.

Here’s what new for designers this month.

Top Picks for March

Same Energy

Same Energy, in beta, is a visual search engine. You can search with a minimum number of words or an image. The website is designed to help you find art, photography, decoration ideas, and practically anything. It uses deep learning and algorithms to create images on the home page, and you can create feeds in the same manner. The coolest part of this tool is that it tries to match the visual and artistic style you ask for with image mood and objects.

SVG Repo

SVG Repo is a collection of more than 300,000 SVG vectors and icons that you can download and use in projects for free (even commercial use). The site has a powerful search tool to help you find the right image, and the platform is designed so that you can contribute.


Penpot is an open-source design and prototyping platform for cross-domain teams. It is a web-based tool that isn’t dependent on any operating system and works with open web standards. It’s designed to be zippy and interactive so your team can work fast.


Directual is a no-code platform for building scalable apps using a visual interface. (Perfect for designers with less development experience.) It includes integrations with other popular tools and is free to use while figuring out how the app works and how you can make it fit your business goals.

HTML Boilerplates

HTML Boilerplates helps you start web projects by generating a custom HTML boilerplate that you can download. Just choose the elements you want to include and then copy and paste the code into your editor.

6 Productivity Boosters


Rows is a spreadsheet tool with built-in web integrations that’s made for team collaboration. It works with other tools you already use, such as Google Analytics, Twitter, LinkedIn, Mailchimp, and so many others. Without scripts, you can use it to automate workflows, analyze data, share dashboards, and build forms and tools that make work simpler.

Form.Taxi is a premium web-based form tool. You can create web forms without code or programming and connect them to your website. The tool then stores information, filters for spam, and notifies you of form submissions.


Verbz is a voice productivity app that allows you to create notes, assign tasks, make announcements, run standups, or chat. Talk or type, listen or read. It works as your own voice assistant for teams. It’s available in Beta from the App Store, and there’s a waitlist for Android users.


Flameshot is a tool for grabbing screenshots. It has a customizable appearance, is easy to use, and lets you draw and edit screenshots as you work.


Kitemaker is a collaboration tool for development processes. It can help you keep track of everything from tools such as Slack, Discord, Figma, and Github in one place. It helps you structure projects and keep discussions about work moving forward in one place.

This Code Works

This Code Works is a place to save code snippets that work for when you need them again. You can group and organize snippets and share with others. You might think of it as the “Pinterest of code.”

3 Icons and User Interface Elements

Sensa Emoji

Sensa Emoji is a collection of common emoji icons that you can use in your materials. Every element is fully vector and free to use.

Google Fonts Icons

Google Fonts now supports icons, starting with Material Icons. Choose between outlined, filled, rounded, sharp, or two-tone options in the open-source library.

Toolbox Neumorphism Generator

Toolbox Neumorphism Generator is a design tool that helps developers to generate CSS in the soft UI /neomorphism style for the elements with real-time output.

3 Tutorials and Demos

An Interactive Guide to CSS Transitions

An Interactive Guide to CSS Transitions explains everything you need to know about this great animation tool for website designers. This tutorial digs in with code and examples to help you create more polished animations and is designed for anyone from beginners to experienced designers with some pro tips throughout.

About Us Pop-Out Effect

The About Us Pop-Out Effect adds a special element to any team or contact page with a nifty pop animation. Each person seems to lift out of the circle frame in this pen by Mikael Ainalem.

Interactive Particles Text Create with Three.js

Interactive Particles Text Create with Three.js is a web element you could play with all day. Text shifts into particles and follows mouse movement in a fluid motion in the pen by Ricardo Sanprieto.

10 Fresh Fonts and Text Tools

Bitmap Fonts

Bitmap Fonts is a collection of various bitmap typefaces all pulled and stored in a single location. This is the perfect solution if you are looking for a bitmap option.

Uniwidth Typefaces

Uniwidth Typefaces for Interface Design is another collection of fonts for a specific purpose – here universal widths for interface design. Uniwidth fonts are proportionally-spaced typefaces where every character occupies the same space across different cuts or weights. This is both a tutorial on the type style as well as font collection.

Bubble Lemon

Bubble Lemon is a typeface for projects with a childlike feel. With an outline and regular style, the thick bubble letters look like some of the sketches you may have done in grade school.

Core Font

Core Font is an open-source project with a funky and modern style. It has a full upper- and lower-case character set, numerals, and a few punctuation marks.


GHEA Aram is a superfamily with a Central European flair, according to the type designer. The premium typeface includes everything from light to black italic and even some Armenian ligatures.

Make Wonderful Moments Duo

Make Wonderful Moments Duo is a script and sans serif font pair with a lighthearted feel and highly readable character set. The regular (sans serif) only has uppercase characters.


Ribheud is a slab-style display font with a heavy look and strong presence. What makes it interesting is the left-outline/shadow on each character.

Rose Knight

Rose Knight has an old-style feel that can take on multiple moods, depending on supporting design elements. All of the characters are uppercase with alternates. It could make a fun branding option.

The Glester

The Glester is a beautiful premium typeface in a calligraphic style. The most interesting element of this typeface is all of the extra decorations that allow you to change individual characters (380 glyph alternates).


Velatus is a vintage-style typeface with plenty of swashes and flourishes that make it unique. It comes with 157 characters and 96 glyphs.


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Everyday design fans submit incredible industry stories to our sister-site, Webdesigner News. Our colleagues sift through it, selecting the very best stories from the design, UX, tech, and development worlds and posting them live on the site.

The best way to keep up with the most important stories for web professionals is to subscribe to Webdesigner News or check out the site regularly. However, in case you missed a day this week, here’s a handy compilation of the top curated stories from the last seven days. Enjoy!

3 Essential Design Trends, March 2021

Top 10 Web Development Frameworks

By Design Podcast

Remain Calm: the Fox is Still in the Firefox Logo

Google Fonts & Material Icons

Is Google Locking Down Chrome?

A Short Guide to Dashboard UI Design

Behind Branding: Is That Pringles?

The Art of the Desk Setup

How to Conduct a Design Sprint and Increase Your Tech ROI

datablocks – A Node Based Editor for Working with Data

Elevation Scale


10 Side‑Project Ideas to Supercharge Your Creativity


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The constituent parts of a typeface design have some bizarre names. Any ideas what a beak might be? How about a crotch? Take our fun quiz and find out how well you know typeface anatomy.

Featured image via Unsplash.


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Advertising knows you better than your friends, better than your family, perhaps even better than your partner.

Look up pizza recipes, and advertising will show you promotions for pizza ovens. Download a marathon training plan, and advertising will show you the latest running shoes. Buy a car, and advertising will show you adverts for other cars because no system’s perfect.

Advertising does this with a simple trick: it watches you constantly. It’s watching you right now. The web is one giant machine for making money, and you’re the fuel.

On the one hand, advertising’s insidious invasion of our privacy is enough to make you paranoid; on the other hand, I really love my pizza oven.

The largest facilitator of advertising on the web is Google Ads — reportedly worth $134.8 billion per annum; it’s Alphabet Inc’s primary source of revenue.

Last year, Google Ads announced that it would be ending its reliance on third-party cookies for delivering targeted advertising as part of a wider industry trend towards greater privacy protection for individuals. This week, we received more details confirming that Google Ads will not replace third-party cookies with comparable tracking technology.

Google Ads intends to maintain relevant advertising, without user tracking, by anonymizing your identity within a crowd. The technical term is a Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC), essentially Asimov’s Psychohistory, in capitalist form, some 45,000 years before Hari Seldon is due to be born.

In simplistic terms, someone who buys a pair of running shoes can reasonably be expected to be interested in GPS watches. The complexity arises when grouping becomes more complex: people who watch Netflix on a Tuesday evening purchase a particular soup brand and read the Washington Post, for example. The system requires billions of groupings that are too complex to express in English. And yet Google claims to already be making some progress.

As with any fledgling technology, the implications of its widespread adoption are unclear. FLoC is Chrome-based, so there’s the looming specter of a monopoly. Then there’s the issue of how groups are built; does Google need individual tracking to generate crowds of individuals? It’s unclear, but what is clear is that if Google succeeds — and it’s likely that it will — other networks will have no choice but to follow suit. It seems inevitable that there will be a wide-ranging impact across not just advertising but analytics and marketing as a whole.

The back door that’s being held open is one-to-one relationships. If you visit a site, that site can attempt to entice you back with targeted advertising. This means the next few years will see a growth in the number of companies developing ongoing relationships in the form of newsletters and memberships.

How ever it plays out, a fundamental change to the system that funds most of the web is certain to have a long-term impact on day-to-day user experience.


Featured image via Pexels.


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Stock images are an essential tool for anyone working with clients who can’t afford to hire a photographer for a bespoke shoot, and with the cost of photography shoots running into thousands of dollars, that’s most clients.

Last month we looked at the 10 Best Free Stock Image Sites for 2021, and this month we’re focusing on the premium end of the market.

Paying for stock doesn’t guarantee that you’re getting a higher quality product than the free alternative, but the higher quality product is rarely free.

Ultimately, the right image is the right image, regardless of price. These are the best places to start your search in 2021.

1. Stocksy

Stocksy is a tremendous site with a slight edge to its imagery. There’s a certain cool vibe to the images featured on Stocksy. If you’re looking for a stock image that doesn’t look like a stock image, this is a great place to begin. Its prices range from around $15 for a small web image to $1000s for the image’s exclusive use.

2. EyeEm

EyeEm is a great source of editorial-style images. It has some excellent categories that are geared towards finding images instead of categorizing the collection. Pricing starts at $35 per image, with discounts for image packs. EyeEm has recently introduced the option to book a photoshoot — for clients ready to pay for custom images.

3. Getty Images

It’s impossible to make a list of stock image sites without including Getty Images. The stock behemoth not only has one of the largest collections of stock images but owns several subsidiaries. Loved by news media for its comprehensive coverage, if you’re looking for a particular stock image, try Getty. Getty’s a mid-price supplier with prices for small images starting at around $75.

4. Death to Stock

Death to Stock is all about leveraging the stock industry to fund photographers. These are photographs that photography professionals admire; there’s no filler whatsoever. Subscriptions for creative professionals start from $33/month. There are 100+ new images added to the collection monthly, meaning it’s still small, but if you want something truly authentic, consider Death to Stock.

5. Cavan Images

Cavan’s focus is on building a broad range of photographers, which has produced an outstanding set of diverse images. The curated collections, which are more editorial than commercial, are powerful. Cavan also offers a great support service in case you need help tracking down a particular image. Prices vary but start from $50.

6. Offset & Shutterstock

Shutterstock is one of the best-known stock collections on the web, with over 300 million images. Offset is a subsidiary of the much larger Shutterstock; it’s a high-end version of Shutterstock, with slightly elevated prices to reflect the higher quality. Shutterstock prices start around $2.50/image, Offset’s start around $300; that’s the price you pay for having someone pre-vet your options.

7. Westend61

Westend61 has a smaller collection, but its images are all consistently high quality. Westend61 is particularly useful for designing banner images because the images are very commercial, with authentic-looking people and lots of eye contact. Prices per image start at approximately $25.

8. iStock

iStock was originally independent but was bought by Getty. iStock offers both credit, and subscription options starting around $2.50/image. Although you won’t find everything you’ll find on the larger Getty site, it’s worth checking to see if the image you want is here.


The post 8 Best Premium Stock Image Sites for 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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