
  • Basic understanding of .NET Core 6 API and C#.
  • Visual Studio 2022
  • SQL Server


  • Create .NET Core API using version 6
  • Configure Hangfire in .NET
  • Look into the different types of jobs that are present in Hangfire.


  • Hangfire is open-source and used to schedule the job at a particular event and time.
  • It is also used to create, process, and manage your background jobs.
  • We use this in background processing without user intervention.
  • Hangfire is reliable and persistent. It will take care of all things once the job is scheduled.
  • Hangfire dashboard is also available for us to manage all things easily.

Why Hangfire is Required in Background Processing

  • Sometimes we need to do lengthy operations like database updates and database maintenance so it’s managed periodically. 
  • Batch import from XML, JSON, and YAML files.
  • Recurring reports on a periodic basis.
  • Mass notification on subscription and sign up basis.

So, these are things that we are able to do periodically over a certain period of time as per our requirements.

There are different types of jobs that are present in Hangfire. We will look at them one by one.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

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