
En août 2018, Microsoft avait fait la une des journaux en exigeant de ses fournisseurs qu’ils mettent en œuvre des politiques de congé parental rémunéré. Toute société qui souhaitait vendre des biens et des services à Microsoft devait offrir à ses salariés un congé payé d’au moins 12 semaines.

Voici un exemple de grande entreprise qui cherche à influencer ses fournisseurs, et pas uniquement sur le niveau de prix : il s’agit de voir au-delà des coûts financiers pour également prendre en compte les coûts sociaux et environnementaux. Lors du Social Enterprise World Forum (événement pour encourager le développement des entreprises solidaires) les participants ont mentionné que si les grandes entreprises adoptaient des exigences plus durables en matière d’approvisionnement, cela pourrait avoir un impact positif sur les bénéfices, les populations et la planète.

Johnson & Johnson, l’un des plus grands laboratoires pharmaceutiques au monde, a assisté à l’événement. Julian Hooks est directeur des achats (B2B) chez Johnson & Johnson. Il a déclaré : « Nous cherchons à faire du monde un endroit plus sain, étape par étape, et ce en partie via notre stratégie d’approvisionnement. ». La stratégie de Johnson & Johnson est de privilégier les achats auprès de fournisseurs qui sont des entreprises détenues par des femmes ou une minorité.

Selon Julian Hooks, en 2017, la société a dépensé 1,45 milliard de dollars auprès d’entreprises détenues par des femmes ou des gens de couleur. Selon lui, « pour changer l’image de l’industrie pharmaceutique, il faut changer l’image de la chaîne logistique. C’est ainsi que l’on pourra faire progresser la société et exercer un impact. ». Comme Johnson & Johnson opère dans 165 sociétés et travaille avec 70 000 fournisseurs dans le monde entier, il renferme le potentiel de favoriser considérablement la diversité aux postes dirigeants à l’échelle mondiale.

La technologie facilite les achats solidaires. La technologie peut également promouvoir les biens et services que les entreprises solidaires proposent aux entreprises commerciales. C’est là qu’est intervenue SAP, fournisseur mondial de logiciels. Marcell Vollmer, directeur de la stratégie digitale de SAP Ariba, a expliqué dans son allocution au Social Enterprise World Forum (SEWF) comment Ariba Network (anciennement Ariba, fournisseur cloud pour l’approvisionnement en ligne acquis par SAP en 2012) connecte plus de 3,5 millions de sociétés dans le monde à des entreprises socialement responsables.

« Lorsque nous discutons avec des professionnels de l’approvisionnement, nous constatons qu’ils tentent de résoudre divers problèmes dans les chaînes logistiques, notamment l’esclavage, la pauvreté et la diversité. Cependant, ils manquent de visibilité et de données sur leurs fournisseurs, ce qui leur complique la tâche », explique M. Vollmer. SAP Ariba fournit cette visibilité et peut surveiller plus de 200 critères différents, tels que la performance environnementale, les pratiques professionnelles et commerciales équitables ou encore la diversité parmi les cadres dirigeants. Ces informations permettent aux sociétés d’évaluer les risques et de classer les fournisseurs potentiels, ce qui se traduit par des chaînes logistiques plus éthiques et durables.

Étant donné que SAP Ariba met en relation plus de 3,5 millions de sociétés pour un volume de transactions commerciales d’environ 2 100 milliards de dollars, elle offre aux entreprises solidaires une occasion formidable d’accéder à un marché plus vaste. Les sociétés peuvent ainsi adopter des stratégies commerciales plus durables, simplement en achetant auprès de fournisseurs socialement responsables.

SAP développe également un écosystème de partenaires qui aide les sociétés à trouver des entreprises à vocation sociale. Par exemple, grâce à son partenariat avec Made in a Free World, SAP Ariba a réduit le nombre de produits fabriqués par des travailleurs esclaves, en offrant une transparence sur les pratiques professionnelles des fournisseurs. SAP collabore également avec des organisations comme ConnXus dans le but de promouvoir la diversité des fournisseurs : elle aide les sociétés à trouver des petites entreprises, détenues par des femmes ou des minorités.

Cet article est également disponible sur Medium : Innovation Spotlight.

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Proxima Vara, a variable font version of the enormously popular Proxima Nova type family, has just been released.

Designers love Proxima Nova for the simplicity of its letterforms, its wonderful rhythm, and its generous x-height that all combine to produce a highly legible, modern typeface — that also happens to be cheaper to deploy than many similar designs.

The variable version allows designers to tweak the weight from 100–900, the width from a condensed 50% to a wide 100%, and the slant from 0–12.5 degrees. In total, there are 5,000,000 styles available.

Because it’s a variable font, Proxima Vara delivers all of those styles in a single file that is only moderately larger than a single Proxima Nova style.

Proxima Nova has been a go-to font for designers for over a decade. Commonality had stripped away some of its shine, but the addition of a new variable edition promises to re-popularise its use.

Try out Proxima Vara on its microsite; it’s available to download from $99.




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D&AD Shift is a free design school program for creatives over the age of 18, who do not already have a degree-level qualification. It’s been running since 2016 and is a 12-week program led by successful industry professionals.

Until now, D&AD Shift has been running courses in New York and London, but it has announced that thanks to a partnership with Google, it will be rolling out the program to cities worldwide; the expansion also means the courses will cover a broader set of skills.

If you’re an aspiring creative hoping to make it as a professional, the Shift program is a fantastic, free opportunity to develop skills, build confidence, and grow your portfolio.

Applications for the London program are open now and must be submitted by 26 April. The New York-based program will run from October to February 2022. For news on when the design courses are coming to a city near you, sign up for the newsletter.


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Paris le 2 mars 2021 – SAP France confirme une nouvelle fois son engagement en faveur de la diversité femmes-hommes dans le secteur des nouvelles technologies en signant la charte « Femmes & IA » du Cercle InterElles. Co-construite avec SAP, celle-ci vise à lutter efficacement contre les risques de biais cognitifs discriminants lors de la conception ou lors de l’utilisation de solutions ou de dispositifs à base d’intelligence artificielle. Cette signature s’inscrit plus largement dans la vision de SAP pour un secteur des nouvelles technologies plus paritaire et non-sexiste.

« L’intelligence artificielle est le miroir de nos représentations sociales et culturelles. C’est un outil puissant d’interprétation du réel avec le risque d’en amplifier les dérives. Fort de la connaissance des biais et opportunités de cette technologie, il s’agit d’ouvrir aujourd’hui une ère nouvelle bénéficiant des apports du numérique de façon responsable. », l’équipe « Femmes & IA » du Cercle InterElles

Cette charte sera présentée le jeudi 4 mars 2021 lors du 20e Colloque du Cercle InterElles, en présence d’Élisabeth Moreno, Ministre déléguée auprès du Premier ministre, chargée de l’Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, de la Diversité et de l’Égalité des chances.

Investie dans le Cercle InterElles depuis juillet 2019 via son réseau SAP Business Women’s Network, SAP décide ainsi de s’engager davantage sur la question de l’intelligence artificielle en signant la charte « Femmes & IA » pour une intelligence artificielle responsable et non-sexiste. Celle-ci repose sur sept principes fondamentaux : le comité IA et la gouvernance, la conformité dès la conception, le choix et le traitement des données, la responsabilité et l’éthique algorithmique, l’évaluation et les points de contrôle, la diversité des équipes IA, la sensibilisation et la responsabilisation.

Prenant ce sujet très au sérieux, c’est au plus haut niveau que SAP s’engage, avec l’appui de de son comité exécutif. Premier signataire de la charte, SAP est rejoint par d’autres entreprises qui seront dévoilées le 4 mars 2021 lors 20eColloque du Cercle InterElles.

« SAP est un acteur clé de l’IA dans le monde mais aussi en France. Sur notre R&D de 1200 personnes dans l’hexagone 150 ingénieurs sont dédiés à cette technologie dans notre centre à Paris. Nos technologies d’IA inclues dans nos solutions RH permettent à nos clients de lutter contre les biais. SAP est également engagé depuis de longues années sur les sujets de la mixité. Nous pilotons ainsi un groupe de travail sur cette thématique à Tech For Good depuis plusieurs années. Il était donc tout naturel d’aller plus loin avec cette charte  », explique Gérald Karsenti, Président de SAP France

« SAP prend ainsi à cœur d’assumer son rôle de leader mondial du logiciel d’entreprise qui lui donne une responsabilité sur des sujets aussi importants que celui-ci : les dernières évolutions de nos logiciels vont vers l’Entreprise Intelligente, ce qui, bien entendu, comprend l’utilisation de l’intelligence artificielle. La problématique la plus importante est la confiance des utilisateurs dans ces technologies avancées, nous travaillons donc par exemple à l’intégration des techniques d’explications dans nos offres analytiques, qui permettent d’expliquer les résultats, y compris donc les biais. De plus nous avons une démarche proactive avec un comité d’éthique IA depuis 3 ans », explique Erik Marcadé, Directeur du SAP Labs Paris.

Distinguée pour la deuxième année consécutive par le Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index, SAP met en place de nombreuses initiatives, telles que les programmes Les Décodeuses et Femmes Entrepreneures, pour promouvoir la parité dans un secteur encore largement dominé par les hommes.

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March is that time of year where the feeling of newness starts, from the first Spring days to fresh design projects. These trends are no exception, with fun new takes on some classic concepts.

Circles are always popular, but the top trend is an animated take on the traditional element; plus, fun pink and purple color palettes and a few faux split screen designs round out trending styles.

Here’s what’s trending in design this month.

Circle Animations

Circles are one of those shapes that never leave the design sphere. They have a lot of classical meaning and are flexible in terms of design options.

Designers are having a lot of fun with this shape right now. From animations to text circles to image frames, they seem to be all over the place.

More recently trending is more circle-shaped animations. This trend maintains a circle’s properties as a unified and harmonious element with movement to create more engagement and make you look at the design just a little bit more.

Each of these examples uses circles in a different but equally interesting – and animated – way.

Universal Favourite uses a circular blob. It’s almost like a giant bubble. It wiggles and flows, and stretches within the space without any help from the user. It has a smoothly quality that makes you want to stare at it. The color here helps, with the circle and background not having an immense amount of contrast. Also, note the cute little circle button in the bottom corner.

Kenta Toshikura put most of the subtle animation for this design inside the circle. With a hover state, the entire circle moves on the screen with a second layer of animation, and the cursor is also a circle that hops around the black background.

Kffein takes a totally different approach with a circle made from the primary test elements. Identifying website information rotates in a circle around another geo shape on the main plane. Not only is there a circular animation, but an almost three-dimensional effect that happens due to the way elements are layered here.



Pink and Purple Palettes

The prevalent pink and purple color combination isn’t for everyone – although you wouldn’t know it from the number of designs using similar colors.

This bright combination almost screams “spring” and has a lightness to it that almost seems to lift the mood of any project. (Maybe color selection is a reflection of how we all want to feel.)

What’s nice about these colors is that they flow into one another nicely. They can also be expanded to fall into neighboring hues on the color wheel, such as red from pink and blue from purple.

Maybe the most popular use of this color pair is as a gradient. You can find pink to purple everywhere, from background gradients to image overlays to buttons and user interface elements. There’s no lack of use here.

Each of these examples shows opportunities with this color combination.

SMU uses bright pink, blue, and purple to create a giant “road sign” in the design that jumps out from the rest of the project. The sign almost seems out of place and doesn’t fit as part of the normal color palette. This is what draw you right to it.

USA Volleyball uses the popular gradient option and extends the pink to the purple palette to hints of blue and red. What’s great about this design is that it uses a super trend element and color option and makes it work with their current color palette. You can almost imagine the design conversation when someone wanted to use a pink to purple gradient for a brand that features red, white, and blue. The gamble paid off, and it works beautifully without being off-brand.

Blobmixer uses purple, pink, and a few other bright colors – note the animated circles, too – to draw users into the design. The entire project is a fun, customizable experience that you can play with, and the color choices are what make you interested enough to try. This design also offers a great example of tactile animation and elements that feel real even when you interact with them using a mouse on the screen.



Faux Split Screens

Split-screen designs were a huge trend for about two years. The aesthetic was also functional for content that required a this or that choice on the part of users.

Now, we see the design elements but without the function. (Maybe because it just looks nice and creates a sense of balance without a symmetrical design.)

These projects look like they might offer multiple gateways to content, but there is only one call to action on the dual-screen aside from navigation elements.

What this design option does is help draw the eyes across the screen. One side will immediately appeal to you, and when done well, you’ll feel a subtle push of pull from the color, text, and images to look at the other side as well.

Renaissance TV does it with heavy animation with “dancing dots” from an old TV that doesn’t work. But then you need to look at the green text to understand what is happening.

Yacht uses text weight and space to push the eyes across the screen. Almost everyone will go to the heavier areas first and then gaze across the screen through blocks of space to the final small text on the right side. And it all happens in a fraction of seconds.

Bonjour Paris pairs bold color with black and white images. You may look at either side first, depending on personal preference, but the other half of the screen is necessary for a complete understanding of the website.




While all of these design trends are evident in new and recent projects, the use of pink and purple color palettes – particularly with a gradient – seems to be everywhere you look. These color choices are popular and come in a lot of forms.

Maybe the most obvious is with brighter pink and purple gradients, but other variations are also trending. It’s definitely one to watch in the longer term.


The post 3 Essential Design Trends, March 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Everyday design fans submit incredible industry stories to our sister-site, Webdesigner News. Our colleagues sift through it, selecting the very best stories from the design, UX, tech, and development worlds and posting them live on the site.

The best way to keep up with the most important stories for web professionals is to subscribe to Webdesigner News or check out the site regularly. However, in case you missed a day this week, here’s a handy compilation of the top curated stories from the last seven days. Enjoy!

The Application of Augmented Reality in Web Design

15 Funny Web Design Memes Only Web Designers Will Get

Tauri: Build Desktop Applications with a Web Frontend

20 Best New Websites, February 2021

Spotify is Testing a Redesigned (and Much-Improved) Library UI

Boardly – A Minimalistic Planning Board for Your Projects

A Big List of Must-Bookmark Sites for Digital Designers

10+ HTML CSS Marquee Examples

7 JavaScript ES2020 Features You Should Try

16 Office Pranks For When Life Goes Back To Normal

What Is the Best Ecommerce Platform?

Choosing New Tools and Technology for Your Web Projects

Getting Deep into Shadows

Bablab – Portfolio Websites for Photographers and Artists

7 Essential WordPress Plugins for a New Client’s Website


The post Popular Design News of the Week: February 22, 2021 – February 28, 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Design is on a loop; it goes round and round, repeating the same ideas, and revisiting the same problems. If you want to know what will happen in design tomorrow, take a look at yesterday.

This week’s quiz is a jaunt through the history of design. Do you know which typeface was chosen for the American Declaration of Independence? How about the location of the first design museum? Can you attach the design motto to the designer? Take the quiz and find out…

Memphis Image by Zanone. Nike Image by Regis-Hari Bouchard. London Underground image by Alessio Cesario.


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There are many reasons you might be wanting to improve your design skills this year. Perhaps you have extra time on your hands and want to put it to good use. Or maybe you’re new to web design and finding that there’s a lot you still don’t know how to do. It could also be that you recognize that the web is changing, and your skills could use some refreshing to keep up.

Whatever the reason, there are many ways to level up your web design skills in 2021. Here are 12 ideas to get you started:

Tip 1: Niche Down If You Haven’t Already

Jack-of-all-trades designers might be able to say “yes” to everyone. However, they’re going to be stretched very thin as they attempt to strengthen every skill needed to keep up with demand.

It’s much easier to become a trusted designer and to improve your skills if you have a smaller and more specific skill set to develop.

Just keep in mind that niching down doesn’t necessarily mean focusing on a particular industry. For instance, you might choose to be a UX designer instead of a web designer. Or you might specialize in designing ecommerce websites instead of monetized blogs. Just find something that you’re passionate about and will be good at doing, and zero-in on the skills needed for it.

Tip 2: Play Around in the Sandbox

Local development environments are useful for staging websites, doing redesigns, and testing updates safely away from live sites. But you can also use them for experimenting with new design techniques, trends, templates, plugins, and more.

Local by Flywheel is the one I prefer to use:

Here’s a good exercise to start with:

Take a website you like — something you’ve looked at in awe and couldn’t imagine ever building on your own. Then, put yourself to the test. See if you can recreate it in your sandbox.

Don’t be hard on yourself if you don’t figure it out right away. Consult your resources and give yourself time to make sense of what’s going on and implement it with the available skills and tools.

Tip 3: Redesign One of Your First Projects

There’s always a clear evolution in a designer’s skill set, from the day they begin designing to the present day. And that’s a good thing. If your work doesn’t improve or change with time, then you’re going to have a lot of catching up to do when the stagnation begins to hurt your business.

Want to see how much progress you’ve made so far? Revisit one of your first projects and look at it with fresh eyes. I bet you’ll see a big change in how you design today from how you designed that site then.

Now, ask yourself what you would do differently. And then, go to your sandbox and do the redesign.

Tip 4: Work on a Passion Project

A friend of mine is taking a UX design course and needed some users to run through a prototype he created for the class. He could create anything he wanted, so he designed an app related to his other love: Music.

While he could’ve easily thrown together some carbon copy of Spotify or SoundCloud, he came up with a completely new concept. And it was really impressive, to the point where I urged him to put it into production and see if he could list it in the app stores.

I think it’s when we’re really passionate about something that we’re willing to push past our limits. So, carve out some time to tackle that passion project you’ve been toying around with and see where it takes you.

Tip 5: Share Your Designs on Dribbble and Ask for Feedback

One of the reasons UX designers do user testing is how valuable users’ raw input is. While it would be nice to think that design is a completely subjective matter, that isn’t really the case when usability becomes compromised due to design choices.

Understanding what users like and dislike is an important part of taking your design skills to the next level. And a good way to do that is to share your designs on Dribbble.

Here’s an example of UI8 asking for feedback:

Tip 6: Create a Design Toolbox

I’m a huge fan of automation and shortcuts powering things behind the scenes in business.

After all, one of the reasons you become a web designer is so you can design, right? When you’re bogged down with administrative and logistical tasks, that’s time spent away from doing what you enjoy.

One way in which you can streamline your backend processes is by putting together a design toolbox. Your preferred CMS. Flexible templates or apps you use from project to project. Website testing tools. And so on.

As you do this, it’ll force you to examine how you build websites. Are you really working as efficiently as possible? Are there newer apps or systems that’ll help you design better sites? And as you improve your design toolbox, you’ll improve your design skills.

Tip 7: Subscribe to Your Favorite Blogs

I have a hard time recommending this one, only because I’m reluctant to sign up for yet another newsletter. That said, I do see the value in subscribing to some blog newsletters as I don’t always remember to revisit their websites and check out the latest content.

What I’d suggest you do is pick one or two design blogs that have a good variety of content and publish regularly. And then pick one small business or freelance blog.

WebdesignerDepot, of course, is a good one to start with as it comes at a good frequency, recommends great reads from all around the web, and is fluff-free:

I’d also recommend signing up for one that’s focused on your niche as well as one for business.

As a freelancer, I’d vote for the Freelancers’ Union newsletter. There’s always something timely and useful in there.

Tip 8: Listen to a Podcast

I just adopted a second dog, so I’ve spent a lot more time on walks while house-training her. At first, I was stressed about it because it was time spent away from work. However, I started to fill that time with podcasts and found that it helped me work better for the rest of the day.

One reason is that I’ve been listening to work-related podcasts, which are always chock full of helpful tips. Another reason is that it gives my eyes a rest from looking at the screen so that when I come back 15 or so minutes later, I feel refreshed and ready to go.

Rebekah Carter has a good set of web design podcast recommendations to get you started.

Tip 9: Take a Free Online Design Course

There’s an overabundance of information online. If you want to brush up on CSS, there are hundreds of YouTube courses that cover it. If you want to learn how to use a new WordPress plugin, you’ll find dozens of great tutorials across various online course platforms, YouTube channels, and even people’s blogs.

There’s no need to go back to school to become a better designer. Here are five places where you’re bound to find free courses for web designers.

Tip 10: Read a Book on Design Principles or Theory

It’s easy to lose sight of design principles when your clients are clamoring for a website that will make them a lot of money, get them a lot of readers, and so on. Sure, you can design a UI and UX that works, but do you remember why the design choices you made are effective?

Choose a book — just one to start — that’ll help you reconnect with the roots of good web design. Not only will you get a good refresher on web design principles or design theory, but you might learn something brand new.

Here are some of my favorite books for web designers:

Tip 11: Find Your People

Now more than ever, finding a community of like-minded web designers, developers, or freelancers is important. It’s not just about having a group of people to vent to when clients drive you nuts (though that’s great, too).

It’s about finding a group that brings something new to the table and enriches your understanding of web design and what it means to be a web designer.

If you’re on Facebook or LinkedIn, start there. There are tons of web design and freelance groups that have productive discussions every day. If you prefer to meet up with local designers and developers, check out Meetup.

You may be surprised by how many groups there are and the kinds of meetups they have planned.

Tip 12: Attend a Virtual Conference

Did any of you attend a design conference last year? I did. I virtually attended Adobe MAX — from the comfort of my home, in my pajamas, for three days.

I scheduled my assignments around the sessions I wanted to attend and didn’t have to pick one over the other (i.e., “Do I make money or do I learn something new?”).

Some of the sessions showed us how to do more with Adobe’s tools, while some of them featured design and business leaders who shared personal insights on how to work more effectively. It was a great way to shake up my normal routine and to get a ton of information about the future of web design in a short period of time.

Which of These Tips Will You Use to Improve Your Design Skills?

Like I said before, there’s a lot you can do to improve your design skills. Just be careful not to overdo it.

Pick one or two things on this list to start with. If you have more time in your schedule and you’re excited about what you’ve learned so far, add a couple more.

Just take it slowly. Your brain will only be able to absorb so much at once. Plus, the last thing you want is to burn yourself out on skills training and not have the energy to complete your work.


Featured image via Unsplash.


The post 12 Tips to Improve Your Web Design Skills in 2021 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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If you like to build websites with WordPress, then you’re in for a treat.

Now, for the first time, you don’t need to know how to code to use Google’s popular Material Design system on your WordPress website; the web giant has released a WordPress plugin and theme to import its colors, icons, UI elements, and typography straight into your CMS.

Google already provided a set of tools for generating Material Design themes, but until now you needed to know how to copy that code across to your site files. With this latest plugin and theme, all you need to do is click and go.


You need to install both the plugin and theme to take advantage of Material Design for WordPress. Using the add-ons, you can tweak your typography via Google Fonts, add-in MD color, and even choose your own icons. If even that’s too much, pick one of the pre-built themes. One of the best features is that the plugin warns you if your customizations break accessibility guidelines, saving you a do-over when you discover it later on.

Google calls it “an experimental plugin and theme,” which means it’s subject to change. And Google has been quick to emphasize that the plugin is very much a work in progress, asking for feedback to help them direct future development efforts.

It’s a really great option for anyone who’s starting on the web, building their first site, or who really wants a nice reliable design system that they can build on in the future.

It’s yet another automation tool that has driven WordPress to the top of the technology pile and made it the CMS of choice for 40% of the web. As tech hots up and AI continues to develop, it’s hard to dismiss the idea that one day soon, our only contribution to websites will be paying the hosting bill!


The post Try the New Material Design Capabilities for WordPress first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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La Direction Nationale du Conseil et du Contrôle de Gestion des Clubs Professionnels (DNCCGCP) de la Ligue Nationale de Basket (LNB) s’appuie avec succès sur la solution SAP Analytics Cloud pour répondre à 4 grands principes : assurer la pérennité des clubs, favoriser le respect de l’équité sportive, contribuer à la régulation économique des comptes et évaluer la santé financière des clubs. Le besoin initial : mettre en place un outil fiable et performant pour consolider les données financières et analyser ces dernières facilement. Cette collaboration s’inscrit dans la continuité de la stratégie de digitalisation de la LNB.

La Ligue Nationale de Basketball organise et gère les championnats professionnels masculins par délégation de la Fédération Française de Basketball.

Centraliser sur le cloud les données financières des 18 clubs français

Les données financières de chaque club sont réparties sur des postes produits et des postes charges. Les postes produits, principales sources de recettes, sont liés aux matchs (billetterie, buvette et merchandising), aux subventions des collectivités territoriales, au sponsoring privé et aux droits TV. Les postes charges sont quant à eux liés aux salaires des joueurs et des entraîneurs. Pour créer un socle commun et centraliser toutes ces données, la LNB a fait le choix de SAP Analytics Cloud pour ses capacités de stockage et de transmission des données, son aspect collaboratif mais aussi pour ses états de restitution simplifiés. Toutes les données sont désormais stockées sur le cloud SAP pour plus de simplicité, d’accessibilité et de gain financier.

« La Ligue Nationale de Basket a engagé une stratégie tournée vers le numérique il y a plusieurs années. Elle a même créé cette année sa propre chaine OTT. En choisissant SAP Analytics Cloud, nous avons fait le choix d’avoir un socle commun qui permet de veiller à la santé financière des clubs, d’évaluer les zones de risques et d’identifier les irrégularités. Le Cloud était important car n’engendrait pas de coût pour les clubs et apportait beaucoup de simplicité d’usage », explique Paul Lafont, Référent de la Commission de Contrôle de Gestion et du Conseil Supérieur de Gestion Contrôleur de Gestion.

Réduire les temps de traitement et accélérer la prise de décision

En 2017, la LNB et SAP créent une architecture commune visant à imposer un plan comptable à tous les clubs pour faciliter le contrôle de leurs données, comparer leurs santés financières et mieux évaluer les zones de risques. Etendue ensuite aux clubs en septembre 2018, la solution SAP apporte de nombreux bénéfices métiers aux clubs et à la LNB comme :

  • Un stockage de données et la création d’un historique instantané et accessible à tous.
  • L’importation directe des balances comptables dans l’outil : gain de temps, limite du risque d’erreur, pas de ressaisie des données de l’échéance précédente…
  • Le développement de la capacité d’analyses des clubs à travers des états de restitution.
  • L’optimisation des flux liés à la collecte instantanée des infos financières.

Désormais, la LNB possède une vue instantanée des comptes des clubs. Les gains de temps sont également très importants. Pour les clubs, la soumission des données financières est désormais 8 fois plus rapide, passant de deux jours ouvrables à deux heures chaque cycle budgétaire. La LNB a également gagné 1,5 jours de saisie manuelle des données pour chaque cycle budgétaire grâce à l’importation automatisée des données.

«Les capacités de planification de SAP Analytics Cloud nous permettent de collecter, stocker et analyser plus efficacement les informations financières de toutes nos équipes. Cela nous fournit des informations financières fiables et approfondies qui nous aident à remplir notre mission et contribuent à assurer la viabilité économique des clubs. La solution nous a permis de prendre des décisions rapides pendant la pandémie COVID-19, avec des simulations montrant les impacts financiers de l’interruption de la saison », conclut Paul Lafont.

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The post La Ligue Nationale de Basket suit la pérennité des clubs avec SAP appeared first on SAP France News.

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