
It’s Friday, and we wanted to have a little fun with a design test that might make you go cross-eyed.

Here are ten images, each with a dot in the middle of another shape — a square, a circle, or maybe something trickier. Can you tell with a glance if the dot is in the exact center of the shape? See how many you can get right; pathetically easy or fiendishly difficult? You decide!


The post Quiz: Can You Spot The Center Of These Shapes? first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Java and the JVM more generally are widely used for services everywhere, but often challenging to debug and manually test, particularly in complicated microservice architectures.

HTTP requests and responses are the core of interactions between these services, and with their external APIs, but they’re also often invisible and inaccessible. It’s hard to examine all outgoing requests, simulate unusual responses & errors in a running system, or mock dependencies during manual testing & prototyping.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

So, really, you’re in the business of designing websites for your clients’ audiences.

But how do you ensure you get it right? You could take what your client tells you at face value, but that’s only going to scrape the surface of who their audience is.

What you need to do is figure out how consumers think and why they respond to websites the way they do. A lot of this is already explained to us by psychology principles.

Once you memorize them, you’ll be able to design user journeys that get visitors to respond exactly as you and your client want them to.

15 Psychology Principles to Use in Web Design

We as humans think certain ways, and your design should cater to those underlying thought processes and natural responses.

Below are 15 psychology principles that’ll help you design better, more intuitive digital experiences for your end-users:

1. Aesthetics-Usability Effect

The Aesthetics-Usability Effect suggests that people equate more attractive interfaces with more usable ones. In other words, a good, modern, responsive design should always be your starting point.

2. Color Psychology

Color psychology tells us about color’s influence over how something is perceived. With color so strongly tied to emotion, you can do a lot to affect how visitors perceive a website and the brand behind it.

3. Psychology of Shapes

Just as a color has the ability to affect someone’s perception of a brand or the content they’re looking at, so too do individual shapes used within an interface. Each shape — circles, squares, triangles, hexagons, and polygons — has a unique psychological association.

4. Gestalt Principles

Gestalt Principles are a way for humans to make sense of chaotic data presented to them. So, rather than see a bunch of text, images, and space, the human brain recognizes patterns to simplify complexity.

About half a dozen principles are associated with this theory, and they’re related to factors like symmetry, similarity, and proximity.

5. Mere-Exposure Effect / Jakob’s Law

The Mere-Exposure Effect, or Familiarity Principle, suggests that people are more likely to prefer things that seem familiar.

Jakob’s Law applies this psychology specifically to the internet user experience. It suggests that users expect your website to work the same way as the other sites they spend their time on.

6. Von Restorff Effect

The Von Restorff Effect, or Isolation Effect, describes what happens when someone is exposed to identical stimuli, and then a unique element is introduced to the fold. It’s the outlier that will most effectively grab their attention.

7. Selective Disregard

Selective disregard is a type of “blindness” users develop to anything seemingly irrelevant to their main goal. This often occurs when a design or marketing trend grows stale — like websites that use the exact same cookie consent banner.

8. Hick’s Law

Hick’s Law states that the number of choices a person has to make will increase the amount of time it takes to make a decision.

This is a fundamental principle to pay attention to on ecommerce sites as you want to speed up the decision-making process, not slow it down.

9. Loss Aversion

Loss Aversion states that decision-making is more commonly driven by avoiding losses than acquiring gains.

If your website or the content within it gives visitors any reason not to trust it or feel confident in taking action, you’re more likely to see high abandonment rates than conversions.

10. Paradox of Choice

The Paradox of Choice is a response to the problem posited by Hick’s Law. It suggests that the reduction of choices makes consumers feel less anxious, which, in turn, increases confidence and satisfaction with purchases.

If your site suffers from high cart abandonment or product returns, the paradox of choice would be a useful principle to leverage.

11. Miller’s Law

Miller’s Law, also referred to as Cognitive Load Theory, has to do with memory capacity. On average, people can only have about seven items stored in their working memory at any given time.

This psychology principle encourages the reduction of options and the general reduction of content to improve focus and decision-making capabilities.

12. Feedback

Feedback is one of the principles of learning and plays a big part in interaction design.

Feedback is what designers use to tell people when they’ve made progress towards a goal or achieved it. You can also use it to teach visitors how a website will respond to their actions, which encourages faster and more confident engagements with your website.

13. Extrinsic Motivation

There are two types of motivation. Intrinsic motivation is an internal one, whereas extrinsic is external.

It’s Extrinsic Motivation that plays a role in getting users to complete more tasks online. As a designer, you have to make sure these kinds of “rewards” are obvious.

14. Social Proof

Not so much a psychological principle as it is a psychological phenomenon, Social Proof or Influence, suggests that people will copy the actions of the masses. It also refers to the assumption that the truth lies with the majority.

This is why customer reviews, client testimonials, and user-generated content have become so useful on websites.

15. Peak-End Rule

The Peak-End Rule states that people will judge an experience based on their very first and last impressions of it. This is somewhat related to the Serial Position Effect, whereby people will remember the first and last items in a group.

So, this is something to remember when you build out the top and bottom of each page as well as the start and expected end to the user journey.


Want to build better websites? Then, you need to design from the end users’ perspective.

The best place to start is with psychology principles, as they’ll tell you how most consumers think and what motivates them to respond. If you understand this inherent cause-and-effect relationship, you can design websites that elicit the right kind of response from your visitors.


The post 15 Psychology Principles Every Designer Should Know first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Clôture provisoire, clôture définitive, clôture légale, clôture de gestion ou clôture de groupe : pour répondre aux multiples attentes en matière de clôture comptable, dans le respect des délais, les services financiers du monde entier utilisent des outils logiciels. Afin d’optimiser la clôture financière, il faut une stratégie cohérente et bien menée pour la gestion des systèmes, individus et processus : des processus de comptabilité transactionnelle à la clôture d’entité, en passant par le reporting d’entreprise, financier et de gestion, ou encore les déclarations. Cela requiert une gouvernance robuste, de la centralisation des processus et contrôles de conformité jusqu’à la gestion des données de base. Et tout cela se fait maintenant à distance.

La transformation de la clôture financière ne se résume pas à un projet ponctuel : il s’agit d’un parcours continu et incrémental, et les gains perçus dès les premières étapes de ce processus d’amélioration peuvent être considérables. Cela se traduit par une réduction de la durée du cycle de clôture, des risques et des frais d’audit, mais aussi par un moindre recours aux ressources financières et comptables internes pour les activités de clôture.

En limitant les heures supplémentaires, l’amplitude des journées et le travail répétitif liés aux activités de clôture, les entreprises aux opérations de clôture financière optimisées seront mieux positionnées pour retenir et attirer des talents comptables hautement performants ou à fort potentiel, et ce dans un environnement où le service financier est amené à jouer un rôle de plus en plus stratégique.

Le processus de clôture financière comporte de nombreuses étapes et les domaines à améliorer ne manquent pas. Rejoignez-nous le 16 février pour le sommet virtuel Finance and Risk pour obtenir plus d’insights de la part de pairs et d’experts SAP.

Max Koebler, SAP, concernant l’amélioration du processus de clôture d’entité

Pour réaliser rapidement une clôture financière, il faut exécuter de multiples étapes de processus correctement, dans les délais et dans le bon ordre. Des lacunes en matière de communication peuvent entraîner des retards qui compromettent le respect des délais de clôture.

De nombreuses entreprises gèrent le processus à l’aide d’une liste de contrôle, généralement dans Excel. Chaque entité de l’entreprise doit clôturer ses comptes et cela implique de nombreuses étapes et souvent différentes personnes. Souvent, différentes parties de l’entreprise gèrent différents sous-ensembles de la clôture (partage par division ou par localisation géographique par exemple). Ainsi, de nombreuses listes de contrôle Excel sont utilisées pour gérer le processus. Comme pour la plupart des étapes du processus de clôture financière, ces activités manuelles sont propices aux erreurs et particulièrement chronophages. La gestion du processus de clôture d’entité peut clairement bénéficier d’une standardisation, d’une centralisation et d’une automatisation accrues.

Philip Aliband, SAP, concernant la rationalisation du reporting de groupe et du processus de consolidation

Les entreprises doivent effectuer une consolidation d’entreprise et un reporting de groupe précis et dans les temps. La consolidation financière au niveau groupe constitue une tâche critique, hautement complexe et risquée. Avec les multiples entités d’entreprise, systèmes ERP, réglementations comptables, devises et personnes impliqués, la consolidation peut constituer un véritable défi. De nombreuses entreprises travaillent dans un monde fait de silos de données, sources d’inefficacités, de temps perdu et de frustration. Par exemple, des systèmes isolés conduisent souvent à des enregistrements comptables incomplets, à des processus de rapprochement particulièrement longs et même à différentes versions de la réalité.

Une consolidation unifiée offre une solution efficace pour relever ces défis. Cette nouvelle approche combine clôture locale et clôture de groupe, pour offrir bien plus de rapidité, de précision et de transparence à l’échelle du groupe. L’accès direct aux données financières des entités du groupe élimine le besoin de recourir à différents outils de clôture indépendants. Les données de clôture locale et les ajustements requis se reflètent immédiatement dans les résultats du reporting de groupe, sans avoir à les transférer manuellement. Ainsi, le processus de clôture est considérablement accéléré, libérant par conséquent les membres des équipes comptables et financières, qui pourront mener des activités à plus forte valeur ajoutée et devenir de véritables conseillers de confiance dans l’entreprise.

Krzysztof Noster, de Stanley Black & Decker, concernant la centralisation du processus de clôture et l’automatisation des rapprochements de comptes

Stanley Black & Decker renforce l’efficacité et l’automatisation de ses processus de comptabilité, de conformité, de reporting et de traitement des transactions grâce à SAP S/4HANA pour une gestion financière centralisée. Non seulement l’entreprise gagne du temps pour des activités à plus forte valeur, mais elle réduit aussi le nombre d’erreurs. Elle centralise non seulement son reporting, mais aussi ses processus comptables. Avec SAP Account Substantiation and Automation par BlackLine, Stanley Black & Decker a pu standardiser et rationaliser ses processus de clôture, complétant et étendant ainsi les solutions financières SAP. Cette application cloud optimise les étapes essentielles tout au long du parcours et soutient des pratiques de comptabilité continue afin d’améliorer l’efficacité, la productivité et l’intégrité des données.

Pour toutes ces raisons, je vous encourage pleinement à participer au sommet virtuel SAP Finance and Risk 2021 !

The post Réinventez votre clôture financière au niveau entité et groupe appeared first on SAP France News.

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We’ve been big fans of Ghost since it first launched via a Kickstarter campaign way back in 2013. Ghost 4.0 has just been released, and the host of new features is another giant leap forward for the popular blogging platform.

The content management space is one of the most crowded for startups; there are traditional CMS, headless CMS, site builders, and the omnipresent WordPress, which, if current trends persist, will power 729% of the web by next Thursday.

Ghost is a blog-focused CMS, as WordPress is. Unlike WordPress, it’s minimal, fast, and a pleasure to use.

To survive in the competitive space, Ghost has niched-down to specializing in monetized content — charging membership for sites to bring in revenue for the site owner (Ghost doesn’t charge any commission on this income). As part of that effort, Ghost 4.0’s new engagement-centered dashboard is designed to help you fine-tune your content for profitability.

For any release right now, a dark mode is almost mandatory, and Ghost 4.0 includes it. It may sound like a vanity feature, but once you find yourself working late writing and editing content, your battery and your eyes will thank you for it.

Other notable features include a brand new theme store with professional templates that install with a single click and built-in email newsletters to help foster a sense of site-loyalty among your fanbase.

Ghost is one of the best writing experiences in its class and one of the best publishing experiences for individual creators. If you like publishing on Medium, but wish you had more ownership of your content, then you should give Ghost a try.

You can trial Ghost 4.0 free for 14 days; after that, plans start at $9/month.


The post Ghost 4.0 Released first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

Everyday design fans submit incredible industry stories to our sister-site, Webdesigner News. Our colleagues sift through it, selecting the very best stories from the design, UX, tech, and development worlds and posting them live on the site.

The best way to keep up with the most important stories for web professionals is to subscribe to Webdesigner News or check out the site regularly. However, in case you missed a day this week, here’s a handy compilation of the top curated stories from the last seven days. Enjoy!

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The post Popular Design News of the Week: March 8, 2021 – March 14, 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

Source de l’article sur Webdesignerdepot

Every month we feature a set of comics created exclusively for WDD.

The content revolves around web design, blogging and funny situations that we encounter in our daily lives as designers.

These great cartoons are created by Jerry King, an award-winning cartoonist who’s one of the most published, prolific and versatile cartoonists in the world today.

So for a few moments, take a break from your daily routine, have a laugh and enjoy these funny cartoons!

No budget

Content mess

Dollar Store Web Design


The post Comics for Designers #440 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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