
L’initiative SAP, qui regroupe des jeunes diplômés et des professionnels expérimentés formés et certifiés, pour répondre aux besoins informatiques des partenaires de la région EMEA Nord, a vu ses premières cohortes diplômées le 18 octobre.


Paris, le 21 octobre 2022 –  SAP SE (NYSE : SAP) annonce aujourd’hui que les deux premières cohortes de son initiative Partner Talent ont été diplômées le 18 octobre. Conçue pour attirer, former et certifier les nouveaux consultants SAP avant de les mettre à disposition des partenaires pour une embauche, l’initiative a bénéficié de la participation de partenaires SAP tels que Deloitte, CGI, Accenture et KPMG.


Selon le rapport 2021 « IT Skills and Salary Report » de Skillsoft, 76 % des décideurs IT constatent des lacunes importantes dans les compétences de leurs équipes. (C’est une augmentation de 145 % par rapport au cinq dernières années.) La nature, toujours changeante, de la technologie implique que combler le manque de compétences sera toujours un défi. Mais il y a de bonnes nouvelles ; Skillsoft a également indiqué que 92 % des personnes interrogées avaient obtenu au moins une certification, et 80 % d’entre elles ont déclaré que les avantages d’être certifié comprenaient des performances plus rapides et de meilleurs résultats.


Les partenaires jouent un rôle essentiel dans la création de valeur pour nos clients“, a déclaré Rohit Nagarajan, Président de SAP pour la région EMEA Nord. “Nous avons travaillé en étroite collaboration avec nos partenaires pour comprendre leurs besoins et contribuer ainsi à la réussite de nos clients communs. L’initiative Partner Talent vise à développer une capacité suffisante de compétences SAP à forte valeur ajoutée sur le marché, formées et accréditées directement par SAP, et dont nos partenaires peuvent bénéficier. Si vous êtes un partenaire à la recherche de consultants formés et certifiés, nous avons donc quelques personnes formidables que nous aimerions vous faire rencontrer.


Les futures cohortes se concentreront sur une série de domaines, notamment SAP® SuccessFactors® et SAP S/4HANA®.


La remise des diplômes, retransmise en direct, a donné lieu à des témoignages de certains consultants fraîchement certifiés, ainsi qu’à un débat sur les opportunités offertes aux nouveaux consultants et partenaires.


En tant qu’entreprise en pleine croissance, Delaware est constamment à la recherche de nouveaux talents“, a déclaré Kaity Cloke, partenaire principal chargé du recrutement chez Delaware. “L’initiative Partner Talent a attiré des candidats de haut calibre avec une gamme d’expertise. Cela nous permet d’adopter une approche rapide pour recruter des talents qualifiés, à un coût nettement inférieur à celui d’un recrutement en interne.”


Parce que les partenaires jouent un rôle majeur dans la réussite de SAP, s’assurer qu’ils disposent des employés qualifiés dont ils ont besoin pour servir et satisfaire les clients, est bénéfique pour SAP, le partenaire et le client.


Un grand départ et un programme complet

Lancée en juin 2022, l’initiative SAP Partner Talent a initialement reçu 1 500 candidatures. Les deux premières cohortes formeront 40 consultants. D’autres cohortes sont en cours d’exécution et d’autres encore sont prévues pour le reste de l’année 2022 et les premier et deuxième trimestres 2023.

The post SAP propose des consultants formés à ses partenaires pour combler le déficit de compétences numériques appeared first on SAP France News.

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In our day-to-day work, we develop applications that include interactions with software components through I/O. They can be a database, a broker, or some form of blob storage. Take, for example, the cloud components you interact with: Azure Storage Queue, SQS, Pub/Sub. The communication with those components usually happens with an SDK.

From the start, testing will kick in. Therefore, the interaction with those components should be tackled in a testing context. An approach is to use installations (or simulators) of those components and have the code interacting with an actual instance, just like the way it can be achieved by using test containers or by creating infrastructure for testing purposes only.
Another approach is to spin up a mock service of the components and have the tests interacting with it. A good example of this can be Hoverfly. A simulated HTTP service is run during testing and test cases interact with it. 

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Flutter is a new framework for developing mobile apps that promise to be faster and more efficient than React Native. But what exactly is Flutter, and how does it compare to React Native?

Flutter is a mobile app SDK that allows developers to create high-quality native apps for both iOS and Android. Flutter uses the Dart programming language, which is similar to JavaScript, but with some important differences.

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Whether you’ve worked with a few WordPress themes to design websites or worked with many of them, you’ll no doubt agree that plenty of WordPress themes that are visually gorgeous on the front end can be terribly unattractive and extremely awkward to use on the backend. 

Working with a WordPress theme can sometimes be difficult, but it can be different.

Want proof? Look no further than with BeTheme. 

BeTheme, with 260,000+ sales and counting and a 4.83-star user rating, is one of the top 5 best-selling WordPress themes of all time.

In this article, we’ll show you one of the many reasons why this is the case by focusing on how BeTheme’s backend is designed to make web design tasks more manageable.

Enhance your workflow experience with a WordPress theme backend that won’t stress you out 

Once you install BeTheme, you’ll almost immediately notice it’s different. Instead of a drab and often unintuitive WordPress backend, you’ll suddenly be confronted with a clean, well-organized dashboard and toolset.

You haven’t actually lost anything. WordPress, with its impressive assortment of content management tools, is still there. Be’s backend is a visually appealing space in which you will take pleasure to work.

If only the rest of WordPress could follow suit.

If you haven’t worked with BeTheme recently (or at all), why not let us walk you through several of its most helpful backend features.

Starting with:

1. Dashboard Design

BeTheme’s dashboard is conveniently located directly beneath the main WordPress Dashboard link. So you won’t waste time sifting through the sidebar trying to find your theme’s settings, and everything displayed in the dashboard is designed to help you get the most out of your WordPress theme. 

Clicking on the BeTheme or the Dashboard link gives you immediate access to the following: 

  • Theme registration information
  • BeTheme’s step-by-step website creator
  • A Navigation bar that directs you to BeTheme’s frequently used tools
  • Plugin status and updates and new features announcements
  • The latest additions to BeTheme’s ever-growing library of pre-built websites
  • Beloved BeTheme integrations

It takes a minute to fully appreciate how helpful this dashboard will be. 


2. Dark/Light Mode

Research on dark mode benefits is inconclusive. But since so many people seem to like it, it is offered as an option in many popular apps and devices.

Dark mode users will tell you that they experience less eye strain, they sleep better, and their device’s batteries last longer than is the case with light mode.

BeTheme’s backend offers a dark mode option, and you are encouraged to try it.

If you feel it beneficial, so much the better, and you needn’t concern yourself with what the research indicated, or didn’t indicate.


3. Step-by-Step Website Creator

When you first install a WordPress theme, it’s not uncommon to spend some time trying to figure out what to do next. The theme’s advertisements may highlight a selection of impressive demos, but where are they more exactly?

Of course, you’ll eventually find them, but is whatever difficulty you may have encountered necessary?

BeTheme removes that impediment. 

You will notice the Setup Wizard under BeTheme (and in the dashboard as well.) Click on the wizard, and with its step-by-step website, you can: 

  • Give your website a name.
  • Select the page builder you want to work with and choose your preferred editing mode.
  • Pick an ideal pre-built website based on your new website’s industry or niche.
  • Easily replace existing content with your own.

The entire process of loading your brand-new site and page builder into WordPress takes a minute (or more like 30 seconds once you are used to it).


4. Pre-Built Site Previews

With BeTheme, you can choose from more than 650 pre-built websites. New ones are being added as we speak, and they’re delightfully easy to find. Just look under the dashboard’s Websites link or Pre-built Websites in BeTheme’s sidebar menu, and there they are!

You’ll be familiarized with the available design aids and options in no time, and you’ll find it easy to incorporate the latest design trends into your websites. BeTheme has even placed previews of its newest pre-built websites in your dashboard to help you along.

You may choose one of the latest pre-built websites to work with, or you might find one or more others you particularly like. Pre-built sites you do not plan to work with can still be sources of inspiration.

Whatever your choices, you’ll find it easy to incorporate the latest trends into website designs.


5. Plugin Manager

BeTheme’s Plugins area differs from what you see in the WordPress plugins area. You’ll find several of these differences to be particularly helpful in that BeTheme’s plugins manager enables you to: 

  • View the active plugins you’ve installed.
  • Update plugins when necessary.
  • Install and activate plugins only when it’s required.

The last item is essential in that plugins do not appear in the WordPress plugin manager until you have installed them. Not having to install plugins you will not need will help keep your website operating at a high level of performance.


6. BeTheme Support

WordPress is a powerful content management system and an extremely popular one. It may, in fact, be the most powerful and popular system of its type.

WordPress is also community-driven to a considerable extent, which can sometimes create user inconvenience. As a user, you might sometimes have to dig to find answers to your questions or get help when needed.

You don’t have to experience that inconvenience to get support from BeTheme.

To gain access to BeTheme’s support center, you need go no further than BeTheme’s sidebar or dashboard to access self-support options or open a ticket for direct assistance.


7. Theme Options

Plenty of well-known WordPress themes have theme settings customization capabilities. With BeTheme, it’s easy to set brand colors, choose custom fonts, and establish global layouts. The same holds for configuring responsiveness, performance, and accessibility, all of which are essential for optimizing UX and search engine functionalities.

The problem with most theme options is that they can only be modified from the main WordPress dashboard. So if, while designing on a page, you suddenly realize a portion of its design hasn’t been configured correctly, or you’re dissatisfied with any design segment, you’ll have to save your changes and go to your theme’s backend to make the necessary fixes.

From the BeTheme dashboard inside the BeBuilder BeTheme, you can modify your Theme Options without having to interrupt your workflow.


8. White-Label Mode

A final feature of the BeTheme WordPress theme’s backend you should become familiar with is BeCustom. This critical feature is located under BeTheme in the sidebar.

BeCustom enables you to access some white-label regions in BeTheme. 

  You can use BeCustom to:

  • Substitute Be’s branding with your business’s branding to reinforce your name with your clients.
  • Disable any features your clients have no use for and deny access to any features you do not want them to modify while at the same time making the WordPress theme’s backend easier to work with.
  • Create an extra user-friendly and secure WordPress login.
  • Customize the dashboard’s “Welcome” message.


Make Your WordPress Design Projects Simple to Handle With BeTheme

Is there anything BeTheme doesn’t do?

Most likely, but nothing that would adversely impact your design effort.

This multipurpose WordPress theme’s hundreds of pre-built websites will help you get virtually any website project off to a rapid start and headed in the right direction.

BeTheme features the fastest and most powerful page builder for WordPress.

You will have total control over every feature and facet of your website’s UI.

In short, BeTheme offers the finest way to manage any web design project within WordPress.


[- This is a sponsored post on behalf of BeTheme -]


The post Why Do WordPress Theme Backends Have to Suck? (Hint: They Don’t!) first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Knowing anti-patterns and pitfalls is often more useful than knowing patterns when designing a system, so I decided to write this blog post about factors that I think will lead to producing unreliable systems from my experiences in designing (mostly) distributed enterprise applications.
I’ll be pleased to know your related experiences and comments on the matter.

What Is Modeling?

The human brain is a pattern-seeking device. However, it’s a costly process, and the main goal of thinking is to terminate/resolve what caused this process to start in the first place; so it has developed several mechanisms to prevent it from happening too often; the one related to our discussion here is the mental model. Reality is complex, chaotic, and too messy for our limited brain capabilities and resources to comprehend as it is (if that’s even possible); so our minds will try to create an alternative reality which is very simple and (most of the time) easily understandable, and that’s what modeling is all about! from how we think about how nature works, in science for example, to proper social behavior, to what to be afraid of or seek for, all are the results of our mental model. It is noteworthy that models are neither objective reality nor meant to be so!

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We write this guide to the best new tools for designers and developers each month. For October, we’ve sought out tools to make you a better website builder, some handy utilities to make you more productive, and a spooky font for the end of the month. Enjoy!

Microsoft Designer

Microsoft Designer is a brand-new app for creating images from text prompts. You can create social media posts, blog images, and any other assets you need with its step-by-step guided process.


Remix is a full-stack web framework for React that lets you focus on designing your UI. Remix is geared towards web standards and delivers a resilient user experience so you can build better sites.


Ultra is a super-fast package manager that uses hardlinks to install packages. It’s up to ten times faster than NPM and Yarn, and the project is open-source.


AskEdith is an AI-powered app that translates English into SQL so you can query your database without writing custom SQL. Just type a description of what you want to know, and the app creates the query for you.

Wide Angle Analytics

Wide Angle Analytics is a GDPR-compliant Google Analytics alternative that puts privacy first. Track actions across multiple sites and discover insights about your site without exposing yourself to privacy violations.

Imagine being able to import a whole webpage straight into Figma. You can, with, a fantastic app that imports code into Figma for updating UI elements or speeding up redesigns.


Metlo is a testing platform for securing APIs. By running comprehensive tests against your API, you can uncover issues like unidentified endpoints, before they become a security threat.


Nothing is more frustrating than searching for the right stock image when one doesn’t exist. StockAI is a day-saver that searches for stock images, and if the sought-after image doesn’t exist, it will generate one for you.


If ad-blockers are playing havoc with your Google Analytics, check out this script from Growthfyi. It’s an invaluable service that doubles the speed of GA while ensuring ad-blockers don’t catch it.


Sourcery is an excellent tool for developers that continually reviews your code and suggests improvements automatically. Write better code, and catch errors before it goes to review.

Cyber Security Icons

This set of Cyber Security Icons contains 20 illustration-style icons. In addition, there are some great interpretations of complex ideas like retina scans, crypto vaults, and end-to-end encryption.


Blinqo is a handy little Chrome extension for anyone that needs to share their screen. It allows you to blur parts of your screen when sharing or recording, so your private details remain private.


Instaprice is a helpful new service that shows you what other freelancers charge for the job you’re quoting on. Earn the actual market rates and never get caught out undercharging again!


Leta is a great app that allows you to design your own keyboard layout. You can redesign the key positions for macOS, Linux, or Windows and download them for free.


Build blogs powered by the Notion API with Blogic, a no-code blog builder that can create fast, SEO-friendly blogs in under a minute. Custom domains and third-party scripts are supported.

Digital Maker Toolkit

The Digital Maker Toolkit is a collection of resources for anyone releasing digital products. It includes guides on process, a handy step-by-step checklist, a list of further resources, and a guide to the available tools.


Slides is a static website generator you can use to create beautiful, animated websites in minutes. Select layouts from a collection of templates and publish with clean code that downloads fast.


AXplorer is a privacy-focused browser with a built-in VPN. Created by the Axia blockchain network, it generates free crypto in the form of AXIA coins when using it to browse the web.

Font Engine

Can’t decide on a font for your latest side project? Font Engine is a handy little app that will suggest fonts for you. Just tell it your brand values and hit the ‘Suggest’ button.


Deliciozo is an excellent display font with irregular strokes and styling, making it feel like a paper cut-out. It’s perfect for magazines, cookbooks, and even logos.


If you’re looking for a font to convey the hippy era, look no further than the psychedelic stylings of Kayino, a groovy display font with crazy details.


Noganas is a spooktacular font for the upcoming Halloween festivities. Use it to add some gruesome frivolity to your seasonal designs.


The post Exciting New Tools for Designers, October 2022 first appeared on Webdesigner Depot.

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Over two years ago, the COVID-19 pandemic completely changed the business landscape for dozens of industries. For example, the eCommerce industry saw a meteoric rise, while cinemas and theatres have not yet fully recovered from the multiple nationwide lockdowns.

One of the industries whose rapid growth was also triggered by the coronavirus pandemic is the OTT or Over-the-Top industry. For millions of people stuck at home for months on end, with little to no social interaction, OTT services have become the go-to entertainment channel. Subsequently, the number of available streaming services also skyrocketed, and new players are regularly unveiled.

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This blog is a special edition because it is my 100th blog! I will explain what this blog has given me in the past five years. If you are planning to start a blog of yourself, you may use this list of benefits in order to get you motivated to get started.

1. Introduction

In the beginning of September, I already celebrated the fifth anniversary of my blog. Now I publish my 100th blog and I am pretty proud of it. It seems not so long ago that I started my blog, but on the other hand, it also feels like I am doing this for a long time. At least, I cannot imagine a life without my blog anymore. In the beginning, I really suffered of the imposter syndrome: I posted blogs, but did not let anyone in my direct environment know that I had a blog. After a few months, I let this feeling behind myself and let the world know that I write technical content. In those five years, I only had one or two negative comments, but many positive comments and I really do not bother about the negative ones. In the next section, I will try to list some of the benefits of a technical blog and if you would like to start with a blog yourself, do read Why Start a Technical Blog. Enjoy this post and up to the next five years!

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